Healing Powers of Water
How the Condition of Your Body's Water Affects Bacteria and Its Life-Long Influence on Health and Aging
© Copyright 2001 by Yoshitaka Ohno, M.D., Ph.D., and Howard Reminick, Ph.D., USA
(Explore Issue: Volume 10, Number 3)
Modern medicine has developed rapidly over the past 100 years, thanks to the science of antibiotics and high-tech surgical procedures. We can all feel secure that a plague or epidemic will not wipe out large populations. Most diseases that were common years ago are under control. Since modern medicine is driven by pharmacology, new drugs will always be discovered that will deal with any new outbreak.
Yet, when we take a closer look, the incidence in diseases that do not respond to modern medicine continues to rise. There is a steady increase in diseases such as Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, hypertension and diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes will affect 300 million people by the year 2025. The rate is tripling in developing countries with access to modern medicine. Alzheimer's disease, which currently is at 2 or 3 million, is expected to rise to over 12 million by 2025.
Due to the increase in the aged population, multiple diseases are becoming common. This accounts for the huge pharmaceutical industry. Although new drugs have been effective for most acute diseases, more drugs are being prescribed for chronic diseases attributed to aging without any significant results. The aged are rapidly becoming a multi-drug culture.
What are we missing in trying to discover the causes of chronic diseases, which start us aging sooner while we live longer? A new population has now been identified--the chronically old and sick. It is very likely that most of us will be a part of this group.
Even more alarming is the increase in colon cancer and other intestinal disorders. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy are commonly prescribed for cancer patients. However, the statistics show that life expectancy is no greater for those undergoing these treatments than for those who refuse them. It seems that surgery and drugs are not really the answer.
The rate of colon cancer is rapidly increasing in Japan. Before World War II, Japan enjoyed one of the best health records in the world. Their diet consisted mostly of rice, fish and vegetables. The incidence of colon cancer was very low. After the war, their diet changed dramatically. Western influence provided new foods such as beef, milk, and cheese. More dramatically was the rise in fast food restaurants, exposing the Japanese people to high intake of fats. Previously, fat consumption was 20 grams per day. This rose to 70 grams. Colon cancer began to rise in Japan to where it now equals the rate found in America.
One factor attributed to the sharp increase in colon cancer is a breakdown of the bile that is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. The chemistry of bile has been found to have changed drastically. The change in quality of bile as it is transferred from the liver to the gall bladder to the colon has resulted in con-taminated and toxic bile. Secondary bile acid, such as deoxycholic acid, is a major contributor to cancer. This, along with water toxicity and the high fat content of junk foods, has created an increase in colon and liver cancers in Japan.
The key to production of secondary bile acid is seen in analyzing the fermentation process in intestinal flora. Secondary bile acid is a major factor in the breakdown of fermentation in the intestines. As it builds up in the blood, chronic diseases that are related to the deterioration of intestinal flora and difficult to treat occur. The accumulation of calcium in the gall bladder, resulting in gallstones, is attributed to secondary bile acid.
How the Nature of Bacteria is Explained in Fermentation
Much of our work in research has involved the relationship and influence of the breakdown of intestinal flora and cancer. Flora exists in a healthy, productive state and is produced when fermentation in the body follows a normal pattern. Fermentation is responsible for hormone production, immune system effectiveness, vitamin production and assimilation, cholesterol metabolism and synthesis, control of glucose levels and normal bowel functioning. Without healthy intestinal flora, protein synthesis cannot take place; thus effectiveness of vital animo acids is lost.
Fermentation is necessary in the production of many consumable products. Bacteria in fermentation make cheese, yogurt and buttermilk. Fermentation is responsible for the production of wine. In fact, it was because the grape crop in France was in danger of destruction that the wine industry commissioned Louis Pasteur to discover the cause. As a result, the application of Pasteur's theory of fermentation saved the day, making him the most respected scientist of his time.
During the second half of the nineteenth century, different schools of thought regarding fermentation developed. Pasteur, who had the attention of the scientific community based on his discoveries, strongly supported Theodore Schwann, who concluded that fermentation was based on a biological theory. Fermentation, according to Schwann and Pasteur, must occur within living cells.
Basically, Schwann believed that the growth of yeast could only be determined if living cells are involved in the process. When glucose ferments, it allows yeast bacteria to be continually produced. Pasteur added that this applied not only to alcohol fermentation but also lactic fermentation, caused by lactic bacteria, and vinegar fermentation, caused by vinegar acid fermentation. Since, according to Pasteur's thinking, the fermentation process could not take place outside of living cells it was called the Biological Theory.
