Sunday, March 23, 2025

92 common cold food ingredients


92 Zhǒng chángjiàn hán xìng shícái

(92 common cold food ingredients)

寒性水果 hán xìng shuǐguǒ (Cold fruits)

1. 芒果 mángguǒ (Mango)

2. 李子 lǐzǐ (Plum)

3. 香蕉

4. 杨桃

5. 银香果

6. 柚子

7. 香瓜

8. 西瓜

















yín xiāng guǒ






bā lè guǒ


shì jiāguǒ





lián wù



huǒlóng guǒ

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Keep your legs strong as you age

 Have you ever wondered what it takes to keep your legs strong and steady even at 94 years old. As we get older, maintaining leg strength isn't just about mobility. It's about independence, confidence and living life on your terms. Yet, many older adults notice their legs getting weaker making simple tasks like climbing stairs or standing for long periods more difficult. But what if I told you there's a simple, natural way to strengthen your legs and keep them powerful, well into your golden years. Today, we are diving into six essential vitamins that  can help older adults maintain strong resilient legs. These nutrients do more than just support muscle function. They improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation and enhance overall mobility. If you've ever felt your legs getting tired too quickly or worried about losing strength as you age, you'll want to stay with me ( continue here 

你有没有想过,即使在 94 岁高龄,如何才能让双腿依然强健、稳定?随着年龄的增长,保持腿部力量不仅仅与活动能力有关,还与独立、自信以及按照自己的方式生活有关。然而,许多老年人发现他们的腿越来越弱,使得爬楼梯或长时间站立等简单的事情都变得更加困难。但如果​​我告诉你,有一种简单、自然的方法可以强健你的双腿,并让你的双腿在你晚年依然保持强健。今天,我们将深入探讨六种必需维生素,它们可以帮助老年人保持强健的双腿。这些营养素的作用不仅仅是支持肌肉功能,它们还可以改善血液循环、减少炎症并增强整体活动能力。如果你曾经觉得自己的腿很快就累了,或者担心随着年龄的增长腿部会失去力量,你最好继续关注我(继续这里

 1. Vitamin D

2. Vitamin B12

3. Vitamin C

4. Vitamin K2

5. Magnesium  

6. Vitamin E 

Stay strong, steady, and full of life.(here)

terra-cotta warriors 兵马俑

 Lute here 










 宋诗秋 🤣🤣

Yang Zhifa

Yang Peiyan

Yang Xinman

Yang Quanyi

Yang Wenxue

Yang Yanxin

Yang Yizhou

Yang Wenhai 

Wang Puzhi

The discovery of Terracotta Warriors has changed the peasants’ life. Most of them stopped farming and became professional signers in front of the bookstalls in and around the Terracotta Army. Up to now, some of them have passed away and only three or four still persist in doing this job. If you travel to the Terracotta Army, you may still see them.


兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors

The local farmers represented by Yang Zhifa are considered widely as those who found the Terracotta Warriors.


In March of 1974, a team made up by local peasants began to drill a well at Xiyang Village in Lintong District, about 40 km (25 mi) east of Xi’an, to solve the water supply problem. The project went well first, however, with the deepening of the well, the peasants found that the soil layers became harder and harder. A few days later, when the farmer Yang Zhifa was working in the well, his hoe stuck something hard. At first, he thought it was a bronze relic or something similar. Digging a little deeper, he found it look like a pottery god figurine. Later, more pottery figurines were found. 


From then on, the nine peasants participated in digging the well are deemed as those who found the Terracotta Warriors. Among them, Yang Zhifa is best-known because he was interviewed by Bill Clinton in 1998 during Bill’s visit to the Terracotta Army ( news report  below) . To some degree, it means he has been recognized by the authority as the first person who discovered the Terracotta Warriors.


Todate, they dug up 8,000 plus figures of those Terracota Warriors.


 《宋詩鈔》 is not my name . It is


Song Poetry Collection is a collection of poems from the Song Dynasty.


Fyi ,(供你参考)

My Chinese characters name: 


宋  Sòng  


赐    simplified Chinese version 簡體中文版

賜    traditional Chinese version 繁体中文版 (繁體中文版)

( give ) 


(Wish, pray, invoke, express good wishes)


This word has come a long way .... interesting evolution 🤔



Every name has a story and history . Share your name story, lah . Especially the ancient Chinese version of naming a child is like a prophecy 预 言

每個名字都有一個故事和歷史。 分享你的名字故事,呵呵。 尤其是中國古代的給孩子取名,就像是預言。

The name 宋赐祝 (Sòng Cì Zhù) in Chinese holds significant meanings:


1. **宋 (Sòng):** This is a surname, and it often refers to the Song dynasty in Chinese history. It can represent a sense of heritage or connection to historical roots. 这是一个姓氏,在中国历史上常指宋朝。它可以代表一种传承感或与历史根源的联系。

2. **赐 (Cì):** This character means to bestow, grant, or endow. It carries a positive connotation of giving or receiving blessings and favors.


3. **祝 (Zhù):** This character means to wish or to express good wishes. It is commonly used in contexts of well-wishing, blessings, and sending good vibes.


Combining these characters, 宋赐祝 could be interpreted as a name expressing good wishes and blessings within the context of a historical or familial connection. It may signify a wish for bestowed blessings and a connection to a rich heritage, possibly associated with the Song dynasty or a family with the surname Song.


Terracotta Warriors Fun Facts 


● The terracotta army figures were manufactured in workshops by government laborers and local craftsmen using local materials. Heads, arms, legs, and torsos were created separately and then assembled by luting the pieces together. When completed, the terracotta figures were placed in the pits in precise military formation according to rank and duty.


○ Since the time of their discovery, the figures have been noted for their exceptional stylistic realism and individualism, with assessments having found that no two figures share the exact same features.


President Bill CLINTON IN CHINA: THE ANTIQUITIES; 2 Tales of Who Found Terra-Cotta Men

By Seth Faison (June 25, 1998)

Just outside the archeological dig that made this ancient city famous sit two old farmers who share at least three things: the name Yang, the stubble of a not-too-recently shaved head and the claim to have unearthed China's greatest historical find of the century.

