Saturday, May 25, 2024

Most Expensive Sports on Earth Today

The 10 Most Expensive Sports in the World and Why

About 25% of adults in the United States play sports, but a much smaller percentage participate in the priciest sports. But what is the most expensive sport in the world?

The most expensive sport in the world is sailing, as each sailing yacht can cost $9 million or more. Most sailing teams own at least two vessels, making the average total cost of sailing more than $18 million! Formula one racing is also pricey, as a vehicle can cost more than $12 million.

Let’s discuss the factors that contribute to a sport’s cost and rank the most expensive sports on the planet.

What Makes Sports Expensive?

Tossing a ball around the yard is a relatively inexpensive activity that might only cost a few dollars. But sports that require tons of specialized equipment or specific surroundings tend to cost far more.

Generally, the cost of playing sports typically depends on:

■Cost of equipment

■Training fees

■Transportation to events

The best way to understand why some sports are more expensive than others is to examine these factors in greater detail. So, to kick things off, let’s take a closer look at equipment costs.

□Cost of Equipment

Equipment varies in price from less than $20 to more than $10 million, depending on the sport. For example, getting into frisbee is relatively inexpensive, with most frisbee discs costing between $10 and $30. But becoming a competitive sailor is far pricier, as a racing yacht can easily cost millions of dollars.

When considering which sports are pricier than others, equipment costs are the first thing to look at. That said, it’s also worthwhile to think about how much training it takes for players to master their chosen sport’s equipment.

□Training Fees

Even naturally gifted sports players need specialized training to hone their skills and learn new techniques. Consequently, training sessions can significantly increase the cost of playing a sport.

Think about it like this: The most expensive sushi in the world is prepared by chefs that have spent decades perfecting their culinary skills. Similarly, the most skilled sports players often spend years taking costly lessons from the best players on the globe.

□Transportation to Events

The most expensive sports in the world aren’t played in someone’s backyard. Instead, they’re held in unique locations like obstacle courses, ice rinks, and swimming pools.

Unfortunately, the cost to rent these venues adds to the price of some sports, but these locations can be very far away, increasing transportation costs. Traveling in style (like arriving in one of the most expensive Lexus cars) raises costs even higher!

Most Expensive Sport: Summary List

● Sailing

● Formula One Racing

● Bobsledding


● Pentathlon

● Polo

● Competitive Swimming

● Equestrian Competitions

● Ice Hockey

● Gymnastics

10. Gymnastics

Gymnastics 体操 Tǐcāo

Though gymnastics is one of the most popular sports for children, it’s also one of the most expensive options. That’s because the most skilled gymnasts begin taking lessons at a young age (around three years old) and continue taking classes until they’re young adults.


Additionally, gymnasts need special equipment to practice their skills. For example, most gymnastics lessons include:

■Climbing ropes

■Balance beams


■Uneven bars

■Horizontal bars

■Pommel horses

■Thick floor mats

And competitive gymnastics lessons aren’t cheap, costing about $300 per month. If you’ve been practicing gymnastics from a young age, the total cost of this sport can cost more than $50,000 by the time you’re eighteen years old!









竞技体操课程并不便宜,每月花费约 300 美元。如果你从小就开始练习体操,到你 18 岁时,这项运动的总费用可能超过 50,000 美元!

Still, the average per-year cost of gymnastics lessons is just over $3,500.

不过,每年体操课程的平均费用略高于 3,500 美元。

Why It’s Expensive

Gymnastics is expensive because it’s a long-term sport. Most gymnasts begin taking lessons when they’re very young, and they continue with their studies up until young adulthood.

The goal of competitive gymnastics is to compete in professional events, including Olympic competitions. As such, many people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on helping their children become skilled gymnasts, making it a costly sport.




9. Ice Hockey


Many people assume that golf is one of the priciest sports, primarily due to exclusive and expensive golf courses. However, renting an ice skating rink can cost more than reserving some time on the putting green.

But venue costs aren’t the only reason why ice hockey is one of the most expensive sports. This rough game also requires plenty of gear, including body padding, nets, hockey sticks, and pucks.

