Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hand Joint Pain Gone with Water Cures

Hand joint pain is most often caused by rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Here we will review each and how the water cures helps end the pain.
But My Doctor Says There Is No Cure
First Consider This: Russell Andrews, author of Too Big To Succeed said of the greed virus infecting the healthcare system,  We have seen..."the morphing of American medicine from a function of a humanitarian society into a revenue stream for healthcare profits, drug and medical device companies, hospitals, and insurance companies.  In essence, we have transformed healthcare in the U.S. into an industry whose goal is to be profitable." Ask yourself, when profits and not healing are the focus, what does that make you, a patient or a cash cow? To be fair, this is a system problem and is not intended to impeach all doctors.
  And what do they say about the alternatives? They cannot work because there is no science that says they work. Yet, the science modern medicine uses is bought and paid for by the very companies that are promoting the drugs, treatments or devices.
If you are a drug researcher and your job is to find the proof that something works, will you keep your job long if you don't find the outcomes that the employer wants? Further, ask, why are so many drugs pulled from the market every year after they have hurt or even killed so many people?
Then Consider: A testimonial from one of our clients, "I thank God for you every day, I no longer have arthritis pain, How come my doctor never told me about this?"
If an arthritis doctor tells his patients how to end arthritis pain, how will he keep in business? More on Medical Pain Management Fail
Finally Consider: We do not charge for this information. If and when it works, all we ask is that if you can, send us a modest donation. Buy us a bottle of water or two. Maybe a 2 liter bottle of alkaline spring water. That's it. It is that simple. Our success is dependent on your success.
If It Works for You, Could You Help Us?

Symptoms of Arthritis in Hands

*Both the hand joint pain and wrist pain are common symptoms of arthritis in the hands.
*In addition to hand joint pain, there may be swelling and stiffness.*Your joints may be warm to the touch.
*As the disease progresses, deformity of the joints may happen with RA.
*Numbness and tingling in the hands, similar to carpal tunnel syndrome.
*What you cannot see: Inside your joint, inflammation is going on. It needs to be stopped to stop the destruction of your hand joints and to stop the hand joint pain.
*Arthritis is now affecting children and young adults.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Hand Joint Pain

Because rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease, the water cures protocol is very effective in the early stages of the disease. When the disease progresses to the point of deformity, the water cures may still help provide pain relief. It is possible for repairs to happen but they will take much longer. The reason it helps is the synovial tissue has no direct circulation of blood. It depends on the bodies hydration to maintain lubrication and overall health. The water cures protocol helps provide this lubrication as well as the essential nutrients to maintain joint health.

Osteoarthritis Hand Pain

Osteoarthritis often affecting the same joint on both sided of the body also benefits from the water cures protocol. Osteoarthritis, known as wear and tear arthritis, may easily be corrected with proper hydration. The water cures will often reduce or eliminate the hand pain caused by osteoarthritis.
The Water Cures Protocol

Joint Cartilage Hydration

The anatomy of our body that suffers when there is a shortage of water are those without direct circulation. Our cartilage perhaps suffers the most when there is a drought in the body.
Our cells, all of which are alive, require hydration to maintain life. As long as they are alive, they keep reproducing new cells as old ones die off. The water and the essential nutrients that are delivered with the water are what keep the cells alive.
The chemicals that are traditionally used to treat arthritis actually are counter productive in the long run. When there is a shortage of water, there is a shortage of oxygen. To compensate, the body produces oxygen through a sterile inflammation process. When we take chemicals to relieve the pain and not resolve the problem, they can interfere with this oxygen manufacturing process.

The Water Cures Protocol

The Hand Joint Pain Solution: Water and Salt

Hand Arthritis Natural Treatment

Your hand pain is often the result of inflammation. The question science looks for is what causes the inflammation. At water cures, we are interested in what corrects the cause of the inflammation. Since there is no direct circulation of blood to the cartilage of the bone ends, it stands to reason that the only way to maintain joint health is to maintain hydration. But it is necessary to hydrate correctly.

Drinking water alone will not adequately hydrate your body. To transport the water molecules into the cartilage requires electrolytes and minerals. This is why water and unprocessed salt is necessary to maintain and heal joints. This is how it is possible to eliminate hand pain.

The electrolytes help the water get into the cells of the cartilage. The minerals in the salt help with the overall health of the cartilage as well as helping bone health. Additionally, the salt helps the body get on the alkaline side of the acid base scale. This further helps to eliminate the inflammation that causes hand pain and cartilage destruction.

Why the current medical view of AIDS is wrong.

Dr Batmanghelidj AIDS Notes: His Findings

Dr Batmanghelidj Aids Notes are based on an interview he had with Mike Adams. He explains why the current medical view of AIDS is wrong. The water cures protocol is one of the natural treatments for aids.
One of the worst erroneous conclusions modern science has drawn is the cause of AIDS. Science works on the assumption that AIDS is a viral disease. Yet humans have survived centuries surviving various diseases brought on by viruses.

The human body has defended itself against smallpox, polio, measles, and other deadly viruses. In spite of surviving all these other diseases, how is it that the body cannot fight off the slow growing virus of AIDS.
Dr. B's AIDS Research Findings
Having researched the AIDS topic extensively, the conclusion Dr. Batmanghelidj came to is that AIDS is a metabolic problem.

Dr Batmanghelidj AIDS Notes

Dr. B explained, Our body starts to cannibalize its own tissue when it is missing certain elements of the raw materials that it takes in from food or beverages. The body of a person with AIDS is depleted in a number of these building block amino acids. There is a shortage of tyrosine, methionine, cysteine and histidine. At the same time, they have a number of others in excess. So how can our body, dependent on amino acids to live, survive when it is depleted of the essentials of life.