It is such a spectacular site -- an army of terra-cotta warriors built to guard the tomb of Qin Shihuang, the Emperor who unified China in 220 B.C. -- that President Clinton is making his first stop here when he arrives in China.

Yet Mr. Clinton, traveling with an entourage of more than 1,000, may not have a chance to stop and meet either of these two plain-looking men. And that is too bad, because they tell quite a tale. Two different tales, actually.

''I found the soldiers,'' asserted Yang Quanyi, 70, the older and shorter of the two, who now works in a tourist gift shop signing coffee-table books about the soldiers. ''Don't believe what other people tell you.''

As if to prove his claim, Mr. Yang pointed at the enormous color sign hanging over the table where he sits each day, ''The Man Who Discovered the Terra-Cotta Warriors, Yang Quanyi.''

If Mr. Yang seems inept at describing how he actually made the discovery, he tries to make up for it by simply saying over and over, often in a conspiratorial whisper, that it was indeed he who made the big find.

In a nearby building, beside another collection of touristy kitsch, the other Mr. Yang also spends his days posing for photographs and signing his name. At 60, Yang Zhifa is a tall, kindly farmer. But his amiable demeanor vanishes when his competitor's name comes up.

''If he can claim he found it, so can you!'' Yang Zhifa said, frowning sternly. ''You really want to know the truth? Ask him what time of day the discovery was made. Eh? Ask him what day and what time, and see what he says.''

Encouraged to put aside the dispute for a moment and tell his story, Yang Zhifa regained his calm and explained how the terra-cotta warriors had come to be unearthed.

For centuries farmers living to the east of Xian heard lore about ghosts that lurked in the dry, forbidding soil. Only now, Mr. Yang explained, is it evident that it was broken pieces of terra cotta in the shape of human faces that scared the farmers.

In March 1974 a bad drought prompted the local commune leader to send several farmers to dig a well in Lintong, just outside Xian.

It was about noon on the third day of digging, Yang Zhifa said, when he and one other farmer were six feet deep in a cylindrical hole and his shovel hit something hard.

Digging it out, Yang Zhifa saw the better part of a torso-shaped piece of terra cotta, carved in the shape of a warrior's tunic, he said.

''At first I thought I had hit a brick,'' Mr. Yang recalled, eyes sparkling at the memory. ''But when I scraped away the dirt, it was the length of a full body.''

As it turned out, the site of the well was only inches inside the original front entrance of an underground vault, which was eventually discovered to contain 6,000 life-size figures. The exact spot is marked in today's excavated vault and will doubtless be pointed out to Mr. Clinton, as it is to every visitor.

''Another foot in the other direction and we would have missed,'' Mr. Yang mused. ''I'd still be farming.''

Other members of his work brigade were terrified by Mr. Yang's discovery and urged him to rebury it. But he was unafraid, he said, and placed it in the back of three-wheeled cart and took it to the county Cultural Relics Bureau for inspection.

No written record of the terra-cotta vault existed, so archeologists were stunned as they uncovered its full length, several hundred yards long -- and then found three smaller vaults behind it. The excavation continues and will probably take decades longer.

At the tourist stores nearby, the two old farmers may continue their competing claims for just as long.

Yang Quanyi seemed surprised when he was pressed for details of how he had made the discovery.

''Aaaaah, the date and time were not so important,'' he said dismissively. ''I was the one who found the arrows and swords beside the soldiers.''

Pressed even further, Yang Quanyi admitted that he might not have been present ''at the first moment'' of discovery. Instead, he insisted, there were six farmers who dug out the first pieces together.

Regardless of the competing claims, the two Yangs can agree on one thing: they prefer sitting in a tourist shop, signing picture books for $35 a month, to tilling the fields, no matter what may lurk beneath the soil.

比尔·克林顿总统访华:古物;谁发现了兵马俑的 2 个故事

作者:Seth Faison(1998 年 6 月 25 日)


这是一个如此壮观的遗址——一支为守卫公元前 220 年统一中国的皇帝秦始皇陵而建造的兵马俑大军——克林顿总统抵达中国后将首先在此停留。

然而,克林顿先生带着 1000 多人的随行人员,可能没有机会停下来见见这两个相貌平平的人。这太遗憾了,因为他们讲述了一个相当有趣的故事。 其实,这是两个不同的故事。

“我发现了兵马俑,”70 岁的杨全义说道,他是两人中年纪较大、个子较矮的一位,目前在一家旅游礼品店工作,为有关兵马俑的咖啡桌书籍签名。“不要相信别人告诉你的话。”



在附近的一栋建筑里,在另一堆旅游媚俗品旁边,另一位杨先生也整天摆姿势拍照并签名。60 岁的杨志发是一位身材高大、和蔼可亲的农民。 但当提到竞争对手的名字时,他那和蔼可亲的风度就消失了。




 1974 年 3 月,一场严重的旱灾促使当地公社领导派几名农民到西安郊外的临潼挖井。




事实证明,这口井的位置距离一个地下金库的原始正门只有几英寸,后来人们发现里面有 6,000 个真人大小的雕像。 今天挖掘出的墓穴上标有确切的位置,毫无疑问,克林顿先生会指出这一点,就像向每位游客指出这一点一样。








无论他们的说法如何,杨家兄弟有一点是一致的:他们宁愿坐在旅游商店里,每月花 35 美元签售图画书,也不愿耕种田地,不管土壤下面可能隐藏着什么。

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Believe unto life eternal

 Together,  I believe in Jesus Christ with  all my heart I believe he came to this world not because he had to but because of his great love he left the glory of heaven took on  human form and walked among us. I believe that Jesus conquered sin and  death he is alive today seated at the right hand of God watching over us  interceding for us and preparing a place for those who love him he is the King of

6 Essentials Keep Strong Legs 🦵 ELDERY WISDOM 💪

 Stay strong, steady, and full of life.


Now, let's get started! 


1. Number One: the Power of Vitamin D. One of the most crucial vitamins for  maintaining strong legs as you age is  vitamin D. This powerhouse nutrient plays a key role in calcium absorption, bone health, and muscle function. Without  enough vitamin D, your muscles can weaken, your bones can become fragile, and even simple movements like standing up from a chair can start to feel more challenging. 

