Monday, May 20, 2024

Sitting Chair Workout 坐椅锻炼

13 Chair Exercises That Work Your Whole Body

Medically reviewed on May 26, 2023

13 best chair exercises

1. Chair squats

2. Seated leg extensions

3. Seated march

4. Sit-to-stands

5. Heel slides

6. Seated calf raises

7. Modified planks

8. Tummy twists

9. Seated shoulder press

10. Seated front shoulder raises

11. Seated chest press

12. Modified push-ups

13. Seated backbend


If you’re looking for convenient workout options, these chair exercises are perfect for all fitness levels.

Calling all comfort seekers, desk dwellers, and couch enthusiasts! It’s time to break free from the sedentary shackles and embrace the incredible power of chair exercises.

From gentle stretches to heart-pumping cardio moves, chair workouts offer a wide range of benefits, including improved energy levels, enhanced flexibility, and better posture. So, grab a seat and prepare to redefine the way you approach fitness!

13 best chair exercises

Here’s a quick overview before we dive into the deets:

1. Chair squats

2. Seated leg extensions

3. Seated march

4. Sit-to-stands 

5. Heel slides

6. Seated calf raises

7. Modified planks

8. Tummy twists

9. Seated shoulder press

10. Seated front shoulder raises

11. Seated chest press

12. Modified push-ups

13. Seated backend

1. Chair squats

Get ready to give your lower body a powerful boost with chair squats. This exercise targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes while also improving your balance and stability.


1. Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair, ensuring it’s stable and won’t move

2. Place your feet at hip-width.

3. Stand up, pushing through your heels, and then sit back down with control.

4. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

2. Seated leg extensions

Give your legs some extra love with these leg extensions. They target your quadriceps and can be done right from your chair.


1. Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and feet flat on the floor.

2. Extend one leg out straight, flexing your foot, and then lower it back down.

3. Repeat with the other leg.

4. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg.

3. Seated march

Boost your cardiovascular endurance at home with the seated march. This simple yet effective exercise gets your heart pumping and engages your core and leg muscles.


1. Sit tall in your chair with your feet flat on the floor.

2. Lift one knee up towards your chest, lower it back down, and then repeat with the other knee.

3. Continue alternating legs for a set duration of your choice, like 1-2 minutes.

4. Sit-to-stands

Are you ready to elevate your seating experience and unleash your leg power? Then, it’s time to break free from the confines of your chair with sit-to-stands. You’ll fire up your leg muscles and tone that ass, elevating your buns and your spirit!


1. Sit on the edge of your chair with your feet at hip-width.

2. “Squeeze your glutes as you stand up, then carefully sit back down.

3. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 sit-to-stands, and remember to keep your posture on point!

5. Heel slides

Glide to new heights of lower body finesse with heel slides. Unleash your inner dancer and strut your stuff with moves that would make Usher proud. These slides aren’t just for dance floors; they’re your ticket to sculpted legs and enhanced flexibility, all from the cozy confines of your chair.


1. Sit tall in your chair, and imagine yourself gracefully gliding across the floor.

2. Slide one heel forward, keeping your toes on the floor, and then slide it back.

3. Repeat with the other heel, showing off your fancy footwork.

4. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 heel slides per leg.

6. Seated calf raises

Seated calf raises will have your lower legs begging for mercy as you defy gravity from your chair.


1. Sit tall in your chair, channeling your inner ballerina.

2. Lift your heels off the floor, showcasing your calves in all their glory.

3. Lower your heels back down, but don’t let them forget the incredible power they possess.

4. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 seated calf raises.

7. Modified planks

Who says you need the floor to engage your core? Get ready to challenge the laws of physics with modified planks! This exercise offers a chair-friendly twist on the classic plank, allowing you to strengthen your core and show off your balance and stability skills while seated.


1. Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair.

2. Place your hands on the chair seat, fingers pointing forward, and extend your legs straight out in front of you.

3. Engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button towards your spine and maintaining a stable position.

4. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, avoiding any sagging or excessive arching in the lower back.

5. Hold this position for a set duration, like 30 seconds, focusing on maintaining proper form and engaging your core throughout.

