Thursday, August 22, 2024


 ... gave it to the angels who are called in the word of God as the sons of the beginning the Lucifer dark angel was called the son of beginning and all the angels one third of them began to use their imagination in a wrong way and they were cast down including Lucifer evil imagination when you are have an imagination which is owned by God it's a ...

 ... brothers and sisters, my living God, he is the owner and the possessor of imagination, visualization, and actualization. When you look at the universe, that's his creation. The Creation has come into being as a result of his imagination, his visualization, his actualization, that's why it's so perfect, that's why it is so harmonized ... 

... so synchronized and organized, and that he gave to man. Before giving to man, he gave it to the angels who are called, in the word of God , as the sons of the beginning. The Lucifer dark angel was called the son beginning, and all the angels, one-third of them began to use their imagination in a wrong way, and they were cast down, including Lucifer evil, ,...

 ... imagination, when you are or have an imagination which is owned by God, it's a kind of a Divine thing when your imagination, you are connected to the mind of God, the imagination consisting of the thought or the mind, the thought, Divine thought consisting of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Proverbs 3: 19- 20 says by... 

by his wisdom he has founded the Earth, by his understanding he has created the universe and by his knowledge all the laws have been affected so therefore it is in his thought that the wisdom knowledge and understanding is there . Brothers and sisters, your thoughts and my thoughts cannot be seen. Can anybody see my mind? No, but the ...

... Jesus Christ is not like that. what are they doing? They are thinking with the Living God, no iniquity, thinking with the Living God that's need conviction, courage, commitment, and submission. Brothers and sisters, that's the ability God gave to the angel, of course, with that kind of thinking with the Living God, they...

God is not an idol which we can see or touch physically.  The Bible say God, the logos , in Greek language,  is the thought. Thought here means in the mind of God. The thought of God consisting of three things ; wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Divine wisdom, Divine knowledge and understanding. One word for that is the intelligence. One word for that is the truth.

Brothers and sisters, and when he grew up and you see the kind of synchronization harmonization actualization of the Lord Jesus Christ with the Father the Creator the almighty Living God the omnipotent Omni presence, he said I come from the Father the almighty God, and I go back to him. He said, "Behold the Lord God of Israel is one God , " 

 ... and I go back to Him, he said, "Behold the Lord God of Israel is one God and beside Him there are no other God." He didn't say, " I'm his father. " I'm my own father " I'm", but he said, "I and my father are one because I'm in the father, father in me." Thinking with the Living God not thinking about God. But you know because he was 100% human being. He had the emotions. He cried, he laughed, he got ...

 because he was 100% human being, he had the emotions, he cried, he laughed, he got angry, he enjoyed company, he enjoyed many things except sinful activities. Bible say he was tempted of all areas of a human temptation but never succumbed to it but overcame ... on the River Jordan when the Holy Spirit incarnated him ...

him fully body, soul and the spirit. And that's where the maximum power of evil Temptation came and said when he was hungry when he almost 40 days and 40 nights thirsty and hungry when he was fasting and the Lucifer approach...

..says you are hungry, but you are the Son of God. Yes, two things devil brought him, the lust of the Flesh and also pride of life, Son of God can command the stones to be bread. Jesus said, " Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God." His connection, his involvement, his integration with the Father in me

...connection his involvement his integration father in me,  "I'm in the father" and that's why Jesus said often "the words that I speak, they are Spirit and life" Brothers and sisters, and the secondly, he was taken to a high mountain and showed him all the glory and said you know he's a human... 

 in every area like you and I being tempted but never succumb to Temptation, and that's why Paul said, "Let this mind be in you, " which Philippians Chapter 2 Verse 5, "let this mind be in you ...

⁵ In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

⁶ Who, being in very nature[a] God,

    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

⁷ rather, he made himself nothing

    by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,

    being made in human likeness.

⁸ And being found in appearance as a man,

    he humbled himself

    by becoming obedient to death—

        even death on a cross!

⁹ Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

    and gave him the name that is above every name,

¹⁰ that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

¹¹ and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

 which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God he was the express image of the invisible God, 100% man but express image of invisible thought not robber to be equal, he never really try to boast himself. I'm so and

so, like these present prophets and pastors, so they called themselves Reverend, doctor divinity Dr. SoSo, this and ... But Jesus made himself of no reputation that ... 

...the name so, brothers and sisters, when you look at the Lord Jesus Christ, the second Adam, his imagination, his visualization, his actualization going up to the Cross was perfect. No erors, no shortcomings.  When he saw actually book of Isaiah 53 was about, he knows   about it but he knew this is the journey that he has to go through because the Old Testament was ...

 ... before he went to the Cross his imagination was same, imagination of his being crucified, visualization of his crucifixion and then finally an actualization, that's where in the garden   itself that his sweat turned to blood, he sweating blood, and that's the point as a human being was, not God being crucified, there was not God being put to death and ...

 there was not God being put to death. And he began to really actualize it before it happens and that's where he began to sweat blood. And then he told father, is it possible to take this cup away, that's his request but not "my will but yours." He never said, father dilute this little bit, dilute it father, why don't you give...

never fell, when the nails were piercing his hand, when the nails were piercing his feet, he never pleaded and say please take me down when he hung for 6 hours, he never pleaded. He said, "my God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me", and "father forgive them, they do not know what they're doing", then finally he said "it is finished". Done. He done it... brothers and sisters, the one who really really accomplish the complete imagination, visualization, actualization as a result of that, you and I have the benefit of Salvation and Redemption, as I explained to you, many people don't know what is salvation. I told you very clearly salvation is that you need to be saved from the the wrong Journey ...

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