1. 第一:维生素 D 的力量。随着年龄增长,保持双腿强健的最重要维生素之一是维生素 D。这种强大的营养素在钙的吸收、骨骼健康和肌肉功能中起着关键作用。如果缺乏维生素 D,你的肌肉就会无力,骨骼就会变得脆弱,甚至连从椅子上站起来这样的简单动作都会感觉更困难。

Many older adults assume that weak legs are just a natural part of aging. But that's not entirely true. Sometimes, it's simply a sign that your body isn't  getting enough vitamin D to keep your  muscles and bones strong. In fact,  research has shown that low vitamin D  levels are directly linked to an increased risk of falls and fractures in older adults. If you've ever felt unsteady on your feet or noticed your legs tiring out faster than they used to, this could be a sign that your body is  craving more of this essential nutrient.

许多老年人认为双腿无力只是衰老的自然现象。但这并不完全正确。有时,这只是表明你的身体没有摄入足够的维生素 D 来保持肌肉和骨骼强健。事实上,研究表明,维生素 D 水平低与老年人跌倒和骨折风险增加直接相关。如果你曾经感到脚步不稳或注意到你的腿比以前更快疲劳,这可能表明你的身体需要更多这种必需的营养素。

One way to tell if you might be low on  vitamin D is to pay attention to how your legs feel at the end of the day. Do the legs ache? Feel weak? Do you experience unexpected muscle cramps even when you're just sitting and relaxing?  These subtle signs can indicate that your body isn't getting enough of this crucial vitamin. Now, you might be wondering how do you make sure you're getting enough vitamin D. One of the best sources is sunlight. Spending just 15 to 20 minutes a day in the sun can help your body  naturally produce this vital nutrient. But as we get older, our skin becomes less efficient at making vitamin D from  sunlight. Which is why many seniors need an extra boost from their diet. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, fortified dairy products and eggs are great food sources of vitamin D. But here's where that one tablespoon a day habit comes in; cod liver oil. Just one tablespoon of cod liver oil ,daily, provides an incredible dose of vitamin D. Giving your muscles and bones exactly what they need to stay strong. It is a simple habit that can make a huge difference in keeping your legs steady,  firm and powerful for years to come. And here's something interesting. Many older adults who start increasing their vitamin D intake, report feeling more energetic, more stable on their feet and even noticing a reduction in those nagging nighttime leg cramps. It is a good proof  that a small change can lead to big wonderful results.

判断自己是否缺乏维生素 D 的一个方法是注意一天结束时双腿的感觉。腿会酸痛吗?感觉虚弱吗?即使只是坐着放松,是否也会出现意想不到的肌肉抽筋?​​这些细微的迹象可能表明您的身体没有摄入足够的这种关键维生素。现在,您可能想知道如何确保自己摄入了足够的维生素 D。最好的来源之一就是阳光。每天只需在阳光下晒 15 到 20 分钟,就能帮助您的身体自然产生这种重要营养素。但随着年龄的增长,我们的皮肤从阳光中制造维生素 D 的效率会降低。这就是为什么许多老年人需要从饮食中额外补充维生素 D。鲑鱼和鲭鱼等多脂鱼、强化乳制品和鸡蛋都是维生素 D 的极佳食物来源。但这就是每天吃一汤匙的习惯发挥作用的地方; 鱼肝油。每天只需一汤匙鱼肝油就能提供大量维生素 D,为肌肉和骨骼提供强健所需的营养。这个简单的习惯可以大大改善您的双腿在未来几年内的稳定、结实和有力状况。还有一件有趣的事情。许多开始增加维生素 D 摄入量的老年人报告说,他们感觉更有活力,脚步更稳,甚至注意到夜间腿抽筋的次数减少了。这充分证明了小小的改变可以带来巨大的奇妙效果。

2. Number two, is the muscle saving power of vitamin B12. If you've ever felt your legs getting weaker, more tired or even been tingly for no clear reason, you might be missing out on one of the most important vitamins for muscle health; Vitamin B12. This powerhouse nutrient plays a crucial role in nerve function, red blood cell production, and oxygen transport. All of which directly affect your leg strength and endurance. When your body does not get enough B12, your legs may start to feel heavy,  uncoordinated or even numb. Many older adults do not realize that B12 deficiency is incredibly common. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at absorbing this vital vitamin B12 from food. That's why even if you're eating a balanced diet you could still be falling short. And when your B12 levels are low, your muscles do not get the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay strong which can lead to fatigue, instability and even difficulty walking. Have you ever noticed that some days your legs feel fine but on other days they feel weak and shaky for no apparent reason. That is one of the telltale signs of a B12 deficiency. This vitamin plays a major role in keeping your nervous system healthy. And without it, the communication between your brain and your muscle starts to break down. That is why some people experience that frustrating 'pins and needle' poking sensation in their legs.  It is a warning sign that their nerves aren't functioning as they should. So, what's the best way to get more B12 the richest natural sources are found in animal products like beef, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy. But here is where that simple tablespoon a day habit can come in nutritional yeast. This powerhouse ingredient is packed with B12 and is easy to add to your daily routine. Sprinkle it on your food, mix it into soups or blend it into a smoothie and your legs will thank you. One of the most amazing things about getting enough B12 is how quickly it can make a difference. Many older adults who start increasing their intake, notice more energy, better balance, and even a renewed sense of strength in their legs. Some even say they feel like they've gotten a decade of mobility back just by correcting a simple deficiency. If you have ever felt your legs giving out on you or wondered why they do not have the same endurance they used to, this could be the missing piece. 