However, about the same time Justus von Liebig argued against Pasteur's theory. He believed that fermentation was caused by changes in the molecular structure of bacteria, not the bacteria, per se, as Pasteur believed. Von Liebig's argument was that fermentation was caused by the transfer of movement of bacteria, creating a chemical change in yeast, not in the bacteria itself. Fermentation took place during this activity. Since fermentation is an anaerobic process, the electrons generated in the breakdown of glucose are donated to an oxidized organic molecule (oxidation). This stresses the importance of electron transfer, which becomes a catalyst in fermentation. Since this creates a change in the chemistry in a substance (such as yeast) and is responsible for its fermentation, his theory was known as the Chemical Fermentation Theory.
A bitter debate continued between whom was right until Pasteur died. However, as a result of the attention it drew from the scientific world, Eduard and Hans Buchner found what is now the most accepted cause of fermentation. (An important fact to remember, however, is that Pasteur changed his mind and recanted his "Germ Theory" before his death. However, medicine was too committed to acknowledge this and continued to move ahead with Pasteur's theory. The result is seen today in the huge, lucrative pharmaceutical industry.)
Like most discoveries that make history, the Buchners' was accidentally caused during an experiment in which they attempted to make cell-free extracts of yeast to be used as a pharmaceutical. Because these extracts could not be preserved with antiseptics, they added sucrose, (a commonly used food preservative) to the yeast. Then they left their lab for the night.
The next morning they were astonished to find that the yeast fluid had become alcohol during fermentation. As a result, they were able to prove that alcohol fermentation does not need living cells and therefore, it is not created by the grape itself but by a chemical catalyzing reaction. They also suggested what has become widely accepted, that an enzyme can be produced without originating from a living cell--enzymes are in themselves a life element. This changed what was almost universal thinking up to that time, as well as refuting Pasteur's theory. As a result of this discovery, the Buchners received the Nobel Prize in 1907.
As a footnote, there is still much resistance from the scientific community as to the acceptance of the Buchners' findings--how bacteria change in the body. Because of this resistance, we believe that medical science is losing an opportunity in understanding the role of bacteria in the disease and aging processes.
Since bacteria do not require oxygen to create an enzyme in fermentation, more than a dozen fermentation processes have evolved among bacteria, each using a different organic molecule as the hydrogen receptor. Each becomes a different acid. To add even more credibility to what the Buchners discovered over 100 years ago, we now know through the results of numerous studies that many of the reactions of lactic fermentation are the same as those of alcohol fermentation. This brings into focus even more powerfully their biochemical similarity.
Bacteria, Fermentation and Putrefaction
We have been led to believe that all bacteria are harmful and must be destroyed. We believe bacteria are the enemy. We have come to rely on antibiotics to kill bacteria, thus killing disease in our body. This sells a lot of antibiotics. Unfortunately, in the process of killing bacteria that become unstable and pathogenic, antibiotics also kill bacteria that keep us alive. The survival power of bacteria is so great that they have learned to adjust and flourish, rendering antibiotics ineffective. No wonder the incidence of chronic diseases continues to rise. In the process of killing the enemy we are destroying that which is necessary to keep us healthy.
Bacteria have been around almost since the earth's beginning. Bacteria have also lived in our body since man's beginning. There are over 100 trillion of these organisms living in our colons. Most are necessary for digestion and elimination of waste products and play an important role in natural processing of foods. When toxins that enter our body in our food and drinking water invade bacteria, new harmful bacteria are formed. These create disease.
Historically, especially in primitive societies, man respected nature and was nurtured by it. Also, historically, man and bacteria have always had a healthy relationship. Bacteria supported all forms of life. But our search for scientific knowledge turned to arrogance and this relationship changed. Since that time, man and bacteria have been at war, and the spoils of this war have been increased--incurable diseases.
When we became sophisticated in scientific thought and discovery, it was decided that bacteria were no longer needed. Rational, scientific theory and medical science propagated Pasteur's Germ Theory--that disease was caused by bacteria and had to be destroyed. This theory was developed into standard practice, which is still driving modern medicine. The tools--antibiotics-- were now available for man to conquer his or her own destiny.
Through all this, bacteria responded, "Why are you destroying us? We're your friends. You owe your lives to us." Man continued to find new weapons--antibiotics--the state of the art defense system. The war with bacteria was going to be won. But the foe became a superior enemy. Bacteria are stronger and will always survive. Sometimes they go into retreat, making us believe we have won. Then they come back, even stronger and attack aggressively. New antibiotics are created and leveled at the body, but bacteria adapt and build a resistance. Disease flourishes.
