Are the "benefits" of negative ions proven? Or are they a myth?
Complete Fiction.
Reading the claims and explanation below, how can this possibly be true?
Negative ion therapy is an alternative form of health treatment that is based on the idea of using negative ions to drain the body of toxins that lead to a number of different health problems. While this pseudoscience is not generally accepted by the established medical community, many people report improvements in specific health ailments after undergoing the therapy, or making use of specially designed equipment to ride the home of irritants and toxins that inhibit the action of the negative ion charge in the space.
The basis for negative ion therapy as a health care alternative rests in the idea that the atmosphere is loaded with negatively charged electrons or ions. By using those electrons to remove elements that have an adverse effect on the physical and emotional well being of the individual, the body’s natural defense system can begin to make the necessary repairs and bring the individual back to a healthy state. Because the purpose of negative ion therapy is to drain the toxins from the environment and the body, any condition that is interfering with the natural function of the muscles and nervous system are isolated and reduced through continued administrations of the therapy. As the impediments to good health are brought under control, the individual begins to enjoy an enhanced state of physical and mental health.
I took the liberty of pointing out the most obviously bothersome point of the claim:"The electrons remove elements that have an adverse effect..."
Now let us ask ourselves some questions:
What are these elements that have an adverse effect?
How exactly are electrons getting to these elements only?
How are free electrons entering your body?
How do electrons "remove" these elements?
Now, this was obviously not written by the brightest individual. Clearly the marketing team didn't understand the different between an Ion.
An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge.
And a just an electron.
In this particular case, someone is introducing an element with excess negative charge, i.e. carrying an extra electron or several. I guess the idea they have is the negative will be attracted to positive ions, bind and carry them off.
Back to reality, this is not how this happens, nor is there large number of positive ions suspended in your body that need "removal".
This kind of garbage is the in the same ilk as the magnetic bracelets and necklaces.
Having said all that, there is some evidence of efficacy in treating seasonal depression(SAD), but the dose of ions is significantly higher than can be produced through cheap off the shelf units. Further, the evidence shows bright light therapy was more effective in treating this form of depression. I would also like to point out the science does not indicate any of the other uses or effects the advertised product are boasting. Further, the exact mechanism of action at the biological level does not seem known. They are simply replicating seasonal changes, really it is more like confirming the shift in ion concentration with seasons is not a major contributing factor to seasonal depression and really not a way to treat it effectively.
Negative air ionization therapy is the use of air ionisers as an experimental non-pharmaceutical treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and mild depression.
For SAD, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing high (4.5x1014 ions/second) and low (1.7x1011 ions/second) flow rate negative air ionization with bright light therapy found that posttreatment improvement results were 57.1% for bright light (10,000 lux) compared with high-density ions, 47.9%; and low-density ions, 22.7%.[1] An older RCT conducted by the same authors also found air ionization effective for SAD at 2.7x106 ions/cm3.[2] A 2007 review considers this therapy "under investigation", and suggests that it may be a helpful treatment for SAD
Negative ion machines used in his studies are designed to mimic summer-like conditions by supplementing the sparse winter ion supply. He stresses however that although some air purifiers utilize negative ion technology, the dose of ions delivered by a typical air purifier is far too low for it to have an antidepressant effect.
The Truth about Negative Ions and Negative Ion Therapy
IonLoop believes so strongly in the negative effects of positive ions and the positive effects of negative ions, we cannot emphasize enough the possible benefits of negative ion technology.
How Positive Ions Wear Us Down
Positive and negative ions occur in nature.
Negative ions, which manifest from natural things like waterfalls and trees, create a “feel good” effect.
Positive ions, on the other hand, are emitted from the sun and from artificial sources like computers, cell phones and fluorescent lights. These are thought to be energy-drainers. Experiments have linked positive ions to tension, irritability and even slower reaction times.
Because most people in the U.S. are more constantly exposed to UV rays and artificial environments than they are to natural elements, it is thought that these people may be suffering the negative effects of positive ions. Therefore it is a good reason to include some negative ion therapy.
It’s worth noting how many of today’s professionals and students feel after a day spent indoors under fluorescent lighting and in front of computers. Add air conditioning and heating to the equation and the exposure to positive ions is astoundingly high number.
To put it into perspective, the number of positive ions in an office outweighs those found in a waterfall by more than 300 percent. The number of positive ions in nature is extremely low, which indicates that the prominence of positive ions may be wearing on the human body and mind.
The Disconnect Between Positive and Negative Ions
Clearly, the presence of positive ions creates an unbalanced environment, conflicting with the purity that exists in nature. This imbalance is said to wreak havoc on the system and all the systems that comprise the human. From the nervous system to the brain to the body, positive ions may very well be major culprits in conditions and diseases that run rampant in technological societies.
In the documentary “Happy,” it is reported that the unhappiest culture in the world is technology- and work-driven Japan. Conversely, one of the happiest cultures is in Africa, among a tribe that hunts and gathers its food and spends the majority of its time outdoors.
How Negative Ions Can Build Us Up
Similar studies show that negative ions create an opposite effect – one of focus, performance and a sense of well-being.
This helps to better explain why a hike or a day on the beach feels exceptionally wonderful. While a day in the office typically breeds sleepiness and exhaustion, an afternoon in the wilderness is invigorating and energizing. Negative ions have often been thought of as nature’s remedy for many ailments; in fact, some doctors are prescribing the outdoors as a treatment for their patients.
Exposure to negative ions has been shown to decrease anxiety during computer work in some studies. In others, negative ions have been shown to help lower depression ratings in test subjects. Specifically, negative ions are said to have an effect on winter depression, serving as a natural antidepressant for those who suffer from the condition.
Tips on Negative Ion Exposure and Natural Negative Ion Therapy
Go outside. Find negative ions naturally. Start the morning with a 15-minute or more walk. Squeeze in a walk after or instead of lunch during work. Enjoy a post-dinner stroll. Or simply sit outside and bask in the beauty of nature around you.
Think plants. Bring plants into the office. Place potted plants around the house – in the kitchen, living room and bedroom, where you spend the majority of your relaxation time. Put plants on your porch or balcony, where you relax outdoors.
Take road trips. Most people live in driving distance of lush environments. As often as you can, travel to them and soak in the healing wonders of nature.
Invest in negative ion generators. Place these strategically through your home and office. A great supplement to your negative ion bracelet, these are helpful in stationary environments, possibly helping to offset harmful positive ions. If possible walk on a beach without shoes and you are absorbing negative ions.
Exercise, naturally. If you live in a climate where the outside temperature is comfortable, write a list of exercise activities that sounds appealing to you and replace your current form of exercise with at least one per week. For example, if you ride a stationary bike at the gym, consider investing in a bicycle you can ride around town or in your neighborhood. Instead of taking that Saturday yoga class, go for a morning hike at your local park.
Turn off the technology. The path of least resistance is oftentimes best. Turn off the computers when you’re not using them. Work with the overhead lights off. Keep the air conditioner off unless you absolutely need it. Small steps may lead to big changes in the way you think and feel! These are all great steps toward Negative Ion Therapy to combat the bad ions- positive ions.
Testimonials About Negative Ion Technology
At IonLoop, many of our customers have reported feeling and performing better – even healing faster. Straight from their mouths, here are a few words about IonLoop and the technology behind negative ion therapy:
“Whatever the technology in the Ionloop has truly provided me with more energy at the end of the day. I HIGHLY recommend this product to everyone who spends time in the outdoors. IT REALLY REALLY WORKS. Thank you.” -John
“Let me tell you, if you are an athlete and like feeling good and in balance, this is the bracelet for you. My husband and I both play lots of golf and tennis...we never take this bracelet off.” -Robin
“I wear mine out on my runs, workout in the gym and riding my bike. Do they truly work, it is all up to the believer. I am a believer of this product.” –Jim
“My sister purchased an IonLoop Bracelet because she has a neck injury. She wore it for about 1 week and her neck started feeling better.” -Victoria
Wearers of IonLoop’s silicone wristbands receive exposure to this highly-praised negative ion technology, as well as magnetic technology.
An ion is an atom or molecule with more or less electrons than usual, giving it a positive or negative electric charge. Because an ion "wants" to become neutral by acquiring or losing additional electrons, it has interesting chemical features. Ions usually come in the form of solutions. There are three types -- anions, which are negatively charged, cations, which are positively charged, and radicals, or radical ions, which are highly reactive due to having a large amount of free electrons.
An ion solution is typically created when certain molecules, such as salt, are dissolved in water. The interactions between the solute and solvent molecules disassociate weakly-bonded molecules, like salt, into two or more ions. When salt is put into water, it breaks into sodium and chloride ions, both of which are essential to human life. If a person is deprived of salt for too long, they will eventually die. Other life-essential ions (called electrolytes) are potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), hydrogen phosphate (HPO42−), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3−).
Other ion solutions besides dissolved salts are acids and bases. For instance, hydrochloric acid is formed when hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water. The hydrogen chloride breaks into two ions, H+ and Cl−. The H+ reacts with water to produce H3O+, hydronium ion, while the chlorine remains as a chloride ion. Because the ionization process is complete, hydrochloric acid is called a strong acid. The strength of acids is measured by how many H+ ions they have -- hydrochloric acid many, so it is very acidic. In fact, hydrochloric acid can dissolve through glass and all metals except iridium, though its corrosion speed is slow.
Another category of ion solutions are bases. Instead of being measured by the concentration of hydrogen ions, a base is measured by its concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). One example of a base is potassium hydroxide, which is the chemical precursor of most soft and liquid soaps. When dissolved in water, potassium hydroxide produces a strong alkali solution. An alkali is a type of base. Potassium hydroxide has a number of interesting chemical properties -- one of them is its hygroscopic (water-attracting) nature, which makes it a powerful desiccant. When it reacts with water, the reaction is exothermic, meaning it generates significant heat.
The last major group of ions are radical ions, or just radicals. Examples of radicals include superoxide (O2-), which the immune system uses to kill invading microorganisms, and nitric oxide, which the body uses as an important signaling molecule. Like acids and bases, radicals are highly reactive and have a number of applications in chemistry. One unfortunate aspect of radicals is that trace amounts in the body tend to break down tissues over time, contributing to aging.
Is Nefful just another negative ion scam?
Nefful is a Japanese MLM company that offers special clothing and accessories infused with negative ions, supposedly helping to fight major diseases and ailments like Parkinson’s, ADHD, diabetes, back pain, and insomnia.
They were founded back in 1975 and now roll over 600,000 members deep (one of the largest MLMs, see the full rankings).
I’m sure there’s a market for these expensive cardigans, but if you’re strictly interested in the business opportunity, there’s better options out there.
Either way, here’s the full review on Nefful.
Nefful was founded back in 1975 in Shizuoka, Japan by Mr. Hisami Kamijo. They’re now run by Chairman Toshiya Kamijo.
They started branching out in 1989, and now they’ve got offices in Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Taoyan, Los Angeles California, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Penang.
At over 600,000 affiliates around the world, they’re one of the bigger MLMs.
How much does Nefful cost?
An affiliate membership to Nefful costs $55.
So, how exactly does Nefful cure the world of all its ailments via their wardrobe?
Well, they produce and sell negative ion clothing (and bedding, and accessories). They claim these negative ions have a positive effect on health, aging, and mood, and that their special Nefflon fiber blend surrounds you in these beneficial negative ions.
Negative ions are naturally found in abundance in places like rivers, beaches, and waterfalls, and it’s said that that’s why people feel so happy in those places. Negative ions have also been called “the vitamins of the air”, and there is some research to support the theory that negative ions have positive effects on health and mood (more on this later).
That’s why everyone started trying to bottle and sell these air vitamins back in the early 2000s.
You’ve seen those negative ion bracelets on TV and at places like mall kiosks and airport shops. Nefful takes those to the next step and decks you out in negative ions from head to toe. They put those things in everything…underwear, blankets, beanies, leg warmers (who still wears those??), cardigans…
And apparently decking your clothes out in negative ions will cost you close to what it would cost to deck yourself out in jewels and bling. A beanie costs $96, and a cardigan costs $550. A blanket? $1,800.
Shoot, for $1,800, that blanket better be made with threads of angel hair and stuffed with feathers from Pegasus’s wings.
That, or it better really cure Parkinson’s.
Of course, there’s ZERO evidence of any of these products actually curing diseases, something not totally uncommon in MLMs (hint: Vida Divina, Xango, or Kyani). They might have some other benefits, though…
While a 2013 study by BMC Psychiatry concluded that negative ions had no consistent influence on anxiety, mood, relaxation, sleep, or comfort, the study did find slightly lower rates of depression associated with negative ions. That being said, those findings weren’t conclusive, and future research is needed. [1]
Another study showed that negative ions may be an effective treatment for seasonal depression. [2]
Finally, one study published in 2012 showed that negative ion fabrics can significantly improve the symptoms of eczema. [3]
So, the products might have some benefits, they were just way overstated by distributors. Typical.
Side Effects:
According to WebMD, there are virtually no side effects associated with negative ions (other than a bleeding wallet).
Compensation Plan
Commission rates at Nefful are a lot like having sex for the first time– not great, not terrible…it is what it is.
Nefful consultants make 20% commission on personal sales.
Leadership bonuses are available to higher level consultants, and it allows you to earn bonuses based on the sales volume of your team.
If you’re ranked even higher (Area General Manager and up), you can qualify for incentive bonuses. This includes a 2.5% volume bonus on the sales of your entire downline.
Residual commission are paid out on a unilevel structure to consultants ranked Manager or higher.
Managers make 10% down to the next Manager in their team.
Area Managers make 25% on Consultant Sales Volume (infinity levels deep) and 15% on sales volume of team members Manager level or higher.
Above Area Manager you get 30% commission on Consultant Sales Volume infinity levels deep and 20% on the sales volume of your team members who are Managers or up.
More complicated than it needs to be, but it basically means that unless you can recruit, recruit, recruit, build up a MASSIVE downline, and shoot like a rocket up to the highest level rankings, you’re not going to make any money.
The whole negative ion claim seems a little far fetched, but they might actually be onto something. It doesn’t matter whether or not the products actually make you feel good, though, because buying a $1,300 blanket is enough to make you qualify as legally insane.
It doesn’t matter how unaffordable their products are, though, because consultants don’t make money off personal sales. They make money off building a team with a huge downline.
So if you think you can make your way to the top of the pyramid by building a team of thousands of people interested in negative ion-infused underwear, you could give it a shot. Just don’t expect to quit your day job and be financially independent.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there.
The Negative Ion Clothing
Experience the Benefits of Wearing Negative Ion Clothing –
Combination of Human Wisdom & High-Technology from Japan
With Teviron, the protective fiber of high technology, it continuously produce anions when it touches the human body and through vibration. Covering your body from head to toe, this unique clothing will build up your immune system, something hard to come by these days.
Negative Ions we know are abundant in places, such as forests and beaches, but we cannot just be in these areas all the time. With Teviron clothing, including undergarments, socks, shirts and supporters, we can wear GREAT HEALTH all the time.
So simple, so convenient and so effective, Teviron health garment help fantastically against poor health and diseases to name a few such as:
Body Aches
Simply, negative ions can reduce harmful bacteria in the air your body accumulates everyday. By wearing it you carry around good health 24/7. You can avoid blood acidification caused by electron loss that often results to unknown aches and pains.
This garment also help in fight off infections, warming the body and increasing its resistance against sicknesses.
4 Special Qualities of Negative Ion Clothing

Negative Ion Clothing 4 Special Qualities
Negative Ion Clothing Can Help With The Following Health Problems
Autoimmune Disorders like MS, Lupus, IBS, and Crohn’s Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Skin Rashes
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain
Hearing Loss
Improve Blood Circulation
Joint Pains
Kidney Failure
Menstruation Pain
Manic Depression
Parkinson Disease
Prostate Problem
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sleep Apnea
Why You Should Try Negative Ion Clothing?
According to Asian Medical Journal, if the amount of negative ions in the air is:
1,000 to 2,000 per c.c., it is good for your health.
5,000 to 50,000 per c.c., your resistance to disease is improved and your immune system is strengthened.
100,000 to 500,000 per c.c., improves your body’s ability to self-heal and overcome illness.
Your body’s largest organ is your skin. We are able to absorb only 15% of the negative ions we breathe in while our skin has 85% efficiency.
Click Here to watch Youtube
By wearing the complete set of Negative Ion Clothing, you will be surrounded by even over 100,000 negative ions! Easy…Convenient…Very Effective!!!
Teijin Japan

A Brief History of Teviron Clothing & its Origin?
3-Fibre-PrizesTeviron was invented by Teijin Limited from Japan. The leading-edge technology used to produce Teviron clothing is complex. It has won many awards and acknowledgments including the Okochi Award, the highest honor in the Japanese fiber industry, the Chemistry Technological Award given by the prestigious Chemistry Association of Japan, and the Onshi Invention Award to recognize its contribution to the health of their Japanese people. Through referrals and word of mouth, this amazing clothing is now available to many people in many parts of the world.
Negative Ion (Anion) clothing is one of the best, most efficient and least invasive ways to help you and your loved ones improve and maintain good health.
Choose From A Variety of Products
The blanket and flat sheet are the best product in terms of the amount of negative ions generated. The human body restores itself during sleep. When the body is surrounded by negative ions in this crucial period of rest, cell rejuvenation would be increased. As a simple example, individuals suffering from insomnia have seen great relief after sleeping in the negative ion blankets.
Thermowear is the best product for clothing lines because of its thermal properties and generates a high amount of negative ions. Layering on top of the undergarments will increase negative ion absorptions throughout the body. This is highly recommended for people with chronic health conditions as it provides a full body coverage.
Sleepwear & Undergarment
Negative ion undergarments are key to keeping your vital organs healthy. If you wear a top (t-shirt, tank, or camisole) and a bottom (underwear or panties/briefs), you are covered in the core sections of your body.
Supporters are great at keeping the joints flexible. For those with chronic arthritis, gout pain in the knees, the elbows, the ankles or the wrists, these can greatly alleviate the pain by increase blood flow to the area and also neutralize the harmful effects of acids that have collected at the joints that cause these pains.
Socks & Accessories
The Negative ion socks increase blood flow to the feet to reduce swelling and any feet related conditions. Accessories like the scarves, the hats, and the wrist bands all provide warmth and added negative ion treatment to the throat, the head and anywhere else you can wrap these around.
Custom Products
What makes negative ion clothing valuable is the Teviron fiber that’s used to create the garments. The way the fiber is woven into the blanket and sheet also creates the strongest amount of negative ions. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness on the body, often, the blankets and the sheets can be customized and sewn into different product such as eye masks, neck warmers, bra inserts, face masks, waist support and hats. There is even small finger wraps that works great on those nagging joint pains in the fingers!
Customized products help deliver a powerful negative ion environment around you!
How Does it Feel to Wear Teviron Negative Ion Clothing?
Healthy people may not experience any discomfort. Some people will have an “improvement reaction” when they wear Teviron clothes. People who are half-healthy might experience discomfort, because the negative ion clothing and blankets will detoxify the body back to its normal state. One might experience red and swollen skin, warming, ticklish, diarrhea, dizzy, tired, sore muscles, and so on. These are sign of recovery so you should be happy about it. These reactions are not a side effect and you should not panic. Toxins need to come out so the cells can regenerate back to its healthy state. Don’t worry and keep wearing it and once it disappears, you feel pleasant, energetic and gain back your strength. Then you can recreate a healthy body.
Wear Anions

Take Action Now to Ensure Your Good Health
If you have chronic conditions and have tried all means to get better, why not try something that has been market tested for 55 years?
Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure. Negative Ion Clothing, has been and will continue to be, an effective alternative to improve and maintain a good health. Through the four(4) major benefits of negative ions your health may be improved. You simply change the clothes you wear, see it work for you and your loved ones.
So don’t hesitate! Take the first step to try out the various selection of undergarments, socks and accessories, bedding, etc from kids to adult; you’ll be making an investment on your health and those of your loved ones.
Teviron healthy negatively charged ions will have surprising effects.
– What is Teviron fiber?
– What is a Negative Ion?
– What are the advantages of Negative Ions for the human body?
– How does a Negative Ion clean the blood?
– How do we reinforce the activation of cells?
– How can we enhance resistance to disease?
– How can we adjust the autonomous nervous system?
– What effect does the Negative Ion have upon cells?
– Why can Negative Ions improve the body’s constitution?
– Does the Negative ion improve arteriosclerosis?
– How do Negative Ions help to fight infection?
– How do Negative Ions promote the activation nature of fermentation?
– How does the Negative Ion promote gastrointestinal motility?
– Why did Negative Ion fiber technology develop?
– How many kinds of Negative Ion fibers exist?
– Does the content of Negative Ions in air affect health?
– How about Teviron fiber’s ability to keep the body warm?
– Why does Teviron have prominent water vapor permeability and water permeability?
– How does Teviron produce Negative Ions on a long-term basis?
– Why is Teviron clothing safe?
– Why will health improve when people wear Negative Ion clothing?
– What is retardation reaction?
– What is anaphylaxis?
– What is excretion reaction?
– What is recovery reaction?
– Are there any side effects during the improvement response?
– How many kinds of Negative Ion clothing are available?
– Is Negative Ion clothing suitable for all ages?
– Can healthy people use Teviron?
– Is Teviron material durable?
– Can Teviron clothing be washed in a washing machine?
– What are the precautions when cleaning Negative Ion fiber?
– How can it be proven that Teviron can produce static electricity?
– My friend uses Teviron, but there are no “improvement reactions;” why is that?
– There are many abnormal phenomena in my body, such as problems in the intestine, stomach, and when I use Teviron, which part will react first?
– Do obese people have a slimming and body shaping effect with use of Teviron?
– I have foot sprain and joint swelling; can Teviron help?
– Can Teviron products improve sleep quality?
– Can Teviron lessen symptoms of gout?
– Can Negative Ions improve cardiovascular diseases?
– What effects do negative ions exert on live diseases?
– Can Negative Ions improve kidney stone symptoms?
– My mother has Diabetes, can Negative Ion clothing help her?
– Can Negative Ions improve uremia?
– Do Negative Ions have improving effects on tumors?
– My daughter catches cold frequently, can Negative Ion clothing help?
– Can Negative ions lessen menstrual cramping and pain?
– Will it aggravate hypersensitivity if hypersensitive constitution uses Teviron products?
– Can Negative ion clothing improve per arthritis in the shoulder?
– Do Negative ion products have effect on dermatophytosis?
What is Teviron fiber?
Chloridated polyethylene is the raw material of Teviron fiber. Chloridated polyethylene is extracted from petroleum, using acetone and benzene as solvents to make it fibrous. The main manufacturing place for Teviron fiber is located in the Yamaguchi country of Japan.
After a short time on the market in Japan, Teviron fiber has had the honor of receiving three prizes, including the OHKOUCHI Prize, (the topmost prize in the fiber realm of Japan), the Majestic Benefaction Invention Award (presented by Majesty Mikado Showa of Japan), and the High Molecule Institute prize (special honor in the chemistry industry).