2. 第二,维生素 B12 具有保护肌肉的功效。如果你曾经感觉你的腿越来越虚弱、越来越累,甚至没有明显原因地感到刺痛,那么你可能缺少了对肌肉健康最重要的维生素之一:维生素 B12。这种强大的营养素在神经功能、红细胞生成和氧气运输中起着至关重要的作用。所有这些都会直接影响你的腿部力量和耐力。当你的身体没有摄入足够的 B12 时,你的腿可能会开始感到沉重、不协调甚至麻木。许多老年人没有意识到 B12 缺乏症极为常见。随着年龄的增长,我们的身体从食物中吸收这种重要维生素 B12 的效率会降低。这就是为什么即使你饮食均衡,你仍可能摄入不足。 当你的维生素 B12 水平较低时,你的肌肉就无法获得保持强健所需的氧气和营养,这会导致疲劳、不稳定甚至行走困难。你有没有注意到,有时候你的腿感觉很好,但在其他日子里,它们会无缘无故地感到虚弱和颤抖。这是缺乏维生素 B12 的明显迹象之一。这种维生素在保持神经系统健康方面起着重要作用。没有它,你的大脑和肌肉之间的沟通就会开始中断。这就是为什么有些人会在腿上感到令人沮丧的“针刺”感。这是一个警告信号,表明他们的神经没有正常运作。那么,获取更多维生素 B12 的最佳方法是什么呢?最丰富的天然来源是牛肉、家禽、鱼、蛋和奶制品等动物产品。但在这里,每天养成简单的一汤匙习惯就可以从营养酵母中获益。 这种强效成分富含维生素 B12,易于添加到您的日常生活中。把它撒在食物上,拌入汤或混合成冰沙,您的双腿会感谢您。摄入足够的维生素 B12 最令人惊奇的事情之一就是它能很快产生效果。许多开始增加摄入量的老年人注意到他们的精力更充沛、平衡感更好,甚至腿部力量感焕然一新。有些人甚至说,他们觉得只需纠正一个简单的缺陷,他们就恢复了十年的活动能力。如果你曾经感觉你的腿无力,或者想知道为什么它们没有以前那么有耐力,这可能就是你缺少的部分。

3.  The number three is the joint   strengthening power of vitamin C. If you have ever woken up feeling stiff, or  notice your knees aching when you walk  or struggled with slow muscle recovery  after activity, your body might be craving more vitamin C. While most people think of vitamin C as just an immune booster. It is actually one of the most important vitamins for keeping your legs strong, your joints flexible and your muscles resilient. One of vitamin C's biggest jobs in the body is producing collagen. A protein that helps keep your tendons, ligaments and cartilage strong.

As we age, collagen production naturally  decreases which can lead to weaker  joints, stiffer movements and even an  increased risk of injuries. If your legs have been feeling sore, achy or less  stable than they used to be, low vitamin  C levels might be part of the reason. But that is not all. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce  inflammation in the body. Inflammation is one of the biggest culprits behind joint pain and muscle weakness. And without  enough vitamin C, your body struggles to repair itself after any physical activity. That is why some older adults find that their legs take longer to recover after  walking or exercising. It is not just aging it's it's often a sign that their body needs more of this essential nutrient. So, how can you make sure you are  getting enough vitamin C every day.  Citrus fruits like oranges 🍊 and  grapefruits are great sources as are bell peppers , strawberries 🍓 and kiwi 🥝 . But if you want an easy way to get a  concentrated dose that's where our simple tablespoon a day habit comes in. Acerola Cherry powder. Just one tablespoon of this natural superfood contains an incredible amount of vitamin C far more than you'd get from an orange. And it is easy to mix into water or a smoothie. Many older adults who increase their vitamin C intake report feeling less stiffness in their legs, more flexibility in their knees and even a  noticeable Improvement in their endurance some have even said that they wake up feeling more refreshed with legs that don't feel as tired or sluggish. That is the power of giving your body what it needs to repair and strengthen itself naturally. If you have ever struggled with knee pain, slow muscle recovery or just want to keep your legs feeling youthful and strong, vitamin C is an absolute must.

有些人会在腿上感到沮丧的“针刺”感。这是一个警告信号,表明他们的神经没有正常运作。那么,获取更多维生素B12的最佳方法是调理等?最丰富的天然来源是牛肉、家禽、鱼、蛋和奶制品动物产品。但在这里,每天简单养成一汤匙习惯就可以从营养酵母中获得。这种强效成分富含维生素 B12,很容易添加到您的日常生活中。把它撒在食物上,拌入汤或混合成冰沙,您的双腿会感谢您。接受足够的维生素 B12 最明白的事情之一就是它能很快产生效果。许多增加开始承认量的觉察到他们的精力更充沛、平衡感更好,甚至前置力量感然一新。有些人甚至说,他们觉得只要修正一个简单的缺陷,他们就恢复了十年的能力活动。如果你曾经感觉你的腿无力,或者想知道为什么他们以前没有那么有,那么这可能就是你缺少的部分。

 3. 第三个是维生素C的关节强化能力。如果您醒来时感觉僵硬或注意到膝盖 走路时感到酸痛或活动后肌肉恢复缓慢,您的身体可能需要更多的维生素 C。虽然大多数人认为维生素 C 只是一种免疫增强剂。实际上,它是保持腿部强健、关节灵活和肌肉弹性最重要的维生素之一。维生素 C 在体内最重要的作用之一是产生胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白是一种有助于保持肌腱、韧带和软骨强健的蛋白质。

随着年龄的增长,胶原蛋白的产生自然会减少,这会导致关节变弱、动作僵硬,甚至增加受伤风险。如果您的腿感觉酸痛、疼痛或不如以前稳定,那么维生素 C 水平低可能是部分原因。但这还不是全部。维生素 C 也是一种强大的抗氧化剂,有助于减少体内炎症。 炎症是导致关节疼痛和肌肉无力的最大元凶之一。如果缺乏维生素 C,您的身体在任何体力活动后都很难自我修复。这就是为什么一些老年人发现他们的腿在散步或锻炼后需要更长时间才能恢复。这不仅仅是衰老,这往往表明他们的身体需要更多这种必需的营养素。那么,如何确保每天摄入足够的维生素 C 呢?柑橘类水果,如橙子🍊和葡萄柚是很好的,还有甜椒、草莓🍓和猕猴桃🥝。但如果您想要一种简单的方法来获得浓缩剂量,那就是我们每天简单的一汤匙习惯的作用所在。针叶樱桃粉。仅一汤匙这种天然超级食品就含有大量的维生素 C,远远超过你从橙子中摄取的量。 而且它很容易混入水或冰沙。许多增加维生素 C 摄入量的老年人报告说,他们的腿部僵硬感减少了,膝盖更加灵活,甚至耐力也有了明显提高,有些人甚至说他们醒来时感觉更加神清气爽,双腿不再感到疲倦或无力。这就是它为身体提供自然修复和强化所需的力量。如果您曾受膝盖疼痛、肌肉恢复缓慢的困扰,或者只是想让双腿保持年轻和强健,那么维生素 C 是绝对必需的。

