"You cannot by reasoning correct a man of ill opinion which by reasoning he never acquired." —Bacon .
(He might have gone a step further and stated that neither by reasoning, nor by actual demonstration of the facts, can you convince some people that an opinion which they have accepted on authority is wrong.)
Your body needs an absolute minimum of six to eight 8-ounce* glasses of water a day. Alcohol, coffee, tea, and caffeine-containing beverages don't count as water. (* 0.0338140225589 ounces go into one milliliter - or one ounce is equivalent to 29.57 milliliters. The easiest way to convert ounces to milliliters, is to round the ounce up from 29.57ml to 30ml - and multiply it by the number of ounces you have - this will let you know, give or take, approximately how many milliliters so many ounces is. So 8-oz glass will have 8×30ml= 240 ml water)
Multiply your present bodyweight (kg) with 32.53, will give the correct amount of water ( in millilitre) your body, per day need on daily basis. Example, if your present body weight is now 65 kg. So, 65 × 32.53 = 2,114.45 ml water per day is needed. Can round up to nearest 2115 ml. Schedule your water intake throughout the day is important. Neither overdrink nor underdrink water. Your kidneys will appreciate your kind consideration. Every 90 minute, just drink 10% of your personal amount, i.e. 211 ml water, per dose.
The best times to drink water (clinically observed in peptic ulcer disease) are:
• one glass, one half hour before taking food—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—and
• a similar amount two and one half hours after each meal. This is the very minimum amount of water your body needs.
• For the sake of not shortchanging your body, two more glasses of water should be taken around the heaviest meal or
• before going to bed.
Thirst should be satisfied at all times. Dry mouth is not a good sign that you are thirsty. When you feel the first thirsty sensation, your body is already 2 percent dehydrated. With increase in water intake, the thirst mechanism becomes more efficient. Some people, especially elderly folks have their thirst signal decommissioned ( by the body wisdom to preserve whatever water left inside during water deficits situation)(unintentional prolonged chronic dehydration produces various signs and symptoms which were mislabeled as 'dis-eases' ) , and these poor bodies are crying for water, but they don't know. Your body might then ask you to drink more than the above minimum.
Adjusting water intake to mealtimes prevents the blood from becoming concentrated as a result of food intake. When the blood becomes concentrated, it draws water from the cells around it.
Water is the cheapest form of medicine to a dehydrated body. As simply as dehydration will in time produce the major diseases we are confronting now, a well-regulated and constantly alert attention to daily water intake will prevent the emergence of most of the major diseases we have come to fear in our modem society.
William Gray's letter is introduced here as an example of how simply water is a better medication for the treatment of so many differently labeled complications of chronic dehydration. His letter had to be typed into this segment of the book because the original could not fit in this page size. As you will see, Mr. Gray is a highly intelligent person. His observations provide a great deal of insight into the possible complications of chronic dehydration in the human body. For this reason I selected this section of the book to present to you his observations. My hope is to impress upon your mind a simple fact. There is more natural magic in a glass full of water than any medication you are brainwashed to use for the treatment of the conditions I have explained in this book. And I do not sell water!
From: William E. Gray (Bill)
411 Ayrhill Avenue Vienna, VA 22180 11-2-94 703-938-6330
To: Dr. Batmanghelidj
2146 Kings Garden Way Falls Church, VA 22043
It has been one year since I first read your book, which was given to me as a present by Marcel Thevoz. Since then my health has improved significantly. l am now 52 and in excellent health. This was not the case before your book and Marcel's kindness inspired me to make water an integral part of my life.
To most people I was successful and in excellent health - normal weight, unusual strength and endurance, above average at sports, with an excellent diet (a lot of fresh vegetables and whole grains and very little meat, animal products or processed food). Yet my list of complaints stretches over the last fifty years and includes: duodenal ulcer (age 19), indigestion, colon and elimination problems (age 19 to 51), food allergies (age 12 to 17), chronic sinus infection (age 5 to 51), chronic and acute back problems (age 13 through age 51), emotional illness and mental confusion (age 6 to age 51).
