Sunday, October 13, 2024

TESTO greens MAX

 And if they can't make money ,they don't want you to know about it. To make matters worse, food manufacturers are also putting poison in our food supply.

We're about to pull back the curtain. You'll see exactly how these companies have no interest in your health or your masculinity. But here's how you can fight back. Because now l'm going to share the five foods that could be killing your testosterone

It's called AtrazineThis is a very toxic pesticide sprayed on corn.It shrinks testosterone levels, increases fertility issues, and can even kill spermIn fact , researchers from the University of California found this chemical turned male frogs into egg-laying females. But this is actually common knowledge to our government officials and has been for a long time now. In fact - Atrazine was banned in Europe... Yet it's still one of the most widely used pesticides in America. And corn continues to be one of the most consumed foods.

Testosterone killer #2 

This manhood destroyer masquerades as a health food because it's full of vitamins... Yet it may be the most potent testosterone killer of them all. It's called chloropicrin, and it's sprayed on strawberries. It's a 100% synthetic chemical that is highly estrogenic. This chemical is classified as an "endocrine disruptor." That's because it shuts down your natural testosterone production and forces it to produce more estrogen. You can think of it almost like a "change of management" that took place in your body's biology and you gotta do what the new boss says. If you have squishy fat around the chest, belly, sides, and hips. Or you're more moody than normal, or your sex-drive is losing steam. Then it's likely that your body is already "taking orders" under this new regime. Pesticides like chloropicrin cause 1 million poisonings annually, leading to approximately 20,000 deaths. So these chemicals aren't just dangerous to a man's testosterone - but to his well being! 

Testosterone killer #3

Nuts. Specifically almonds and walnuts.

These nuts increase SHBG. SHBG is short for sex-hormone binding globulinThe problem with SHBG is it attaches itself to some of your testosterone rendering it useless. Like a game of freeze tag. If SHBG molecules contact your testosterone molecules - they become "frozen" and useless. So while your body may produce testosterone, not all of it is able to be used. Nuts like macadamia nuts and Brazil nuts are good for your testosterone. Now the best thing you can do is to try to minimize your exposure to these testosterone killers. In fact, you can help dramatically improve your healthy and useful testosterone production...And enjoy youthful energy and boosted performance in the gym boardroom, and the bedroom in a matter of weeks, not years. Scientists now know that you can reclaim your manhood to that of 20, 30, even 40 years in some cases. Imagine not having to rely on the coffee pot to make it through the day because your energy and focus is greater than it's been in years. Instead you're a picture of confidence, status, strength... 

Think how it would feel to have lean cuts of muscle and less fat because youre suddenly now getting results from your workouts. Imagine you and your significant other having amazing sex... Never having to worry about another embarrassing "bedroom moment" again.

Longevity researchers found these elderly tribesmen were agile, virile, rarely fell victim to disease, and were living long happy lives... How 🤔 ❓️ 

These elders bounce from task to task and love their women with the zeal of a love-struck 20-year-oldSo what's the

testosterone secret of these Amazonian Elders? 

Well, the answer is found in their garden. For centuries these tribesmen have eaten a unique seed which grows in the Amazon. Even the infamous Mayans would grind and boil this seed into a bitter drink that would only be consumed by the "elite" during religious rituals. This seed was so valuable it would even be used as currency. The seeds I'm talking about are cocoa seeds . The power of the cocoa seed is found in its flavonoids. Flavonoids help increase testosterone production from cells in the testes called Leydig cells. These cells are responsible for 95% of total testosterone production in men. Flavonoids take a triple-pronged approach to helping any man with his testosterone. 

First, flavonoids are really good at fighting off harmful things in the body called 'free radicals'. These free radicals can damage cells, including those involved in making testosterone. By getting rid of free radicals, flavonoids help keep these cells healthy.

Second, Flavonoids can also help make blood flow better throughout the body. Good blood flow is key because it helps bring oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body, including the testes, where testosterone is made.

Third, inside the body, flavonoids can influence how hormones work. They can help create a better balance in the body, which can be important for making sure the right amount of testosterone is produced. 

So, in a simple way, flavonoids in cocoa seeds help protect and support the cells that make testosterone, improve blood flow, and balance hormones... All of which can lead to more healthy testosterone production in men's bodies. 

But cocoa seeds aren't the only ingredient you need to ensure your T-levels stay strong throughout the best years of your life. There are other testosterone stimulators to learn about. 


More specifically, the rind of pomegranates. Ever admire the vibrant red shell of a pomegranate? That beautiful red color is made by polyphenols. And studies show that polyphenols help support a man's ability to make more testosterone.

Remember when I said CPV1 is a major contributor to low testosterone? That's because CPV1 is a sleeping giant in all men that converts testosterone into estrogen. It's awakened by pesticides and chemicals in our food and water supply, even the polluted air we breathe. However, pomegranates are a saving grace. Pomegranates help block CPV1. Preventing your testosterone from converting into estrogen. Now we both know you can't eat pomegranate peels. Your digestive system won't be able to handle it. And while you can crush and heat cocoa seeds to make a bitter drink like the Mayans... It's time consuming and would taste terrible. So, how can you harness the power of these two ingredients?

