Thursday, September 5, 2024

荷花定律 Lotus Law

 《荷花定律》“Hé-huā dìng-lǜ” •"The Lotus Law"

•Do you know what the Lotus Law is?

你知道 什么是荷花定律吗 nǐ zhīdào shénme shì héhuā dìnglǜ ma

一个池塘里的荷花 Yīgè chítáng lǐ de héhuā  •Lotus flowers in a pond

每一天都会以前一天的 两倍数量在开放. měi yītiān dūhuì yǐqián yītiān de liǎng bèi shùliàng zài kāifàng. •Each day, twice as many flowers bloom as the day before.

如果到第三十天 荷花开满了整个池塘 Rúguǒ dào dì sānshí tiān héhuā kāi mǎnle zhěnggè chítáng •If by the 30th day the lotus flowers have filled the entire pond

那么请问在第几天 Nà-me qǐng-wèn zài dì jǐ tiān 

•So, asking, on which day?

池塘中的荷花 开了一半 chí-táng zhōng de hé-huā kāi-le yī-bàn

•The lotus in the pond is half filled bloomed 

你也许会说 是第十五天 Nǐ yě-xǔ huì shuō shì dì shí-wǔ tiān •You might say it's the fifteenth day

错 Cuò •wrong

错 答案是第二十九天 Cuò dá'àn shì dì èrshíjiǔ tiān •Wrong. The answer is the twenty-ninth day.

也就是说最后一天 的开放速度是之前 Yě jiù-shì shuō zuì-hòu yī-tiān de kāi-fàng sùdù shì zhīqián •That is to say, the opening speed on the last day was

二十九天的总和 Èr-shí-jiǔ tiān de zǒng-hé •the sum of twenty-nine days

这就是荷花定律 Zhè jiù-shì hé-huā dìng-lǜ •This is the Lotus Law  🪷

人的付出 也是这样的 Rén de fù-chū  yě-shì zhè-yàng de •The same is true of human contribution

前面 所有的努力与坚持 Qián-miàn suǒ'yǒu de nǔ-lì yǔ jiān-chí •All the efforts and persistence

 只为 最后那一下的绽放 Zhǐ wèi zuì-hòu nà yī-xià de zhàn-fàng •Just for the last moment of blooming🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷

如果总是希望一努力 就能马上有回报 Rú-guǒ zǒng shì xī-wàng yī nǔ-lì jiù néng mǎ-shàng yǒu huí-bào •If you always hope that your efforts will be rewarded immediately

那么 很可能会一事无成 Nà-me hěn kě-néng huì yī-shì-wú-chéng •Then it is likely that nothing will be accomplished.

🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷荷花定律“Hé-huā dìng-lǜ” •"The Lotus Law"🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷

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