Ice hockey also tends to be somewhat violent, so player injuries aren’t uncommon. When you add long-term health costs to the mix, you end up with an annual price tag that can easily reach $4,000 or more.

Why It’s Expensive

Hockey gear can cost between $200 and $1,000, depending on your size and skill level. But the primary reasons ice hockey is expensive are venue rental costs and injuries. Ice rinks typically charge about $250 per hour for private rental sessions.

Though coaches may divide this cost between team members, regular practice sessions can easily equate to thousands of dollars of fees each year.

8. Equestrian Competitions

Equestrian-Competition 马术比赛 Mǎshù bǐsài 🐎 🐴  🏇  

An afternoon of horseback riding might set you back between $100 and $200. However, becoming a skilled equestrian is far more expensive, with an average per-year cost of about $4,000 or more!

That’s because competitive equestrians typically take professional lessons every week. This practice allows them to build a strong relationship with their horse and master standard moves like jumping and trotting.

Serious riders also buy their own horse, often boarding them at local ranches or stables. While this extra step isn’t entirely necessary, it can add several thousand dollars to the overall cost. For example, a horse might cost between $1,000 and $10,000, and boarding fees can exceed $5,000 per year.

Why It’s Expensive

Becoming a competitive equestrian requires time, practice, and plenty of money. That’s because it’s a sport that relies on both a person’s skills and horse training. Because owning a horse can be pretty pricey, becoming an equestrian is far more expensive than playing a round of golf or kicking around a soccer ball.

一个下午的骑马可能会花费你 100 到 200 美元。然而,成为一名熟练的马术运动员则要昂贵得多,平均每年花费约 4,000 美元或更多!


认真的骑手也会购买自己的马,通常将它们寄养在当地的牧场或马厩。虽然这一额外步骤并非完全必要,但它会使总成本增加数千美元。例如,一匹马的价格可能在 1,000 到 10,000 美元之间,寄养费每年可能超过 5,000 美元。


成为一名竞技马术运动员需要时间、练习和大量金钱。这是因为这项运动既依赖于人的技能,也依赖于马匹的训练。 因为拥有一匹马的成本相当高,所以成为一名马术运动员比打一轮高尔夫球或踢一轮足球的费用要高得多。

7. Competitive Swimming

Competitive-Swimming 竞技游泳 Jìng-jì yóu-yǒng

It might be surprising to learn that competitive swimming is one of the priciest sports, but it’s crucial to remember that the cost to rent a large swimming pool averages at about $100 per hour. So, unless you happen to have an Olympic-sized pool in your backyard, you’ll likely end up spending several hundred dollars per month to become a skillful competitive swimmer.

Still, equipment and lessons also contribute to the cost of competitive swimming. For example, swimmers need a swim cap, a slim swimsuit, and plenty of training to perfect their backstroke and breaststroke.

Most swimmers will also spend a small fortune on body maintenance, as the most skillful competitive swimmers either shave their body hair every other day or invest in body hair removal services to keep themselves as smooth as possible. Altogether, swimmers might spend $5,000 or more on this sport each year.

Why It’s Expensive

Becoming a competitive swimmer is expensive because participants need access to large (25m to 50m) pools. The most dedicated swimmers practice every day or at least five days each week. As a result, they can end up spending between $50 and $500 per week on swimming pool access alone.

6. Polo 

horse-polo 马球 Mǎ qiú

Polo (also called horse polo) has one of the most prestigious reputations of any sport. Often associated with the wealthiest realms of society, polo is much like soccer, croquet, and competitive equestrian riding.

In fact, polo combines aspects of these sports into one entity. As we’ve touched on before, sports involving horses tend to be some of the priciest, as the cost to keep a horse is far higher than the cost to maintain non-living equipment.

However, unlike equestrian competitions, polo matches also require polo mallets, jerseys, and access to approved polo pitches. In addition, because this game has a reputation as being a rich man’s sport, polo teams can be incredibly exclusive. So don’t be surprised to spend upwards of $5,000 each year to play a few rounds of polo.

Why It’s Expensive

There are several reasons why polo is expensive, but the horseback riding aspect tends to be the prime denominator. Not only will players need access to well-trained horses accustomed to polo matches, but they’ll also need to take lessons to become skillful riders.