Well, thanks to a new advancement in technology, researchers can now "mine" the hard shell of pomegranate rinds and cocoa seeds...And capture these powerful testosterone- boosting polyphenols and flavonoids with a level of potency that was unattainable before.

The results have been groundbreaking.  Or a combination of cocoa seed and pomegranate extractThe men's testosterone levels literally catapulted.

We are calling it the "Testosterone Rallying Effect" . This is where T-levels take off like a stock that hit the jackpot. In only 56 days... These men gained a massive boost in free testosterone. What is the hypothesized reason for this massive boost? Blocked CPV1 activity combined with boosted testosterone production. And it gets even more exciting when you understand that free testosterone is the most powerful, bioavailable testosterone the body can actually use. 

Because of their booming testosterone from this powerful cocoa seed and pomegranate extract. Again, researchers put this specialized cocoa seed and pomegranate rind combination to the test with 131 aging men. They wanted to see how these ingredients would change a man's AMS...which stands for Aging Male ScorecardThis basically tests how this cocoa seed and pomegranate rind extract will affect the many different areas of a man's life...sleep quality, muscular strength, beard growth, morning erections, and sexual performance and satisfaction. 

In only 56 days, the men consuming the pomegranate and cocoa- bean extract reported greater satisfaction in bed and improved sexual performance. They also had deeper, more restful sleep and more energy upon waking. The men reported higher energy levels throughout the day. More ambition, a positive mood, and more drive. The men had a noticeable increase in morning wood*, which is the ultimate sign that your heart and hormones are pumping strong. *Morning wood is in an informal, usually humorous way to refer to male erections experienced upon waking. I hope you can see the synergy behind these two natural ingredients for boosting testosterone. Just like race cars need high-quality gas for maximum performance, so does your body's endocrine system that makes your testosterone. Only this time the fuel isn't gas, but powerful God-approved ingredients. And higher T leads to many benefits of increasing muscle, less fat, confidence in the bedroom sex activity, more energy and longevity.

The main culprit? CPV1. But as you just learned, pomegranate rind and cocoa seed extract help combat CPV1. There are two natural compounds to help combat estrogen in men. Both are found in cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, kale, broccoli. These two natural compounds are called indole-3-carbinol and diindolylmethane or DIM for short. 

Many vegetables at the supermarket are covered in estrogenic pesticides. However, when vegetables like spinach, cabbage, and broccoli that contain indole-3-carbinol and DIM are freeze-dried at low temperatures ... many of these estrogenic pesticides are eradicated while still maintaining the integrity of the nutrients inside these vegetables. So you can optimize the estrogen-fighting benefits of these powerful vegetables without all the chemicals if you were to eat them raw. These testosterone boosting ingredients make a huge difference.

So, you might be thinking, " I'll just run down to the local drug store and pick up these individual ingredients." But I have to forewarn you, it's not easy. Many of the key ingredients are either constantly out of stock, are very expensive, or extremely hard to get. Even then, you can't be sure to have the right doses, combined in the right way from the most potent sources. If you've been taking notes you're now wondering where in the world you can find pomegranate rind, cocoa seeds, DIM...And low-temperature freeze dried greens in their most potent and validated dosages..To help you finally crank up your testosterone level and help flush out pesky estrogen.

Finding the highest quality sources for the T-boosting ingredients ... All of which, of course, have to be third-party tested for purity and effectiveness... But it was all worth it because what considered to be the world's best testosterone enhancer and estrogen fighter. Now that all sounds great in theory, but what are the actual results

TestoGreens MAX is the only 100% whole food- derived greens formula that can help eliminate estrogen from your body. Raise your total and free testosterone levels... While helping to combat CPV1 for the ultimate testosterone surging formula . 


1. "I was skeptical at first because one of the ingredients was patented... but it worked fantastically for muscle strength! That, and my dreaded man-boobs decreased in size. I'm going to stock up on this now."

2. "TestoGreens MAX is legit. I've noticed a big jump in my energy levels..."

3. "I recover faster from my workouts. I'm 52 and I'm now in the best shape of my life. TestoGreens MAX has been the biggest difference maker by far."

4. "I was more skeptical than ever with TestoGreens MAX because the suggested results seemed too high I thought there was no way."

5. "But, man, is this stuff amazing! My arms are more firm and the bedroom benefits came true within hours of my first dose. These pills deliver."

6. "My wife likes them more than anyone else, I think. TestoGreens MAX is a new regular supplement for me." 

Ok, enough comments. What would you be willing to spend if you were absolutely, positively sure this formula would do wonders for you? 

The retail value of TestoGreens MAX SHOULD be US$219.95

And even though US$99 for one bottle is surely a lot less than ignoring the problem and becoming dependent on little blue tablets...Or dangerous injections to feel and perform like a real man... 

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