4. Number four; the bone stabilizing power of vitamin K2. If you want strong legs that can carry you confidently for years to come, you need to take care of your bones just as much as your muscles. That is where vitamin K2  comes in. This often overlook nutrient  plays a crucial role in directing calcium to the right places in your body, your bones and teeth. While keeping it away from the wrong places like your arteries and joints. Many people assume that calcium alone is enough to build strong bones. But without vitamin K2 that  calcium may not reach where it is needed most. Instead it can accumulate in soft tissues leading to stiffness, poor  circulation and even an increased risk of fractures. That is why older adults who  do not get enough K2 may find themselves dealing with unexpected leg pain, brittle bones or even a hunch posture over time.

Have you ever noticed someone whose legs seem to have lost their strength and stability even though they're getting  enough calcium. That is often because the body is not utilizing that calcium  correctly. Without K2 the calcium can  settle into places where it does nobelong. Making the joints feel stiff and increasing the risk of falls. So, how can you ensure your body is getting enough of this essential vitamin K2. Fermented foods like natto, sauerkraut and certain cheeses contain high amounts of K2. But here is an even easier way to get at grass-fed butter or ghee. Just one tablespoon a day can give you a steady supply of vitamin K2. Helping to keep your bone strong and your legs stable. Older adults who increase their K2 intake often report feeling a new found lightness in their legs as if moving has become easier and more natural. Many who tried even say they experience fewer aches and  stiffness especially in the knees and  lower back. It is incredible how something so simple can make such a big difference. If you have ever worried about your bone health or experienced sudden leg weakness, adding more vitsmin K2 to your diet could be the missing link.

The next vitamin on this list is not just about strength it is about keeping your legs energized and full of life every single day .

5. Number five; the energy boosting power of magnesium. If your legs ever feel heavy fatigued or prone to cramping your body might be calling out for more magnesium. This essential mineral plays a critical role in muscle function, nerve health, and energy production. Without enough magnesium, your legs can feel tired even after minimal activity. And you might experience frequent muscle cramp, restless legs at night or even a feeling of weakness that comes and goes without explanation. Magnesium is often called the relaxation mineral because it helps muscles contract and release properly. When magnesium  levels are low, the muscles in your legs  can become tense and prone to spasms.

Have you ever felt a sudden 'Charlie  horse' in the middle of the night or  tightness in your calves after walking a  short distance. That could be your body  signaling a magnesium deficiency. But magnesium does more than just prevent cramps. It helps regulate blood circulation, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients reach your leg muscles efficiently.  Poor circulation can lead to a feeling of sluggishness making even simple movements like standing up or climbing stairs feel more difficult than they should. That is why older adults who do not get enough magnesium often complain about their legs feeling weak or unresponsive. So, how can you ensure you are getting enough magnesium?  Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are great sources of magnesium. But if you want a simple  concentrated boost, this is where that one tablespoon a day habit comes into play, pumpkin seeds. Just one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds provides a powerful dose of magnesium. Helping to relax muscles, improve circulation, and keep your legs feeling light and energized. Many older adults who start increasing their magnesium intake, notice an immediate difference. They experience fewer nighttime leg cramps, feel more stable on their feet and even find that their overall energy levels improve throughout the day. Some of them say they no longer wake up with stiff sore legs and instead, they feel ready to move without hesitation. If you have ever struggled with unexplained leg fatigue, cramps, or that frustrating sense of sluggishness, then magnesium could be the missing piece.

6. Number six; the circulation boosting  power of vitamin E. if you've ever felt

like your legs get tired too quickly

feel cold more often or even look

slightly swollen after sitting for a

long time pour circulation might be the

issue and one of the best vitamins for improving circulation and keeping your

legs feeling strong and energized is

vitamin E. Vitamin E acts as a natural  blood thinner helping to improve blood  flow throughout your body including your

legs. When circulation is poor your  muscles don't get enough oxygen andnutrients which can leave your legs

feeling weak achy or heavy you might

notice that after a short walk your legs

feel sore much faster than they used to 

or you may even experience tingling or

numbness. These are all signs that your blood circulation needs a boost. One of the biggest benefits of vitamin E is that it helps keep your blood vessels flexible and open, allowing oxygen rich blood to reach your leg muscles more efficiently. That is why older adults who start getting more vitamin E in their diet  often notice that their legs feel lighter, warmer and more responsive. They do not tire out as quickly and some even  find that they can walk longer distances  without needing to stop and rest. So, where can you get more vitamin E. Nuts, seeds and avocados are all great sources. But here's the easiest way to get your daily dose. One tablespoon of wheat germ oil. This simple habit provides a rich source of vitamin E, helping to keep your legs energized and full of life. Just a small daily addition can make a big difference in how your legs feel and function. Many older adults who increase their vitamin E intake say they feel more steady on their feet, experience less swelling in their legs and even notice that their skin looks healthier. That is because vitamin E not only improves blood circulation but also helps reduce inflammation and protect the cells in your body from damage. If you have ever felt like your legs are not as strong or energetic as they should be,  vitamin E could be the key to turning  things around. 

Final thoughts.

Now that we've gone through the six essential vitamins that help keep your legs strong, steady and full of life. 

Let us take a moment to reflect on what we've learned. The strength of your legs is not just about exercise. It is about giving your body the right nutrients so your muscles, bones and circulation all work together to support you. 

Vitamin D ensures your muscles and bones stay strong. While vitamin B12 helps keep your nervous system functioning so you don't experience weakness or tingling. 

Vitamin C boosts collagen production and reduces inflammation keeping your joints flexible and pain-free. 

