1. (福) Fu: blessings, good fortune, good luck
2. (祿) Lu: prosperity
It used to refer to an official’s salary in ancient China. It is believed to be the Chinese way to health 健康 , wealth 财富 , and happiness 幸福. The three words often used together — fu, lu, and shou — are considered the triplet of blessing in feng shui and indicate good luck, good wealth, and good long life.
3. (合) He: harmonious
“Living with others in harmony” is an important part of healthy culture. When you have harmonious relations with others, things will be a lot easier for you.
4. (財) Cai: wealth, money
Chinese often say money can make a ghost turn a millstone. People used to greet each other during Chinese New Year by saying ”Kong xi fa cai,” which means to get more money and make a fortune.
5. (壽) Shou: longevity
Shou also means long life, or “birthday” for elderly people.
6. (喜) Xi: happiness
The character of double happiness is usually posted everywhere for Chinese weddings.
7. (愛) Ai: love, affection
Little needs to be said about this one. We merely want to point out that ai is often used in conjunction with ren: “ai ren” — meaning lover. Chinese often use this to refer to the wife.
8. (美) Mei: beautiful, pretty
Mei means beautiful. Mei li in Chinese describes a person who is pretty and nice looking. It is good to say: “That lady is mei li.”
9. (吉) Ji: lucky, auspicious, propitiousde
The character also implies living in a time of few wars with less danger.
10. (德) De: virtue, morals
De means virtue, morals, values, heart or mind, kindness, integrity, and ethics and is one of the most important of the Chinese characters.
11. 万事如意 开张骏发
Wàn shì rú yì kāi zhāng jùn fā
12. 恭贺新禧 开门大吉
Gōng hè xīn xǐ kāi mén dà jí
13. 新年快乐 货如轮转
Xīn nián kuài lè huò rú lún zhuǎn
14. 新年进步 岁岁平安
Xīn nián jìn bù suì suì píng'ān
15. 新春大吉 生活美满
Xīn chūn dà jí shēng huó měi mǎn
16. 心想事成 年年有余
Xīn xiǎng shì chéng nián nián yǒu yú
17. 一帆风顺 生意兴隆
Yī fān fēng shùn shēng yì xīng lóng
18. 一本万利 花开富贵
Yī běn wàn lì huā kāi fù guì
19. 四季平安 迎春接福
Sì jì píng' ān yíng chūn jiē fú
20. 五福临门 上落平安
Wǔ fú lín mén shàng luò píng'ān
21. 身体健康 工作顺利
Shēn tǐ jiàn kāng gōng zuò shùn lì
22. 金玉满堂 事事如意
Jīn yù mǎn táng shì shì rú yì
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