These problems were even more bewildering and confusing because l am intelligent, educated and motivated to find solutions to problems. I have been searching for answers to these problems for 35 years. I have looked for answers in: diet, diet supplementation, exercise, yoga, meditation, Traditional Religion, spiritual practices, Acupuncture, traditional medicine, Chiropractic, Massage, Raki, Polarity Balancing, 12 Step programs, and self improvement books and courses, such as Est and the Hoffman Quadrinity Process.
I had of course read many times about the importance of drinking plenty of water. I even invested in reverse osmosis water filter 6 years ago hoping that the improved taste of the water would motivate me to drink more water.
In spite of this I never gave water therapy a fair chance. Until I read your book, other beverages always looked better to me, particularly tea and coffee.
At the time I read your book I had a chronic nerve injury in my upper back that intermittently prevented me from playing golf or racket ball for a period of two years. My arm strength was 1/3 of what it had been only 2 years previously. I was at a low point in my life physically and mentally.
I have never been drunk in my life or smoked more than 5 cigarettes in a day. At the time I was not smoking or drinking alcohol. Yet I found myself obsessed with thoughts of caffeine, smoking and drinking. Although I have been a frequent visitor at Chiropractic, Osteopathic and Massage therapists, I had not needed to visit medical doctor for years. In my desperation I went to an MD who prescribed an anti-stress medication, a pain reliever, and a muscle relaxant. I took the prescribed doses and fell into a semi coma for 16 hours, and discontinued the medication. A few weeks later Marcel came to my home for dinner and gave me your book.
Within one week of adding 2-3 quarts of water to my diet noticed I that:
• The pain from the nerve injury went away and I was able to begin exercising.
• I had much less indigestion and gas.
• My urges and compulsive behavior lessened substantially or vanished. I no longer had to fight the urge to smoke, drink, stuff myself or use excessive caffeine.
• My energy levels improved.
• My thinking and work improved.
Please feel free to use me as a reference. I am happy to talk to anyone about water at any time.
William E. Gray
Ordinary tap water, unless there is proof of its being contaminated with chemicals and heavy metals such as lead, is a good source of supply. Tap water has the protection of chlorine as a bacteria-killing agent. The "bottled water" in supermarkets is said to be sterilized by the addition of ozone at the time of bottling. Ozone, or "super oxygen," seems to have a bacteria-killing property. If used in time, bottled water can serve as an alternative source of supply. If you are not sure of your water source not being contaminated or containing impurities not safe to drink, save yourself from this anxiety by installing a small filtration unit on your kitchen faucet. There are very effective carbon or ceramic filter units that can save you from the hassle of buying water from the stores and having to carry its containers day in and day out.
Eventually, the "point of use" filtration of water will become standard practice in advanced societies that have a tendency to pollute their drinking water. With the present decline in the fortunes of the municipalities, delivering quality drinking water in their pipe systems will at one point become too expensive and impossible. It would not be practical to deliver high quality water to also use for washing and gardening.
However, when one develops a taste for other than tap water, if one runs out of supply in the house, the body will be forced to go without water just because of the difference in taste—a self-imposed preference. Usually, the "bad taste" is attributed to dissolved chlorine in the water. Most sales agents who wish to sell water purifiers make issue of the fact that tap water contains chlorine. They also point to calcium dissolved in the water, often called "hard water."
If we fill an open-top jug with water and let it stand in the refrigerator or on the kitchen counter, the chlorine that is dissolved in the water will evaporate and the smell of it will go too. The water will become "sweet" and very easily palatable. This is how all restaurants serve water—out of a well-iced jug that was filled some time before its use. As for the calcium in the water, unless the water is truly and heavily calcium-laden, its use is perfectly safe. Not only is it safe, it is a cheap source for calcium needs of the body. The calcium is already dissolved in the water and one does not need to go to the pharmacy to buy calcium tablets to take as a preventive measure against the osteoporosis we see in the elderly.
How and when do you think osteoporosis begins? Actually, many years before it is recognized. When hydroelectric energy stores become depleted on and off, energy stored in the bondage of calcium to calcium in the cells and eventually in the bones is used. When one molecule of calcium becomes separated from another molecule of calcium, one unit of ATP is also released. ATP is one unit of exchangeable energy. The loose calcium is now available to be shed. When water and calcium are taken in their natural forms, the emergency need for the release of energy stored in calcium bondage is decreased. This is why bones are a great source of reserved energy. The body is able to tap into this reservoir of energy.