Vitamin K2 makes sure calcium gets to your bones where it belongs. Preventing stiffness and keeping your posture strong. 

Magnesium helps fight muscle fatigue and cramps. Keeping your legs relaxed and energized. 

And finally, vitamin E improves blood circulation ensuring your legs get the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay powerful for years to come.

 Incorporating these essential vitamins into your daily routine does not have to be complicated. Whether it is a spoonful of cod liver oil, a sprinkle of  nutritional yeast, a boost of acerola cherry powder, a serving of grass-fed  butter, a handful of pumpkin seeds or a tablespoon of wheat germ oil. Small changes can make a massive difference in how your legs feel and function. The best part is many people who start focusing on these essential nutrients notice improvements in just a few weeks. Stronger steps, better endurance fewer aches and pains. When you give your body what it needs, it naturally rewards you with vitality and strength, at last. 

Water cure : Drug kills. ( next ) 

Monday, March 17, 2025




How do we become a child of God? First and foremost it has nothing to do with you, but what was done for you by Jesus Christ. He gave His royal life, in perfect innocence, for you to be brought back to your Creator, God the Father. His death on the cross is the only price able to  purchase for you eternal life.

No matter your social class, race, background, religion, or anything else favorable or unfavorable in the eyes of men, you are eligible to become a child of God. He desires and longs for you to come into His family. This occurs by simply renouncing your sin of living independently of H im and committing your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ; once you do, you'll literally be reborn. You're no longer a slave to darkness; you're born-again as a brand new son or daughter of God. Scripture declares,

For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. (Romans 10:9-10)

So if you believe Jesus Christ died for you and you're willing to give Him your life — no longer to live for yourself — confess this prayer from a sincere heart, and you will become a child of God:

God in Heaven, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and have fallen short of Your righteous standard. I deserve to be  judged for eterniy for my sin. Thank You for not leaving me in this state, for I believe You sent Jesus Christ, Your only  begotten Son, who was born of the virgin Mary, to die for me and carry my judgment on the Cross. I believe He was raised again from the grave on the third day and is now seated at Your right hand as my Lord and Savior. So on this day of  _________, 2025. I give my life entirely to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, I confess you as my Lord, Savior, and King: Come into my life through Your Spirit and change me into a child of God. I renounce the things of darkness which I once held on to and from this day forward I will no longer live for myself but for You who gave Yourself for me that I may live forever.

Thank You Lord; my life is now completely in Your hands, and according to Your Word I shall never be ashamed.

Now, you`re saved; you're a child of God. All heaven is rejoicing with you at

this very moment! Welcome to the family! I'd like to suggest three beneficial

steps to immediately take:

1. Share what you've done with someone who is already a believer.

Scripture informs us one of the ways we defeat darkness is by our testimony (see Revelation 12:11). I invite you to contact our ministry. We'd love to hear from you.

2. Join a good church that teaches the Word of God. Become a member and get involved. Parents do not put babies on the street the day they're born saying, "Survive." You are now a babe in Christ; God your Father has provided a spiritual family to help you grow. It's called the local New Testament Church.

3. Get water baptized. Though you are already a child of God, baptism is a public profession to both the spiritual world as well as the natural world that you have given your life to God through Jesus Christ, Ilt is also an act

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Сім'я, моліться разом, залишайтеся разом ❤️

 (Ukrainian) Сім'я, моліться разом, залишайтеся разом ❤️

Sim'ya, molitʹsya razom, zalyshaytesya razom ❤️

   Сім’я, давайте помолимось 🙏 зараз і віримо, що ми отримаємо.  

  Небесний Батьку, коли світає новий день, я постаю перед Тобою з серцем, сповненим вдячності та благоговіння. Я дякую тобі за дар життя та благословення ще одного дня. 

  Я визнаю твій суверенітет і твою незмінну любов, яка підтримує мене, коли я починаю цей день.  Я запрошую вашу присутність, щоб наповнити кожну мить, кожну думку та кожну дію. 

  Нехай Твій Святий Дух веде мене, втішає і веде на шлях праведності.

  Господи, прошу Твоєї сили сьогодні, написано: «Але ті, хто надіються на Господа, відновлять свою силу, і злетять на крилах, як орли, побіжать і не втомляться, будуть ходити і не знемагатимуть». Отче, віднови мої сили і наповни мене енергією та життєвою силою для вирішення майбутніх завдань. Допоможи мені покладатися на Твою силу, а не на власне розуміння. Коли я відчуваю себе слабким, нагадай мені, що твоя сила досконала в моїй слабкості.

   Небесний Батьку, я молюся про мудрість сьогодні. «Якщо комусь із вас не вистачає мудрості, просіть у Бога, який щедро дає всім, не дорікаючи, і вона вам буде дана», 

   Господи, дай мені мудрість приймати   рішення, які відповідають Твоїй волі. Допоможи мені відрізнити правильне від неправильного і діяти чесно та співчутливо.  Нехай ваша мудрість скеровує мої стосунки з іншими та нехай вона проявляється у виборі, який я роблю.

   Господи, я  шукаю Твого миру цього ранку. Написано: «Ні про що не журіться, але в кожній ситуації молитвою та проханням з подякою виявляйте свої бажання Богові, і мир Божий, що вищий від усякого розуму, стерегтиме ваші серця та ваші думки в Христі Ісусі». 

   Отче, заспокой мої тривожні думки і наповни моє серце своїм миром. Допоможи мені повірити у твій ідеальний план і бути впевненим, що ти все контролюєш.    Нехай твій мир охороняє моє серце та розум протягом цього дня. 

  Батьку, я прошу твого захисту сьогодні.  «Кожний, хто живе під притулком Всевишнього, спочиватиме в тіні Всемогутнього, я скажу про Господа, Він мій Притулок і моя Фортеця, мій Бог, на якого я надіюсь».

   Господи, будь моїм притулком і моєю фортецею. Ти захищаєш мене від зла й небезпеки, як видимої, так і невидимої. Ти оточуєш мене своїми ангелами і бережеш мене від пасток ворога. Нехай Твоя присутність буде щитом навколо мене, охороняючи мене від усього зла. 

