Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Salt (sodium & chloride) is good for you

Salt is good for you

One of the most pervasive and stupid things that we are currently told to do is to reduce salt intake. This advice has never been based on controlled clinical studies, ever. Yet, as with the cholesterol myth, the dogma that we should all reduce salt intake has become impervious to facts. I find that the ‘salt hypothesis’ is rather like a monster from a 1950s B movie. Every time you attack it with evidence it simply shrugs it off and grows even stronger.
Very recently, a study was done in Australia looking at salt intake. Actually it looked at sodium intake, not salt intake. I find this interesting, as no-one that I know eats sodium. In fact, it would be interesting to see someone try. To quote from Wikipedia
‘Sodium is generally less reactive than potassium and more reactive than lithium. Like all the alkali metals, it reacts exothermically with water, to the point that sufficiently large pieces melt to a sphere and may explode; this reaction produces caustic sodium hydroxide and flammable hydrogen gas.’
Consuming two grams sodium would likely cause you to explode, splattering sodium hydroxide over the walls. Along with various organs and other body parts.
So why do people talk about sodium consumption? I have never really worked this one out. But it does make things rather confusing. The latest guidelines suggest we should consume less than 2300mg of sodium a day, even as low as 1500mg. Go on, try it. Any idea how much salt (NaCl) that would be? Any idea how much salt you consume every day? No, thought not.
Yes, we have been given guidelines that are totally meaningless, and impossible to follow. In fact 2300mg of sodium is roughly 6000mg of salt (NaCl). So why are we not advise to eat six grams of salt a day? I have no idea. Perhaps someone can tell me. What is this sodium nonsense? [Not that anyone has any idea what six grams of salt even looks like poured out of a salt shaker – I know, I have tried this several times.]
Of course, when I started looking into this area, I went at it sideways. If we eat salt we are eating both sodium, and chloride. You cannot have one without the other. So I became interested in the chloride issue, not the sodium. We are always warned about sodium, but no-one ever mentions chloride levels. Is there any evidence that high chloride consumption is bad for us?
This is an area mostly defined by silence, and zero research. But I have found a few papers looking at chloride levels in the blood and, guess what? They have all found that a low chloride level is associated with a higher mortality. Here is one such, entitled ‘Serum chloride is an independent predictor of mortality in hypertensive patients.
<100 and="" are="" associated="" between="" cl-="" confounders.="" elucidate="" em="" further="" greater="" independent="" is="" meq="" mortality="" nbsp="" needed="" obvious="" of="" relation="" risk.="" risk="" studies="" the="" to="" with="">(** Details below) Low, not high Serum Cl- (<100 are="" associated="" confounders.="" elucidate="" font="" further="" greater="" independent="" is="" meq="" mortality="" needed="" obvious="" of="" rel="" risk="" studies="" the="" to="" with="">ation between Cl- and risk.
There you go. Having a low chloride level makes it more likely you will die early. Yet, having a high level of sodium consumption makes is supposed to kill you? And you cannot eat sodium without eating chloride at the same time. Go figure. You mean you can’t?
Anyway, to return to the, not yet published Australian study, here is what they found.
‘In a multivariate-adjusted model, those who consumed less than 3000 mg of sodium per day had a 25% increased risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events compared with those who consumed between 4000 mg and 5990 mg/day (reference group).’ [1]
The guidelines tell us to eat less than 2300mg of salt. At this level, if we use the Australian data, overall mortality will be increased by 25%. Excellent advice then. And this is not just one contradictory study. Several other trials have clearly demonstrated that reducing salt intake significantly increases mortality in high risk patients. Particularly those with heart failure, where it would be expected that salt reduction would have the greatest benefit. Yet the trials showed the exact opposite.
As explained in the Journal Stroke. The section I have quoted below is taken from a reply to an article entitled “Reducing Sodium Intake to Prevent Stroke: Time for Action, Not Hesitation” In this article Appel, the author, argues strongly that we must, absolutely must, reduce sodium intake. In reply, three cardiologists make the following points:
‘In regards to patient-oriented outcomes, Appel dismisses randomized trials in patients with heart failure as irrelevant because of the unconventional treatment approach of the investigators. Yet these trials—showing increases in hospitalizations and mortality with low-sodium intake versus normal-sodium intake—tested identical diets in intervention and comparison arms with the only difference being the level of ingested sodium (making these trials more relevant than DASH-Sodium and other trials Appel cites). Also, Appel fails to cite 3 relevant heart failure trials, all consistently show harm with reduced sodium intake.’ [2]
In short, Appel, along with most ‘experts’ in this area had dismissed evidence he did not like.
The simple fact is this. If you strip out all the data on salt consumption there is considerably more, and considerably more powerful data, suggesting a strong link between low salt consumption and increased mortality than the other way around.
In reality, you can eat just about as much salt as you can stand – without harm. (Unless you have damaged kidneys and/or very high blood pressure)
How can I possibly state this? Well, a very wise Swedish professor pointed something out to me a few years ago. If a patient is very ill in hospital and cannot eat, or drink, they will have a drip put up to replace fluids. This very often contains 0.9% NaCl. Or nine grams of salt per litre. Quite often the patient will have two litres of this replacement fluid a day – which is (as you may have figured) 18 grams of salt.
So, we quite happy to give critically ill patients 18 grams of salt per day to help them get better – which has no discernable effect on their blood pressure, or anything else. Yet we tell people that they cannot eat more than six grams a day. Ho, ho. You earthlings are so funny.
References (may require site registration or membership to access)

(**Details here):-
  • FormatAbstract
Hypertension. 2013 Nov;62(5):836-43. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.01793. Epub 2013 Aug 26.

Serum chloride is an independent predictor of mortality in hypertensive patients.

McCallum L1, Jeemon P, Hastie CE, Patel RK, Williamson C, Redzuan AM, Dawson J, Sloan W, Muir S, Morrison D, McInnes GT, Freel EM, Walters M, Dominiczak AF, Sattar N, Padmanabhan S.

Author information

Erratum in

  • Hypertension. 2014 Feb;63(2):e11.