The problem, therefore, is what we have come to believe--that bacteria are the cause of the disease. Yet, we have learned through our research that it is how the bacteria change in the fermentation process when they become unstable that result in disease, not the bacteria. This is due to oxidation, or loss of electrons, which change the structure of bacteria, making them aggressive and dangerous. Intestinal flora break down and attack the organs rather than help maintain them. Healthy bacteria change and become dangerous. Many serious, chronic diseases begin.
We hydrate our body everyday with toxic water. Chemicals in our food enter the intestines. Fermentation is the result of healthy bacteria, and that creates a healthy body. Putrefaction is the result of a structural change in bacteria, making them aggressive and destructive, which leads to the body's destruction.
The difference between fermentation and putrefaction is the difference in electron oxidation/reduction and the same process that has been identified as the free-radical theory of disease. Put simply, in fermentation, bacteria maintain paired electron stability, which allow them to perform their vital functions in the body. In putrefaction, bacteria lose an electron to become unstable and aggressive, attacking cells and stealing electrons making these cells unstable. This is what is seen in cancerous cells--unstable, aggressive cells with an odd number of electrons.
A simple example that explains how the body reacts differently to fermentation and putrefaction is seen in how the digestive and elimination systems function. Under normal conditions, fermentation allows bacteria to perform a vital role in maintaining homeostasis of the body. We enjoy regular bowel movements to remove waste materials from the intestines before putrefaction overcomes fermentation. However, the results of putrefaction are seen in constipation, when the body is unable to eliminate waste materials, which changes the structure of bacteria and promotes the formation of disease in the intestines and colon. Interestingly and fortunately, diarrhea becomes the body's way of eliminating a large build up of toxicity created by putrefaction. So it is constipation that is the more serious condition. Constipation is a breakdown of natural fermentation. When intestinal flora change from fermentation to putrefaction, disease begins.
What are some of the causes of putrefaction?
The overuse of drugs and toxins in food and water are the most common influences. It is not surprising that there is a direct relationship between the increase food and water toxicity and the overuse of prescribed medications and the increase in chronic, aging-related diseases. With this huge increase, intestinal flora is altered by the instability of bacteria that activated this process. The result is that there has been a drastic change from fermentation to putrefaction.
When putrefaction takes over, toxins and waste products that are normally eliminated from our body are retained and enter the blood. The blood pH changes due to high acidity in body fluids. Over time, if the body remains in high acidity, the blood with become acidic and a condition known as acidosis will occur. This puts the body in a diseased state, destroying organs and eventually leading to death.
Water is a Vital Force in the Stability of the Fermentation Process.
To better understand the role of fermentation in the stability of bacteria in intestinal flora, we need to look at the significant role that the quality and content of the body's water plays. Briefly speaking, how water reacts to stabilize bacteria is critical to how bacteria either support or disrupt fermentation. Disrupted fermentation is putrefaction--chemical imbalance at its least threatening, or disease at its most harmful.
From the very beginning of the existence of life on Earth, water has provided the medium to prevent temperature changes from disrupting growth and development of an organism. It has been the catalyst in chemical changes, from simple to complex. It has provided the medium for electrical conduction required for ionization of cells and cellular mobility.
Fluid fluctuations affect blood volume and cellular function. This can be life threatening. When the amount of water within cells is relatively constant, there is an exchange of solutes and water between compartments to maintain unique compositions. Individuals with a greater percent of body fat have less total body water percentage and are more susceptible to fluid imbalances that cause hydration.
Total body water percent decreases with age, resulting in inadequate cellular hydration. Most critical is the decrease in the intra/extra cellular fluid ratio. With age also, kidney function becomes less efficient in producing urine and conserving sodium.
It seems that there are two major issues about water in our body that must be resolved if the body is to remain in a state of harmony and balance. First, the water in our body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and creating destructive influences in cells. Water must bring all minerals and nutrients required for metabolism into the cells and remove any substances that can damage the cell. It must be able to protect the cell membrane from damage and invasion.
Second, since water is involved in every function of the body, it must act as a conductor of electrochemical activity, such as neurotransmission, by transferring information from one nerve cell to another smoothly and efficiently. When water with a weak, electromagnetic signal enters nerve cells, the synapses cannot generate strong impulses between cells.