Teviron fiber has many useful properties such as the ability to stay moist, incubation, permeation, effect of negative ions, and its fire retardant quality. All of these properties of the Teviron fiber are very beneficial for human health.
What is a Negative Ion?
When electrons collide with molecules in the air, scientists give the name “Ion” to the molecules carrying the electrons thus formed. Negatively charged molecules are called “negative ions.” If we liken this to the baseball, the pitcher is the positive ion, and the catcher is the negative ion.
In our daily lives, air pollution has become so serious that the negative ions are disappearing gradually, thus generating too many positive ions at the same time which is causing the air quality to get increasingly worse. When there are too many positive ions people may often experience headache, insomnia, neurasthenia, hypersensitivity, fatigue, respiratory passage disease and a host of other symptoms.
Negative ions serve to disinfect and clean the air after they combine together with bacteria, resulting in the death of bacteria which can no longer form other strains because of changes in structure and transfer of energy. This causes dead bacteria to settle on the ground, which is the main reason why bacteria decrease in number at the rate of 20% per minute in the air. Therefore, negative ion manufacturing technology aims at contributing to the elimination of particles in the air. When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply. By increasing the negative ion supply we may be able to increase both physical and mental comforts. The negative ion is a cleansing agent as well as a “vitamin of the air.”
What are the advantages of Negative Ions for the human body?
The main advantages of negative ions for the human body include cleansing of the blood, activation of cells, enhancement of the immune system, and adjustment of the autonomous nervous system.
How does a Negative Ion clean the blood?
A negative ion encourages blood circulation, supplies more nutrients and oxygen, cleanses the blood, and accelerates metabolism of wastes produced in the human body.
Blood of healthy people is alkaline with a pH value of about 7.35 to 7.45. Modern people are changing to unhealthy habits of food and drink, with more meat and fewer vegetables, which all tend to acidify the blood and create excessive acid material. This acid material deposits on joints, which may lead to arthritis.
The acidity or alkalinity of the blood is determined by the content of calcium (Ca2+) in the blood. Ca2+ plays an important role in the human body by controlling the heartbeat, nerve conduction, cerebrum thinking, skeleton growth, and circulation. The normal content of Ca2+ in blood serum is 4mg/100cc. When the content is 3mg/100cc, the body may feel exhausted; when the content is 2.5mg/100cc, the body may have chronic diseases; when the content is 1mg/100cc about, life may be at the edge of death.
Besides paying attention to healthy food and drink habits, such as eating more vegetables and less meat, negative ions are also helpful in maintaining the Ca2+ content at a normal level. After the human body is exposed to negative ions over a period of time, the level of Ca2+ may slowly near the normal state, blood may become alkaline, and furthermore, the blood will be cleansed.
How do we reinforce the activation of cells?
Every cell has a cellular membrane, a cell substance and nucleus. The Cellular membrane defends against foreign substances. There are many tiny gaps in the membrane to transport nutrition into cells and discharge metabolite out of cells. In addition, there are many microvilli on the surface which respond to surrounding changes. The cellular membrane is just like skin.
The Cell substance produces cell nutrition. It contains mitochondria, ribosome, Golgi bodies, and lysosomes. Mitochondria is an electricity station for cells, supplying energy (ATP). Ribosomes manufacture protein synthesis. Golgi bodies are in charge of packing and transporting nutrient substance (ATP, protein). Lysosomes digest metabolic waste and excrete it.
The Nucleus is in charge of replication, heredity, and regeneration. The nucleus is the core of the cell, much like a brain. When the living environment changes, the human body environment will also change; microvilli on the cellular membrane can respond to the change, transfer information to the nucleus, then give an order to manufacture energy, and cells will accommodate the environment by changing metabolism function and physical capacity.
Such changes can induce cell atrophy and death, hyperplasic or transformation to another type of cell, and during the transition process may form tumor cells.
When blood becomes acidified, cells become harder and thicker and cannot get enough nutrients, cell reactions will become weak, and metabolic wastes cannot be discharged out of cells, which leads to cellular necrosis. If blood is alkaline, it can supply enough nutrition for cells, cells need not change metabolic function, and thus an abnormal cell will not emerge.
When negative ions touch cells, the passageway function of the cell membrane activates to transport essential moisture, nutrients, and oxygen into cells, break down cytotoxin, and effect cell activation. Regenerated cells will be healthier and possess much more vitality.
How can we enhance resistance to disease?
Resistance is another term for immunity. The immune system contains the innate immunity system and acquired immunity system. The innate immunity system contains macrophage and natural killer cells. Macrophage can encircle a foreign body, and natural killer cells can clear away invading tumor cells. The acquired immunity system contains T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. The main function of the T lymphocyte is to identify foreign bacteria and viruses, while the B lymphocyte’s function is to generate antibodies and remember. If the same bacteria and virus invade again, B lymphocytes will produce the same antibody; so this is the axiom to vaccination.
Activation of cells will strengthen cellular immunity, make them more energetic, enhance the ability of leucocytes to phagocytize bacteria and viruses, speed up antibody production by lymphocytes, and increase antibody quantity. A strong immune system can kill bacteria and viruses, and cure illness.
How can we adjust the autonomous nervous system?
The autonomous nervous system mainly controls functions of respiration, circulation, digestion, metabolism which cannot be controlled by self-consciousness.
The autonomous nervous system includes adrenergic nerves and parasympathetic nerves. The adrenergic nerves effect muscle tension and nerves which activate in the daytime to consume energy. By contrast, the parasympathetic nerves slacken the body, and it is a nighttime nerve, which improves the functions of internal organs. Modern people eat acidic food and get insufficient exercise, which acidifies the blood, they become tired easily, have a constitution with acidic pH values, and have elevated blood pressure. As the blood pressure increases, blood tends to be more acidic, thus entering a vicious cycle and creating somatopsychic disturbance.
Negative ions can improve ion permeability of cell membranes, and elevate membrane potential. The nerve cell is the most prominent in this, and it transforms outside stimulations into nerve pulsing and transmits to the neural system in the brain, which is most sensitive.
Under the pressures of modern society, many factors assault the brain center directly causing autonomous nervous system disturbance, adrenergic nerve and parasympathetic nerve disturbances, as well as mental and physical disorders. Negative ions can reverse the unhealthy situation, bring nerve cell membrane potential to a normal level, cause blood to become more alkaline, normalize physical capacity, and end the vicious cycle as they restore perfection to both body and mind.
What effect does the Negative Ion have upon cells?
Modern civilization and technology cause many problems for which there are no evident reasons, such as aches, high blood pressure, irritability, drumming sound in the ears, and so on, which may be termed “civilization sequelae”. The vast numbers of electrical equipment and cars, which we rely upon in our modern lifestyles, increase our exposure to positive ions. Too many positive ions in our environment can make us feel rage, irascible, muscle-bound, spikes in blood pressure, and difficulty breathing.
In 1986, Dr. Kiueger conducted some tests in which positive ions and negative ions were introduced into the body through the skin and respiratory tract, and these tests proved that the negative ion has physiological functions as follows (the reverse results for positive ions):
A) Increases lung capacity.
B) Accelerates villus movement and decreases blood pressure and heartbeat rate.
C) Releases neuropathic hormone Scrotnin and brings the metabolism rate over bx 50%.
D) Releases Histamine in the body and elevates the metabolism rate over bx 50%.
E) Promotes Central Nervous System health and cell membrane normalization.
F) Promotes endocrine and metabolic normalization.
Cells make up the human body, mitochondria are electric stations for cells, as they absorb nourishment for the cells, change it into energy for the body, and maintain physiologic function. Cells are charged by the mitochondria for maintenance of cell membrane potential and surface charge normalization, and for absorption of and discharge of foreign bodies.
After negative ions enter cells, they will reinforce mitochondria to generate electric normalization; and the negative ions will assist cells to absorb or remove foreign bodies. When negative ions enter the body by way of the skin, it can alter the charge of the cell in the human body. Negative ion exposure can soften cell tissue for reinforcement, soften red blood cells and smooth blood circulation, causing the blood pressure to decrease and normalize naturally. Negative ion exposure can also help to decrease aching in the waist and the back, help the trachea villi to work normally, and help treat diseases of the respiratory passage, which can become normal without other treatment.
Why can Negative Ions improve the body’s constitution?
Negative ions can affect ATPase activation inside the cell membrane, improve synthesis of ATP, activate membrane ion permselectivity, and will affect ion normalization on the inside and outside of the cells. At the same time, excess calcium ions and sodium ions will transmigrate to the blood, while stagnate calcium ions and magnesium ions (Mg2+) in the blood will transmigrate to the cell, adjust the exterior and interior balance of cells, and enhance membrane potential in the body.
Negative ion permselectivity of migratory sodium ion and calcium ion (alkaline ion) can balance out acid toxin (lactic acid and ketone bodies), clean the blood and keep it alkaline. The result is acid-base equilibrium normalization. Even when the negative ion is broken off outside, it can still maintain ATP synthesis for a long time. Repeated negative ion exposure can improve the body’s constitution completely; as the stimulation of negative ions activate gamma globulin, which improves immunity in the body, enhances resistance against high blood pressure, and makes the body healthy.
Does the Negative ion improve arteriosclerosis?
Once blood becomes acidic, cholesterol metabolizes abnormally; cholesterol sticks to the blood vessel wall and induces arteriosclerosis. Ingesting full strength vegetable oil (unsaturated fatty acid) can flush excess cholesterol. On the other hand, vegetable oil acidifies easily, and produces lipofuscin (peracid lipid), which is a cause of aging. To promote good health it is necessary to depress acidification in the human body. After negative ions exert their effects, the cell membrane becomes smooth with good permselectivity, and cell membrane metabolism normalizes, thus preventing membrane aging. When the cell membrane of the vessel wall changes, it induces arteriosclerosis; but negative ion exposure can effect its normalization.
How do Negative Ions help to fight infection?
When negative ions have effects on the body, the potassium (K+) and magnesium (Mg2+) in the blood will transfer into cells. Potassium contains a substance that can alleviate pain in cells, help fight infection, and promote wound recovery.
How do Negative Ions promote the activation nature of fermentation?
The efficacy of negative ions lies in aiming at regulating the acid base of blood, and acid normalization of cells. The result is to make the main part of the cell’s interior metabolism activate a fermentation process. Fermentation is very active; and without fermentation there is no life force. In order to activate fermentation, a suitable blood pH is absolutely necessary, as the pH of blood determines the proper acidity of cells.
Cleansing the blood and maintaining blood alkalinity are very important for our health. The effect of the liver is just like fermentation; to make the blood more alkaline. Activating the blood through fermentation can improve the function of the liver.
Another reason to increase the function of fermentation is the increase of urea in blood. Urea is a metabolic product of meat (protein), which is discharged from the kidney. Therefore, eating excessive meat will damage the function of the liver because of urea synthesis. Increase of urea in the blood will pollute the blood at the same time which will not only lower fermentation activity, but also aggravate the burden to the kidney. Negative ion exposure will cleanse the blood, activate fermentation, and lessen the burden on the liver and kidney.
How does the Negative Ion promote gastrointestinal motility?
Meat causes abnormal bacterium and decomposes in the intestinal tract. The toxins (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, phenol) which are produced will be released into the body. In order to attenuate, the liver must work excessively as the toxins move into the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. The toxins can cause arteriosclerosis, hypertension, aching in the waist and back, cancer, and so on. Because putrefaction has a pungent odor, feces and flatulence have a pungent odor. Once they decay in the intestines, they produce a great deal of ammonia, and induce alkali in the intestines. Due to stimulation by toxins, the intestines will strain, which induces constipation. If we apply negative ions treatment, it promotes peristalsis of intestines, recovers normal activity of fermentation, and prevents putrefaction even more. Negative ions create good health through eliminating toxins in the intestines with normal defecation of bodily waste.
Why did Negative Ion fiber technology develop?
Now that we know that the negative ion has so many advantages, we may incorporate it into clothing through negative ion technology. When people wear clothing that contain negative ions, they are surrounding themselves with a “Negative Ion Shield”, thus limiting any problems that may arise from the positive ions in the air.
How do we make negative ion clothing? Since 1938, Japan has conducted research on the feasibility of “negative ion fibers”. Through more than 20 years of research, high-tech procedures have successfully solved this problem. As long as people wear clothing made from negative fibers, they will have active cells, which will enhance their immune system resistance and lighten the discomfort of chronic diseases.
How many kinds of Negative Ion fibers exist?
To date, we know that negative ion fibers contain: Teviron fiber, polypropylene fiber, ecological fiber, and super thin crude cotton fiber.
Among the fibers listed above, the developmental history of Teviron fiber is the longest, its application is the broadest, and there is persistent research and improvement of this fiber. Teviron fiber has gathered many favorable opinions.
Does the content of Negative Ions in air affect health?
There are many elderly people reaching the age of one hundred in a village on the Chinese mainland. According to investigations by relevant departments, the secret of this “longevity village” is due to the high content of negative ions in the local air (20 thousand per cc) as well as other contributing lifestyle factors of habits, diet, drink and so on. Therefore, the oldest person in the village is one hundred and forty. By contrast, according to results from informal tests, the average household and office in the cities, has a content of negative ions of only one hundred and fifty per CC in the air! According to some reports in the Asia Medical Journal, when negative ions (commonly known as FenDuoJing) in the air reach one thousand to two thousand per CC, is beneficial for human health; when the content of negative ions reaches five thousand to fifty thousand per CC, they are able to reinforce resistance and immunity in the body. In addition, if the content of negative ions reaches one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand per CC, they may cure some diseases.
How about Teviron fiber’s ability to keep the body warm?
The Industry of Public Health Academy of Japan compared five different materials by experimenting with cotton, wool, man-made silk, Acrylic, and Teviron. They manufactured five elbow protectors in the same manner out of each material; one arm wore the elbow protector, while the other did not. They observed the difference in the skin surface temperature of each of the two arms, at the same temperature. The result demonstrated no distinct differences between the arms at about 25 degrees Celsius; however, the temperature of the arm wearing Teviron was much high than the other, as the control temperature descended. The other materials did not differ significantly in temperature between each of the two arms. The results indicated the ability of keeping warm with Teviron is superior to the other materials. In other words, under general conditions, there is not a distinct temperature difference with any materials; however, once the temperature descends to a very low level; the warmth of Teviron material will be very noticeable.
In light of all the results, Teviron was able to stay moist three times longer than cotton and two times longer than wool. In the past, wool was considered to be the best material to keep the body warm, but now Teviron changes this orthodox impression.
Why does Teviron have prominent water vapor permeability and water permeability?
Researchers have tested the water vapor permeability and water permeability of clothing. In the tests, subjects wear clothing made of half Teviron and half cotton, then the subjects run until they sweat. When humidity reaches 80%, the subjects stop running, are time tested from sweat to dry, and the result is made into a humidity percentage curve diagram. We find that Teviron only needs about 10 minutes to dry; but cotton needs about 40 minutes.
Cotton fiber was considered to have powerful absorption, with cotton clothing absorbing better than many other fabrics; so it is commonly thought that we should wear cotton clothing in summer. In fact, cotton clothing takes up water easily, but besides absorption by the cotton fiber, water will also fill up blank spaces between cotton fibers, and evaporation is difficult. Therefore, cotton clothing retains the sweat on the skin and may feel uncomfortable.
Because the absorption rate of Teviron is zero, when perspiration occurs, sweat hides at the back of the fiber, and the water quickly evaporates. Therefore, Teviron clothing can make people feel comfortable and it is also beneficial for human health.
How does Teviron produce Negative Ions on a long-term basis?
We can use a simple flow chart to demonstrate the production process of Teviron.
Petroleum – – – Chloridated Polyethylene
Acetone – – – Beneze =?>>>TEVIRON
During this process of production, chlorine (Cl) plays an important role. In the periodic table, chlorine is seventeenth; in other words, Cl has seventeen protons (carries positive electricity) and seventeen electrons (carries negative electricity).
According to calculated results by chemists, Cl must get one electron from the air to arrive at a stable state; so there will be more electrons than protons, which makes Teviron have negative electricity. If Teviron rubs against anything it will always produce negative ions.
In order to understand information about every fiber which produces negative ions, the Fiber Industry Research Institute of Japan uses eight common fibers for experiments. These fibers are: Teviron, nylon, wool, cotton, silk, acrylic, tetoron, and man-made resin fiber. Researchers use two different fibers to rub against, and observe the state of charge.
Among the eight tested fibers, only Teviron still has negative electricity, no matter which kind of fiber rubs against it.
Why is Teviron clothing safe?
If the index of oxygen in the air is less than LOI 24– (limit of oxygen index); many materials may be likely to burn. For example, if the LOI of cotton is at 19-21, it is combustible. The LOI of Teviron is between 35-37; therefore, it is not flammable. Once Teviron is exposed to fire, it will burn with a blackened color and give off an abnormal smell, and thus attracting our immediate attention. Teviron material will not burn for long or ignite other things. Teviron material has been determined to be fireproof in Japan. Therefore, Teviron is a safety fiber. Teviron fiber is considered to be healthy clothing and there are no side effects.
Why will health improve when people wear Negative Ion clothing?
Cells make up the human body; and in order to sustain vital movement, all kinds of cells must move all the time. When the body feels sick and a person wears Teviron clothing, negative ions will help the cells to work normally. Cells not only have their own functions, but they also have the added burden of returning to their normal state. When they are not in the situation of overloading, cells, will improve naturally. However, improvement “symptoms” are different with every person, buy may include swelling, fever, itching, acne, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, bone and muscle pain. Except for improvement, we can classify them into four types: retardation, allergies, excretion, and convalescence.
What is retardation reaction?
When a person is sick for a long time, the body gets used to an invaded state, and makes an effort to adapt, to coexist with diseases, thus forming an imbalance. Many nutrients and cells must work for cytothesis especially, and people may feel fatigue and lethargic.
For example, if the liver becomes diseased or a person has a tendency to move slowly, the body will become accustomed to a slow rhythm, and once the balance is broken down, a retardation reaction will appear. After the liver function returns to normal, the improvement reaction will naturally appear.
What is anaphylaxis?
People usually take medicine or have an injection when feeling ill, but the disease will still exist, as the effect of medicine is to suppress only the symptoms. After contact with negative ions, the human body’s metabolism will strengthen, circulation will increase, and people will experience various kinds of anaphylaxis: constipation, allocate, pain, swelling, or perspiration.
Patients of rheumatism, gout, and neuralgia always get ill acutely, then fall into chronic diseases gradually, and after a long period these chronic diseases will settle down to stable state. These kinds of patients may return to an acute state, so after wearing Teviron, their pain may be severe at first, then return to normal slowly, just like a video tape rewinds, and the plots plays back.
In addition, if the body has abnormal chronic disease, after contact with negative ions, the responses will happen at the worst stage and each stage will see more positive results. If this is the case, do not worry about it; instead, the person should feel happy that he is recovering.
What is excretion reaction?
When people have problems with elimination such as constipation or diarrhea, this state usually happens at acid physical capacity and with patients who take medicine for long-term conditions. Modern people tend to overeat, abuse drugs, lack normal bowel movements, or have loose bowels which cause toxins to accumulate, they physical capacity changes into acidity and releases too much active oxygen into the body. This causes cancer, aging, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases. If a rash appears, skin changes, urine color changes, or flatulence increases after contact with negative ions, it means that the body is eliminating toxins and decomposing waste, so do not worry about it.
What is recovery reaction?
A recovery reaction happens with patients who have blood circulation disturbance, congestion in the body, and turbid blood. The disease is a manifestation of a mass death of cells. After contact with negative ions, cells activate, acid toxins decompose gradually and are eliminated, blood will be cleansed, and physical capacity will improve. Cells regenerate considerably at this time, and patients may also experience itching, convulsions, and pain. These are all normal responses before health improves, especially for patients with fatal diseases, and severely ill persons. This is because they have had too many dead cells and their cells need to regenerate considerably; so their responses are very intense.
Are there any side effects during the improvement response?
Japanese molecule rectification professor, Akaba Yoshio, said that not every person had improvement responses, as people whose health was good may not have a reaction, and those who did suffer were usually not well to begin with. Because it is the premonition of recovery, it is worth emphasizing that all of the above reactions are not improvement ones, and after improvement reactions disappear, people will feel an increase in their physical capacity, euphoria, every reserves, just like they felt perhaps when they were five or ten years younger. These responses can be explained from a medical point of view. However, improvement reactions are different with each person. If a person cannot tolerate the reaction, they may remove the negative ion clothing, then wear it again after their symptoms disappear. After several such alternations, improvement responses will disappear spontaneously. It may take continuous exposure to negative ion clothing to improve the reaction, so do not worry if you experience temporary symptoms.
Symptoms may vary and involve different factors. Since blood circulates throughout the entire body, it is best to wear a set of negative ion clothing which covers the whole body, and also increase water intake by about 3000cc, and drink more milk.
How many kinds of Negative Ion clothing are available?
At presents products made by Teviron not only include basic clothing, but also gloves, stockings, scarves, accessories, bed sheets, and wool blankets among others. Teviron clothing is designed for children, teenagers, women, men, athletic clothing, for specific health problems and many other purposes.
Is Negative Ion clothing suitable for all ages?
Teviron is a very good fiber which is suitable for every age group. Teviron clothing is safe and beneficial for women during pregnancy and will not harm the fetus and may also assist in proper fetus development. Teviron clothing is suitable for the elderly aged peoploe as it can improve on the aging symptoms. Teviron clothing can help all ages to attain good health.
Can healthy people use Teviron?
Two thousand years ago, a traditional Chinese medicine book recorded the Emperor Huang Medicine Theory, “Prevention is more important than the cure;” which is also advocated by modern medicine. With traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine agreeing on this point, both healthy and sick persons are able to wear Teviron material for the purpose of prevention and maintaining their health.
Is Teviron material durable?
Though nothing lasts forever, the durability of the Teviron material depends on proper care. Incorrect washing is the main cause of the Teviron material wearing out, and proper washing way can prolong its use. If you care properly for your Teviron material and keep it in good repair, its beneficial negative static electricity properties will not disappear.
Can Teviron clothing be washed in a washing machine?
If you want to wash Teviron clothing in a washing machine, here are some suggestions for you to follow:
A) Put the Teviron clothing in a net bag and then put it into a washing machine.
B) Use the delicate setting on your washing machine.
C) Use a delicate rinse cycle, limit the time to 1-2min.
What are the precautions when cleaning Negative Ion fiber?
Due to the manufacturing process of Teviron products, in order to maintain their function for a long time, please pay careful attention to cleaning and conservation:
A)Temperature cannot exceed 60 degrees Celsius.
Water temperature cannot exceed 60 degrees Celsius. You may put it in the sun, but do not put it on a heat conductor, such as steel or iron. Avoid contact with extreme heat, which should shrink the fabric and affect the soft feel of the fabric by making it stiffer.
B)Do not wash with other clothing.
Because Teviron absorbs dirt from other clothing easily, wash it separately from other clothing.
