Monday, November 27, 2023

three kinds of money 三种钱 sān zhǒng qián

 人到中年 三种钱别乱花 Rén dào zhōng nián sān zhǒng qián bié luàn huā When you reach middle age, don’t spend three kinds of money indiscriminately

●计划不周 一世穷 jì huá bù zhōu yīshì qióng Poor planning leads to poverty

(French: Lorsque vous atteignez l’âge mûr, ne dépensez pas trois types d’argent sans discernement

 Une mauvaise planification mène à la pauvreté )

(Russian: Когда вы достигнете среднего возраста, не тратьте три вида денег без разбора.

 Плохое планирование приводит к бедности

Kogda vy dostignete srednego vozrasta, ne trat'te tri vida deneg bez razbora.

Plokhoye planirovaniye privodit k bednosti )

●人到中年花钱一定要有计划 Rén dào zhōng nián huā qián yīdìng yào yǒu jìhuà

When you reach middle age, you must have a plan when spending money.

(French: Lorsque vous atteignez l’âge mûr, vous devez avoir un plan lorsque vous dépensez de l’argent.)

(Russian: Когда вы достигнете среднего возраста, у вас должен быть план траты денег. Kogda vy dostignete srednego vozrasta, u vas dolzhen byt' plan traty deneg. )

●第一个地方就是无效的社交圈 别乱花钱 Dì yī gè dìfāng jiùshì wúxiào de shèjiāo quān

Bié luàn huā qián  The first place is the invalid social circle, don't waste money

(French: La première place est le cercle social invalide )Ne gaspillez pas d'argent

(Russian: Первое место – невалидный круг общения . Не тратьте деньги.

Pervoye mesto – nevalidnyy krug obshcheniya.  Ne trat'te den'gi)

●牌友只会约你打牌 Pái yǒu zhǐ huì yuē nǐ dǎpái Poker friends will only ask you to play cards 

(French: Les amis du poker vous demanderont seulement de jouer aux cartes.)

( Russian: Друзья по покеру будут просить вас играть только в карты 

Druz'ya po pokeru budut prosit' vas igrat' tol'ko v karty )

●酒友只会约你去喝酒 Jiǔ yǒu zhǐ huì yuē nǐ qù hējiǔ Drinking buddies will only ask you out for drinks

(French: Les copains de beuverie ne vous inviteront qu'à boire un verre)

(Russian: Собутыльники будут приглашать вас только выпить Sobutyl'niki budut priglashat' vas tol'ko vypit' )

● 人到中年 Rén dào zhōng nián people who reached middle age

(French: Moyen-Âge)

(Russian: средние века  sredniye veka)

● 一定要远离这些酒肉朋友 Yīdìng yào yuǎnlí zhèxiē jiǔròu péngyǒu Be sure to stay away from these fair-weather friends

(French: Assurez-vous de rester à l'écart de ces amis du beau temps )

(Russian: Обязательно держитесь подальше от этих друзей в хорошую погоду. Obyazatel'no derzhites' podal'she ot etikh druzey v khoroshuyu pogodu.)

●吃喝玩乐的钱 Chīhē wánlè de qián money for food, drink and fun 

(French: de l'argent pour manger, boire et s'amuser)

(Russian: деньги на еду, напитки и развлечения den'gi na yedu, napitki i razvlecheniya )

● 花起来那就是个无底洞 Huā qǐlái nà jiùshì gè wúdǐdòng When it comes to lavish spending, it's like a bottomless pit

(French: Lorsqu'il s'agit de dépenses somptueuses, c'est comme un gouffre sans fond)

(Russian: Когда дело доходит до расточительных расходов, это похоже на бездонную яму. Kogda delo dokhodit do rastochitel'nykh raskhodov, eto pokhozhe na bezdonnuyu yamu.)

●而且只有付出没有回报 Érqiě zhǐyǒu fùchū mò yǒu huíbào And there is only giving without getting anything in return

(French: Et il n'y a que donner sans rien obtenir en retour )

(Russian: И есть только отдавать, ничего не получая взамен. I yest' tol'ko otdavat', nichego ne poluchaya vzamen. )

● 不如多存一些钱 Bùrú duō cún yīxiē qián It’s better to save more money

(French: Il vaut mieux économiser plus d'argent )

(Russian: Лучше сэкономить больше денег  Luchshe sekonomit' bol'she deneg )

● 省的老了捉惊见肘 Shěng de lǎole zhuō jīng jiàn zhǒu. I'm too old to be surprised.

(French: Je suis trop vieux pour être surpris.)

(Russian: Я слишком стар, чтобы удивляться. YA slishkom star, chtoby udivlyat'sya.)

● 晚景凄凉 Wǎnjǐng qīliáng Desolate evening scene

(French: Scène de soirée désolée )

(Russian: Пустынная вечерняя сцена Pustynnaya vechernyaya stsena )

● 为了酒肉朋友 Wèile jiǔròu péngyǒu For fair-weather friends 

(French: Pour les amis du beau temps)

(Russian: Для друзей в хорошую погоду Dlya druzey v khoroshuyu pogodu )

● 透支自己养老的钱 Tòuzhī zìjǐ yǎnglǎo de qián Overdraft your own pension money

(French: Découvrir votre propre argent de retraite)

(Russian: Овердрафт собственных пенсионных денег Overdraft sobstvennykh pensionnykh deneg )

●实在没必要 Shízài méi bìyào It's really not necessary 

(French: Ce n'est vraiment pas nécessaire)

(Russian: Это действительно не обязательно Eto deystvitel'no ne obyazatel'no )

● 第二个地方  Dì èr gè dìfāng second place 

(French: la deuxième place)

(Russian: Второе место; Vtoroye mesto)

●就是不要为了维持所谓的面子 Jiùshì bùyào wèile wéichí suǒwèi de miànzi Just don't do it to maintain the so-called face

(French: Ne le fais pas pour conserver le soi-disant visage)

(Russian: Только не делайте этого, чтобы сохранить так называемое лицо ; Tol'ko ne delayte etogo, chtoby sokhranit' tak nazyvayemoye litso)

●花费过多 Huāfèiguò duō spending too much

(French: dépenser trop)

(Russian: тратить слишком много ; tratit' slishkom mnogo)

● 这叫死要面子活受罪 Zhè jiào sǐ yàomiànzi huóshòuzuì  This is called dying to save face and suffering while living.

(French: C’est ce qu’on appelle mourir pour sauver la face et la souffrance en vivant.)

(Russian: Это называется умереть, чтобы сохранить лицо и страдать при жизни. Eto nazyvayetsya umeret', chtoby sokhranit' litso i stradat' pri zhizni.)