Relationship of Magnetism, Water and Cell Stability
What is a living cell? It is one large molecule, tied together by a matrix of water molecules. Like the atoms that compose them, they are tied together by ionic bonds consisting of positive and negative charges on their outer surfaces. In order for water to form ordered, structural energy bonds around cells, there must be an active magnetic influence present. Water molecules lose order when they are not adequately magnetized. Inadequate magnetized molecules will disrupt hydration around them, creating disorganized movement for both the cell and surrounding water. Magnetism takes place when electrons orbit round their atoms. The electrons circling around atoms resist attempts to disturb their usual orbits so they can create their own magnetic fields. If neighboring electrons are made to spin so their poles are aligned in the same direction, the cell becomes magnetically activated.
The energy in moving water generates many negative ions. As water breaks up, positive charges remain and the negative charge moves freely, forming negative ions. Recent studies have reported that ions have a pronounced effect on all of life. Studies on air borne bacteria that cause respiratory illnesses have found that an amazingly small amount of negative ions could kill these bacteria and remove them from the air.
Since water is the medium through which all electrochemical activity takes place, its ability to respond to the electromagnetic field is also critical in the body's health maintenance and healing process. Water does not exist as a single molecule, but resembles a bunch of grapes, with about 30-40 molecules in each cluster. (Sometimes there are as much as 50 or 60.) However, if water has been naturally formed with its own magnetism, molecular clusters separate into smaller clusters of five or six molecules per cluster. It is also more organized in structure and movement.
Water, despite the simplicity of its molecular structure, exhibits a complex behavior when it is influenced by electromagnetism and exchanges energy with its environment. The bonding of two molecules creates interactions of cooperation and coherence that changes the random behavior of molecules. If water has natural magnetic properties, including its own magnetic wave, it can communicate and transfer information from one molecule to another to maintain consistency in the way various bodily processes function. This keeps water at a consistent frequency, much the same as when a radio dial is on a direct frequency. When the dial is moved even slightly, static occurs and the signal is lost.
Chemistry of body fluids must be balanced in order for the process of fermentation to function normally. This requires a pH acid/alkaline balance. Normal blood pH has a very small window of normalcy. It must range between 7.35 and 7.45. This means that there is an adequate amount of oxygen in the blood. Any slight decrease in blood pH will result in lower oxygen levels and, therefore, in the cells. Even a slight drop in pH is the beginning of a disease state.
For water to be most effective in our body, it is necessary that it contain ionized minerals required to nourish and protect cells, including bacteria. It should have a slightly higher pH, which is necessary to assure that the body fluids do not become and remain over acidic, resulting in putrefaction. However, because of contamination in our environment (such as toxic wastes and chemical additives to food and drinking water) minerals have been depleted, resulting in metabolic disturbances, creating a more rapid disease and aging process to occur.
Discovering a Naturally Magnetized Water from Japan's Ancient Magnetic Mountain.
We have spent several years researching and studying a naturally magnetized water that Dr. Ohno discovered in Japan. The history of this water is remarkable and explains why it can have health and anti-aging benefits. According to geological records, a sea volcano erupted millions of years ago and rose to the surface, becoming a mountain. This occurred about the same time a huge meteorite shower poured down in this region. As a result, the magnetite from the meteorites bonded with the granite and limestone in the mountain and created a continuous magnetic effect on the water deposited in this magnetic mountain. The water has a stable history of magnetic influence on the ionization of its 74 minerals. In comparison to other water that we have studied which is artificially magnetized, the magnetization in this water continues after it is removed from its source. This has been verified in scientific study.
Three natural conditions are created in this magnetic environment, which give this water its unique qualities. First, it contains a balance of essential minerals not found in any other water. This includes trace minerals that have been depleted in soil and drinking water sources. Second, its natural magnetization allows molecules to be more highly organized in structure and movement, forming smaller clusters and allows it to be more easily absorbed and utilized by cells. Third, it has a slightly higher alkaline pH, between 7.60 and 7.80 which helps keep bodily fluids from becoming acidic. Because of its natural ionization, it can replace electrons lost by cells and bacteria before they become free radicals. It has a 1.02:1.00 density ratio to non-magnetized water.
The quality, content and activity of the water in our body and how it creates stability of bacteria and all other cells will affect how well we age and how well our body can control disease. If the water in our body is magnetized with ample negative polarity in its ions, it can provide electron reduction to bacteria through its magnetization effect, thus stabilizing bacteria. Much of what has been learned about naturally magnetized water relates to its effect on the environment of the cells.
The cells are constantly exposed to toxicity, both from the external environment and the body's internal environment. As a result of many years of studying the effects of naturally magnetized water on health and aging problems, Dr. Ohno has concluded that if the body is 70% water, bacteria and all other cells are 70% water, then the relationship of water to human health must be given priority and investigating causes of health and aging disorders. This can add credence to theories regarding aging and disease, which are creating a new force in medicine.
