We have flown one of the world’s 

most advanced jet trainers: the 

M-346 of the Italian Air Force

Chosen by Italy, Israel, Poland 

and Singapore to prepare their 

pilots to the 4th and 5th Gen. 

fighter jets, the Alenia 

Aermacchi M-346 “Master” is

 considered one the world’s 

most advanced jet trainers.

The never-ending evolution of 

the front-line warplanes that 

operate in a hi-tech battlefield 

with new generation avionics, 

PGMs (Precision Guided 

Munitions),  EW (Electronic 

Warfare) suites and several 

hi-tech sensors, has called 

for the redesign of the 

training syllabus: rather than 

learning to fly fast jets, at a 

certain point of their training 

process, student pilots are 

required to become proficient 

at employing modern weapons

 systems in complex missions, 

in high-threat/high 

performance environments.

M-346 8

The Alenia Aermacchi M-346 

“Master” is a dual-engine LIFT 

(Lead-In to Fighter Trainer) jet 

selected by Italy, Poland, Israel 

and Singapore for advanced 

pre-operative training, the 

latest stage of a fighter pilot 

training, which aims to develop 

the information management 

and aircraft handling skills of 

future pilots before they are 

assigned to the OCUs 

(Operational Conversion Units).

The “Master” couples cutting 

edge equipment with 

impressive performance for a 

plane of its type: the jet 

features a high thrust-to-weight 

ratio, supersonic speed at high 

altitude, and a maneuverability 

similar to those of the leading 

combat aircraft. It is equipped 

with a HUD (Head Up Display), 

HOTAS (Hands On Throttle 

And Stick), VCI (Vocal Control 

Inputs), and a Helmet Mounted

 Display system built around a

 lightweight HGU-55P helmet, 

with a night module that can 

to be fitted to the standard 

NVG eyepiece kit that works 

by overlaying the HMD 

symbology to that of the NVG 

imagery. In other words, it is 

equipped with all the 

“accessories” pilots can find 

in the Eurofighter Typhoon, the 

F/A-18 Hornet, the Dassault 

Rafale or the F-35 Lightning II 

Joint Strike Fighter.

M-346 6

Furthermore, the M-346 can 

replicate the capabilities of the 

frontline aircraft in challenging 

tactical scenarios: the pilots can 

learn to use the radar, drop LGBs 

(Laser Guided Bombs) on 

moving ground targets 

designated through an 

Advanced Targeting Pod, and 

shoot radar-guided enemy 

planes in dissimilar air combat, 

even if the plane is not equipped 

with any of these systems: while 

interacting with the other aircraft 

or ground stations via datalink, 

the on-board computer generates 

the required HUD and radar 

symbology, offers a different 

weapons load out, in accordance 

with the training needs of the 

mission. The real-time mission 

monitor can even inject new 

allied and enemy planes into the

 system via Link 16, so that the 

threats will show up in the radar 

and on the HUD. This means, a 

flight of two M-346 in the air can 

perform a simulated intercept 

on a “virtual” enemy plane or 

attack a convoy on the ground 

generated by an IP (Instructor 

Pilot) on the ground.

M-346 1

Needless to say, along with the 

training mission, such a plane 

can be used for operational roles, 

thanks to Electronic Warfare 

System Radar Warning Receiver 

(RWR) and a Chaff & Flare (C&F) 

dispensing sub-system and to 

seven hardpoints that enable the

 aircraft to carry a wide variety 

of air-to-air and air-to-ground 

weapons, including the AIM-

9L and IRIS-T air-to-air missiles, 

a 12,7 mm Gun Pod, and BRD 

(Bomb Rocket Dispensers).

The aircraft is so advanced that 

it is considered one of the best 

candidates for the T-X program, 

to replace the U.S. Air Force 

Northrop T-38 Talon, even 

though the future of the T-100, 

the T-38 replacement offering 

based on the M-346, is unclear 

after General Dynamics has 

withdrawn itself as the prime 

contractor for the bid.

M-346 2

Recently we had the unique 

opportunity to take part in a 

training mission from the back 

seat of an Italian Air Force M-346 

“Master”. And we did it from 

Lecce Galatina airbase, in south

eastern Italy, home of the 61° 

Stormo (Wing), where Italian and 

international aircrews are trained, 

by far considered one the best 

candidates to become the 

European Air Training Center, a

 multinational flight school 

responsible for the training of 

allied pilots in accordance with 

NATO’s “pooling & sharing” 

concept: share the best assets 

in order to save money.

M-346 7

“With the M-346, the training 

syllabus can be split into 

ground and air segment: half 

of the flight hours are flown in 

extremely realistic simulators 

and the remaining half is flown 

on the actual plane. 

Furthermore, the induction of 

a new trainer with an in-flight 

sensor and scenario 

simulation can “download” 

forefront combat planes’ 

workload to less expensive 

but highly advanced trainers 

with a significant cost 


M-346 break

On Apr. 16 this Author had the

 opportunity to be the first 

journalist to fly in the ItAFT-346A 

and here’s a brief report of the 


“Dragon formation”

It’s Apr. 15 and I’m on the 

backseat of one of the four 

T-346A already assigned to 

the Italian Air Force.