然而,与马术比赛不同,马球比赛还需要马球槌、球衣和获得批准的马球场的使用权。此外,由于这项运动以富人运动而闻名,马球队可以非常独家。所以不要惊讶于每年花费 5,000 美元以上打几轮马球。


马球昂贵的原因有很多,但骑马方面往往是主要因素。 玩家不仅需要接触熟悉马球比赛的训练有素的马匹,还需要接受培训才能成为熟练的骑手。

5. Pentathlon

Pentathlon 五项全能 Wǔ xiàng quán-néng

A pentathlon consists of five different sporting competitions, making it one of the priciest sports. To compete in a pentathlon, you’ll need to master:



■Horseback Riding



As such, you’ll need to purchase running shoes, swimming gear, fencing equipment, and a rifle. You’ll also need to spend money to reserve a swimming pool for practice (unless you own your large backyard pool), perfect your aim at a shooting range, and schedule horseback riding lessons.

Overall, you can expect to spend between $2,000 and more than $5,000 training for a modern pentathlon.

Why It’s Expensive

Participating in a pentathlon is expensive because it’s more than one sport! However, swimming, shooting, and horseback riding are the primary factors contributing to the high costs. These sports are costlier than running and fencing.








总体而言,您需要花费 2,000 至 5,000 美元以上来训练现代五项全能运动。



4. Tennis

Tennis 网球 Wǎng-qiú

Tennis dates back to the 16th century, though an earlier version (played with hands instead of rackets) originated in the 12th century. This extended history makes tennis one of the oldest still-practiced sports in the world.

But tennis is also one of the most expensive sports, with an average annual cost of more than $7,000. This high price doesn’t include sportswear or equipment!

Still, tennis is a comparatively simple game, requiring a court, a net, a ball, and a racket. So why is it one of the priciest games to play?

Why It’s Expensive

The primary reason tennis is expensive is that it takes place on specialized tennis courts. Reserving these courts can cost between $50 and $100 per hour.

But suppose you’re lucky enough to find and secure a public court. In that case, you can still expect to spend several hundred dollars on tennis-appropriate clothing and equipment, not to mention competition fees and training classes.

3. Bobsledding

Bobsledding 雪橇 Xuě-qiāo

Unless you live in a cold environment (or are a fan of the 1993 film, Cool Runnings) ( watch here ), you might be unfamiliar with bobsledding. This sport utilizes a slim bobsleigh that’s just large enough to accommodate four people, and the vehicle slides down an ice track at high speeds.

Unlike direct head-to-head races, bobsledding is a one-vessel-per-time sport. The goal is to cross the finish line in the fastest possible time, beating the recorded times of other teams.

The cost of a bobsleigh, protective equipment, and bobsledding lessons make this Olympic sport one of the most expensive pastimes. For example, a four-person bobsleigh can cost $30,000 to $100,000.

( First-Ever Jamaican Bobsled Team: It Was Even Crazier Than ‘Cool Runnings’ | TODAY Watch update here )

Why It’s Expensive

Bobsledding is expensive because professional-size bobsleighs are incredibly costly. The cost of training a bobsledding team and reserving a bobsleigh track makes this sport pricey, and most participants are expected to bring their own bobsleigh.

(Original member of the first Jamaica 🇯🇲 Bobsled Team watch here  )

2. Formula One Racing  🏁 🏎 

Formula-One-Racing 一级方程式赛车 Yī jí fāng-chéng-shì sài-chē

Formula one racing cars are designed for speed, and being fast is the name of the game. Unlike NASCAR races, formula one (also called F1) races utilize open-pit vehicles that produce very little drag. This design allows them to reach incredible speeds of 220mph or more.

However, the cost of a formula one car is typically several million dollars, with some costing more than $12 million. Additionally, formula one races require specialized tracks that are incredibly pricey.

The cost to host one of these races can reach a billion bucks or more, though racers don’t shoulder the full brunt of venue costs.

Why It’s Expensive

As with many of the most expensive sports in the world, the primary reason why F1 racing is pricey is that it requires costly equipment. But the cost to rent a formula one track also adds to overall costs.

