Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cocoa seeds, pomegranates rind, broccoli,

  This new discovery led a team of researchers from the University of Washington...这一新发现促使华盛顿大学的一组研究人员......Zhè yī xīn fāxiàn cùshǐ huáshèngdùn dàxué de yī zǔ yánjiū rényuán......

will detail the 5 foods killing your testosterone. 将详细介绍 5 会损害睾酮的食物Jiāng xiángxì jièshào 5 zhǒng huì sǔnhài gāotóng de shíwù.

Putting you at risk for drop dead testosterone levels and humiliating performance issues. 使您面临睾丸激素水平和令人羞辱的性能问题的风险。Shǐ nín miànlín gāowán jīsù shuǐpíng xiàjiàng hé lìng rén xiūrù dì xìngnéng wèntí de fēngxiǎn. 降低睾酮水平 Jiàngdī gāotóng shuǐpíng

Understand this 了解这个  Liǎo-jiě zhè-ge 

 To safeguard your masculinity from the damaging effects of these corrupted foods...  为了保护您的男子气概免受这些腐败食品的破坏影响......Wèi-le bǎo-hù nín de nán-zǐ qì-gài miǎn shòu zhè-xiē fǔ-bài shí-pǐn de pò-huài yǐng-xiǎng......

My mission is to give all men and male the knowledge and resources they need to thrive physically and mentally. 我的使命是向所有人和男性提供他们身体和精神成长所需的知识和资源Wǒ de shǐmìng shì xiàng suǒyǒu rén hé nánxìng tígōng tāmen shēntǐ hé jīngshén chéngzhǎng suǒ xū de zhīshì hé zīyuán. 知识和资源

knowledge and resources 

Enough is enough. And that's why I'm speaking out. 够了就是够了。这就是我要说出来的原因。Gòule jiùshì gòule. Zhè jiùshì wǒ yào shuō chū-lái de yuányīn.

Here and now. 此时此地。Cǐ shí cǐ-dì.

大声说出来 dàshēng shuō chūlái

Plummeting T-levels is quickly becoming the fastest health & security threat to our country. 气温骤正迅速成为我国面临的最大的健康安全威胁Qìwēn zhòu jiàng zhèng xùnsù chéngwéi wǒguó miànlín de zuìdà de jiàn-kāng hé ān-quán wēi-xié.


Zhí-xiàn xià-jiàng 直线下降; Plummeting

 jiànkāng 健康; health

ānquán wēixié 安全威胁 security threat

Testosterone levels of men in their 20s and 30s are suddenly dropping at alarming rates. 20 多岁和 30 多岁男性的睾丸激素水平正在突然以惊人的速度下降20 Duō suì hé 30 duō suì nán-xìng de gāo-wán jī-sù shuǐ-píng zheng zài tú-rán yǐ jīng-rén de sù-dù xià-jiàng

突然下降 Tú-rán xià-jiàng

But I'm here to tell you there is hope. 但我在这里告诉你,还有希望。 Dàn wǒ zài zhèlǐ gàosù nǐ, hái yǒu xīwàng.

Listen - no matter how old you are, no matter what you may have heard... 听着——无论你有多大年纪,无论你听过什么…… Tīng-zhe——wú-lùn nǐ yǒu duō-dà nián-jì, wú-lùn nǐ tīng-guò shèn me……

There's now a way to virtually rewind your testosterone to levels you haven't had in years... 现在有一种方法可以将你的睾丸激素水平恢复到多年来从未有过的水平…… Xiànzài yǒuyī zhǒng fāngfǎ kěyǐ jiāng nǐ de gāo-wán jī-sù shuǐ-píng huīfù dào duōnián lái cóng wèi yǒuguò de shuǐpíng……

倒回你的睾丸激素 Dào huí nǐ de gāowán jīsù

So if you want to keep gaining muscle and getting stronger when other men become weak and frail.... 因此,如果您想在其他人变得虚弱无力时继续增加肌肉变得更强壮...... Yīn-cǐ, rú-guǒ nín xiǎng zài qí-tā rén biàn dé xū-ruò wú-lì shí jì-xù zēng-jiā jī-ròu bìng biàn dé gèng qiáng-zhuàng......


Zēngjiā jīròu; biàn dé gèng qiángzhuàng; xūruò; cuìruò......

If you want to torch stubborn fat, boost your metabolism, and ward off unwanted pounds of body weight... 如果您想消除顽固脂肪、促进新陈代谢并避免体重增加...... Rúguǒ nín xiǎng xiāo-chú wángù zhīfáng, cù-jìn xīn-chén-dài-xiè bìng bì-miǎn tǐzhòng zēngjiā......火炬 Huǒ-jù torch;推动 tuī-dòng;抵挡 dǐ-dǎng. 消除 Xiāo-chú、促进 cù-jìn ; 新陈 xīn chén; 避免 bì-miǎn.