With out an viable alternative to correct this deficiency, society is left with pharmaceuticals, which are amassing incredible profits. They are profiting by selling drugs on a false premise.
Cheating Hospice
One person with AIDS that had progressed to Stage III, was only given up to 4 days to live. Now in Hospice, she had supplemental oxygen and morphine for pain. Her weight loss brought her down to 75 lbs.
With nothing to loose, she started the water cures protocol. Within 30 days of starting the protocol, she was discharged from hospice and started living her life again.
The Protocol
The protocol requires drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. Then taking 1/8th teaspoon of unrefined sea salt for every 16 ounces of water.

Some may need more salt, but start by taking 1/8 tsp per 16 ounces before increasing. The most important aspect of this is the timing.

It is sequence is to drink the water 30 to 45 minutes before you eat and not sooner than 2 1/2 hours after you eat a meal or snack. This helps complete the digestive process.

Note: DR B explains amino acids in his book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, page 123- 131 soft cover book.
The Water Cures Protocol One of the simple, easy and sustainable aids natural treatments.

Clear Cell Carcinoma Treatment and Cure

Susie DellDonna shared how the Water Cures saved the life of her mom, Betty. On getting the diagnoses, they started looking at options and were introduced to the Water Cures and hydration coaches. Her story tells what can happen using the Water Cures protocol along with chemo therapy and radiation treatment.

She was treated with chemo, radiation and the Water Cures. This is a C.A.M. cancer treatment success. CAM means Complimentary Alternative Medicine. The Water Cures works with most health care treatments, making them work even better.

 Betty was 71 at the time of the diagnoses of her endometrial cancer, a rare and aggressive kind of cancer called Clear Cell Adeno carcinoma. As a result, she had a complete hysterectomy in 2010. On the 3 month followup, it returned and was so large it could be seen visibly during the exam.
Note: Clear Cell is not normally associated with Edometrial cancer.

The cancer had metastasized (called stage 4 cancer) and was now behind her clavicle, in the mid chest, abdominal region and behind the bladder.

The top GYN at Lankenau, in Philadelphia said that due to clear cell's aggressive nature, if nothing was done, Betty would have less than 5 months to live. That was February 2011. The family started to consider options, all possible options.

Clear Cell Carcinoma Treatment: the Water Cures

On getting in touch with the Water Cures staff and getting a hydration coach, the family was instructed on what to do. They were scared, and not fully on-board yet.

She started to change what she ate, what and how she drank, and putting salt on her tongue. She took two 45 minute baths a day adding unprocessed sea salt to the bath.

She was following the Water Cures protocol in addition to chemo therapy. On the check up after the third chemo treatment....her cancer was reduced over 50%. The Doctor, very surprised, thought the test may have been inaccurate. Asking for the original scan and viewing the original side by side with the latest, he confirmed the 50% reduction. It should also be noted that mom never had to be hospitalized, never got an infection, and only experienced minimal side effects. For the most part, aside from typical discomforts, she went through all treatments pretty smoothly.

August 2011 Update: Betty completed the 6th and last chemo treatment and looks wonderful. She never had to be admitted into the hospital, was never given blood of any form, and never got an infection. She did not even experience the mouth sores that most get. The side effects she experienced were being very tired, nausea at times, lack of appetite on occasion, hair loss. According to Betty, there were times when it was painful, even her eyelids hurt.

One of her grandsons offered to give her his hair from a visit to the barber shoppe since she lost hers, including her eyelashes.

The recent PET scan revealed 4 of the 5 metastases are no longer present. The original cancer site is still present but now is about 10% of it's original size (currently the size of the tip of your pinky finger).

November 2011 UPDATE: Betty is doing wonderful. Radiation, which was started a few weeks after the last update, is now complete. Next, a CT scan was taken in mid December. The the one month follow up with the radiologist also took place. He remarked that she had an "amazing" and "atypical", response, to chemo and radiation therapies. He commented on how wonderful she looks, and how he was astonished to see her response to the chemo and radiation since this was such an active and aggressive disease. He requested a follow up appointment in 3 MONTHS!

January 2012 UPDATE: Betty had the full scan on mid December 2015. On returning to Lankenau Hospital in Philadelphia a few days later (12/19/2011) and meeting with the gynecological oncologist Doctor, he, shaking his head, almost in disbelief, said, "There is nothing there, there is no active sign of disease, exam normal and CT normal". She did not need to be seen for another six months or until June 2012. The appointments were intermittent between oncology, radiation, and GYN so that someone saw her every 3 months.

MARCH 2012 Update: The radiologist visit / exam was normal with no sign of disease. There was no need to follow-up till September 2012. The oncology appointment for march with the chemo doctor also had no sign of disease. Next appointment, the end of October 2012.

Dr. Saidman, the chemo therapy doctor was also pleased with report from the Lankenau specialist and radiologist. Both had confirmed there was no active sign of disease and she was cancer free.
Sharing with Dr. Saidman, the goal, have my mom be the longest surviving "clear cell patient." The doctor said, "She already is...but you already know that."

JUNE 2012 Update: Betty had a full CAT scan and an appointment with the Gynecological Oncology Specialist at Lankenau Hospital. The CAT and physical exam indicated no active sign of disease. The next appointment is in 6 months. After this, she will be referred to a local gynecologist for follow up.

SEPTEMBER 2012 Update: The radiologist follow-up confirmed no active sign of disease. He stated, "when we began treatment, the cancer was 'present and visible' and I'm just amazed, that still, to this time, she shows no sign of active disease or recurrence and the healing process from the radiation is doing remarkable".

