Transkript: (Cristian Terheş, član Europskog parlamenta):
Pfizer je lagao, ljudi su umrli.
Vlade su lagale, ljudi su ginuli.
Ursula von der Leyen je lagala, ljudi su umrli.
Ovo je ono što smo saznali u prošlom tjednu počevši od 10. listopada 2022.
Tog dana saznali smo, u zapisniku, da je predstavnik Pfizera priznao u Odboru za Covid u Europskom parlamentu da nikada nisu testirali svoje injekcije za zaustavljanje prijenosa virusa.
Ista informacija potvrđena je tri dana kasnije, 13. listopada 2022.
Predstavnik Europske komisije u istom odboru za Covid izjavio je sljedeće, i citiram, i da je njegov odgovor bio nakon što sam ga pitao o učinkovitosti ovih injekcija, i rekao je sljedeće, "Ako želite imati cjepivo koje sprječava prijenos, puno sreće. Mogli smo ga nabaviti, ali ga još nema. U tom smjeru se radi, ali to je potpuno drugačiji dizajn ovih cjepiva", kraj citata.
Dakle, ovo je druga potvrda od vladinog dužnosnika da nisu testirali ove injekcije za zaustavljanje prijenosa virusa.
Dakle, sve što su govorili u protekle dvije godine pokazalo se kao velika laž. I zato što su lagali, ljudi su umrli. Jer u ove dvije godine, možda su se mogle razviti druge vrste liječenja ovog virusa. Nitko ne obraća pozornost na to. Kada su znanstvenici, kada su medicinski stručnjaci rekli da postoje redoviti tretmani za ovaj virus, bili su označeni kao promičući te informacije i da ne vjeruju znanosti. Pa, ovo je ono što je znanost upravo izjavila da nisu testirali ove medicinske proizvode za zaustavljanje prijenosa virusa.
Treća stvar koja se dogodila prošli tjedan, 13. listopada, raspravljali smo u ovom Covid odboru, izvješće koje je objavio Europski revizorski sud. Ovo je javni dokument. I pozivam sve novinare oko ljudi da to pronađu na internetu i pročitaju. Jer će se šokirati. Ali oni će pronaći u njemu. I jedna od stvari koju sam otkrio i prilično me šokirala je sljedeća i citiram je, "do studenog 2021. Komisija je potpisala ugovore vrijedne 71 milijardu eura u ime država članica za kupnju do 4,6 milijardi doza cjepiva protiv Covid-19 ." Mi smo 460 milijuna ljudi u EU-u. Ursula von der Leyen potpisala je ugovore o kupnji 4,6 milijardi doza cjepiva protiv Covid-19. Kad sam vidio ovu figuru, pomislio sam da ne vidim jasno. Nosim naočale, znaš, moram ovo učiniti (podiže ruku da podigne naočalu) . Mislim, jesu li ozbiljni? To znači 10 doza cjepiva, potpisala je ugovore o nabavi, za svakog čovjeka u Europskoj uniji. Dakle, pitanje je ako su ta cjepiva ili injekcije bile tako učinkovite, drugim riječima, pružamo imunitet od zaraze i prenošenja virusa, zašto bi ona kupila ili potpisala kupnju 10 doza cjepiva ili injekcija. Sada to ne možemo nazvati cjepivima, nakon onoga što smo upravo saznali.
Potpisala je kupnju 10 doza injekcija za svakog građanina EU-a. Ovo je jednostavno apsurdno.
I četvrta stvar koju smo saznali je tekuća istraga ureda Europskog tužitelja (EPO) koji je 14. listopada objavio sljedeću izjavu i citiram, "EPO potvrđuje da je u tijeku istraga o nabavi cjepiva protiv Covid-19 u Europskoj uniji."
Dakle, nažalost, trebale su nam dvije godine da shvatimo i natjeramo te javne dužnosnike i te tvrtke da priznaju nešto što smo svi rekli postavljajući samo logična pitanja. Logična pitanja.