Chloride (Cl-) is the major extracellular anion in the body, accompanying sodium (Na+), and is primarily derived from dietary sources. Data suggest that increased dietary Cl- intake increases blood pressure, yet paradoxically, higher serum Cl- appears associated with lower mortality and cardiovascular risk. This implies that serum Cl- also reflects risk pathways independent of blood pressure, serum Na+, and bicarbonate (HCO3-). We analyzed 12,968 hypertensive individuals followed up for 35 years, using Cox proportional hazards model to test whether baseline serum Cl- was an independent predictor of mortality. To distinguish the effect of Cl- from Na+ and HCO3-, we adjusted for these electrolytes and also performed the analysis stratified by Na+ /HCO3- and Cl- levels. Generalized estimating equation was used to determine the effect of baseline Cl- on follow-up blood pressure. The total time at risk was 19,7101 person-years. The lowest quintile of serum Cl-  (<100 0.98-0.99="" 0.985="" 1.5="" 1="" 20="" 95="" a="" adjustment="" after="" all-cause="" and="" associated="" baseline="" cardiovascular="" cl-="" compared="" confidence="" confounding="" for="" group="" hazard="" hco3-="" higher="" in="" increase="" interval="" k="" levels.="" meq="" mortality="" na="" noncardiovascular="" of="" ratio="" reduction="" remainder="" serum="" subjects.="" the="" variables="" was="" with=""> 135 and Cl- > 100 had the best survival, and compared with this group, the Na+ >135 and Cl- <100 1.11-1.31="" 1.21="" 95="" and="" are="" associated="" between="" cl-="" confidence="" confounders.="" elucidate="" further="" greater="" group="" had="" hazard="" high="" higher="" independent="" interval="" is="" low="" meq="" mortality="" needed="" not="" obvious="" of="" ratio="" relation="" risk.="" risk="" serum="" significantly="" span="" studies="" the="" to="" with="">


chlorides; epidemiology; hypertension; mortality; sodium
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Drink Water Before Dehydration

Dehydration: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Treatment,

Dehydration is a common problem faced by many people, particularly during excessive heat, sports or after illnesses. As the water in your body contains salts and electrolytes, when water is lost, the salts are lost. This creates an electrolyte imbalance, leading to various health problems.

 Dehydration can thus result in undesirable symptoms. It is important to know the causes, symptoms, treatment and the ways of prevention of dehydration in the body.

Causes of Dehydration:
Some of the common causes of dehydration include the following conditions.

•Excessive heating and over exertion are the common causes of dehydration. When you have a fever or are exposed to heat for long or have done heavy exercises, you are at risk of water loss and dehydration.

•Diabetes is another common cause of dehydration. The brain is crying for water. Diabetes Miletus (type 2) is often treated with an enzyme called insulin, which needs adequate amount of water. Also, as diabetics lose a lot of water with increased urination, there is more water loss, which are the common causes of dehydration.

•An upset stomach, food poisoning, etc. often causes water loss in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. They force all the water in your body out and hence there is shortage of water and electrolytes in the body. Water loss in such forms too are the common causes of dehydration.

•If you don’t take food and water for quite a long time in a day your body has nothing to do digest. So it uses the available water and minerals and provides energy to the body. So when all the water is used up the body runs low on water.

•Significant amount of water can be lost from damaged skin. Sores, wounds, scalds, skin diseases and infections can be some of the causes of dehydration.

•Consumption of alcohol and various drugs, blood pressure medications and antipsychotics that cause increased urination can also cause dehydration.

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration:
Here are some of the signs and symptoms of dehydration

•Dry and sticky mouth
•Feeling tired and sleepiness
•The inside of the eyes get less red.
•Dark yellow colored urine
•Muscles when moderately worked on, gets cramped easily.

Severe symptoms of dehydration include

•Eyes are sunken

•Heart has to work harder as it doesn’t get enough water to oxygenate the blood and hence beats fast.

•For males, the groin hurts. Feeling to urinate occurs but little or no urine occurs.

•You have an extreme level of thirst.
In fact, when you first feel thirsty, your body has already entered into 2% cellular dehydration.

•Blood pressure level is considerably lowered.

•Body goes into a state of delirium.

•You might pass out following dizziness.

•There is inability of body to produce sweat.

Treatment and Prevention of Dehydration.

Treatment of dehydration mainly includes replenishing your body with adequate water, salts and electrolytes. Oral rehydration salts may be taken in the form of drinks. In severe cases, treatment of dehydration may include hospitalization to administer fluids and electrolytes.

Prevention of dehydration includes keeping yourself hydrated and maintain electrolyte balance. To keep yourself hydrated, always carry a bottle of water whenever you go out. Avoid direct exposure in the sun, stay indoors, if possible and wear protective gear.

People who exercise, play sports or go out for cycling, jogging, etc. need to be more careful. Wear light cotton clothes that allow you to cool and avoid getting overheated. Sip on water at regular intervals, fresh fruit juices or drinks with salts and electrolytes, carry fruits like melons, berries and citrus fruits and they are rich in water content. Ensure you consume proper balanced nutritious meals even if you are trying to lose weight. Carry healthy low fat snacks, dry fruits, when going out.

Avoid falling prey to over claiming energy drinks or hyped sports drinks. They contain plenty of sugar and other substances, which may not be very healthy for you. Freshly prepared juices or fresh fruits, unsweetened yogurt and water is a better option.

When to Seek Medical Care for Dehydration:
Some of the very serious symptoms of dehydration may need immediate medical attention:-

•Constant diarrhea for 2 days

•Persistent vomiting for a full day

•Rumbling sounds in abdomen

•High fever

•Weakness and fatigue

•Weight loss

•Difficulty in breathing.

Remedy, follow the Water Cure Formula Protocol found in this blogsite. 

Can Drinking Water Help your Liver?

Can Drinking Water Help your Liver?


Liver is one of the largest internal organs in the body. It is a complex hardworking multitasking organ, tirelessly performing many functions. The efficiency of your liver is the key to your enjoying a good healthy life. Your lifestyle and environment compel your body to be continuously exposed to harmful toxins in the form of your medicines, the polluted air you breathe and the artificial additives in the food you consume. Since the liver protects your body from these harmful elements, it is up to you to retain the good condition of liver and keep it optimally functional.

The major functions of the liver:

1.Filter out toxins including bilirubin and ammonia from your bloodstream.

2.Produce bile to break down fats.

3.Help absorb nutrients in the intestine from the processed food.

4.Regulate blood composition to balance protein, fat, and sugar.

5.Produce essential chemicals to aid blood clotting.

6.Destroy old blood cells.

7.Break down some hormones.

8.Store minerals, iron and vitamin A.

9.Store glycogen, to be broken down when necessary to release energy.

If these functions are affected due to improper care or malfunction of liver, you may suffer some of these ill effects:

•Impaired digestion
•Bloating of abdomen and dyspepsia
•Nausea or vomiting
•Loss of appetite
•Darkening color of urine
•Chronic fatigue

Ways to take Care of your Liver.

It is necessary to keep the liver healthy to ensure its efficiency. It is imperative to detoxify your liver to enable it to effectively rid your body of toxins as well as perform all the beneficial tasks that it is intended to. Some of the means to do this are:

•Drink enough water. Every one kilogram of your body weight needs 32.53 ml water, daily.

•Consume foods that are rich in fiber. Fresh fruits and colourful vegetables.

•Exercise every day to stimulate the liver and other internal organs.

Can Drinking Water Help your Liver?

AGAIN: Can Drinking Water Help your Liver?

You can detoxify your liver with water. Water is considered an important part of our life and central to the existence of all life forms. Human body constitutes about 70% of water making water an essential ingredient in sustaining the vital life functions. Water is important to the body because:

•It hydrates and lubricates the body.

•Maintains viscosity of blood.

•Eliminates waste.

•Regulates body temperature.

