What are the signs that you are wasting your life? 哪些迹象表明你在浪费生命?
You get up at 5 am, all charged up for the day. You go for a walk, hit the gym, have a nutritious breakfast and get ready for work.
You reach your office and everyone is so pleased to have you around. Gracious and charming. You meet all your deadlines and outperform every single person.
Prolific, eh?
Then, at 6:30 pm, you reach home. You see your parents smiling at you. Wrinkled and aged. Wanting to start a conversation. But, they are afraid.
Afraid of being rebuked. Yet, they try and call your name in a low voice. You ignore at first. They don't dare to try the second time. You seem busy. Planning something important.
You are out with your friends for a drink and come back at 10 pm. They were waiting for you. Dinner is served. Your favourite dish is prepared.
You snap at the very moment of tasting it. "Is this what you do all day long?". Furious, you leave the dining table and go to your room. Within a few minutes, you forget about everything and start watching your favourite tv series.
They are still sitting at the table, unable to climb the stairs but waiting for you to come and eat.
You sleep, they don't. They still get up at 4:30 am. Just for you.
So, being productive? Mr. Charming!
Don't waste your life. Strike a balance.
你早上 5 点起床,精神饱满,准备迎接新的一天。你散步、去健身房、吃营养早餐,准备上班。
然后,下午 6:30,你回到家。你看到父母对你微笑。满脸皱纹,年迈。想开始一段对话。但是,他们害怕。
你和朋友出去喝酒,晚上 10 点回来。他们在等你。晚餐已经端上来了。你最喜欢的菜也做好了。
你睡觉,他们不睡。他们仍然在凌晨 4:30 起床。只为你。
Read more comments: ( no comment here please, thank you ) 阅读更多评论:(请不要在此发表评论,谢谢)
● Umm! This answer hit me straight, like a bullet. I feel so ashamed to even upvote it coz in all honesty, i do the same, everyday. Don't get me wrong, i don't back answer or scream and shout, but i simply don't talk and have a grumpy face because of all the hassles of the day. This was a reality check. Now i want to apologize but i feel so bad going and standing in front of them.Thank you, i needed it.
I will not do it again. I promise!
● You need guts to answer such things on open forum & I am glad that you have overcome yourselves & I am sure that you will be an absolute gem of a daughter. God Bless you.
● Only parents have unconditional love on us and they can understand you better than any one, so go to them and apologize or else don't apologise but change your behaviour… they don't need apologies but they need you.
● My parents hated me and would be in prison for life if they were ever found out. Been on my own from them since I was a young teen. I was too young to even get a job. So I had to wait a few years to even work, otherwise I had to steal to eat.
● Why did they hate you??
● I’m not sure if you’ve realised but you’ve managed to make it sound like you’re blaming a child for their parents hating them.
●I can’t speak for everyone obviously, but my parents had their own issues they needed to deal with and never have. They neglected me and made me homeless as a child. If you want to try to blame me, that’s your prerogative.. my heinous crime to get thrown out on the street immediately?- I came home late one evening by accident. Once. No conversation. Didn’t even have the guts to tell me themselves, got my sister to do it.
This was normal in my family. At age 11 years old, I was told by my parents to tell the above sister (who was 18 years old at the time) that she needed to pack her bags and go.
Some people are just not fit to be parents.
显然,我不能代表所有人说话,但我的父母有他们自己的问题需要处理,但他们从未处理过。他们忽视了我,让我在小时候无家可归。如果你想责怪我,那是你的特权……我被立即赶出家门是何等的罪行?- 我一天晚上不小心晚点回家。有一次。没有人说话。他们甚至没有勇气自己告诉我,让我姐姐告诉我的。
● I’m sorry about your story, but the comment was why did your parents hate you? NOT what did you do to make your parents hate you. I don’t think the question was coined to put blame on anyone. That’s why so many problems between relationships and people stem from dialogue. Some people hear something and already want it to mean something else they harbouring in their minds so they reply or react differently to what wasn’t even meant in context.
