Dear Healthy Wealth reader, you are welcome to join us in this daily life meditation reading time. It only takes 11:25:24 minutes:
Happiness is my birthright. I embrace happiness as my set point state of being. I feel joy and contentment in this moment right now.
I awaken in the morning feeling happy and enthusiastic about life. I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish. By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire others to be happy as well. I have fun with all of my endeavors, even the most mundane. I look at the world around me and can’t help but smile and feel joy. I find joy and pleasure in the most simple things in life. I have an active sense of humor and love to share laughter with others. My heart is overflowing with joy. I rest in happiness when I go to sleep, knowing all is well in my world. My partner and I share a deep and powerful love for each other. I respect and admire my partner and see the best in my partner. I love my partner exactly how my partner is and enjoy my partner's unique qualities. My partner and I share emotional intimacy daily through talking, texting and touch. I have healthy boundaries with my partner. My partner and I have fun together and find new ways to enjoy our time together. My partner and I communicate openly and resolve conflict peacefully and respectfully. I am able to be fully myself and completely authentic in my love relationship with my partner. I communicate my desires and needs very clearly and confidently with my partner.
I want the best for my partner and easily go out of my way to support my partner. I expect to be successful in all of my endeavors. Success is my natural state. I easily find solutions to challenges and roadblocks and move past them quickly. Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones to my success because I learn from them. Every day in every way, I am becoming more and more successful and significance.I feel successful with my life right now, even as I work happily toward future success. I know exactly what I need to do to achieve success. I see fear as the fuel for my success and take bold action in spite of fear. I feel powerful, capable, confident, energetic, and on top of the world. I have an intention and inspiration for success and know it is a reality awaiting my arrival. I have now reached my goal of Self I-Dentity and feel the excitement of my achievement. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. Every day I am successful.When I breath, I inhale confidence and exhale timidity. I love meeting strangers and approach them with boldness and enthusiasm. I live in the present and am confident of the future. My personality displays confidence. I am bold and outgoing. I am self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do. I am energetic and enthusiastic. Confidence is my second nature. I always attract only the best of circumstances and the best positive people in my life. I am a problem solver. I focus on solutions and always find the best solution. I love change and easily adjust myself to new situations. I am well groomed, healthy and full of confidence. My outer self is matched by my inner well being. Self confidence is what I thrive on. Nothing is impossible and life is great. I always see only the good in others. I attract only positive confident people. I approve of myself and love myself deeply and completely. I am unique. I feel good about being alive and being me. I trust myself and know my inner wisdom is my best guide. I have integrity. I am totally reliable. I do what I say. I act from a place of personal security. I fully accept myself and know that I am worthy of great things in life. I choose to be proud of myself. I find deep inner peace within myself as I am. I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts. My confidence, self esteem, and inner wisdom are increasing with each day. My immune system is very strong and can deal with any kind of bacteria, germs and viruses. Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health. I am completely pain free, and my body is full of energy. I nourish my body with healthy food and water. All of my body systems are functioning perfectly. My body is healing, and I feel better and better every day and every night. I enjoy exercising my body and strengthening my muscles. I love to walk. I love to laugh.With every breath out, I release stress in my body. I send love and healing to every organ of my body. I breathe deeply, exercise regularly and feed only good energy and nutritious food to my body. I pay attention and listen to what my body needs for health and vitality. I sleep soundly and peacefully, and awaken feeling rested and energetic. I am surrounded by lovely caring beautiful endearing people who encourage and support healthy choices. My world is a peaceful, loving, and joy-filled place to live. I sow the seeds of peace wherever I go. I surround myself with peaceful people. Peaceful people love to surround me. My work environment is calm and peaceful. I breath in peace, I breath out chaos and disorder. My home is a peaceful sanctuary where I feel safe and happy. In all that I say and do, I choose peace. I release past anger and hurts and fill myself with serenity and peaceful thoughts. Peace descends all around me now and always. I send peace from myself into the world. I respond peacefully in all situations. I am grounded in the experience of the present moment.
I am focus and engaged in the task at hand. All is well right now. I am grateful for this moment and find joy in it. I gently and easily return to the present moment. I observe my thoughts and actions without judging them. I am fully present in all of my relationships.