OCTOBER 2012 Update: The chemo oncologist follow-up reported still no sign of active disease. He said, "Whatever you are doing, keep doing it." He said that she did not need to be seen for a year. There is still the 6 month CT scan in December and then the December specialist appointment at Lankenaur.

DECEMBER 2012 Update:
The gynecological oncology specialist, at Lankenau Hospital confirmed the CT scan still remains "no active sign of disease". He too said it would not be necessary to see her on more than an annual basis.

She is released to "check up" status by all the doctors.

Mom continues to check her Ph balance daily. She will always eat the foods that promote alkalinity and avoids the acid producing foods. She takes the sea salt, dissolving it on her tongue and drinks the appropriate amount of water.

My Mom and Dad, May 2012. She was the Luminary Speaker for Mountain Top Relay for Life.

Her relay speech can be seen on Youtube

Betty Ambrose Luminary Speaker Relay for Life

Mountain Top PA May 19, 2012

(Team Heaven's Angels)

Monday, April 29, 2019

Treatments of Breast Cancer

This is the tale of two treatments of breast cancer. One medical and one natural. One has increased risk, one has almost no risk. One is expensive and only affordable if paid for by insurance and the other can be afforded by everyone because it is free. And if you follow the advanced protocols of the free one, you may even be able to cut up to $100 or more from your monthly bills. Yep, a treatment that lets you put money in your pocket...or at least not spend what you would otherwise.

At Water Cures, we have seen the proof that one of the best treatments of breast cancer is the Water Cures protocol. It is not only one of the best breast cancer treatments, it could beneficially be used with most other treatments, both medical and natural breast cancer treatments.

Consider how Betty, who had stage 4 endometrial cancer beat her cancer using both the Water Cures along with the medical treatments involving chemotherapy. However you use the water cures, there will help you improve hydration.

Why Alternative Treatments Of Breast Cancer?

One big reason for considering alternative treatments of breast cancer is the mistakes and potential harm that comes from our health care system and medical treatments. Consider this from JAMA on Over-diagnosis and Over-treatment in Cancer.

August 28, 2013

Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment in Cancer: An Opportunity for Improvement

Laura J. Esserman , MD, MBA; Ian M. Thompson Jr, MD; Brian Reid, MD, PhD          Laura J. Esserman, MD, MBA; Ian M. Thompson, MD; Brian J. Reid, MD, PhD.

Over the past 30 years, awareness and screening have led to an emphasis on early diagnosis of cancer. Although the goals of these efforts were to reduce the rate of late-stage disease and decrease cancer mortality, secular trends and clinical trials suggest that these goals have not been met; national data demonstrate significant increases in early-stage disease, without a proportional decline in later-stage disease. What has emerged has been an appreciation of the complexity of the pathologic condition called cancer. The word “cancer” often invokes the specter of an inexorably lethal process; however, cancers are heterogeneous and can follow multiple paths, not all of which progress to metastases and death, and include indolent disease that causes no harm during the patient’s lifetime. Better biology alone can explain better outcomes. Although this complexity complicates the goal of early diagnosis, its recognition provides an opportunity to adapt cancer screening with a focus on identifying and treating those conditions most likely associated with morbidity and mortality.

"The word 'cancer' often stirs up the imagination a number of uncomfortable, painful and death dealing processes; however, cancers can follow multiple paths, not all of which will turn into metastases and your demise. They could even simply be a condition that causes no harm during your lifetime."

Mammography Radiation Exposure
Recent evidence shows that even the lower-energy X-rays used in mammography result in considerably greater DNA damage...than would be expected. Evidence also suggests that your risk of breast cancer caused by exposure to mammography radiation may be greatly underestimated. (Heyes, 2009).

Put another way, your mammogram results could be, "Good news and bad news". The Good you have no breast cancer. The bad news, you got breast cancer as a result of finding out that you did not have breast cancer. This because if we find it and treat it soon enough, you will have a better outcome, this provided we do not make a mistake in diagnosing it."

Radiation Therapy for Cancer "Women older than 55 get less benefit from radiation therapy for breast cancer in terms of reduced...recurrence (Veronesi, 1999) and may have an increase risks of radiation-induced cardiovascular disease (EBGTCG, 2000), and secondary cancers such as leukemias and cancers of the lung, esophagus, stomach and breast (Mellemkjaer, 2006; Roychoudhuri, 2004). Data showed a 16-fold increased risk of angiosarcoma of the breast and chest wall following irradiation of a primary breast cancer (Huang, 2001)." When looking at the medical treatments, there is a cloud of potential harm caused by these treatments. Most have a side effect of causing cancer or other damage to your body.

What if there was a better way?

Next, consider the natural treatment of breast cancer using holistic treatments.

Natural Treatment of Breast Cancer

Complimentary Alternative Treatments (CAM): Favorable results were reported including improved survival, better pain control, reduced anxiety, improvement in coping strategies and significant efficacy in treating nausea and vomiting in several studies. Between 50% and 70% of breast cancer patents are using CAM.

Commonalities of Cancer Cells Successfully treating cancer involves treating the whole person. The foundation of success is treating the you, not just your symptoms. The human body has the ability to heal itself if given the tools.

Cancer Cells....

....do not like nor need much oxygen
....do not like water or hydrated cells

....do like acidic environment
....do like to be fed
....do like fat cells

What if there was a treatment that addressed all of the commonalities and did the opposite of what cancer liked and wanted.
*What if we provided more oxygen?
*What if we maintained peak hydration at the cellular level?
*What if we ate a diet that increased the alkalinity of the body?
*What if we went on a fast for 2-4 days or more and used salt with water?

