Saturday, May 18, 2024

‘You Have My Sympathy’

 1. “I’m so sorry to hear about ( name of deceased). Thinking of you and your family.”

Sympathy messages via text tend to be a little less formal than the ones written in a card. When texting someone who recently lost a family member, try to refrain from asking a lot of questions. Funeral preparations often take a lot of time and your friend may be busy making arrangements. 

2. “Please know that I am thinking and praying for you and your family right now.”

Texts can act as virtual hugs. If you can’t be there in person, send a reassuring, heartfelt message. Of course, if you are saying that you pray for someone, actually pray for them. 

3. “I will never forget your mom’s kindness. May she rest in peace.”

You may consider sharing stories about the person who died when you go to the visitation. People find it comforting to hear remembrances about a loved one who died. The more specific you can be with the memory, the better.

4. “Hugs to you, my friend. I am so sorry for your loss.”

Don’t feel offended if your friend doesn’t return messages for a while. There are many decisions to be made immediately after the death of a loved one. Even if your friend is comforted by your words, he or she may not be able to thank you properly.

5. “Your sister will be terribly missed. Thinking of you and the rest of your incredible family.”

Let the grieving person know that he or she is not the only person who will miss the deceased. 

6. “I am truly sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a parent is never easy, and I pray that God will lay his comforting hand on you.”

You may consider offering prayers or mentioning God in the message if the person you are texting shares a similar faith. Even if you experienced a similar loss over the course of your life, try not to compare your pain with your friend’s pain.

7. “I would love to bring a meal over for your family tomorrow night.”

Some people ask others what they can do and other people offer a specific way to help. Offering to help in this manner doesn’t seem pushy, but it is specific enough to show you want to do something. 

‘You Have My Sympathy’ Messages to Send in a Professional Email

Sending a sympathy message through a work email will have a much different tone than sending one via a text message. Here are ways to say, “I am sorry for your loss” to a work colleague or employee. We will also give you guidance on how to send a message to the family of a coworker who died. 

8. “Please know that we are all thinking of you during this difficult time.”

You may have to send condolence messages on behalf of the entire staff. If so, you may need to include words like “all” and “everyone.”

9. “Our hearts go out to you during this time of grief.”

Just because you’re sending a professional email doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t mention feelings or emotions. Our work friends often feel like family. 

10. “Please accept our sincere condolences.” 

It’s proper to use the plural form of the word “condolence” when expressing sorrow to someone. Oddly enough, linguistic experts don’t seem to know where this variance of the rule originated. 

11. “Soong’s kind soul and hearty laugh will never be forgotten.”

You may find yourself in the unhappy situation of sending an email upon the death of a colleague. It’s always a good idea to make positive comments on the personality of the one who died.

12. “Please allow me to extend heartfelt sympathy on behalf of your friends at the office.”

Instead of saying, “You have my sympathy,” you can also “extend” sympathy. This version sounds a bit more formal.

13. “I hope you are comforted by good memories during this difficult time.”

If you find it necessary to put a positive spin in your sympathy message, this is one way to do it.

14. “Please do not concern yourself with any work-related items. Instead, spend this time focused on your family.” 

It’s always a good thing to reassure your grieving coworkers to not be concerned about work. 

How to Tell Someone ‘You Have My Sympathy’ Face-to-Face

Are you preparing to go to a visitation or a funeral? Or maybe you’ll see a friend or coworker for the first time since he or she suffered a loss. Some people like to plan what they are going to say in stressful situations. Here are some words or phrases to consider when offering sympathy to someone in a face-to-face meeting.

15. “I’m so sorry about your dad.”

You may wish you could offer reassurance that things will eventually be okay, but this isn’t a good idea. The person’s life has changed forever and offering faulty reassurances is not helpful to a grieving person.

16. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

Your friend may talk about the loss, or may simply say “thank you” and change the subject. Follow your friend’s lead. Your friend may not feel able to speak about the death at that particular moment.

17. “Your dad always had the best ‘dad jokes.’ He was such a great guy!”

Consider sharing one of the jokes with the family member if you feel it would be welcomed. Chances are, your friend has heard the joke hundreds of times before and it may bring up a happy memory.

18. “I’m sorry that I never met your sister. It sounds like she was an amazing woman who accomplished a lot during her life.”

You may attend the funeral for someone you never met. But after reading the obituary and listening to the eulogy, you may feel as if you got to know the person who passed.

19. “I know how close you were to your grandma. I am so sorry, friend.”

This is a genuine condolence because it acknowledges the relationship your friend had with the deceased.

20. “I know it may feel strange to go home to an empty house tonight. I would be happy to come over and hang out with you this evening.”