● 年轻的时候虚荣 Niánqīng de shíhòu xūróng ; vanity when young

(French: vanité quand on est jeune)

( Russian: тщеславие в молодости ; tshcheslaviye v molodosti )

● 没有人会过分的苛责你 Méiyǒu rén huì guòfèn de kēzé nǐ ; No one will be too harsh on you 

(French: Personne ne sera trop dur avec toi )

(Russian: Никто не будет к тебе слишком строг ; Nikto ne budet k tebe slishkom strog

● 但是到了中年之后 Dàn shì dào le zhōng nián zhī hòu ; But after middle age 

(French: Mais après la cinquantaine)

(Russian: Но после среднего возраста 

No posle srednego vozrasta )

●还为自己的那份虚荣买单 Hái wèi zìjǐ dì nà fèn xūróng mǎidān ; And pay for your own vanity

(French: Et payez pour votre propre vanité)

(Russian: И заплатить за свое тщеславие ; I zaplatit' za svoye tshcheslaviye )

●就很容易让你的生活一地鸡毛 Jiù hěn róngyì ràng nǐ de shēnghuó yī dì jīmáo; It’s easy to make your life a mess 

(French: C'est facile de mettre ta vie en désordre )

(Russian: Легко превратить свою жизнь в беспорядок; Legko prevratit' svoyu zhizn' v besporyadok )

●严重的还会伤害到你的生命 Yánzhòng de hái huì shānghài dào nǐ de shēngmìng ; In serious cases, it may even harm your life.    

(French: Dans les cas graves, cela peut même nuire à votre vie.)

(Russian: В серьезных случаях это может даже нанести вред вашей жизни. V ser'yeznykh sluchayakh eto mozhet dazhe nanesti vred vashey zhizni.)

●第三个地方就是 Dì sān gè dìfāng jiùshì; The third place is 

(French: La troisième place est)

(Russian: Третье место это ; Tret'ye mesto eto )

●不能在婚外的感情上花钱 Bùnéng zài hūn wài de gǎnqíng shàng huā qián ; Don’t spend money on relationships outside of marriage

(French) Ne dépensez pas d’argent pour des relations hors mariage

(Russian) Не тратьте деньги на отношения вне брака 

● 那可是个冤大头啊 ; Nà kěshì gè yuāndàtóu a ;That's a big mistake.

(French) C'est une grosse erreur.

(Russian) Это большая ошибка. Eto bol'shaya oshibka 

●有些人和婚外的异性暧昧 ; Yǒuxiē rén hé hūn wài de yìxìng àimèi ; Some people are ambiguous with the opposite sex outside of marriage

(French) Certaines personnes sont ambiguës avec le sexe opposé en dehors du mariage

(Russian) Некоторые люди неоднозначно относятся к противоположному полу вне брака. Nekotoryye lyudi neodnoznachno otnosyatsya k protivopolozhnomu polu vne braka. 

●动不动又是红包又是礼物 ; Dòngbùdòng yòu shì hóngbāo yòu shì lǐwù ; There are red envelopes and gifts at every turn .

(French) Il y a des enveloppes rouges et des cadeaux à chaque tournant

[Russian]  На каждом шагу красные конверты и подарки.; Na kazhdom shagu krasnyye konverty i podarki.

●被人哄骗被人算计 ; Bèi rén hǒngpiàn bèi rén suànjì ; Being deceived and plotted against 

(French) Être trompé et comploté contre

(RUSSIAN)  Быть обманутым и составить заговор против ; Byt' obmanutym i sostavit' zagovor protiv

●结果偷鸡不成反蚀把米 ; Jiéguǒ tōu jī bùchéng fǎn shí bǎ mǐ ; As a result, if you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice.

(French) En conséquence, si vous ne parvenez pas à voler le poulet, vous perdrez le riz.

(Russian) В результате, если вам не удастся украсть курицу, вы потеряете рис. V rezul'tate, yesli vam ne udastsya ukrast' kuritsu, vy poteryayete ris.

●不光情人没捞着 ; Bùguāng qíngrén méi lāozháo ; Not only the lover failed to catch it

(French) Non seulement l'amant n'a pas réussi à l'attraper

(Russian) Не только любовник не смог его поймать ; Ne tol'ko lyubovnik ne smog yego poymat' .

●老婆知道以后家也散了 ; Lǎopó zhīdào yǐhòu jiā yě sànle ; When my wife found out, the family broke up.

(French) Quand ma femme l’a découvert, la famille s’est séparée. 

(Russian) Когда моя жена узнала об этом, семья распалась. Kogda moya zhena uznala ob etom, sem'ya raspalas'.

●异性之间切记不能越界 ; Yìxìng zhī jiān qièjì bùnéng yuèjiè ; Remember not to cross the line between opposite sexes

(French) N'oubliez pas de ne pas franchir la frontière entre les sexes opposés

(Russian) Помните, что нельзя пересекать грань между противоположными полами. ;

Pomnite, chto nel'zya peresekat' gran' mezhdu protivopolozhnymi polami.

●赚钱不容易 ; Zhuànqián bù róngyì ; Earning money is not easy .

(French) Gagner de l'argent n'est pas facile

(Russian) Зарабатывать деньги непросто 

Zarabatyvat' den'gi neprosto .

●一定要理性消费 ; Yīdìng yào lǐxìng xiāofèi ; Must consume rationally

(French) Il faut consommer rationnellement

(Russian)Надо потреблять рационально ; Nado potreblyat' ratsional'no .

●一定要懂得珍惜 ; Yīdìng yào dǒngdé zhēnxī ;You must know how to cherish 

(French) Il faut savoir chérir

(Russian) Вы должны знать, как дорожить ; ; Vy dolzhny znat', kak dorozhit' 

●家庭不容易 ; Jiātíng bù róngyì ; Family is not easy 

(French) La famille n'est pas facile

(Russian) Семья – это непросто ; Sem'ya – eto neprosto

●一定要以家为重 ; Yīdìng yào yǐ jiā wéi zhòng ; You must put family first

(French) Vous devez donner la priorité à la famille

(Russian) Вы должны поставить семью на первое место ; Vy dolzhny postavit' sem'yu na pervoye mesto 

●年轻时候的苦不是真的苦 ; Niánqīng shíhòu de kǔ bùshì zhēn de kǔ ; The suffering of youth is not really suffering

(French) La souffrance de la jeunesse n'est pas vraiment une souffrance

(Russian) Страдания молодежи на самом деле не страдания ; Stradaniya molodezhi na samom dele ne stradaniya 

●年老时候的苦 那才是真的苦啊 ; Nián lǎo shíhòu de kǔ nà cái shì zhēn de kǔ a  ; The suffering of old age is the real suffering

(French) La souffrance de la vieillesse est la vraie souffrance

(Russian) Страдания старости – настоящие страдания ; Stradaniya starosti – nastoyashchiye stradaniya 

●要早一点学会积累财富 ; Yào zǎo yīdiǎn xuéhuì jīlěi cáifù ; Learn to accumulate wealth earlier 

(French) Apprenez à accumuler de la richesse plus tôt

(RUSSIAN) Научитесь накапливать богатство раньше ; Nauchites' nakaplivat' bogatstvo ran'she .