C)Avoid using ablution products to prevent static electricity.
Because ablution products for preventing static electricity (softeners, anti-static electricity agents) will form a film on the fibers, these products will interfere with the effect of negative ions. Bleach should also be avoided and if it is used by accident, it should be rinsed thoroughly with water, or rewashed with special detergent.
How can it be proven that Teviron can produce static electricity?
We can use a static electricity tester to test it, or by rubbing clean and dry Teviron in a dark room with low humidity it will produce a shade of green light, indicating negative static electricity.
How can it be proven that Teviron can produce static electricity?
We can use a static electricity tester to test it, or by rubbing clean and dry Teviron in a dark room with low humidity it will produce a shade of green light, indicating negative static electricity.
My friend uses Teviron, but there are no “improvement reactions;” why is that?
There are two cases for no improvement reactions; firstly, if there is no illness or abnormality, and the other is that there are negative improvement reactions.
Everybody has a different physical condition, lifestyle habits, eating habits, and adaptive capacity, so Teviron has different effects for each individual. In addition, improvement reactions also have positive and negative improvement reactions. Positive reactions are experienced in the body, but negative reactions may be so subtle as to hardly be noticed.
There are many abnormal phenomena in my body, such as problems in the intestine, stomach, and live, when I use Teviron, which part will react first?
The worst part will react first. Suppose the problem is with the stomach, then the reaction will happen with the stomach first, and after the stomach improves, then improvement will occur in other parts of the body. In order to bring into full play the mysterious effect of Teviron, chronic disease patients need to be patient and allow some time for the negative ion treatment to work.
Do obese people have a slimming and body shaping effect with use of Teviron?
Teviron does not create bodybuilding effects by itself, but Teviron produces negative ions which can activate cells, encourage blood circulation, and encourage metabolism so not only will waste not accumulate, but obesity will decrease.
Teviron is used in both athletic clothing and women’s garments, such as underwear. Close contact with negative ions may help you to maintain your figure.
I have foot sprain and joint swelling; can Teviron help?
Teviron can reduce or alleviate swelling and pain, and improve recovery time; but if the sprain involves injury to the ligaments or bone, it may be necessary to seek medical treatment.
Can Teviron products improve sleep quality?
Our sleep is controlled by parasympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system. When the parasympathetic nerve works normally, it can make the body rest, so that sleep quality will improve naturally. Negative ions produced by Teviron fiber can make the parasympathetic nerve work normally, therefore using Teviron clothing and pajamas may improve your sleep quality.
Can Teviron lessen symptoms of gout?
Gout is usually caused by blood acidification, when acid substances deposit in joints in a crystal state, which result in joint swelling and pain. After the body is in contact with negative ions for some time, the content of calcium ions in the blood will tend to normalize gradually. Blood will gradually become more alkaline, thus cleansing the blood and lessening symptoms of gout.
Can Negative Ions improve cardiovascular diseases?
Negative ions can adjust autonomic nerves, promote the current flow of blood to conduct normally, and maintain or recover normal heart rate. The most important thing is to prevent oxygenation of free radicals, avoid blockage of the blood, improve the state of blood vessels and blood flow, activate cells, smooth the cells of the blood vessel wall. To prevent or improve angiosclerosis, remove the factor of hypertension to solve the puzzle of cardiovascular diseases.
What effects do negative ions exert on live diseases?
A. Prevent the liver from viral infection.
Negative ions can activate the cell, enhance liver reticuloendothelial cell energy, and decrease the ability of phagocytes virus. Therefore, the negative ions can help to prevent viruses from invading the liver. Once infection occurs, negative ions can stimulate the B lymphocytes, produce antibodies, and strengthen phagocytes of macrophages and leucocytes, diminish liver viruses, and shorten the course of illness.
B. Promote liver function and improve fatty liver.
The chemical function of the liver is controlled by the autonomic nerves. Negative ions can help to normalize the work of the autonomic nerves, decompose metabolic fat function at a normal level, and improve and prevent fatty liver.
C. Improve oxygen content, cleanse the blood, and prevent cirrhosis of liver.
Cirrhosis of the liver is related to infection and autoimmunity. Negative ions increase the oxygen content of the red blood cell, improve the hypoxia state of liver cells, promote blood circulation, and help to regenerate liver cells. Negative ions can also activate liver cells, and prevent liver cells from injury which may induce hepatic fibrosis. They also have the effect of preventing cirrhosis of the liver.
D. Increase SOD, prevent and cure aggravation of hepatoma.
SOD (superoxide dismutase) is an illustrious antioxidant, which usually lies in the brain, heart and liver, but it decreases with the age. According to researchers, once the body comes in contact with negative ions, it will increase its cactivation of SOD, counteract active oxygen, reduce free radical injury to the nucleus, reduce the gene mutation rate, and prevent hepatoma.
Postoperative hepatoma patients usually undergo chemotherapy. Negative ions will produce massive HO free radicals which to increase immunity. Allowing the body to come in contact with negative ions can help counteract free radicals, eliminate side effects of chemotherapy, elevate effects of therapy and improve living quality.
Can Negative Ions improve kidney stone symptoms?
Negative ions help to adjust the blood calcium concentration, prevent decalcification, reduce uring calcium, avoid the formation of renal calculus, adjust the blood pH value, and prevent uric acid calculus. Negative ions can repair injuries to the kidney and urethra induced by kidney stones, avoid the formation of scar tissue, and prevent uric acid calculus from accumulating in scar tissue, thus preventing an accumulation of calculus.
My mother has Diabetes, can Negative Ion clothing help her?
To treat diabetes one usually injects insulin thus causing a long-term dependence on the drug and inducing degeneration in the areas of hyperinsulinism. Negative ions function will adjust the endocrine secretion, stimulate areas of hyperinsulinism to produce insulin, and relieve the symptoms of diabetes.
The primary function of negative ions include: improving arteriosclerosis, promoting blood circulation, improving retinal hemorrhage, enhancing activation of pancreas b (beta) cells, increasing the volume of insulin secretion, activating skin and muscle tissue, promoting epidermis and granulation production, accelerating wound healing; activation of the kidney, improving renal failure, enhancing the vigor of leucocytes, lessening wound inflammation symptoms, increasing bacteriostatic action, and obviating skin ulceration.
Can Negative Ions improve uremia?
Negative ion clothing may be worn to prevent aggravation of some kidney abnormalities such as uremia. Because the negative ion has a blood cleansing function, it can improve on arteriosclerosis; activate renal tubule smooth muscle cell; facilitate metabolic discharge; promote the kidney to excrete the haematogenesis hormone and vitamin D thus improving anemia; adjust autonomic nerves; and improve the side effects of dialysis, such as blood pressure unsteadiness, skin itching and muscle cramp.
Do Negative Ions have improving effects on tumors?
After understanding the causes behind cancer, we are able to prevent the cells’ carcinomatous production, reduce threats from cancer by cleaning the active oxygen in the body and reducing the attack on and damage to cell membranes.
As mentioned above, active oxygen induces many diseases; negative ions are sharp weapons used to destroy active oxygen. Because negative ions carry one more electron than others, the negative ion can give it to the active oxygen, and create active oxygen stabilization. When we change the composition of active oxygen it will not aggressively destroy the cell membrane and cell nucleus again.
Also, negative ions can activate and upgrade cell functions, and make insufficiently functioning cells change into healthy cells, so that the cancer cells are not able to infiltrate. They can also adjust autonomic nerves and bring endocrine levels to normal.
My daughter catches cold frequently, can Negative Ion clothing help?
Using negative ion fiber products can activate cell function, and make trachea cilia work normally and enhance white cell phagocytes. Negative ions can induce the glandular organ to excrete mucus which contain antibodies and interferon so the lysozymes can eliminate the virus, and the cold will improve quickly. Negative ion clothing will assist the immune system to help prevent against the common cold.
Can Negative ions lessen menstrual cramping and pain?
Negative ion fiber products are the most suitable thing for women during the menstrual period. Since negative ions can adjust autonomic nerves, adjust hormones to reach normal levels, and relax and smooth contracted uterine muscle, it will eliminate menstrual pain and cramping. In addition, Teviron fibers keeps the body warm which can obviate menstrual pain caused by a chill. Using Teviron clothing will be most effective.
Will it aggravate hypersensitivity if hypersensitive constitution uses Teviron products?
Teviron produces negative ions which can enhance immunity, adjust the body’s physical capacity, thus improving on hypersensitivity.
Can Negative ion clothing improve per arthritis in the shoulder?
Patients who have retro gradation of joints, injury, and muscle tendon infection, which causes increase and decrease joint fluids in the shoulder joints are limited in their activity. Patients who use negative ion fiber products may facilitate proper nerve conduction, strengthen the blood supply, and recovery quickly from inflammation. Negative ions’ activation function can improve joint regeneration, fibroblast cell matrix, and recover shoulder joint to normality.
Do Negative ion products have effect on dermatophytosis?
People whose feet sweat and wear air-proof footgear for long periods of time will have difficulty with perspiration, as the bacteria of feet multiply easily in moist surroundings. Especially at the toe, patients may feel itching, and desquamating, and some may ulcerate. This is called dermatophytosis. Usually sweating of the feet is controlled by autonomic nerves.
Negative ions can adjust autonomic nerves, improve excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, activate cells, and repair parts of ulcerate and scaling rapidly. Water vapor permeability and water permeability of Teviron can keep feet dry. Therefore, using Teviron products long-term can obviate and improve dermatophytosis.
Acute Leukemia
Name: Chun shi zhel, Taiwan
Product use: Whole set Life is so unpredictable. In June 2002 my life went through a big change. I was diagnosed with acute leukemia. My first symptom was a cold. I went to 4 different doctors and they all said I had a cold. In addition to the cold symptoms I had diarrhea, poor appetite, dizziness, general discomfort and I had lost a lot of weight. I thought it was because I was working too hard. When my vision became impaired and I was seeing black spots, I realize it was serious. I went to the hospital and I was diagnosed with acute leukemia. This was like a death sentence. I felt like someone had hit me with a base ball bat. Life became dark with depression. After chemo therapy my immune system decreased and I developed pulmonary edema. I continued to have diarrhea. The Doctor notified my family because I was in critical condition in an isolation room at the hospital. My parents would not give up. They brought lots of negative ion clothing and bedding in to the isolation room for me to use it. I am so thankful that my primary doctor knows the benefits of negative ion clothing and he permitted it to be brought into isolation room. My parents brought me 3 sets of negative ion clothing including: blankets, supports and Eskimo shirts and pants. After chemo therapy I had to change clothes every 3 to 4 hours and my blanket every 3 days because the clothes and blanket reeked with a chemical and medication stench. The negative ion clothing took all of the chemicals out of my body right out through my skin. Those chemicals and medications from chemo therapy must be excreted or they cause kidney failure and then dialysis is the only way to get it out. After chemo therapy blood counts must rebound and are critical for fighting infections and complications. Lots of patients lose their lives because of this. The negative ion clothes helped me to recover and rebound more quickly. My energy level improved more quickly than others. I had a comparatively much shorter recovery time then others. After chemo therapy, while I was waiting for a bone marrow transplant, the SARS epidemic over-took Taiwan. The Nefful products got me through this time of crisis when I was not able to get a bone marrow transplant for an extended period. This product helped me safely pass this critical waiting period, and it helped my bone marrow transplant go smoothly. For example: when a farmer plants his field, the seed needs rich soil to harvest a good crop. The same thing is true with a bone marrow transplant: if the body is in healthy nourished physical condition it accepts the bone marrow transplant easily. The usual hospital stay after a bone marrow transplant is more then 40 days but only took me 28 days. After I was discharged I had to take cortisone to prevent my body from rejecting the bone marrow. Every time I went back to see the doctor they continued to decrease the dosage. As of Jan 2005 I no longer need medications. Now after using this amazing Nefful product for one and half years, not only am I without need for medication, I was able to travel to Egypt for one month and lead a normal life. Prevention is more important than therapy". Your health is priceless and you should take care of it. You should take care of your health when you are in good condition. Don’t think you are young and healthy and disease is far from you. This product can give you a good immune system. I am so thankful that my parents introduced this product to me. I am thankful that the Nefful Company has such amazing products available to help people live a healthy lifestyle.
Breast cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Media: TVBS website
Subject: Tang Hsiu-Pin stands up again Overcome breast cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis!
(Reporter: Chuang Chih-Wei, Peng Kuang-Hsu reported in Taipei)Seven years ago, a woman, named Tang Hsiu-Pin, who suffered breast cancer accused her husband of an abortive homicide because her husband intentionally concealed her disease, and this case shocked the public. For several years, she suffered and almost died from the seriously deteriorating disease, and she also suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis which disabled her, but now she has defeated the serious illnesses and stands up again. She uses her own experience to help more people to overcome their difficulties. Standing up from the sofa with the support of a cane is a simple action, but it is a miracle that Tang Hsiu-Pin who once was unable to stand up for five years for serious arthritis. Tang Hsiu-Pin: " I'm very happy, but after I stood up, I had a new perception of my own experience, I found that my friends that were part these years are not as lofty as I imagined them before". You may forget that seven years ago this pleasant woman accused her betraying husband, who was a doctor, of intentionally concealing her breast cancer with the purpose of terminating their marriage, which was reported in newspapers as a lead story. Later, when her state of illness was in crisis, she decided to forgive her former husband and withdraw the accusation. Tang Hsiu-Pin: "I am really thankful that God has my life suffer from the painful torments. Due to the pain, I could comfort some people. Because I have gone through the pain and get better and better now, I could inspire other people." Tang Hsiu-Pin: "scarf ! 430, Bye-Bye! As my body keeps improving and I can move more and more freely, my desire for living on becomes stronger and stronger"Her arthritis became serious because of her cancer, as a result she had been paralyzed for fives years and often faced death until July of last year when some friends introduced her the negative ions clothing. Her illness was relieved after she started to wear those clothes, at last she can stand again and uses her own experience to promote the product, and can keep the pot boiling.
From TVBS website
Link of the original article:
Date: 2004/03/2
2 yrs. old child had Tumor in her eye
Mae Hua, Taiwan
Product used: whole set
July 2002
At the end of 1995 I noticed that my daughter had a yellow spot in her eye. I took her to our local hospital to check it out. My daughter had developed a malignant tumor in her retina. I was told that the chances of getting this kind of tumor were very rare. The Doctor said that the only way to save her was to remove her eye ball. Sometimes hospitals make a mistake in their diagnosis. I hoped this was the case. I went to another excellent big hospital in Taiwan and the prognosis was the same. We decided to go ahead with the surgery to remove the whole eye ball. After the surgery the Doctor assured us that there was no more malignancy. We brought our daughter home and in less than 3 months the malignant tumor came back. We went back to the hospital. We started radiation and chemotherapy on my poor little child. She lost her hair, her lips were dry and sore, she had nausea and vomiting. The whole therapy treatment took 2 years to finish. This kind of therapy is very harmful for a 2 year old child. I was looking for the blessing in my sorrow for my child. I kept thinking that everything happens for a good reason.
In October of 1999 when I took my daughter back to the hospital for a check up, Sufan, introduced us to the negative ion clothing. She said this product would increase my daughter immunity to illness. I thought these clothes would not cause any bad side effects and they would be easy to use. I got a few items of clothing for my daughter. After 5 months my daughter frequency of getting colds decreased. So I bought her the whole set and she got healthier and healthier. When I took her to the check up, the doctor found that she had grown 12 cm taller. He thought this was very unusual because children who are exposed to radiation and chemotherapy don't grow like that. He was afraid that the brain may have another tumor which may have stimulated her growth hormone to make her grow so tall. They did a cat scan and results were normal. My daughter doesn't have to go to the emergency room any more. Her speed of growth is better than a normal child.
Even me, since I was a little kid I got bronchitis and coughs a lot. After I used the negative ion products this improved. I believe that the Teveron clothing has miracle results. It has made it possible for my whole family to have a happier and healthier life. After using the product for 9 months I quit my job with accounting. Now I am involved with a full time commitment to the Nefful business. I am helping more people with their health and their wealth.
Thanks to Sufan, my angel, who introduced me to negative ion clothing. I consider it such a blessing that I am in the Nefful family. This amazing miracle fiber is a blessing to me.
Cerebral Palsy
Uie Lin 2 and a half year old girl
Premature baby born at 7 month
Mother - Tung Sue Jan
Product used: Whole set
During my daughter delivery her brain did not get enough oxygen. Her right and left brain hemorrhaged. The doctor assessed cerebral palsy. This was followed by all extremity handicaps. We relied on rehab to help her. June 2001 she started rehab. She has been in Rehab for about 2 years. Until now there has been no improvement in her hands. Her feet are still stiff. At the end of March 2003 my sister told me about a miracle fiber called Teviron that was helping people. In the beginning of April I bought the whole set of negative ion clothes for my daughter. In May she was eating by herself and was improving a lot. Now my daughter can memorize poems. She can count 1 to 10 and she can recognize and name the colors. In daily communication she can express her self well. Her extremities and her hands and feet have no problems at all. She can move any way she wants. She has good hand eye coordination and good large and small motor skills. Now she can walk with big steps and she can crawl. When she sits down she can stand up with the support of the rail. My daughter used to be very agitated with a bad temper. Now she is mellow and gentle. She constantly had lung congestion. She had mucus all of the time now her lungs are clear. As a parent I am so happy to see my child have health and a normal life. There is nothing you can compare to the joy of seeing your child healthy. It is most important.
Arrhythmia, high blood pressure, Perspiring hands, menopause.
Sue Sie Zhin, Taiwan
Product use: whole set
Since I was a child I have been sick and weak. I have always had medical problems. March of this year my friend introduced me to negative ion products. I was happy because I believed this is the start of my good life. I purchased 2 whole sets of negative ion clothes. My husband and I used it diligently. Soon my monthly cramps went away. Three weeks after starting to use these special clothes my heart prolapsed which caused my murmur and arrhythmia no longer bothered me. Now I don't have tightness in my chest or perspiring hands. This is the first time in my life that my hands are dry. I have used the product for 5 months and now I don't catch cold easily. I no longer have a hard time to catch my breath. My hands no longer hurt from using the computer. My bells palsy has improved remarkably. I used to have acidic stomach and allergy to milk products and I was plagued with intestinal gas and diarrhea and now no more. My estrogen is balanced so my emotions are more stable. I am calm and happy and I have no more hot flashes. No more back pain.
My husband sleeps well every day and he no longer complains of tiredness. My husband blood sugar and high blood pressure is getting normal. He looks younger and he is more energetic.
Now I am so energetic and with good spirits. I can eat and sing and dance. Now I am like a new person. You deserve to own negative ion clothing and bedding too.
Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Autonomic Nerve Dysfunction, Insomnia, Headache and Weak Heart
Name: Kaub Ming Hung
Product use: whole set
When my mom was young she worked hard even though her blood sugar was over 400. She ignored her diabetes which is very harmful. Her metabolic system was severely damaged. When she was older she was plagued with all kinds of illnesses because of her diabetes and her metabolic problems. As she got older she got worse. More and more problems piled up. She was on insulin since 1986. Till now in July of 2002 she has been hospitalized every year 3 to 4 times to adjust her insulin dosage. More complications have been happening one right after the other. Her eyes got cataracts so she had surgery. Her heart was weak and she had angina. Because of her health condition the doctors were afraid to do anything. Surgery would be dangerous because of her diabetes. Her kidneys failed and she needed dialysis. She got neuropathy of her feet and hands. She got degenerative arthritis and insomnia. She took 2 or 3 sleeping pills at a time but she still could not sleep. My mom was such a caring loving person she still took care of my father every day. Two years ago my father suddenly passed away. My mother was so mentally depended on her husband she became despondent and all of her illnesses became more pronounced. As a son I did not know how to take care of my mother. In this critical period our life saver Lin Lie, an AGM with the Nefful Company, introduced me to negative ion products. My mom did not like direct sales and she told me not to buy it. I tried very hard to convince her to try it. I got her a clean cloth to put around her neck. She felt good because of the clean cloth. Her neck felt much better so I got the whole set for her. Now my mom uses the whole set of Teviron her health has much improved her blood sugar had been 450 to 500. It dropped down to 120 to 180. The insulin dose dropped 8 units. Her heart no longer needed nitroglycerine. Her kidney function has much improved and she did not need dialysis any more. Amazingly now she does not need sleeping pills to make her sleep. Now she eats well and sleeps well. Her immunity has improved and has helped her fight all her illnesses. Thanks for Lin Lei for encouraging me and I have such a blessing using this amazing products. Now I have success in this helping people business.
Testimony of a registered nurse in pain
Simple belief is a blessing.
Nancy Jang, Yorba Linda, CA
Product use: whole set
I am a registered nurse, I used to hike and dance even thought I had pain in my knees. I always thought these activities caused pain. I love to live naturally without medication and I thought pain was the price I had to pay to be active. In 1999 I fell because of uneven ground and I injured my neck and my shoulder. The constant and severe pain was unbearable and it caused insomnia and depression. It caused the end of my 35 years career in the medical profession. I refused the epidural injections and surgery which my orthopedic doctor suggested. I tried cortisone shots, anti inflammatory medication, pain medication, and sleeping pills, for several days. They didn't even give me temporary relief. I still had my pain. As a nursing professional I knew that cortisone shots and anti inflammatory and pain medications all had bad side effects or they caused addiction. I tried acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractic and massage for more than 4 years and they just gave me temporary relief and still the pain woke me up after 1 or 2 hours of sleep. At least they didn't have bad side effects. At the end of 2003 I was introduced to negative ion clothes and blankets. Even though I was skeptical about the results I decided to give myself a chance and try these products. I bought a whole set of the products as was suggested. When I got home I put everything on as instructed. I put on the Eskimo shirt and pants and another set of underclothes too and the hat and all of the supporters and the waist band the neck warmer and the eye patch. Then I realized this is ridiculous. I was so angry I took them off, I got buyer remorse. Then I thought well, since I already bought it and I had been in pain for almost 5 years I decided to give myself a chance and I put it all back on. I went to bed in my blanket and I slept more than 12 hours. Usually I got up to go to the bathroom several times during the night. I don't think I even got up once that night. When I woke up in the morning, I was still in the same position that I was in when I went to bed. I slept like a baby. I was so happy and jumping up and down. I was thankful and I felt the blessing of having these products. Amazingly my degenerative arthritis in my knees and my back pain have gone away. The white growth in my eye (like a cataract) which the doctor suggested I have removed surgically when It impacted my vision went away. My grey hair is improving. The brown spot on my face and my wrinkles are going away. I have slimmed down to a healthy weight. I was sick looking before and now I have a healthy glow. I am feeling and looking younger. Now I have no more pain when I go hiking and dancing. Because of these products my hiking performance has increased. I feel the blessing and I want to share the product with other people and help other people.