Cancer and Obesity

Obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer after menopause. It is also a factor that contributes to a poor cancer prognosis.
Problem: Obesity is a risk factor and can affect outcomes.
Solution: The Water Cures Protocol helps people lose weight, almost effortlessly.
Treat Holistically: There are simple additional steps.

Lower Breast Cancer Risk by Not Eating After 5 PM

It says: "Prolonged Nightly Fasting and Breast Cancer Risk: Findings from NHANES (2009–2010)
Results: Each 3-hour increase in nighttime fasting was associated with a 4% lower glucose measurement and a non-statistically significant decrease in HbA1c. [This means...]that each 3-hour increase in nighttime fasting length of time was associated with roughly a 20% reduced odds of elevated HbA1c and reduced odds of elevated 2-hour glucose."

Conclusions: A longer nighttime duration was significantly associated with improved glycemic regulation [which is a risk factor for breast cancer].

A Fast Way to Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk

There is one natural treatment that works both with chemo therapy and all on its own. It's called fasting. While there are several types, true fasting involves only drinking water and we like to add, taking the essential electrolytes, dissolved in your mouth so they will get in your blood.

If you do a 10 day fast or more, the cost savings could be considerable. Deduct meals eaten out and those coffee breaks and rack up some even bigger savings.

Read More Here... Scientists Discover That Fasting Triggers Stem Cell Regeneration & Fights Cancer

Doctor Day Breast Cancer Story

Dr. Day developed a very fast growing breast cancer. She knew from experience, the treatments used by our health care system did not work. She knew she did not want them for herself. She knew, as do most doctors, the treatments for cancer are worse than the disease and they often don't work.

So she helped her body heal its self.

She helped her body get more oxygen. It is easy to provide oxygen. Just add water. The cells can break it down.

She helped her body become more alkaline. The over 80 trace minerals in the unprocessed salt she used helped alkalinize her body.

She followed the advice of Dr.Batmanghelidj on exercise. We need exercise to attain optimal health. We likewise need exercise to heal our body.

She added a dietary component to help her body heal.

You can visit her site but generally, if you can eat an 80% raw food diet (think raw fruits and vegetables) you will be on your way to better health an an alternative breast cancer treatment that works.
Breast Cancer Alternative Treatments

 The Water Cures Breast Cancer Information Center

Please share your experiences and let others know your successes.

Water Cures Breast Cancer

Water Cures

Breast Cancer

Of all the types of cancer, breast cancer is one of the most prolific. More people will have breast cancer than any other type of cancer. It affects both women and men although it affects only one man for every 100 women. There are several treatment options, the most extreme being mastectomy. Even having the lesser treatment of lymph nodes removed, it results in negative life altering results. The logic for this form of treatment is what is the discomfort compared to death.

There is a question that everyone should be asking.

What if There Was a Better Way to Treat Breast Cancer?

For years, women have undergone treatments that are no longer necessary. They had surgeries that are no longer needed. They were told it was the only way and then, decades later, they were told there is a better way by the same medical professionals that told them the previous way was the only way.

Consider The Options: Risks and Rewards
Things change. And now, there is yet another way, perhaps an even better way. The difference, this is not a medical treatment. This is a holistic treatment. This treats your whole body and not just the cancer.

As a hospital nurse, one of the areas I specialized in and one of the doctors I worked for focused on breast augmentation as well as breast cancer treatment. One of the most common surgeries of the patients I cared for was surgical repair after removal of cancer of the breast. Instead of removing the breast along with the cancer, think of it as remodeling the breast. It was a wonderful alternative to the previously deforming treatment.

Even so, what if there was a different way? A way to avoid the need for surgery all together.

What if it was easy and almost free? What if it was doctors recommended?

Breast Cancer: A Better Way With Water Cures

Water cures has helped thousands of women to eliminate their breast cancer without surgery. One in particular is Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D. She tells how she was cured of cancer without chemotherapy, radiation, the side effects, and especially no pain.

She said that she could not have gotten well without Dr. Batmanghelidj and his book, Your Bodies Many Cries For Water. The Water Cures is the foundation of all healing.

Dr. Day went on to champion holistic healing for everyone. Beyond just using water cures, she has added dietary changes to help people around the world to eliminate disease and get their health back.

Do What Dr. Day Did, The Water Cures Protocol

Breast Cancer Causes

Research cancer of the breast and you will find the risk factors for getting cancer. Yet some people who have the risk factors do not get cancer.

This is because the medical establishment does not know what exactly causes cancer in the breast.

Cancer is the process where breast cells grow abnormally. The cells divide at a faster rate than the surrounding cells.

The cells in the milk-producing ducts it is called invasive ductal carcinoma. If it starts in the milk glands or lobules it is called ductal carcinoma.

When the cells spread through (metastasize) the breast, they go to the lymph nodes or even other parts of the body.

Scientific research speak of numerous factors that increase your risk of cancer of the breast.

The good news is that doctors feel that only 5% of cancers in the breast are related to inherited genes.

You can get a test to tell if you have the gene that would predispose you to getting breast cancer but it may be a waste of money for several reasons. For one, there is no definitive way of predicting that anyone will get breast cancer or not.

How Does Water Cures Work for Cancer of the Breast

There are a number of ways that cancer can form in breast tissues. Three of the most common are viruses, chemical exposure and radiation.


Do viruses cause cancer of the breast?

Diet affects circulating sex hormone levels, which in turn promote viral replication of the hormone-dependent viruses. They initiate cancer which is enhanced by sex and growth hormones. Diet and hormones can promote growth of both normal and malignant cells.