●不要把钱花在不该花的地方 ; Bùyào bǎ qián huā zài bù gāi huā dì dìfāng ;  Don't spend money on things you shouldn't spend

(French) Ne dépensez pas d'argent pour des choses que vous ne devriez pas dépenser

(Russian) Не тратьте деньги на вещи, которые не следует тратить ; Ne trat'te den'gi na veshchi, kotoryye ne sleduyet tratit' 

●晚年就多一些保障 ; Wǎnnián jiù duō yīxiē bǎozhàng ; More protection in old age

(French) Plus de protection pour les personnes âgées

(Russian) Больше защиты в старости ; Bol'she zashchity v starosti 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

There Is No Life In Time

 God Is Here Now as you experience the reality in  consciousness of God ...

but only if you carefully do the work in the silence of your being

Monday, November 20, 2023


Consciousness is the individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you.

This awareness is subjective and unique to you. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is part of your consciousness.

Your conscious experiences are constantly shifting and changing. For example, in one moment, you may be focused on reading this article. Your consciousness may then shift to the memory of a conversation you had earlier with a co-worker. Next, you might notice how uncomfortable your chair is, or maybe you are mentally planning dinner.

This ever-shifting stream of thoughts can change dramatically from one moment to the next, but your experience of it seems smooth and effortless.

States of Consciousness

The various states of consciousness include:






States induced by psychoactive drugs

The two normal states of awareness are consciousness and unconsciousness. Higher states of consciousness are often associated with spiritual or mystical experiences. It involves an elevated state of awareness where people are able to gain a greater sense of themselves, their role, and the world. Examples of this include transcendence, meditation, mindfulness, a "runner's high," lucid dreaming, and flow states. 

Altered levels of consciousness also can occur, which may be caused by medical or mental conditions that impair or change awareness. Altered types of consciousness include:







Doctors and healthcare professionals use various assessments to measure and assess levels of consciousness. They use scores on these assessments to guide diagnosis and treatment decisions.

What Are the 5 Levels of Consciousness?

●Conscious: Everything you are aware of

●Preconscious: Information you are not currently aware of that you can pull into awareness if needed

●Unconscious: Memories that are outside of awareness and inaccessible

●Non-conscious: Automatically bodily functions that occur without awareness and sensation

●Subconscious: Information that is out of consciousness and not immediately available to consciousness

Functions of Consciousness

Consciousness has several biological and social purposes. For example, it allows us to process information, choose our actions, set priorities, learn and adapt to new information, make decisions, and more.

Consciousness is an essential state in philosophy, spirituality, and religion. All of these require self-awareness, which is impossible without consciousness.

Changes in Consciousness

Understanding different levels of consciousness can help healthcare professionals spot signs that someone might be experiencing a problem. Some of these changes occur naturally; others are the result of factors such as drugs or brain damage. Changes to consciousness also can cause changes to perception, thinking, understanding, and interpretations of the world.

Changes in consciousness can sometimes be a sign of medical conditions or they may even be a sign of an immediate medical emergency.

For example, sudden changes in consciousness might be a sign of:


Brain infections

Brain tumor or injury

Dementia or Alzheimer's disease

Drug use


Heart disease


Lack of oxygen to the brain

Low blood sugar




When to Seek Help

If you thinking you are experiencing changes in consciousness, talk to your doctor. Sudden changes may be a sign of a medical emergency that requires immediate attention, such as a stroke or hemorrhage. 

Talking to your doctor right away can ensure that you get immediate treatment before problems get worse.

History of Consciousness

For thousands of years, the study of human consciousness was largely the work of philosophers. The French philosopher Rene Descartes introduced the concept of mind-body dualism or the idea that while the mind and body are separate, they do interact.

Once psychology was established as a discipline separate from philosophy and biology, the study of the conscious experience became one of the first topics studied by early psychologists.

Structuralists used a process known as introspection to analyze and report conscious sensations, thoughts, and experiences. Trained observers would carefully inspect the contents of their own minds. Obviously, this was a very subjective process, but it helped inspire further research on the scientific study of consciousness.

The American psychologist William James compared consciousness to a stream—unbroken and continuous despite constant shifts and changes. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud focused on understanding the importance of the unconscious and conscious mind.

While the focus of much of the research in psychology shifted to purely observable behaviors during the first half of the 20th century, research on human consciousness has grown tremendously since the 1950s.

Theories of Consciousness

One of the problems with the study of consciousness is the lack of a universally accepted operational definition. Descartes proposed the idea of cogito ergo sum ("I think, therefore I am"), which suggested that the very act of thinking demonstrates the reality of one’s existence and consciousness.

Today, consciousness is generally defined as an awareness of yourself and the world. However, there are still debates about the different aspects of this awareness.

Research on consciousness has focused on understanding the neuroscience behind our conscious experiences. Scientists have even utilized brain-scanning technology to seek out specific neurons that might be linked to different conscious events. Modern researchers have proposed two major theories of consciousness: integrated information theory and global workspace theory.

Integrated Information Theory

This approach looks at consciousness by learning more about the physical processes that underlie our conscious experiences.3 The theory attempts to create a measure of the integrated information that forms consciousness. The quality of an organism’s consciousness is represented by the level of integration.

This theory tends to focus on whether something is conscious and to what degree it is conscious.

Global Workspace Theory

This theory suggests that we have a memory bank from which the brain draws information to form the experience of conscious awareness.

 While integrated information theory focuses more on identifying whether an organism is conscious, the global workspace theory offers a much broader approach to understanding how consciousness works.


While consciousness has intrigued philosophers and scientists for thousands of years, experts clearly have a long way to go in our understanding of the concept. Researchers continue to explore the different bases of consciousness including the physical, social, cultural, and psychological influences that contribute to our conscious awareness.

Christhood Consciousness 

Christhood is a higher state of consciousness, a state that is fundamentally different from what is called “normal” human awareness.

It is very difficult to describe Christhood for people who have not experienced it. Imagine having to describe what a sunset looks like to a person who was born blind. The person has no frame of reference, no comparison.The deeper reality on this planet is that most of us have been brought up without ever encountering any expressions of the consciousness of Christhood. All we have seen have been expressions of the lower state of consciousness, which we might call human consciousness or the consciousness of anti-christ.The deeper reality is that Christhood is NOT a further development or evolution of the human consciousness. It is a fundamentally different state of consciousness. How different? As different as life and death. When Jesus walked the earth 2,000 years ago, he described Christhood as a state of spiritual life and he described normal human awareness as a state of spiritual death. That is why he said that only those who are willing to lose their human lives would be reborn into the eternal life of the Christ consciousness. 

