Monday, July 8, 2024

Between Beginning and Ending

 Before breath turns to air , I greet you, "Happy 🎂 birthday today


You Choose ... now ... 


●Birth And Death


●When you cry and weep, when you are miserable, you are alone. When you celebrate, the whole existence participates with you. Only in celebration do we meet the ultimate, the eternal. Only in celebration do we go beyond the circle of birth and death. 当你哭泣、当你痛苦时,你是孤独的。当你庆祝时,整个存在都会与你一起参与。只有在庆祝中,我们才能遇到终极、永恒。只有在庆祝中,我们才能超越生死轮回。

●There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. 生与死之间没有治愈的方法,只能享受其间。

●Birth and death are not two different states, but they are different aspects of the same state. 生与死并不是两种不同的状态,而是同一种状态的不同方面。

●Birth and death; we all move between these two unknowns. 生与死;我们都在这两个未知之间徘徊。

●Everything passes. Everything experiences the birth and death cycle. 


●Birth and death were easy. It was life that was hard. 生与死都很容易,但生活才是艰难的。

●The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death. 人类生活中的主要事实有五个:出生,饮食,睡眠,爱和死亡。

●I've learned to accept birth and death . . . but sometimes I still worry about what lies between. 我已经学会接受生与死……但有时我仍会担心生与死之间会发生什么。

●Birth and death are the most singular events we experience - and the contemplation of death, as of birth, should be a thing of beauty, not ignobility. 生与死是我们经历的最奇特的事件——对死亡的思考,如同对出生的思考一样,应该是一件美丽的事情,而不是卑鄙的。

●The two moments are much alike: birth and death are made of the same fabric.这两个时刻非常相似:生与死是由同一种物质构成的。

●'The story of my recent life.' I like that phrase. It makes more sense than 'the story of my life', because we get so many lives between birth and death. A life to be a child. A life to come of age. A life to wander, to settle, to fall in love, to parent, to test our promise, to realize our mortality- and in some lucky cases, to do something after that realization. “我最近的生活故事。”我喜欢这个短语。它比“我的生活故事”更有意义,因为在生与死之间,我们经历了许多次生命。一次是孩童时代。一次是成年时代。一次是流浪、定居、坠入爱河、做父母、考验我们的承诺、实现我们的死亡——在一些幸运的情况下,在实现这一目标之后做一些事情。

●Life is like a very short visit to a toy shop between birth and death. Neither can you buy all toys nor bring all toys to home - ground. 人生就像生与死之间,一次非常短暂的玩具店之旅。你不可能买下所有的玩具,也不能把所有的玩具都带回家。

●I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different. 我曾见过生与死,但一直认为它们是不同的。

● After your death you will be what you were before your birth. 你死后会和你出生前一样。

●By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return. 你必汗流满面才得糊口,直到你归了土,因为你是从土而出的;你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土。

●Birth and Death are the two noblest expressions of bravery. 生与死是勇气的两种最崇高的表现。

●This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds. To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance. A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky, Rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain. 


●These births and deaths are changes in nature which we are mistaking for changes in us. 这些生与死是大自然的变化,而我们却误以为是我们自身的变化。

●From contact comes feeling. From feeling comes reaction. This is what keeps us in the cycle of birth and death. Our reactions to our feelings are our passport to rebirth. 接触产生感受,感受产生反应。这就是我们生死轮回的原因。我们对感受的反应是我们重生的护照。

●Life is the coexistence of all opposite values. Joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, up and down, hot and cold, here and there, light and darkness, birth and death. All experience is by contrast, and one would be meaningless without the other. 生活就是所有对立价值的共存。欢乐与悲伤、快乐与痛苦、起起落落、热与冷、这里与那里、光明与黑暗、生与死。所有的经历都是对比,没有一个就没有另一个。

●It is in the middle that human choices are made; the beginning and the end remain with God. The decrees of God are birth and death, and in between those limits man makes his own distress or joy. 人类的选择就处于中间阶段;开始和结束都由上帝决定。上帝的旨意是生与死,而人类在这两个界限之间制造自己的痛苦或欢乐。

●Opening to the power of intention, you begin knowing that conception, birth and death are all natural aspects of the energy field of creation. 开启意图的力量,你就会开始知道受孕、出生和死亡都是创造能量场的自然方面。