Knee joints’ pain
Kathleen Israel, San Diego, CA
Product use: whole set
Did you ever hear of NEFFUL's Teviron, the amazing fiber imported from Japan has unique capacity of always gaining electrons and thus negatively charged which is beneficial to our health? I am so glad I was introduced to this product and give myself a chance to accept it. I had arthritis in my knees. When I used to go to church I couldn't kneel properly and it hurt. Now I can kneel easily with no pain. It is so cool! I bought underwear and joint supports and bedding. I love to sleep in my Teviron blankets. It is like sleeping in negative ions spa so restful and I don't snore anymore! When I get up in the morning I put on my under garments and supports on my ankles, knees, elbows and wrists. During the day the negative ion cloth acts like a sponge soaking up my positively charged toxins. I wash the clothing before I go to bed to clean the positive ion gunk off of the negative ion fibers and I hang it up to dry. I didn't even realize my ankles were uncomfortable. When I put on the ankle supports it felt so good. The same thing happened when I put the hat on. I didn't realize my ears were uncomfortable. The comfort I felt when my ears were in the hat was mellow and it made me smile.
Macular degeneration, Joints pain, Tendonitis, aging spots, sun damage, wrinkles
Gwen Spires, Fullerton, CA
Product use: whole set
My name is Gwen Spires. I am 70 years old. In June of 2005 my vision became blurred. The ophthalmologist diagnosed me with macular degeneration. I was told there was nothing that would help except to take vitamins to slow down the progression of this degenerating eye disease which eventually would cause me to go blind. I was very depressed thinking of all the things that would happen when my eyesight left. About 4 weeks later I was introduced to an amazing product called Teviron imported from Japan by my friend named Nancy. At first I thought this was some kind of scam; but, thinking that I would go blind eventually, I gave myself a chance. I started using these products of clothing and bedding including an eye patch and a hat made of Teviron fiber. Three weeks later the blurred vision had improved and I was very inspired by the results. I am inspired by other amazing results also. Some of the pain in my joints and my hemorrhoids has also gone away. The sun damage, aging spots and wrinkles on my skin has greatly improved. I am now feeling and looking younger. I can see a remarkable improvement after three months of using Teviron products. I can imagine that if I continue using this product it will continue to have a remarkable improvement of my health and quality of life. I feel like I am in a cocoon of energetic happiness. Gwen
Manic Depression and Hyperthyroidism-Hypothyroidism
NEFFUL gave me back my beautiful life
Yu Teng Shin, Taiwan
Products use: whole set
Three and a half years ago I was diagnosed with congenital hyperthyroidism. Frequently I used cortisone and frequently I had a high fever. I had to go to the emergency room a lot so I could not take care of my house work and I could not take care of my children. I could not enjoy my relationship with my husband. Several months later I found out that I had manic depression. It was said that I inherited it from my father. I was wondering why God was playing with me in this way. I was confined to a psychiatric hospital. After 2 years even though I had determination to fix my illness I still could not fight the depression. I tried hard to fight the disease. Because of the pressures in my life the illness came back again. I wanted to cry but I had no tears. I was angry with God because He sentenced me to have this problem. After 2 years I was readmitted to hospital again. I cried every time I saw my children crying. They were taken away from me and given to my mother who took care of my children while I was in hospital. When my children cried I just could not take it. I was so hurt. I do not know how many days and nights I cried. I miss my children. They used iodine therapy for my hyperthyroidism so I could temporarily improve my health. I had side effects and which caused me to have hypothyroidism. Then I did not have monthly periods. I suffered painful result after painful result. Now I am so thankful for NEFFUL products. One month after I got the whole set of negative ion clothes and blanket I had my monthly period again. My manic depression disappeared along with my insomnia and anxiety and muscle cramps. Now I do not need psychotic medicine any more. It was April that I found out about the Nefful products and in June I was pregnant. I was so happy. My children all came back home to me May 10.
Parkinson's, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Asthma, Sinus, High Blood Pressure
Chai Quai Ien, Taiwan
Products used. Whole set
In the beginning of 2000 I had a problem with my wrist so I went to see a neuro surgeon who gave me all kinds of tests. The doctor said I needed to go see the neurologist. It was confirmed that I had Parkinsons disease. I kept searching eastern medicine to find a doctor who would tell me I do not have Parkinson. The eastern doctor who specialized in Neurology confirmed I had Parkinson's. I went to acupuncture and massage and physical therapy. This only helped my muscles stiffness but my hands were still shaking. I still did not have balance when I walked. I was thinking this is a death sentence and I am going to be doomed with this hopeless illness for the rest of my life. I did not know if this is my luck or what. I met my life saver Emay. She introduced me to Teviron products. I got all the supporters. After several days my hand was aching. I thought Oh this is before it gets better it gets worse. I increased the products to the whole set. Now after 6 months I can raise my hand high. I can walk a steady gait. I can walk a big step. I can raise my leg high. I can run and jog. I can even ride my motorcycle. In 5 years I have never be able to do this. But now I can do it. I am so happy and so thankful. My mother had asthma and high blood pressure all has improved. My brother had sinus and Spondylitis. Before he needed to go to acupuncture and massage 2 or 3 times a week. Now he does not needed to go anymore. I am so thankful that Nefful has such amazing product. I call Emay my aunt now. I am very thankful for my mom support and encouragement.
Lin sue Huey, Taiwan
Products use: Whole set
When I was little I had polio. This caused my left side to atrophy. As a result it has been uneasy and inconvenient for me to walk. I married a man who also had polio. We repaired and sold clocks as a business. After we married we had two children. Since my pelvis was undeveloped and I had scoliosis of my spine the births of our children were through c-section. This experience caused me to have severe back pain. At end of 2002 my friend suggested that my husband use the Negative ion waist band because his atrophy caused him a lot of pain and problems. Soon after he started using the waist band he started felling warmness on his back. Then he felt it all the way to the top of his head. He felt like his whole body was relaxed and he felt good. I knew the products would help my health condition too. On Feb 2003 my husband was diagnosed with a kidney problem. My friend suggested that he wear the whole set of negative ion clothes but we were reluctant to make the investment. In May my husband started dialysis. At that time the SARS epidemic was in full swing. My husband had a high fever and he was in critical care. We remembered about the negative ion clothes so I called my friend and I bought my husband the whole set. Three to 4 hours after dialysis my husband usually produced only a couple of drops of urine. After using the negative ion clothes for one month his fever went away and he urinated more that 100 cc. During the summer it was terribly hot in Taiwan. Our shop was busy and we were so busy with our 2 children and the house work that my husband did not wear the negative ion clothes. I did not remind him to use his Nefful clothes. In November 2003 my husband died because of kidney failure. I felt hopeless and tired, disappointed and frustrated thinking about my 2 children who were counting on me to care and provide for them. I had to be able to stand up and take care of my children. My friend encouraged me to be strong and take care of myself. In December I started wearing the product that I had gotten for my husband. In June 2004 I saw a friend who had not seen me for several years. When he saw me he told me that my color looked good. He was surprised that I looked healthy. He noticed and said you are standing straight up. Why does your color look so good? He asked me: what is your secret remedy? He could not believe that I was so improved. What kind of miracle products are you using? I finally realized that my scoliosis had improved. In November I noticed that I can stand straight up and now my heels can touch the ground. From when I was little and for 40 years I never had the expectation that this would happen to me. I feel so good. I thank The Nefful Company for having such amazing negative ion clothes. Now I have hope and I have confidence to face my life.
Sickle Cell Anemia, Migraine Headache, Back Pain, Gout
Ho Huey Lan, Taiwan
Product use: Whole set
My mother in law has always had migraine headaches and back pain. One day she saw my friend, Ethan wear a special hat. She was curious and asked her about it. The next thing I knew she brought a hat and waistband home to use for herself. After a couple of days she told me that she feels like she has more energy and she was so happy that her headache and back pain had improved a lot. I was curious about this product. It was a wonderful coincidence that Ethan came back to my home town at this time. I asked her about these products. She explained to me about these negative ion products. I thought about my husband who has a gout problem. I bought some under ware and a blanket for my husband. One week later his discomfort had improved. When I was young I worked hard and for long hours. Now because of this I have a lot of illness. I have painful monthly cramps, a fibroid tumor and Sickle cell anemia. All the time when I was working so much I could not take care of my illnesses. I bought some negative ion undergarments and supporters for myself. After a period of time my health has improved. I had edema on my feet. That edema has subsided. My monthly pain has disappeared. My vertigo has decreased. My health has much improved.
Type 1 diabetes
Chung wuan zu,Taiwan
Product use: Whole set
I was 18 years old when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I spent the golden years of my youth taking medication all of a time. I was tired of taking medication. I used all of the wisdom of eastern and western medicine. I tried vitamins and supplements. I asked Buddha to help me to lower my blood sugar. I searched tirelessly to find anyway that I could help myself until I got a bleeding ulcer. Then big lump grew on the palm of my hand. I had to have this lump surgically removed. I had to stay in critical care for 3 days because I was a diabetic having surgery. I was weak and my immunity was bad. Medicine was my company every day. When I was 38 years old I had a neuropathy on my foot. I lost the feeling on my foot. Because of my financial condition I still had to work as a housekeeper. I got a crack on the bottom of my left foot. It got infected. It caused cellulites and I had a constant fever. The doctor had to amputate my big toe and my small toe to save my life. On the bottom of my left foot the doctor cut two big holes to remove the dead tissue. Within 2 and half years I was in and out of the hospital 12 times. In the hospital I got antibiotic or cortisone shots. I thought that God must have a good reason for my trouble. My angel or friend, Shu Mei told me about a high tech product of negative ion clothes that would improve my health. I was skeptical but I wanted to give it a try. I dared to take all of those medications with all kinds of side effects. I reasoned, why was I afraid to wear these clothes that couldn't harm me. So I bought the whole set and this is really a miracle. Within the short period of 3 months my blood sugar dropped from 400 to 130. The bottom of my foot was healed and not bleeding any more. I was so happy with my blessing that I wanted to share this negative ion product with other people. Through this business I was able to get out of poverty. My life has gone from black and white to colorful. I am thankful for this amazing product.
Type 2 Diabetes 11 years, Pain and Stroke
Chen Chi Chung, Taiwan
Product: Whole set
In 1991 I was diagnosed with diabetes my blood sugar was 365. On that day my life became colorless. The doctor prescribed medication. I saw all of the famous doctors that my friends introduced me to. I spent 11 years switching from doctor to doctor making myself a guinea pig for all of their cures. Until May of 2002 when my daughter brought home a big package of special clothes and a blanket. She told me if I wear this it would improve my health as well as the diabetes and pain. I really did not believe it would help because I was in the Chinese medicine business. I thought about my daughter and how caring she was so I used it. The second day I went to check my blood sugar it was 223. One month later I checked it again and my sugar was 222. I came home and told my daughter that this product is not helping me any more. She called her AGM. The AGM told the daughter that her father needed more Negative Ion products. So then she brought me all of the supporters. I had the full set. In 4 and a half hours I went to the bathroom 5 times. The whole night I didn't sleep. The first night I went to the bathroom 5 times second 4 times and each night I had to get up less and less. The second month after I used the full set, I went to check again the blood sugar dropped to 192. And then after 75 days the sugar dropped to 103. From that day on my life is colorful again. My friend wife had a stroke 5 years ago. She couldn't even go to the bathroom by herself. She couldn't walk. She couldn't do anything for herself. She needed constant daily living assistance from her husband. In May of 2005 she started using negative ion clothing and bedding. Before she used the product she urinated every 4 hours. After the second day of using the product she urinated every 2 hours and the volume was double. When she started using the product she wore 3L waist band. After 3 days the waist band was too loose. After 25 days she was able to stand up with the support of both hands on the wheel chair. In 28 days she could stand up easily holding on with one hand. After 47 days she took her first unassisted step in 5 years. If you use the full set soon you will have a good result you want.
Insomnia, headache, maladjustment of nervous system, depression
Lin Meijiao
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
I had body aches, which caused me to take medicine for many years for a host of symptoms such as headaches, poor immune system, terrible backache, rheumatoid arthritis, and nervous system maladjustment. My pain made me miserable beyond description, my symptoms were serious, and this made me extremely depressed. After hearing a report about Teviron clothing, I began to wear a complete set of it. In about ten days my insomnia improved and I noticed that my resistance also improved. Before using Teviron, I caught colds often, but now months go by when I don’t catch colds. Before using Teviron, I needed to take medicine three times a day for my back pain, but now I only take medicine once a day, and even when I forget to take medicine sometimes I feel no pain. My mother in-law saw that my symptoms were greatly improving, so she now uses a complete set of Teviron clothing to help her joint swelling and pain. She moves with much more ease and since her pain is gone she is able to serve in her community, and she has discovered the pleasure of helping others. I thank the mysterious negative ions for bringing this benefit to Mankind.
Migraines, physical fitness, sluggishness of young children, severe backache, dermatosis, allergic coryza
Lin Huimei
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
Before using the negative ion clothing products, I have been afflicted with migraine headaches for five or six years. I was too ill to do homework, and needed pain medication. My medicine dose and frequency increased, then I wore the clothing for three days and my pain was relieved. When I had to decide whether to take off the negative ion clothing or take the medicine continually, I chose to keep wearing the clothing. From that day up to now, I have not had a headache or any medicine. If I had not personally experienced Teviron for myself, I would not have believed its great effect! I highly recommended the products to my family to improve my husband’s lower body tinea, and backache; the athlete’s feet and dermatosis of my elder son; and the sensitive dermatitis of my younger son. Then I shared my mysterious witness of negative ions with relatives and friends. Xiushan’s eldest daughter, Tingting, was two years old and could not walk because Tingting’s lumbar vertebrae was injured during pregnancy. Tingting’s diagnosis was physical ability retardation, which meant that she needed convalescent care. After Tingting used the products for one day and night, she had a surprisingly good reaction. So amazing was the effect, I would not believe it! We expect that Tingting will recover soon.
Sore waist, shoulder and neck stiffness, foot pain, constipation, hepatitis
Hu Xiuduan
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
I did business in the market, which required standing for a long time and this made my waist and back ache, caused shoulder and neck stiffness and pain from aching feet. These symptoms were very uncomfortable and painful and I worried that it would affect my business. I used a complete set of Teviron clothing and after only one month, I felt obvious improvement. After using it for five months, I experienced complete recovery from my pains. The most important improvements for me were the relief from long-term constipation, and a female problem, so now I do not need to buy medication at the drug store. The manner in which the negative ion health clothing of Nefful Teviron works really cannot be seen or felt, but if you wear it you will understand that something amazing is happening. My friend had hepatitis, and when I told him about the Nefful health clothing he bought a complete set. Although he was half-believing and half-doubting the results, after wearing the clothing for ten days, he went for an examination in the hospital, and discovered that his hepatitis was cured unexpectedly. He told me that the negative ion clothing was really a mystery. Helping people is a happy thing.
High glycosides, abnormal blood circulation, high uric acid
All I can do is be grateful
Liu Hui Fang
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
Working hard for many years created many problems in my body including high GOT, GPT, high glycosides, and even pain on foot Yongquan acupoint. Lack of movement resulted in heavy body weight, abnormal blood circulation, hand numbness and soreness when I slept every night, and I would cough if I spoke too much. These symptoms were not improved by integrated traditional and western medicine. I had some reactions after using the products, but I only wore it for several days. The pain in my foot would increase every day when I wore the clothing. When I initially wore the scarf, I seemed to cough all the time. I thought I had been cheated but learned afterwards that these were improvement reactions. I was impatient, so I wet to homeostasis and chemical analysis after wearing the clothing for about one month. My tryglycerides decreased from 202 to 100 (the normal level is below 160), uric acid decreased from 6 to 4.4 (the normal level is below 7), Yongquan acupoint on the foot was not painful anymore, symptoms of hand soreness and numbness improved completely, and the cough had also been improved. All I can do is grateful.
Allergic physical condition, common cold, asthma
Jian Wen Lang
Usage: complete set of Teviron
My child had dermatitis after his birth, with a final diagnosis of allergic physical condition. This altered our life in that we had to become acutely aware of our food, drink and surroundings. Then I found out that my child also had sinusitis, caught colds frequently, and his asthma would always be triggered by a cold so he needed to take antibiotics. I went to every specialist I could, but none of them could cure my son completely. It was two years ago when I bought two sets of clothes for my child, then a complete set of Teviron. Half a year later, he did not need to take antibiotics after catching a cold, because his immune system was greatly improved and his skin was cured completely.
Constipation, asthma, hypotension or low blood pressure
Lin Xiu Qing
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
My daughter was constipated when she was two years old. At first, I had not paid enough attention about it and only visited a clinic near my home. However, there was no improvement in her condition and its severity intensified; traditional Chinese medicine and medical doctors were unable to help. We then used the primitive and cruel method, coloclysis, though I worried she might have abnormal defecation. I also worried that her vulnerable intestines might become damaged if she used this method continually. During that time, my friend, Xiaojun, told me that negative ions could improve my daughter’s problem so I bought the clothing for her. My daughter recovered, but quite unexpectedly, her immunity over colds and her ulcer also improved completely. I bought the products for my family. It improved my mother in-law’s asthmatic condition, my gynecological problem, and my hypotension has improved from 50-80 to 75-110. It is great!
Hysteromyoma, nervous system maladjustment
Xu Guixiang
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
I lived in Brazil for six years and had profuse uterine bleeding. I moved to St. Paul and my health worsened. I then took medication for half a year and my health still did not improve. When I was examined, the diagnosis was a uterine tumor. After an operation in Taiwan, my doctor said it was nervous system maladjustment. When I heard about Teviron products, I did not believe the claims but after wearing the clothing my health improved and the white hairs on my head gradually turned black. My husband got acupuncture, cupping, bathed in hot spring baths and cold spring baths to improve the pain in his knee, took calcium tablets and vitamins; but he did this to no avail. After using the knee pad for a week, he has not had any pain for the last three months. This has been unbelievable good luck for us. It also gave us a chance to be able to help other people who need to improve their health.
Soreness and pain in the waist and back, neck stiffness, hypertension, constipation, micturition or overactive bladder
Yu Mingli
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
In six years, after parturition I have had severe aching in the waist and the back day after day. I could not even wash without supporting myself with my elbow, and when washing my feet I needed to sit on a small chair. I suffered with constipation, hypertension, and micturition or overactive bladder. I am a nurse and could not provide effective treatment for myself. I decided to use Teviron as an alternative treatment. After using the clothing, I no longer had constipation, my sore waist and backache improved tremendously on the fourth day, and all the pain disappeared on the sixth day. I bought a complete set of Teviron clothing, used it for three days, and after only two hours my neck stiffness improved and my neck could bend and turn. After using Teviron clothing, my daughter’s atopy dermatitis and allergia rhinitis have been cured. Teviron is great!
Aches, urinary, hypertension, heart disease, gout
Qiu mei ju
Usage: complete usage
After my classmate, Suqin, had an operation because of colon cancer, she used the complete Teviron product and she saw very positive results. I trusted my classmate and used the product. At the beginning, my husband and I used the Teviron blanket together, and I bought him Teviron underwear, because he had diseases, which include hypertension, heart disease, and gout which would require that he seek emergency treatment at times. I could not believe that I am so lucky. I got well and my husband has been improving. Teviron is improving my family’s health.
Hypersensitiveness body, midrange language retardation
Zhong jin wei
Usage: complete use
My wife and I are hypersensitive and both of my daughters have a hypersensitive constitution. My younger daughter’s situation was the worse; she had to drink aminopeptodrate milk powder before she was one year old. She often needed to be taken to the hospital because she got colds, had trouble breathing, accumulated mucus, and she would cry because she was always constipated. However, after my daughter wore the Teviron underwear, she breathes more easily and her mucus decreased and could be easily expectorated. I came to trust the product and bought the complete set. My eldest daughter had always been one of few words, always expressed herself through gestures, and could say “mama” but not “dad”. when she was four years old, we became aware of the importance of this situation. This came as a great shock. I took my daughter to see all sorts of doctors and tried every kind of treatment, but it was to n effect. My daughter wore the Teviron clothing that was used to improve her hypersensitive constitution and her brain cells were activated. She first learned a few more words, and then she progressed to sing an entire song, and is beginning to express what she wants to say in words. In the past, the expression in her eyes was uncertain; now she could listen to my story attentively; and calls me “dad”. I am very excited!
Hypersensitiveness of the body
Mystery of negative ions
Liao Weizhi (Florida in the USA)
Usage: complete use
I emigrated from Taiwan to the U.S. twenty years ago. I started out with nothing but became very successful. I began to have some health problems after wearing down my body for fifty years. I learned that a small disease will become serious if not treated. One day I got wet in the rain, then I felt my throat aching and got a cold. I used the Teviron neck protection for treatment. Three days later, I got well. Six days later, I realized that a small scar that I had been about 0.5 cm long disappeared. I was very astonished. From that day on, I came to learn about the mystery of negative ions to the human body, and even found that the negative ion is the key factor that can improve people’s health in the future. This has been generally accepted by many research reports from famous medical colleges in the USA. Until now, products have not been available that contain negative ions. I have been using the Teviron products exclusively for five months, and I feel like I am ten years younger.
Allergic coryza
Zheng Mei Zhu
Usage: complete use
I have worked on the mainland for a long time. In my earlier years, I was healthy, but in my later years my power of resistance decreased. I always got colds with nasal obstruction and coughing, I could not sleep well, and the medicine I was taking simply had no effect. I always sneezed in the morning after I got up, and could not breathe easily because of nasal obstruction. I suffered immensely. I went tot the largest hospital in Guangzhou, South Hospital, and was diagnosed with allergic coryza. According to the doctor’s instructions, I took medicine and drank soup (straw mushroom stewed with lean meat, one bowl a day). However, there was no improvement. One time I was taken to South Hospital for half a month because of fainting that was induced by lung inflammation. At that time, I felt lonely and depressed. I came back home for the New Year celebration, and spent a few ten thousand yen on the Nefful products. After some time, my morning sneezes stopped and I could breathe easily. I have been using the Teviron health clothing for about two years. I no longer not get colds and my immunity has been enhanced. After using Teviron, my life has gone from black and white to colorful. This wonderful feeling cannot be expressed. I am very lucky and want to share how to attain good health with every one.
Rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, kidney atrophy, edema
Gospel from God
Zhang Hui Fang
Usage: complete use
One year ago, I was a rheumatoid arthritis patient who went to Jiada constantly to check in and take medication. My knee joints are artificial, half of my hip joint is also artificial, my waist was stiff and could not straighten properly, my leg could not bend, wrist and articulationes digitorum manus became deformed and my hand could not lift anything and would ache in the wind and rain or if I was getting cold or hot! I had taken steroids for eighteen years. As I become older, I developed heart disease, kidney atrophy, edema, high blood pressure, glucosuria, and insomnia. I was like an overworked machine that was beyond repair. During the spring festival my son suggested that I use some Teviron products for my waist, knees, hands and feet. In one week I felt relief and I bought a complete product line including the Lovely Snow brand. I had not slept soundly for a long time but now I sleep well. In about a month or two, all the symptoms of my diseases disappeared. It is a true gospel from God
Complete Fiction.
