Tuesday, July 16, 2024

doctors' fairy tales

 医生的童话 Yīshēng de tónghuà

Hypertension 高血压 Gāo xiěyā

Hypertension is a doctors' fairy tales for which you pay with money and health

高血压是医生的童话,你要为此付出金钱和健康的代价 Gāo xiěyā shì yīshēng de tónghuà, nǐ yào wèi cǐ fùchū jīnqián hé jiànkāng de dàijià

Learn how to actually get rid of high blood pressure. 了解如何真正摆脱高血压。Liǎojiě rúhé zhēnzhèng bǎituō gāo xiěyā.

Stroke and heart attack are the diagnoses that cause one in six serious illnesses in the world. The main reason for the development of these life-threatening conditions is CLOGGED ARTERIES! 中风和心脏病是导致全球六分之一严重疾病的疾病。这些危及生命的疾病发展的主要原因是动脉堵塞!Zhòngfēng hé xīnzàng bìng shì dǎozhì quánqiú liù fēn zhī yī yánzhòng jíbìng de jíbìng. Zhèxiē wéijí shēngmìng de jíbìng fāzhǎn de zhǔyào yuányīn shì dòngmài dǔsè! 

It is because of them that you may often have a headache, vision loss, sleep problems and knee pain. And yes, all these symptoms occur precisely because of the cholesterol in the blood vessels. 正是由于它们,你才会经常头痛、视力下降、睡眠问题和膝盖疼痛。是的,所有这些症状的发生正是因为血管中的胆固醇。Zhèng shì yóuyú tāmen, nǐ cái huì jīngcháng tóutòng, shìlì xiàjiàng, shuìmián wèntí hé xīgài téngtòng. Shì de, suǒyǒu zhèxiē zhèngzhuàng de fǎ shēng zhèng shì yīnwèi xiěguǎn zhōng de dǎngùchún.

Do you think age is to blame? 

Is there nothing you can do? 





Nǐ rènwéi shì niánlíng zàochéng de ma? Nándào nǐ wúnéngwéilì ma? 


Read here and find out: 阅读此处,了解详情 

●What other diseases occur due to insufficient blood flow to organs? 由于器官供血不足,还会出现哪些疾病?

●What are the signs that your blood vessels are weak and “tired”?

●Is it hard to clean your blood vessels at home?

●Why hypertension may be dangerous and what are the consequences for the body if you don't control it in time?

●How to save yourself from imminent death with hypertension, if doctors and pharmacy products do not help?

●What are the modern scientific research to lower and reduce hypertension and why it is impossible to buy them in pharmacies?


Yuèdú cǐ chù, liǎojiě xiángqíng:


Yóuyú qìguān gōngxiě bùzú, hái huì chūxiàn nǎxiē jíbìng?

●您的血管虚弱和“疲劳”的迹象有哪些?Nín de xiěguǎn xūruò hé “píláo” de jīxiàng yǒu nǎxiē?

●在家清洁血管很难吗?Zàijiā qīngjié xiěguǎn hěn nán ma?

●高血压为何可能很危险,如果不及时控制,会对身体造成什么后果?Gāo xiěyā wèihé kěnéng hěn wéixiǎn, rúguǒ bù jíshí kòngzhì, huì duì shēntǐ zàochéng shénme hòuguǒ?

●如果医生和药房产品都无济于事,如何拯救高血压患者免于死亡?Rúguǒ yīshēng hé yàofáng chǎnpǐn dōu wújìyúshì, rúhé zhěngjiù gāo xiěyā huànzhě miǎn yú sǐwáng?

●降低和减轻高血压的现代科学研究有哪些,为什么在药房买不到?Jiàngdī hé jiǎnqīng gāo xiěyā de xiàndài kēxué yánjiū yǒu nǎxiē, wèishéme zài yàofáng mǎi bù dào?

The main thing is to remember that our health is 90% dependent on our blood vessels integrity. 最重要的是要记住,我们的健康 90% 取决于血管的完整性。Zuì zhòngyào de shì yào jì zhù, wǒmen de jiànkāng 90% qǔjué yú xiěguǎn de wánzhěng xìng.