•Transports vital nutrients through the body.

•Supports digestion and absorption of ingested food.

•Ensures smooth bowel movement.

•Fresh free-water is the main source of energy for the cells functions and reproduction of daughter cells.

Water is thus the primary requisite that nourishes your liver. Water flushes out the liver and cleans it of toxic substances that hamper its performance. Along with the liver, it also supports the functioning of kidney as both these organs purify the blood, whose viscosity impacts their abilities. Efficient detoxification depends on sufficiency of water.

Ensuring Availability of Ample Water.

You are often told by your elderly kin, doctors, dieticians, nutritionists etc. that you should drink enough water. How much is enough for your body on daily basis? In the normal course, the body loses water through urination, perspiration, bowels and even respiration. It is further dependent on your physical involvement, individual physiology and environment. In order to replenish this loss adequately, you should drink 10 to 12 glasses of plain water daily, apart from what is imbibed through food and other consumed liquids. Deficiency in the intake of water may cause water deficit, in turn, cause dehydration, manifesting in some of these symptoms:

•Joint and muscle pain
•Reduced concentration

It is important to drink water throughout the day, rather than be guided by thirst to obviate insufficiency of water in the body. Obviously, this will condition the liver to function best.


Since the liver is fundamental to your general good health, it is your responsibility to retain its functions and good health properly. Avoid consumption of unhealthy beverages, harmful foods, and embrace beneficial habits.

Love Healthy Liver

As the years go by, traditional wisdom holds that your metabolism slows down, which leads to an expanding waistline and feelings of sluggishness and fatigue. Doctors are quick to prescribe stricter diet and exercise regimens. But new research is emerging that the real danger behind the global obesity problem is fatty liver disease, and diet and exercise are insufficient in addressing this growing silent epidemic.

More than 1 in 4 people in North America and Europe suffer from fatty liver disease. These statistics are even more alarming since most people who suffer from this condition do not report any symptoms. Although this trend is undeniable, Western medicine seems blissfully unaware. While there are a plethora of medications available for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other medical conditions associated with obesity, there is not a single prescription medication on the market available to address fatty liver disease, earning a name for itself as the new silent killer.

Western medicine's only answer is to advocate for diet and lifestyle changes. However, new studies have emerged that, while helpful, diet and lifestyle changes alone are insufficient to treat fatty liver disease. According to a study from the Boston University School of Medicine, permanent reduction in body weight by 7 to 10% is the minimum requirement for a partial improvement in liver fat content. However, diet and exercise regime sustainability is a key concern, as studies indicate that within 2 to 5 years, people regain more than 90% of the weight they lost on their diet.

Fig 2. When functioning normally, the liver filters out toxins and impurities from the blood, similar to the process of sifting wheat.
Without an effective medical treatment for this condition, fatty liver disease can quickly develop into cirrhosis -- the buildup of scar tissue in the organ itself. This condemns patients to mandatory restrictions on diet and alcohol consumption, increases the likelihood of liver cancer, and may even require a liver transplant.

What causes fatty liver disease in the first place, and how can we treat it in a long-term, healthy way? Fatty liver disease begins when your body stores lipids in your liver cells. This storage of fat in the liver diminishes its ability to filter toxins and prompts an inflammatory immune response, causing damage to liver tissue.

Glutathione production, the "mother of all antioxidants," is the key mechanism for the liver to protect itself against free radical damage and toxin-induced inflammation. As lipids accumulate in the liver, glutathione production is suppressed. This causes a negative feedback loop where the liver is less able to protect itself from this inflammation, resulting in additional fat accumulation in the liver and further progression of the condition. As a result, your liver is unable to effectively perform one of its major responsibilities -- to detoxify your body.

While there is no prescription medication to treat this condition, new scientific research has discovered several natural ingredients that boost production of glutathione and guard the liver against damage caused by free radical inflammation. This means that although diet and exercise changes are still beneficial, you no longer have to swear off beer and wine and can still responsibly indulge your sweet tooth. Over the last 18 months, a team of researchers in a GMP-certified laboratory in New York have been formulating a compound that protects against liver inflammation caused by free radical damage and flushes inflammatory toxins from the body.

Fig 3. Milk thistle, one of the key ingredients in the Hepagard formula.
It's called Hepagard, and here's how it works.*

Each of the 5 natural ingredients in the Hepagard formula reduce inflammation and restore healthy liver function. Milk Thistle, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Dandelion Root, Artichoke Leaf, and Choline Bitartrate have been clinically proven to guard against free radical damage in the liver by promoting production of glutathione and other antioxidants. With the help of Hepagard, you can protect yourself against fatty liver disease and help regenerate healthy liver tissue. And best of all was Hepagard's safety rating. There were no reported side effects.

Hepagard is not available in stores. But through April 21st, they are offering a limited number of 30 Day Trials to the public.

Hepagard was created to be not only effective but also safe for long-term use with no side effects. Hepagard is made in a GMP-certified, FDA-inspected facility in New York to ensure the highest standards of safety.

The entire Hepagard compound fits into one pill with low-dosage, high-efficiency ingredients to detox your liver. Taken daily, your body will safely absorb Hepagard's natural ingredients and help restore optimal liver function.

Restore energy levels, flush toxins from your body, and support healthy liver function. Try Hepagard today. This exclusive offer is not available in stores. It is only available online through April 21st. Click the link below to claim your 30 Day Trial of Hepagard.

Are You Protected Against a Fatty Liver?
1 in 4 people will develop a fatty liver, which can progress in 3 distinct stages.

Stage 1:
Fat Buildup in Liver Cells
The modern diet makes heavy use of sugars and carbohydrates, which are converted to fat by the body. This can result in a buildup of fat within the liver cells.

Next Stage
What Are the Consequences of Inflammation?
Without taking action, a fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis, which requires significant lifestyle changes.

Fat accumulation in the liver can ultimately lead to cirrhosis, the buildup of scar tissue which damages the organ. At this stage, significant and permanent lifestyle changes are necessary, such as abstaining from alcohol and severely limiting carbohydrate and sugar consumption.

What can we do to protect ourselves from this outcome?

The answer is to promote production of one key antioxidant which is essential for healthy liver function, free from inflammation.

The Biological Cause of a Fatty Liver
Researchers have have identified the "mother of all antioxidants" that protects the liver against inflammation.

Your liver is responsible for a variety of functions, the most important of which is breaking down toxins which can cause inflammation and cell damage in the body.

As fat continues to accumulate in liver cells, your liver struggles to keep pace with inflammation and is unable to produce enough of what scientists have termed "the mother of all antioxidants" -- glutathione.

This antioxidant is the key actor in controlling inflammation brought on by free radical damage, creating the optimal environment for healthy liver function.