●Birth and death are illusions, they are part of the dream. 生与死都是幻象,是梦的一部分。

●It is better to spend one day contemplating the birth and death of all things than a hundred years never contemplating beginnings and endings.宁可用一日时间思考万物的生与死,莫用百年时间不思考万物的始与终。

●He has not lived badly whose birth and death has been unnoticed by the world.  他的出生和死亡都没有被世人注意过,他的一生并不算糟糕。

●Without birth and death, and without the perpetual transmutation of all the forms of life, the world would be static, rhythm-less, undancing, mummified. 如果没有生与死,如果没有一切生命形式的不断变化,世界就会是静止的、无节奏的、没有舞动的、木乃伊化的。

●When you cry and weep, when you are miserable, you are alone. When you celebrate, the whole existence participates with you. Only in celebration do we meet the ultimate, the eternal. Only in celebration do we go beyond the circle of birth and death. 当你哭泣、当你痛苦时,你是孤独的。当你庆祝时,整个存在都会与你一起参与。只有在庆祝中,我们才能遇到终极、永恒。只有在庆祝中,我们才能超越生死轮回。

●The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. 你越赞美和庆祝你的生活,生活中值得庆祝的事情就越多。

●A birthday can be meaningful by spending quality time with loved ones, writing heartfelt notes, or creating homemade gifts or experiences that foster connection and appreciation. 通过与亲人共度美好时光、写下真挚的话语、制作自制的礼物或体验以增进联系和感激,生日可以变得有意义。

●While the significance of birthdays may evolve with age, they generally continue to hold meaning as a celebration of life and an opportunity to gather with loved ones. 尽管生日的意义会随着年龄的增长而发生变化,但总体而言,生日仍然是庆祝生命的节日,也是与亲人团聚的机会。

●Celebrating a birthday alone can be a rewarding experience. Treat yourself to your favorite activities, indulge in good food, take time to relax, and perhaps set new personal goals. Give yourself a happy birthday hug and smile. I am happy to be born and breathing life now. 独自庆祝生日也可以是一次有益的经历。尽情享受自己喜欢的活动,尽情享受美食,放松一下,也许还可以设定新的个人目标。给自己一个生日快乐的拥抱和微笑。我很高兴现在出生并呼吸着生命。

Why Are Birthdays Important? (25 Reasons of 365 Reasons) 生日为何如此重要?(365 个理由中的 25 个理由)

I’ve always loved birthdays. When I was a child, I couldn’t wait for my special day each year — opening presents, blowing out birthday candles, and being with family and/or best friends. It was all so exciting! 我一直都很喜欢生日。小时候,我每年都迫不及待地等待这个特殊的日子——拆礼物、吹生日蜡烛、和家人或最好的朋友在一起。这一切都太令人兴奋了!

But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that birthdays are about more than just the party. The more I think about it, the more reasons I find for why birthdays are so important. 但随着年龄的增长,我意识到生日不仅仅是聚会。我思考得越多,就越能找到生日如此重要的原因。

In this post, I’ll explain why this day isn’t just about the party hats and balloons. 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊 🎈  🎈 🎈 在这篇文章中,我将解释为什么这一天不仅仅是派对帽和气球。

You might just see birthdays in a whole new light once you’ve finished reading this sharing. 读完这篇分享后,你可能会对生日有一个全新的认识。

Birthdays Celebrate Life 生日庆祝生命

When your birthday rolls around, it’s basically a big cheer for you to be here another year. It’s a sign that you’ve lived through 365 days of laughs, tough times, and everything in between. 当你的生日来临时,人们会为你又活了一年而欢呼。这表明你已经度过了 365 天的欢笑、艰难时刻以及其间的一切。

When people say “Happy Birthday,”to you,  they’re really saying they’re glad you exist. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from; everyone gets a day to feel important. It’s time to enjoy yourself and the life you’re living. 


When people say “Happy Birthday,” to you , they’re really saying they’re glad you exist. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from; everyone gets a day to feel important. It’s time to enjoy yourself and the life you’re living.

