Saturday, August 31, 2024

Human Life is too tiring !!! This is a person’s life.

 Human Life is too tiring

I've had enough

Who wrote this

It's obviously Sicong's handwriting


Poor people wash body

Rich people wash brain

A pair of diligent feet can't keep up with a wise brain

Cows plow the fields all their lives

No piece of land belongs to the cows

Working for a lifetime

No career belongs to oneself

Life is too tiring

That's why we call it human

Student Sicong

Why are you so tired at such a young age

Come and I will tell you a story

After listening

You will know why human life is too tiring

When God created the cow

He said to the cow

I can let you live to sixty (60) years old

But you have to work for humans all your life

The cow said, this is too tiring

I don't want to live that long

Half is enough

So the cow gave up thirty (30) years of life

Only wanted to live to thirty (30) years old

The second time God created a monkey

He said to the monkey

You can live to thirty (30) years old

But you will be teased by humans all your life

The monkey said this is too cruel

I don’t want to live that long

Half is enough

So the monkey gave up half of his life

Only wanted to live to fifteen (15) years old

The third time God created a dog

He said to the dog

You can live to thirty (30) years old

But you will have to guard the house for humans all your life

The dog said this is too boring

I don’t want to live that long

Half is enough

The dog also gave up fifteen (15) years of life

Only want to live to fifteen (15) years old

The fourth time God created humans

He said to humans

Your job is to enjoy life to the fullest

I can arrange a life of twenty-five (25) years for you

Humans said to God, this is too short

Can you add a little more?

God said, okay

I will give you the thirty (30) years that the cow gave up

the fifteen (15) years that the monkey gave up

the fifteen (15) years that the dog gave up

so you can live to eighty-five (85) years old


People live their lifespan before the age of twenty-five (25)


Happy life

Twenty-five (25) to fifty-five (55) years old In these thirty (30) years, I have lived like a cow. 

I only know how to work. 

I have suffered all kinds of hardships in the world. 

To support my family, I have suffered hardships. 

I have eaten less and worked more. 

From fifty-six (56) to seventy (70) years old, I have lived like a monkey. 

I have retired and stayed at home. 

I have coaxed my grandchildren like a monkey. 

I have tried every means to perform shows to make my grandchildren happy. 

I have added entertainment atmosphere to the home. 

From seventy (70) to eighty-five (85) years old, I have lived like a dog. 

I can no longer work. 

I can only stay at home. 

I rarely go out. 

I guard the house like a dog. 

This is the life of  a person. 

A human few decades of life. 

Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty. 

Suffering is life. 

Hardship is work. 

Patience is a test of experience. 

Tolerance is wisdom.

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