In any case, even heavily dissolved calcium in the water will most probably be without adverse effects. It seems the body possesses a most delicate need-regulated mechanism of absorption of elements from the gastrointestinal tract. Most probably, not all the calcium dissolved in even very hard water enters the system. A recent study (in another country and in a region with only very hard water available for consumption) has shown the calcium-laden water consumed did not produce any adverse effects on the people who did not avoid drinking the water.
In this approach to disease prevention, one will not need to stick to a strict diet manipulation to control this or that clinical condition as long as water intake precedes food intake. However, one word of advice is to limit fatty and fried foods. Fats get converted to fatty acids and circulate in the blood. Fatty acids will replace tryptophan that is attached to the albumin to be stored and protected while being circulated around in the blood. The liver will attack and destroy freed tryptophan if its free form in circulation is more than 20 percent of its total content. In due time, excess fatty food will deplete the tryptophan reserves of the body. This is one of the most important reasons why fatty foods are not good for health.
At the same time, not all fatty acids are bad for the body. In fact there are at least two essential fatty acids that the body needs all the time and cannot manufacture. They are: Alphalinoleic Acid, LNA, known as Omega 3 oil, and Linoleic Acid, LA, known as Omega 6 oil. These fatty acids are needed for the manufacture of cell membranes', hormones and nerve coverings in the body. Although other fats that enter the body are used for their energy content, O-3 and O-6 are saved and only used for the manufacture of hormones and in the structure of all of the membranes inside and covering the cell. In treatment of the diseases that are produced by the damage to the nerve covering (page 63), the regular intake of these essential fatty acids is a must.
The richest source of O-3 is flax seed, from which flax oil is extracted and sold on the market. Flax oil also contains some O-6 in its composition. The richest sources of O-6 are safflower and sunflower oils. Flax oil is already on the market. Udo's Choice will come to the American market soon. Dr. Udo Erasmus, the author of the book, Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill and based on many years of research, has developed a special mix of the essential oils the body needs for its different manufacturing programs. Udo's Choice contains: flax oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, rice germ oil, wheat germ oil, oat germ oil, lecithin, vitamin E, and some special triglycerides. Six to eight grams (a spoonful) of this mix daily should provide all the essential fatty acids that the body needs. For more information on oils, read his book. Check it out here.
Loss of hair, sterility, weakness, impaired vision, growth retardation, eczema, liver damage, kidney damage, and other degenerative conditions may also be associated with essential fatty acid deficiency in the body.
Are you having difficulty in sleeping at night? Try drinking a glass of water and then putting a pinch of salt on your tongue. My personal experience, and observation in others, have shown that one begins falling asleep within a few minutes. In my estimation, this combination alters the rate of electrical discharge in the brain and induces sleep. Remember not to touch the palate with the salt. It may cause irritation. A cup of yogurt at night before going to sleep will also help. It works as if you have taken a sleeping pill.
If you are susceptible to feeling faint after a shower, begin to recognize that the water reserves of your body are not enough to reach your brain when the blood vessels in the skin open up because of the heat from the hot shower. Always drink water before going under the shower. Drink more water and increase your salt intake if you feel faint when you stand up.
A friend of mine is now in hospital, having had a heart attack followed by heart arrest. He had collapsed in his office and had to be resuscitated to begin breathing again. He now has neurological complications because no oxygen had reached his brain when his heart stopped beating. It is now clear from the family that for a number of days prior to his attack, he had niggly chest pains that projected into his left arm. He paid no attention to it thinking it would go away by itself. His mistake has landed him and now his family into great emotional and post-stroke nursing problems.
If he had learned that anginal pain that projects into the arm is a late complication of chronic dehydration, and if he had started increasing his daily water intake, he most probably would not have suffered from such catastrophic and irreversible damage. Please, for the sake of those who love and care for you, remember to increase your daily water intake if you are experiencing anginal pain. You should also begin to exercise—walk, walk, walk!