Example: Your friend throws you a birthday party. For that one day, you’re the star, and everyone’s celebrating that you’re a part of their lives. 例如:你的朋友为你举办了生日派对。在那一天,你就是明星,每个人都在庆祝你是他们生活中的一部分。

They Recognize Individual Growth 他们认可个人成长

Each birthday is a chance to see how much you’ve grown or changed. It’s like ticking off another year on your personal journey. 每次生日都是一个机会,让你看看自己成长或改变多少。这就像在你的个人旅程中又度过了一年。

We all learn and grow; birthdays are a good time to celebrate that. You think about the past year, all you’ve learned, the ways you’ve changed, and it feels great. 我们都会学习和成长;生日是庆祝这一点的好时机。想想过去的一年,想想你学到的一切,想想你改变的方式,感觉很棒。

Example: Think of that hobby you picked up and now love. Your birthday is the time to look at how much better you are at it than when you started. 例如:想想你开始喜欢的爱好。生日那天,你可以看看自己现在的爱好比刚开始时进步了多少。

Birthdays Are Uniquely Yours 你的生日独一无二

Your birthday is your own special day. It’s the one time of year that’s just about you. Everyone’s birthday is different, just like they are. 你的生日是属于你自己的特殊日子。这是一年中唯一属于你自己的日子。每个人的生日都不一样,就像他们自己一样。

Your birthday can be loud, quiet, full of people, or just a few close friends or alone—it fits your style. It’s the highlight of your story because it’s yours to celebrate how you want. Your birthday is the perfect excuse to do what makes you happiest. 你的生日可以是热闹的,也可以是安静的,可以是人山人海的,也可以是只有几个亲密的朋友或一个人的——这很适合你的风格。这是你故事中的亮点,因为你可以随心所欲地庆祝。你的生日是做让你最快乐的事情的完美借口。

Birthdays Give a Chance to Celebrate Achievements 生日是庆祝成就的机会

Think about all the awesome stuff you’ve done this year. Your birthday is a great time to give yourself a round of applause for all of it. You’ve tackled challenges, nailed goals, and maybe tried things you never thought you would. 想想你今年做过的所有了不起的事情。你的生日是给自己鼓掌的好时机。你克服了挑战,实现了目标,也许还尝试了你从未想过的事情。

You get to cheer for every win, big or small, on your birthday. It’s the yearly “You did it!” that we all need to hear. 生日那天,你可以为每一次胜利欢呼,无论胜利大小。这是我们每年都需要听到的“你做到了!”

Example: You started learning to play guitar last year, and now you can play a few songs. On your birthday, you celebrate how far you’ve come, maybe even strum a tune for friends. 例如:去年你开始学弹吉他,现在你能弹几首歌了。生日那天,你会庆祝自己进步了多少,甚至可能还会为朋友弹奏一曲。

Birthdays Offer a Moment of Reflection


A birthday is also a quiet time to think about your life story so far. It’s like hitting the pause button in the middle of all the busyness to just breathe and ponder a bit. 生日也是一段安静的时光,可以让你回想迄今为止的人生故事。就像在忙碌中按下暂停键,让你喘口气、思考一会儿。

You might see how much you’ve progressed and changed, remember the good stuff, and maybe think about things you want to do differently. Your birthday is like your personal New Year’s Day, full of reflection and fresh starts. 你可能会看到自己进步了多少,改变了多少,记住了美好的事情,也许还会思考自己想做些不同的事情。你的生日就像是你个人的新年,充满了反思和新的开始。

This could mean: 这可能意味着:

●Considering the highs and lows of the past year. 回顾过去一年的起起落落。

●Appreciating the people who have been there for you. 感谢那些一直陪伴着你的人。

●Setting goals for the coming year. 设定来年的目标。

Birthdays Provide a Sense of Achievement 生日带来成就感

Every birthday feels like crossing a finish line. You’ve made it through another year, and hey, that’s an accomplishment in itself!  每次过生日都感觉像是跨过终点线。你又度过了一年,嘿,这本身就是一项成就!

The feeling of “I did it” fills you up as you look back over the last 12 months. It’s a personal trophy day acknowledging that you’ve lived and learned. Each birthday adds to your collection of “Yeah, I rocked this year” moments. 回顾过去的 12 个月,你会有一种“我做到了”的感觉。这是个人的纪念日,承认你活过并学到了东西。每个生日都会增加你的“是的,今年我很棒”时刻的收藏。

Example: Your friends start cheering, “You survived another year!” and you can’t help but wear a big, proud smile. Yep, you’ve earned every bit of that cake in front of you. 例如:你的朋友们开始欢呼:“你又熬过了一年!”你忍不住露出了自豪的笑容。是的,你赢得了眼前这块蛋糕的每一分每一秒。