Reading the claims and explanation below, how can this possibly be true?
Negative ion therapy is an alternative form of health treatment that is based on the idea of using negative ions to drain the body of toxins that lead to a number of different health problems. While this pseudoscience is not generally accepted by the established medical community, many people report improvements in specific health ailments after undergoing the therapy, or making use of specially designed equipment to ride the home of irritants and toxins that inhibit the action of the negative ion charge in the space.
The basis for negative ion therapy as a health care alternative rests in the idea that the atmosphere is loaded with negatively charged electrons or ions. By using those electrons to remove elements that have an adverse effect on the physical and emotional well being of the individual, the body’s natural defense system can begin to make the necessary repairs and bring the individual back to a healthy state. Because the purpose of negative ion therapy is to drain the toxins from the environment and the body, any condition that is interfering with the natural function of the muscles and nervous system are isolated and reduced through continued administrations of the therapy. As the impediments to good health are brought under control, the individual begins to enjoy an enhanced state of physical and mental health.
I took the liberty of pointing out the most obviously bothersome point of the claim:"The electrons remove elements that have an adverse effect..."
Now let us ask ourselves some questions:
What are these elements that have an adverse effect?
How exactly are electrons getting to these elements only?
How are free electrons entering your body?
How do electrons "remove" these elements?
Now, this was obviously not written by the brightest individual. Clearly the marketing team didn't understand the different between an Ion.
An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge.
And a just an electron.
In this particular case, someone is introducing an element with excess negative charge, i.e. carrying an extra electron or several. I guess the idea they have is the negative will be attracted to positive ions, bind and carry them off.
Back to reality, this is not how this happens, nor is there large number of positive ions suspended in your body that need "removal".
This kind of garbage is the in the same ilk as the magnetic bracelets and necklaces.
Having said all that, there is some evidence of efficacy in treating seasonal depression(SAD), but the dose of ions is significantly higher than can be produced through cheap off the shelf units. Further, the evidence shows bright light therapy was more effective in treating this form of depression. I would also like to point out the science does not indicate any of the other uses or effects the advertised product are boasting. Further, the exact mechanism of action at the biological level does not seem known. They are simply replicating seasonal changes, really it is more like confirming the shift in ion concentration with seasons is not a major contributing factor to seasonal depression and really not a way to treat it effectively.
Negative air ionization therapy is the use of air ionisers as an experimental non-pharmaceutical treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and mild depression.
For SAD, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing high (4.5x1014 ions/second) and low (1.7x1011 ions/second) flow rate negative air ionization with bright light therapy found that posttreatment improvement results were 57.1% for bright light (10,000 lux) compared with high-density ions, 47.9%; and low-density ions, 22.7%.[1] An older RCT conducted by the same authors also found air ionization effective for SAD at 2.7x106 ions/cm3.[2] A 2007 review considers this therapy "under investigation", and suggests that it may be a helpful treatment for SAD
Negative ion machines used in his studies are designed to mimic summer-like conditions by supplementing the sparse winter ion supply. He stresses however that although some air purifiers utilize negative ion technology, the dose of ions delivered by a typical air purifier is far too low for it to have an antidepressant effect.
The Truth about Negative Ions and Negative Ion Therapy
IonLoop believes so strongly in the negative effects of positive ions and the positive effects of negative ions, we cannot emphasize enough the possible benefits of negative ion technology.
How Positive Ions Wear Us Down
Positive and negative ions occur in nature.
Negative ions, which manifest from natural things like waterfalls and trees, create a “feel good” effect.
Positive ions, on the other hand, are emitted from the sun and from artificial sources like computers, cell phones and fluorescent lights. These are thought to be energy-drainers. Experiments have linked positive ions to tension, irritability and even slower reaction times.
Because most people in the U.S. are more constantly exposed to UV rays and artificial environments than they are to natural elements, it is thought that these people may be suffering the negative effects of positive ions. Therefore it is a good reason to include some negative ion therapy.
It’s worth noting how many of today’s professionals and students feel after a day spent indoors under fluorescent lighting and in front of computers. Add air conditioning and heating to the equation and the exposure to positive ions is astoundingly high number.
To put it into perspective, the number of positive ions in an office outweighs those found in a waterfall by more than 300 percent. The number of positive ions in nature is extremely low, which indicates that the prominence of positive ions may be wearing on the human body and mind.
The Disconnect Between Positive and Negative Ions
Clearly, the presence of positive ions creates an unbalanced environment, conflicting with the purity that exists in nature. This imbalance is said to wreak havoc on the system and all the systems that comprise the human. From the nervous system to the brain to the body, positive ions may very well be major culprits in conditions and diseases that run rampant in technological societies.
In the documentary “Happy,” it is reported that the unhappiest culture in the world is technology- and work-driven Japan. Conversely, one of the happiest cultures is in Africa, among a tribe that hunts and gathers its food and spends the majority of its time outdoors.
How Negative Ions Can Build Us Up
Similar studies show that negative ions create an opposite effect – one of focus, performance and a sense of well-being.
This helps to better explain why a hike or a day on the beach feels exceptionally wonderful. While a day in the office typically breeds sleepiness and exhaustion, an afternoon in the wilderness is invigorating and energizing. Negative ions have often been thought of as nature’s remedy for many ailments; in fact, some doctors are prescribing the outdoors as a treatment for their patients.
Exposure to negative ions has been shown to decrease anxiety during computer work in some studies. In others, negative ions have been shown to help lower depression ratings in test subjects. Specifically, negative ions are said to have an effect on winter depression, serving as a natural antidepressant for those who suffer from the condition.
Tips on Negative Ion Exposure and Natural Negative Ion Therapy
Go outside. Find negative ions naturally. Start the morning with a 15-minute or more walk. Squeeze in a walk after or instead of lunch during work. Enjoy a post-dinner stroll. Or simply sit outside and bask in the beauty of nature around you.
Think plants. Bring plants into the office. Place potted plants around the house – in the kitchen, living room and bedroom, where you spend the majority of your relaxation time. Put plants on your porch or balcony, where you relax outdoors.
Take road trips. Most people live in driving distance of lush environments. As often as you can, travel to them and soak in the healing wonders of nature.
Invest in negative ion generators. Place these strategically through your home and office. A great supplement to your negative ion bracelet, these are helpful in stationary environments, possibly helping to offset harmful positive ions. If possible walk on a beach without shoes and you are absorbing negative ions.
Exercise, naturally. If you live in a climate where the outside temperature is comfortable, write a list of exercise activities that sounds appealing to you and replace your current form of exercise with at least one per week. For example, if you ride a stationary bike at the gym, consider investing in a bicycle you can ride around town or in your neighborhood. Instead of taking that Saturday yoga class, go for a morning hike at your local park.
Turn off the technology. The path of least resistance is oftentimes best. Turn off the computers when you’re not using them. Work with the overhead lights off. Keep the air conditioner off unless you absolutely need it. Small steps may lead to big changes in the way you think and feel! These are all great steps toward Negative Ion Therapy to combat the bad ions- positive ions.
Testimonials About Negative Ion Technology
At IonLoop, many of our customers have reported feeling and performing better – even healing faster. Straight from their mouths, here are a few words about IonLoop and the technology behind negative ion therapy:
“Whatever the technology in the Ionloop has truly provided me with more energy at the end of the day. I HIGHLY recommend this product to everyone who spends time in the outdoors. IT REALLY REALLY WORKS. Thank you.” -John
“Let me tell you, if you are an athlete and like feeling good and in balance, this is the bracelet for you. My husband and I both play lots of golf and tennis...we never take this bracelet off.” -Robin
“I wear mine out on my runs, workout in the gym and riding my bike. Do they truly work, it is all up to the believer. I am a believer of this product.” –Jim
“My sister purchased an IonLoop Bracelet because she has a neck injury. She wore it for about 1 week and her neck started feeling better.” -Victoria
Wearers of IonLoop’s silicone wristbands receive exposure to this highly-praised negative ion technology, as well as magnetic technology.
An ion is an atom or molecule with more or less electrons than usual, giving it a positive or negative electric charge. Because an ion "wants" to become neutral by acquiring or losing additional electrons, it has interesting chemical features. Ions usually come in the form of solutions. There are three types -- anions, which are negatively charged, cations, which are positively charged, and radicals, or radical ions, which are highly reactive due to having a large amount of free electrons.
An ion solution is typically created when certain molecules, such as salt, are dissolved in water. The interactions between the solute and solvent molecules disassociate weakly-bonded molecules, like salt, into two or more ions. When salt is put into water, it breaks into sodium and chloride ions, both of which are essential to human life. If a person is deprived of salt for too long, they will eventually die. Other life-essential ions (called electrolytes) are potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), hydrogen phosphate (HPO42−), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3−).
Other ion solutions besides dissolved salts are acids and bases. For instance, hydrochloric acid is formed when hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water. The hydrogen chloride breaks into two ions, H+ and Cl−. The H+ reacts with water to produce H3O+, hydronium ion, while the chlorine remains as a chloride ion. Because the ionization process is complete, hydrochloric acid is called a strong acid. The strength of acids is measured by how many H+ ions they have -- hydrochloric acid many, so it is very acidic. In fact, hydrochloric acid can dissolve through glass and all metals except iridium, though its corrosion speed is slow.
Another category of ion solutions are bases. Instead of being measured by the concentration of hydrogen ions, a base is measured by its concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). One example of a base is potassium hydroxide, which is the chemical precursor of most soft and liquid soaps. When dissolved in water, potassium hydroxide produces a strong alkali solution. An alkali is a type of base. Potassium hydroxide has a number of interesting chemical properties -- one of them is its hygroscopic (water-attracting) nature, which makes it a powerful desiccant. When it reacts with water, the reaction is exothermic, meaning it generates significant heat.
The last major group of ions are radical ions, or just radicals. Examples of radicals include superoxide (O2-), which the immune system uses to kill invading microorganisms, and nitric oxide, which the body uses as an important signaling molecule. Like acids and bases, radicals are highly reactive and have a number of applications in chemistry. One unfortunate aspect of radicals is that trace amounts in the body tend to break down tissues over time, contributing to aging.
Is Nefful just another negative ion scam?
Nefful is a Japanese MLM company that offers special clothing and accessories infused with negative ions, supposedly helping to fight major diseases and ailments like Parkinson’s, ADHD, diabetes, back pain, and insomnia.
They were founded back in 1975 and now roll over 600,000 members deep (one of the largest MLMs, see the full rankings).
I’m sure there’s a market for these expensive cardigans, but if you’re strictly interested in the business opportunity, there’s better options out there.
Either way, here’s the full review on Nefful.
Nefful was founded back in 1975 in Shizuoka, Japan by Mr. Hisami Kamijo. They’re now run by Chairman Toshiya Kamijo.
They started branching out in 1989, and now they’ve got offices in Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Taoyan, Los Angeles California, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Penang.
At over 600,000 affiliates around the world, they’re one of the bigger MLMs.
How much does Nefful cost?
An affiliate membership to Nefful costs $55.
So, how exactly does Nefful cure the world of all its ailments via their wardrobe?
Well, they produce and sell negative ion clothing (and bedding, and accessories). They claim these negative ions have a positive effect on health, aging, and mood, and that their special Nefflon fiber blend surrounds you in these beneficial negative ions.
Negative ions are naturally found in abundance in places like rivers, beaches, and waterfalls, and it’s said that that’s why people feel so happy in those places. Negative ions have also been called “the vitamins of the air”, and there is some research to support the theory that negative ions have positive effects on health and mood (more on this later).
That’s why everyone started trying to bottle and sell these air vitamins back in the early 2000s.
You’ve seen those negative ion bracelets on TV and at places like mall kiosks and airport shops. Nefful takes those to the next step and decks you out in negative ions from head to toe. They put those things in everything…underwear, blankets, beanies, leg warmers (who still wears those??), cardigans…
And apparently decking your clothes out in negative ions will cost you close to what it would cost to deck yourself out in jewels and bling. A beanie costs $96, and a cardigan costs $550. A blanket? $1,800.
Shoot, for $1,800, that blanket better be made with threads of angel hair and stuffed with feathers from Pegasus’s wings.
That, or it better really cure Parkinson’s.
Of course, there’s ZERO evidence of any of these products actually curing diseases, something not totally uncommon in MLMs (hint: Vida Divina, Xango, or Kyani). They might have some other benefits, though…
While a 2013 study by BMC Psychiatry concluded that negative ions had no consistent influence on anxiety, mood, relaxation, sleep, or comfort, the study did find slightly lower rates of depression associated with negative ions. That being said, those findings weren’t conclusive, and future research is needed. [1]
Another study showed that negative ions may be an effective treatment for seasonal depression. [2]
Finally, one study published in 2012 showed that negative ion fabrics can significantly improve the symptoms of eczema. [3]
So, the products might have some benefits, they were just way overstated by distributors. Typical.
Side Effects:
According to WebMD, there are virtually no side effects associated with negative ions (other than a bleeding wallet).
Compensation Plan
Commission rates at Nefful are a lot like having sex for the first time– not great, not terrible…it is what it is.
Nefful consultants make 20% commission on personal sales.
Leadership bonuses are available to higher level consultants, and it allows you to earn bonuses based on the sales volume of your team.
If you’re ranked even higher (Area General Manager and up), you can qualify for incentive bonuses. This includes a 2.5% volume bonus on the sales of your entire downline.
Residual commission are paid out on a unilevel structure to consultants ranked Manager or higher.
Managers make 10% down to the next Manager in their team.
Area Managers make 25% on Consultant Sales Volume (infinity levels deep) and 15% on sales volume of team members Manager level or higher.
Above Area Manager you get 30% commission on Consultant Sales Volume infinity levels deep and 20% on the sales volume of your team members who are Managers or up.
More complicated than it needs to be, but it basically means that unless you can recruit, recruit, recruit, build up a MASSIVE downline, and shoot like a rocket up to the highest level rankings, you’re not going to make any money.
The whole negative ion claim seems a little far fetched, but they might actually be onto something. It doesn’t matter whether or not the products actually make you feel good, though, because buying a $1,300 blanket is enough to make you qualify as legally insane.
It doesn’t matter how unaffordable their products are, though, because consultants don’t make money off personal sales. They make money off building a team with a huge downline.
So if you think you can make your way to the top of the pyramid by building a team of thousands of people interested in negative ion-infused underwear, you could give it a shot. Just don’t expect to quit your day job and be financially independent.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there.
The Negative Ion Clothing
Experience the Benefits of Wearing Negative Ion Clothing –
Combination of Human Wisdom & High-Technology from Japan
With Teviron, the protective fiber of high technology, it continuously produce anions when it touches the human body and through vibration. Covering your body from head to toe, this unique clothing will build up your immune system, something hard to come by these days.
Negative Ions we know are abundant in places, such as forests and beaches, but we cannot just be in these areas all the time. With Teviron clothing, including undergarments, socks, shirts and supporters, we can wear GREAT HEALTH all the time.
So simple, so convenient and so effective, Teviron health garment help fantastically against poor health and diseases to name a few such as:
Body Aches
Simply, negative ions can reduce harmful bacteria in the air your body accumulates everyday. By wearing it you carry around good health 24/7. You can avoid blood acidification caused by electron loss that often results to unknown aches and pains.
This garment also help in fight off infections, warming the body and increasing its resistance against sicknesses.
4 Special Qualities of Negative Ion Clothing
Negative Ion Clothing 4 Special Qualities
Negative Ion Clothing Can Help With The Following Health Problems
Autoimmune Disorders like MS, Lupus, IBS, and Crohn’s Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Skin Rashes
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain
Hearing Loss
Improve Blood Circulation
Joint Pains
Kidney Failure
Menstruation Pain
Manic Depression
Parkinson Disease
Prostate Problem
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sleep Apnea
Why You Should Try Negative Ion Clothing?
According to Asian Medical Journal, if the amount of negative ions in the air is:
1,000 to 2,000 per c.c., it is good for your health.
5,000 to 50,000 per c.c., your resistance to disease is improved and your immune system is strengthened.
100,000 to 500,000 per c.c., improves your body’s ability to self-heal and overcome illness.
Your body’s largest organ is your skin. We are able to absorb only 15% of the negative ions we breathe in while our skin has 85% efficiency.
Click Here to watch Youtube
By wearing the complete set of Negative Ion Clothing, you will be surrounded by even over 100,000 negative ions! Easy…Convenient…Very Effective!!!
Teijin Japan
A Brief History of Teviron Clothing & its Origin?
3-Fibre-PrizesTeviron was invented by Teijin Limited from Japan. The leading-edge technology used to produce Teviron clothing is complex. It has won many awards and acknowledgments including the Okochi Award, the highest honor in the Japanese fiber industry, the Chemistry Technological Award given by the prestigious Chemistry Association of Japan, and the Onshi Invention Award to recognize its contribution to the health of their Japanese people. Through referrals and word of mouth, this amazing clothing is now available to many people in many parts of the world.
Negative Ion (Anion) clothing is one of the best, most efficient and least invasive ways to help you and your loved ones improve and maintain good health.
Choose From A Variety of Products
The blanket and flat sheet are the best product in terms of the amount of negative ions generated. The human body restores itself during sleep. When the body is surrounded by negative ions in this crucial period of rest, cell rejuvenation would be increased. As a simple example, individuals suffering from insomnia have seen great relief after sleeping in the negative ion blankets.
Thermowear is the best product for clothing lines because of its thermal properties and generates a high amount of negative ions. Layering on top of the undergarments will increase negative ion absorptions throughout the body. This is highly recommended for people with chronic health conditions as it provides a full body coverage.
Sleepwear & Undergarment
Negative ion undergarments are key to keeping your vital organs healthy. If you wear a top (t-shirt, tank, or camisole) and a bottom (underwear or panties/briefs), you are covered in the core sections of your body.
Supporters are great at keeping the joints flexible. For those with chronic arthritis, gout pain in the knees, the elbows, the ankles or the wrists, these can greatly alleviate the pain by increase blood flow to the area and also neutralize the harmful effects of acids that have collected at the joints that cause these pains.
Socks & Accessories
The Negative ion socks increase blood flow to the feet to reduce swelling and any feet related conditions. Accessories like the scarves, the hats, and the wrist bands all provide warmth and added negative ion treatment to the throat, the head and anywhere else you can wrap these around.
Custom Products
What makes negative ion clothing valuable is the Teviron fiber that’s used to create the garments. The way the fiber is woven into the blanket and sheet also creates the strongest amount of negative ions. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness on the body, often, the blankets and the sheets can be customized and sewn into different product such as eye masks, neck warmers, bra inserts, face masks, waist support and hats. There is even small finger wraps that works great on those nagging joint pains in the fingers!
Customized products help deliver a powerful negative ion environment around you!
How Does it Feel to Wear Teviron Negative Ion Clothing?
Healthy people may not experience any discomfort. Some people will have an “improvement reaction” when they wear Teviron clothes. People who are half-healthy might experience discomfort, because the negative ion clothing and blankets will detoxify the body back to its normal state. One might experience red and swollen skin, warming, ticklish, diarrhea, dizzy, tired, sore muscles, and so on. These are sign of recovery so you should be happy about it. These reactions are not a side effect and you should not panic. Toxins need to come out so the cells can regenerate back to its healthy state. Don’t worry and keep wearing it and once it disappears, you feel pleasant, energetic and gain back your strength. Then you can recreate a healthy body.
Wear Anions
Take Action Now to Ensure Your Good Health
If you have chronic conditions and have tried all means to get better, why not try something that has been market tested for 55 years?
Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure. Negative Ion Clothing, has been and will continue to be, an effective alternative to improve and maintain a good health. Through the four(4) major benefits of negative ions your health may be improved. You simply change the clothes you wear, see it work for you and your loved ones.
So don’t hesitate! Take the first step to try out the various selection of undergarments, socks and accessories, bedding, etc from kids to adult; you’ll be making an investment on your health and those of your loved ones.
Teviron healthy negatively charged ions will have surprising effects.
– What is Teviron fiber?
– What is a Negative Ion?
– What are the advantages of Negative Ions for the human body?
– How does a Negative Ion clean the blood?
– How do we reinforce the activation of cells?
– How can we enhance resistance to disease?
– How can we adjust the autonomous nervous system?
– What effect does the Negative Ion have upon cells?
– Why can Negative Ions improve the body’s constitution?
– Does the Negative ion improve arteriosclerosis?
– How do Negative Ions help to fight infection?
– How do Negative Ions promote the activation nature of fermentation?
– How does the Negative Ion promote gastrointestinal motility?
– Why did Negative Ion fiber technology develop?
– How many kinds of Negative Ion fibers exist?
– Does the content of Negative Ions in air affect health?
– How about Teviron fiber’s ability to keep the body warm?
– Why does Teviron have prominent water vapor permeability and water permeability?
– How does Teviron produce Negative Ions on a long-term basis?
– Why is Teviron clothing safe?
– Why will health improve when people wear Negative Ion clothing?
– What is retardation reaction?
– What is anaphylaxis?
– What is excretion reaction?
– What is recovery reaction?
– Are there any side effects during the improvement response?
– How many kinds of Negative Ion clothing are available?
– Is Negative Ion clothing suitable for all ages?
– Can healthy people use Teviron?
– Is Teviron material durable?
– Can Teviron clothing be washed in a washing machine?
– What are the precautions when cleaning Negative Ion fiber?
– How can it be proven that Teviron can produce static electricity?
– My friend uses Teviron, but there are no “improvement reactions;” why is that?
– There are many abnormal phenomena in my body, such as problems in the intestine, stomach, and when I use Teviron, which part will react first?
– Do obese people have a slimming and body shaping effect with use of Teviron?
– I have foot sprain and joint swelling; can Teviron help?
– Can Teviron products improve sleep quality?
– Can Teviron lessen symptoms of gout?
– Can Negative Ions improve cardiovascular diseases?
– What effects do negative ions exert on live diseases?
– Can Negative Ions improve kidney stone symptoms?
– My mother has Diabetes, can Negative Ion clothing help her?
– Can Negative Ions improve uremia?
– Do Negative Ions have improving effects on tumors?
– My daughter catches cold frequently, can Negative Ion clothing help?
– Can Negative ions lessen menstrual cramping and pain?
– Will it aggravate hypersensitivity if hypersensitive constitution uses Teviron products?
– Can Negative ion clothing improve per arthritis in the shoulder?
– Do Negative ion products have effect on dermatophytosis?
What is Teviron fiber?
Chloridated polyethylene is the raw material of Teviron fiber. Chloridated polyethylene is extracted from petroleum, using acetone and benzene as solvents to make it fibrous. The main manufacturing place for Teviron fiber is located in the Yamaguchi country of Japan.
After a short time on the market in Japan, Teviron fiber has had the honor of receiving three prizes, including the OHKOUCHI Prize, (the topmost prize in the fiber realm of Japan), the Majestic Benefaction Invention Award (presented by Majesty Mikado Showa of Japan), and the High Molecule Institute prize (special honor in the chemistry industry).