If you want to enjoy limitless energy that isn't dependent on coffee or stimulants...

如果您想享受不依赖咖啡或兴奋剂的无限能……Rúguǒ nín xiǎng xiǎngshòu bù yīlài kāfēi huò xīngfèn jì de wú-xiàn néng-liàng……

Sleep like a rock, stay sharp as a knife, and keep your wife or girlfriend screaming with pleasure at any age... 睡眠 如磐石、思维敏锐如刀子,让你的妻子或女友无论在什么年纪都能快乐地尖叫…… Shuìmián rú pánshí, sīwéi mǐnruì rú dāozi, ràng nǐ de qīzi huò nǚyǒu wúlùn zài shénme niánjì dōu néng kuài-lè de jiān jiào……睡眠,尖锐,快乐地尖叫

And ensure you're doing everything in your power to protect your master male hormone... 并确保您尽一切努力保护您的主要雄性激素…… Bìng què-bǎo nín jǐn yīqiè nǔlì bǎohù nín de zhǔyào xióngxìng jīsù……确保掌握男性荷尔蒙……zhǎng-wò nán-xìng hè'ěr-méng

However, I'm going to reveal the five WORST foods I consider to be testosterone killers. 然而,我将揭示我认为最能消灭睾丸激素的五种食物。Rán'ér, wǒ jiāng jiēshì wǒ rènwéi zuì néng xiāomiè gāowán jīsù de wǔ zhǒng shíwù.

五种最糟糕的食物;睾丸激素杀手。Wǔ zhǒng zuì zāogāo de shíwù; gāowán jīsù shāshǒu.

These are foods that I recommend you never eat. 我建议你永远不要吃这些食物。Wǒ jià-nyì nǐ yǒng-yuǎn bù-yào chī zhèxiē shíwù

You begin having trouble sleeping or you feel tired more often. 您开始出现睡眠问题或经常感到疲倦。 Nín kāishǐ chūxiàn shuìmián wèntí huò jīngcháng gǎndào píjuàn.

Then you start gaining a little fat easier. 然后你就开始更容易长胖了。 Rán-hòu nǐ jiù kāi-shǐ gèng róng-yì zhǎng pàng-le.

Some guys run into the occasional "bedroom love making problems" that just kill your confidence. 有些人偶尔会遇到一些“卧室问题”,这会打击你的自信心。Yǒuxiē rén ǒu'ěr huì yù dào yīxiē “wòshì wèntí”, zhè huì dǎjí nǐ de zìxìn xīn. 一些男人偶尔会遇到“卧室性爱问题”,这会打击你的自信心。Yī-xiē nán-rén ǒu'ěr huì yù dào “wò-shì xìng'ài wèn-tí”, zhè huì dǎjí nǐ de zìxìn xīn.

Quickly becomes something far more serious. 事情很快就变得更加严重Shìqíng hěn kuài jiù biàn dé gèngjiā yán-zhòng.

Eventually you feel like you're running on an empty battery all day. 最终,您会感觉自己一整天都在使用没电的电池Zuìzhōng, nín huì gǎnjué zìjǐ yī zhěng tiān dū zài shǐyòng méi diàn de diàn-chí.

You wake up tired and just don't have the same get-up and go, even after a full night's rest. 即使经过一整晚的休息,你醒来仍感到疲倦,并且没有以前那样的活力。 Jíshǐ jīngguò yī zhěng wǎn de xiūxí, nǐ xǐng lái réng gǎndào pí-juàn, bìngqiě méiyǒu yǐqián nàyàng de huólì.

Your muscles feel weak and sore. Your belly, sides, and chest get flabby and are hard to hide. 你的肌肉感到虚弱和酸痛。你的腹部侧腹胸部变得松弛,难以掩饰。Nǐ de jīròu gǎndào xūruòsuāntòng. Nǐ de fùbù, cè fùxiōng-bù biàn dé sōng-chí, nányǐ yǎnshì.

You plan a romantic evening with your spouse or girlfriend and quickly realize you're not the reliable "performer" she's used to. 您计划与您的配偶或女友共度一个浪漫的夜晚,但很快意识到您并不是她所习惯的那个可靠的“表演者 ”。 Nín jìhuà yǔ nín de pèi'ǒu huò nǚyǒu gòngdù yīgè làngmàn de yèwǎn, dàn hěn kuài yìshí dào nín bìng bùshì tā suǒ xíguàn dì nàgè kěkào de “biǎoyǎn zhě”

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