Birthdays Remind Us to Be Thankful 生日提醒我们要感恩

Your birthday rolls around, and suddenly you’re counting your blessings like a kid counting candy. It’s that one day of the year you can’t help but feel grateful for everything—your pals, your fam, the roof over your head. 你的生日快到了,突然间,你开始数着自己的幸福,就像孩子数糖果一样。一年中的这一天,你情不自禁地对一切心存感激——你的朋友、你的家人、你头顶的屋顶。

The love that comes your way on this day, the wishes and hugs, make you realize life’s pretty sweet. So, on your birthday, you’re not just adding years; you’re adding thanks too. 这一天,你收到的爱、祝福和拥抱让你意识到生活很甜蜜。所以,生日这天,你不仅在延长寿命,也在表达感谢。

Example: When you wake up to a bunch of messages from friends all over the globe, you grin from ear to ear. Your heart feels full, and you’re ready to give out bear hugs like they’re going out of style. 示例:当你醒来时看到来自世界各地的朋友发来的消息,你笑得合不拢嘴。你的心里感到很满足,你准备给一个热情的拥抱,就像这种拥抱已经过时了一样。

Birthdays Inspire Us to Practice Self-Love and Self-Care 生日激励我们践行自爱和自我关怀

Your birthday is the ultimate self-love day. It’s a great reminder to treat yourself with kindness and do things that make you feel happy and relaxed. 你的生日是终极的自爱日。它能很好地提醒你善待自己,做些让你感到快乐和放松的事情。

Maybe it’s taking a break from the hustle or saying “No” to things that drain your energy. It’s about putting yourself first, even if just for a day, and remembering that taking care of yourself is important.也许是暂时放下忙碌的工作,或是向消耗精力的事情说“不”。这关乎把自己放在第一位,哪怕只有一天,记住照顾好自己很重要。

Example: You stand in front of the mirror and say, “You’re looking good!” Then you head out for that massage you booked—Best. Decision. Ever. 例如:你站在镜子前说:“你看上去好棒啊!”然后你出去做了你预约的按摩——这是你做过的最好的决定。

Birthdays Mean Treating Yourself 生日意味着善待自己

Let’s be real—birthdays are the best excuse to get a little extra. Want that gadget you’ve been eyeing for months? It’s time. Been holding back on splurging for a fancy dinner? Not today! 说实话,生日是买点额外礼物的最佳借口。想要几个月来一直关注的那个小玩意吗?是时候了。一直不想花大价钱吃一顿大餐?今天不行!

It’s the one day a year, nobody can judge you for indulging. Go ahead; make that wish list come true because it’s your day to shine. 这是一年中唯一一天,没有人会因为你的放纵而指责你。来吧,实现你的愿望清单,因为这是你大放异彩的日子。

Birthdays Offer a Stress-Free Escape From Routine 生日能让你从日常生活中解脱出来,释放压力

On birthdays, the usual grind takes a backseat. It’s like hitting the pause button on the alarm clock, work emails, and chores—just for a bit. Today, you get a free pass from the everyday hustle to do something fun or nothing at all. 在生日这天,日常的繁琐琐事就被搁置了。就像按下闹钟、工作邮件和家务的暂停键一样——只是一小会儿。今天,你可以从日常的忙碌中解脱出来,去做一些有趣的事情,或者什么都不做。

Whether it’s partying hard or just lounging around, the point is to have a break from the normal stressors. Think of it as life’s way of saying, “Hey, take a breather and have some fun today!“ 无论是狂欢还是闲逛,目的都是摆脱日常压力。把它想象成生活的一种说法:“嘿,今天休息一下,玩得开心点!”

Birthdays Can Trigger Positive Change 生日可以引发积极的变化

Birthdays can be a kickstart for something new. It’s like a personal new year, where you can set new goals or make big decisions you’ve been putting off. 生日可以成为新事物的开始。它就像个人的新年,你可以设定新目标或做出一直推迟的重大决定。

Maybe it’s the feeling of starting fresh or just the push you needed, but birthdays can motivate us to make positive changes. It’s an opportunity to look ahead and say, “This is going to be my year.” 也许这是重新开始的感觉,或者只是你需要的推动力,但生日可以激励我们做出积极的改变。这是一个展望未来并说“今年将是我的一年”的机会。

This could mean: 这可能意味着:

●Deciding to enroll in the gym and get fitter. 决定报名参加健身房并变得更健康。

●Signing up for that class you’ve been curious about. 报名参加你一直感兴趣的课程。

●Promise to yourself to worry less and live more. 向自己承诺,少一些忧虑,多一些生活。

Birthdays Give a Chance to Forgive, Let Go, and Start Anew 生日给了我们一个原谅、放手和重新开始的机会

Birthdays can be a chance to drop the heavy stuff you’re carrying. It’s a built-in moment in the year for saying, “Okay, let’s move past this.” You can give yourself the gift of not holding onto grudges or regrets. 生日可以成为你放下沉重负担的机会。这是一年中说“好吧,让我们忘掉这一切”的固定时刻。你可以给自己一份礼物,不再怀恨在心或后悔。

It’s a refreshing start, like wiping the slate clean. Your birthday tells you it’s okay to let go of the old and make room for the new. 这是一个令人耳目一新的开始,就像把过去的一切都抹去一样。你的生日告诉你,你可以放下旧事,为新事腾出空间。

Example: You decide to text an old pal you haven’t spoken to in forever. It feels freeing, like you’ve just given yourself the best birthday present. 示例:你决定给很久没联系的老朋友发短信。感觉很自由,就像你刚刚送给自己最好的生日礼物一样。

Birthdays Encourage Us to Set New Goals 生日鼓励我们设定新目标

Everyone loves a fresh start, and birthdays are perfect for that. They’re nature’s way of saying, “Here’s a blank page. What’s the plan?” It’s a time when you can think about what you want to achieve next. 每个人都喜欢重新开始,生日就是最好的开始。生日是大自然的表达方式,“这是一张空白页。有什么计划吗?”这是你可以思考下一步要实现什么目标的时候。

You look ahead, dreaming big dreams and setting the goals to match them. It’s about getting excited for what’s to come and deciding how to make it happen. 你放眼未来,怀揣远大梦想,并设定与之相匹配的目标。这关乎对未来感到兴奋,并决定如何实现它。

This could mean: 这可能意味着:

●Signing up for that class you’ve always wanted to take. 报名参加您一直想上的课程。

●Planning to save up for a big trip or a major purchase. 计划为一次大型旅行或一次大额购买存钱。

●Setting a personal record you want to break. 创下您想要打破的个人记录。

Birthdays Remind Us of Our Mortality 生日提醒我们生命终有一死

A birthday is a gentle reminder that our time here isn’t forever. It reminds us that each year is precious and not to be wasted. 生日温柔地提醒我们,我们的时间不是永远。它提醒我们每一年都是宝贵的,不能浪费。

You realize it’s important to make the most of the time you have. It’s a call to live fully, love deeply, and cherish every moment. Because, in the end, the number of candles on the cake tells us we’re not getting any younger. 你意识到充分利用时间很重要。这要求我们充分生活、深爱他人、珍惜每一刻。因为最终,蛋糕上的蜡烛数量告诉我们,我们不再年轻。

This could mean: 这可能意味着:

●Telling people you love them more often. 经常告诉人们你爱他们。

●Taking more risks and not putting off the things you want to do. 承担更多风险并且不要推迟自己想做的事情。

●Taking a moment to enjoy the here and now.  花一点时间享受此时此刻。

Birthdays Bring People Together 生日让人们聚在一起

Birthdays have this cool power to gather your favorite people in one place. It’s like a magnet that draws in friends and family: 生日有一种​​神奇的力量,可以把你最爱的人聚集到一起。它就像一块磁铁,吸引着朋友和家人:

●They make an effort to be there. 他们尽力到达那里。

●They throw surprises. 他们制造惊喜。

●They let you know you’re valued. 他们让你知道你被重视。

These celebrations turn into mini-reunions, full of chatter and laughter. It could be over video calls or around a table, but the vibe is all about connection. Your special day becomes a reason for people to meet up and celebrate. 这些庆祝活动变成了小型聚会,充满了欢声笑语。可以是视频通话,也可以是围坐在桌旁,但氛围的关键在于联系。您的特殊日子会成为人们相聚和庆祝的理由。

Example: There’s that friend who always, always forgets dates. But on your birthday, they’re the first to call, and that means a whole lot. 例如:有个朋友总是忘记日期。但在你生日那天,他们会第一个给你打电话,这对我来说意义重大。