Even if your offer is refused the first time, consider extending the offer multiple times before giving up on it. Your friend doesn’t know what it will feel like to be in an empty house after losing a loved one and he or she may appreciate the company after the second or third night alone. 

21. “I love you!”

Tell your friend how you feel. Life is too short not to say, “I love you” to the people who are important to you.

How to Say ‘You Have My Sympathy’ on an Online Memorial Page

Online memorial pages offer the unique opportunity of interacting with others who were close to the deceased. Unlike other social media platforms, an online memorial page is typically used by those who knew the deceased and their family well.

If you are invited to participate in an online memorial page, do so. They are also sometimes used to share news regarding the funeral events besides being a platform to express your sympathy to the family and friends of the deceased.

22. “We love you, Smith Family! Please know that we are thinking about you all. Your mother was a wonderful woman and will be missed by everyone in the community.”

Writing a post on an online memorial page allows you to send condolences to a large group of people. 

23. “We were so sorry to hear about Bob. He was a great friend to me for 46 years. I will miss his sense of humor—no one could make me laugh as much as Bob could. I remember this one time when . . . “

When sharing memories of the deceased, consider sharing specific stories. Families like hearing funny, positive stories about their loved ones. It’s also comforting for families to know that others in the community are mourning the loss as much as they are.

24. “I thought I would share a few songs that remind me of Bob. We listened to these songs non-stop during the summer of ’72. Every time I hear them, I think of Bob.”

An online memorial page gives people the opportunity to share memories, condolences, and other types of messages to family and friends of the deceased. 

25. “I’m wearing pink today to honor Beth. I pray that someone will find a cure for breast cancer some day. Here’s a link to a breast cancer research organization in case anyone would like to make a donation in honor of our dear friend.”

Online memorial pages allow you to share sympathy messages and links to websites that might be of interest.

26. “I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope the wonderful memories you have of Dan will give you some peace during this difficult time.”

Of course, you can offer a traditional message of sympathy on an online memorial page. 

27. “Sally was a beautiful person, inside and out. Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your sister, wife, and mother.”

Are you not sure what to say to the family of the deceased? You aren’t alone. 

Where Can You Share Your ‘You Have My Sympathy Message?’

You’ve heard about the death of a friend, extended family member, or other acquaintance. How do you offer your sympathy to the family of the deceased? Here are some ways to share a sympathy message.


You might feel uncomfortable going to the funeral. But, please know that you aren’t the only person who feels this way. Funerals are sad occasions that force you to think about the brevity of life. 

However, going to the visitation or the funeral may allow you the opportunity to share your condolences with the family of the deceased. Even if you cannot interact directly with the family during the event, sign the guest book, so they know you were there. Attending a funeral is a significant way to offer sympathy and show support to the family.

Social media

It’s become more common for people to share messages of sympathy on Facebook and other social media platforms. While this is an appropriate choice, make sure you are not the one to break the news of the death. 

So unless you see a post about the person’s death, don’t write on a family member’s timeline for all to see. It’s not your news to share. 

Online memorial page

Online memorial pages are becoming popular ways to share news of the death of a loved one. Having an online memorial page allows you to target a specific audience instead of sharing details about your father’s funeral with your son’s aikido coach and other Facebook friends you aren’t close to in life.

If you are searching for a way to tell a family you are sorry for their loss, consider using the online memorial page. Likewise, if you have a specific memory of the deceased, use this platform to share it with others. 

Sympathy cards

Most people send messages of sympathy by sending a text or leaving a comment on a person’s Facebook post. However, you might consider sending a sympathy card to the family of the deceased.

Sending a card shows that you went through the trouble of purchasing a card, finding a stamp, and going to the post office. Although the process is doable for most people, few go through the trouble of performing this task.

Sympathy cards are also a great way to share condolences if you don’t have a social media account or are too far away to attend the funeral services.

How Do You Show Someone You Care?

The art of the sympathy message is simply showing someone that you care. This can be done by what you say and what you do. 

If you worry about coming up with the right words, consider doing something that shows you care. Attend the funeral, send a plant, provide a meal, send a card, or donate to the memorial fund. 

You can also check up on your friend more often than you usually do. You can stop by with a cup of coffee, ask your friend to go to a movie, or invite your friend out for a meal. Sometimes, just checking in to say "I hope you're doing well" can go a long way.

It may take time before your friend can open up and talk about a death. Be patient and don’t force the matter. 

At the same time, don’t avoid the subject, either. Eventually, your friend will be ready to share memories or explain what it was like to go through such a trauma. Let your friend take the lead on what is appropriate. 

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