Satan come to destroy God's creation. What God had created to be for himself, Satan come to destroy. That's what his purpose was. Is to destroy it. Then the battle began here on Earth. And began in us. And it's been raging ever since. Now before any battle can be, they first have to choose a meeting ground. Or a place where the battle is to be fought. A selected place. In the first world war, it was so placed in no man's land. And a place where they fought. And they've got to be a place selected. Like when Israel went to war with the Philistines. There was a hill on each side, where they gathered and that's where Goliath come out. And call to the armies of Israel. That's where David met him in the valley. When he passed over the little creek that run between the two hills. He picked up the rocks. There has to be a place selected. And in this there's a mutual ground; no man's land. And they fight here at this place. They just don't anyhow one fight over here and one fight down there. And one run over here. There's a battlefront where they meet and test their powers. Where each Army tests its strength against the other Army. A mutual meeting place. Now don't miss this. When this great battle started on Earth, there had to be a mutual meeting place. There had to be a place selected for the battle to begin and for the battle to rage. And that battle grounds begin in the human mind. That's where the battle starts. In the human mind. It was chosen for the place of the battle; where it begins. And that is because that decisions are made from the mind. The head. Now, they never started it from some organizations. They never started from some mechanical affair. The grounds never started there. Therefore that organization can never do the work of God. Because the battlegrounds where you've got to meet your enemy is in the mind. You've got to make your choice. It meets you. Be sure to listen now to this real closely.
Decisions are made in the mind. The head, that's where Satan meet you. And the decisions are because God made a man that way. The human being is made up just like a grain of wheat. It's a seed and the human being is a seed. Physically you're the seed of your father and mother. And the life come from the father. The pulp come from the mother. So the two together; the egg and the the blood comes together. And in the blood cell is life. And in there it begins develop making the child. Now any seed has a shell on the outside. The inside is pulp. And inside of the pup is the germ of life. Well, that's the way we're made. We are Body, Soul and Spirit. The outside is the body; the shell. The inside of that is the conscience and so forth, is the soul. And inside the soul is the spirit. And the spirit governs all the other. Now if you'll draw three little rings, you'll find out that the outer most ring is the body. It has five senses. It's contacted by see, taste, feel, smell, hear. That's the five senses that control the human body. Inside of the body is a soul. And that soul is controlled by imaginations, conscience, memory, reasons and affections. That's the thing that controls the soul. But the spirit has only one sense. And that sense is either dominated by faith or doubt. That's exactly and there's only one avenue to it. That's free moral agency. You can accept doubt or you can accept faith. Either one. You want to work on. Therefore, Satan begin at the