Birthdays Offer a Chance to Receive Blessings 生日是接受祝福的机会

There’s something special about birthdays: they open the door to good vibes from everyone you know. People don’t just give you gifts; they shower you with wishes for good health and happiness. 生日有一件特别的事:它能让你与身边的每一个人都产生好感。人们不仅会送你礼物,还会向你表达对身体健康和幸福的祝福。

Hearing someone say they hope your year is filled with awesomeness can really make you feel blessed. It’s a reminder of the good in the world and the kindness of the people in our lives. 听到有人说希望你新的一年充满惊喜,真的会让你感到幸福。这提醒我们这个世界还有美好的事物,还有我们生活中的善良之人。

Birthdays Make Us Feel Included 生日让我们感到融入

Birthdays can turn an ordinary day into one where you feel like you belong to something bigger. It’s not just your party—it’s a party where everyone comes to show they care. 生日可以让你把一个普通的日子变成一个让你感觉自己属于某个更大事物的日子。这不仅仅是你的派对——这是一个每个人都来表达关心的派对。

People from different parts of your life get together, and for a moment, you’re the special person they all have in common. Whether it’s a surprise party or a simple dinner, it’s about being surrounded by people who are there for you. 来自不同生活领域的人们聚在一起,在那一刻,你就是他们共同拥有的那个特别的人。无论是惊喜派对还是简单的晚餐,你周围都是陪伴你的人。

Example: You walk into the room, and a crowd of familiar faces shouts, “Surprise!” Suddenly, the world feels a little smaller and a lot friendlier. 例如:你走进房间,一群熟悉的面孔大喊:“惊喜!”突然间,你感觉世界变小了一点,也变得更加友好了。

Birthdays Are a Cultural Tradition  生日是一种文化传统

All over the world, in every place you can imagine, birthdays are a big deal. It’s a universal custom, but everyone does it in their own unique way. 在世界各地,无论你想象到什么地方,过生日都是一件大事。这是一个普遍的习俗,但每个人都有自己独特的庆祝方式。

These traditions tie us to our history, our roots, and the generations before us. As we carry on these birthday celebration customs, it’s like we’re part of a story that’s much bigger than just us. 这些传统将我们与历史、根源和前辈联系在一起。当我们继承这些生日庆祝习俗时,我们就像是故事的一部分,而这个故事远不止我们自己。

Example: At a friend’s birthday, you experience a traditional dance performed in their culture. It’s a beautiful insight into their world, making the celebration even more special. 示例:在朋友生日时,你观看了一场他们文化中的传统舞蹈。这是对他们世界的一次美妙洞察,让庆祝活动更加特别。

Birthdays Can Be a Time for Tradition 生日可以成为传统节日

When it comes to birthdays, some things just never change—and that’s the beauty of tradition. Every family has those special little things they do every year that make the day feel familiar and cozy.   说到生日,有些事情永远不会改变——这就是传统的魅力。每个家庭每年都会做一些特别的小事,让这一天感觉熟悉而温馨

These traditions are like the secret ingredients to making a birthday feel like home. They link us to our past, and we look forward to them every year. 这些传统就像是让生日有家的感觉的秘密配料。它们将我们与过去联系起来,我们每年都期待着它们。

Example: You’re wearing the same silly hat your grandpa did on his birthdays. It’s goofy, yeah, but it’s also a sweet nod to the past. 例子:你戴的帽子和你爷爷过生日时戴的一样傻傻的。是的,这很傻,但这也是对过去的一种甜蜜致敬。

They Spark Creativity in Celebration 他们在庆祝活动中激发创造力

When it comes to celebrating birthdays, the sky’s the limit. This is the time to throw the rule book out the window and come up with fun and wonderful ways to celebrate. 说到庆祝生日,天空才是极限。这是抛开规则的时候了,想出有趣而美妙的方式来庆祝。

You might choose a theme and run with it, or devise games that have everyone laughing till their sides hurt. The weirder and wackier, the better—because it’s your day to splash colour all over! 你可以选择一个主题并坚持下去,或者设计一些让每个人都笑到肚子疼的游戏。越怪异、越古怪越好——因为这是你尽情挥洒色彩的日子!