Let the dead bury the death. You have Christ consciousness follow Jesus  Christ. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

physiology of human sexual function

The terminology for the complexities of human sexual activity is discussed and the male and female sexual arousal to orgasm is described with its underlying physiological mechanisms. The original four-phased human sexual response cycle of Masters & Johnson (Excitation, Plateau, Orgasm, Resolution) is now modified by amalgamation of the plateau phase into the excitation phase and the addition of two desire phases, one spontaneous (proactive) the other activated by arousal per se (reactive). The relation between genital arousal and subjective arousal is reviewed for males and females. In males, erection and subjective arousal usually have good concordance but in females increased vaginal blood flow and lubrication can occur without any concomitant subjective arousal even with sexually aversive stimuli. The subjective feeling of sexual arousal in women is now regarded as more complex than stimuli from the genitals, involving the contextual meaning and content of the stimuli. Imaging studies have revealed multiple areas of the brain that become involved during sexual arousal and at orgasm. However, different studies using different techniques and analyses have given conflicting accounts of which areas are activated and which are deactivated, and it is not possible at present to finalize the position.

Section snippets

The terminology of human sexual activity

Many authors use the terms ‘sexual arousal’ and ‘sexual excitement’ synonymously but it is useful to keep sexual arousal (a state) to denote physiological changes and sexual excitement as the subjective awareness of the arousal. Greater difficulty occurs when it comes to describing the central mental process creating the subjective awareness of arousal. The literature has sexual drive, desire, interest, appetite, motivation and libido (see Levin2 for a detailed discussion). Sexual drive is the

Sexual response cycle

The sequence of events that characterizes the progression from the sexually unaroused to the aroused state and the resolution of these changes is described as the human sexual response cycle,5 with genital and non-genital components. The latter include increased heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, nipple erection, myotonia and dilated pupils.

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The biological purpose of the sexual response in men is to enable sperm to be introduced into the vagina, while the genital changes occurring in

Spinal cord mechanisms

Sensory input arising from stimulation of the external genitalia is conveyed in the pudendal nerve to the medial central grey matter of the lumbosacral spine and the information is relayed to supraspinal sites in the spinothalamic and spinoreticular pathways. Two different pathways carry the sensory information from the glans via the dorsal nerve of the penis. The sensory fibres of the pudendal nerve conveys the information to the spinal cord, and the information also travels to the hypogastric 

Brain imaging during sexual arousal and orgasm

Apart from the very limited information available from subjects with brain lesions, those with epilepsy and the rare cases of electrical stimulation of the brain (see Levin2 for references), animal studies, especially in rodents, have been the major source of information about the central mechanisms controlling sexual arousal/behaviour. While numerous neurotransmitters are implicated in the complex mechanisms of sexual activity (cholinergic, adrenergic, vipergic, oxyntergic, prolactinergic),

Genital arousal

Genital arousal in both sexes is essentially a vasocongestive and neuromuscular event controlled by facilitatory parasympathetic and inhibiting sympathetic neural mechanisms. The primary changes are penile erection in men and clitoral tumescence, genital vasocongestion and increased vaginal lubrication in women. The increase in heart rate and blood pressure that occurs during sexual arousal provides the increased blood flow to the genitals.

Ejaculation and orgasm

Ejaculation in the male is the process by which spermatozoa contained within seminal fluid are ejected forcefully from the urethral meatus. Some women experience a discharge of fluid from the urethra at orgasm and high levels of sexual arousal, often by stimulation of the so-called G-spot on the anterior wall of the vagina, and this has been termed ‘female ejaculation’. Whether this discharge is urine or a product of the paraurethral glands or a mixture of both continues to be debated.18

Hormones and human sexuality

An account of the role of hormones in human sexuality is too complex to be dealt with in this contribution but their importance should not be overlooked. Briefly, the sex steroids, especially androgens and oestrogens, have essential developmental (organisational), maintenance and activational functions in both males and females. Oestrogens are more involved in female sexuality, especially the development and maintenance of genitalia and breasts. Androgens, however, are important in both male


Sexual functioning involves an integrated series of physiological processes with complicated peripheral and central control systems. Our understanding of the physiology of the peripheral events in the male is advanced and we are now beginning to elucidate those of the female. Much of our knowledge of central mechanisms is derived from animal studies, and with current advances in imaging technology it is becoming possible to assess the relevance of findings in animals to the human state. A

References (20)

J. Redouté et al.

Brain processing of visual sex stimuli in treated and untreated hypogonadal subjects



A. Riley et al.

Relevant issues in the diagnosis and management of psychosexual disorders

Primary Care Psychiatry


R.J. Levin

Human male sexuality: appetite and arousal, desire and drive

A. Riley

Problems of the sexual response cycle

Journal of the Diplomates of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists


R. Basson

Biopsychosocial models of women’s sexual response: applications to management of desire disorders

Sex Relationship Ther


W. Masters et al.

Human sexual response


R.J. Levin

Sexual arousal – its physiological roles in human reproduction

Annu Rev Sex Res


R.J. Levin

Sexual desire and the deconstruction and reconstruction of the human sexual response model of Masters and Johnson

G. Holstege

Central nervous system control of ejaculation

World J Urol


R.G. Parades et al.

Has dopamine a physiological role in the central control of sexual behaviour? A critical review of the evidence

Prog Neurobiol


There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

Cited by (21)

Is Mode of Delivery Associated With Sexual Response? A Pilot Study of Genital and Subjective Sexual Arousal in Primiparous Women With Vaginal or Cesarean Section Births

2020, Journal of Sexual Medicine

Show abstract

A review of infrared thermography as applied to human sexual psychophysiology

2018, International Journal of Psychophysiology

Citation Excerpt :

Sexual arousal is a multi-dimensional state that encompasses physiological changes dependent on activation of the central nervous system, the perception of these changes, subjective experience of arousal, and motivated behavior (Geer et al., 1993; Rosen and Beck, 1988). Physiological responses specific to sexual arousal include genital responses (erection in men and vaginal lubrication, clitoral, and vulvar congestion in women), with the congestion leading to an increase in pelvic vascular blood flow and resultant pelvic vasocongestion (Levin, 1998, 2003; Levin and Riley, 2007). Genital vasocongestion is also associated with increases in genital skin temperature (Henson et al., 1977; Webster and Hammer, 1983).

Show abstract

Examining the time course of genital and subjective sexual responses in women and men with concurrent plethysmography and thermography

2017, Biological Psychology

Citation Excerpt :

To address these gaps, we concurrently assessed changes in vaginal vasoengorgement, penile circumference, genital temperature, and emotional arousal, and examined the time course and relationships between these different aspects of sexual response using statistical methods that could examine their dynamic nature. Heart rate and blood pressure increase with sexual arousal and lead to genital vasocongestion − increased blood flow to the genitals (Levin & Riley, 2007). This blood flow is the result of relaxation of the cavernous muscle of the penis and dilation of the cavernosal artery, or dilation of the capillaries of the vagina (Levin & Riley, 2007).

