Saturday, July 6, 2024

Power with Responsibility

What is the responsibility of those people with power? 

Do they merely have an obligation to refrain from the misuse of that power? 

Or do they have a duty to protect those people without power? 

The defendant used their limitless resources, political and monetary, for financial gain at the expense of public safety, causing the death of innocent people

They did this because they believed they would not be held accountable, that their power shielded them from very real consequences. 

But today, you, citizens as the jury, can prove that's not the case. 

Show them that they will be held accountable, because those people with the most power in our society today, have the most to answer for. 

We all can use the weight of civic duty to bring justice for all , with or without power. 









French: Quelle est la responsabilité de ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir ? 

 Ont-ils simplement l’obligation de s’abstenir de tout abus de ce pouvoir ? 

 Ou ont-ils le devoir de protéger ces personnes sans pouvoir ? 

 Les accusés ont utilisé leurs ressources illimitées, politiques et monétaires, pour réaliser des gains financiers au détriment de la sécurité publique, causant la mort d'innocents. 

 Ils l'ont fait parce qu'ils pensaient qu'ils ne seraient pas tenus pour responsables et que leur pouvoir les protégeait de conséquences bien réelles. 

 Mais aujourd’hui, vous, citoyens et jury, pouvez prouver que ce n’est pas le cas. 

 Montrez-leur qu’ils seront tenus responsables, car ce sont les personnes qui ont le plus de pouvoir dans notre société aujourd’hui qui ont le plus à répondre. 

 Nous pouvons tous utiliser le poids du devoir civique pour rendre justice à tous, avec ou sans pouvoir. 

Seize the Power

Performance by Yonaka ( here

Woke up this morning, I feel so fucking important

I looked in the mirror, I'm different, I finally made a decision

All the rejected that lost a lack of respect in

Themselves 'cause people get hectic

They hurt you and make you feel helpless

They're not brave like you, they're too scared to do

Anything that's different, anything that's new

I don't need lessons, I do what I want, it's refreshing

As soon as you taste independence, you start living life in the present

Hey there, how you been?

I'm that voice in your head, and I know you been aching

When you find me, let me in

I got power in my hands, and it's yours for the taking

Give me a rule and I'll break it, your conscience needs a shaking

I've been here before, I know the mistakes you'll be making

Forget the past, it's over, forget being the joker

Let 'em know that you're home and you're in control

Gather 'round, here's how to get what you want

Introduce a new religion of feeling like a boss

You don't need lessons, you do what you want, it's refreshing

As soon as you taste independence, you start living life in the present

Hey there, how you been?

I'm that voice in your head, and I know you been aching

When you find me, let me in

I got power in my hands, and it's yours for the taking

Hey there, how you been?

I'm that voice in your head, and I know you been aching

When you find me, let me in

I got power

This power is yours for the taking

This power is yours for the taking

I'm a believer, I'm a believer, I'm, I'm, I'm a believer

This power is yours for the taking

I'm a believer, I'm a believer, I'm, I'm, I'm a believer

This power is yours for the taking

This power is yours for the taking

This power is yours, take it

( in she-hulk season 1 episode 3 )

Watch SHE-HULK (here) 

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