Our researchers have developed one natural remedy that combines 5 safe ingredients proven to support healthy liver function. Click one to find out more:

Milk Thistle

N-Acetyl Cysteine

Dandelion Root

Artichoke Leaf

Choline Bitartrate

See What People Are Saying About
While results may vary, over 95% of our customers reported less abdominal bloating, improved digestion, and increased energy levels after taking  for 30 days! Here's what some of our customers have said lately:

Overall Rating:
4.6 out of 5 stars • 55 Reviews
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Most Helpful Positive Review
Customer Review
"Chester D."
I've only had my bottle of Hepagard for a few days, but I can already tell a huge difference. Up until I received this wonderful product I had a sharp stinging pain in my right upper abdomen. A few minutes after my first dose I could feel the pain start to go away. After the second dose the pain was completely gone. I'm so thankful I came across this product, and will certainly be buying more. THIS is the product to buy!
By Vivian Bernier on December 24, 2019
12 people found this review helpful. Do you?

"Between 3-4 Stars"
I wouldn't expect a miracle cure in the first bottle despite being one of the more expensive brands out there. It definitely helps with my itchy and dry skin so the product does work, but you have to take it for at least two months, consistently.
By Trent K. on December 22, 2019
7 people found this review helpful.

Questions from the Community
Still have questions? See below for our answers to the most common questions about :

What is the return policy for Hepagard?

We are so confident that Hepagard will work for you that every bottle comes with our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase of Hepagard, we don't want you paying for it... even if you have taken the entire bottle! Simply contact us within 30 days of your original purchase, and we will immediately arrange for a refund.

Check out our Return Policy page for more details.

Do I have to sign up for Auto-Delivery?

Absolutely not! Auto-Delivery is optional for all of our products.

If you order Hepagard every month, we recommend that you customize your own Auto-Delivery plan for your own convenience. All Auto-Delivery shipments come with free shipping and a full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, no matter how many bottles you order. However, it is not required.

Is Hepagard safe?

Each of the ingredients in the Hepagard formula has a long-standing history of safety and effectiveness.

Hepagard can be taken with most prescription and over-the-counter medications. When taken as directed, Hepagard is safe, poses no short-term or long-term health risks, and is not addictive or habit-forming.

As with any dietary supplement, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before taking Hepagard. Please visit our Safety Facts page for more information about contraindications and possible side effects.

Is Hepagard vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO?

Yes, all of the above! Before formulation, each raw ingredient in the Hepagard formula is thoroughly inspected to ensure that it is non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free. Next, we use only non-GMO vegetable capsules to deliver the natural ingredients safely and efficiently inside your body. Finally, we test each finished batch of Hepagard again before the bottles are sealed to ensure that the product is definitively non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free.

What time of day should I take Hepagard?

For best results, we recommend taking Hepagard when you wake up in the morning so that the natural ingredients can boost metabolism and improve mood throughout the day.

Hepagard can be taken with or without food. However, please keep in mind that if you take Hepagard soon before or after a meal, your body may take a little bit longer to absorb the natural ingredients.

How many capsules do I take?

For daily use, we recommend taking 1 to 2 capsules per day to allow the natural ingredients to protect against a fatty liver by reducing inflammation and detoxing the body.

For more advanced cases: We recommend taking 2 to 4 capsules to provide maximum strength antioxidant defense against liver inflammation and lipid accumulation.

Proper dosage is an individual process that depends on what works best for you and your body. We do not recommend taking more than 6 capsules per day.

Is Hepagard bottled safely?

Yes, every bottle of Hepagard has a tamper-proof seal on the outside and inside of the cap. In addition, Hepagard is carefully formulated in a GMP-certified, FDA-inspected facility in New York. Please visit our Quality Control page to find out more about the rigorous process that we follow to ensure that every bottle of Hepagard is safe.

How soon will my order arrive?

Currently, we ship all orders from the United States, so delivery times depend on the country and region we are shipping to. If you add the product to your cart, you will be able to enter your postal code to compare delivery times and shipping rates specific to your region. That way, you can choose the shipping option that best suits you!

See the Proof in How  Works for You
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if it works for someone else. It only matters that it works for you! Try  risk-free for 30 days to find out if it's right for you!

"It does work"
Had high liver blood tests especially after being put on arthritis meds. After taking hepagard my numbers are normal
By Bridget B. on January 24, 2020
1 person found this review helpful.
"Returned to normal"
After having a few abnormal blood tests on my liver, I knew I had to do something. That's when I ran across this product. After just a few weeks of taking it, my blood tests returned to normal and have stayed there.
By Albert Z. on January 24, 2020

"Awkward situation but it does help"
I got my gallbladder removed in 2014 and this helps regulate me. Awkward, but maybe it'll help someone who was in my situation.
By Justin P. on January 21, 2020
"Decided to try this. Seems to work"
I decided to try this product, liver problems, liver obesity, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, elevated enzymes, while the product is working, started at the end of the week, I planned to do a blood test to see whether the enzymes have changed or not. Took the blood test, and the results did come back very improved.
By Barton W. on January 18, 2020
2 people found this review helpful.
"Hard to tell"
I find it hard to tell if these are working or not. I was diagnosed with a fatty liver by my doctor, but I did not have any symptoms. I have been taking these Hepagard pills and I do not feel any different. I have had my levels tested again so I think it is hard to determine whether these capsules are doing any good. I will keep taking them in the meantime and report back with my results once my enzymes levels are reevaluated.
By Martin S. on January 16, 2020

"Easy to swallow"
Easy to swallow and very convenient!
By Tracy Homenick on January 16, 2020

"This brand is reliable even if the government isn't"
This product is consistent, and what they say is in it is good. However, since the FDA doesnt check supplements, we just have to believe what they say is in them is. I think nutreance is reliable.
By Randal Schowalter on January 14, 2020

"I'm normal after 10 years"
Well after 10 years of having increased liver blood work came back after taking this product for a couple liver is NORMAL!!!
By Jonathan S. on January 13, 2020

"Helps Inflammation"
Using in my battle against fatty liver, the blends contain herbs that kill inflammation AND protect/cleanse your liver. It's proved it's two for one value when I started experiencing other positive side effects, which are good because you know it's doing its job!
By Yazmin Hettinger on January 12, 2020

"Liver and Thyroid is all related"
I bought this product because I have thyroid disease and read that a healthy liver helps support the thyroid. After reading the reviews I figured I'd give it a try. After a couple of weeks I noticed it gave me much needed energy that I had been lacking. I liked it so much I bought a couple of bottles for my siblings to try.
By Danielle S. on January 10, 2020

"I was basically taking this anyway, but even better..."
I actually buy this because it combines a lot of different supplements I was taking anyway, into one. The components are beneficial in many many ways; the liver support is a bonus. Excellent price all things considered.
By Barry Hobart on January 7, 2020

"Great product and seller"
Great product and seller! Very fast shipping. Does what it says it does!
By Ashley Lesch on January 6, 2020

"Significant Change"
Most of my vitamins and supplements are from Nutreance. They're approved by my integrative health physician and I think you get a great product for a fair price. The capsules are small and easy to swallow. I am taking this because my liver tests came back a little high but after taking this for just a few weeks there was significant change.
By Margret Nader on January 1, 2020