Show abstract

Sexual Activity and Heart Patients: A Contemporary Perspective

2016, Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Citation Excerpt :

Data regarding sexuality suggests that men and women exhibit differences in sexual functioning; furthermore, evidence has also fostered an increasing recognition of the importance of an integrative approach, rather than a strictly physiological approach, to understand sexual behavior.38 This contemporary perspective provides a theoretical framework for the current understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of sexual dysfunction.38,39 During SA, energy expenditure and oxygen requirements increase, with maximal levels reached during orgasm.

Show abstract

Sexual response models in women

2009, Maturitas

Show abstract

Is male orgasm complex? Exploratory study of discourse about the orgasm of 923 men in heterosexual couple

2019, Sexologies

Show abstract

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Interesting presentation about false fixes and identifying addictive behaviours in our own lives. The antidote suggested is becoming more mindful of the things we use, and the intentions behind them, and just generally becoming more intentional about the habits we set up and where we source our sense of fulfillment or relief from. Neuroscience provides an interesting avenue to interpret standard understandings.
.......Hooked, Hacked, Hijacked: Reclaim Your Brain from Addictive Living: Dr. Pamela Peeke at TEDxWallStreet


I'm the doctor, and I'm here to save you.


No, I'm not.

What I'm here to do is to fill the survival void a little differently than you've been doing for a long time.
Not everybody but lots of you are filling that survival void with what we call 'false fixes'.

And that is...
You know what I'm talking about.
I'll give you a hint: it's not apples and kale. When things get a little tough out there, it's usually that national 'ménage à trois', especially for women.
Late at night: you, Ben & Jerry.

And who was it that told us that a pint of ice-cream has four servings in it?

Law & Order marathon, pre-menopause, a rotten day: one serving. And there you have it! Anesthetized, ready for another day. Sounds familiar?

So, what I'm going to do is describe the problem and prescribe a little bit of a brand new solution based upon hot new science that most of you may never have heard about before.
A twist on survival. False fixes.
Well, you know how it goes. All of the false fixes we are used to in life.
I look specifically at that wine bottle,
I think about that brand new Facebook
that has an amazing following of a thousand women. It's called: "I need a glass of wine,or I'm going to sell my children."


Do you think we have a problem here?

Addictive lifestyle

Look at everything else we do. You live an addictive lifestyle and you don't even know it.
It's addictive-like behaviors that happen throughout the day.
Any question about this, just give up one of those behaviors and see how it feels.
You know how it feels.

Staring at screens...
What about getting to work at five in the morning and leaving at midnight?Anything wrong with that?
What happened to eating? And what do you eat?
And do you sleep at all?
We're going to get into that.

These are what we call 'false fixes'.
Oh, sure they fix, sort of, for a short period of time, and then they boomerang right back in your face.
As we are thinking about this, what I'd like to do is take you on a journey. Mind, mouth, and muscle.

I want to go deep, and I want to show you a little bit more about these false fixes that you may not be aware of at all.
We're going to start with the mind.
Ah, the mind... It's very important...


You laugh? This is highly scientific.
Now, listen up!
Men, left hemisphere, task-oriented.
Honey, you're either on or off.

Women, we're complicated. We have many knobs. That's because we, women folks, work off two hemispheres.
We have more connections between hemispheres. We spend money differently.

Men spend more money on entertainment and basically period than we do.
What do they spend it on? Booze.  
Women spend it on shoes, and caregiving.

The reward center

Helping ourselves, and everyone who comes within a hundred feet of us even if we don't know them, we're caregiving them. We're eternal caregivers, to our own detriment. Keep that context in mind as we push forward.

I told you that you most probably have addictive-like behaviors, and you don't even know it. You don't even know you're filling that void with this.

I'm going to show you something you've probably never seen before.
What you're actually going to see is a PET scan, and this PET scan is extraordinary.

You have a normal brain
there's one left in the United States, but we use it a lot in these experiments -
and what you see up there is red-orange:
the red-orange of the reward center.

The reward center lights up, normally,
when dopamine - that fantastic, lustful, pleasure neurotransmitter - links up with dopamine receptors.
That's what it's supposed to look like.
Look at the other brains. It could be anything that you do.
Yes, it's not just substance abuse: it's everything abuse.
Food addiction, actually, is real.
We actually have addictive-like habits around foods.
Surprisingly, it's not kale.
This is usually hyper palatables like sugary, fatty, salty foods.
But they do a number on your brain.
You see, it's not a black box anymore. We can peer in there with scans.
What we see is the actual damage to the reward center.
Is it reversible? Absolutely.
You know exactly what you need to do.
I don't have to tell you that.
It's a keen grasp of the obvious.

Let me tell you more. Did you know that sugar is more addictive than cocaine?
Yes, refined sugar.
Lately, there was a study on Oreos that you might have heard about.
Actually, I did a nice little piece on this, and it was fabulous.
What it was: they took rats and they injected them with morphine, and they injected them with cocaine, and then they offered them an oreo.
You'll just never guess what happened.
What we were measuring was one particular gene.

We wanted to see whether or not the oreo caused the same changes as morphine and cocaine. Guess what happened.
What do you think happened?

The same thing and even worse.
Do you know that rats bagged the morphine and the cocaine and went right for the filling?
Just like you and I have done for years.
Sort of a metaphor, isn't it?
They literally - we watched them,we have videos of this -
ripping the cookie apart and going for the filling.
Brings back great memories.
And then more and more and more...
What's going on?
Let's look at the next part of the brainthat gets hammered with all of this.

The prefrontal cortex

As we are describing this problem, we're looking at the prefrontal cortex,
or the 'smarty-pants 'part of the brain, or on Wall Street, 'where the executive function hangs out'.
Tap your forehead,it's right behind there.
When you're living an addictive-like lifestyle with addictive-like behaviors, guess what happens.
What we notice in that scan is that the ability of the brain to be able to muster up all of the wonderful skills that you see in the prefrontal cortex, which are organizing, strategizing, staying vigilant, being mindful, reigning in impulsivity, impatience, and irritability - guess what ends up happening? - you can't do it anymore.
It gets hammered, it gets impaired,and you're out: end of story.
Not so good.
What else hammers this? Stress.
There is a reason why 'stressed' spelled backwards is 'desserts'.
Think about that.
Stress absolutely impairs this entire part of the brain.
At the same time, sleep does.
What about zzz's?
Zzz's please!
People feeling very proud of the fact
they got just four hours of sleep.
Really? Do you want a belly that extends from here to the next state?
That's a great way to do it.
Don't have enough sleep.
None of growth hormone on board when you sleep at night time, when you're impaired this way.
You have too much stress hormone, big belly. There you have it.
And that big belly is full of increased incidence of disease, morbidity, and mortality.
Who the hell needs this?
We've got to clean this up.
Let's go to the body if we're going to clean this up. Sitting disease.
You've probably never-ever heard of sitting disease.
Google it sometimes.
Mayo Clinic tells you that if you sit for too long, you increase your risk for heart disease, and more importantly, metabolically, you 'glaciarize'.
You can't move your blood sugar.