Water cures works to help regulate hormones to normal levels. It also helps the body shift to the alkaline side of the scale. Viruses cannot exist in an alkaline state.

Chemical Exposure

Environmental Chemicals and Breast Cancer Risk

Some chemicals we are exposed to are stored in our fat becoming more concentrated as we consume more of them. Certain chemicals require activation by enzymes in the body and become cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens).

Some chemicals are in the foods we commonly consume. Aspartame is one of the most common ones. Although weather it is cancer causing or not is highly debated, consider the source. The research that says it does cause cancer has nothing to gain. The people behind the research saying it is safe have a monetary profit incentive.

Water Cures works by helping the body eliminate chemicals. It is the ultimate detoxifier. It also helps regulate hormones, the ones that can cause chemicals to become cancer causing agents.


Does Radiation Cause Cancer in the Breast?
Ionizing radiation causes cancer, especially in the breast tissues of women.

When the body is properly hydrated, it can more readily produce glutathione (GSH), the bodies most potent anti-radiation protector. Our body makes several different types of GSH. Once expended, the broken down GSH is recycled and made back into GSH to do its job again.

Why Does Water Cures Work

Water cures works for most types of cancer to correct the cause of the cancer.

Additionally, in states of stress, the breasts produce prolactin. This increased production may result in cystic adenoma formation. With immune suppression, there is even greater risk of cancer formation. Water and sea salt help promote overall wellness. It promotes a healthy immune system. It helps our bodies be on the base side of the acid base balance

Women's Health With Water, Salt and Beyond

Common Sense, Evidence Based

Natural Health Solutions  

In our ongoing research, Women's Health emerged as an area where there are a number of studies and considerable research showing the Water Cures Protocol can improve health and end many maladies that our sisters and mothers have to deal with. It works because once the body is hydrated, the conditions that cause the symptoms disappear. Our bodies can heal themselves.

We will be looking at a number of women's health issues. While some will respond well to the Water Cures, others may need more. We will be adding to some pages a new feature, 'Beyond Water Cures: Additional Natural Ways to Improve Women's Health.'

Women's Health Topics

Prenatal Nutrition and Hydration
We do not cover the topic of hydration during pregnancy as it is a unique specialty on its own. We recommend you check out the site of a hydration coach that specializes on prenatal diet and especially hydration. Enjoy.

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Treatment
Causes of cancer in the breast from radiation, chemicals and viruses.
Breast Cancer Treatments
The risk vs benefit of medical and natural treatments. Both work to a lesser or greater degree, which is better for you?
Breast Cancer Treatment
Fluid and electrolyte balance is essential for treating all cancers.. Most people take in the fluids. Do you know why electrolytes are essential?
Breast Cancer Alternative Treatments
Advanced Water Cures Protocol for treating breast cancer. Beyond the Water Cures protocol.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Why does the Water Cures improve outcomes of inflammatory breast cancer?
Breast Cancer Risk Factors
Spoiler alert: hydration is one. Can hydration and or diet help?
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
What are breast cancer symptoms. What should be watched for?
Types of Breast Cancer
Does the type of breast cancer make a difference in the breast cancer treatment?
Breast Cancer Stages
Stage 3-4 Breast Cancer Prognosis: A New Paradigm.
Please go to the Rescued From the Grave testimonials, we have helped a lot of people who have been sent home to die

Effects of Drug Addiction

    The Water Cures protocol counteracts the effects of drug addictions according to those who have benefited from it. Water and sea salt used as an electrolyte helps repair both the physiological and neurological effects that result from drug addictions. Those using the water cure, are reporting that they have few and very mild withdrawal symptoms.

    We have a theory as to why it works.

    The effects of drug addiction encompass the spirit, mind, body, family, friends, community and the world we live in. Here we are only focusing on the effects of drug addiction on the brain, mind and physiological effects on the body. It is across the spirit, mind, body collective that water cures can help the healing and make change possible.

    Science is recognizing the spirit mind body interrelationship and the need to treat the whole person and not just symptoms.

What is the Spirit, Mind, Body
    The Spirit: The force that actuates your mind. It is the life force in us. Think of the way we use this word. We speak of spirited horses and a person with a broken spirit. This is the rider or the director of the mind and body.

    The Mind: The reigns that control the body. More than a super computer, it runs two forms of computing simultaneously. One is conscious and one unconscious (autonomic nervous system). Both run on what ever programming that has been put into the brain, be it good or bad. The compulsion to use drugs even though knowing they are killing us is programming.

    Water Cures helps us to reboot at the cellular level. Once the cells can reboot, then the neuro-pathways can reboot.

    The Body: With out the moral compass of the mind, our body is nothing more than a wild animal. And the rider cannot make an animal do anything it does not want to do. So changes need to be easy, pleasurable and sustainable. Our bodies seek pleasure and avoid pain.
The Physiological Effects of Drug Addiction
    Consider the physiological effects of drug addiction on the brain and body. In science, drug addiction is considered a compulsive inner drive (the mind = programming, the body= seeking pleasure) to use drugs even though there may be bad consequences.
    Research has shown that using drugs over time results in changes in the brain that make scientist think that self control (the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak) nearly impossible.

    Understanding this lack of control combined with new knowledge of how environmental, genetic and developmental factors contribute to addiction helps us to understand the changes in how to prevent and treat addiction.

    Water Cures helps the body repair and correct the effects the physical environment (our bodies that house our mind and are driven by our spirit) we live in.