"Works at great price!"
Seems to work and at a great price.
By Noah Williams on December 30, 2019

"Chester D."
I've only had my bottle of Hepagard for a few days, but I can already tell a huge difference. Up until I received this wonderful product I had a sharp stinging pain in my right upper abdomen. A few minutes after my first dose I could feel the pain start to go away. After the second dose the pain was completely gone. I'm so thankful I came across this product, and will certainly be buying more. THIS is the product to buy!
By Vivian Bernier on December 24, 2019
12 people found this review helpful.
"Miracle cleanse"
My liver enzymes were a little high according to lab tests. This helped bring them in line quickly.
By Naomi Parker on December 22, 2019

"Between 3-4 Stars"
I wouldn't expect a miracle cure in the first bottle despite being one of the more expensive brands out there. It definitely helps with my itchy and dry skin so the product does work, but you have to take it for at least two months, consistently.
By Trent K. on December 22, 2019
7 people found this review helpful.
"Weaning off another detox program"
Will definitely buy these again! Me and my soon to be husband have been detoxing & weaning off an ineffective detox program so we wanted to make sure we were taking care of our livers in the process. I can say without a doubt that my mood, energy levels, and overall well being was better when taking these!
By Olga Yost on December 20, 2019

"One Star"
While I liked the company, and they were easy to deal with, this product just wasn't for me. I have several issues currently. I don't think fatty liver is my primary issue, or this just wasn't effective for me.
By Janet Rice on December 20, 2019

"The Brand I Trust"
These capsules are easy to swallow, and this is a brand I trust. Everything I have taken from Nutreance has worked wonders, and this is now different. Great for liver detox!
By Alex S. on December 19, 2019

"Great Product. Enough Said."
Never had any side effects or problems with these pills. I figure like this it is cheaper to adapt a healthier lifestyle and take additional preventative items. My blood panels have been reading quite well after a few months on this too, so that is just an added benefit I feel personally. The herbs in it have been proven to have a positive impact on liver function, enough said.
By Martha H. on December 18, 2019
1 person found this review helpful.
"The absolute best"
Love everything from the nutreance brand, and this is no different. Great supplement for liver detox.
By Lawrence Schoen on December 16, 2019
"True believer. It works."
I have fatty liver disease. This product has helped my liver function tests go DOWN with regular use. I am a true believer of this product.
By Gina Beahan on December 15, 2019

"Not miraculous but does help"
I've taken quite a few liver supplements and can tell if something is helpful, and this does work. However, It's a little too expensive for me. Will continue looking even if another product is not quite as effective.
By Joan Gottlieb on December 14, 2019

"Much less tired all day"
This product does work. I found myself, telling myself, I am tired, I am tired, I am tired, before 9 am! Now, I am an early morning person so 9 am is lunch time to me. I began taking this product several weeks ago and I can't tell you the last time I told myself I am tired.
By Linda Carter on December 9, 2019

"Great company great product"
This is a great company and product. I felt more energy after taking it. I woke up feeling less fatigued. I haven't done bloodwork since starting it but I'm hoping to see a change. This company takes great care of their customers!
By Lillian DuBuque on December 8, 2019
"For a healthy liver"
One of my essential supplements. I take one a day with meals. So far so good.
By Brook U. on December 8, 2019

"Excellent Results"
I've been using this product for almost a year now and I've noticed significant benefits, especially in regards to digestive health and skin. I highly recommend this product. I use it every day in the morning with my cup of orange juice on an empty stomach. It has no flavor or odor. Overall, excellent product.
By Fredrick Schultz on December 7, 2019

"No effect"
These did absolutely nothing to me. Waste of money.
By Anonymous on December 4, 2019

"Great for your liver"
I have been using this liver supplement for a few weeks now and I am certain it has helped stabilize my liver enzymes to normal levels, did a blood test before taking it and after, and this definitely reduces liver enzymes to normal levels. Highly recommend.
By Vanessa H. on December 2, 2019

"Amazing Product"
This product really works. I was diagnosed with a bit of fat infiltration a couple of months ago. I had been having digestive problems including pain in my liver, nausea and malabsorption issues. I have seen results after finishing the first bottle. My energy level is great and my digestion has improved. If you are having liver problems please give it a try, it will change your life for the better. Thank you for this amazing product!!!
By Chloe Q. on December 1, 2019

"Works Great!"
I can feel the difference , with no doubt this product works.
I feel good no matter what I put them through!
By Leonard S. on December 1, 2019

"Worked Well For Me"
I feel like this product helped to cleanse my liver. I feel like my body is processing better...I feel good!!!
By Louise Dooley on November 28, 2019

"Wonderful Product"
I'm a self-taught nutritionist, and I think the composition of this liver formula is fantastic. Well researched and efficient, these ingredients are all you need for effective liver protection. I recommend you buy in bulk to get a discount. I supposed you could buy the individual ingredients, but it is much easier to get these than keeping stock of all 5 separate ingredients and tinkering with the dose.
By Teresa Stipe on November 24, 2019
By on November 23, 2019

"Give it a few weeks"
Once you've taken it a couple to a few weeks, you'll feel the difference in your natural energy. I definitely felt "lighter". The pills take a bit to get used to, but other than that it's a good product.
By Wesley M. on November 22, 2019

"You will not regret this"
Excellent product. If you are looking at some type of "liver pill," remember the body absorbs this product very efficiently. You will not regret this purchase. The flavor is fine--keep in mind: this is likely the best thing you will put in your body all day.
By Mohammed A. on November 21, 2019

"Even My Dr. Was Impressed"
Hepagard is proving to be an extremely effective dietary supplement for helping me to maintain a healthy liver. During my annual checkup last year I was informed that my lab results were outside of the normal range indicating that I had a fatty liver. I had noticed that I was several pounds over my normal weight and was concerned because I had not changed anything with my diet or lifestyle. I began researching the various products on the market for liver maintenance but wanted to find one for better absorption and response results. Hepagard was rated very high so I ordered a bottle. To my surprise, within a month I returned to my normal weight and had more energy to pursue my regular activities. Even my doctor was impressed with the results.
By Leslie R. on November 21, 2019
"Just order a second bottle"
I just ordered this for the third time. My doctor is really pleased with my much improved bloodwork numbers and asked what I was doing different. The taste is sweet and not unpleasant and obviously something in this product is performing as advertised.
By Ken K. on November 19, 2019

"Love Hepagard"
I started using this product last week, within a few days I noticed a difference. I woke up with energy, the bloating in my stomach and my liver was able to process toxins out of my system. I can't wait to get my blood work done. I would recommend this to anyone that is having liver issues.
By Natasha Graham on November 17, 2019

"Love the ingredients!"
I like that it has other enzymes and milk thistle too!
By Leanna H. on November 15, 2019

"Getting my life back"
My liver enzymes are high so I started taking this liver detox and it's lowered my liver enzymes down, I also have a fatty liver and this is helping me get a healthier liver back.
By Paul Raynor on November 13, 2019