Actually, I'm a physician, this is killing me.
l want everyone to stand up. Everyone stand up!
Oh, doesn't that feel better? I'm saving your life!
If you really want to get something out of this, high-five the guy next to you.
Didn't that feel good?! Sit down!
Your genes are absolutely flipping with happiness, and at the same time I just helped to save your life.
Are you happy?
Good. Let's move it along.


I know most of the guys are staring at this saying: "Yes, that's me."


Women, of course, are laughing very heartily.
I told you, I'd go deep inside you: mind, mouth, muscle.
Let's go into the belly.
That's what his belly looks like if I cut him like a salami, and that's a CAT scan.
See the white in there?
You'll only see this in research.This is from our laboratory.
That's fat, not a whole lot of it.
What happens, however, when you fall asleep at the meal...
Even Michelangelo packed on a few.
Right? This is what it looks like.
What you actually see is way too much fat.
Is this reversible? Absolutely.
The guy is swimming in it right now,
and obviously, this is not the way to go.
False fixes lead to this. A life of false fixes.
Here's the solution.
How many of you ever heard about epigenetics?
Epigenetics is the hottest new science.
If you don't know it now, then make certain you know at some point.
What this is, is so straightforward.

I'm going to go right down to the gene. I'm going to show you how easy this is. For the longest period of time, we thought you were stuck with your DNA.
Whatever you're born with, honey, that was your destiny.
That's not the way it works anymore.
Instead, what we have is a brand new science that says:
every single thought you have,
every single mouthful of whatever you're eating, and every single step you take changes gene expression,
changes the way the whole body is talking to itself, and changes your destiny.
That's right: you write your own life script.
Let's see the birth of epigenetics.
Very simple.
We took a mouse that was basically condemned to death.
It had the Agouti gene deep inside it.
And this Agouti genebasically made it fat, floppy, yellow, because was a color-of-the-fur thing linked in with the Agouti gene. It died of every disease very early.
What we decided to do was just something fun.
We fed it greens - that's right, mom was right - and the greens - you didn't know -
have something called a methyl donor,
just a little side chain. It'd pick them up every single time you'd have greens and good whole foods.

At the same time, when you do physical activity, at the same time, when you meditate, the same thing is happening: you're changing gene expression.

So, we went ahead and fed the mice this.
And then they had babies.
And the babies were born lean, mean fighting machines with green.
We never knew this.
This was 2007, which is why you've probably never heard of it.

Now it's the hottest new science.

Now when you go to the produce section of the grocery store, you don't look for greens: you're cool,
because greens are so last-year.

Instead, what you actually say:"I'm going to score some methyl donors. I'm going to methylate my genes. I'm going to change their expression."

You'll be way ahead of the curve.
This is what a human being looks like when they've been methylated.

Betty Lou Sweeney: 250 pound,68 years old, 26 medications, and half dead.
And then she got the big clue- I call it an 'epipha-mewhen she was stuck in an ICU, half dead.
This is what she ended up doing.
What she ended up doing was turning it all around.
She fought her food addiction.
She fought her every single addictive practice she had.
She slugged it out; it took her 2-3 years.
Guess what she ended up doing.
Ending up in the Guinness Book of World Record for holding up the longest plank.
 That's right. It's 36 minutes.
 Most of us can't make it beyond what?
And you don't even know what a plank is.
 OK. I'm good.
Lest I forget as I wrap this up.
 We need mentors. We need to know now that we could take this on to generation after generation.

We feel so good when we put mind, mouth, and muscle together. When we change gene expression. When we go epigenetic.

But there's one other piece of this too: God, you feel really good too. I met this happy camper at the Senior Olympics. He is 93 years old on the track and field, when I was covering this for television, and he taught me one other thing that you can't forget.

He stalked me for three hours. He didn't know he was 93. He thought he was 23.
Just showing you that when you go epigenetic, when you fill the void with healthy fixes, everything is looking up.

 He thought he was 23 years old. Just showing you that when you go epigenetic, when you fill the void with healthy fixes, everything is looking up.

So, epigenetic transformation.
And do remember the last lesson:
The real wealth is health.
Thank you.

关于错误修复和识别我们生活中的成瘾行为的有趣演示。 建议的解药是更加关注我们使用的东西及其背后的意图,并且通常更加关注我们养成的习惯以及我们从何处获得满足感或缓解感。 神经科学为解释标准理解提供了一个有趣的途径。
 ......上瘾、被黑客攻击、被劫持:从上瘾的生活中夺回你的大脑:TEDxWallStreet 的 Pamela Peeke 博士






 我给你一个提示:这不是苹果和羽衣甘蓝。 当事情变得有点艰难时,通常是全国性的“三人行”,尤其是对女性而言。


 法律与秩序马拉松、绝经前、糟糕的一天:一份。 现在你就拥有了! 麻醉完毕,准备迎接新的一天。 听起来很熟悉?

 生存的转折。 错误修复。
 嗯,你知道事情是怎样进行的。 我们在生活中习以为常的所有错误修复。
 我想到了那个全新的 Facebook
 拥有一千名女性的惊人追随者。 它的名字是:“我需要一杯酒,否则我就卖掉我的孩子。”




 看看我们所做的其他一切。 你过着令人上瘾的生活方式,而你甚至不知道。

 吃饭怎么了? 你吃什么?

 当我们思考这个问题时,我想做的就是带你去旅行。 头脑、嘴巴和肌肉。



 你笑? 这是非常科学的。

 女人,我们很复杂。 我们有很多旋钮。 那是因为我们女性要使用两个半球来工作。
 我们半球之间有更多的联系。 我们花钱的方式不同。

 他们把钱花在什么地方? 豪饮。


 帮助我们自己和周围一百英尺内的每个人,即使我们不认识他们,我们也在照顾他们。 我们是永远的照顾者,但这对我们自己不利。 当我们前进时,请记住这一背景。

 我告诉过你,你很可能有类似上瘾的行为,而你自己却不知道。 你甚至不知道你正在用这个来填补那个空白。

 您实际上将看到的是 PET 扫描,这种 PET 扫描非常出色。

 美国还剩下一个,但我们在这些实验中经常使用它 -

 看看其他人的大脑。 它可以是你所做的任何事情。
 你看,它不再是一个黑匣子了。 我们可以通过扫描查看那里。
 是可逆的吗? 绝对地。
让我告诉你更多。 您知道糖比可卡因更容易上瘾吗?