The normal color of urine should not be dark. It should ideally be almost colorless to light yellow. If it begins to become dark yellow, or even orange in color, you are becoming dehydrated. It means the kidneys are working hard to get rid of toxins in the body in very concentrated urine. That is why urine becomes darker in color. Dark color urine is a good sign of dehydration.
HOPES FOR CURING ALREADY ESTABLISHED DISEASE What we discussed above was directed at disease prevention. A scientific and researched opinion, based on clinical observations, and a list of diseases that seem to arise from the establishment of chronic dehydration were shared with you. The aim was to arm you for future prevention of disease. However, you might already be suffering from the adverse effects of dehydration and wish to reverse the tide of events that have already taken place. Let us hope you have not reached an irreversible situation and some reversal of the disease process can be hoped for. Of course, nothing can be promised. All we can do is hope a correction pattern could establish.
Do not forget that at each phase of life, our body is the product of a time-operated series of chemical interactions. Armed with correct knowledge, it might be possible to reverse some reactions, but not all. First and foremost, do not imagine you could reverse the situation if you now "drown" yourself in water. Not so! The cells of the body are like sponges; it takes some time before they become better hydrated. Also do not forget that some of them make their membranes less permissive of water diffusion—in or out. The first place that will show signs of being "over-watered" will be the lungs if your kidneys do not filter the excess water. If your kidneys are not damaged as a result of the long-standing and expanding dehydration that the loss of thirst sensation will automatically force on the body, then you can feel safe and drink the specified amount.
If your kidneys have also suffered from having to concentrate and pass the "toxic" chemicals that keep building up within the body in long-endured and increasing dehydration, then you have to be very cautious. By now, you must also be under medication and professional supervision. You cannot just cut your medication and begin drinking water in place of these "chemical manipulators of the body chemistry." You should for a few days assess exactly the quantity of water you normally drink and the amount of urine you pass. Now begin adding one or two glasses of water a day to the amount you usually drink. Also measure the quantity of urine you pass. If the amount of urine you pass begins to increase, then you can also increase the water you take. If you are on diuretics, remember that water is the best natural diuretic if the kidneys function normally. In my opinion, it is ignorance-based "science" to prescribe the intake of diuretics in place of increasing water intake if the kidneys of a patient are capable of producing urine.
The vogue in medical practice has become the spontaneous and indiscriminate use of diuretics, calcium blockers, beta blockers, and anti-cholesterol medications in the type of patients exemplified by Mr. Fox. Why? Simply because the "science of medicine" has expanded on a hopelessly erroneous paradigm. The very foundation of "knowledge" on which medical practice of today is staking its credibility and license to practice is in error and ignorant of water metabolism disturbance as a possible cause of disease emergence in the human body. That is how I was taught medicine before I discovered my own ignorance. After reading my book, Dr. Julian Whitaker in his October 1994 newsletter, Health and Healing, that goes to 550,000 people, went public. He stated," In medical school I learned that water was unimportant to the body.. Water was inactive, simply along for the ride," and so on. I am told that he is advising those who attend his clinic about chronic dehydration. Your attending physician has the same basis of wrong education about the human body and its calls for water. Now that you know better, tell him where he has gone wrong in your case. Ask him to supervise your condition when you begin to adjust your daily water intake and your diet. If he or she is unaware of what you are talking about, share the information you have acquired on the problems associated with long-standing chronic dehydration of the body. Do not give up if your request is brushed aside on the grounds that you do not know what you are talking about and he or she does. The body is under a constant drive to retain salt to keep water inside the system. It will take a gradual increase in urine to pass the excess salt out. Water will do it if its intake is increased very gradually. When urine formation is reduced and some edema (swelling) of the legs and eyelids are present, increased water intake should be proportionate to increased urine production. As the puffiness of the eyes and the swelling of the ankles begin to show signs of being reduced, then/water intake can be increased. My basic concern is for the inadvertent collection of water in the lungs. That is why I insist on an accurate measurement of fluid intake and urine output if you wish to test the effect of increasing your daily water intake and reducing your coffee and tea intake.
Part 12 ( continue here)
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