I nažalost, i to moram reći, svjetski mediji odbijaju postaviti ova logična pitanja. Koje su studije ili koje su bile tadašnje studije iza ovih cjepiva. Koliko im je trebalo da razviju cjepiva? Zaustavljaju li prijenos virusa ili ne? Otkrivamo da sada, dvije godine kasnije, nisu. Ovo je ozbiljno pitanje.
I nadam se da svi ti javni dužnosnici koji još uvijek obnašaju javne dužnosti nikada više neće biti izabrani od strane ljudi na bilo koju takvu dužnost. Pa ipak, s obzirom na činjenicu da je Ursula von der Leyen lagala i ljudi su umrli. Jasno je da je počinila prijevaru, korupciju, u čistom je sukobu interesa, mora odmah i bezuvjetno podnijeti ostavku na mjesto predsjednice Europske komisije. Hvala vam.
,<English >
Transcript : (Cristian Terheş, Member of European Parliament):
Pfizer lied, people died.
Governments lied, people died.
Ursula von der Leyen lied, people died.
This is what we learn in the past week starting of October 10, 2022.
On that day we found out, on record, that a representative of Pfizer acknowledged in the Covid Committee in European Parliament that they never tested their injections for stopping the transmission of the virus.
The same information was confirmed three days after, on October 13, 2022.
A representative of the European Commission in the same Covid committee stated the following, and I quote, and that his answer was after I asked him about the effectiveness of these injections, and he said the following, "If you want to have a vaccine that prevents transmission, best of luck. We could have got it but it is not there yet. There's work going on in this direction but that is a completely different design of these vaccines", end quote.
So, this is the second confirmation from a governmental official that they haven't tested these injections for stopping the transmission of the virus.
So everything that they've said in the past two years proved to be a huge lie. And because they lied, people died. Because in these two years, one, maybe there could have been developed other kind of treatments of this virus. Nobody pay attention to that. When scientists, when medical experts said that there are regular treatments to this virus, they were labeled as promoting this information and not trusting the science. Well, this is what the science just stated right now that they haven't tested these medical products for stopping the transmission of the virus.
The third thing that happened last week, on October 13th, we discussed in this Covid committee, a report released by the European Court of Auditors. This is a public document. And I invite all the journalists around the people to find it online and read it. Because they will be shocked. But they will find in it. And one of the things that I found and pretty much shocked me is the following and I quote, "by November 2021 the Commission had signed 71 billion euros worth of contracts on behalf of member states to purchase up to 4.6 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses ." We are 460 million people in the EU. Ursula von der Leyen signed purchasing contracts of 4.6 billion Covid-19 doses of vaccines. When I saw this figure I thought that I'm not seeing clearly. I wear glasses, you know, I have to do this (bring the hand to lift up the spectacle) . I mean, are they serious? That means 10 doses of vaccines, she signed contracts to purchase, for every human being in the European Union. So, the question is if these vaccines or injections were so effective, in other words, we're providing immunity from getting infected and from transmitting the virus, why would she purchase or signed to purchase 10 doses of vaccines or injections. We cannot call that vaccines now, after what we just found out.
She signed to purchase 10 doses of injections for every EU citizen. This is simply absurd.
And the fourth thing that we found out is the ongoing investigation by the European prosecutor's office (EPO) which on October 14th released the following statement and I quote, "the EPO confirms that it has an ongoing investigation into the acquisition of Covid-19 vaccines in the European Union."
So , unfortunately, it took us two years to realize and to make these public officials and these companies to acknowledge something that all of us said by raising just logical questions. Logical questions.
And unfortunately, and I have to say this the worldwide media refuse to ask these logical questions. What are the studies or what were the studies back then behind these vaccines. How long did they take to develop the vaccines? Are they stopping the transmission of the virus or not? We find that now, two years later that they are not. This is a serious issue.
And I hope that all these public officials who are still holding public offices will never ever be again elected by the people in any such office. And nevertheless, considering the fact that Ursula von der Leyen lied and people died. Clearly she committed fraud, corruption, she's in a clear conflict of interest, she must immediately and unconditionally resign from the position as president of the European commission. Thank you.
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