Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Venize : Swamp Castle on Lagoon : Dream City

How was Venice 


How do you build a Metropolis if there’s 

nothing to build upon?

How was Venice built? 

Just looking at her, walking the 

narrow streets, and getting 

Spritz at the bar, you may not 

reflect on it all that much. She l

ooks very much like any other 

very old city, of which there are 

many all over Italy. But if you 

could see through the stone 

floor, through the pavement 

and the bricks, and observe 

what is under her, then you’ll 

quickly realize that she is 

different from any other 

medieval city. And it’s nothing 

less than a miracle that she is 

actually there at all. 

The Venice lagoon is all mud. 

There is no rock to construct on, 

not even soil. So, if you want to 

build stone houses and 

palaces that weigh hundreds of 

tons you have to follow an 

ingenious and thorough 

strategy. And this strategy will 

have to be perfectly adapted 

for the very particular circum-

stances in the damp, muddy, 

and wet building place.

Venice was built by driving 

long pointed poles of wood; 

oak, larch, or pine, straight 

down into the seafloor. Two 

layers of horizontal planking 

were laid out.  Over that, the 

old Venetians put layers of 

stone that made up the 

foundation of the city. This 

technique is ancient, and the 

method existed even as long 

ago as in the days of the 

Roman Empire. The Venetians 

just improved and developed it.

mud and clay

The genius of 

wooden piling.

The first settlers back in the 5th 

and 6th centuries didn’t use this 

technique because their houses 

were much more basic. They 

were mostly made from wood, 

and some even from reed and 

clay. These houses were light-

weight and the simple sand-

banks were in most cases 

enough to sustain them.

In the beginning, the settlers 

constructed where there was at 

least some ground or soil to 

build on. They constructed on 

the existing islands, on the 

sandbed. But those spots were 

few and far apart and twice a 

day they got flooded. As Venice 

increased its importance, the 

city needed more space, so 

they had to start building even 

where there was no land at all… 

They had to find a way to build 

directly on the water.

Even later on, the building 

technique went from wood and 

clay to stone and marble. The 

palaces became heavier and 

the foundation had to be 

stronger. All this made piling 

and drainage essential. The 

foundation had to withstand 

considerable pressure to 

prevent the buildings from 

simply sinking straight through 

the mud. The Romans piled too, 

but in Venice, the pilings had to 

be suitable for extreme 

conditions. So they gradually 

increased the length and 

number of the wood poles. 

Is the so-called hard 

floor – Il Caranto.

Here let’s dig further into the 

Venetian building strategy. A few 

meters down under the bottom 

there is a layer of hard clay, the 

so-called Caranto. This is a very 

fine-grained sediment that has 

undergone a process of over-

consolidation in a sub-aerial 

environment. This is kind of 

technical language but it’s 

basically hard mud, and it with-

stands weight better than soft 

mud. So if you use woodpiles 

long enough to reach the 

Caranto it is obvious that down 

there, the resistance is greater 

than if you just pile down into 

the upper layer.

But here we need to disprove 
an old myth.

foundation of a palaca in venice

Because the Caranto is not a 

hard, flat bottom of stone-like 

clay on which the wooden piles 

stand. It is not a hard floor that 

the architect can use to firmly 

anchor the piles. That way of 

looking at it is a myth, even 

though many locals strongly 

believe that Venice is standing 

firmly on the Caranto.

The truth is that the Caranto is 

found at various levels. It can be 

as shallow as two meters and as 

deep as more than ten. And it’s 

not stone hard. It’s more like a 

very dense rubber-like material 

that holds the pile better than 

normal clay.

We can imagine that the 

construction engineer of the 

9th and 10th centuries started 

with the piles and as work 

progressed he put more or less 

of them depending on the soil 

he was penetrating, in a spiral 

motion, from the perimeter and 

inward. He knew from the 

resistance if the clay was hard 

or soft. And if the Caranto 

wasn’t reachable, he simply put 

the piles closer to sustain the 

weight. Because it must have 

been very difficult to determine 

the structure of the material 5 

meters down into the seabed, 

before starting the project.

Piling into the upper 


So, if the Caranto was reason-

ably shallow, the piling was 

done in a certain fashion, 

always in a spiral movement 

from the perimeter inwards. 

But if they couldn’t reach the 

Caranto, the technique changed 

into what is called soil 

compaction. This is a process 

where mechanical pressure is 

used to compress the soil thus 

making it more sustainable. It 

practically turns the soft mud 

into hard mud. In this case, the 

piles were planted over the 

entire surface, first closing the 

perimeter, with thick piling. Just 

as before, they placed the piling 

in a spiral movement inwards, 

but in this case, with no space 

between the poles.

As the pressure is much greater 

under the outer walls, that’s 

where the highest number of 

poles is if they reached the 

Caranto, or the longest and 

sturdiest in case of compaction. 

Many buildings in Venice stand 

on the Carranto, but others do 

not. And it was in no way 

required to construct a strong 

and solid foundation.

How to build a 

foundation that can 

support a city like 


To sustain this fact, we just 

have to consider that for some 

of the bigger buildings in the 

city, the Rialto Bridge, Basilica 

della Salute, and others, the 

documentation is rather 

complete. At least the financial 

situation, and in the records we 

can find the orders of wood 

wood poles that the city made 

(in Italian). There were many 

types of poles, each with its own 

nomination, and they should be 

around 5 or 6 meters (16 – 20 

feet) in length… Some, are a bit 

shorter. Just the fact that they 

were ordered in a certain 

dimension before initiating the 

building site, shows that the 

project was in no way depending 

on the depth of the Caranto, or 

if it could be reached. 