How the Condition of Your Body's Water Affects Bacteria and Its Life-Long Influence on Health and Aging
© Copyright 2001 by Yoshitaka Ohno, M.D., Ph.D., and Howard Reminick, Ph.D., USA
(Explore Issue: Volume 10, Number 3)
Modern medicine has developed rapidly over the past 100 years, thanks to the science of antibiotics and high-tech surgical procedures. We can all feel secure that a plague or epidemic will not wipe out large populations. Most diseases that were common years ago are under control. Since modern medicine is driven by pharmacology, new drugs will always be discovered that will deal with any new outbreak.
Yet, when we take a closer look, the incidence in diseases that do not respond to modern medicine continues to rise. There is a steady increase in diseases such as Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, hypertension and diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes will affect 300 million people by the year 2025. The rate is tripling in developing countries with access to modern medicine. Alzheimer's disease, which currently is at 2 or 3 million, is expected to rise to over 12 million by 2025.
Due to the increase in the aged population, multiple diseases are becoming common. This accounts for the huge pharmaceutical industry. Although new drugs have been effective for most acute diseases, more drugs are being prescribed for chronic diseases attributed to aging without any significant results. The aged are rapidly becoming a multi-drug culture.
What are we missing in trying to discover the causes of chronic diseases, which start us aging sooner while we live longer? A new population has now been identified--the chronically old and sick. It is very likely that most of us will be a part of this group.
Even more alarming is the increase in colon cancer and other intestinal disorders. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy are commonly prescribed for cancer patients. However, the statistics show that life expectancy is no greater for those undergoing these treatments than for those who refuse them. It seems that surgery and drugs are not really the answer.
The rate of colon cancer is rapidly increasing in Japan. Before World War II, Japan enjoyed one of the best health records in the world. Their diet consisted mostly of rice, fish and vegetables. The incidence of colon cancer was very low. After the war, their diet changed dramatically. Western influence provided new foods such as beef, milk, and cheese. More dramatically was the rise in fast food restaurants, exposing the Japanese people to high intake of fats. Previously, fat consumption was 20 grams per day. This rose to 70 grams. Colon cancer began to rise in Japan to where it now equals the rate found in America.
One factor attributed to the sharp increase in colon cancer is a breakdown of the bile that is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. The chemistry of bile has been found to have changed drastically. The change in quality of bile as it is transferred from the liver to the gall bladder to the colon has resulted in con-taminated and toxic bile. Secondary bile acid, such as deoxycholic acid, is a major contributor to cancer. This, along with water toxicity and the high fat content of junk foods, has created an increase in colon and liver cancers in Japan.
The key to production of secondary bile acid is seen in analyzing the fermentation process in intestinal flora. Secondary bile acid is a major factor in the breakdown of fermentation in the intestines. As it builds up in the blood, chronic diseases that are related to the deterioration of intestinal flora and difficult to treat occur. The accumulation of calcium in the gall bladder, resulting in gallstones, is attributed to secondary bile acid.
How the Nature of Bacteria is Explained in Fermentation
Much of our work in research has involved the relationship and influence of the breakdown of intestinal flora and cancer. Flora exists in a healthy, productive state and is produced when fermentation in the body follows a normal pattern. Fermentation is responsible for hormone production, immune system effectiveness, vitamin production and assimilation, cholesterol metabolism and synthesis, control of glucose levels and normal bowel functioning. Without healthy intestinal flora, protein synthesis cannot take place; thus effectiveness of vital animo acids is lost.
Fermentation is necessary in the production of many consumable products. Bacteria in fermentation make cheese, yogurt and buttermilk. Fermentation is responsible for the production of wine. In fact, it was because the grape crop in France was in danger of destruction that the wine industry commissioned Louis Pasteur to discover the cause. As a result, the application of Pasteur's theory of fermentation saved the day, making him the most respected scientist of his time.
During the second half of the nineteenth century, different schools of thought regarding fermentation developed. Pasteur, who had the attention of the scientific community based on his discoveries, strongly supported Theodore Schwann, who concluded that fermentation was based on a biological theory. Fermentation, according to Schwann and Pasteur, must occur within living cells.
Basically, Schwann believed that the growth of yeast could only be determined if living cells are involved in the process. When glucose ferments, it allows yeast bacteria to be continually produced. Pasteur added that this applied not only to alcohol fermentation but also lactic fermentation, caused by lactic bacteria, and vinegar fermentation, caused by vinegar acid fermentation. Since, according to Pasteur's thinking, the fermentation process could not take place outside of living cells it was called the Biological Theory.