 我们想看看奥利奥是否会引起与吗啡和可卡因相同的变化。 猜猜发生了什么。

 他们确实 - 我们看过他们,我们有这方面的视频 -


 我们在扫描中注意到,大脑有能力聚集你在前额皮质中看到的所有奇妙技能,这些技能是组织、制定战略、保持警惕、留心、控制冲动、不耐烦、 和烦躁——猜猜最后会发生什么? - 你不能再这样做了。
 还有什么可以打击这个? 压力。
 真的吗? 你想要一个从这里延伸到下一个状态的肚子吗?
 你压力太大——荷尔蒙,大肚子。 你有它。
 如果我们要清理的话,就去尸体吧。 坐病。
事实上,我是一名医生。 这简直要了我的命。
 我希望每个人都站起来。 大家都站起来!
 哦,这样是不是感觉好多了? 我正在救你的命!
 是不是感觉很好?! 坐下!
 好的。 让我们一起移动它。

 表观遗传学 Biǎo guān yíchuán xué

 我知道大多数人都盯着这句话:“是的,那就是我。” wǒ zhīdào dà duōshù rén dōu dīngzhe zhè jù huà:“Shì de, nà jiùshì wǒ.”

 (笑声)(Xiào shēng)

 如果我像切萨拉米香肠一样切开他,他的腹部就是这个样子,这是 CAT 扫描。
 正确的? 这就是它的样子。
 这是可逆的吗? 绝对地。
 错误的修复会导致这种情况。 错误修复的一生。

 我要直接讲到基因。 我将向您展示这是多么容易。 在最长的一段时间里,我们认为你被自己的 DNA 困住了。
 这种刺豚鼠基因基本上让它变得又肥又软又黄,因为它是一种与刺豚鼠基因相关的毛皮颜色。 它很早就死于各种疾病。
 我们喂它绿色蔬菜 - 是的,妈妈是对的 - 而绿色蔬菜 - 你不知道 -
 只是一点侧链。 每当你吃到蔬菜和优质天然食品时,它就会把它们捡起来。
Wǒ yào zhíjiē jiǎng dào jīyīn. Wǒ jiāng xiàng nín zhǎnshì zhè shì duōme róngyì. Zài zuì zhǎng de yīduàn shíjiān lǐ, wǒmen rènwéi nǐ bèi zìjǐ de DNA kùn zhùle.
Wúlùn nǐ shēnglái jiù yǒu shé me, qīn'ài de, nà dōu shì nǐ de mìngyùn.
Xiànzài yǐjīng bù zài shì zhèyàngle.
Xiāngfǎn, wǒmen yǒngyǒu de shì yī mén quánxīn de kēxué, tā shuō:
Nǐ de měi yīgè xiǎngfǎ,
nǐ chī de měi yīkǒu, nǐ cǎiqǔ de měi yībù dūhuì gǎibiàn jīyīn biǎodá,
gǎibiàn zhěnggè shēntǐ zì yán zì yǔ de fāngshì, bìng gǎibiàn nǐ de mìngyùn.
Méi cuò: Nǐ biānxiě zìjǐ de rénshēng jùběn.
Ràng wǒmen kàn kàn biǎo guān yíchuán xué de dànshēng.
Hěn jiǎndān.
Wǒ men nále yī zhǐ jīběn shàng bèi pàn sǐxíng de lǎoshǔ.
Tā de shēn chù yǒu cì túnshǔ jīyīn.
Zhè zhǒng cì túnshǔ jīyīn jīběn shàng ràng tā biàn dé yòu féi yòu ruǎn yòu huáng, yīnwèi tā shì yī zhǒng yǔ cì túnshǔ jīyīn xiāngguān de máopí yánsè. Tā hěn zǎo jiù sǐ yú gè zhǒng jíbìng.
Wǒ men juédìng zuò de zhǐshì yīxiē yǒuqù de shìqíng.
Wǒmen wèi tā lǜsè shūcài - shì de, māmā shì duì de - ér lǜsè shūcài - nǐ bù zhīdào -
yǒuyī zhǒng jiàozuò jiǎ jī gōng tǐ de dōngxī
zhǐshì yīdiǎn cè liàn. Měi dāng nǐ chī dào shūcài hé yōuzhì tiānrán shípǐn shí, tā jiù huì bǎ tāmen jiǎn qǐlái.

 与此同时,当你进行体力活动时,同时当你冥想时,同样的事情正在发生:你正在改变基因表达。Yǔ cǐ tóngshí, dāng nǐ jìnxíng tǐlì huódòng shí, tóngshí dāng nǐ míngxiǎng shí, tóngyàng de shìqíng zhèngzài fāshēng: Nǐ zhèngzài gǎibiàn jīyīn biǎodá.

 那是 2007 年,这就是为什么你可能从未听说过它。
Suǒyǐ, wǒ men jìxù gěi lǎoshǔ wèi zhège.
Ránhòu tā men yǒule háizi.
Érqiě yīng'ér chūshēng shí shēncái shòuxuē, yìwèizhe dài yǒu lǜsè de zhàndòujī qì.
Wǒ men cónglái bu zhīdào zhè yīdiǎn.
Nà shì 2007 nián, zhè jiùshì wèishéme nǐ kěnéng cóng wèi tīng shuōguò tā.

 现在它是最热门的新科学。Xiànzài tā shì zuì rèmén de xīn kēxué.

 因为去年的蔬菜太新鲜了。Xiànzài, dāng nǐ qù záhuò diàn de nóngchǎnpǐn qū shí, nǐ bù huì xúnzhǎo shūcài: Nǐ hěn kù,
yīnwèi qùnián de shūcài tài xīnxiānle.

 相反,你实际上说的是:“我要获得一些甲基供体。我要甲基化我的基因。我要改变它们的表达。”   Xiāngfǎn, nǐ shíjì shang shuō de shì:“Wǒ yào huòdé yīxiē jiǎ jī gōng tǐ. Wǒ yào jiǎ jī huà wǒ de jīyīn. Wǒ yào gǎibiàn tāmen de biǎodá.”

 您将远远领先。Nín jiāng yuǎn yuǎn lǐngxiān.
 这就是人类被甲基化后的样子。Zhè jiùshì rénlèi bèi jiǎ jī huà hòu de yàngzi.

 Betty Lou Sweeney:250磅,68岁,服药26次,半死不活。
 她奋力一搏; 她花了2-3年的时间。
  这是正确的。 已经36分钟了。
  好的。 我很好。
  我们需要导师。 我们现在需要知道我们可以将这一点代代相传。
Betty Lou Sweeney:250 Bàng,68 suì, fúyào 26 cì, bànsǐbùhuó.
Ránhòu tā dédàole yīgè zhòngyào xiànsuǒ——dāng tā bànsǐbùhuó dì bèi kùn zài zhòngzhèng jiānhù shì shí, wǒ chēng zhī wèi “epipha-me”.
Zhè jiùshì tā zuìzhōng suǒ zuò de.
Tā zuìzhōng suǒ zuò de jiùshì niǔzhuǎn zhè yīqiè.
Tā yǔ shíwù chéng yǐn zuò dòuzhēng.
Tā yǔ zìjǐ de měi yī zhǒng chéng yǐn xíngwéi zuò dòuzhēng.
Tā fènlì yī bó; tā huāle 2-3 nián de shíjiān.
Cāi cāi tā zuìhòu zuòle shénme.
Yīn jǔ qǐ zuì zhǎng de mùbǎn ér bèi zài rù jí nísī shìjiè jìlù.
 Zhè shì zhèngquè de. Yǐjīng 36 fēnzhōngle.
 Wǒmen dà duōshù rén dōu wúfǎ chāoyuè shénme?
Érqiě nǐ shènzhì bù zhīdào píngbǎn zhīchēng shì shénme.
 Hǎo de. Wǒ hěn hǎo.
Yǐmiǎn wǒ zài jiéshù shí wàngjì.
 Wǒmen xūyào dǎoshī. Wǒmen xiànzài xūyào zhīdào wǒmen kěyǐ jiāng zhè yīdiǎn dài dài xiāngchuán.