    Water Cures can help the body correct the DNA. There is a field of study called Epigenetic which is finding that we can indeed correct the way our genes express themselves even though the DNA stays the same. Just as the drugs modify the genetic expression, water cures can correct that expression.
The Neurological Effects of Drug Addiction
    Drug addiction is also considered to be a neuropsychiatric disorder. Addiction burdens society with the resulting increased crime rate and healthcare requirements. No wonder so many Western countries are investing in research to understanding, treat and prevent addiction. In doing so, they are missing the most basic treatment, helping a person become healthy so their spirit can once again be in control.

    What ever part of the body or brain effected, one thing is sure, the nerves of the nervous system, like our other cells, have a cellular memory. Within this cellular memory is the means to heal the addiction.

    Once our body is given the proper nutrition and hydration, our bodies sometime have the ability to reset to its optimal function. Where the cells remember and drive us to fulfill the addiction, on reset, the same cells will forget the addiction and help us become normal.

    Some using The Water Cure Protocol have eliminated their addiction and experienced little to no withdrawal symptoms. Evidentially, the resetting can happen so fast, the healing can likewise happen rapidly.

    There are of course exceptions to the to fast withdrawal without any reaction. The Jarich Herxheimer Reaction.
Exceptions to Pain Free Withdrawal
    The Herxheimer Reaction is a reaction that results from the bodies rapid detoxification. It can last from days to a few weeks. The symptoms include flu-like symptoms such as sore throat, general malaise, headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sweating, chills and nausea.
    As the body detoxifies, the buildup of toxins can not be eliminated fast enough and thus the reaction.

    This is similar to another phenomena, the Hoskins Effect, where the body uses immunological memory. Our body reacts to the change the way it is programmed to react from the first insult.

    Because of the reaction, some may stop. However, the withdrawal is part of how the body heals its self. It is essential to continue the process but it should be under the direction of a health care professional.

    These are some aspects of how Water Cures helps the effects of drug addiction. Water cures helps our body to become physiologically and psychologically healthy so that we do not need drugs to cope with life.

Ultimate Addiction Alcoholism Drug Treatment

Why Water Cures Works Best

When it comes to addiction alcoholism drug treatment, water cures is one of the quickest and easiest ways to end the addiction and eliminate withdrawal symptoms. If you want the skinny, skip to the section The Herxheimer Reaction followed by the HOW and Why Water Cures works.

What is Withdrawal

When the human body uses drugs, sugars, alcohol or certain foods, the body adapts in a way that it lessens the effectiveness of the substance. This is called drug tolerance. At the point we become drug tolerant, our bodies start to have physical dependency on the chemical.
Once dependent, we may experience withdrawal symptoms if we discontinue the substance we are dependent on. These symptoms could be the opposite of what we experience when on the drug or the chemical substance.
The withdrawal lasts as long as it takes for the drug to leave the blood stream. It can happen in a few hours or may take several days to appear.
Other symptoms include the desire to obtain and use the drug again. Withdrawal can cause life threatening side effects. It should only be done under a doctors supervision.

Why the Ultimate Addiction Alcoholism Drug Treatment

Many using Water Cures have found that they can avoid withdrawal all together. This is because of how fast our bodies can repair themselves when given the proper and required nutrition, hydration and electrolytes.

Effects of Drug Addiction

Consider the spirit, mind, and body interrelationship to addiction.

What is Addiction?

Continued use of drugs, alcohol, sugars or certain foods causes our bodies to rewire itself. The neurological circuits actually change.
Additionally, there are chemical messengers called neurotransmitters that work between the ends of the nerves. They are like keys and only fit into their receptors. The drugs, alcohol or sugars we put into our body can mimic or interfere with the way our brain functions.
When the addictive substance is discontinued, the body does not know how to react to the abnormality. So, it rebels. Thus, the withdraw effects.
Addiction should not be confused with physical dependence. Addiction is a psychological need to use the drug, chemical or food. This can last long after physical dependance withdrawal symptoms have ended.
Physical dependence does not mean a person is addicted.

The Herxheimer Reaction: Our Postulate

Here at Water Cures, we believe that there is a second reaction that takes place at the time of withdrawal symptoms. The Herxheimer Reaction also is the result of the withdrawal.
Normally the reaction is considered the result of immune system response to large amounts of pathogens killed off in the body. Since the body cannot eliminate the toxins fast enough, the symptoms get worse or new symptoms are produced. While it may seem like a person is getting sicker, in reality, they are healing.

The Herxheimer Reaction (also known as Herxheimer Response, a Herx Reaction or healing crisis, detox reaction, or die-off syndrome) could explain the process of the body detoxifying the chemical substances as they are eliminated from the body. This is probably why research points to detoxifying the body as helping diminish the effects of withdrawal.

Why Water Cures Works Addiction Alcoholism Drug Treatment

Water cures works in addiction alcoholism drug treatment in three ways.

Before you read on, stop and check out these two testimonials.


Alcoholism Ended

With Water Cures:

Getting My Life Back

Based on a letter from D.E., California

This is the story of how D.E.'s alcoholism ended with water cures.

Alcoholism Ended With Water Cures: Getting My Life Back

An alcoholic since her 20's, now 35, DE ended up with out resources in a new city and with a son to care for.

Returning to Alcoholics Anonymous, the decision was to stop the agony again. At the same time, DE's father gifted the book, Your Bodies Many Cries For Water. Along with the book was the admonition to use the information to the full. And that advice was taken, as if it were, "unexpected deliverance -- like the hand of God."

The first amazing thing learned was that water can quell the cravings for alcohol. It became apparent that alcohol is in reality, a thirst signal. The response which became a habit, give the exact opposite of what he needed. Alcohol dehydrates the body.
Being an alcoholic was like, "a dog chasing' its own tail."