● My mother hated me from the day she found out I was the twin who survived her unexpected pregnancy, just at the time she was preparing to leave my tyrannical, perverted, abusive father. I was like a curse from the devil. She hated her own mother from a bad childhood, claiming she was abused, neglected and emotionally battered. I was basically raised by my big sister and brothers while we bounced around from one address to another in 4 years., on the run, hungry and uprooted. My grandparents (her mother and stepfather) took me home for at least one weekend per month, giving me food, love and clean clothes. When I turned 5, being malnourished and traumatized, they said it was time for me to start kindergarten and everyone agreed I wouldn't hack it in the area I was living at the time. Mom eagerly agreed to let them take me and be my legal guardians. They gave me the best of everything they could possibly manage, Grandma was my best friend, and Mom hated me for that. She said I was a chip off my father's DNA, despite the fact he always denied being my father. So yeah, sometimes your parents can hate you for reasons that have nothing directly to do with anything you did wrong. It's a lifelong battle to get over that, but take it from me, you have nothing to feel guilty about, and you are somebody's treasure. Don't go casting your pearls before swine, they'll just scatter them and laugh as they make you fall.
母亲从得知我是她意外怀孕后幸存下来的双胞胎中唯一一个的那天起就恨我,当时她正准备离开我那专横、变态、虐待成性的父亲。我就像是魔鬼的诅咒。她从小就恨自己的母亲,说她被虐待、忽视、精神受创。我基本上是由我的姐姐和哥哥们抚养长大的,我们在 4 年里从一个地址搬到另一个地址,四处奔波,饥肠辘辘,背井离乡。我的祖父母(她的母亲和继父)每个月至少带我回家一个周末,给我食物、爱和干净的衣服。当我 5 岁的时候,由于营养不良和精神创伤,他们说是时候让我上幼儿园了,每个人都同意我不会在当时我住的地方过得很好。妈妈急切地同意让他们带我去,做我的法定监护人。他们给了我他们所能提供的最好的一切,奶奶是我最好的朋友,妈妈因此恨我。 她说我继承了我父亲的基因,尽管他一直否认自己是我父亲。所以,是的,有时你的父母会因为与你做错的事情没有直接关系的原因而恨你。克服这一点需要一生的时间,但请相信我,你没有什么可内疚的,你是别人的宝贝。不要把珍珠丢在猪前。他们只会把珍珠散落一地,然后一边嘲笑你,一边让你跌倒。
● Mmm that's a bit of a stretch, but you might assume that they understand or have all these good things that you say. I take all these general blanket statements about parents scarcely, cause people don't wanna talk about the dark sides of parents who may not be all sugar and butter.
● The United States has the highest rate of child murder among developed nations. The most common perpetrator of child homicide is a parent. In infancy, the US rate of homicide is 8/100,000, several times higher than Canada at 2.9 per 100,000 (Hatters-Friedman et al., 2012). About 2.5% of all homicide arrests in the United States are for parents who have killed their children (Mariano et al., 2014). This amounts to an average of about 500 filicide arrests each year. The rates of child homicide decrease with the child's age. At a visceral level, the horror of filicide seems to grow as the victim's age increases (Oberman, 1996).
美国是发达国家中儿童谋杀率最高的国家。最常见的儿童杀人犯是父母。美国婴儿期的杀人率为 8/100,000,比加拿大的 2.9/100,000 高出几倍(Hatters-Friedman 等人,2012 年)。美国所有谋杀案中约有 2.5% 是父母杀害子女所致(Mariano 等人,2014 年)。这相当于每年平均有 500 起杀子案被捕。儿童杀人案的发生率随着儿童年龄的增长而下降。从内心层面来看,杀子案的恐怖程度似乎随着受害者年龄的增长而增加(Oberman,1996 年)。
● That’s so sad! Reading your comment made me feel sad that kids go through awful things perpetrated by their parents.
● About twenty percent of children born in the US are born into single parent households that are the most prone to poverty. Children from single parent households are more likely to be involved in criminal activity or be victims of crime or involved in drugs. Some of the most dangerous areas of the country are the areas that have the highest percentage of single parent households, around 30% or so significantly higher than the norm. These areas are also where school test scores are amongst the worst, pulling down the national average.