"Almost like a healthier caffeine"
I recommend it. It does almost feel like a natural caffeine but more awakening in a good way. It definitely feels like a detox because you get this energetic sensation with the first bottle.
By Judy Torphy on November 13, 2019
"So glad I came across this!"
Increased energy and sleep quality give me the chance to lead a normal life. The price is right but who wouldn't enjoy a cheaper price? Very satisfied with this brand of supplement across the board.
By Ruth T. on November 11, 2019

"It has been a lifesaver for my son"
My son advised me to get this since I have a fatty liver. I already feel better. My son has liver problems too. This product has given him a new life because it ceases his pain and helps him function normally. I used it for one month and can tell the difference. Please keep this product available because my son and I both thank you!!!!!.
By Phoebe L. on November 11, 2019

"When I don't take it, it shows"
Not a miracle but works! I get blood tests every 3 weeks. This stuff helps liver results. When I don't take it, it shows.
By Jillian Christiansen on November 10, 2019
"can already tell the results"
I really like the taste of this product. While other ones can be very bitter, this one is not. I started one bottle ago, and can already tell the difference. I do have the feeling that I am helping my body on a daily basis by taking it twice a day. Will continue for sure.
By Amy Schmitt on November 10, 2019

"At first I wasn't sure. Took some time"
Love this, taking it only twice a week just to help my body detox. At first I wasn't sure, but now it seems like it is definitely working.
By Darren K. on November 10, 2019

"Amazing lab results"
I started this after a scary blood result on my liver. My alt and ast results have now dropped by 20 pts after a month. My cholesterol has dropped by 100pts! All I took was 1 per day, and I've never felt better!
By Winston C. on November 8, 2019

"So impressed with this product!"
I realize that each product doesn't necessarily work for everybody but Hepagard is doing wonders for me. When it comes to my health I don't worry about the price, I just want to feel good and enjoy life. There are so many different products to choose from for sure, but I will tell you that hepagard is absolutely providing that for me so I will continue to make it a vital part of my daily diet. Give it a try!!!
By Stella O'Connell on November 7, 2019

"Life changing supplement"
Excellent product, I was dealing with elevated liver enzymes, I have a fatty liver so it was causing inflammation and with Inflammation comes elevated enzymes, after taking this for a few months I had another round of lab work and everything came back normal, does this mean I don't have fatty liver anymore? Absolutely not, it just means there is no inflammation at the moment
By Terry Della on November 7, 2019

"This really is great stuff"
I went to see the Dr. about six months ago and found that my liver was fatty. The Dr. told me to lay off salts, drinking, exercise more etc, etc. Immediately I went online and looked up liver tonics. I found Hepagard and ordered. Immediately I started feeling more energy. I knew something about this product was making me feel better. Two days ago I went back to the Dr. Not only were my liver functions back to normal, but I lost weight! I did start exercising a bit more and watching my salt and carb intake, but I gotta say I believe this product helped too! It's all about a well balanced diet and lifestyle and Hepagard fits right into mine! Very satisfied and extremely happy with this product, will be continuing to take daily!
By Christina Marquardt on November 7, 2019

"Completely changed my life"
Hepagard has completely changed how I feel. My side pains have stopped, my IBS has stopped, I've lost weight. I just feel better.
By Caroline K. on November 6, 2019

"One Star"
These did nothing to help my hangover
By Anonymous on November 3, 2019

"The numbers don't lie"
My liver numbers on blood tests always ran a little high. After taking one of these daily for a couple months, the levels were normal on the next test. I take one every morning now. While I don't seem to notice any differences in the way I feel, the numbers don't lie.
By Louisa P. on November 2, 2019l

Friday, April 17, 2020

Good berries,longevity food.

Man Lives 256 Years By Eating Goji Berries

Herbalist Professor Li Ching Yuen
The most ancient man

Tibetan Goji Berries
from Lycium Berries
Professor Li Ching Yuen was considered the oldest man of our century. The London Times (May 8, 1933) reported his death at the age of 256 years. Records found in China show he was born in 1677.
Professor Yuen died with all his own teeth and hair. Those who knew him say that he looked about 50 when he was already over 200. He outlived 23 wives and had 11 generations of descendents during his lifetime.
Before he died, he was said to have left four specific guidelines regarding diet for those who wish to follow in his footsteps:
1) Do not overeat on hot summer nights. It causes stagnation of blood and energy.
2) Eat extra quantities of nourishing foods on cold winter mornings. It provides the extra essence and energy the body needs to compensate for having to keep warm in cold weather.
3) Adopt a primarily vegetarian diet
4) Eat the three special plants
Professor Yuen was a renowned Chinese scholar and herbalist. He spent the first 100 years studying and gathering wild herbs. He spent the latter part of his life lecturing and educating people about herbs and longevity. At the age of 250 years, he lectured before several thousand university students for many hours on the art of living long.
li ching yuen2Li Ching Yuen in 1927
He consumed three special plants on a daily basis.
1) Plant #1 was Lycium berries (Lycium barbarum). The common name for these berries in their native land of Tibet is Goji. Reports say that Yun started taking them daily when he was fifty years old. It is interesting that people who knew him say that he looked about 50 when he was already over 200.
Tibetan Goji Berries – The highest quality 
2) Plant #2 was Ginseng. While korean ginseng obviously agreed with Li Chung Yun, Korean ginseng is heating. It is considered medicinal and it is not recommended that people take it on a regular basis. A woman I know was having sleeping problems and heat flashes. When I told her to stop taking korean ginseng, her problems stopped. The only ginseng that one should consume daily is American ginseng. American ginseng is cooling. Always buy the powder in bulk and make your own capsules or drink as a tea.
3) Plant #3 was Ho-shou-wu, also called Fo-Ti-Tieng (Polygonum multi florum) root. I first learned about this herb over 30 years ago and some stories concerning Professor Yun indicated that the third herb was called Hydrocotyle asiatica minor – also known as Gotu Kola. You will have to do more research on this as I believe that the true facts are something that “they” don’t want you to know about.
Gotu Kola
If you have not yet heard of goji, you are not alone. While it has occupied an important place in traditional Asian medicine for countless generations, the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most of the world.

Note: When researching Professor Yun, it is very important to note what he was not eating as well as what he was eating. It learn what not to eat, please see “You’re Not Fat. You’re Toxic”.