It was possible to take care of the activities of daily life on starting to maintain water intake and eliminating caffeine. It was also possible to start caring for her family.

The first thing she was able to do, rent and load a truck and move from Las Vegas back to California. This would have been an impossibility before the water cures. Then on getting back, work as a beautician was secured and the most important work, raising a son was now given attention.

Although life still has its problems, alcohol is not one of them for D.E.

Maintaining adequate daily water intake is essential to rebuild a life and views altered by the use of alcohol.

D.E. also noted some additional health improvements. With the poisoning that alcohol consumption causes, there usually comes weigh gain and premature aging. "I began to look puffy and pallid." she said.

On re-hydration, the weight started to disappear and my figure returned to that of my younger years. Her skin returned to its youthful vigor.

These changes caused her to get a new lease on life.

Do you have a story on ending a life of alcohol abuse with water cures? Please share it.


Water Cures

Eliminates Alcohol


This was news to us at water cures. That Water Cures eliminates alcohol cravings was a new and exciting finding.

It is no secret that the water cures works for addiction, alcoholism, and drug treatment. We are still learning the benefits as it helps each person differently. Always, the effect is good. This particular benefit made us take note.

Here is the story of how one man used the water cures works to find it eliminates alcohol cravings. This is the key to healing our minds and bodies from alcohol abuse.

Water Cures Eliminates Alcohol Cravings For Michael

Michael's life changed after 2 months after starting the Water Cures.

In 1954, Michael was in an accident that left him with a fractured skull, broken back, dislocated shoulder, dislocated knees and a smashed foot. These injuries resulted in years of pain and discomfort. In addition to Lasix for edema of the legs, he was on atenolol and lisinopril for high blood pressure. He was told to exclude salt from his diet.

As with most people with chronic pain, he self medicated using alcohol. Drinking 1 - 2 six-packs of beer daily and as much as a full case. He was praying to be able to stop the drinking.

On hearing of 'The Water Cures' on 'Positive Press on the Air,' his daughter and wife went to CeeKay auto to speak with Bob Butts. He read the printed information that Bob shared with his wife and daughter.

"It made sense to me," Michael said and he tried the water cures protocol. On the same day, he starting to drink the water, drinking alcohol ended. He used the water and salt liberally. The start of the water cures ended all desire for alcohol. Also it brought an ned to his pain.

At the time of his sharing this, he no longer needed any pain medications.

As to the edema in his ankles, it disappeared in a couple of days.

Within two weeks his blood pressure had returned to normal. It was in the 160's over 120's. Medications only brought it down to 140's over high 70's. This meant he no longer needed the medication for hypertension.

His energy improved, he no longer feeling tires all the time.

Michael V. Krol
R.R. #2 Box 1645
Honesdale PA. 10431
We have met others who have had the same results. Once starting the water cures, there is no longer a craving for alcohol. This is an exciting result for it provides a new way to treat those suffering from alcohol abuse.

Can Water Cures eliminate alcohol cravings for you too?

One, the water and electrolytes help to dilute the chemicals in your body and, as they are replaced at the cellular level, water cures helps the body expel the offending chemicals.
In the case of food addiction, it helps turn off the histamine response in the stomach that foods bring on resulting in a good feeling. It replaces the abnormal good feeling with the proper good feeling for the body.

A second way, it accesses a form of cellular memory that our bodies have. One such memory is called the Hoskins Effect. First identified in the book, The Original Antigenic Sin, the Hoskins effect is the immune response that occurs when B lymphocytes get exposed to an antigen that is closely related but not necessarily identical antigen and the antibodies that are created react more like the original exposure response than a new response.

There is a form of muscle memory that the top athletes tap into in order to succeed.

When exposed to the detoxifying effects of water and the electrolytes that get the water to the cellular level, the cells of our body want to revert to their normal healthy state (cellular memory). It is the chemicals that cause the abnormal state and elicit the feelings that perpetuate the addiction.

In the case of nerve cells, the neuro-transmitter has a key and lock abnormality that is corrected. Once it is fixed, the nerve cells revert to their normal function.

It is the tolerance, dependence and then addiction that causes the abnormality at the cellular level throughout our bodies. The water cures helps to reboot our cellular programing to the normal function. Think of it as reset button on the cellular level.

One study found that using unprocessed salt, it was possible to increase the bodies intercellular glutathione. This is the bodies master detoxifier. It helps the body clear toxicants as well as intoxicants.

In these three powerful ways, water cures helps with addiction alcoholism drug treatment.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Law Rights

