Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Best Life Live Well 最好的生活 过得好


别人说你几句,吃不 好,睡不好,你想想你这么脆弱,何必计较呢,在乌鸦的世 界里,天鹅都是有罪的。

思想不在一个高度, 尊重就好; 三 观不在一个层次,微笑就好, 发自己的光, 不要吹灭别人的 灯, 不要在意别人的闲言闲语, 也不要用别人的错事, 来惩罚 自己, 不要和不重要的人, 计较重要的事, 不要和重要的 人, 计较不重要的事,要记住, 你最好的人品, 是你最好的 运气,你最好的心态, 是你最好的风水....

Don't be unable to bear when others say a few words to you. If others say a few words to you, you will not eat well or sleep well. Think about how fragile you are. Why bother? In the world of crows, swans are guilty. If you are not at the same level of thinking, just respect each other; if you are not at the same level of values, just smile and shine your own light. Don't blow out other people's lights, don't care about other people's gossip, and don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes. Don't care about important things with unimportant people, and don't care about unimportant things with important people. Remember, your best character is your best luck, and your best mentality is your best feng shui...


 開心又一日, 唔開心又一日. 


Xiōngdì zuòrén kāixīn dī

 kāixīn yòu yī rì, wú kāixīn yòu yī rì. 

 Shěn hán duō tuō qī...

Brothers, be happy.

One day is happy, another day is unhappy. 

I'm so worried about this...why do you worry so much

冇恁咁多 Mǎo nèn hán duō

Not so many

吃饱等屎 Chī bǎo děng shǐ

Eat full and wait for shit


兄弟做人開心  開心又一日 唔開心又一日  諗咁多托柒...

Fǎnzhèng qióngrén wú zhǐ wǒ yīgè a

xiōngdì zuòrén kāixīn ; kāixīn yòu yī rì , wú kāixīn yòu yī ,  rì shěn hán duō tuō qī...

Anyway, I am not the only poor person

Brother, you are happy is one day, you are unhappy is also one next day, why do you worry so much?


最大的阻碍就是你的“世智辨聪”; 觉空#修心修行 ; 觉醒开悟 #禅悟人生; 觉空不二

The human's biggest obstacle in the six paths of enlightenment is your "worldly wisdom and discernment"; awakening to emptiness ; cultivating the mind and practicing; awakening to enlightenment : ; enlightenment of life; awakening to emptiness is not two 

条件是最 好的 Tiáojiàn shì zuì hǎo de

The conditions are the best

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