  Simʺya, davayte pomolymosʹ 🙏 zaraz i virymo, shcho my otrymayemo.  

 Nebesnyy Batʹku, koly svitaye novyy denʹ, ya postayu pered Toboyu z sertsem, spovnenym vdyachnosti ta blahohovinnya. YA dyakuyu tobi za dar zhyttya ta blahoslovennya shche odnoho dnya. 

 YA vyznayu tviy suverenitet i tvoyu nezminnu lyubov, yaka pidtrymuye mene, koly ya pochynayu tsey denʹ.  YA zaproshuyu vashu prysutnistʹ, shchob napovnyty kozhnu mytʹ, kozhnu dumku ta kozhnu diyu. 

 Nekhay Tviy Svyatyy Dukh vede mene, vtishaye i vede na shlyakh pravednosti.

 Hospody, proshu Tvoyeyi syly sʹohodni, napysano: «Ale ti, khto nadiyutʹsya na Hospoda, vidnovlyatʹ svoyu sylu, i zletyatʹ na krylakh, yak orly, pobizhatʹ i ne vtomlyatʹsya, budutʹ khodyty i ne znemahatymutʹ». Otche, vidnovy moyi syly i napovny mene enerhiyeyu ta zhyttyevoyu syloyu dlya vyrishennya maybutnikh zavdanʹ. Dopomozhy meni pokladatysya na Tvoyu sylu, a ne na vlasne rozuminnya. Koly ya vidchuvayu sebe slabkym, nahaday meni, shcho tvoya syla doskonala v moyiy slabkosti.

  Nebesnyy Batʹku, ya molyusya pro mudristʹ sʹohodni. «Yakshcho komusʹ iz vas ne vystachaye mudrosti, prositʹ u Boha, yakyy shchedro daye vsim, ne dorikayuchy, i vona vam bude dana», 

  Hospody, day meni mudristʹ pryymaty   rishennya, yaki vidpovidayutʹ Tvoyiy voli. Dopomozhy meni vidriznyty pravylʹne vid nepravylʹnoho i diyaty chesno ta spivchutlyvo.  Nekhay vasha mudristʹ skerovuye moyi stosunky z inshymy ta nekhay vona proyavlyayetʹsya u vybori, yakyy ya roblyu.

  Hospody, ya  shukayu Tvoho myru tsʹoho ranku. Napysano: «Ni pro shcho ne zhuritʹsya, ale v kozhniy sytuatsiyi molytvoyu ta prokhannyam z podyakoyu vyyavlyayte svoyi bazhannya Bohovi, i myr Bozhyy, shcho vyshchyy vid usyakoho rozumu, sterehtyme vashi sertsya ta vashi dumky v Khrysti Isusi». 

  Otche, zaspokoy moyi tryvozhni dumky i napovny moye sertse svoyim myrom. Dopomozhy meni poviryty u tviy idealʹnyy plan i buty vpevnenym, shcho ty vse kontrolyuyesh.    Nekhay tviy myr okhoronyaye moye sertse ta rozum protyahom tsʹoho dnya. 

 Batʹku, ya proshu tvoho zakhystu sʹohodni.  «Kozhnyy, khto zhyve pid prytulkom Vsevyshnʹoho, spochyvatyme v tini Vsemohutnʹoho, ya skazhu pro Hospoda, Vin miy Prytulok i moya Fortetsya, miy Boh, na yakoho ya nadiyusʹ».

  Hospody, budʹ moyim prytulkom i moyeyu fortetseyu. Ty zakhyshchayesh mene vid zla y nebezpeky, yak vydymoyi, tak i nevydymoyi. Ty otochuyesh mene svoyimy anhelamy i berezhesh mene vid pastok voroha. Nekhay Tvoya prysutnistʹ bude shchytom navkolo mene, okhoronyayuchy mene vid usʹoho zla. 

Небесний Батьку, я молюся про твоє скерування сьогодні. Написано: «Надійся на Господа всім своїм серцем і не покладайся на власний розум. На всіх своїх дорогах підкоряйся Йому, і Він випрямить твою дорогу».  Господи, скеруй мої кроки і покажи мені дорогу, якою я маю йти. Ти допомагаєш мені довіряти твоєму керівництву та йти за тобою. Коли я стикаюся з невизначеністю, нагадайте мені шукати вашої мудрості та покладатися на ваше керівництво. 

  Господи, я прошу серця вдячності сьогодні.  «Дякуйте за будь-які обставини, бо це Божа воля щодо вас у Христі Ісусі».

  Батьку, наповни моє серце вдячністю за всі благословення, якими ти мене обдарував. Допоможи мені розпізнати твою руку в кожній ситуації і дякувати за кожну обставину.  Нехай дух вдячності виливається з мого серця і буде свідченням вашої доброти та вірності. 

     Отче, я молюся про дух смирення сьогодні. Написано: «Він показав тобі, о смертний, що є добре, і що Господь вимагає від тебе, щоб діяти справедливо, любити милосердя і смиренно ходити з Богом своїм». 

   Господи, допоможи мені ходити в смиренні,  усвідомлюючи, що кожне благословення і кожне добро в моєму житті походить від Тебе, нехай Твоє смирення буде очевидним у моїх стосунках з іншими і в моєму служінні Тобі. Дозволь мені завжди віддавати тобі славу й честь, на які ти заслуговуєш. 

  Небесний  Батьку, я прошу сьогодні благословення співчуття. «Отож, як Божі вибранці, святі й улюблені, зодягніться в милосердя, доброту, смиренність, лагідність і довготерпіння».  Господи, наповни моє серце співчуттям до інших. Допоможи мені дивитися на людей твоїми очима та відповідати з добротою та співчуттям. Нехай ваше співчуття буде очевидним у моїх словах і діях, і нехай воно принесе зцілення та надію тим, хто нужденний.

   Господи, я молюся про благословення радості сьогодні. Написано: «Не журися, бо радість Господня твоя сила». Отче, наповни моє серце своєю радістю. Нехай твоя радість буде моєю силою і моєю піснею.  «Радість Господня — моя сила».  Протягом цього дня допоможи мені знайти радість у Твоїй присутності та в обіцянках Твого слова. Нехай моє життя буде відображенням твоєї радості і нехай воно підбадьорює оточуючих.