1. Sailing 帆船比赛 Fānchuán bǐsài

racing-yacht 赛艇 帆船 Sài tǐng fānchuán

Out of all the most expensive Olympic sports, sailing reigns supreme. Also known as yachting, this sport is one of the oldest in the world, with roots that extend to the 1600s. However, Olympic sailing didn’t arise until the 20th century.

Much like vehicle races, yacht and sailboat races utilize a predetermined course. Vessels start at the same location then loop around a water course until they’ve completed the set number of laps. The winner is the first boat to cross the finish line (often two buoys positioned across from each other).

Why It’s Expensive

Equipment is the primary reason why sailing is the most expensive sport in the world. A racing yacht can cost between $5,000 and $10 million.

In addition, yacht racing teams almost always own at least two vessels, just in case their primary craft gets damaged. The base cost to participate in a sailing race can be $18 million or more.

However, training also contributes to total costs. For example, sailing lessons cost between $25 and $50 per hour. The most skilled sailors typically spend at least twelve hours (approximately two weeks of consecutive classes) learning and perfecting their skills.

Naturally, the best professional yacht racers own a yacht, allowing them to practice at any time. But storing a racing vessel at a dockyard is also pricey, with annual costs varying between $500 and $2,000.

Try the Most Expensive Sports

What is the most expensive sport in the world? The answer is sailing! After all, you’ll need a fast yacht to participate, and racing yachts typically cost several millions of dollars.

Of course, the most expensive terrestrial sport is formula one racing. As with sailing, the cost of this sport is primarily attributable to costly equipment.

There are far more expensive activities to explore, so be sure to check out ....

Yachts Vs. Boats: What’s The Difference?


So what makes a boat a yacht? Put simply, YachtWorld tends to classify vessels over 35 feet in length as yachts, particularly if they exceed 8.5 feet in width and cannot be towed by a car or truck without special permits. But it can get a bit more involved than that, so let’s take a deeper look.

KAOS Megayacht by Oceanco

There is no doubt that the 361-foot superyacht KAOS by OceanCo is a full-blown yacht. 

People often use the term “yacht” to describe a large, private watercraft, though they might not be fully aware of what truly defines a yacht. Generally, yachts are classified by their size and several other characteristics, but it’s important to note that the language around boats and yachts is quite flexible. So, while a large Sportfish might typically be called a “yacht,” few will object to it being referred to as a boat. Conversely, you could even playfully call a 13-foot Boston Whaler Super Sport or a small Carolina Skiff a “yacht” for fun—nobody really needs to know the difference, right? In fact, it’s a common friendly tease to refer to a small dinghy, aluminum fishing boat, or bass boat as a “yacht” when a friend arrives in one.

To get a more thorough understanding, it’s useful to examine the various classes of yachts and the characteristics that differentiate them from each other, and from other types of boats. This exploration will clarify what sets a yacht apart from the great many categories and varieties of boats on the market, which includes a diverse array of watercraft, making the distinction between a yacht and boat clearer.

The Origin of Yachts

The word “yacht” is derived from the Dutch word for “hunter.” The first yachts were exactly that: pirate hunters. The Dutch navy built swift sailing vessels that could sail in the shallow waters of the low country to hunt buccaneers in the 16th century. It wasn’t long before the well-heeled of Europe—particularly the English—took notice of these unique ships and began to replicate and soon to race them. From the beginning, then, the yacht was a specialized, relatively expensive, private vessel intended for recreational use.

A 2023 Beneteau Oceanis 60 sailing yacht underway on the water. 

By the late 19th century, several important developments took place. Comparing and racing yachts meant that standards had to be set. The British classified yachts by their tonnage. The Americans use a classification based upon length, which prevails to this day. While they commenced as sailing vessels—and there are still sail-powered yachts, the steam engine supplanted the wind as the primary method of propulsion in the 1800s. By 1900, gasoline and diesel-powered engines were the propulsion of choice, as they still are on many vessels.