What parents can do can be bad, but what children are subjected to with only one parent can be so much worse.
在美国,大约有 20% 的孩子出生在最容易陷入贫困的单亲家庭。单亲家庭的孩子更有可能参与犯罪活动、成为犯罪的受害者或涉足毒品。美国最危险的地区是单亲家庭比例最高的地区,大约 30% 左右,远高于正常水平。这些地区的学校考试成绩也最差,拉低了全国平均水平。
● That’s so heart breaking. They don’t have a chance from the start of life. I’m in Australia but will look up the % that applies here. Thanks for your information. It hurts my heart thinking how children and animals are abused. Too much evil in this world.
● Perfect response and as a parent 100% agree, our kids are our lives, we only want them to be happy and healthy. Very few, although some will, hold a grudge against their child. Be kind, life is too short.
● So many statements to challenge here:
1.) Comparing the love of a parent for a child and the love of a child for a parent is comparing apples to oranges. If you believe they are comparable, I tend to assume you are not a parent. If you are a parent, I tend to feel sadness for your offspring.
1.) 比较父母对孩子的爱和孩子对父母的爱就像比较苹果和橘子。如果你认为它们具有可比性,我倾向于认为你不是父母。如果你是父母,我倾向于为你的后代感到悲伤。
2.) True unconditional love is innate, and it happens without the expectation of reciprocity. Anyone who expects equal “love” in return is misguided and do not understand the definition of unconditional. That is a scenario that may validate your reference to brainwashing - and, extremely harmful in a parent/child scenario.
2.) 真正的无条件的爱是与生俱来的,它不会期望回报。任何期望得到同等“爱”回报的人都是被误导的,他们不理解无条件的定义。这种情况可能证实了你提到的洗脑——在父母/子女的场景中极其有害。
3.) A blanket belief that mothers who place a birth child up for adoption are not exhibiting unconditional love is unfair/naive. Not to say all are selflessly giving up that child, but I know absolutely some, possibly most, are. If you have given birth, upon delivery you understand the gravity of an immediate, unexplainable and overwhelming connection to the life that grew inside you. To reduce all mothers’ decisions to give up that baby down to something other than love and yes, in many instances, unconditional love, is an uneducated and offensive opinion.
3.) 一概认为将亲生孩子送人领养的母亲没有表现出无条件的爱,这种想法是不公平/幼稚的。并不是说所有人都无私地放弃了孩子,但我知道有些人,可能大多数人,都是无私的。如果你生过孩子,那么在分娩时,你就会明白与你体内成长的生命之间立即、无法解释和势不可挡的联系的重要性。把所有母亲放弃婴儿的决定归结为爱以外的其他原因,是的,在许多情况下,无条件的爱是一种无知和令人反感的观点。
4.) To insinuate parents who adopt a child or children are incapable of unconditional love is also unfair and untrue. I am living proof which likely inspired me to respond as opposed to scrolling through and moving on, as I usually do on this subject of love. I am one of five adopted children. All five adopted at birth, all from different birth mothers/parents. As an adult and after having two children of my own - my hindsight is 20/20. I coined the term “5 most fortunate misfits,” as it captures our story perfectly. We were adopted by parents who wanted nothing more than to have children, raise children and love children. And that is exactly what they did - no less than by flesh and blood, they taught me/us the art of unconditional love. Their living examples inspired one of my most personally priceless poems called simply “Unconditional Love.” The end reads...