principal part that cause the spirit of man to doubt God's word. God birth the principal part to lay his word in that spirit. There you are. That's what does it. There's where the battle begins. Right in your mind. Now remember it's not mind over matter. That has the mind accepts the life which is the word of God and there brings the life. Just your thought doesn't do it. But the word of God brought in the channel of your thought the it's not the thought as Christian Science make it mind over matter no that isn't it but your mind accepts it it grasp it what is your mind controlled by your spirit and your spirit catches the word of God and that's the thing that's got life in it it brings life into you oh oh brother when that takes place when life comes down that channel into you the word of God is manifested in you if you abide me and my words abide in you, then ask what you will and it'll be done for you. Then what does that do from the middle of the heart which is the soul. From there, goes forth feeding every channel. The trouble of it is we're standing in here with a lot of doubt, trying to accept what's out there. You've got to stop that and come down that channel with the true Word of God. And then it goes out by itself automatically. It's what's on the inside. That's the thing. It counts as the inside. Satan's approach is from the inside. Now you say, I don't steal, I don't drink, I don't do these things, do that thing, this has nothing to do with it. See? It's the inside. No matter how good you are, how moral you are, how truthful you are, those things are respected but Jesus said except a man be born again. See? There's got to be something happened inside. If you don't, that's artificial put on. For down in your heart, you desire to do it anyhow. Amen. It's can't be artificial. It's got to be real and there's one. Only one avenue that can come down. And that's by the way of free moral agency. Come into the soul by your thoughts. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. If you say to this mountain move and don't doubt in your heart but believe that what you have said will come to pass, you can have what you said. You get it. There you are. See? There's the battleground. If you can only get that started first. We're so anxious to see things done. We`re so anxious to do something for God. This little lady is no doubt anxious to live. She wants to be well. Others who are here wants to be well. And when we hear about that case, like the resurrection of the dead, the great mighty things that our God did, then we're anxious. And the thing of it is we try to reach through these senses to grab a hold of something here. Like conscience. So, many people, lots of times has misconstrued the Word. And I've been misunderstood by making altar calls. Some said wasn't much on an altar call. Does not meaning that you shouldn't make an altar call. But somebody get somebody the arms and oh, brother John, you know what me mean. And you have been neighbors all this time. Come up here at the altar. What's he doing? I can show you what he's doing. He's trying to work through his soul, on affections. That don't work. That's not the avenue. Certainly it isn't. Maybe he's working in a memory, through the sense of his soul. Old brother John, you had a wonderful mother. She died a long time ago; that's a memory, see. You can't do that. It's got to come down the line