Life is happening in this moment. I accept and embrace all experiences, even unpleasant ones. I observe my emotions without getting attached to them. I meditate easily without resistance or anxiety. I release the past and live fully in the present moment. Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.Every day I am more and more at ease. Being calm and relaxed energizes my whole being. All the muscles in my body are releasing and relaxing. All negativity and stress are evaporating from my body and my mind. I breath in relaxation. I breath out stress. Even when there is chaos around me, I remain calm and centered. I transcend stress of any kind. I live in peace. I am free of anxiety, and a calm inner peace fills my mind and body. All is well in my world. I am calm, happy, and contentment. Thanks, I love , Peace of I.
Happiness is my birthright. I embrace happiness as my set point state of being. I feel joy and contentment in this moment right now.
I awaken in the morning feeling happy and enthusiastic about life. I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish. By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire others to be happy as well. I have fun with all of my endeavors, even the most mundane. I look at the world around me and can’t help but smile and feel joy. I find joy and pleasure in the most simple things in life. I have an active sense of humor and love to share laughter with others. My heart is overflowing with joy. I rest in happiness when I go to sleep, knowing all is well in my world. My partner and I share a deep and powerful love for each other. I respect and admire my partner and see the best in my partner. I love my partner exactly how my partner is and enjoy my partner's unique qualities. My partner and I share emotional intimacy daily through talking, texting and touch. I have healthy boundaries with my partner. My partner and I have fun together and find new ways to enjoy our time together. My partner and I communicate openly and resolve conflict peacefully and respectfully. I am able to be fully myself and completely authentic in my love relationship with my partner. I communicate my desires and needs very clearly and confidently with my partner.
I want the best for my partner and easily go out of my way to support my partner. I expect to be successful in all of my endeavors. Success is my natural state. I easily find solutions to challenges and roadblocks and move past them quickly. Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones to my success because I learn from them. Every day in every way, I am becoming more and more successful and significance.I feel successful with my life right now, even as I work happily toward future success. I know exactly what I need to do to achieve success. I see fear as the fuel for my success and take bold action in spite of fear. I feel powerful, capable, confident, energetic, and on top of the world. I have an intention and inspiration for success and know it is a reality awaiting my arrival. I have now reached my goal of Self I-Dentity and feel the excitement of my achievement. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. Every day I am successful.When I breath, I inhale confidence and exhale timidity. I love meeting strangers and approach them with boldness and enthusiasm. I live in the present and am confident of the future. My personality displays confidence. I am bold and outgoing. I am self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do. I am energetic and enthusiastic. Confidence is my second nature. I always attract only the best of circumstances and the best positive people in my life. I am a problem solver. I focus on solutions and always find the best solution. I love change and easily adjust myself to new situations. I am well groomed, healthy and full of confidence. My outer self is matched by my inner well being. Self confidence is what I thrive on. Nothing is impossible and life is great. I always see only the good in others. I attract only positive confident people. I approve of myself and love myself deeply and completely. I am unique. I feel good about being alive and being me. I trust myself and know my inner wisdom is my best guide. I have integrity. I am totally reliable. I do what I say. I act from a place of personal security. I fully accept myself and know that I am worthy of great things in life. I choose to be proud of myself. I find deep inner peace within myself as I am. I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts. My confidence, self esteem, and inner wisdom are increasing with each day. My immune system is very strong and can deal with any kind of bacteria, germs and viruses. Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health. I am completely pain free, and my body is full of energy. I nourish my body with healthy food and water. All of my body systems are functioning perfectly. My body is healing, and I feel better and better every day and every night. I enjoy exercising my body and strengthening my muscles. I love to walk. I love to laugh.With every breath out, I release stress in my body. I send love and healing to every organ of my body. I breathe deeply, exercise regularly and feed only good energy and nutritious food to my body. I pay attention and listen to what my body needs for health and vitality. I sleep soundly and peacefully, and awaken feeling rested and energetic. I am surrounded by lovely caring beautiful endearing people who encourage and support healthy choices. My world is a peaceful, loving, and joy-filled place to live. I sow the seeds of peace wherever I go. I surround myself with peaceful people. Peaceful people love to surround me. My work environment is calm and peaceful. I breath in peace, I breath out chaos and disorder. My home is a peaceful sanctuary where I feel safe and happy. In all that I say and do, I choose peace. I release past anger and hurts and fill myself with serenity and peaceful thoughts. Peace descends all around me now and always. I send peace from myself into the world. I respond peacefully in all situations. I am grounded in the experience of the present moment.
