Monday, May 13, 2024



Parvis Notre-Dame - Place Jean-Paul II, Paris, FR 75004


Le Point Zéro,

situé au pied

de la cathédrale


de-Paris, sert à

calculer toutes

les distances

entre les villes

de France.

Il est dit que si un individu pose le pied sur cette plaque,

il y retournera assurément dans le futur.

巴黎圣母院 - 4 到达












Bālí shèngmǔ yuàn - 4 dàodá


wèiyú jiǎoxià

dà jiàotáng de


láizì bālí, fúwù yú

jìsuàn quánbù


chéngshì zhī jiān

fàguó de.

Jùshuō, rúguǒ yīgè rén tà shàng zhè kuài páibiǎn,

tā jiānglái yīdìng huì huí dào nàlǐ.


 The Zero Point,

 located at the foot

 of the cathedral

 Our Lady

 from-Paris, serves to

 calculate all

 the distances

 between cities

 of France.

 It is said that if an individual sets foot on this plaque,

 he will definitely return there in the future.

The day of the week was Monday.

On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20 CEST, a structural fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame de Paris, a medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris, France. 

April 15, 2019 was the 105 th day of the year 2019 in the Gregorian calendar. There were 260 days remaining until the end of the year.

11:44 a.m. ET, April 16, 2019

Conspiracies about the Notre Dame fire are making rounds on the internet

From CNN's Gianluca Mezzofiore

Even before the blaze at Notre Dame was extinguished, conspiracy theories and fake news about the fire had ricocheted around the internet.

The most egregious examples of disinformation originated in the darker corners of the internet, but many found bigger audiences on social media.

And big social media companies appeared to struggle to contain the spread of the content.

Here are some of those conspiracy theories:

■ One prominent conspiracy theory revolved around the claim that the fire had been deliberately started. InfoWars, a fringe website which is known for spreading conspiracy theories, published a story which suggested the fire had been intentionally set.The claim was based on a single erroneous tweet, which was later deleted. The InfoWars story remains online. 

■On Twitter, a fake account made to look like one operated by CNN claimed the fire was caused by terrorism. The account, which was created in April, was only removed several hours after CNN publicly called out Twitter over it.

■One strategy appeared to be the use of old and unrelated articles about Catholic churches being desecrated in France to insinuate that the Notre Dame fire was an intentional act.

What we know: Paris Prosecutor Rémy Heitz said that while the cause of the fire has not been established, it was likely "accidental." "Nothing shows that it's an intentional act" he said in a press conference on Tuesday

CNN's Donie O'Sullivan contributed to this report.

Message de Monseigneur Michel Aupetit, 16 avril 2019

« Chers frères et sœurs, chers amis, que ce drame permette à notre pays de retrouver une unité heureuse pour que nous puissions construire ensemble ce qui est écrit au fronton de nos édifices publics : la fraternité. Nous croyons qu’elle trouve son origine dans la paternité de Dieu source de tout amour. »

« Consolez, consolez mon peuple, dit votre Dieu » (Is 40,1).

Ses paroles du prophète Isaïe résonnent fortement en cette Semaine Sainte où nous accompagnons la Passion et la mort de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ en préparant nos cœurs à la joie de sa Résurrection. Notre-Dame, notre chère cathédrale, témoin de tant d’événements majeurs de notre pays, a été détruite par un incendie effrayant après avoir résisté si longtemps aux péripéties de son histoire. La France pleure et avec elle tous ses amis du monde entier. Elle est touchée au cœur car ses pierres sont le témoignage d’une espérance invincible qui, par le talent, le courage, le génie et la foi des bâtisseurs, a élevé cette dentelle lumineuse de pierres, de bois et de verre. Cette foi demeure la nôtre. C’est elle qui déplace les montagnes et nous permettra de rebâtir ce chef-d’œuvre. Chers frères et sœurs, chers amis, merci de tous ces nombreux signes d’amitié, d’encouragement qui me proviennent de partout. Merci pour les élans de solidarité, merci pour la prière fervente qui console notre cœur. Profitons de cette émotion si grande pour vivre intensément cette semaine tellement décisive pour les chrétiens. Retrouvons ce don du Père qui nous a été fait à notre baptême pour que nous devenions ses enfants. Dieu reste fidèle et attendra toujours que nous revenions vers lui en nous tendant les bras.