4.) 暗示收养孩子的父母无法给予无条件的爱也是不公平和不真实的。我就是活生生的例子,这可能激励我做出回应,而不是像我通常在爱的话题上那样浏览并继续往下看。我是五个被收养的孩子之一。这五个孩子都是在出生时被收养的,都是来自不同的亲生母亲/父母。作为一个成年人,在有了两个自己的孩子之后,我的后见之明是 20/20。我创造了“五个最幸运的不合群者”这个词,因为它完美地描述了我们的故事。我们被收养的父母所收养,他们只想生孩子、养孩子和爱孩子。这正是他们所做的——他们用血肉之躯教会了我/我们无条件的爱的艺术。他们的活生生的例子激发了我个人最珍贵的一首诗,简称为“无条件的爱”。结尾写道…
●So in the times when you feel proud, it’s yourselves who should be praised~
●If you had not become Mom & Dad, I would not be who I am today~
●They also proved unconditional love by never, to use your term, brainwashing us to believe anything other than gratitude for our birth mothers/parents. And, given each of our 5 birth scenarios were different, short of true unconditional love, they could have tainted our opinions or left vacuums for us to create our own harmful stories of abandonment or unloved discard. But, they didn’t because all that mattered was that we knew we were theirs and loved and safe.
In turn, they indeed garnered the reciprocity of unconditional love. Not because they required it or expected it - because they exuded it without ever thinking or planning or strategizing - they were parenting me…teaching me, guiding me and loving me just as though they had given birth to me.
他们还证明了无条件的爱,用你的话来说,他们从不给我们洗脑,让我们相信除了感谢我们的亲生母亲/父母之外的任何东西。而且,鉴于我们 5 种出生情景各不相同,缺乏真正的无条件的爱,他们可能会玷污我们的观点,或留下真空,让我们创造自己被抛弃或不被爱抛弃的有害故事。但是,他们没有这样做,因为重要的是我们知道我们是他们的,是被爱的,是安全的。
●My response is from deep within my own life-lived and fortunate experience. Nothing I’ve said should be considered blanket input as I clearly understand every situation is different for many different reasons and on many different levels. My intention is not to correct you or debate your life experience but to lend another perspective that may resonate with others by sharing thoughts and beliefs about unconditional love, parenting, and adoption from a broader arena.
● Respectfully, I disagree. I gave my daughter up for adoption because I loved her and believed at the time that that was the best thing I could do for her. I owe nobody but her an explanation for it, and she has it. She also knows I love her unconditionally. She’s 19, and has issues with her other parents, but she understands my reasons and doesn’t hold anything against me.
恕我直言,我不同意。我把女儿送去领养是因为我爱她,当时我认为那是我能为她做的最好的事情。除了她,我不需要任何人来解释这件事,她也已经解释了。她也知道我无条件地爱她。她 19 岁,和她的其他父母有矛盾,但她理解我的理由,不会对我有任何怨恨。
● It breaks my heart that others don’t get the love they need to thrive emotionally, but your claim that adoption is proof against unconditional love is definitely not true for all cases. With the information I have now, yes, I would have done things differently for her. With the information I had then, I made the best decision I could, despite what it did to me and my family and my daughter. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, giving up my rights to parent her. But I never, not for a moment, gave up my right to love her. And she knows it.
● I am sorry your experience with life hasn’t been so good, but what you said is just not true for everyone. She was adopted because I loved her more than anything. She now has a younger sibling, and I love them both unconditionally, as my parents love me. We do stuff our parents don’t like or approve of, and that doesn’t change the love. Love the person, not the action is definitely possible.
● There are different kinds of love and some languages have names for them. English only has one word for love. I told my children many times, as they were growing up that, no matter what they did or said, I would always love them. Over the years, some of them have done, and are doing, things that i don't agree with. But I love them with all of my ability and will always love them. You see, unconditional love is a decision, not a feeling.
● Realizing your mistake is your strength.. All the very best
● Never too late. All they need is your love and attention. They love you !
●We all make mistakes and one common mistake is not making time for our loved ones and the ones who also love us. Great that you have realized.
●Same goes with me! Even I promise not to repeat the same.
●To be honest, it takes courage to at least accept your wrongs. Many of us might not have the courage to confront ourselves over this answer and accept our misbehaviour or “act of Perfectionism”.
●You did great!