Teviron fiber has many useful properties such as the ability to stay moist, incubation, permeation, effect of negative ions, and its fire retardant quality. All of these properties of the Teviron fiber are very beneficial for human health.
What is a Negative Ion?
When electrons collide with molecules in the air, scientists give the name “Ion” to the molecules carrying the electrons thus formed. Negatively charged molecules are called “negative ions.” If we liken this to the baseball, the pitcher is the positive ion, and the catcher is the negative ion.
In our daily lives, air pollution has become so serious that the negative ions are disappearing gradually, thus generating too many positive ions at the same time which is causing the air quality to get increasingly worse. When there are too many positive ions people may often experience headache, insomnia, neurasthenia, hypersensitivity, fatigue, respiratory passage disease and a host of other symptoms.
Negative ions serve to disinfect and clean the air after they combine together with bacteria, resulting in the death of bacteria which can no longer form other strains because of changes in structure and transfer of energy. This causes dead bacteria to settle on the ground, which is the main reason why bacteria decrease in number at the rate of 20% per minute in the air. Therefore, negative ion manufacturing technology aims at contributing to the elimination of particles in the air. When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply. By increasing the negative ion supply we may be able to increase both physical and mental comforts. The negative ion is a cleansing agent as well as a “vitamin of the air.”
What are the advantages of Negative Ions for the human body?
The main advantages of negative ions for the human body include cleansing of the blood, activation of cells, enhancement of the immune system, and adjustment of the autonomous nervous system.
How does a Negative Ion clean the blood?
A negative ion encourages blood circulation, supplies more nutrients and oxygen, cleanses the blood, and accelerates metabolism of wastes produced in the human body.
Blood of healthy people is alkaline with a pH value of about 7.35 to 7.45. Modern people are changing to unhealthy habits of food and drink, with more meat and fewer vegetables, which all tend to acidify the blood and create excessive acid material. This acid material deposits on joints, which may lead to arthritis.
The acidity or alkalinity of the blood is determined by the content of calcium (Ca2+) in the blood. Ca2+ plays an important role in the human body by controlling the heartbeat, nerve conduction, cerebrum thinking, skeleton growth, and circulation. The normal content of Ca2+ in blood serum is 4mg/100cc. When the content is 3mg/100cc, the body may feel exhausted; when the content is 2.5mg/100cc, the body may have chronic diseases; when the content is 1mg/100cc about, life may be at the edge of death.
Besides paying attention to healthy food and drink habits, such as eating more vegetables and less meat, negative ions are also helpful in maintaining the Ca2+ content at a normal level. After the human body is exposed to negative ions over a period of time, the level of Ca2+ may slowly near the normal state, blood may become alkaline, and furthermore, the blood will be cleansed.
How do we reinforce the activation of cells?
Every cell has a cellular membrane, a cell substance and nucleus. The Cellular membrane defends against foreign substances. There are many tiny gaps in the membrane to transport nutrition into cells and discharge metabolite out of cells. In addition, there are many microvilli on the surface which respond to surrounding changes. The cellular membrane is just like skin.
The Cell substance produces cell nutrition. It contains mitochondria, ribosome, Golgi bodies, and lysosomes. Mitochondria is an electricity station for cells, supplying energy (ATP). Ribosomes manufacture protein synthesis. Golgi bodies are in charge of packing and transporting nutrient substance (ATP, protein). Lysosomes digest metabolic waste and excrete it.
The Nucleus is in charge of replication, heredity, and regeneration. The nucleus is the core of the cell, much like a brain. When the living environment changes, the human body environment will also change; microvilli on the cellular membrane can respond to the change, transfer information to the nucleus, then give an order to manufacture energy, and cells will accommodate the environment by changing metabolism function and physical capacity.
Such changes can induce cell atrophy and death, hyperplasic or transformation to another type of cell, and during the transition process may form tumor cells.
When blood becomes acidified, cells become harder and thicker and cannot get enough nutrients, cell reactions will become weak, and metabolic wastes cannot be discharged out of cells, which leads to cellular necrosis. If blood is alkaline, it can supply enough nutrition for cells, cells need not change metabolic function, and thus an abnormal cell will not emerge.
When negative ions touch cells, the passageway function of the cell membrane activates to transport essential moisture, nutrients, and oxygen into cells, break down cytotoxin, and effect cell activation. Regenerated cells will be healthier and possess much more vitality.
How can we enhance resistance to disease?
Resistance is another term for immunity. The immune system contains the innate immunity system and acquired immunity system. The innate immunity system contains macrophage and natural killer cells. Macrophage can encircle a foreign body, and natural killer cells can clear away invading tumor cells. The acquired immunity system contains T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. The main function of the T lymphocyte is to identify foreign bacteria and viruses, while the B lymphocyte’s function is to generate antibodies and remember. If the same bacteria and virus invade again, B lymphocytes will produce the same antibody; so this is the axiom to vaccination.
Activation of cells will strengthen cellular immunity, make them more energetic, enhance the ability of leucocytes to phagocytize bacteria and viruses, speed up antibody production by lymphocytes, and increase antibody quantity. A strong immune system can kill bacteria and viruses, and cure illness.
How can we adjust the autonomous nervous system?
The autonomous nervous system mainly controls functions of respiration, circulation, digestion, metabolism which cannot be controlled by self-consciousness.
The autonomous nervous system includes adrenergic nerves and parasympathetic nerves. The adrenergic nerves effect muscle tension and nerves which activate in the daytime to consume energy. By contrast, the parasympathetic nerves slacken the body, and it is a nighttime nerve, which improves the functions of internal organs. Modern people eat acidic food and get insufficient exercise, which acidifies the blood, they become tired easily, have a constitution with acidic pH values, and have elevated blood pressure. As the blood pressure increases, blood tends to be more acidic, thus entering a vicious cycle and creating somatopsychic disturbance.
Negative ions can improve ion permeability of cell membranes, and elevate membrane potential. The nerve cell is the most prominent in this, and it transforms outside stimulations into nerve pulsing and transmits to the neural system in the brain, which is most sensitive.
Under the pressures of modern society, many factors assault the brain center directly causing autonomous nervous system disturbance, adrenergic nerve and parasympathetic nerve disturbances, as well as mental and physical disorders. Negative ions can reverse the unhealthy situation, bring nerve cell membrane potential to a normal level, cause blood to become more alkaline, normalize physical capacity, and end the vicious cycle as they restore perfection to both body and mind.
What effect does the Negative Ion have upon cells?
Modern civilization and technology cause many problems for which there are no evident reasons, such as aches, high blood pressure, irritability, drumming sound in the ears, and so on, which may be termed “civilization sequelae”. The vast numbers of electrical equipment and cars, which we rely upon in our modern lifestyles, increase our exposure to positive ions. Too many positive ions in our environment can make us feel rage, irascible, muscle-bound, spikes in blood pressure, and difficulty breathing.
In 1986, Dr. Kiueger conducted some tests in which positive ions and negative ions were introduced into the body through the skin and respiratory tract, and these tests proved that the negative ion has physiological functions as follows (the reverse results for positive ions):
A) Increases lung capacity.
B) Accelerates villus movement and decreases blood pressure and heartbeat rate.
C) Releases neuropathic hormone Scrotnin and brings the metabolism rate over bx 50%.
D) Releases Histamine in the body and elevates the metabolism rate over bx 50%.
E) Promotes Central Nervous System health and cell membrane normalization.
F) Promotes endocrine and metabolic normalization.
Cells make up the human body, mitochondria are electric stations for cells, as they absorb nourishment for the cells, change it into energy for the body, and maintain physiologic function. Cells are charged by the mitochondria for maintenance of cell membrane potential and surface charge normalization, and for absorption of and discharge of foreign bodies.
After negative ions enter cells, they will reinforce mitochondria to generate electric normalization; and the negative ions will assist cells to absorb or remove foreign bodies. When negative ions enter the body by way of the skin, it can alter the charge of the cell in the human body. Negative ion exposure can soften cell tissue for reinforcement, soften red blood cells and smooth blood circulation, causing the blood pressure to decrease and normalize naturally. Negative ion exposure can also help to decrease aching in the waist and the back, help the trachea villi to work normally, and help treat diseases of the respiratory passage, which can become normal without other treatment.
Why can Negative Ions improve the body’s constitution?
Negative ions can affect ATPase activation inside the cell membrane, improve synthesis of ATP, activate membrane ion permselectivity, and will affect ion normalization on the inside and outside of the cells. At the same time, excess calcium ions and sodium ions will transmigrate to the blood, while stagnate calcium ions and magnesium ions (Mg2+) in the blood will transmigrate to the cell, adjust the exterior and interior balance of cells, and enhance membrane potential in the body.
Negative ion permselectivity of migratory sodium ion and calcium ion (alkaline ion) can balance out acid toxin (lactic acid and ketone bodies), clean the blood and keep it alkaline. The result is acid-base equilibrium normalization. Even when the negative ion is broken off outside, it can still maintain ATP synthesis for a long time. Repeated negative ion exposure can improve the body’s constitution completely; as the stimulation of negative ions activate gamma globulin, which improves immunity in the body, enhances resistance against high blood pressure, and makes the body healthy.
Does the Negative ion improve arteriosclerosis?
Once blood becomes acidic, cholesterol metabolizes abnormally; cholesterol sticks to the blood vessel wall and induces arteriosclerosis. Ingesting full strength vegetable oil (unsaturated fatty acid) can flush excess cholesterol. On the other hand, vegetable oil acidifies easily, and produces lipofuscin (peracid lipid), which is a cause of aging. To promote good health it is necessary to depress acidification in the human body. After negative ions exert their effects, the cell membrane becomes smooth with good permselectivity, and cell membrane metabolism normalizes, thus preventing membrane aging. When the cell membrane of the vessel wall changes, it induces arteriosclerosis; but negative ion exposure can effect its normalization.
How do Negative Ions help to fight infection?
When negative ions have effects on the body, the potassium (K+) and magnesium (Mg2+) in the blood will transfer into cells. Potassium contains a substance that can alleviate pain in cells, help fight infection, and promote wound recovery.
How do Negative Ions promote the activation nature of fermentation?
The efficacy of negative ions lies in aiming at regulating the acid base of blood, and acid normalization of cells. The result is to make the main part of the cell’s interior metabolism activate a fermentation process. Fermentation is very active; and without fermentation there is no life force. In order to activate fermentation, a suitable blood pH is absolutely necessary, as the pH of blood determines the proper acidity of cells.
Cleansing the blood and maintaining blood alkalinity are very important for our health. The effect of the liver is just like fermentation; to make the blood more alkaline. Activating the blood through fermentation can improve the function of the liver.
Another reason to increase the function of fermentation is the increase of urea in blood. Urea is a metabolic product of meat (protein), which is discharged from the kidney. Therefore, eating excessive meat will damage the function of the liver because of urea synthesis. Increase of urea in the blood will pollute the blood at the same time which will not only lower fermentation activity, but also aggravate the burden to the kidney. Negative ion exposure will cleanse the blood, activate fermentation, and lessen the burden on the liver and kidney.
How does the Negative Ion promote gastrointestinal motility?
Meat causes abnormal bacterium and decomposes in the intestinal tract. The toxins (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, phenol) which are produced will be released into the body. In order to attenuate, the liver must work excessively as the toxins move into the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. The toxins can cause arteriosclerosis, hypertension, aching in the waist and back, cancer, and so on. Because putrefaction has a pungent odor, feces and flatulence have a pungent odor. Once they decay in the intestines, they produce a great deal of ammonia, and induce alkali in the intestines. Due to stimulation by toxins, the intestines will strain, which induces constipation. If we apply negative ions treatment, it promotes peristalsis of intestines, recovers normal activity of fermentation, and prevents putrefaction even more. Negative ions create good health through eliminating toxins in the intestines with normal defecation of bodily waste.
Why did Negative Ion fiber technology develop?
Now that we know that the negative ion has so many advantages, we may incorporate it into clothing through negative ion technology. When people wear clothing that contain negative ions, they are surrounding themselves with a “Negative Ion Shield”, thus limiting any problems that may arise from the positive ions in the air.
How do we make negative ion clothing? Since 1938, Japan has conducted research on the feasibility of “negative ion fibers”. Through more than 20 years of research, high-tech procedures have successfully solved this problem. As long as people wear clothing made from negative fibers, they will have active cells, which will enhance their immune system resistance and lighten the discomfort of chronic diseases.
How many kinds of Negative Ion fibers exist?
To date, we know that negative ion fibers contain: Teviron fiber, polypropylene fiber, ecological fiber, and super thin crude cotton fiber.
Among the fibers listed above, the developmental history of Teviron fiber is the longest, its application is the broadest, and there is persistent research and improvement of this fiber. Teviron fiber has gathered many favorable opinions.
Does the content of Negative Ions in air affect health?
There are many elderly people reaching the age of one hundred in a village on the Chinese mainland. According to investigations by relevant departments, the secret of this “longevity village” is due to the high content of negative ions in the local air (20 thousand per cc) as well as other contributing lifestyle factors of habits, diet, drink and so on. Therefore, the oldest person in the village is one hundred and forty. By contrast, according to results from informal tests, the average household and office in the cities, has a content of negative ions of only one hundred and fifty per CC in the air! According to some reports in the Asia Medical Journal, when negative ions (commonly known as FenDuoJing) in the air reach one thousand to two thousand per CC, is beneficial for human health; when the content of negative ions reaches five thousand to fifty thousand per CC, they are able to reinforce resistance and immunity in the body. In addition, if the content of negative ions reaches one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand per CC, they may cure some diseases.
How about Teviron fiber’s ability to keep the body warm?
The Industry of Public Health Academy of Japan compared five different materials by experimenting with cotton, wool, man-made silk, Acrylic, and Teviron. They manufactured five elbow protectors in the same manner out of each material; one arm wore the elbow protector, while the other did not. They observed the difference in the skin surface temperature of each of the two arms, at the same temperature. The result demonstrated no distinct differences between the arms at about 25 degrees Celsius; however, the temperature of the arm wearing Teviron was much high than the other, as the control temperature descended. The other materials did not differ significantly in temperature between each of the two arms. The results indicated the ability of keeping warm with Teviron is superior to the other materials. In other words, under general conditions, there is not a distinct temperature difference with any materials; however, once the temperature descends to a very low level; the warmth of Teviron material will be very noticeable.
In light of all the results, Teviron was able to stay moist three times longer than cotton and two times longer than wool. In the past, wool was considered to be the best material to keep the body warm, but now Teviron changes this orthodox impression.
Why does Teviron have prominent water vapor permeability and water permeability?
Researchers have tested the water vapor permeability and water permeability of clothing. In the tests, subjects wear clothing made of half Teviron and half cotton, then the subjects run until they sweat. When humidity reaches 80%, the subjects stop running, are time tested from sweat to dry, and the result is made into a humidity percentage curve diagram. We find that Teviron only needs about 10 minutes to dry; but cotton needs about 40 minutes.
Cotton fiber was considered to have powerful absorption, with cotton clothing absorbing better than many other fabrics; so it is commonly thought that we should wear cotton clothing in summer. In fact, cotton clothing takes up water easily, but besides absorption by the cotton fiber, water will also fill up blank spaces between cotton fibers, and evaporation is difficult. Therefore, cotton clothing retains the sweat on the skin and may feel uncomfortable.
Because the absorption rate of Teviron is zero, when perspiration occurs, sweat hides at the back of the fiber, and the water quickly evaporates. Therefore, Teviron clothing can make people feel comfortable and it is also beneficial for human health.
How does Teviron produce Negative Ions on a long-term basis?
We can use a simple flow chart to demonstrate the production process of Teviron.
Petroleum – – – Chloridated Polyethylene
Acetone – – – Beneze =?>>>TEVIRON
During this process of production, chlorine (Cl) plays an important role. In the periodic table, chlorine is seventeenth; in other words, Cl has seventeen protons (carries positive electricity) and seventeen electrons (carries negative electricity).
According to calculated results by chemists, Cl must get one electron from the air to arrive at a stable state; so there will be more electrons than protons, which makes Teviron have negative electricity. If Teviron rubs against anything it will always produce negative ions.
In order to understand information about every fiber which produces negative ions, the Fiber Industry Research Institute of Japan uses eight common fibers for experiments. These fibers are: Teviron, nylon, wool, cotton, silk, acrylic, tetoron, and man-made resin fiber. Researchers use two different fibers to rub against, and observe the state of charge.
Among the eight tested fibers, only Teviron still has negative electricity, no matter which kind of fiber rubs against it.
Why is Teviron clothing safe?
If the index of oxygen in the air is less than LOI 24– (limit of oxygen index); many materials may be likely to burn. For example, if the LOI of cotton is at 19-21, it is combustible. The LOI of Teviron is between 35-37; therefore, it is not flammable. Once Teviron is exposed to fire, it will burn with a blackened color and give off an abnormal smell, and thus attracting our immediate attention. Teviron material will not burn for long or ignite other things. Teviron material has been determined to be fireproof in Japan. Therefore, Teviron is a safety fiber. Teviron fiber is considered to be healthy clothing and there are no side effects.
Why will health improve when people wear Negative Ion clothing?
Cells make up the human body; and in order to sustain vital movement, all kinds of cells must move all the time. When the body feels sick and a person wears Teviron clothing, negative ions will help the cells to work normally. Cells not only have their own functions, but they also have the added burden of returning to their normal state. When they are not in the situation of overloading, cells, will improve naturally. However, improvement “symptoms” are different with every person, buy may include swelling, fever, itching, acne, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, bone and muscle pain. Except for improvement, we can classify them into four types: retardation, allergies, excretion, and convalescence.
What is retardation reaction?
When a person is sick for a long time, the body gets used to an invaded state, and makes an effort to adapt, to coexist with diseases, thus forming an imbalance. Many nutrients and cells must work for cytothesis especially, and people may feel fatigue and lethargic.
For example, if the liver becomes diseased or a person has a tendency to move slowly, the body will become accustomed to a slow rhythm, and once the balance is broken down, a retardation reaction will appear. After the liver function returns to normal, the improvement reaction will naturally appear.
What is anaphylaxis?
People usually take medicine or have an injection when feeling ill, but the disease will still exist, as the effect of medicine is to suppress only the symptoms. After contact with negative ions, the human body’s metabolism will strengthen, circulation will increase, and people will experience various kinds of anaphylaxis: constipation, allocate, pain, swelling, or perspiration.
Patients of rheumatism, gout, and neuralgia always get ill acutely, then fall into chronic diseases gradually, and after a long period these chronic diseases will settle down to stable state. These kinds of patients may return to an acute state, so after wearing Teviron, their pain may be severe at first, then return to normal slowly, just like a video tape rewinds, and the plots plays back.
In addition, if the body has abnormal chronic disease, after contact with negative ions, the responses will happen at the worst stage and each stage will see more positive results. If this is the case, do not worry about it; instead, the person should feel happy that he is recovering.
What is excretion reaction?
When people have problems with elimination such as constipation or diarrhea, this state usually happens at acid physical capacity and with patients who take medicine for long-term conditions. Modern people tend to overeat, abuse drugs, lack normal bowel movements, or have loose bowels which cause toxins to accumulate, they physical capacity changes into acidity and releases too much active oxygen into the body. This causes cancer, aging, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases. If a rash appears, skin changes, urine color changes, or flatulence increases after contact with negative ions, it means that the body is eliminating toxins and decomposing waste, so do not worry about it.
What is recovery reaction?
A recovery reaction happens with patients who have blood circulation disturbance, congestion in the body, and turbid blood. The disease is a manifestation of a mass death of cells. After contact with negative ions, cells activate, acid toxins decompose gradually and are eliminated, blood will be cleansed, and physical capacity will improve. Cells regenerate considerably at this time, and patients may also experience itching, convulsions, and pain. These are all normal responses before health improves, especially for patients with fatal diseases, and severely ill persons. This is because they have had too many dead cells and their cells need to regenerate considerably; so their responses are very intense.
Are there any side effects during the improvement response?
Japanese molecule rectification professor, Akaba Yoshio, said that not every person had improvement responses, as people whose health was good may not have a reaction, and those who did suffer were usually not well to begin with. Because it is the premonition of recovery, it is worth emphasizing that all of the above reactions are not improvement ones, and after improvement reactions disappear, people will feel an increase in their physical capacity, euphoria, every reserves, just like they felt perhaps when they were five or ten years younger. These responses can be explained from a medical point of view. However, improvement reactions are different with each person. If a person cannot tolerate the reaction, they may remove the negative ion clothing, then wear it again after their symptoms disappear. After several such alternations, improvement responses will disappear spontaneously. It may take continuous exposure to negative ion clothing to improve the reaction, so do not worry if you experience temporary symptoms.
Symptoms may vary and involve different factors. Since blood circulates throughout the entire body, it is best to wear a set of negative ion clothing which covers the whole body, and also increase water intake by about 3000cc, and drink more milk.
How many kinds of Negative Ion clothing are available?
At presents products made by Teviron not only include basic clothing, but also gloves, stockings, scarves, accessories, bed sheets, and wool blankets among others. Teviron clothing is designed for children, teenagers, women, men, athletic clothing, for specific health problems and many other purposes.
Is Negative Ion clothing suitable for all ages?
Teviron is a very good fiber which is suitable for every age group. Teviron clothing is safe and beneficial for women during pregnancy and will not harm the fetus and may also assist in proper fetus development. Teviron clothing is suitable for the elderly aged peoploe as it can improve on the aging symptoms. Teviron clothing can help all ages to attain good health.
Can healthy people use Teviron?
Two thousand years ago, a traditional Chinese medicine book recorded the Emperor Huang Medicine Theory, “Prevention is more important than the cure;” which is also advocated by modern medicine. With traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine agreeing on this point, both healthy and sick persons are able to wear Teviron material for the purpose of prevention and maintaining their health.
Is Teviron material durable?
Though nothing lasts forever, the durability of the Teviron material depends on proper care. Incorrect washing is the main cause of the Teviron material wearing out, and proper washing way can prolong its use. If you care properly for your Teviron material and keep it in good repair, its beneficial negative static electricity properties will not disappear.
Can Teviron clothing be washed in a washing machine?
If you want to wash Teviron clothing in a washing machine, here are some suggestions for you to follow:
A) Put the Teviron clothing in a net bag and then put it into a washing machine.
B) Use the delicate setting on your washing machine.
C) Use a delicate rinse cycle, limit the time to 1-2min.
What are the precautions when cleaning Negative Ion fiber?
Due to the manufacturing process of Teviron products, in order to maintain their function for a long time, please pay careful attention to cleaning and conservation:
A)Temperature cannot exceed 60 degrees Celsius.
Water temperature cannot exceed 60 degrees Celsius. You may put it in the sun, but do not put it on a heat conductor, such as steel or iron. Avoid contact with extreme heat, which should shrink the fabric and affect the soft feel of the fabric by making it stiffer.
B)Do not wash with other clothing.
Because Teviron absorbs dirt from other clothing easily, wash it separately from other clothing.
C)Avoid using ablution products to prevent static electricity.