Size Matters

Should someone point out a sizable private vessel and ask, “Is that a yacht,” the proper answer is likely, “How long is it?” The typical maritime definition of a yacht is a private pleasure ship of at least 33 feet. As we stated at the outset, YachtWorld generally considers anything in the 35-40-foot range (or larger) a yacht. However, there are exceptions, as different kinds of boats can approach being that long that really don’t quite fit into yacht status, including some jumbo pontoon boats and large walkaround day boats.

On the flip side, an engine-powered watercraft under 30 feet is not usually considered a yacht, but there are some boats referred to as pocket yachts that have yacht-like amenities, and blur the line the other way. Another point of consideration we mentioned earlier is that if a vessel cannot be towed by a car or truck on a public roadway without special permitting (i.e. she is over 8.5-feet wide at her beam, and likely longer than 35-feet) than it’s likely to be considered a yacht.

Trailerable Pocket Yacht

A Ranger Tugs trailerable trawler “pocket yacht” being towed by a pickup truck.

That delineation of course, is just where our basic “entry-level” yacht begins. Yachts can range up in size astonishingly. Any yacht that is 79 feet long or longer is classified as a “large yacht.” Beyond a length of 130 feet, the vessel is typically called a “super yacht” (sometimes written as one word, superyacht). Sidebar: the current reigning champion for the longest yacht in the world is the super yacht Azzam, which is 590 feet in length. Another, longer yacht (REV) is currently under construction and nearly complete (these types of vessels typically require more than five years to complete).

Yachts are also classified according to what sort of water and wind conditions they can withstand. Let’s take a quick look at these classifications below:

■“Class A” Yachts are those that can handle winds of up to 45-50 miles-per-hour and approximately 13-foot waves in open seas. These types of offshore yachts are built to be self-sufficient in hostile seas while navigating the open ocean with winds surpassing force 8 on the Beaufort scale and include sportfishing yachts, motor yachts, large cruisers, superyachts and megayachts.

■“Class B” Yachts are often called “offshore vessels” and are built for navigating coastal waters within 200 miles of the shore.

■“Class C” Boats are vessels built to navigate inshore and nearshore, including waterways such as lakes, rivers and bays, and generally can handle waves between 3-4 feet before they begin to get into trouble.

■“Class D” Boats are vessels that can safely handle winds of 13-15 MPH and waves between 1-2 feet or less in sheltered waterways.Note: any vessel below Class B is referred to as a boat, hence the difference. 

Waters of Operation And Accommodations

Yachts, from their inception, have been constructed to endure lengthy voyages on open water. Thus, the most likely place to see a yacht is in a deepwater location such as the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. In conventional marine wisdom, vessels shorter than 30-feet are considered generally inadequate for handling big seas and the rough waters of the open ocean. Due to the length of swells offshore, extended voyages on the open sea are reserved for yachts (although there are some exceptions and opinions may vary). Thus, by definition, yachts are considered capable of extended cruises over more demanding water conditions in the open sea. To facilitate this, yachts tend to have a greater, more advanced cadre of instruments and deepwater equipment onboard than smaller recreational boats.

One of the obvious distinctions in this vein has to do with the ability of a yacht to provide shelter and accommodations for passengers during inclement weather on rough water. Some day boats and many smaller cuddy cabins and pocket cruisers have cabins (often called cuddies), which are narrow bunks for individuals. Whereas most yachts have actual bedrooms, not to mention full-size toilets (heads, as they are called aboard ships) and full galleys (kitchens) for food preparation. They store fresh water and wastewater and can generally hold more fuel.

Another distinction between boats and yachts is that yachts typically must be manned by professional crewmen (although again, this is not a hard-and-fast rule, as many modern yachts can be safely and comfortably driven by 1-2 people). Commercial ships and boats obviously have professional sailors. Yachts, being pleasure craft, need to employ individuals who have skills that are often beyond the private owners of the vessel. Often, the number of crew members will be double the number of potential guests on a yacht.

Big Wheels Turning

Large yachts and superyachts tend not to be as fast as many smaller vessels – although some are surprisingly quick. A typical cruising speed might be 12 knots (14 miles-per-hour). Although there are faster cruisers and sports cruises on the market that break this generality. The relatively slow cruising speed of very large superyachts and megayacths does not mean, however, that they have small engines. Large yachts have amazing large and highly-sophisticated power plants. A typical mid-sized yacht may have two large diesel engines that give it the ability to cruise at up to 20-30 miles-per-hour with top speeds that can exceed expectations.