In the front seat, currently 

talking on the radio, there’s 

Maj. Alessandro Olivares, 

commander of the 212° 

Gruppo, an IP with 2,500 flight 

hours and a wide experience in 

real operations flying the 

Tornado fighter bomber. In 

front of us, there are two 

T-346As waiting for the 

clearance to line up on the 

runway: the plan is to take off 

in sequence, rejoin and 

proceed to a working airspace 

located off the coast to the 

southwest of Lecce. Once in 

the area, we will split from the 

other two 346s and work a bit 

on the air-to-air mode to shoot 

some (virtual missiles) against 


The cockpit is quite large, with a 

HUD in front of me showing the 

relevant flight parameters, radio 

channel, distance from the 

selected bullseye, attitude 

indicator and any other 

information required to fly the 

plane while looking outside. 

The front panel includes digital 

instruments and three MFD 

(Multi Function Displays) that 

can be arranged at will, to 

show the nav menu, the 

system status, the engine 

status, the moving map, etc. 

The visibility is excellent from 

the backseat.

“Dragon, line up and wait, 

runway 32”.

Ok, it’s our turn.

We enter the runway and prepare 

for take off. We complete the run

-up bringing the engine power to 

the 80 percent. The two T-346As 

start the take off run with a 

separation of 10 seconds. Once 

the stopwatch reaches 20 

seconds, Olivares brings the 

throttles to the maximum power 

and we start rolling as well.

The acceleration is simply 

impressive; comparable to 

those of fast jets equipped 

with afterburner. In 11 seconds 

we reach 120 knots and rotate. 

We are airborne.

M-346 11

We soon reach 2,500 feet, at 400 

knots and we rejoin with the rest 

of the formation to head towards 

the operative area. The position 

of the two T-346s is clearly 

shown on the map thanks to 

the datalink.

M-346 4

We transition to the working area 

briefly joined by an MB.339A and 

an MB.339CD, the other two 

types flown at Lecce, and once 

on the pre-planned breaking 

point, we split to work a bit with 

the radar.

M-346 10

Now the datalink provides the 

information that the on-board 

computer translates into a radar 

picture. We can work on both 

TWS (Track While Scan) and 

RWS (Range While Search) radar 

modes and, using the button on 

the throttle, select any of the 

tracks to lock the target.

Using the buttons on the throttle, 

we can select the scale and 

aperture of the radar.

High G turn

What is more, the datalink can be 

used to send encrypted 

messages or to provide 

information about the other 

planes’ configuration: in this case

, the two M-346s carry 2 AIM-9L 

and 4 AIM-120 AMRAAMs.

We select TWS to scan the 

airspace from ground to 42,000 

feet and we lock one of the two 

distant targets: the HUD 

symbology reacts accordingly 

showing the locked “enemy”. 

Distance to the target, closure 

speed, missile range are shown 

until the message “shoot” 

appears, stating that we are 

ready to fire our simulated 

air-to-air missile. After a couple 

of turns we terminate the 

engagement and reposition for 

another one.

Once again, we find the target on 

the radar, lock it, wait until at the 

right distance for using the AAM 

and this time, we shoot a missile. 

“M346 hit” message appears 

shortly thereafter on the MFD 

providing a real-time kill 


The aircraft provides the pilot with 

the same “user experience” as if 

he was using an APG-80 radar. 


After some more air-to-air activity, 

we engage another working area 

for some free flight, during which 

Olivares shows me the 

maneuverability of the plane. 

The autotrim feature is quite 

useful, while the way the engines 

react to the throttle is pretty 

impressive. I’ve also the 

opportunity to taste the flight 

controls and HOTAS to perform 

some basic maneuvers. A 

breathtaking 280°/s aileron roll 

(performed by the pilot in the 

front seat) ends this part of our 


Noteworthy, we make extensive 

use of the Voice Command (VC), 

to change radio channels or to 

squawk “ident” to the Air Traffic 

Control radar. I can even give it a 

try: I activate the VC with my left 

finger on the throttle button and 

by saying “Radio 2, Channel 19” I 

instruct the plane to select a 

new radio frequency.

The VC can be used to know the 

fuel to bingo (in our case 140 

kilograms) or to change the MFD 

arrangement to show the Map 

on the central display.

Unfortunately, it’s time to return 

to the base.

We coordinate with the Approach 

the exit from the area and head

 towards the base to fly a straight 

in approach to runway 32 at 

Lecce. Once established, with the 

field in sight, below 250 knots, 

we extend the landing gear and 

at 200 kts we lower the flaps.

The final is flown at 120 kts with 

8° AOA (Angle Of Attack), 

following the guidance of the 

HUD that helps us correcting the 

wind drift.

After the touchdown at 110 kts, 

Olivares shows me the 

aerodynamic braking. The 

aircraft decelerates to 80 kts 

and gently lowers the nose.

M-346 touchdown

We have landed after a really 

interesting 70-minute flight 

during which we have had a 

taste of one of about 20-30 

air-to-air modes the aircraft 

can provide.

“Impressive” and “Awesome” are 

the adjectives that I’ve used the 

most to describe such an 

experience. Stay tuned, there is 

more to say about the T-346A 

and this flight….

David e Alessandro

The Author wishes to thank the 

Italian Air Force Press Office, 

the 61° Stormo and its 

Commander Col. Paolo Tarantino, 

and the 212° Gruppo for the 

support provided in preparing 

the article. A big thank you to 

Iolanda Frisina and Alessandro 

Borsetti who contributed to the 