6. Aim for 3 sets of seated, modified planks, gradually increasing the duration as your core strength improves.

8. Tummy twists

Bring a twist of excitement to your chair workout with tummy twists! This exercise targets your abdominal muscles and adds twisting and turning to boost balance and flexibility.


1. Sit tall in your chair, with your feet flat on the floor and back straight.

2. Place your hands behind your head, gently supporting your neck.

3. Engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button towards your spine.

4. Twist your torso to one side, bringing your elbow towards the opposite knee while lifting your chest.

5. Return to the center and then twist to the other side, bringing the opposite elbow towards the opposite knee.

6. Repeat the twisting motion, alternating sides in a controlled and rhythmic manner.

7. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 tummy twists per side, gradually increasing the repetitions as your core strength improves.

9. Seated shoulder press

Raise the bar on your shoulder strength with seated shoulder presses. This exercise works your deltoid muscles and helps you build strong and sculpted shoulders.


1. Sit tall, back straight, and feet flat on the floor.

2. Hold a pair of low-weight dumbbells or other suitable weights at shoulder height, palms facing forward.

3. Press the weights directly overhead, fully extending your arms without locking your elbows.

4. Slowly lower the weights back down to shoulder level.

5. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 seated shoulder presses, gradually increasing the weight as your strength improves.

10. Seated front shoulder raises

Focusing on the front portion of your shoulders, seated front shoulder raises enhance your upper body strength and help create a beautifully sculpted torso. Finally, you’ll be ready to rock those sleeveless tops with confidence!


1. Sit tall in your chair, maintaining good posture and engaging your core.

2. Hold a pair of dumbbells or other suitable weights in your hands, with your arms at your side.

3. Keeping your arms straight, raise the weights in front of you until they are at shoulder height.

4. Slowly lower the weights back down to your starting position.

5. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 seated front shoulder raises, feeling the burn in your front delts as you conquer each rep.

11. Seated chest press

Prepare to embark on a chest-pumping journey with the mighty seated chest press. This exercise takes center stage to lavish attention on your pectoral muscles, elevating your upper body strength to new heights.


1. Sit tall in your chair, maintaining good posture and a strong core.

2. Hold a pair of dumbbells at chest level, with your elbows bent and palms facing forward.

3. Extend your arms forward, pushing the weights away from your chest until your arms are fully extended.

4. Slowly bend your elbows and bring the weights back to your starting position.

5. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 seated chest presses, allowing your chest muscles to shine as you complete each rep.

12. Modified push-ups

Introduce the classic push-up to your chair workout routine with modified push-ups. This seated exercise targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps and offers a chair-friendly variation of the popular bodyweight exercise.


1. Face your chair and place your hands on the edge, slightly wider than shoulder-width.

2. Walk your feet back, creating a diagonal line from your head to your heels.

3. Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the chair, keeping your body in a straight line.

4. Push through your palms and extend your arms to return to the starting position.

5. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 modified push-ups, gradually increasing the difficulty by adjusting the chair height or moving your feet farther back.

13. Seated backbend

Target your back muscles and unlock the incredible range of motion in your spine with seated backbends. If you have tightness or pain in your lower back, this exercise could ease your discomfort.


1. Sit tall in your chair, with your feet planted firmly on the ground and your hands resting on your thighs.

2. Inhale deeply, lengthening your spine and engaging your core muscles.

3. As you exhale, begin to lean back gently, keeping your gaze forward and your chest lifted.

4. Continue bending backward, allowing your upper back to arch gracefully while supporting your lower back.

5. Pause when you feel a stretch in your back, taking care not to strain or overextend.

6. Inhale again, focusing on expanding your chest and maintaining a sense of openness in your posture.

7. Exhale and return to an upright seated position, feeling the rejuvenating effects of this gentle backbend.

8. Aim to perform 3 sets of seated backbends, gradually increasing the depth and duration of the stretch as your flexibility improves.