Tous les fidèles parisiens sont invités demain à la messe chrismale qui aura lieu en l’église Saint-Sulpice. Ce sera l’occasion pour nous tous de manifester notre unité, notre ferveur et notre confiance en l’avenir. Nous sentons bien que nous n’aurons pas seulement à rebâtir notre cathédrale mais à reconstruire aussi notre Église dont le visage est si blessé. Je propose à toutes les personnes de bonne volonté de mettre à leur fenêtre dans la nuit de Pâques, un lumignon, une bougie, comme nous le ferons dans toutes nos églises en commençant la Vigile Pascale par le rite du feu nouveau. Il signifie que la lumière éclaire les ténèbres, que la vie triomphe définitivement de la mort. Chers frères et sœurs, chers amis, que ce drame permette à notre pays de retrouver une unité heureuse pour que nous puissions construire ensemble ce qui est écrit au fronton de nos édifices publics : la fraternité. Nous croyons qu’elle trouve son origine dans la paternité de Dieu source de tout amour.

Michel Aupetit,

Archevêque de Paris

[ English ] :

Message from Monsignor Michel Aupetit, April 16, 2019

 “Dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, may this tragedy allow our country to find a happy unity so that we can build together what is written on the pediment of our public buildings: fraternity. We believe that it finds its origin in the paternity of God, source of all love. »

 “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God” (Is 40:1).

 His words from the prophet Isaiah resonate strongly in this Holy Week where we accompany the Passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ by preparing our hearts for the joy of his Resurrection. Notre-Dame, our dear cathedral, witness to so many major events in our country, was destroyed by a frightening fire after having resisted the twists and turns of its history for so long. France cries and with it all its friends around the world. It is touched to the heart because its stones are the testimony of an invincible hope which, through the talent, courage, genius and faith of the builders, raised this luminous lace of stones, wood and glass. This faith remains ours. It is she who moves the mountains and will allow us to rebuild this masterpiece. Dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, thank you for all these many signs of friendship and encouragement that come to me from everywhere. Thank you for the outpouring of solidarity, thank you for the fervent prayer that consoles our hearts. Let us take advantage of this great emotion to live intensely this week which is so decisive for Christians. Let us rediscover this gift from the Father which was given to us at our baptism so that we become his children. God remains faithful and will always wait for us to return to Him with outstretched arms.

 All the Parisian faithful are invited tomorrow to the Chrism Mass which will take place in the Saint-Sulpice church. This will be an opportunity for all of us to demonstrate our unity, our fervor and our confidence in the future. We feel very well that we will not only have to rebuild our cathedral but also to rebuild our Church whose face is so wounded. I suggest to all people of good will to put a light, a candle in their window on Easter night, as we will do in all our churches, beginning the Easter Vigil with the rite of new fire. It means that light illuminates the darkness, that life definitively triumphs over death. Dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, may this tragedy allow our country to find a happy unity so that we can build together what is written on the pediment of our public buildings: fraternity. We believe that it finds its origin in the paternity of God, source of all love.

 Michel Aupetit,

 Archbishop of Paris

Rebuilding the 850 + years old Notre-Dame de-Paris. Watch here

Scenes from the Notre Dame Cathedral fire

Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral

By Brian Ries, Veronica Rocha, Rob Picheta, Euan McKirdy, Jessie Yeung, Gianluca Mezzofiore and Paul P. Murphy, CNN

Updated 11:23 a.m. ET, April 17, 2019
100 Posts
11:23 a.m. ET, April 17, 2019

Our live coverage of the destructive fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral is ending, but you can follow the links below to read more:

2:58 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

University of Notre Dame donates $100,000 to renovation of the cathedral


The University of Notre Dame in Indiana is donating $100,000 toward the renovation of the landmark Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, according to a statement post on the school’s website today. 

“At the direction of Father Jenkins, the University will donate $100,000 toward the renovation of the cathedral. In addition, the bells of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the Notre Dame campus will toll 50 times — representing the 50 Hail Marys of Our Lady’s rosary — at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, to mark the start of the rebuilding process for the cathedral,” the statement reads.

There is no direct connection between the cathedral and the university.

2:32 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

Macron says he wants the Notre Dame Cathedral rebuilt in 5 years

From CNN's Simon Cullen and Samuel Quashie-Idun in London


French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking in a televised address to the nation, said he wants the Notre Dame Cathedral to be rebuilt in five years.

“We will rebuild Notre Dame even more beautiful and I want that to be done in the next five years," he said.

He continued: “Throughout our history, we have built towns, ports, churches. Many have been burnt due to revolutions, wars, due to mankind’s mistakes. Each time we have rebuilt them.