In the fifties, the Domestic and Foreign magazine reported the story of Li Qingyun in Sichuan province, who died at the age of 250 in 1930. We believe this is the same Li Chung Yun mentioned above. As part of his own account Li says, “When I was 139 years old, and before I met my Master, I could still walk and do the power walk, as if I practised Chinese martial arts. As a result some people thought I might be a deity or an accomplished swordsman. At the time I thought it was really amusing. I think the reason that I have lived this long and am still perpetually healthy is because nothing has irritated me since I was 40 years old. Because of that, my heart is very calm, peaceful and divinely tranquil. That is why I am free from any illness, and always healthy and happy.
At the age of fifty when I went to a mountain to collect some herbs, I met an elderly man who lived on the secluded mountain. He didn’t appear to be a supernormal man, but he took big strides when he walked, as if he was flying in the air. No matter how hard I tried, I could not keep up with him. Later, I met him again. I knelt before him and begged for his secret. He gave me some wild fruits and said, “My only secret is that I only eat these fruits.” I took the fruits, and found that they were Chinese Wolfberries. Since then I consumed three qian of Chinese Wolfberries daily (a qian is the weight used to measure Chinese medicine which is equal to five grams). From then on I became healthy and agile. I can walk a hundred li (a li equals half a kilometre) and not feel tired. I became better in strength and stamina than an average person.”

The only reason we in the west have learned of Professor Yun as because he became a teacher. It is quite possible that many, many other people have lived way past 100, or even 200. But we never heard of them because of the isolated areas they lived, absence of electronic communication, and especially differences in language.
Obviously, none of this is scientific evidence. However, scientists are starting to find that there are a great many positive qualities to goji berries that are not in other foods. Maybe as science improves even more will be discovered later.
li ching yuen1

The following article about the Professor is curated with credit given at the bottom. It is too important to be allowed to disappear from the internet.
Li Ching-Yuen
Probably the most famous proponent and user of Gotu Kola (known in China as fo-ti-tieng) is the celebrated Chinese herbalist and Daoist master (Dao yin or internal health practices) Li Ching-Yuen, who survived twenty-three (23) wives and died on March 5, 1933 (as reported by the New York Times and London Times) at the age of 256 years. This was officially recorded and confirmed by the Chinese government, and aroused so much interest in France, that the government there established an experimental laboratory in Algeria to study Gotu Kola. The English government also provided a grant to a college research foundation in Colombo, Ceylon to study this herb.
Chinese General Yang Sen wrote a report about him, “A Factual Account of the 256 Year-Old Good-Luck Man.”, where he described Li Ching Yuen’s appearance: “He has good eyesight and a brisk stride; Li stands seven feet tall, has very long fingernails, and a ruddy complexion.”
Born on 1677 in Chyi Jiang Hsie, Szechuan province and later moving to Kai Hsien, he joined the Chinese army of provincial CinC Yueh Jong Chyi at the age of 71 in 1748.   In the army he was tactical advisor and teacher of the martial arts, though he spent most of his life in the mountain ranges gathering herbs and knowledge of longevity methods.
He claimed to have learned about longevity from another Daoist he met on the Emei Mountain in Sichuan province near the Tibetan border.   This monk, according to Li, Ching-Yuen’s story, was well over 300 years old, was as agile as a monkey, as strong as a tiger and as wise as a dragon.    This ancient Daoist sage reputedly instructed Li, Ching-Yuen in his secret method of health nourishing martial art exercises based upon the wisdom of the Book of Changes (Yijing).    Most likely this was a Daoist of the Long-Men sect who practiced a method of circle walking meditation combined with chanting and visualization.   The art of Li, Ching-Yuen came to be known by the Li family as Jiulong Baguazhang (Nine Dragon Eight Diagram Palm).
In 1927 Li Ching-Yuen was invited to Wann Hsien, Szechuan by General Yang Sen who was fascinated by Li’s remarkable youthfulness, strength and prowess in spite of his advanced age. The enclosed photograph was obtained there.   After Li’s death, the General investigated his background to determine the truth to his claimed background and age, which led to a report that was later published. Returning home, he died a year later, some say of natural causes, while others claim that he told friends,   “I have done all I have to do in this world. I will now go home.” With these words he lay down upon his couch and allowed his spirit to depart through sheer willpower.
People interviewed from his home province in 1933 remember seeing Li Ching-Yuen when they were small children, and that the master had not aged much during their lifetime.   Others reported that he had been friends with their grandfathers.   The truth of his long life died with Li Ching-Yuen and is one of those inscrutable Daoist mysteries that may never be solved.
An interesting sidelight to the above story was thrown upon the unique properties of fo-ti-tieng (Gotu Kola) by a 107 year old Indian sage named Nanddo Narian, who claimed that the herb provides the missing ingredient in a man’s diet, without which, he can never control disease and decay.   He found it to be, in practice, the finest of all herbal tonics and nutrients.
The results of the studies performed upon Gotu Kola by the French in Algeria revealed what appears to be a new vitamin not known in any other food or herb. It was described as the “youth vitamin X” that exerts a rejuvenating influence upon the ductless glands, the healthy functioning of which is, the means by which the brain and body are maintained for healthy activity.
Sources:Li Ching-Yuen
Daoist Master LiChing-Yuen,
If you wish to study the martial art founded by Li Ching Yuen, please visit Nine Dragon Baguazhang

The final piece to the longevity puzzle. This is an ancient legend from the Tang Dynasty.
During the prime of the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 A.D.), a caravan on the Silk Road stopped for a rest at an inn and noticed a young lady reprimanding and whipping an old man. A merchant approached them and enquired the young lady, “For what reason are you assaulting and abusing this elderly person?” The lady replied, “I am disciplining my great-grandson. It is none of your business.” Everyone at the scene was shocked by her reply. Further enquiries revealed that the lady was more than three hundred years old! The old person was being punished because he refused to take a type of herb and started to age. Amazed at the magic of the herb, the merchant bowed to the lady with respect and asked, “May I be so bold as to ask the lady what type of magical herb do you take?”
The lady replied, “This herb has five names. You want to take a different part of the herb each season. In spring you take its leaves, which is known as the essence of heaven herb. In summer you take its flowers, which is known as the longevity herb. In autumn you take its fruits, which is known as Chinese Wolfberry. In winter you take the bark of its roots, which is known as the skin and bone of the earth, or the staff of the deities. Taking these four parts in the four seasons respectively, will give you a life as lofty as heaven and earth.”
Thereafter the Chinese Wolfberry was introduced to the Middle East and Western countries and was eulogised as the divine herb from the East.