of free moral agency, you yourself let the Word of God into your heart. You don't come because your mother was a good woman. You don't come because you're a good neighbor. You come because God called you to come. And you accept Him on the basis of His Word. That Word is what means everything. That Word. If you can get everything out of the way; all conscience, all senses, and just let the Word come in. That Word will produce just exactly here. See what it's covered over with. You might say, well now, uh, these conscious and senses and so forth don't have anything to do with the brother. Certainly it does, but if you let the Word come in. If it was covered over with conscience, then it can't grow. It'll be a deformed word. Did you ever see a good grain of corn plant in the ground and let a stick fall over it. It'll grow crooked as it grows up because something has hindered it. Well, that's what's the matter with our Pentecostal denominational faith today. We've let too many things hinder it. The faith that we've been taught, Jude 3: "Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people." , the Holy Spirit that's been living in us. We've left too many things looking at some body else. And the devil's always trying to point you to somebody's failure. But he tries to keep you away from the real testimony, that's genuine. He'll point you to a hypocrite. Sometime who went out impersonating. Something he didn't do it because he was impersonating. But if it come from the true source of the Word of God. Heavens and earth will pass away but my Word cannot pass away. It's got to stay there, you see. It says it must be accepted in the mind. Then it's believed with the heart, then the Word of God becomes a reality. Then every senses of the soul and body is just scoured out with the Holy Spirit. Then your sense of God, your conscience of God, everything that's Godly flows through you. There's not a doubt anywhere. There's nothing can rise up. There's nothing you come up in the memory and say well, I remember Miss Jones tried to trust God. Miss so and so, Miss Jones tried to trust God for healing one time and she failed. See? But if that channel has been cleared out and been purged and been filled on the inside with the Holy Spirit. That don't even come in. Memory, no matter about this joy, what she did it. You and God together. Nobody else but you two. There you are. There's your battle. Kill him at the beginning. Stop him dead in his track, amen. It ain't how long you make the war linger. Just stop it right now. If you'll come and you'll keep them memories and conscience and everything thinking about, well, l might fail, it might not be right, don't you do that at all. You throw aside everything and open up a channel and say, God, Your Word is eternally true, amen. And it's for me. If the whole church fails, if the whole world fails, yet I can't fail because l'm taking your Word. There's the battle. That's the thing why would almighty God remove a cancer from a woman's breast without a scar. Let a child die? No, sir. A little girl come here not long ago. From the high school. Her mother called me up. Said, brother Branham, my girl's got this disease. That's cancer. Forms and lumps. And the doctors took a bit from a break on her throat, send it away and it's perfectly hints disease. So he said the next one breaks, may break over her heart. When it does, she's