   Отче, прошу сьогодні благословення терпіння. «Плід духа: любов, радість, мир, терпіння, доброта, милосердя, вірність, лагідність і самовладання;  проти таких речей немає закону».  Господи, допоможи мені виростити плід терпіння в моєму житті, дай мені благодать чекати Твого часу і довіряти Твоєму ідеальному плану.  Нехай ваше терпіння буде очевидним у моїх стосунках з іншими і в моїх щоденних прогулянках з вами. 

  Небесний Батьку, я молюся про благословення віри сьогодні. Написано: «Тепер віра — це впевненість у тому, на що ми сподіваємося, і впевненість у тому, чого не бачимо». Господи, зміцни мою віру і допоможи мені довіряти Твоїм обітницям.  Нехай моя віра буде свідченням Твоєї сили та благодаті в моєму житті. Допоможи мені ходити вірою, а не видінням, вірячи, що ти все робиш для мого блага і для Твоєї слави.

  Господи, я прошу сьогодні благословення любові.  Я молюся і дякую вам в ім’я Ісуса Христа. Амінь 🙏

Nebesnyy Batʹku, ya molyusya pro tvoye skeruvannya sʹohodni. Napysano: «Nadiysya na Hospoda vsim svoyim sertsem i ne pokladaysya na vlasnyy rozum. Na vsikh svoyikh dorohakh pidkoryaysya Yomu, i Vin vypryamytʹ tvoyu dorohu».  Hospody, skeruy moyi kroky i pokazhy meni dorohu, yakoyu ya mayu yty. Ty dopomahayesh meni doviryaty tvoyemu kerivnytstvu ta yty za toboyu. Koly ya stykayusya z nevyznachenistyu, nahadayte meni shukaty vashoyi mudrosti ta pokladatysya na vashe kerivnytstvo. 

 Hospody, ya proshu sertsya vdyachnosti sʹohodni.  «Dyakuyte za budʹ-yaki obstavyny, bo tse Bozha volya shchodo vas u Khrysti Isusi».

 Batʹku, napovny moye sertse vdyachnistyu za vsi blahoslovennya, yakymy ty mene obdaruvav. Dopomozhy meni rozpiznaty tvoyu ruku v kozhniy sytuatsiyi i dyakuvaty za kozhnu obstavynu.  Nekhay dukh vdyachnosti vylyvayetʹsya z moho sertsya i bude svidchennyam vashoyi dobroty ta virnosti. 

    Otche, ya molyusya pro dukh smyrennya sʹohodni. Napysano: «Vin pokazav tobi, o smertnyy, shcho ye dobre, i shcho Hospodʹ vymahaye vid tebe, shchob diyaty spravedlyvo, lyubyty myloserdya i smyrenno khodyty z Bohom svoyim». 

  Hospody, dopomozhy meni khodyty v smyrenni,  usvidomlyuyuchy, shcho kozhne blahoslovennya i kozhne dobro v moyemu zhytti pokhodytʹ vid Tebe, nekhay Tvoye smyrennya bude ochevydnym u moyikh stosunkakh z inshymy i v moyemu sluzhinni Tobi. Dozvolʹ meni zavzhdy viddavaty tobi slavu y chestʹ, na yaki ty zasluhovuyesh. 

 Nebesnyy  Batʹku, ya proshu sʹohodni blahoslovennya spivchuttya. «Otozh, yak Bozhi vybrantsi, svyati y ulyubleni, zodyahnitʹsya v myloserdya, dobrotu, smyrennistʹ, lahidnistʹ i dovhoterpinnya».  Hospody, napovny moye sertse spivchuttyam do inshykh. Dopomozhy meni dyvytysya na lyudey tvoyimy ochyma ta vidpovidaty z dobrotoyu ta spivchuttyam. Nekhay vashe spivchuttya bude ochevydnym u moyikh slovakh i diyakh, i nekhay vono prynese ztsilennya ta nadiyu tym, khto nuzhdennyy.

  Hospody, ya molyusya pro blahoslovennya radosti sʹohodni. Napysano: «Ne zhurysya, bo radistʹ Hospodnya tvoya syla». Otche, napovny moye sertse svoyeyu radistyu. Nekhay tvoya radistʹ bude moyeyu syloyu i moyeyu pisneyu.  «Radistʹ Hospodnya — moya syla».  Protyahom tsʹoho dnya dopomozhy meni znayty radistʹ u Tvoyiy prysutnosti ta v obitsyankakh Tvoho slova. Nekhay moye zhyttya bude vidobrazhennyam tvoyeyi radosti i nekhay vono pidbadʹoryuye otochuyuchykh.

  Otche, proshu sʹohodni blahoslovennya terpinnya. «Plid dukha: lyubov, radistʹ, myr, terpinnya, dobrota, myloserdya, virnistʹ, lahidnistʹ i samovladannya;  proty takykh rechey nemaye zakonu».  Hospody, dopomozhy meni vyrostyty plid terpinnya v moyemu zhytti, day meni blahodatʹ chekaty Tvoho chasu i doviryaty Tvoyemu idealʹnomu planu.  Nekhay vashe terpinnya bude ochevydnym u moyikh stosunkakh z inshymy i v moyikh shchodennykh prohulyankakh z vamy. 

 Nebesnyy Batʹku, ya molyusya pro blahoslovennya viry sʹohodni. Napysano: «Teper vira — tse vpevnenistʹ u tomu, na shcho my spodivayemosya, i vpevnenistʹ u tomu, choho ne bachymo». Hospody, zmitsny moyu viru i dopomozhy meni doviryaty Tvoyim obitnytsyam.  Nekhay moya vira bude svidchennyam Tvoyeyi syly ta blahodati v moyemu zhytti. Dopomozhy meni khodyty viroyu, a ne vydinnyam, viryachy, shcho ty vse robysh dlya moho blaha i dlya Tvoyeyi slavy.

 Hospody, ya proshu sʹohodni blahoslovennya lyubovi.  YA molyusya i dyakuyu vam v imʺya Isusa Khrysta. Aminʹ 🙏