However, about the same time Justus von Liebig argued against Pasteur's theory. He believed that fermentation was caused by changes in the molecular structure of bacteria, not the bacteria, per se, as Pasteur believed. Von Liebig's argument was that fermentation was caused by the transfer of movement of bacteria, creating a chemical change in yeast, not in the bacteria itself. Fermentation took place during this activity. Since fermentation is an anaerobic process, the electrons generated in the breakdown of glucose are donated to an oxidized organic molecule (oxidation). This stresses the importance of electron transfer, which becomes a catalyst in fermentation. Since this creates a change in the chemistry in a substance (such as yeast) and is responsible for its fermentation, his theory was known as the Chemical Fermentation Theory.
A bitter debate continued between whom was right until Pasteur died. However, as a result of the attention it drew from the scientific world, Eduard and Hans Buchner found what is now the most accepted cause of fermentation. (An important fact to remember, however, is that Pasteur changed his mind and recanted his "Germ Theory" before his death. However, medicine was too committed to acknowledge this and continued to move ahead with Pasteur's theory. The result is seen today in the huge, lucrative pharmaceutical industry.)
Like most discoveries that make history, the Buchners' was accidentally caused during an experiment in which they attempted to make cell-free extracts of yeast to be used as a pharmaceutical. Because these extracts could not be preserved with antiseptics, they added sucrose, (a commonly used food preservative) to the yeast. Then they left their lab for the night.
The next morning they were astonished to find that the yeast fluid had become alcohol during fermentation. As a result, they were able to prove that alcohol fermentation does not need living cells and therefore, it is not created by the grape itself but by a chemical catalyzing reaction. They also suggested what has become widely accepted, that an enzyme can be produced without originating from a living cell--enzymes are in themselves a life element. This changed what was almost universal thinking up to that time, as well as refuting Pasteur's theory. As a result of this discovery, the Buchners received the Nobel Prize in 1907.
As a footnote, there is still much resistance from the scientific community as to the acceptance of the Buchners' findings--how bacteria change in the body. Because of this resistance, we believe that medical science is losing an opportunity in understanding the role of bacteria in the disease and aging processes.
Since bacteria do not require oxygen to create an enzyme in fermentation, more than a dozen fermentation processes have evolved among bacteria, each using a different organic molecule as the hydrogen receptor. Each becomes a different acid. To add even more credibility to what the Buchners discovered over 100 years ago, we now know through the results of numerous studies that many of the reactions of lactic fermentation are the same as those of alcohol fermentation. This brings into focus even more powerfully their biochemical similarity.
Bacteria, Fermentation and Putrefaction
We have been led to believe that all bacteria are harmful and must be destroyed. We believe bacteria are the enemy. We have come to rely on antibiotics to kill bacteria, thus killing disease in our body. This sells a lot of antibiotics. Unfortunately, in the process of killing bacteria that become unstable and pathogenic, antibiotics also kill bacteria that keep us alive. The survival power of bacteria is so great that they have learned to adjust and flourish, rendering antibiotics ineffective. No wonder the incidence of chronic diseases continues to rise. In the process of killing the enemy we are destroying that which is necessary to keep us healthy.
Bacteria have been around almost since the earth's beginning. Bacteria have also lived in our body since man's beginning. There are over 100 trillion of these organisms living in our colons. Most are necessary for digestion and elimination of waste products and play an important role in natural processing of foods. When toxins that enter our body in our food and drinking water invade bacteria, new harmful bacteria are formed. These create disease.
Historically, especially in primitive societies, man respected nature and was nurtured by it. Also, historically, man and bacteria have always had a healthy relationship. Bacteria supported all forms of life. But our search for scientific knowledge turned to arrogance and this relationship changed. Since that time, man and bacteria have been at war, and the spoils of this war have been increased--incurable diseases.
When we became sophisticated in scientific thought and discovery, it was decided that bacteria were no longer needed. Rational, scientific theory and medical science propagated Pasteur's Germ Theory--that disease was caused by bacteria and had to be destroyed. This theory was developed into standard practice, which is still driving modern medicine. The tools--antibiotics-- were now available for man to conquer his or her own destiny.
Through all this, bacteria responded, "Why are you destroying us? We're your friends. You owe your lives to us." Man continued to find new weapons--antibiotics--the state of the art defense system. The war with bacteria was going to be won. But the foe became a superior enemy. Bacteria are stronger and will always survive. Sometimes they go into retreat, making us believe we have won. Then they come back, even stronger and attack aggressively. New antibiotics are created and leveled at the body, but bacteria adapt and build a resistance. Disease flourishes.