“The fire of Notre Dame reminds us that our story never ends. And that we will always have challenges to overcome. What we believe to be indestructible can also be touched,” Macron said.

2:10 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

NOW: French president addresses the nation after Notre Dame fire

From CNN's Simon Cullen and Samuel Quashie-Idun

French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to rebuild the cathedral of Notre Dame “even more beautiful."

In a televised address to the nation, Macron said he shared in the nation’s sorrow and hope for the future.

“We will make the Cathedral of Notre Dame even more beautiful. We can do this,” he said.

Macron said there will be time for reflection and then action.

1:56 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

Paris terror attack hero helped save Notre Dame artifacts, mayor says

From CNN's Rob Picheta

A Paris chaplain who tended to victims of the 2015 terror attack in the city has been hailed as a hero once more, after he reportedly entered the burning Notre Dame cathedral to rescue priceless relics from the blaze.

Jean-Marc Fournier, the chaplain of Paris fire service, entered the cathedral with firefighters to help salvage some of the priceless artifacts held in the building, the Paris 15th district mayor Philippe Goujon told reporters on Tuesday.

Fournier had previously held prayers and assisted victims after terrorists killed 130 people in attacks throughout the French capital in November 2015.

A number of relics were rescued during Monday's devastating fire, which tore through and destroyed parts of the 850-year-old church.

They include the Crown of Thorns, which some believe was placed on the head of Christ and which the cathedral calls its "most precious and most venerated relic."

He has been praised as a hero throughout social media for his bravery after Etienne Loraillère, the director of the French Catholic television network KTO, posted a picture of Fournier and commended the chaplain.

1:45 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

Restoration expert says it will take 10 to 15 years to fully restore Notre Dame Cathedral

From CNN's Samuel Quashie-Idun in London


The full restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral will take between “10 to 15 years," according to Frédéric Létoffé, the head of the group of companies for the Restoration of Historic Monuments.

Létoffé, speaking at a news conference in Paris on Tuesday, said the site will need to be secured before any restoration work can take place.

“This will require a lot of work since, beyond shoring and reinforcement, it will be necessary to build a scaffolding with an umbrella to be able to cover the entire roof that went missing, to ensure protection against weathering" he said.

12:27 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

How one artist responded to the cathedral fire

As Notre Dame Cathedral burned, Cristina Correa Freile channeled her own emotion by imagining how the church's most famous fictional denizen — its hunchbacked bell ringer — might have responded to the calamity.

She drew Quasimodo, the Disney cartoon version, embracing the iconic Paris landmark — complete with twin towers. She posted her drawing Monday on Instagram, where it quickly went viral and earned more than 160,000 social media supporters.

"I made (this) because of what's happening right now," said the architect and illustrator, who lives in Ecuador. "The world embraces Notre Dame right now."

The physically deformed Quasimodo is the central character of Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," which tells the tale of his obsession with the beautiful Esmeralda. The story was told on the big screen in 1939, then Disney remade it in 1996 as a cartoon.

1:22 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

Trump calls Macron after the fire


President Trump spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron in a phone call this morning to offer condolences for the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

"The United States stands with French citizens, the city of Paris, and the millions of visitors from around the world who have sought solace in that iconic structure," she said.

Sanders added:

"The Cathedral has served as a spiritual home for almost a millennium, and we are saddened to witness the damage to this architectural masterpiece. Notre Dame will continue to serve as a symbol of France, including its freedom of religion and democracy. France is the oldest ally of the United States, and we remember with grateful hearts the tolling of Notre Dame’s bells on September 12, 2001, in solemn recognition of the tragic September 11th attacks on American soil. Those bells will sound again. We stand with France today and offer our assistance in the rehabilitation of this irreplaceable symbol of Western civilization. Vive la France!"
1:17 p.m. ET, April 16, 2019

There are no trees in France that are big enough to rebuild Notre Dame's roof

From CNN’s Arnaud Siad

Trees used to make the wood frame were likely 300 or 400 years old.
Trees used to make the wood frame were likely 300 or 400 years old. From Notre Dame De Paris/Maurice de Sully association

There are not any trees in France that are large enough to replace the ancient Beachwood beams that burned in the Notre Dame fire, Bertrand de Feydeau, vice president of the French Heritage Foundation (Fondation du Patrimoine), told CNN.

“The roof was made of beechwood beams over 800 years ago. There are no longer trees of that size in France,” he said. 

Asked if any trees in Europe were big enough for the beams and could be imported to Paris, he said, “I don’t know.”

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