By contrast, a center console or a large walkaround or cuddy cabin may have four outboard motors rigged to its transom with a combined horsepower of over 1,000 horsepower or more. Such gasoline engines, however, are not suited to the long-range cruising of the sea-going yacht and do not generally offer the same level of creature comforts and amenities.


We know that yachts are distinct from other private watercraft vessels in several ways. They are long vessels—a minimum of 33 feet long—constructed to allow the ability to cruise farther over deeper, rougher waters than other private craft. They are built to carry people and provide the same sort of amenities available on dry land, including: dining rooms, kitchens (galleys), cabins/sleeping berths, and restrooms (heads). As luxury vessels, there are usually any number of conveniences and comforts available, and these are often administered by professional crew members who outnumber the guests by a factor of two. If this seems opulent, it’s worth noting that there are an estimated 15,000 luxury yachts in the world today. And of course, many of these yachts are for sale on YachtWorld today!

那么,是什么让一艘船成为游艇呢?简而言之,YachtWorld 倾向于将长度超过 35 英尺的船只归类为游艇,特别是如果它们的宽度超过 8.5 英尺,并且没有特殊许可就不能被汽车或卡车拖曳。但这还远不止于此,让我们深入了解一下。

Oceanco 的 KAOS 超级游艇

毫无疑问,361 英尺长的 OceanCo 超级游艇 KAOS 是一艘成熟的游艇。

人们经常使用“游艇”一词来描述大型私人船只,尽管他们可能并不完全了解游艇的真正定义。一般来说,游艇是根据其大小和其他几个特征进行分类的,但需要注意的是,围绕船和游艇的语言非常灵活。因此,虽然大型 Sportfish 通常被称为“游艇”,但很少有人会反对将其称为船。 相反,您甚至可以开玩笑地将 13 英尺的 Boston Whaler Super Sport 或小型 Carolina Skiff 称为“游艇”——没有人真的需要知道其中的区别,对吧?事实上,当朋友乘坐小艇、铝制渔船或鲈鱼船来访时,将小艇、铝制渔船或鲈鱼船称为“游艇”是一种常见的友好调侃。



“游艇”一词源于荷兰语中的“猎人”。第一批游艇就是这样的:海盗猎人。荷兰海军在 16 世纪建造了可以在低地浅水区航行的快速帆船来猎杀海盗。 不久之后,欧洲的富人——尤其是英国人——注意到了这些独特的船只,并开始复制它们,并很快将它们用于比赛。从一开始,游艇就是一种专门的、相对昂贵的私人船只,旨在用于休闲用途。

一艘 2023 年的 Beneteau Oceanis 60 帆船正在水上航行。

到 19 世纪末,发生了几项重要的发展。比较和比赛游艇意味着必须制定标准。英国人根据吨位对游艇进行分类。美国人使用基于长度的分类,这种分类一直延续到今天。虽然它们最初是帆船——现在仍然有风帆驱动的游艇,但蒸汽机在 19 世纪取代了风力成为主要的推进方式。到 1900 年,汽油和柴油发动机成为首选推进器,因为它们仍然在许多船只上。


如果有人指着一艘相当大的私人船只问:“那是游艇吗?”正确的答案可能是“它有多长?”游艇的典型海事定义是至少 33 英尺的私人游船。正如我们一开始所说的,YachtWorld 通常将 35-40 英尺(或更大)范围内的任何船只视为游艇。但是,也有例外,因为不同类型的船只可能接近这个长度,但实际上并不适合游艇状态,包括一些巨型浮桥船和大型步行日间船。

另一方面,30 英尺以下的发动机驱动船只通常不被视为游艇,但有些船只被称为袖珍游艇,具有游艇般的设施,并模糊了游艇与游艇之间的界限。 我们之前提到的另一个考虑点是,如果一艘船未经特别许可不能在公共道路上被汽车或卡车拖曳(即船宽超过 8.5 英尺,长度可能超过 35 英尺),那么它很可能被视为游艇。