■Mantra : I am sorry. Please forgive me. I thank you. And I love you. ❤️
● Just give them a hug 🫂 …
●Wow, this comment restores my faith in humanity. I often feel that people are in opposite spectrums of viewing things and I don't see people having “realizations” anymore…they just stick with what they think it's normal/good or not. To see someone see herself represented in something that they are not proud of, and even admiting it to a forum where, we know judgement is big, is very beautiful. I hope your relationship with your parents grows beautiful. Thanks!
●Do not think twice or waste a single moment. Talk to your parents, do something with that you all used to love doing that while you were growing up, take them for a movie, or a simple dinner. Break the shackle that is holding you. Time is short.
●I truly hope you made amends. I found this article a bit too late for me …
●I was one of the parents that came home early from work, to take her where she wanted to go. Made her food every night she would get dressed up and take off and I would wait and worry to 2 or 3 in the morning she was 16 to 18 and I had to be to work at 5 a.m. What parents do.
我是那种会早点下班回家带她去她想去的地方的家长。每天晚上给她做饭。她会穿好衣服出门,而我会一直等到凌晨 2 点或 3 点才回家。她当时 16 到 18 岁,而我必须在早上 5 点上班。这就是家长们该做的事情。
●It has been many years, but I hope you have apologized or at least have not done it again. It is a guilty feeling that eats at you when they die.
●Take his advice for this. Trust me. It makes you enjoy life a lot more.
● He said that there are people in this world who would beg to be in your position right now. Whatever problem you have, no issue, they will deal with it. This is because those people go through worse things than you.
● You also know you are going to die one day, so why not ignore those small things like stubbing your toe and learn to enjoy your life a lot more and not get angry at small things.
●Go for it, as if it's your last chance.
●Not your fault. But your parents and media fault for changing the meaning of life.
● A perfect answer to people who think office is the only place where people work.
●Wow! What an answer! The only sad part being that such people do exist!
●The best part is they realise their mistake in the same life when their kids do the same thing to them in a manner enough to help them realise their folly! Karma is a bitch !!
●Or in time to enjoy them being kids, or anybody at all for that matter while they’re still around in their prime. Each day moment can be so special and so easily wasted dwelling, or letting social class hierarchy keep you distracted, demand your time and energy. When it should be spent with your loved ones ……… the same message could go and apply to oneself as an individual as well …… don’t waste your life, not having time to spend with yourself either and enjoy the things you wanna do. Find balance, as said in the post.
●Thank you 🫡
"Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin,( here) Look it up on YouTube and listen to it…it'll send chills through you. Life is too short! Slow down and enjoy the things in your life before they're gone.
Cats In The Cradle-Harry Chapin
My child arrived just the other day
He came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay
He learned to walk while I was away
And he was talkin' 'fore I knew it, and as he grew
He'd say "I'm gonna be like you dad
You know I'm gonna be like you"
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home dad?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then
My son turned ten just the other day
He said, "Thanks for the ball, Dad, come on let's play
Can you teach me to throw", I said "Not today
I got a lot to do", he said, "That's ok"
And he walked away but his smile never dimmed
And said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah
You know I'm gonna be like him"
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then
Well, he came home from college just the other day
So much like a man I just had to say
"Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for a while?"
He shook his head and said with a smile
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys
See you later, can I have them please?"
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then
I've long since retired, my son's moved away
I called him up just the other day
I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind"
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I can find the time
You see my new job's a hassle and kids have the flu
But it's sure nice talking to you, Dad
It's been sure nice talking to you"
And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me
He'd grown up just like me
My boy was just like me
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then
( based on true life story here ) Harry Chapin was 38 years old when at the height of his music career. He was killed in a car accident.He left behind his loving family, the fans he touched through his songs and his music.
Harry Chapin 的“摇篮里的猫”,(此处)在 YouTube 上查找并聆听……它会让你浑身发抖。生命太短暂了!放慢脚步,享受生活中的事物,在它们消失之前。
摇篮里的猫 - Harry Chapin
(根据这里的真实故事改编)哈里·查平 38 岁时正处于音乐生涯的巅峰。他在一场车祸中丧生。他留下了深爱的家人,以及那些通过他的歌曲和音乐感动的粉丝。
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