The problem, therefore, is what we have come to believe--that bacteria are the cause of the disease. Yet, we have learned through our research that it is how the bacteria change in the fermentation process when they become unstable that result in disease, not the bacteria. This is due to oxidation, or loss of electrons, which change the structure of bacteria, making them aggressive and dangerous. Intestinal flora break down and attack the organs rather than help maintain them. Healthy bacteria change and become dangerous. Many serious, chronic diseases begin.
We hydrate our body everyday with toxic water. Chemicals in our food enter the intestines. Fermentation is the result of healthy bacteria, and that creates a healthy body. Putrefaction is the result of a structural change in bacteria, making them aggressive and destructive, which leads to the body's destruction.
The difference between fermentation and putrefaction is the difference in electron oxidation/reduction and the same process that has been identified as the free-radical theory of disease. Put simply, in fermentation, bacteria maintain paired electron stability, which allow them to perform their vital functions in the body. In putrefaction, bacteria lose an electron to become unstable and aggressive, attacking cells and stealing electrons making these cells unstable. This is what is seen in cancerous cells--unstable, aggressive cells with an odd number of electrons.
A simple example that explains how the body reacts differently to fermentation and putrefaction is seen in how the digestive and elimination systems function. Under normal conditions, fermentation allows bacteria to perform a vital role in maintaining homeostasis of the body. We enjoy regular bowel movements to remove waste materials from the intestines before putrefaction overcomes fermentation. However, the results of putrefaction are seen in constipation, when the body is unable to eliminate waste materials, which changes the structure of bacteria and promotes the formation of disease in the intestines and colon. Interestingly and fortunately, diarrhea becomes the body's way of eliminating a large build up of toxicity created by putrefaction. So it is constipation that is the more serious condition. Constipation is a breakdown of natural fermentation. When intestinal flora change from fermentation to putrefaction, disease begins.
What are some of the causes of putrefaction?
The overuse of drugs and toxins in food and water are the most common influences. It is not surprising that there is a direct relationship between the increase food and water toxicity and the overuse of prescribed medications and the increase in chronic, aging-related diseases. With this huge increase, intestinal flora is altered by the instability of bacteria that activated this process. The result is that there has been a drastic change from fermentation to putrefaction.
When putrefaction takes over, toxins and waste products that are normally eliminated from our body are retained and enter the blood. The blood pH changes due to high acidity in body fluids. Over time, if the body remains in high acidity, the blood with become acidic and a condition known as acidosis will occur. This puts the body in a diseased state, destroying organs and eventually leading to death.
Water is a Vital Force in the Stability of the Fermentation Process.
To better understand the role of fermentation in the stability of bacteria in intestinal flora, we need to look at the significant role that the quality and content of the body's water plays. Briefly speaking, how water reacts to stabilize bacteria is critical to how bacteria either support or disrupt fermentation. Disrupted fermentation is putrefaction--chemical imbalance at its least threatening, or disease at its most harmful.
From the very beginning of the existence of life on Earth, water has provided the medium to prevent temperature changes from disrupting growth and development of an organism. It has been the catalyst in chemical changes, from simple to complex. It has provided the medium for electrical conduction required for ionization of cells and cellular mobility.
Fluid fluctuations affect blood volume and cellular function. This can be life threatening. When the amount of water within cells is relatively constant, there is an exchange of solutes and water between compartments to maintain unique compositions. Individuals with a greater percent of body fat have less total body water percentage and are more susceptible to fluid imbalances that cause hydration.
Total body water percent decreases with age, resulting in inadequate cellular hydration. Most critical is the decrease in the intra/extra cellular fluid ratio. With age also, kidney function becomes less efficient in producing urine and conserving sodium.
It seems that there are two major issues about water in our body that must be resolved if the body is to remain in a state of harmony and balance. First, the water in our body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and creating destructive influences in cells. Water must bring all minerals and nutrients required for metabolism into the cells and remove any substances that can damage the cell. It must be able to protect the cell membrane from damage and invasion.
Second, since water is involved in every function of the body, it must act as a conductor of electrochemical activity, such as neurotransmission, by transferring information from one nerve cell to another smoothly and efficiently. When water with a weak, electromagnetic signal enters nerve cells, the synapses cannot generate strong impulses between cells.