— Dr. wealth, you tell your patients and all of us that blood vessels make up 90% of a person's health. Why is that? 

— 财富博士,您告诉您的病人和我们所有人,血管占人体健康的 90%。这是为什么呢?— Cáifù bóshì, nín gàosù nín de bìngrén hé wǒmen suǒyǒu rén, xiěguǎn zhàn réntǐ jiànkāng de 90%. Zhè shì wèishéme ne?

— It is believed that the largest human organ is the skin. But this is not quite true. In fact, the vascular system is the largest organ in our body. And it is obvious that disorders in it inevitably lead to problems in the whole organism.

Just think about it: to travel a distance that is the entire length of a person's vessels in a car at an average speed, you will need several years.

There are about 150 billion capillaries in your body. If you create a capillary model from matchsticks, it will weigh as much as 8 Boeings airplanes ! And if you calculate the length of the vessels, you get about 100,000 km.

— 人们认为人体最大的器官是皮肤。但这并不完全正确。事实上,血管系统是我们体内最大的器官。很明显,血管系统出现问题必然会导致整个机体出现问题。— Rénmen rènwéi réntǐ zuìdà de qìguān shì pífū. Dàn zhè bìng bù wánquán zhèngquè. Shìshí shàng, xiěguǎn xìtǒng shì wǒmen tǐnèi zuìdà de qìguān. Hěn míngxiǎn, xiěguǎn xìtǒng chūxiàn wèntí bìrán huì dǎozhì zhěnggè jītǐ chūxiàn wèntí.


Xiǎng xiǎng kàn: Yào yǐ píngjūn sùdù jiàshǐ qìchē xíngshǐ yīgè rén xiěguǎn quán zhǎng de jùlí, xūyào jǐ nián shíjiān.

您的体内有大约 1500 亿条毛细血管。如果用火柴制作一个毛细血管模型,其重量相当于 8 架波音飞机!如果计算血管的长度,则约为 100,000 公里。Nín de tǐnèi yǒu dàyuē 1500 yì tiáo máoxì xiěguǎn. Rúguǒ yòng huǒchái zhìzuò yīgè máoxì xiěguǎn móxíng, qí zhòngliàng xiāngdāng yú 8 jià bōyīn fēijī! Rúguǒ jìsuàn xiěguǎn de chángdù, zé yuē wèi 100,000 gōnglǐ

Here's an example to compare. On average, a car drives 100,000 km in 4-5 years. If you lay a “thread” of vessels and drive from the first end at the beginning of the year, then you will see its second end only in 2028. Impressive scale, right?

Such a huge system cannot be simple. Therefore, any failures in its work, even minor ones, unfortunately, inevitably lead to the development of a variety of pathological conditions.

举个例子来比较一下。一辆汽车平均 4-5 年行驶 10 万公里。如果你在年初铺设一条血管“线”,从第一端开始行驶,那么你到 2028 年才会看到它的第二个端点。规模令人印象深刻,对吧?Jǔ gè lìzi lái bǐjiào yīxià. Yī liàng qìchē píngjūn 4-5 nián xíngshǐ 10 wàn gōnglǐ. Rúguǒ nǐ zài niánchū pūshè yītiáo xiěguǎn “xiàn”, cóng dì yī duān kāishǐ xíngshǐ, nàme nǐ dào 2028 nián cái huì kàn dào tā de dì èr gè duāndiǎn. Guīmó lìng rén yìnxiàng shēnkè, duì ba?

如此庞大的系统不可能简单。因此,不幸的是,其工作中的任何故障,即使是轻微的故障,也不可避免地会导致各种病理状况的发展。Rúcǐ pángdà de xìtǒng bùkěnéng jiǎndān. Yīncǐ, bùxìng de shì, qí gōngzuò zhōng de rènhé gùzhàng, jíshǐ shì qīngwéi de gùzhàng, yě bù kě bìmiǎn de huì dǎozhì gè zhǒng bìnglǐ zhuàngkuàng de fǎ zhǎn. 

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