The length of the poles also 

varies through the centuries. 

When Venice started out in the 

800 and 900, some poles were 

as short as a meter or a meter 

and a half. This obviously 

causes less stability to the 

building on top of them. 

the bell tower

The collapse of the 

Saint Mark’s 

Bell Tower. 

When the Saint Mark’s Bell 

Tower came down one tragic 

morning in July 1902 it opened 

for the possibility of investigating 

the foundation of one very old 

building. The tower had been 

renovated and overhauled on 

various occasions but the 

foundation was, and partly still 

is, from the 10th century. 

What they found was that the 

length of the poles was 4 

meters. The horizontal planks 

and the stone layers mounted 

to around 3,5 meters. The 

foundation was largely intact 

and it was not the settling of 

the ground that had caused the 

collapse of the tower. The wood 

was mineralized and had 

practically turned into stone.

Most of the underlying wood-

piled ground in Venice today is 

from the 15th and 16th 


how was Venice built?
Piling machine. Courtesy of Museo nazionale della scienza e della tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milano under the CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED license.

So how did they put 

them in place?

Without hydraulic pumps and 

steel cranes, getting the poles 

down into the mud probably 

was a bit of a problem. And this 

probably was one of the reasons 

why they were so short in the 

beginning. This was a job 

mainly done by hand, at least in 

the first centuries. Building 

large mechanical machines 

wasn’t only difficult because we 

are in the early days of the 

Middle Ages… But also because 

there wasn’t any ground to put 

them on. Remember that in the 

beginning the piling often had 

to be done where there was 

absolutely nothing to stand on. 

The method was to just stand 

one on each side of the top of 

the pole with a heavy thingy in 

between hammering on top of 

the wooden pile. It was a tire-

some and dangerous job. As the 

years went by they invented 

heavier and more automatized 

machines that could pile deeper 

and faster.  But it was still labor 

for those without a family name, 

background, and education. 

And it wasn’t only piling that was 

time-consuming. The whole 

process of building with drain-

ing, and digging, was dangerous 

and hard work. But time and 

cheap labor wasn’t an issue in 

the Middle Ages.

Still, there is not one building in 

Venice standing straight up. 

Most medieval cities do not 

have a perfectly horizontal 

foundation but none is as wavy 

as Venice. It makes sense if 

you consider that she’s actually 

floating on top of the water. If 

you ride the ferry boat from 

Tronchetto to Lido and watch 

the bell towers as you pass 

through the Canale della 

Giudeccayou will notice that 

they are all leaning. Some 

dangerously so.

How was Venice built? 

The floating city 

escavations at Torcello Venezia
Archeology – Torcello

This picture is from an 

excavation in Torcello. The 

foundation is from the 6th 

century and you can see the 

wooden piles are all there, more 

or less intact. This was the 

“fondamenta”, the quay, and it 

has slightly more poles than the 

surrounding buildings. If they are 

left in the open, they will 

decompose in a very short time.

On top of the piles, there were 

two horizontal layers of thick, 

cross-plied wood planking, and 

on top of that the bricks and 

stones. The part of the 

foundation standing against the 

water of the canal is made of 

Istrian stone, a dense type of 

impermeable limestone (by 

seawate)r from the peninsula 

of Istria on the Croatian side, 

opposite Venice.

The outer wall is also conical to 

better withstand the weight of 

the building. The Istrian stone 

reaches from the canal bottom 

to above the highest level of 

high water to protect the inside 

of the ground from direct 

contact with the water. 

So, why don’t the 

wood piles rot?

Because they’re stuck into the 

mud. And inside the sludge, the 

air doesn’t have access. The 

wood has no contact with 

oxygen and the microorganisms 

doing the decomposition just 

can’t work. Instead, the minerals 

from the humidity make the 

wood harden. Something that 

became obvious at the Saint 

Mark’s Bell Tower collapse in 

1902., The wood underneath 

was in more or less perfect 

condition… after a thousand 

years. And they had turned into 


how was venice built

Actually, it was decided to leave 

the original ground when 

building the new tower and 

enlarge the pilings with 3100 

new poles around the base. The 

central part of the foundation 

under the tower has been there 

for more than 1000 years and 

it’s still perfect.   

How Venice was built 

is no less than 

a miracle.

The miracle of the city floating 

in the lagoon comes from a 

combination of ingenious 

workmanship, a natural 

environment, and hard work. 

But it’s not a fixed technique. 

Throughout history, Venice has 

frequently come up with 

adjustments to the building 

technique. Some were improve-

ments, while others were not. 

And research is ongoing. New 

ways to build and maintain the 

palaces in Venice are invented 

on a daily basis. We have better 

knowledge today and more 

precise instruments. We lack 

cheap labor though and some 

old knowledge is getting lost. 

The economic factors are 

increasingly important. Very 

often it’s a balance between 

doing what’s best and paying 

the least.  Like the cleaning of 

the canals. That is nowadays 

made in a much cheaper way, 

but a way that is less thorough. 

Venice is still floating, though, 

Her nose tip is still above the 

waterline, even if the problems 

with humidity, cracks, settling, 

and the ever more frequent 

high waters, are threatening her. 

Will she still be here a thousand 

years from now? I hope so. But 

even though the immediate 

problem with high water could 

have been solved, for now, by 

the MOSE lock gates, there still 

is one big future threat that 

doesn’t have anything to do 

with the wood planks, the Istrian 

stone, or the piling… A threat 

that is scary and not in any way 

tied only to the future of the 

lagoon city. The rising sea 


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