Relationship of Magnetism, Water and Cell Stability
What is a living cell? It is one large molecule, tied together by a matrix of water molecules. Like the atoms that compose them, they are tied together by ionic bonds consisting of positive and negative charges on their outer surfaces. In order for water to form ordered, structural energy bonds around cells, there must be an active magnetic influence present. Water molecules lose order when they are not adequately magnetized. Inadequate magnetized molecules will disrupt hydration around them, creating disorganized movement for both the cell and surrounding water. Magnetism takes place when electrons orbit round their atoms. The electrons circling around atoms resist attempts to disturb their usual orbits so they can create their own magnetic fields. If neighboring electrons are made to spin so their poles are aligned in the same direction, the cell becomes magnetically activated.
The energy in moving water generates many negative ions. As water breaks up, positive charges remain and the negative charge moves freely, forming negative ions. Recent studies have reported that ions have a pronounced effect on all of life. Studies on air borne bacteria that cause respiratory illnesses have found that an amazingly small amount of negative ions could kill these bacteria and remove them from the air.
Since water is the medium through which all electrochemical activity takes place, its ability to respond to the electromagnetic field is also critical in the body's health maintenance and healing process. Water does not exist as a single molecule, but resembles a bunch of grapes, with about 30-40 molecules in each cluster. (Sometimes there are as much as 50 or 60.) However, if water has been naturally formed with its own magnetism, molecular clusters separate into smaller clusters of five or six molecules per cluster. It is also more organized in structure and movement.
Water, despite the simplicity of its molecular structure, exhibits a complex behavior when it is influenced by electromagnetism and exchanges energy with its environment. The bonding of two molecules creates interactions of cooperation and coherence that changes the random behavior of molecules. If water has natural magnetic properties, including its own magnetic wave, it can communicate and transfer information from one molecule to another to maintain consistency in the way various bodily processes function. This keeps water at a consistent frequency, much the same as when a radio dial is on a direct frequency. When the dial is moved even slightly, static occurs and the signal is lost.
Chemistry of body fluids must be balanced in order for the process of fermentation to function normally. This requires a pH acid/alkaline balance. Normal blood pH has a very small window of normalcy. It must range between 7.35 and 7.45. This means that there is an adequate amount of oxygen in the blood. Any slight decrease in blood pH will result in lower oxygen levels and, therefore, in the cells. Even a slight drop in pH is the beginning of a disease state.
For water to be most effective in our body, it is necessary that it contain ionized minerals required to nourish and protect cells, including bacteria. It should have a slightly higher pH, which is necessary to assure that the body fluids do not become and remain over acidic, resulting in putrefaction. However, because of contamination in our environment (such as toxic wastes and chemical additives to food and drinking water) minerals have been depleted, resulting in metabolic disturbances, creating a more rapid disease and aging process to occur.
Discovering a Naturally Magnetized Water from Japan's Ancient Magnetic Mountain.
We have spent several years researching and studying a naturally magnetized water that Dr. Ohno discovered in Japan. The history of this water is remarkable and explains why it can have health and anti-aging benefits. According to geological records, a sea volcano erupted millions of years ago and rose to the surface, becoming a mountain. This occurred about the same time a huge meteorite shower poured down in this region. As a result, the magnetite from the meteorites bonded with the granite and limestone in the mountain and created a continuous magnetic effect on the water deposited in this magnetic mountain. The water has a stable history of magnetic influence on the ionization of its 74 minerals. In comparison to other water that we have studied which is artificially magnetized, the magnetization in this water continues after it is removed from its source. This has been verified in scientific study.
Three natural conditions are created in this magnetic environment, which give this water its unique qualities. First, it contains a balance of essential minerals not found in any other water. This includes trace minerals that have been depleted in soil and drinking water sources. Second, its natural magnetization allows molecules to be more highly organized in structure and movement, forming smaller clusters and allows it to be more easily absorbed and utilized by cells. Third, it has a slightly higher alkaline pH, between 7.60 and 7.80 which helps keep bodily fluids from becoming acidic. Because of its natural ionization, it can replace electrons lost by cells and bacteria before they become free radicals. It has a 1.02:1.00 density ratio to non-magnetized water.
The quality, content and activity of the water in our body and how it creates stability of bacteria and all other cells will affect how well we age and how well our body can control disease. If the water in our body is magnetized with ample negative polarity in its ions, it can provide electron reduction to bacteria through its magnetization effect, thus stabilizing bacteria. Much of what has been learned about naturally magnetized water relates to its effect on the environment of the cells.
The cells are constantly exposed to toxicity, both from the external environment and the body's internal environment. As a result of many years of studying the effects of naturally magnetized water on health and aging problems, Dr. Ohno has concluded that if the body is 70% water, bacteria and all other cells are 70% water, then the relationship of water to human health must be given priority and investigating causes of health and aging disorders. This can add credence to theories regarding aging and disease, which are creating a new force in medicine.
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