9. Pro tip: Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and perform it three times.

Benefits of chair exercises

What are chair exercises, and what are the benefits? Well, besides being convenient and accessible, here are a few other reasons to add chair exercises to your day:

●improves strength and muscle tone

●enhances flexibility and mobility

●elevates heart rate and provides a cardiovascular workout

●improves posture and spinal alignment

●increases energy levels

●stimulates circulation

●provides low-impact physical activity

●relieves stress and helps mental well-being

●improves balance and coordination

●adds variety and fun to your exercise routine


Who says fitness has to be all about fancy equipment and gym memberships? Chair exercises prove that you can stay active, build strength, and have a blast without any of the extra frills.

From shoulder presses that sculpt your deltoids to tummy twists that ignite your core, each exercise targets specific muscle groups, leaving you feeling strong and flexible. Best of all, anyone can get in on the action.

With a chair by your side, you have a practical fitness companion that can level up your workouts. So, grab a chair, kick boredom to the curb, and turn idle moments into power-packed opportunities for growth, vitality, and a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle. Then, get ready to chair-ish the chair gains!

Last medically reviewed on May 26, 2023

Furtado GE, et al. (2021). Combined chair-based exercises improve functional fitness, mental well-being, salivary steroid balance, and anti-microbial activity in pre-frail older women.

Klempel N, et al. (2021). The effect of chair-based exercise on physical function in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Yoshimura Y, et al. (2022). Chair-stand exercise improves sarcopenia in rehabilitation patients after stroke.

13 种锻炼全身的椅子运动

2023 年 5 月 26 日医学审查

13 种最佳椅子运动

1. 椅子深蹲

2. 坐姿腿部伸展

3. 坐姿行进

4. 坐姿站立

5. 脚跟滑动

6. 坐姿提踵

7. 改良平板支撑

8. 腹部扭转

9. 坐姿肩部推举

10. 坐姿前肩提举

11. 坐姿胸部推举

12. 改良俯卧撑

13. 坐姿后弯





13 种最佳椅子锻炼


1. 椅子深蹲

2. 坐姿腿部伸展

3. 坐姿行进

4. 坐姿站立

5. 脚跟滑动

6. 坐姿提踵

7. 改良平板支撑

8. 腹部扭转

9. 坐姿肩部推举

10. 坐姿前肩抬高

11. 坐姿胸部推举

12. 改良俯卧撑

13. 坐姿后端

1. 椅子深蹲

准备好通过椅子深蹲来给你的下半身带来强大的力量。 这项运动针对您的股四头肌、腿筋和臀大肌,同时还能提高您的平衡性和稳定性。


1. 坐在结实的椅子边缘,确保椅子稳定且不会移动

2. 双脚与臀部同宽。

3. 站起来,用脚后跟发力,然后有控制地坐下。

4. 争取做 3 组,每组 10-12 次。

2. 坐姿腿部伸展



1. 坐在椅子边缘,背部挺直,双脚平放在地板上。

2. 伸直一条腿,弯曲脚,然后放下。

3. 用另一条腿重复此动作。

4. 争取做 3 组,每条腿 10-12 次。

 3. 坐姿行进



1. 坐在椅子上,双脚平放在地板上。

2. 将一只膝盖抬高至胸部,再放低,然后换另一只膝盖重复此动作。

3. 继续交替双腿,持续时间由你选择,例如 1-2 分钟。

4. 坐立



1. 坐在椅子边缘,双脚与臀部同宽。

2. “站起来时挤压臀部,然后小心地坐下。

3. 以 3 组 10-12 次坐立动作为目标,记住保持姿势正确!

5. 脚跟滑动

通过脚跟滑动,将下半身的优雅滑行提升到新的高度。释放您内心的舞者,用让 Usher 感到骄傲的动作炫耀您的舞技。这些滑动动作不仅适用于舞池;它们是您塑造腿部线条和增强灵活性的门票,所有这些都可以在您舒适的椅子上完成。