This could mean: 这可能意味着:

●Planning a themed party based on the birthday person’s favorite hobby or movie. 根据生日者的爱好或电影来策划主题派对。

●Inventing a new cocktail or mocktail just for your birthday bash. 为您的生日聚会发明一种新的鸡尾酒或无酒精鸡尾酒。

●Transforming a regular birthday party into an adventure or a journey. 将普通的生日聚会变成一次冒险或旅程。Try an outdoor picnic birthday party . 尝试举办户外野餐生日派对。

Birthdays Are an Opportunity for Generosity 生日是慷慨解囊的机会

Birthdays are the chance to make someone feel loved and appreciated, to go the extra mile in making their day special. 生日是让某人感受到爱与被欣赏的机会,可以竭尽全力让他们的一天变得特别。

It feels good to make your birthday about more than just presents—it’s about sharing the love and making the world a bit brighter. 让你的生日不只是收到礼物,这感觉真好——它还包含分享爱和让世界变得更加美好。

Example: Instead of opening presents, you spend your day at the animal shelter, giving out belly rubs and treats. 例如:你没有打开礼物,而是花一整天时间在动物收容所,给它们揉肚子、喂它们零食。

Birthdays Serve as a Personal Holiday 生日是个人假期

Alright, who’s ready for a day off? Your birthday’s the ultimate personal holiday—a break from the norm that’s just for you. Think of it as an annual day where the regular rules don’t apply, and you get to call the shots. 好吧,谁准备好休息一天了?你的生日是终极的个人假期——一个属于你的打破常规的假期。把它想象成一年一度的一天,在这一天,常规规则不适用,你可以做主。

 Infant does not work, right on, be happy, baby. 婴儿不工作,对的,开心点,宝贝。

It’s your “me” day to be the boss, spoil yourself, and forget the calendar. Plus, it’s a one-of-a-kind holiday that you don’t have to share unless you want to. 这是属于你的 “我” 的一天,你可以做主,放纵自己,忘掉日历。此外,这是一个独一无二的节日,除非你愿意,否则你不必与他人分享。

Example: You turn off the alarm, sleep in, and spend the day doing what you love—no interruptions or meetings. It’s your little slice of paradise, and it’s got your name all over it. HERE is "another day in paradise."  例如:你关掉闹钟,睡个懒觉,然后花一整天时间做你喜欢做的事——没有干扰或会议。这是你的一片小天堂,上面写满了你的名字。这里是“天堂的另一天”。

They Offer a Reason to Party 他们提供了聚会的理由

Who doesn’t need a good excuse to throw a party now and then? Birthdays are like a green light for fun, laughter, and a little bit of chaos. You get to fill a room with your favorite people, crank up the music, and dance like nobody’s watching. 谁不需要一个好借口偶尔举办一次派对呢?生日就像是欢乐、欢笑和一点点混乱的绿灯。你可以把你最喜欢的人聚集在一个房间里,大声播放音乐,尽情跳舞,就像没有人在看一样。

It’s that time of year when “too much cake” isn’t a thing, and you can have balloons and streamers just because you are happy. And hey, celebrating another year of being awesome? That’s a no-brainer reason to party! 每年到了这个时候,“蛋糕太多”就不是什么大事了,你可以因为开心而放气球和彩带。嘿,庆祝又一年的精彩?这是开派对的不二理由!

Birthdays Bring Happiness 生日带来幸福

There’s something about birthdays that just naturally makes people happy. From the anticipation of the day to the joy of spending time with loved ones, it’s a happy buzz that’s hard to beat. 生日总是让人自然而然地感到快乐。从对生日的期待到与亲人共度时光的喜悦,这种快乐无可比拟。

This happiness comes not only from the celebration itself but also from the love and attention we receive. Even simple wishes and gestures from others can make us smile and feel cherished. 这种幸福不仅来自庆祝活动本身,也来自我们收到的爱和关注。即使是别人简单的祝福和举动也能让我们微笑并感到被珍惜。

This could mean: 这可能意味着:

●Waking up feeling like this day is going to be great. 醒来后感觉这一天将会很棒。

●Getting birthday messages that make you grin ear-to-ear. 收到让你开心大笑的生日信息。

●Being in a good mood just because it’s your special day. 因为这是你的特殊日子,所以心情很好。

Birthdays Create Lasting Memories 生日创造永恒的回忆

From the happy snaps to the “Remember when” stories, one of the best things about birthdays is the memories they leave us with. You might not recall what you had for dinner last Tuesday, but a birthday? That sticks! 从快乐的快照到“记得当时”的故事,生日最美好的事情之一就是它给我们留下了回忆。你可能不记得上周二晚餐吃了什么,但生日呢?这很难忘!