Lycium berries are now available in a different form, called Goji Juice. Goji juice is fast taking the world by storm. It seems to have so many different abilities to heal and increase vitality. However, It is important to make sure the Goji juice you are taking is pesticide free. Not all Goji juices or berries are the same. There appears to be a vast variety in quality.
The term “Goji” is the common name given to the Lycium barbarum berry by the Tibetans. There are about eighty different varieties of the one species, Lycium barbarum. The mother of all Goji berries is in Tibet and is fed by water from melted snow. All Lycium barbarum berries originated from this variety.
Lycium berries have been used in traditional Tibetan medicine for centuries.  The plants grow like bushes with vines that reach over 15 feet. The berries are never touched by hand as they will oxidize and turn black if touched while fresh. They are shaken onto mats, then dried in the shade.  Or harvested with gloves.
  • Contain 19 amino acids – the building blocks of protein – including all eight that are essential for life.
  • Contain 21 trace minerals, including germanium, an anti-cancer trace mineral rarely found in foods.
  • Contains more protein than whole wheat (13 percent in the form of amino acids)
  • Goji Juice is now undergoing intense scrutiny as an anti-cancer drug in Mongolia, China, Japan and Switzerland.  It has been found that the fruit, as well as an extract from its leaves, can kill many kinds of cancer cells in vitro. In vivo studies and human studies are proving to be highly promising.  Goji Juice contains approximately 124 ppm of organic Germanium.  Germanium has been demonstrated to have anti-cancer activity.  Japanese studies indicate that organic Germanium is effective in treating liver cancer, lung cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, and testicular cancer when combined with other drugs. It has been found to induce the production in human beings of g-interferon. Interferon can depress and even kill cancer cells.  Germanium possesses the power to take over the hydrogen ion from cancer cells.  Losing hydrogen ions can cause depression and even death to cancer cells. 
  • Contains a complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene a better source than even carrots!) and zeaxanthin (protects the eyes). Goji berries are the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods.
  • Contains Vitamin C at higher levels than even those found in oranges.
  • Contains B-complex vitamins, necessary for converting food into energy.
  • Contains Vitamin E (very rarely found in fruits, only in grains and seeds).
  • Contains an anti-inflammatory agent called Beta-Sitosterol. Beta-Sitosterol also lowers cholesterol and has been used to treat sexual impotence and prostate enlargement.
  • Contains essential fatty acids, which are required for the body’s production of hormones and for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system, INCLUDING OMEGA 3 which is essential for excellent health and not readily available in most foods. (Chia seeds are the best soruce for Omega 3).
  • Contains a compound called Cyperone that benefits the heart and blood pressure, alleviates menstrual discomfort, and has been used in the treatment of cervical cancer.
  • Contains a powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial compound called Solavetivone.
  • Contains a natural compound that is active against all major types of leukaemia called Physalin,. It has been shown to increase splenic natural killer cell activity in normal and tumour-bearing mice, with broad-spectrum anti-cancer effect. It has also been used as a treatment for hepatitis B.
  • Contains Betaine, which is used by the liver to produce choline, a compound that calms nervousness, enhances memory, promotes muscle growth, and protects against fatty liver disease. Betaine also provides methyl groups in the body’s energy reactions and can help reduce levels of homocysteine, a prime risk factor in heart disease. It also protects DNA.
  • Containes polysaccharides which have been demonstrated to strongly fortify the immune system.  This same polysaccharide has been found to be a secretagogue, that is, a substance that stimulates the secretion in the pituitary gland of human growth hormone, a powerful innate anti-aging hormone. 
  • In Mongolia it is commonly used by first trimester mothers to prevent morning sickness.  It is a gentle and soothing fruit that is loaded with available vitality.
  • Contains super high levels of antioxidants. What is an antioxidant? Just like rust on a car, oxidation can cause damage to cells by producing what are called “free radicals”. Some people believe that free radicals are a major cause of aging. Antioxidants help prevent oxidation. Many people believe that antioxidants increase immune function and decrease aging.
  • In several study groups with elderly people Goji was given once a day for 3 weeks, with many beneficial results being experienced.  67% of the patients‘ T cell transformation functions tripled and the activity of the patients’ white cell interleukin-2 doubled.  In addition, the results showed that all the patients’ spirit and optimism increased significantly, appetite improved in 95% of the patients, 95% of the patients slept better and 35% of the patients partially recovered their sexual function.  The Goji berry has absolutely no toxicity.
IMPORTANT: Because of its powerful detoxification properties, it is suggested you drink Goji juice and eat Goji berries only in small quantities at first.
Antioxidant Levels
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity Scale.
3,000 units is considered a standard for health by the natural health industry
Goji (Lycium) Berry
Brussel Sprouts
Broccoli (organic)

Great stories and information about goji juice can read at the following websites. But PLEASE NOTE. The webmaster of Share Goji asked me to remove the link below because their site is only for Freelife Goji. See my further comments below. – Click on ‘REAL LIFE STORIES’ – This website is specifically about Himalayan Goji Juice as bottled by the Multi-Lvel Marketing Company Freelife. It is not about our brands. The owner of this website emailed me asking me to remove the link to their website. I have declined to do that and thankfully there is no law that can stop me from linking to it.
HOWEVER, goji berries are all the same species, Lycium barbarum. Whenever you have read of the benefits of drinking orange or carrot juice, have you ever heard someone say that one particular variety of orange was better than another? Let alone say that you should ONLY drink orange juice bottled by one particular company?
I have wasted a lot of time and money with about 10 different Multi-Level Marketing companies in my life. I was a member of a major MLM that sold goji for a while just because I liked Goji Juice but I dropped out when they would not let me sell other brands of goji on my website.
Before you get involved in a Multi-Level marketing company, consider the fact that there are now lawyers whose full time job is working out how to help members get their downline back once the parent MLM company steals it from them. And know that the FTC is thankfully about to crack down on them.
Here are some good links about MLM companies. See
The 10 Big Lies of Multi-Level Marketing
Conspiracy Fraud Exposed /
Empowerment or Slavery? MLM for Dummies
Tibetan Goji Berries
There is no comparison between “Real” Goji berries from Tibet and wolf berries from China which are often called “Goji berries” these days.
The ‘Goji’ berry is known as a Tibetan berry because it was traditionally used in the Indo Tibetan Mongolian culture for centuries. The geographic area of this ancient culture included Bhutan and all of Mongolia and a great portion of China, Tibet had much larger borders at that time. The traditional Tibetan medicinal plant collection areas remain in the same locations irreverent of political border and territory changes.  The Tibetan Lycium berry ‘Goji’ was used in this ancient culture as a food because of its neutral energetic nature (neither cold or hot nature) and used in traditional medicines for the same reason because it could be utilized in a broad spectrum of Tibetan medical formulas.
‘Goji’ is the name that refers to the Tibetan variety of Lycium that is indigenous to the traditional Tibetan and Mongolian botanical collection regions and used for centuries by Tibetan doctors and the nomadic people of those areas. Fairly recently, beginning around 1996 the name ‘Goji’ was ‘borrowed’ and used to market another similar lycium berry, the Chinese ‘wolfberry’ and that caused market confusion and still remains a marketing error today. Local harvesters are careful to distinguish the Tibetan Lycium variety ‘Goji’ berry from its distantly related offspring, the Chinese Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), pointing out that its nutrient makeup and energetic qualities differ, as do the regions and conditions within which these two different Lycium berries are growing.
Taste the difference! We use them most mornings in our breakfast smoothy. Because they cost a little more than other goji berries (which are from China), we tried using cheaper berries. But we found that the difference in TASTE is ENORMOUS. We just can’t help but feel that there are things in these Tibetan berries that others don’t have. Now we don’t bother with the other kinds. I would rather have a smaller amount of these ones, than the kinds available in health foods stores.
You can also grow goji berry plants from these berries.
DO YOURSELF A FAVOR – Try some Goji today!
* Obviously, results will vary

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