1. 坐在椅子上,想象自己优雅地滑过地板。

2. 将一只脚跟向前滑动,保持脚趾着地,然后向后滑动。

3. 用另一只脚跟重复此动作,展示您精巧的舞步。

4. 以每条腿 3 组 10-12 次脚跟滑动为目标。

6. 坐姿提踵



1. 坐在椅子上,发挥你内心的芭蕾舞者精神。

2. 抬起脚后跟,展示小腿的魅力。

3. 放低脚后跟,但不要忘记它们拥有的惊人力量。

4. 目标是做 3 组 10-12 次坐姿提踵。

7. 改良平板支撑



1. 坐在结实椅子的边缘。

2. 双手放在椅子上,手指向前,双腿伸直。

3. 通过将肚脐拉向脊柱并保持稳定姿势来锻炼核心肌肉。

4. 保持身体从头到脚呈一条直线,避免下背部下垂或过度弯曲。

5. 保持这个姿势一段时间,比如 30 秒,注意保持正确的姿势并始终锻炼核心肌肉。

6. 目标是做 3 组坐姿改良平板支撑,随着核心力量的提高逐渐增加持续时间。

8. 腹部扭转



1. 坐在椅子上,双脚平放在地板上,背部挺直。

2. 双手放在头后,轻轻支撑脖子。

3. 通过将肚脐拉向脊柱来锻炼核心肌肉。

4. 将躯干扭向一侧,抬起胸部的同时将肘部朝向另一侧膝盖。

5. 回到中间位置,然后扭向另一侧,将另一侧肘部朝向另一侧膝盖。

6. 重复扭动动作,以可控且有节奏的方式交替进行。

7. 每侧做 3 组 10-12 次腹部扭动,随着核心力量的提高逐渐增加重复次数。

9. 坐姿肩推



1. 坐直,背部挺直,双脚平放在地板上。

2. 握住一对低重量哑铃或其他合适的重物,与肩同高,手掌朝前。

3. 将重物直接举过头顶,充分伸展手臂,但不要锁紧肘部。

4. 慢慢将重物放低至肩部高度。

5. 以 3 组 10-12 次坐姿肩部推举为目标,随着力量的提高逐渐增加重量。

10. 坐姿前肩抬高



1. 端坐在椅子上,保持良好的姿势,并锻炼核心肌群。

2. 双手握住哑铃或其他合适的重物,双臂放在身体两侧。

3. 保持手臂伸直,将重物举到身前,直到与肩同高。

4. 慢慢将重物放低至起始位置。

 5. 以 3 组 10-12 次坐姿前肩上举为目标,每次完成时,感觉三角肌前束在燃烧。

11. 坐姿胸推



1. 坐在椅子上,保持良好的姿势和强健的核心。

2. 握住一对哑铃,与胸部齐平,肘部弯曲,手掌朝前。

3. 向前伸展手臂,将哑铃推离胸部,直到手臂完全伸展。

4. 慢慢弯曲肘部,将哑铃放回起始位置。

5. 以 3 组 10-12 次坐姿胸推为目标,让您的胸肌在完成每次练习时大放异彩。

12. 改良俯卧撑



1. 面向椅子,将双手放在边缘,略宽于肩宽。

2. 双脚向后移动,从头部到脚跟形成一条对角线。

3. 弯曲肘部,将胸部向椅子方向下压,保持身体成直线。

4. 用手掌发力,伸展手臂,回到起始位置。

5. 目标是做 3 组 10-12 个改良俯卧撑,通过调整椅子高度或将双脚向后移动逐渐增加难度。

13. 坐姿后弯



1. 端坐在椅子上,双脚稳稳地踩在地上,双手放在大腿上。

2. 深吸气,伸展脊柱,调动核心肌肉。

3. 呼气时,开始轻轻向后倾斜,保持目光向前,胸部抬起。

4. 继续向后弯曲,让上背部优雅地拱起,同时支撑下背部。

5. 感到背部伸展时暂停,注意不要拉伤或过度伸展。

6. 再次吸气,专注于扩张胸部,保持姿势的开放感。

7. 呼气,回到直立的坐姿,感受这种温和后弯带来的恢复活力的效果。

8. 目标是进行 3 组坐姿后弯,随着柔韧性的提高,逐渐增加伸展的深度和持续时间。

9. 专业提示:保持伸展 10-20 秒,重复三次。

















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