Ranger Tugs 可拖曳的拖网渔船“袖珍游艇”被一辆皮卡拖曳。

当然,这种划分只是我们基本的“入门级”游艇的开始。游艇的尺寸范围惊人。任何长度为 79 英尺或更长的游艇都被归类为“大型游艇”。长度超过 130 英尺的船只通常被称为“超级游艇”(有时写成一个词,超级游艇)。侧边栏:目前世界上最长的游艇的卫冕冠军是超级游艇 Azzam,长度为 590 英尺。 另一艘较长的游艇 (REV) 目前正在建造中,并且已接近完工(这类船只通常需要五年以上才能完工)。


■“A 级”游艇是指那些能够在公海中应对高达 45-50 英里/小时的风速和大约 13 英尺高的海浪的游艇。这些类型的离岸游艇旨在在恶劣海域自给自足,同时在风力超过蒲福风级 8 级的公海中航行,包括运动钓鱼游​​艇、机动游艇、大型巡洋舰、超级游艇和巨型游艇。

■“B 级”游艇通常被称为“离岸船只”,专为在距离海岸 200 英里以内的沿海水域航行而建造。

■“C 级”船只是专为近海和近岸航行而建造的船只,包括湖泊、河流和海湾等水道,通常可以应对 3-4 英尺的海浪,否则会开始出现问题。

 ■“D 级”船只是指在避风水道中能够安全应对 13-15 MPH 风速和 1-2 英尺或以下海浪的船只。注意:任何低于 B 级的船只都被称为船只,因此存在差异。


游艇从一开始就被建造用于在开阔水域进行长途航行。因此,最有可能看到游艇的地方是大西洋或太平洋等深水区。在传统的航海智慧中,长度少于 30 英尺的船只通常被认为不适合在大海和开阔海洋的波涛汹涌的水域中航行。由于离岸海浪很长,开阔海域的长途航行只适合游艇(尽管也有一些例外,意见可能有所不同)。因此,根据定义,游艇被认为能够在开阔海域更苛刻的水域条件下进行长途巡航。为了实现这一点,游艇往往比小型休闲船拥有更多、更先进的仪器和深水设备。


船和游艇之间的另一个区别是游通常必须由专业船员驾驶(尽管这也不是硬性规定,因为许多现代游艇可以由 1-2 人安全舒适地驾驶)。商业船舶和船只显然有专业水手。游艇是一种休闲船,需要雇用拥有船只私人船主通常无法掌握的技能的人员。通常,船员人数将是游艇上潜在客人人数的两倍。


大型游艇和超级游艇往往不如许多小型船只快——尽管有些游艇的速度惊人。典型的巡航速度可能是 12 节(14 英里/小时)。尽管市场上有更快的巡洋舰和运动巡航打破了这一普遍性。然而,非常大的超级游艇和超级游艇相对较慢的巡航速度并不意味着它们的发动机小。大型游艇拥有令人惊叹的大型和高度复杂的发电厂。一艘典型的中型游艇可能有两个大型柴油发动机,使其能够以高达 20-30 英里/小时的速度巡航,最高速度可能超出预期。

相比之下,中央控制台或大型走道或小舱室可能在其船尾安装四个舷外发动机,总马力超过 1,000 马力或更高。 然而,这种汽油发动机并不适合远洋游艇的长距离巡航,而且通常无法提供同等水平的舒适度和便利设施。


我们知道游艇在几个方面与其他私人船只不同。它们是长船(至少 33 英尺长),建造的目的是使其能够在比其他私人船只更深、更汹涌的水域航行得更远。它们是为了载人而建造的,并提供与陆地上相同的便利设施,包括:餐厅、厨房(厨房)、船舱/卧铺和卫生间(头等舱)。作为豪华船只,通常有许多便利设施和舒适设施,这些设施通常由专业船员管理,他们的人数是客人的两倍。如果这看起来很奢华,那么值得注意的是,当今世界上估计有 15,000 艘豪华游艇。当然,其中许多游艇今天都在 YachtWorld 上出售!

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