 当我们将头脑、嘴巴和肌肉结合在一起时,我们感觉非常好。 当我们改变基因表达时。 当我们进行表观遗传时。Dāng wǒmen jiāng tóunǎo, zuǐbā hé jīròu jiéhé zài yīqǐ shí, wǒmen gǎnjué fēicháng hǎo. Dāng wǒmen gǎibiàn jīyīn biǎodá shí. Dāng wǒmen jìnxíng biǎo guān yíchuán shí.

 但还有另一件事:上帝,你也感觉很好。 我在高级奥运会上遇到了这位快乐的营员。 当我在电视上报道这一点时,他已经 93 岁了,在田径场上,他教会了我另一件事,你不能忘记。Dàn hái yǒu lìng yī jiàn shì: Shàngdì, nǐ yě gǎnjué hěn hǎo. Wǒ zài gāojí àoyùnhuì shàng yù dàole zhè wèi kuàilè de yíng yuán. Dāng wǒ zài diànshì shàng bàodào zhè yīdiǎn shí, tā yǐjīng 93 suìle, zài tiánjìng chǎng shàng, tā jiàohuìle wǒ lìng yī jiàn shì, nǐ bùnéng wàngjì.

 他跟踪了我三个小时。 他不知道自己已经93岁了。他以为自己23岁了。Tā gēnzōngle wǒ sān gè xiǎoshí. Tā bù zhīdào zìjǐ yǐjīng 93 suìle. Tā yǐwéi zìjǐ 23 suìle.
 (笑声)Wǒ zhǐshì xiàng nǐ zhǎnshì, dāng nǐ jìnxíng biǎo guān yíchuán, dāng nǐ yòng jiànkāng de xiūfù lái tiánbǔ kòngbái shí, yīqiè dūhuì hǎo qǐlái de.
(Xiào shēng)

  他以为自己已经23岁了。 我只是向你展示,当你进行表观遗传,当你用健康的修复来填补空白时,一切都会好起来的。
tā yǐwéi zìjǐ yǐjīng 23 suìle. Wǒ zhǐshì xiàng nǐ zhǎnshì, dāng nǐ jìnxíng biǎo guān yíchuán, dāng nǐ yòng jiànkāng de xiūfù lái tiánbǔ kòngbái shí, yīqiè dūhuì hǎo qǐlái de.
(Xiào shēng)

yīncǐ, biǎo guān yíchuán zhuǎnhuà.
Qǐng jì zhù zuìhòu yī kè:
Zhēnzhèng de cáifù shì jiànkāng.

What Genes Cannot Tell: The role of epigenetics in determining who we are.

All the cells in our body have the same DNA, and yet a stomach cell is able to digest food while a heart cell pumps blood. Similarly, genetically identical individuals have the same DNA, yet they develop into unique individuals with distinct habits, preferences, and behavioral traits. Clearly there is more to us than just our genetic makeup. This additional layer of information is defined by epigenetics, which literally means “above genetics”. Our lifestyle, habits and environment shape our epigenetics, which is altered throughout our lifetime and can be passed to our future generations. Epigenetic factors have been shown to play a role in diseases like cancer, obesity, and diabetes. We will demonstrate how these epigenetic factors may be inherited and their potential impact on the future generation. In this lecture, we will tell stories demonstrating the role epigenetics plays in our daily lives, the biology behind epigenetics, and its implication on human health and disease.
我们体内的所有细胞都具有相同的 DNA,但胃细胞能够消化食物,而心脏细胞则能够泵血。 同样,基因相同的个体具有相同的 DNA,但他们会发展成为具有不同习惯、偏好和行为特征的独特个体。 显然,我们不仅仅是基因构成。 这一额外的信息层由表观遗传学定义,字面意思是“高于遗传学”。 我们的生活方式、习惯和环境塑造了我们的表观遗传学,而表观遗传学在我们的一生中都会发生改变,并且可以遗传给我们的后代。 表观遗传因素已被证明在癌症、肥胖和糖尿病等疾病中发挥作用。 我们将展示这些表观遗传因素如何遗传及其对下一代的潜在影响。 在本次讲座中,我们将讲述一些故事,展示表观遗传学在我们日常生活中的作用、表观遗传学背后的生物学及其对人类健康和疾病的影响。
Wǒ men tǐ nèi de suǒ yǒu xì bāo dōu jù yǒu xiāng tóng de DNA, dàn wèi xì bāo néng gòu xiāo huà shí wù, ér xīn zàng xì bāo zé néng gòu bèng xuè. Tóngyàng, jīyīn xiāngtóng de gètǐ jùyǒu xiāngtóng de DNA, dàn tāmen huì fāzhǎn chéngwéi jùyǒu bùtóng xíguàn, piānhào hé xíngwéi tèzhēng de dútè gètǐ. Xiǎnrán, wǒmen bùjǐn jǐn shì jīyīn gòuchéng. Zhè yī éwài de xìnxī céng yóu biǎo guān yíchuán xué dìngyì, zìmiàn yìsi shì “gāo yú yíchuán xué”. Wǒmen de shēnghuó fāngshì, xíguàn hé huánjìng sùzàole wǒmen de biǎo guān yíchuán xué, ér biǎo guān yíchuán xué zài wǒmen de yīshēng zhōng dūhuì fāshēng gǎibiàn, bìngqiě kěyǐ yíchuán gěi wǒmen de hòudài. Biǎo guān yíchuán yīnsù yǐ bèi zhèngmíng zài áizhèng, féipàng hé tángniàobìng děng jíbìng zhōng fāhuī zuòyòng. Wǒmen jiāng zhǎnshì zhèxiē biǎo guān yíchuán yīnsù rúhé yíchuán jí qí duì xià yīdài de qiánzài yǐngxiǎng. Zài běn cì jiǎngzuò zhōng, wǒmen jiāng jiǎngshù yīxiē gùshì, zhǎnshì biǎo guān yíchuán xué zài wǒmen rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng de zuòyòng, biǎo guān yíchuán xué bèihòu de shēngwù xué jí qí duì rénlèi jiànkāng hé jíbìng de yǐngxiǎng.