Because ablution products for preventing static electricity (softeners, anti-static electricity agents) will form a film on the fibers, these products will interfere with the effect of negative ions. Bleach should also be avoided and if it is used by accident, it should be rinsed thoroughly with water, or rewashed with special detergent.
How can it be proven that Teviron can produce static electricity?
We can use a static electricity tester to test it, or by rubbing clean and dry Teviron in a dark room with low humidity it will produce a shade of green light, indicating negative static electricity.
How can it be proven that Teviron can produce static electricity?
We can use a static electricity tester to test it, or by rubbing clean and dry Teviron in a dark room with low humidity it will produce a shade of green light, indicating negative static electricity.
My friend uses Teviron, but there are no “improvement reactions;” why is that?
There are two cases for no improvement reactions; firstly, if there is no illness or abnormality, and the other is that there are negative improvement reactions.
Everybody has a different physical condition, lifestyle habits, eating habits, and adaptive capacity, so Teviron has different effects for each individual. In addition, improvement reactions also have positive and negative improvement reactions. Positive reactions are experienced in the body, but negative reactions may be so subtle as to hardly be noticed.
There are many abnormal phenomena in my body, such as problems in the intestine, stomach, and live, when I use Teviron, which part will react first?
The worst part will react first. Suppose the problem is with the stomach, then the reaction will happen with the stomach first, and after the stomach improves, then improvement will occur in other parts of the body. In order to bring into full play the mysterious effect of Teviron, chronic disease patients need to be patient and allow some time for the negative ion treatment to work.
Do obese people have a slimming and body shaping effect with use of Teviron?
Teviron does not create bodybuilding effects by itself, but Teviron produces negative ions which can activate cells, encourage blood circulation, and encourage metabolism so not only will waste not accumulate, but obesity will decrease.
Teviron is used in both athletic clothing and women’s garments, such as underwear. Close contact with negative ions may help you to maintain your figure.
I have foot sprain and joint swelling; can Teviron help?
Teviron can reduce or alleviate swelling and pain, and improve recovery time; but if the sprain involves injury to the ligaments or bone, it may be necessary to seek medical treatment.
Can Teviron products improve sleep quality?
Our sleep is controlled by parasympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system. When the parasympathetic nerve works normally, it can make the body rest, so that sleep quality will improve naturally. Negative ions produced by Teviron fiber can make the parasympathetic nerve work normally, therefore using Teviron clothing and pajamas may improve your sleep quality.
Can Teviron lessen symptoms of gout?
Gout is usually caused by blood acidification, when acid substances deposit in joints in a crystal state, which result in joint swelling and pain. After the body is in contact with negative ions for some time, the content of calcium ions in the blood will tend to normalize gradually. Blood will gradually become more alkaline, thus cleansing the blood and lessening symptoms of gout.
Can Negative Ions improve cardiovascular diseases?
Negative ions can adjust autonomic nerves, promote the current flow of blood to conduct normally, and maintain or recover normal heart rate. The most important thing is to prevent oxygenation of free radicals, avoid blockage of the blood, improve the state of blood vessels and blood flow, activate cells, smooth the cells of the blood vessel wall. To prevent or improve angiosclerosis, remove the factor of hypertension to solve the puzzle of cardiovascular diseases.
What effects do negative ions exert on live diseases?
A. Prevent the liver from viral infection.
Negative ions can activate the cell, enhance liver reticuloendothelial cell energy, and decrease the ability of phagocytes virus. Therefore, the negative ions can help to prevent viruses from invading the liver. Once infection occurs, negative ions can stimulate the B lymphocytes, produce antibodies, and strengthen phagocytes of macrophages and leucocytes, diminish liver viruses, and shorten the course of illness.
B. Promote liver function and improve fatty liver.
The chemical function of the liver is controlled by the autonomic nerves. Negative ions can help to normalize the work of the autonomic nerves, decompose metabolic fat function at a normal level, and improve and prevent fatty liver.
C. Improve oxygen content, cleanse the blood, and prevent cirrhosis of liver.
Cirrhosis of the liver is related to infection and autoimmunity. Negative ions increase the oxygen content of the red blood cell, improve the hypoxia state of liver cells, promote blood circulation, and help to regenerate liver cells. Negative ions can also activate liver cells, and prevent liver cells from injury which may induce hepatic fibrosis. They also have the effect of preventing cirrhosis of the liver.
D. Increase SOD, prevent and cure aggravation of hepatoma.
SOD (superoxide dismutase) is an illustrious antioxidant, which usually lies in the brain, heart and liver, but it decreases with the age. According to researchers, once the body comes in contact with negative ions, it will increase its cactivation of SOD, counteract active oxygen, reduce free radical injury to the nucleus, reduce the gene mutation rate, and prevent hepatoma.
Postoperative hepatoma patients usually undergo chemotherapy. Negative ions will produce massive HO free radicals which to increase immunity. Allowing the body to come in contact with negative ions can help counteract free radicals, eliminate side effects of chemotherapy, elevate effects of therapy and improve living quality.
Can Negative Ions improve kidney stone symptoms?
Negative ions help to adjust the blood calcium concentration, prevent decalcification, reduce uring calcium, avoid the formation of renal calculus, adjust the blood pH value, and prevent uric acid calculus. Negative ions can repair injuries to the kidney and urethra induced by kidney stones, avoid the formation of scar tissue, and prevent uric acid calculus from accumulating in scar tissue, thus preventing an accumulation of calculus.
My mother has Diabetes, can Negative Ion clothing help her?
To treat diabetes one usually injects insulin thus causing a long-term dependence on the drug and inducing degeneration in the areas of hyperinsulinism. Negative ions function will adjust the endocrine secretion, stimulate areas of hyperinsulinism to produce insulin, and relieve the symptoms of diabetes.
The primary function of negative ions include: improving arteriosclerosis, promoting blood circulation, improving retinal hemorrhage, enhancing activation of pancreas b (beta) cells, increasing the volume of insulin secretion, activating skin and muscle tissue, promoting epidermis and granulation production, accelerating wound healing; activation of the kidney, improving renal failure, enhancing the vigor of leucocytes, lessening wound inflammation symptoms, increasing bacteriostatic action, and obviating skin ulceration.
Can Negative Ions improve uremia?
Negative ion clothing may be worn to prevent aggravation of some kidney abnormalities such as uremia. Because the negative ion has a blood cleansing function, it can improve on arteriosclerosis; activate renal tubule smooth muscle cell; facilitate metabolic discharge; promote the kidney to excrete the haematogenesis hormone and vitamin D thus improving anemia; adjust autonomic nerves; and improve the side effects of dialysis, such as blood pressure unsteadiness, skin itching and muscle cramp.
Do Negative Ions have improving effects on tumors?
After understanding the causes behind cancer, we are able to prevent the cells’ carcinomatous production, reduce threats from cancer by cleaning the active oxygen in the body and reducing the attack on and damage to cell membranes.
As mentioned above, active oxygen induces many diseases; negative ions are sharp weapons used to destroy active oxygen. Because negative ions carry one more electron than others, the negative ion can give it to the active oxygen, and create active oxygen stabilization. When we change the composition of active oxygen it will not aggressively destroy the cell membrane and cell nucleus again.
Also, negative ions can activate and upgrade cell functions, and make insufficiently functioning cells change into healthy cells, so that the cancer cells are not able to infiltrate. They can also adjust autonomic nerves and bring endocrine levels to normal.
My daughter catches cold frequently, can Negative Ion clothing help?
Using negative ion fiber products can activate cell function, and make trachea cilia work normally and enhance white cell phagocytes. Negative ions can induce the glandular organ to excrete mucus which contain antibodies and interferon so the lysozymes can eliminate the virus, and the cold will improve quickly. Negative ion clothing will assist the immune system to help prevent against the common cold.
Can Negative ions lessen menstrual cramping and pain?
Negative ion fiber products are the most suitable thing for women during the menstrual period. Since negative ions can adjust autonomic nerves, adjust hormones to reach normal levels, and relax and smooth contracted uterine muscle, it will eliminate menstrual pain and cramping. In addition, Teviron fibers keeps the body warm which can obviate menstrual pain caused by a chill. Using Teviron clothing will be most effective.
Will it aggravate hypersensitivity if hypersensitive constitution uses Teviron products?
Teviron produces negative ions which can enhance immunity, adjust the body’s physical capacity, thus improving on hypersensitivity.
Can Negative ion clothing improve per arthritis in the shoulder?
Patients who have retro gradation of joints, injury, and muscle tendon infection, which causes increase and decrease joint fluids in the shoulder joints are limited in their activity. Patients who use negative ion fiber products may facilitate proper nerve conduction, strengthen the blood supply, and recovery quickly from inflammation. Negative ions’ activation function can improve joint regeneration, fibroblast cell matrix, and recover shoulder joint to normality.
Do Negative ion products have effect on dermatophytosis?
People whose feet sweat and wear air-proof footgear for long periods of time will have difficulty with perspiration, as the bacteria of feet multiply easily in moist surroundings. Especially at the toe, patients may feel itching, and desquamating, and some may ulcerate. This is called dermatophytosis. Usually sweating of the feet is controlled by autonomic nerves.
Negative ions can adjust autonomic nerves, improve excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, activate cells, and repair parts of ulcerate and scaling rapidly. Water vapor permeability and water permeability of Teviron can keep feet dry. Therefore, using Teviron products long-term can obviate and improve dermatophytosis.
Acute Leukemia
Name: Chun shi zhel, Taiwan
Product use: Whole set Life is so unpredictable. In June 2002 my life went through a big change. I was diagnosed with acute leukemia. My first symptom was a cold. I went to 4 different doctors and they all said I had a cold. In addition to the cold symptoms I had diarrhea, poor appetite, dizziness, general discomfort and I had lost a lot of weight. I thought it was because I was working too hard. When my vision became impaired and I was seeing black spots, I realize it was serious. I went to the hospital and I was diagnosed with acute leukemia. This was like a death sentence. I felt like someone had hit me with a base ball bat. Life became dark with depression. After chemo therapy my immune system decreased and I developed pulmonary edema. I continued to have diarrhea. The Doctor notified my family because I was in critical condition in an isolation room at the hospital. My parents would not give up. They brought lots of negative ion clothing and bedding in to the isolation room for me to use it. I am so thankful that my primary doctor knows the benefits of negative ion clothing and he permitted it to be brought into isolation room. My parents brought me 3 sets of negative ion clothing including: blankets, supports and Eskimo shirts and pants. After chemo therapy I had to change clothes every 3 to 4 hours and my blanket every 3 days because the clothes and blanket reeked with a chemical and medication stench. The negative ion clothing took all of the chemicals out of my body right out through my skin. Those chemicals and medications from chemo therapy must be excreted or they cause kidney failure and then dialysis is the only way to get it out. After chemo therapy blood counts must rebound and are critical for fighting infections and complications. Lots of patients lose their lives because of this. The negative ion clothes helped me to recover and rebound more quickly. My energy level improved more quickly than others. I had a comparatively much shorter recovery time then others. After chemo therapy, while I was waiting for a bone marrow transplant, the SARS epidemic over-took Taiwan. The Nefful products got me through this time of crisis when I was not able to get a bone marrow transplant for an extended period. This product helped me safely pass this critical waiting period, and it helped my bone marrow transplant go smoothly. For example: when a farmer plants his field, the seed needs rich soil to harvest a good crop. The same thing is true with a bone marrow transplant: if the body is in healthy nourished physical condition it accepts the bone marrow transplant easily. The usual hospital stay after a bone marrow transplant is more then 40 days but only took me 28 days. After I was discharged I had to take cortisone to prevent my body from rejecting the bone marrow. Every time I went back to see the doctor they continued to decrease the dosage. As of Jan 2005 I no longer need medications. Now after using this amazing Nefful product for one and half years, not only am I without need for medication, I was able to travel to Egypt for one month and lead a normal life. Prevention is more important than therapy". Your health is priceless and you should take care of it. You should take care of your health when you are in good condition. Don’t think you are young and healthy and disease is far from you. This product can give you a good immune system. I am so thankful that my parents introduced this product to me. I am thankful that the Nefful Company has such amazing products available to help people live a healthy lifestyle.
Breast cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Media: TVBS website
Subject: Tang Hsiu-Pin stands up again Overcome breast cancer and Rheumatoid Arthritis!
(Reporter: Chuang Chih-Wei, Peng Kuang-Hsu reported in Taipei)Seven years ago, a woman, named Tang Hsiu-Pin, who suffered breast cancer accused her husband of an abortive homicide because her husband intentionally concealed her disease, and this case shocked the public. For several years, she suffered and almost died from the seriously deteriorating disease, and she also suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis which disabled her, but now she has defeated the serious illnesses and stands up again. She uses her own experience to help more people to overcome their difficulties. Standing up from the sofa with the support of a cane is a simple action, but it is a miracle that Tang Hsiu-Pin who once was unable to stand up for five years for serious arthritis. Tang Hsiu-Pin: " I'm very happy, but after I stood up, I had a new perception of my own experience, I found that my friends that were part these years are not as lofty as I imagined them before". You may forget that seven years ago this pleasant woman accused her betraying husband, who was a doctor, of intentionally concealing her breast cancer with the purpose of terminating their marriage, which was reported in newspapers as a lead story. Later, when her state of illness was in crisis, she decided to forgive her former husband and withdraw the accusation. Tang Hsiu-Pin: "I am really thankful that God has my life suffer from the painful torments. Due to the pain, I could comfort some people. Because I have gone through the pain and get better and better now, I could inspire other people." Tang Hsiu-Pin: "scarf ! 430, Bye-Bye! As my body keeps improving and I can move more and more freely, my desire for living on becomes stronger and stronger"Her arthritis became serious because of her cancer, as a result she had been paralyzed for fives years and often faced death until July of last year when some friends introduced her the negative ions clothing. Her illness was relieved after she started to wear those clothes, at last she can stand again and uses her own experience to promote the product, and can keep the pot boiling.
From TVBS website
Link of the original article:
Date: 2004/03/2
2 yrs. old child had Tumor in her eye
Mae Hua, Taiwan
Product used: whole set
July 2002
At the end of 1995 I noticed that my daughter had a yellow spot in her eye. I took her to our local hospital to check it out. My daughter had developed a malignant tumor in her retina. I was told that the chances of getting this kind of tumor were very rare. The Doctor said that the only way to save her was to remove her eye ball. Sometimes hospitals make a mistake in their diagnosis. I hoped this was the case. I went to another excellent big hospital in Taiwan and the prognosis was the same. We decided to go ahead with the surgery to remove the whole eye ball. After the surgery the Doctor assured us that there was no more malignancy. We brought our daughter home and in less than 3 months the malignant tumor came back. We went back to the hospital. We started radiation and chemotherapy on my poor little child. She lost her hair, her lips were dry and sore, she had nausea and vomiting. The whole therapy treatment took 2 years to finish. This kind of therapy is very harmful for a 2 year old child. I was looking for the blessing in my sorrow for my child. I kept thinking that everything happens for a good reason.
In October of 1999 when I took my daughter back to the hospital for a check up, Sufan, introduced us to the negative ion clothing. She said this product would increase my daughter immunity to illness. I thought these clothes would not cause any bad side effects and they would be easy to use. I got a few items of clothing for my daughter. After 5 months my daughter frequency of getting colds decreased. So I bought her the whole set and she got healthier and healthier. When I took her to the check up, the doctor found that she had grown 12 cm taller. He thought this was very unusual because children who are exposed to radiation and chemotherapy don't grow like that. He was afraid that the brain may have another tumor which may have stimulated her growth hormone to make her grow so tall. They did a cat scan and results were normal. My daughter doesn't have to go to the emergency room any more. Her speed of growth is better than a normal child.
Even me, since I was a little kid I got bronchitis and coughs a lot. After I used the negative ion products this improved. I believe that the Teveron clothing has miracle results. It has made it possible for my whole family to have a happier and healthier life. After using the product for 9 months I quit my job with accounting. Now I am involved with a full time commitment to the Nefful business. I am helping more people with their health and their wealth.
Thanks to Sufan, my angel, who introduced me to negative ion clothing. I consider it such a blessing that I am in the Nefful family. This amazing miracle fiber is a blessing to me.
Cerebral Palsy
Uie Lin 2 and a half year old girl
Premature baby born at 7 month
Mother - Tung Sue Jan
Product used: Whole set
During my daughter delivery her brain did not get enough oxygen. Her right and left brain hemorrhaged. The doctor assessed cerebral palsy. This was followed by all extremity handicaps. We relied on rehab to help her. June 2001 she started rehab. She has been in Rehab for about 2 years. Until now there has been no improvement in her hands. Her feet are still stiff. At the end of March 2003 my sister told me about a miracle fiber called Teviron that was helping people. In the beginning of April I bought the whole set of negative ion clothes for my daughter. In May she was eating by herself and was improving a lot. Now my daughter can memorize poems. She can count 1 to 10 and she can recognize and name the colors. In daily communication she can express her self well. Her extremities and her hands and feet have no problems at all. She can move any way she wants. She has good hand eye coordination and good large and small motor skills. Now she can walk with big steps and she can crawl. When she sits down she can stand up with the support of the rail. My daughter used to be very agitated with a bad temper. Now she is mellow and gentle. She constantly had lung congestion. She had mucus all of the time now her lungs are clear. As a parent I am so happy to see my child have health and a normal life. There is nothing you can compare to the joy of seeing your child healthy. It is most important.
Arrhythmia, high blood pressure, Perspiring hands, menopause.
Sue Sie Zhin, Taiwan
Product use: whole set
Since I was a child I have been sick and weak. I have always had medical problems. March of this year my friend introduced me to negative ion products. I was happy because I believed this is the start of my good life. I purchased 2 whole sets of negative ion clothes. My husband and I used it diligently. Soon my monthly cramps went away. Three weeks after starting to use these special clothes my heart prolapsed which caused my murmur and arrhythmia no longer bothered me. Now I don't have tightness in my chest or perspiring hands. This is the first time in my life that my hands are dry. I have used the product for 5 months and now I don't catch cold easily. I no longer have a hard time to catch my breath. My hands no longer hurt from using the computer. My bells palsy has improved remarkably. I used to have acidic stomach and allergy to milk products and I was plagued with intestinal gas and diarrhea and now no more. My estrogen is balanced so my emotions are more stable. I am calm and happy and I have no more hot flashes. No more back pain.
My husband sleeps well every day and he no longer complains of tiredness. My husband blood sugar and high blood pressure is getting normal. He looks younger and he is more energetic.
Now I am so energetic and with good spirits. I can eat and sing and dance. Now I am like a new person. You deserve to own negative ion clothing and bedding too.
Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Autonomic Nerve Dysfunction, Insomnia, Headache and Weak Heart
Name: Kaub Ming Hung
Product use: whole set
When my mom was young she worked hard even though her blood sugar was over 400. She ignored her diabetes which is very harmful. Her metabolic system was severely damaged. When she was older she was plagued with all kinds of illnesses because of her diabetes and her metabolic problems. As she got older she got worse. More and more problems piled up. She was on insulin since 1986. Till now in July of 2002 she has been hospitalized every year 3 to 4 times to adjust her insulin dosage. More complications have been happening one right after the other. Her eyes got cataracts so she had surgery. Her heart was weak and she had angina. Because of her health condition the doctors were afraid to do anything. Surgery would be dangerous because of her diabetes. Her kidneys failed and she needed dialysis. She got neuropathy of her feet and hands. She got degenerative arthritis and insomnia. She took 2 or 3 sleeping pills at a time but she still could not sleep. My mom was such a caring loving person she still took care of my father every day. Two years ago my father suddenly passed away. My mother was so mentally depended on her husband she became despondent and all of her illnesses became more pronounced. As a son I did not know how to take care of my mother. In this critical period our life saver Lin Lie, an AGM with the Nefful Company, introduced me to negative ion products. My mom did not like direct sales and she told me not to buy it. I tried very hard to convince her to try it. I got her a clean cloth to put around her neck. She felt good because of the clean cloth. Her neck felt much better so I got the whole set for her. Now my mom uses the whole set of Teviron her health has much improved her blood sugar had been 450 to 500. It dropped down to 120 to 180. The insulin dose dropped 8 units. Her heart no longer needed nitroglycerine. Her kidney function has much improved and she did not need dialysis any more. Amazingly now she does not need sleeping pills to make her sleep. Now she eats well and sleeps well. Her immunity has improved and has helped her fight all her illnesses. Thanks for Lin Lei for encouraging me and I have such a blessing using this amazing products. Now I have success in this helping people business.
Testimony of a registered nurse in pain
Simple belief is a blessing.
Nancy Jang, Yorba Linda, CA
Product use: whole set
I am a registered nurse, I used to hike and dance even thought I had pain in my knees. I always thought these activities caused pain. I love to live naturally without medication and I thought pain was the price I had to pay to be active. In 1999 I fell because of uneven ground and I injured my neck and my shoulder. The constant and severe pain was unbearable and it caused insomnia and depression. It caused the end of my 35 years career in the medical profession. I refused the epidural injections and surgery which my orthopedic doctor suggested. I tried cortisone shots, anti inflammatory medication, pain medication, and sleeping pills, for several days. They didn't even give me temporary relief. I still had my pain. As a nursing professional I knew that cortisone shots and anti inflammatory and pain medications all had bad side effects or they caused addiction. I tried acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractic and massage for more than 4 years and they just gave me temporary relief and still the pain woke me up after 1 or 2 hours of sleep. At least they didn't have bad side effects. At the end of 2003 I was introduced to negative ion clothes and blankets. Even though I was skeptical about the results I decided to give myself a chance and try these products. I bought a whole set of the products as was suggested. When I got home I put everything on as instructed. I put on the Eskimo shirt and pants and another set of underclothes too and the hat and all of the supporters and the waist band the neck warmer and the eye patch. Then I realized this is ridiculous. I was so angry I took them off, I got buyer remorse. Then I thought well, since I already bought it and I had been in pain for almost 5 years I decided to give myself a chance and I put it all back on. I went to bed in my blanket and I slept more than 12 hours. Usually I got up to go to the bathroom several times during the night. I don't think I even got up once that night. When I woke up in the morning, I was still in the same position that I was in when I went to bed. I slept like a baby. I was so happy and jumping up and down. I was thankful and I felt the blessing of having these products. Amazingly my degenerative arthritis in my knees and my back pain have gone away. The white growth in my eye (like a cataract) which the doctor suggested I have removed surgically when It impacted my vision went away. My grey hair is improving. The brown spot on my face and my wrinkles are going away. I have slimmed down to a healthy weight. I was sick looking before and now I have a healthy glow. I am feeling and looking younger. Now I have no more pain when I go hiking and dancing. Because of these products my hiking performance has increased. I feel the blessing and I want to share the product with other people and help other people.