gone. Said she hasn't got a breaking. She's got anywhere about 3 months to live. The mother said, "what shall I do?" Send her back to school. Said let her go because she'll go probably suddenly. And said, just let her go and live a normal life as she can. Don't tell her nothing about it. So the lady said to me, "what must I do". I said bring her up and put her in the prayer line. I said you come with her. l've had a little funny feeling when the little girl come by that morning with blue looking lips from makeup school has them and a little thing come by I didn't know who she' be. She called me on the phone. I took a hold over her hand. I said, good morning sister. There she was. That was her, just in a few moments, looked down to her mother and seen both of them without God, without Christ. I said how can you expect healing on these grounds? Will you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, I said. Will you come to this pool here and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. They said, we will do that. Oh, you know what happened. The woman may be sitting here this morning. Many of you know the case. Brother Mike, one the trustees, watch the case. That's been about four or five years ago. The little girl was referred back to the doctor. Not even one trace of her disease was found in her. What was the matter? You had to open the channel first. You've got to get the soldier; the Holy Spirit; placed at the battlefront that takes God's Word. He is the Word and he stands there and there's nothing going to stop it. Every one of the other channels, is cleared out. It's like an old bar with the flu stopped up. You put a fire in, it will blow your thing up. That's what so many blowed up Christians is. Because that they don't clean the channels out. They don't go down to the inside. You got to clean it, conscience, memory pops, laying aside everything. And coming from the inside out with that unadulterated Word of God. That it's the truth. No matter if 10,000 died on this side today, trusting. 10,000 died on that side tomorrow, trusting. That has nothing to do with me. Amen. I'm the individual. I'm the one that's trusting. l'm the one that believes in and we see back on if we want to open up our channels and if we can and see we find this and that and this and that and thousands of them test F but the devil will try to come right back see if he can get in there at all he's got your army routed right then if you got your senses see, taste, feel, smell and hear. They're all right but don't trust them unless they agree with the Word. They're all right but if they disagree with the Word, don't you listen to them. Now imaginations, conscience memories reasons and affections they're all right if they agree with the Word. But if your affection doesn't agree with the Word, get rid of your affectioni. You blow a flu right quick. If your reason disagrees with the Word, get away from it. That's right. The engine if your memory, if you're imaginations, if your conscience anything disagrees with that what's on the inside. Get rid of it. What you got then. You've got a solar system. Hallelujah! God set the stars in order and said hang there. God call you, they stay there. Nothing's going to move them. When God can get a man in His hands till he can get senses, conscience, everything cleaned out until it stands with God, behind it in the spirit. Amen. Not a