I am focus and engaged in the task at hand. All is well right now. I am grateful for this moment and find joy in it. I gently and easily return to the present moment. I observe my thoughts and actions without judging them. I am fully present in all of my relationships.
Life is happening in this moment. I accept and embrace all experiences, even unpleasant ones. I observe my emotions without getting attached to them. I meditate easily without resistance or anxiety. I release the past and live fully in the present moment. Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.Every day I am more and more at ease. Being calm and relaxed energizes my whole being. All the muscles in my body are releasing and relaxing. All negativity and stress are evaporating from my body and my mind. I breath in relaxation. I breath out stress. Even when there is chaos around me, I remain calm and centered. I transcend stress of any kind. I live in peace. I am free of anxiety, and a calm inner peace fills my mind and body. All is well in my world. I am calm, happy, and contentment. Thanks, I love , Peace of I.
Why Cry , When You Can Speak Words Will Change Your Life
If you believe the phrase you are what you think, then life truly stems from your thoughts. But we cannot rely purely on thoughts; we must translate thoughts into words and eventually into actions in order to manifest our intentions. This means we have to be very careful with our words, choosing to speak only those which work towards our benefit and cultivate our highest good. Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible. The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally meaning “to make steady, strengthen.”
Affirmations do indeed strengthen us by helping us believe in the potential of an action we desire to manifest. When we verbally affirm our dreams and ambitions, we are instantly empowered with a deep sense of reassurance that our wishful words will become reality.
Affirmations are proven methods of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire our brains. Much like exercise, they raise the level of feel-good hormones and push our brains to form new clusters of “positive thought” neurons. In the sequence of thought-speech-action, affirmations play an integral role by breaking patterns of negative thoughts, negative speech, and, in turn, negative actions.
The art of the spoken word is critical in crafting our futures. As a teacher of spirituality, it is my firm belief that we influence the universe word by word. If we dictate to it our wishes, it will respond. When we utter a sound, we emit a sound wave into the universe. This sound wave pierces through the air and becomes a real object. It therefore exists in our world, intangible and invisible. No words are empty words, as every syllable we speak engages energy towards or against us. If you constantly say “I can’t,” the energy of your words will repel the universal force against you. But if you say “I can!” the universe will endow you with the abilities to do just that. If you are not sure, just say "How can I afford?", and your subconscious mind will get to work to align you with the Divine Intelligence for inspiration and answer. So speak away; relinquish your fears and purge your anger, prepare your own future and live up to your potential with the positive affirmations that will change your life:
1.) I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
2.) Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.
3.) My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
4.) I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions.
5.) I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today.
6.) I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them.
7.) A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love.
8.) I am inspired and guided in my every step by Divine Spirit that leads me towards what I must know and do.
9.) (For married reader) My marriage is becoming stronger, deeper, and more stable each day.
10.) I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.
11.) (For business owners) My business is growing, expanding, and thriving.
12.) Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.
13.) Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given.
14.) My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.
15.) (For readers presently unemployed) I deserve to be employed and paid well for my time, efforts, and ideas. Each day, I am closer to finding the perfect job for me.
16.) I am courageous and I stand up for myself.
17.) My thoughts are filled with positive words and my life is plentiful with prosperity.
18.) Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.
19.) Many people look up to me and recognize my worth; I am admired.
20.) I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.
21.) I acknowledge my own self-worth; my confidence is soaring.
22.) Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good.
23.) I am a powerhouse; I am indestructible.
24.) Though these times are difficult, they are only a short phase of life.
25.) My future is an ideal projection of what I envision now.
26.) My efforts are being supported by the universe; my dreams manifest into reality before my eyes.
27.) (For readers who are single) The perfect partner for me is coming into my life sooner than I expect.
28.) I radiate beauty, charm, and grace.
29.) I am conquering my illness; I am defeating it steadily each day.
30.) My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.
31.) I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.
32.) My fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.
33.) I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
34.) My nature is Divine; I am a perfect spiritual being.
35.) My life is just beginning.
You can utilize any of these affirmations alone or create your own unique combination based on your personal wishes and needs. What is most important is to establish a profound communication with the universe — so say it with conviction, say it in your own unique voice, and make it happen in the real world.
Affirming my love,
I Am
I Am
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