Long after the day has passed, the moments of joy, laughter, and even the unexpected surprises stay with us. These memories become cherished parts of our life story, often recounted and relived with friends and family. 一天过去很久之后,那些欢乐、欢笑甚至意外惊喜的时刻仍留在我们心中。这些记忆成为我们人生故事中珍贵的一部分,我们经常与亲朋好友一起讲述和重温。

Example: Years later, you still laugh about the time your birthday cake ended up more inside the stomachs than in mouths. It’s a fond memory that always brings smiles. 例如:多年以后,你仍会笑着回忆起你的生日蛋糕进肚子里比进嘴里更多的时候。这是一个美好的回忆,总是能让人微笑。It is not what enters the mouth of a person that [spiritually] corrupts him, but what proceeds out of his mouth that [spiritually] corrupts him. 不是进入人嘴里的东西使人败坏,而是从人嘴里出来的东西使人败坏。

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.你越赞美和庆祝你的生活,生活中值得庆祝的事情就越多。

How can I make a birthday meaningful without spending a lot of money? 如何不花太多钱,让生日过得有意义?

A birthday can be meaningful by spending quality time with loved ones, writing heartfelt notes, or creating homemade gifts or experiences that foster connection and appreciation. 通过与亲人共度美好时光、写下真挚的话语、制作自制的礼物或体验以增进联系和感激,生日可以变得有意义。

Do birthdays have the same significance at every age? 生日在每个年龄段都具有同样的意义吗?

While the significance of birthdays may evolve with age, they generally continue to hold meaning as a celebration of life and an opportunity to gather with loved ones. 尽管生日的意义会随着年龄的增长而发生变化,但总体而言,生日仍然是庆祝生命的节日,也是与亲人团聚的机会。

How can I celebrate my birthday alone?我一个人怎么过生日呢?

Celebrating a birthday alone can be a rewarding experience. Treat yourself to your favorite activities, indulge in good food, take time to relax, and perhaps set new personal goals. 独自庆祝生日也可以是一次有益的经历。尽情享受自己喜欢的活动、享受美食、放松身心,或许还可以设定新的个人目标。

Final Thoughts 最后的想法

As someone who loves birthdays, I’ve seen how much these yearly celebrations can change our lives. They let us take a break from our busy schedules, think about our wins and losses, and show our loved ones and good friends how much we care. 作为一个热爱生日的人,我亲眼目睹了这些年度庆祝活动对我们生活的改变。它们让我们从繁忙的日程中抽身,思考我们的得失,并向我们所爱的人和好朋友表达我们的关心。

On your next birthday, take the time to enjoy it to the fullest. Surround yourself with the people who matter most to you, indulge in your favorite activities, and don’t be afraid to treat yourself. That’s what it’s all about, right? 下次过生日时,好好享受吧。和你最重要的人在一起,尽情享受你最喜欢的活动,不要害怕善待自己。这才是最重要的,对吧?

Dear ❤️, I wish you another wonderful birthday 🎂.  

I’ve always loved birthdays. When I was a child, I couldn’t wait for my special day each year — opening presents, blowing out birthday candles 🎂, and being with family and/or with friends. It was all so exciting! Well, it’s basically a big cheer for you to be here another year. It’s a sign that you’ve lived through 365 days of laughs, tough times, and everything in between.

When people wish “ Happy Birthday, 生日快乐 ,” to you, they’re really saying they’re glad you exist. It doesn’t matter who you are now or where you’re from or why you're there now; everyone gets a day to feel important. It’s time to enjoy yourself and the life you’re living. Birthdays bring back memories. Someone somewhere somehow remembers you . For that one day, you were born, you’re the star, and everyone’s celebrating that you’re a part of their lives. We all learn and grow; birthdays are a good time to celebrate that. You think about the past year, all you’ve learned, the ways you’ve changed, and it feels great...  

We sing and dedicate this beautiful song to you, dear ❤️


Offer a Moment of Reflection


A birthday is also a quiet time to think about your life story so far. It’s like hitting the pause button in the middle of all the busyness to just breathe and ponder a bit.

You might see how much you’ve progressed , remember the good stuffs, and maybe think about things you want to do differently. Your birthday is like your personal New Year’s Day, full of reflection and fresh starts.



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