devil in the world can poke it out in there. Hallelujah! right. He come around and say you don't feel any better. Your conscience is even gone to that. The flute so clear, it shouts. Hallelujah! the outlet blows a whistle. Glory to God! It shouts out, just is clean and clear for the Word of God to work the power of God. See?That's the main thing. There's your battleground. Your battleground is back here at the beginning. Back here in the soul. Back in your mind that opens. The mind is the gate to the spirit. Your mind opens up and accepts the Spirit or it rejects the Spirit. You can have a little consciousness, a little feelings and little sensations, all these things that has nothing to do with it. That's just little sensations and things. But when it comes to reality, your mind opens it up, amen. Your mind. Either accepts it or rejects it. That's it, friends. God let none of them miss it. See? It's your mind that opens up the door or closes the door. And listens to your conscience, listens to your memory, listens to your affections. But when your mind closes itself to these things and let God, the Spirit of his Word come in, it blows the rest of the stuffs out. Every doubt is gone. Every fear is gone. Every sensation of doubt is gone. Every feeling is gone. There's nothing standing there but the Word of God. And Satan cannot battle against that. No sir. He cannot battle against it. Now, we know that's truth. These battles has raged since the day of the Garden of Eden. The battle in the human mind. Satan started it. What did he do? When Satan met Eve, he didn't deny God's word. But he whitewashed it. He stopped up some little channels here somewhere. He said but surely God ... Genesis 3:1... he surely God all the these things that he promised. He knows the Word was right but he know he couldn't just come right out and blasted out blurry like that. But Satan sugarcoated it ...
撒旦来毁灭上帝的创造。上帝为自己创造的一切,撒旦来毁灭。这就是他的目的。就是毁灭它。于是战争在地球上开始了。也从我们心中开始。从那以后战争就一直在持续。在战斗之前,他们必须先选择一个会面的地方。或者说一个战斗地点。一个选定的地方。在第一次世界大战中,它被安排在无人区。一个他们战斗的地方。而且必须是一个选定的地方。就像当以色列人与非利士人交战的时候。两边都有一座山,他们在那里聚集,歌利亚就从那里出来。召集以色列的军队。大卫在那里的山谷里遇见了他。当他经过两座山之间的小溪时,他捡起石头。 必须选择一个地方。那里是一块共同的场地;无人区。他们就在这里作战。他们不会随便一个在这里打,一个在那里打,一个在这里跑。这是他们相遇并测试实力的战线。每支军队都在那里测试自己与另一支军队的实力。一个共同的会面地点。现在,不要错过这一点。当这场大战在地球上开始时,必须有一个共同的会面地点。必须选择一个地方来开始战斗并进行激烈的战斗。战场始于人类的思想。那就是战斗开始的地方。在人类的思想中。它被选为战斗的地点;它从这里开始。这是因为决定是从思想做出的。头脑。现在,他们从来不会从某些组织开始。他们从来不会从一些机械事件开始。 一切理由都不是源于那里。因此,那个组织永远不能做上帝的工作。因为你与敌人交锋的战场就在你心中。你必须做出选择。它会与你相遇。现在请务必仔细听我说。
决定是在头脑中做出的。头脑是撒旦与你相遇的地方。而决定是因为上帝造人就是这样的。人类就像一粒麦粒。它是一粒种子,人类是一粒种子。从肉体上讲,你是父母的种子。生命来自父亲,果肉来自母亲。因此,这两者结合在一起,形成了卵子和血液。生命在血细胞中。在血细胞中开始发育,形成了孩子。任何种子的外面都有壳,里面是果肉,幼崽里面是生命的胚芽。嗯,这就是我们被创造的方式。我们有肉体、灵魂和精神。外面是身体;壳。里面是良心等等,是灵魂。灵魂里面是灵。灵统治着其他一切。 现在如果你画三个小环,你会发现最外层的环是身体。它有五种感官。它通过视觉、味觉、触觉、嗅觉、听觉来接触。这就是控制人体的五种感官。身体里面是一个灵魂。而灵魂受想象、良心、记忆、理性和情感控制。这就是控制灵魂的东西。但是灵魂只有一种感官。这种感官要么受信仰支配,要么受怀疑支配。确实如此,而且只有一条途径。那就是自由的道德意志。你可以接受怀疑,也可以接受信仰。两者任选其一。你需要努力。因此,撒旦从导致人类灵魂怀疑上帝之言的主要部分开始。上帝诞生的主要部分是将他的话语传达给灵魂。就是这样。这就是它的作用。 战斗就从那里开始。就在你的脑海中。现在请记住,这不是精神战胜物质。精神接受生命,也就是上帝的话语,并由此带来生命。光靠你的思想是做不到的。但是上帝的话语进入了你的思想渠道,这不是像基督教科学所说的精神战胜物质,不是那样,而是你的思想接受它,把握它,你的思想被你的精神控制,你的精神捕捉上帝的话语,那就是生命的东西,它把生命带入你的体内,哦哦兄弟,当那发生时,当生命通过那条渠道进入你的体内,上帝的话语就会在你里面显现,如果你遵守我,我的话也遵守你的话,那么你想要什么,它就会为你完成。那么,那从心脏中间,也就是灵魂那里会做什么呢? 从那里,继续向着每一个渠道传播信息。问题在于我们站在这里,心中充满疑惑,试图接受外在的东西。你必须停止这种疑惑,通过那个渠道接受上帝真正的话语。然后它就会自动地流出。这是内在的东西。这才是关键。这算是内在的。撒旦的方法是来自内心。现在你说,我不偷窃,我不喝酒,我不做这些事,我不做那事,这与你无关。看到了吗?这是内心的。不管你有多好,你有多有道德,你有多诚实,这些都值得尊重,但耶稣说人若不重生。