Knee joints’ pain
Kathleen Israel, San Diego, CA
Product use: whole set
Did you ever hear of NEFFUL's Teviron, the amazing fiber imported from Japan has unique capacity of always gaining electrons and thus negatively charged which is beneficial to our health? I am so glad I was introduced to this product and give myself a chance to accept it. I had arthritis in my knees. When I used to go to church I couldn't kneel properly and it hurt. Now I can kneel easily with no pain. It is so cool! I bought underwear and joint supports and bedding. I love to sleep in my Teviron blankets. It is like sleeping in negative ions spa so restful and I don't snore anymore! When I get up in the morning I put on my under garments and supports on my ankles, knees, elbows and wrists. During the day the negative ion cloth acts like a sponge soaking up my positively charged toxins. I wash the clothing before I go to bed to clean the positive ion gunk off of the negative ion fibers and I hang it up to dry. I didn't even realize my ankles were uncomfortable. When I put on the ankle supports it felt so good. The same thing happened when I put the hat on. I didn't realize my ears were uncomfortable. The comfort I felt when my ears were in the hat was mellow and it made me smile.
Macular degeneration, Joints pain, Tendonitis, aging spots, sun damage, wrinkles
Gwen Spires, Fullerton, CA
Product use: whole set
My name is Gwen Spires. I am 70 years old. In June of 2005 my vision became blurred. The ophthalmologist diagnosed me with macular degeneration. I was told there was nothing that would help except to take vitamins to slow down the progression of this degenerating eye disease which eventually would cause me to go blind. I was very depressed thinking of all the things that would happen when my eyesight left. About 4 weeks later I was introduced to an amazing product called Teviron imported from Japan by my friend named Nancy. At first I thought this was some kind of scam; but, thinking that I would go blind eventually, I gave myself a chance. I started using these products of clothing and bedding including an eye patch and a hat made of Teviron fiber. Three weeks later the blurred vision had improved and I was very inspired by the results. I am inspired by other amazing results also. Some of the pain in my joints and my hemorrhoids has also gone away. The sun damage, aging spots and wrinkles on my skin has greatly improved. I am now feeling and looking younger. I can see a remarkable improvement after three months of using Teviron products. I can imagine that if I continue using this product it will continue to have a remarkable improvement of my health and quality of life. I feel like I am in a cocoon of energetic happiness. Gwen
Manic Depression and Hyperthyroidism-Hypothyroidism
NEFFUL gave me back my beautiful life
Yu Teng Shin, Taiwan
Products use: whole set
Three and a half years ago I was diagnosed with congenital hyperthyroidism. Frequently I used cortisone and frequently I had a high fever. I had to go to the emergency room a lot so I could not take care of my house work and I could not take care of my children. I could not enjoy my relationship with my husband. Several months later I found out that I had manic depression. It was said that I inherited it from my father. I was wondering why God was playing with me in this way. I was confined to a psychiatric hospital. After 2 years even though I had determination to fix my illness I still could not fight the depression. I tried hard to fight the disease. Because of the pressures in my life the illness came back again. I wanted to cry but I had no tears. I was angry with God because He sentenced me to have this problem. After 2 years I was readmitted to hospital again. I cried every time I saw my children crying. They were taken away from me and given to my mother who took care of my children while I was in hospital. When my children cried I just could not take it. I was so hurt. I do not know how many days and nights I cried. I miss my children. They used iodine therapy for my hyperthyroidism so I could temporarily improve my health. I had side effects and which caused me to have hypothyroidism. Then I did not have monthly periods. I suffered painful result after painful result. Now I am so thankful for NEFFUL products. One month after I got the whole set of negative ion clothes and blanket I had my monthly period again. My manic depression disappeared along with my insomnia and anxiety and muscle cramps. Now I do not need psychotic medicine any more. It was April that I found out about the Nefful products and in June I was pregnant. I was so happy. My children all came back home to me May 10.
Parkinson's, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Asthma, Sinus, High Blood Pressure
Chai Quai Ien, Taiwan
Products used. Whole set
In the beginning of 2000 I had a problem with my wrist so I went to see a neuro surgeon who gave me all kinds of tests. The doctor said I needed to go see the neurologist. It was confirmed that I had Parkinsons disease. I kept searching eastern medicine to find a doctor who would tell me I do not have Parkinson. The eastern doctor who specialized in Neurology confirmed I had Parkinson's. I went to acupuncture and massage and physical therapy. This only helped my muscles stiffness but my hands were still shaking. I still did not have balance when I walked. I was thinking this is a death sentence and I am going to be doomed with this hopeless illness for the rest of my life. I did not know if this is my luck or what. I met my life saver Emay. She introduced me to Teviron products. I got all the supporters. After several days my hand was aching. I thought Oh this is before it gets better it gets worse. I increased the products to the whole set. Now after 6 months I can raise my hand high. I can walk a steady gait. I can walk a big step. I can raise my leg high. I can run and jog. I can even ride my motorcycle. In 5 years I have never be able to do this. But now I can do it. I am so happy and so thankful. My mother had asthma and high blood pressure all has improved. My brother had sinus and Spondylitis. Before he needed to go to acupuncture and massage 2 or 3 times a week. Now he does not needed to go anymore. I am so thankful that Nefful has such amazing product. I call Emay my aunt now. I am very thankful for my mom support and encouragement.
Lin sue Huey, Taiwan
Products use: Whole set
When I was little I had polio. This caused my left side to atrophy. As a result it has been uneasy and inconvenient for me to walk. I married a man who also had polio. We repaired and sold clocks as a business. After we married we had two children. Since my pelvis was undeveloped and I had scoliosis of my spine the births of our children were through c-section. This experience caused me to have severe back pain. At end of 2002 my friend suggested that my husband use the Negative ion waist band because his atrophy caused him a lot of pain and problems. Soon after he started using the waist band he started felling warmness on his back. Then he felt it all the way to the top of his head. He felt like his whole body was relaxed and he felt good. I knew the products would help my health condition too. On Feb 2003 my husband was diagnosed with a kidney problem. My friend suggested that he wear the whole set of negative ion clothes but we were reluctant to make the investment. In May my husband started dialysis. At that time the SARS epidemic was in full swing. My husband had a high fever and he was in critical care. We remembered about the negative ion clothes so I called my friend and I bought my husband the whole set. Three to 4 hours after dialysis my husband usually produced only a couple of drops of urine. After using the negative ion clothes for one month his fever went away and he urinated more that 100 cc. During the summer it was terribly hot in Taiwan. Our shop was busy and we were so busy with our 2 children and the house work that my husband did not wear the negative ion clothes. I did not remind him to use his Nefful clothes. In November 2003 my husband died because of kidney failure. I felt hopeless and tired, disappointed and frustrated thinking about my 2 children who were counting on me to care and provide for them. I had to be able to stand up and take care of my children. My friend encouraged me to be strong and take care of myself. In December I started wearing the product that I had gotten for my husband. In June 2004 I saw a friend who had not seen me for several years. When he saw me he told me that my color looked good. He was surprised that I looked healthy. He noticed and said you are standing straight up. Why does your color look so good? He asked me: what is your secret remedy? He could not believe that I was so improved. What kind of miracle products are you using? I finally realized that my scoliosis had improved. In November I noticed that I can stand straight up and now my heels can touch the ground. From when I was little and for 40 years I never had the expectation that this would happen to me. I feel so good. I thank The Nefful Company for having such amazing negative ion clothes. Now I have hope and I have confidence to face my life.
Sickle Cell Anemia, Migraine Headache, Back Pain, Gout
Ho Huey Lan, Taiwan
Product use: Whole set
My mother in law has always had migraine headaches and back pain. One day she saw my friend, Ethan wear a special hat. She was curious and asked her about it. The next thing I knew she brought a hat and waistband home to use for herself. After a couple of days she told me that she feels like she has more energy and she was so happy that her headache and back pain had improved a lot. I was curious about this product. It was a wonderful coincidence that Ethan came back to my home town at this time. I asked her about these products. She explained to me about these negative ion products. I thought about my husband who has a gout problem. I bought some under ware and a blanket for my husband. One week later his discomfort had improved. When I was young I worked hard and for long hours. Now because of this I have a lot of illness. I have painful monthly cramps, a fibroid tumor and Sickle cell anemia. All the time when I was working so much I could not take care of my illnesses. I bought some negative ion undergarments and supporters for myself. After a period of time my health has improved. I had edema on my feet. That edema has subsided. My monthly pain has disappeared. My vertigo has decreased. My health has much improved.
Type 1 diabetes
Chung wuan zu,Taiwan
Product use: Whole set
I was 18 years old when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I spent the golden years of my youth taking medication all of a time. I was tired of taking medication. I used all of the wisdom of eastern and western medicine. I tried vitamins and supplements. I asked Buddha to help me to lower my blood sugar. I searched tirelessly to find anyway that I could help myself until I got a bleeding ulcer. Then big lump grew on the palm of my hand. I had to have this lump surgically removed. I had to stay in critical care for 3 days because I was a diabetic having surgery. I was weak and my immunity was bad. Medicine was my company every day. When I was 38 years old I had a neuropathy on my foot. I lost the feeling on my foot. Because of my financial condition I still had to work as a housekeeper. I got a crack on the bottom of my left foot. It got infected. It caused cellulites and I had a constant fever. The doctor had to amputate my big toe and my small toe to save my life. On the bottom of my left foot the doctor cut two big holes to remove the dead tissue. Within 2 and half years I was in and out of the hospital 12 times. In the hospital I got antibiotic or cortisone shots. I thought that God must have a good reason for my trouble. My angel or friend, Shu Mei told me about a high tech product of negative ion clothes that would improve my health. I was skeptical but I wanted to give it a try. I dared to take all of those medications with all kinds of side effects. I reasoned, why was I afraid to wear these clothes that couldn't harm me. So I bought the whole set and this is really a miracle. Within the short period of 3 months my blood sugar dropped from 400 to 130. The bottom of my foot was healed and not bleeding any more. I was so happy with my blessing that I wanted to share this negative ion product with other people. Through this business I was able to get out of poverty. My life has gone from black and white to colorful. I am thankful for this amazing product.
Type 2 Diabetes 11 years, Pain and Stroke
Chen Chi Chung, Taiwan
Product: Whole set
In 1991 I was diagnosed with diabetes my blood sugar was 365. On that day my life became colorless. The doctor prescribed medication. I saw all of the famous doctors that my friends introduced me to. I spent 11 years switching from doctor to doctor making myself a guinea pig for all of their cures. Until May of 2002 when my daughter brought home a big package of special clothes and a blanket. She told me if I wear this it would improve my health as well as the diabetes and pain. I really did not believe it would help because I was in the Chinese medicine business. I thought about my daughter and how caring she was so I used it. The second day I went to check my blood sugar it was 223. One month later I checked it again and my sugar was 222. I came home and told my daughter that this product is not helping me any more. She called her AGM. The AGM told the daughter that her father needed more Negative Ion products. So then she brought me all of the supporters. I had the full set. In 4 and a half hours I went to the bathroom 5 times. The whole night I didn't sleep. The first night I went to the bathroom 5 times second 4 times and each night I had to get up less and less. The second month after I used the full set, I went to check again the blood sugar dropped to 192. And then after 75 days the sugar dropped to 103. From that day on my life is colorful again. My friend wife had a stroke 5 years ago. She couldn't even go to the bathroom by herself. She couldn't walk. She couldn't do anything for herself. She needed constant daily living assistance from her husband. In May of 2005 she started using negative ion clothing and bedding. Before she used the product she urinated every 4 hours. After the second day of using the product she urinated every 2 hours and the volume was double. When she started using the product she wore 3L waist band. After 3 days the waist band was too loose. After 25 days she was able to stand up with the support of both hands on the wheel chair. In 28 days she could stand up easily holding on with one hand. After 47 days she took her first unassisted step in 5 years. If you use the full set soon you will have a good result you want.
Insomnia, headache, maladjustment of nervous system, depression
Lin Meijiao
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
I had body aches, which caused me to take medicine for many years for a host of symptoms such as headaches, poor immune system, terrible backache, rheumatoid arthritis, and nervous system maladjustment. My pain made me miserable beyond description, my symptoms were serious, and this made me extremely depressed. After hearing a report about Teviron clothing, I began to wear a complete set of it. In about ten days my insomnia improved and I noticed that my resistance also improved. Before using Teviron, I caught colds often, but now months go by when I don’t catch colds. Before using Teviron, I needed to take medicine three times a day for my back pain, but now I only take medicine once a day, and even when I forget to take medicine sometimes I feel no pain. My mother in-law saw that my symptoms were greatly improving, so she now uses a complete set of Teviron clothing to help her joint swelling and pain. She moves with much more ease and since her pain is gone she is able to serve in her community, and she has discovered the pleasure of helping others. I thank the mysterious negative ions for bringing this benefit to Mankind.
Migraines, physical fitness, sluggishness of young children, severe backache, dermatosis, allergic coryza
Lin Huimei
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
Before using the negative ion clothing products, I have been afflicted with migraine headaches for five or six years. I was too ill to do homework, and needed pain medication. My medicine dose and frequency increased, then I wore the clothing for three days and my pain was relieved. When I had to decide whether to take off the negative ion clothing or take the medicine continually, I chose to keep wearing the clothing. From that day up to now, I have not had a headache or any medicine. If I had not personally experienced Teviron for myself, I would not have believed its great effect! I highly recommended the products to my family to improve my husband’s lower body tinea, and backache; the athlete’s feet and dermatosis of my elder son; and the sensitive dermatitis of my younger son. Then I shared my mysterious witness of negative ions with relatives and friends. Xiushan’s eldest daughter, Tingting, was two years old and could not walk because Tingting’s lumbar vertebrae was injured during pregnancy. Tingting’s diagnosis was physical ability retardation, which meant that she needed convalescent care. After Tingting used the products for one day and night, she had a surprisingly good reaction. So amazing was the effect, I would not believe it! We expect that Tingting will recover soon.
Sore waist, shoulder and neck stiffness, foot pain, constipation, hepatitis
Hu Xiuduan
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
I did business in the market, which required standing for a long time and this made my waist and back ache, caused shoulder and neck stiffness and pain from aching feet. These symptoms were very uncomfortable and painful and I worried that it would affect my business. I used a complete set of Teviron clothing and after only one month, I felt obvious improvement. After using it for five months, I experienced complete recovery from my pains. The most important improvements for me were the relief from long-term constipation, and a female problem, so now I do not need to buy medication at the drug store. The manner in which the negative ion health clothing of Nefful Teviron works really cannot be seen or felt, but if you wear it you will understand that something amazing is happening. My friend had hepatitis, and when I told him about the Nefful health clothing he bought a complete set. Although he was half-believing and half-doubting the results, after wearing the clothing for ten days, he went for an examination in the hospital, and discovered that his hepatitis was cured unexpectedly. He told me that the negative ion clothing was really a mystery. Helping people is a happy thing.
High glycosides, abnormal blood circulation, high uric acid
All I can do is be grateful
Liu Hui Fang
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
Working hard for many years created many problems in my body including high GOT, GPT, high glycosides, and even pain on foot Yongquan acupoint. Lack of movement resulted in heavy body weight, abnormal blood circulation, hand numbness and soreness when I slept every night, and I would cough if I spoke too much. These symptoms were not improved by integrated traditional and western medicine. I had some reactions after using the products, but I only wore it for several days. The pain in my foot would increase every day when I wore the clothing. When I initially wore the scarf, I seemed to cough all the time. I thought I had been cheated but learned afterwards that these were improvement reactions. I was impatient, so I wet to homeostasis and chemical analysis after wearing the clothing for about one month. My tryglycerides decreased from 202 to 100 (the normal level is below 160), uric acid decreased from 6 to 4.4 (the normal level is below 7), Yongquan acupoint on the foot was not painful anymore, symptoms of hand soreness and numbness improved completely, and the cough had also been improved. All I can do is grateful.
Allergic physical condition, common cold, asthma
Jian Wen Lang
Usage: complete set of Teviron
My child had dermatitis after his birth, with a final diagnosis of allergic physical condition. This altered our life in that we had to become acutely aware of our food, drink and surroundings. Then I found out that my child also had sinusitis, caught colds frequently, and his asthma would always be triggered by a cold so he needed to take antibiotics. I went to every specialist I could, but none of them could cure my son completely. It was two years ago when I bought two sets of clothes for my child, then a complete set of Teviron. Half a year later, he did not need to take antibiotics after catching a cold, because his immune system was greatly improved and his skin was cured completely.
Constipation, asthma, hypotension or low blood pressure
Lin Xiu Qing
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
My daughter was constipated when she was two years old. At first, I had not paid enough attention about it and only visited a clinic near my home. However, there was no improvement in her condition and its severity intensified; traditional Chinese medicine and medical doctors were unable to help. We then used the primitive and cruel method, coloclysis, though I worried she might have abnormal defecation. I also worried that her vulnerable intestines might become damaged if she used this method continually. During that time, my friend, Xiaojun, told me that negative ions could improve my daughter’s problem so I bought the clothing for her. My daughter recovered, but quite unexpectedly, her immunity over colds and her ulcer also improved completely. I bought the products for my family. It improved my mother in-law’s asthmatic condition, my gynecological problem, and my hypotension has improved from 50-80 to 75-110. It is great!
Hysteromyoma, nervous system maladjustment
Xu Guixiang
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
I lived in Brazil for six years and had profuse uterine bleeding. I moved to St. Paul and my health worsened. I then took medication for half a year and my health still did not improve. When I was examined, the diagnosis was a uterine tumor. After an operation in Taiwan, my doctor said it was nervous system maladjustment. When I heard about Teviron products, I did not believe the claims but after wearing the clothing my health improved and the white hairs on my head gradually turned black. My husband got acupuncture, cupping, bathed in hot spring baths and cold spring baths to improve the pain in his knee, took calcium tablets and vitamins; but he did this to no avail. After using the knee pad for a week, he has not had any pain for the last three months. This has been unbelievable good luck for us. It also gave us a chance to be able to help other people who need to improve their health.
Soreness and pain in the waist and back, neck stiffness, hypertension, constipation, micturition or overactive bladder
Yu Mingli
Usage: complete set of Teviron clothing
In six years, after parturition I have had severe aching in the waist and the back day after day. I could not even wash without supporting myself with my elbow, and when washing my feet I needed to sit on a small chair. I suffered with constipation, hypertension, and micturition or overactive bladder. I am a nurse and could not provide effective treatment for myself. I decided to use Teviron as an alternative treatment. After using the clothing, I no longer had constipation, my sore waist and backache improved tremendously on the fourth day, and all the pain disappeared on the sixth day. I bought a complete set of Teviron clothing, used it for three days, and after only two hours my neck stiffness improved and my neck could bend and turn. After using Teviron clothing, my daughter’s atopy dermatitis and allergia rhinitis have been cured. Teviron is great!
Aches, urinary, hypertension, heart disease, gout
Qiu mei ju
Usage: complete usage
After my classmate, Suqin, had an operation because of colon cancer, she used the complete Teviron product and she saw very positive results. I trusted my classmate and used the product. At the beginning, my husband and I used the Teviron blanket together, and I bought him Teviron underwear, because he had diseases, which include hypertension, heart disease, and gout which would require that he seek emergency treatment at times. I could not believe that I am so lucky. I got well and my husband has been improving. Teviron is improving my family’s health.
Hypersensitiveness body, midrange language retardation
Zhong jin wei
Usage: complete use
My wife and I are hypersensitive and both of my daughters have a hypersensitive constitution. My younger daughter’s situation was the worse; she had to drink aminopeptodrate milk powder before she was one year old. She often needed to be taken to the hospital because she got colds, had trouble breathing, accumulated mucus, and she would cry because she was always constipated. However, after my daughter wore the Teviron underwear, she breathes more easily and her mucus decreased and could be easily expectorated. I came to trust the product and bought the complete set. My eldest daughter had always been one of few words, always expressed herself through gestures, and could say “mama” but not “dad”. when she was four years old, we became aware of the importance of this situation. This came as a great shock. I took my daughter to see all sorts of doctors and tried every kind of treatment, but it was to n effect. My daughter wore the Teviron clothing that was used to improve her hypersensitive constitution and her brain cells were activated. She first learned a few more words, and then she progressed to sing an entire song, and is beginning to express what she wants to say in words. In the past, the expression in her eyes was uncertain; now she could listen to my story attentively; and calls me “dad”. I am very excited!
Hypersensitiveness of the body
Mystery of negative ions
Liao Weizhi (Florida in the USA)
Usage: complete use
I emigrated from Taiwan to the U.S. twenty years ago. I started out with nothing but became very successful. I began to have some health problems after wearing down my body for fifty years. I learned that a small disease will become serious if not treated. One day I got wet in the rain, then I felt my throat aching and got a cold. I used the Teviron neck protection for treatment. Three days later, I got well. Six days later, I realized that a small scar that I had been about 0.5 cm long disappeared. I was very astonished. From that day on, I came to learn about the mystery of negative ions to the human body, and even found that the negative ion is the key factor that can improve people’s health in the future. This has been generally accepted by many research reports from famous medical colleges in the USA. Until now, products have not been available that contain negative ions. I have been using the Teviron products exclusively for five months, and I feel like I am ten years younger.
Allergic coryza
Zheng Mei Zhu
Usage: complete use
I have worked on the mainland for a long time. In my earlier years, I was healthy, but in my later years my power of resistance decreased. I always got colds with nasal obstruction and coughing, I could not sleep well, and the medicine I was taking simply had no effect. I always sneezed in the morning after I got up, and could not breathe easily because of nasal obstruction. I suffered immensely. I went tot the largest hospital in Guangzhou, South Hospital, and was diagnosed with allergic coryza. According to the doctor’s instructions, I took medicine and drank soup (straw mushroom stewed with lean meat, one bowl a day). However, there was no improvement. One time I was taken to South Hospital for half a month because of fainting that was induced by lung inflammation. At that time, I felt lonely and depressed. I came back home for the New Year celebration, and spent a few ten thousand yen on the Nefful products. After some time, my morning sneezes stopped and I could breathe easily. I have been using the Teviron health clothing for about two years. I no longer not get colds and my immunity has been enhanced. After using Teviron, my life has gone from black and white to colorful. This wonderful feeling cannot be expressed. I am very lucky and want to share how to attain good health with every one.
Rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, kidney atrophy, edema
Gospel from God
Zhang Hui Fang
Usage: complete use
One year ago, I was a rheumatoid arthritis patient who went to Jiada constantly to check in and take medication. My knee joints are artificial, half of my hip joint is also artificial, my waist was stiff and could not straighten properly, my leg could not bend, wrist and articulationes digitorum manus became deformed and my hand could not lift anything and would ache in the wind and rain or if I was getting cold or hot! I had taken steroids for eighteen years. As I become older, I developed heart disease, kidney atrophy, edema, high blood pressure, glucosuria, and insomnia. I was like an overworked machine that was beyond repair. During the spring festival my son suggested that I use some Teviron products for my waist, knees, hands and feet. In one week I felt relief and I bought a complete product line including the Lovely Snow brand. I had not slept soundly for a long time but now I sleep well. In about a month or two, all the symptoms of my diseases disappeared. It is a true gospel from God
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