This Is How To Regenerate Your Knee Cartilage.
Symptoms of Damaged Knee Cartilage
In order for you to fully understand the importance of cartilage, especially in the knees, where it holds most of our weight, we need to explain its structure and function.
The cartilage is a type of connective tissue which prevents the bones from grinding against each other and helps their mobility. This means its role is to keep our bones from damaging.
It is part of many other bone structures in the human body, such as the nose, bronchi, ears, chest, and lines and creases of the spine, elbows, knees, hips. It can be almost as hard as bone, however not as elastic as the muscle.
Cartilage distortions can be caused by various factors such as aging process and various degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, which commonly affects the joints on your shoulders, neck (impedes the movement of the head and causes dizziness), hip, knee, hand and foot joints.
Furthermore, there can be many other factors that can damage the cartilage, such as excessive physical activity, obesity, mechanical injuries of some kind of impact or carrying heavy loads.
In case of a damage of the cartilage, or its complete disappearance, there are several symptoms that can indicate this health condition, such as pain when moving, as well as swelling and muscle tension.
The following are the best tips and natural remedies for cartilage regeneration on your hips and knees:
Rebuild the Knee Cartilage
In the struggle to preserve or rebuild the knee cartilage, there is one important substance for your body, called Chondroitin which can be of great use. It participates in the preservation of our cartilage and it is also important for the natural regeneration of the cartilage of knee, hip and other joints.
This essential substance absorbs water in connective tissue, which means that it is preserving the elasticity and flexibility of the cartilage. In addition, it can block many enzymes that degrade the connective tissue, but also it can contribute in the construction of new one.
This compound is obtained from shark cartilage, and from pigs and cows, and is optimum amount is from 1000 to 1200 milligrams a day.
Moreover, Chondroitin can enter in an even more favorable combination together Glucosamine, which encourages greater flexibility and mobility of joints, and is also important for the natural regeneration of cartilage. This substance is derived from chitin, which can be found in the shell of sea crabs, crab and lobster.
Latest research has shown that the consumption of foods rich in the amino acid lysine can be extremely beneficial because it participates in the renewal of the collagen. Given that it is not synthesized in the body, it must enter through food. The optimum amount you should is 12 milligrams for every kilogram of your body weight.
The foods that should be your target are: eggs, yogurt, cheese, dried fruit, beans, cod, red meat, and many others.
Recommended Food for Cartilage Regeneration
For the proper formation and renewal of knee cartilage, eating foods rich in vitamins is an essential rule since the largest part of it eventually becomes rigid, so it’s a must to consume as many vitamins to prolong its life and resilience.
- Foods rich in vitamin A stimulate cartilage regeneration on the hip and knee.
- Foods rich in vitamin C for regeneration of cartilage of the hip and knee
Vitamin C is found in onions, peppers, potatoes, lettuce, oranges, tangerines, grapes, citrus fruits, blackberries, as well as many others including and their juices.
Vitamin C is found in onions, peppers, potatoes, lettuce. You also have a wide range of fruits to choose your daily snack:oranges, tangerines, grapes, citrus fruits, blackberries, and their juices.
This kind of a diet, based on fruits and vegetables, can also reduce the risk of gout, accumulation of uric acid in the joints.
- Vitamin D for bones, joints and cartilage
- Vitamin D can be found in milk, bread, cereals, as well as fatty fish such as salmon, herring, and in oysters.
In this respect, a study published under the title “Arthritis and Rheumatism” once more proved that exposure to sunlight and vitamin D directly contributed to better joint mobility. The findings also showed that it’s necessary to bring a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body in order to prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis.
Gelatin- A Natural Homemade Remedy for Regenerating Cartilage
Apart from being absolutely tasty as a dessert or when used as a salad dressing, gelatin is also a great natural remedy for erating the knee cartilage, hip and other joints.
This beneficial role of gelatin is found to be due to its similar structure to the cartilage. Gelatin is an extremely rich source of proteins and collagen, a substance that participates in tissue, bone, tendon, and cartilage construction. Moreover, it contains 10 essential amino acids, but no fats, nor cholesterol.
The optimal quantity of gelatin is 10 grams a day. Its regular consumption can lead to a complete elimination of osteoarthritis symptoms.
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