看到了吗?你的内心一定发生了什么。如果你不重生,那就是人为的装扮。因为在你的内心深处,你无论如何都渴望重生。 阿门。这不可能是人造的。这必须是真实的,而且只有一条路可走。那就是通过自由的道德意志。用你的思想进入灵魂。一个人心里怎样想,他为人就是怎样。如果你对这座山说“移开”,心里不要怀疑,只要相信你所说的会实现,你就能得到你所说的。你明白了。你在那里。看到了吗?这就是战场。如果你能先开始的话。我们如此渴望看到事情完成。我们如此渴望为上帝做点什么。这位小女士无疑渴望活下去。她希望自己好起来。这里的其他人也希望自己好起来。当我们听到这个案例,比如死者复活,我们上帝所做的伟大事迹,我们就会焦虑。 而事情是这样的,我们试图通过这些感官来抓住一些东西。就像良心。所以,很多人,很多次误解了这个词。我被误解了祭坛呼召。有人说祭坛呼召没什么。这并不意味着你不应该做祭坛呼召。但是有人给别人手臂,哦,约翰兄弟,你知道我的意思。你们一直是邻居。到祭坛这里来。他在做什么?我可以告诉你他在做什么。他试图通过他的灵魂,通过情感来工作。那是行不通的。那不是途径。当然不是。也许他在通过他灵魂的感觉在记忆中工作。老兄弟约翰,你有一个很棒的母亲。她很久以前就去世了;那是一段记忆,明白吗。你不能那样做。 这必须遵循自由道德意志,你自己让上帝的话语进入你的内心。你来,不是因为你的母亲是个好女人。你来,不是因为你是个好邻居。你来是因为上帝呼召你来。你接受他是基于他的话语。那话语意味着一切。那话语。如果你能把一切都解决掉;所有的良心,所有的感觉,只是让话语进入。那话语就会在这里产生。看看它被什么覆盖了。你可能会说,嗯,呃,这些意识和感官等等与兄弟没有任何关系。当然有,但如果你让话语进来。如果它被良心覆盖,那么它就无法生长。它将是一个畸形的话语。你见过一粒好的玉米种在地里,然后让一根棍子落在它上面吗? 它会随着成长而变得弯曲,因为有什么东西阻碍了它。嗯,这就是我们今天五旬节派信仰的问题所在。我们让太多东西阻碍了它。我们所学到的信仰,犹大书3:“亲爱的朋友们,虽然我非常渴望写信给你们,关于我们共同的救恩,但我感到不得不写信劝你们为从前一次交付圣徒的真道而奋斗。”,圣灵一直住在我们里面。我们把太多东西放在别人身上。魔鬼总是试图让你看到某人的失败。但他试图让你远离真正的证词,那是真诚的。他会指出你的伪君子。有时他会冒充。他没有做某事,因为他是在冒充。 但如果它来自神话语的真正源头。天地会消逝,但我的话语不会消逝。它必须留在那里,你看。它说它必须被思想接受。然后从心里相信,然后神话语就成为现实。然后灵魂和身体的每一个感官都会被圣灵净化。然后你对上帝的感觉,你对上帝的良知,一切神圣的事物都会流经你。毫无疑问。没有什么可以兴起。你不会在记忆中想起什么,然后说,我记得琼斯小姐试图相信上帝。某某小姐,琼斯小姐有一次试图相信上帝能治愈她,但她失败了。看到了吗?但是如果那个管道已经被疏通、被净化,并被圣灵从内心充满。那甚至都不会进来。记忆,不管这种喜悦,她做了什么。 你和上帝在一起。除了你们两个,没有别人。这就是你们的战斗。一开始就杀了他。阻止他继续前行,阿门。重要的不是你让战争持续多久。现在就停止。如果你来了,你会保留他们的记忆和良知以及一切,想想,好吧,我可能会失败,这可能不对,你千万不要那样做。你抛开一切,打开一个通道说,上帝,你的话永远正确,阿门。这是为我而设的。如果整个教会失败,如果整个世界失败,但我不会失败,因为我相信你的话。这就是战斗。这就是为什么全能的上帝为什么要从一个女人的乳房中不留疤痕地切除癌症。让一个孩子死去?不,先生。不久前一个小女孩来到这里。 从高中来的。她妈妈打电话给我。说,伯兰罕弟兄,我女儿得了这种病。是癌症。会形成肿块。医生从她喉咙上的一个裂口取出一些碎片,然后送去治疗,这完全表明她有病。所以他说下一个裂口可能会伤到她的心脏。一旦伤到心脏,她就没了。她说她没有裂口。她还有大约 3 个月的生命。母亲说:“我该怎么办?” 送她回学校。说让她走,因为她很可能会突然离开。还说,让她走,尽可能过上正常的生活。什么都不要告诉她。于是那位女士对我说,“我该怎么办”。我说把她带上来,让她加入祈祷队列。我说你跟她来。那天早上,那个嘴唇发青的化妆学校小女孩过来时,我有种有点奇怪的感觉,还有一个小东西过来,我不知道她是谁。她打电话给我。我握住她的手。我说,早上好,姐妹。她就在那儿。那就是她,就在几分钟后,低头看着她的母亲,看到她们两个都没有上帝,没有基督。我说你怎么能指望在这种情况下得到医治?你会接受耶稣基督作为你的个人救主吗,我说。 你愿意来到这个水池边,奉耶稣基督的名受洗,让你的罪得赦吗?他们说,我们会这么做的。哦,你知道发生了什么事。那个女人今天早上可能就坐在这里。你们很多人都知道这个案子。迈克弟兄,其中一位受托人,正在关注这个案子。那是四五年前的事了。那个小女孩被转回医生那里。她身上连一丝疾病的痕迹都没有发现。到底是怎么回事?你必须先打开通道。你必须让士兵——圣灵——被派到接受上帝之道的战场上。他就是道,他站在那里,没有什么可以阻止它。所有其他的通道都被清理干净了。这就像一个被流感堵住的老酒吧。你放一把火进去,它会把你炸毁。许多被炸毁的基督徒就是这样。 因为他们没有清理渠道。他们没有深入内部。你必须清理它,良心,记忆弹出,放下一切。用上帝纯粹的话语从内而外。那是真理。不管今天这边有一万人死去,相信。明天那边有一万人死去,相信。这与我无关。阿门。我是个人。我是那个信任的人。我是那个相信的人,我们回头看看我们是否想打开我们的渠道,如果我们可以并且看到我们会发现这个和那个,这个和那个,成千上万的测试F,但魔鬼会试图马上回来,看看他是否能进去,如果你有你的感官看,尝,感觉,嗅和听,他已经击溃了你的军队。 他们都没问题,但是除非他们同意圣经,否则不要相信他们。他们都没问题,但如果他们不同意圣经,你就不要听他们的。现在,想象力、良心、记忆、理性和情感,如果它们同意圣经,那就没问题。但如果你的情感与圣经不一致,那就摆脱你的情感。你很快就会感冒。如果你的理性不同意圣经,那就远离它。没错。你的记忆的引擎,如果你的想象,如果你的良心有什么不同意你内心的东西,那就摆脱它。那你得到了什么。你有一个太阳系。哈利路亚!上帝把星星安排好,说呆在那里。上帝呼唤你,它们就呆在那里。没有什么能移动它们。 当神能将人置于他的手中,使他恢复理智、良知,一切都被净化,直到他与神站在一起,在精神上得到支持。阿门。世上没有魔鬼可以把它戳出来。哈利路亚!对。他过来说你感觉没有好转。你的良心也已经消失了。笛声如此清脆,它高声喊道。哈利路亚!出口吹响了哨子。荣耀归于神!它大声喊道,只有干净清晰,神的话语才能发挥神的力量。看到了吗?这是最重要的。这是你的战场。你的战场回到开始的地方。回到灵魂里。回到你打开的思想里。思想是通往灵魂的大门。你的思想要么打开,接受圣灵,要么拒绝圣灵。 你可以有一点意识,一点感情和一点感觉,所有这些与它无关的东西。那只是小感觉和小东西。但当谈到现实时,你的思想会打开它,阿门。你的思想。要么接受它,要么拒绝它。就是这样,朋友们。上帝不会让他们错过任何一个。看到了吗?是你的思想打开了门或关上了门。倾听你的良心,倾听你的记忆,倾听你的情感。但当你的思想对这些事情关闭自己,让上帝,他的话语的精神进入,它会吹走其他的东西。所有的疑虑都消失了。所有的恐惧都消失了。一切怀疑的感觉都消失了。所有的感觉都消失了。除了上帝的话语,什么都没有。撒旦无法与之抗争。不,先生。他无法与之抗争。现在,我们知道这是事实。这些战斗从伊甸园的日子开始就一直持续着。这场战斗发生在人类的思想中。撒旦开始了它。他做了什么?当撒旦遇见夏娃时,他并没有否认上帝的话。但他粉饰了它。他堵塞了这里的一些小通道。他说,但上帝肯定......创世纪3:1......他肯定上帝承诺的所有这些事情。他知道话语是正确的,但他知道他不能就这样直接说出来并模糊地炸开。但撒旦粉饰了(糖衣) 它......
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