Whatever the circumstances, it can be an enormously overwhelming experience when you are first investigated and subsequently charged in court with an alleged offence under Singapore’s criminal law. Typically, this happens within 48 hours of getting arrested and remanded, and more than one charge could be brought against you. It’s imperative that you know your rights. If you’re unsure of the charges brought against you, speak out and tell the Court so. Request for an interpreter should you require one. Once the charges have been read and explained to you, the Court will then ask you for your plea – should you wish to plead guilty or to claim trial.
Many may get confused on what course of action they should take. It is thus advisable that you consult a good criminal lawyer at this point. You can always ask for an adjournment at this juncture in order to obtain legal consultation from the best criminal lawyers in Singapore.
Our expert team, with their combined years of criminal law experience, put you in good stead when you come to us with the above issues. In particular, Mr S.S Dhillon, our founder, is one of the most formidable and top criminal lawyers in Singapore.
We will be with you at every step of the way – to explain the process, to ensure you are aware of every charge against you and the implications of each and every decision you make forthwith. It can be a time of turbulent emotions, as you and your loved ones grapple with what is happening to you and around you.
Understanding that, it is here that we stand as the voice of reason, while we work together and claim justice for you.
The criminal investigations and charges that you may face include the following:
  • Assault, whether it caused “grievous bodily harm” or normal “hurt”
  • Traffic offences
  • Misuse of controlled drugs
  • Rioting
  • Illegal money lending
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drink driving
  • Employment of illegal workers
  • Theft or misappropriation
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Murder
  • Manslaughter, or Culpable homicide
  • Corruption
  • Operating a business without license
  • Sexual assault, Molest or Rape
The above matters will involve various Statutes, including:
  • Penal Codes
  • Miscellaneous Offences Act
  • Employment of foreign workers Act
  • Money-lending Act
  • Misuse of Drugs Act
  • Prevention of Corruption Act
  • Road Traffic Act
  • Public Entertainment Act
The number of traffic offences committed in Singapore have been constantly high.
In 2016, 4,532 traffic violations were recorded, with more people caught breaking traffic laws in the first 9 months of 2016, almost triple that of the same period in 2015.
Traffic rules are strictly enforced and violations often come with severe penalties to deter drivers from driving irresponsibly.
In this article, we address some commonly asked questions about road traffic offences in Singapore and explain what you should do in the event you are charged with committing one.

What are Some Common Traffic Offences?

Road traffic offences in Singapore are governed by the Road Traffic Act (RTA). The RTA also regulates road traffic, the use of vehicles, and the users of roads in Singapore.
Common road traffic offences in Singapore include:

Exceeding the speed limit

Under section 63 of the RTA, it is an offence for any person to drive a motor vehicle of any class or description, on a road at a speed greater than what is prescribed as the maximum speed in relation to a vehicle of that class or description.

Reckless or dangerous driving

According to section 64 of the RTA, anyone who drives a motor vehicle recklessly, or at a speed or manner which is dangerous to the public, is guilty of an offence.

Causing death by reckless or dangerous driving

Under section 66 of the RTA, a person who causes the death of another by driving a motor vehicle in a reckless manner, or at a speed which is dangerous to the public, is guilty of an offence.

Driving without due care or reasonable consideration

Under section 65 of the RTA, it is an offence to drive a motor vehicle on a road without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for other road users.

Use of mobile phone while driving

According to section 65B of the RTA, a driver of a motor vehicle who uses a mobile communication device while the motor vehicle is in motion on a road or in a public place is guilty of an offence.
The use of a mobile communication device includes, but is not limited to, using a handphone or any hand-held device to send or receive oral or written messages, or access the internet.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Under section 67 of the RTA, it is an offence for a person to drive or attempt to drive while under the influence of alcohol, a drug or of an intoxicating substance that makes the person incapable of having proper control of his vehicle.
In addition, any person who has alcohol levels in his body that exceed the prescribed limits is guilty of an offence under this section.
The prescribed limits are:
  • 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath
  • 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood

Road Traffic Offences vs Vehicle-Related Offences

It is important to note that road traffic offences under the RTA are different from vehicle-related offences that are governed by the Land Transport Authority (LTA).
LTA’s offences are focused on managing road usage, while offences governed under the RTA focus on unsafe driving and ensuring drivers practice safe driving habits.
Common vehicle-related offences include:
  • Driving in the bus lane during these lanes’ operating hours;
  • Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) violations;
  • Illegal parking; and
  • Illegal vehicle modifications.

How can I Check If I have been Charged with a Traffic Offence?

You can check the details of a traffic offence using the Electronic Driver Data Information & Enquiry System (EDDIES).
Do note that EDDIES only reflects records of outstanding traffic notice of offences that have been issued by the Traffic Police.
If you are being investigated for a traffic offence but have not been charged with a traffic offence, this will not be recorded in EDDIES.
To log in to EDDIES, you will need to use either of the following:
  • SingPass;
  • NRIC/FIN and Photocard Licence Serial number; or
  • Foreign Registered Vehicle Number.
The system will generate the records of any outstanding traffic offences automatically.

What Happens If I have been Charged with a Traffic Offence?

Payment of fine

Minor traffic offence with a composition of fine

You will receive a Notice of Traffic Offence stating the offence that you have been charged with.
If the offence is considered to be minor, the notice will specify an “offer of composition”. This means that the notice will state a sum of money which you can pay to settle the notice without going to court.
Payment of the fine can be made through various payment channels. Further information on the methods of payment are available at the Singapore Police Force’s (SPF) website.

Court appearance

Minor traffic offence without an offer of composition

For minor traffic offences where there is no offer of composition, you will receive a Notice to Attend Court.
This means that you must attend Traffic Court on the date stated in your traffic notice. The offence will be heard before a judge in the Traffic Court on the appointed date.
After your court appearance, you will be given a Payment Advice by the Court Officer. You can use the Payment Advice to make payment at the Automated Collection System (ACS) kiosks located in the Finance Section and Crime Registry at Level 1 of the State Courts.

Serious traffic offence without an offer of composition

For serious traffic offences where death or injury has been caused, there is no offer of composition.
Serious traffic offences may include driving rashly or negligently, and are classified as arrestable offences under the Penal Code (unlike minor traffic offences without an offer of composition).
This means that on arrival at the scene of the offence, the police is empowered to arrest you without a warrant, and will follow the arrest procedure while doing so.
Once you are arrested and detained under police custody, you will be asked to give your statement to the police while they investigate your offence.
After 48 hours, you will make your first appearance at the Criminal Mentions Court, located at the State Courts.
At this stage, you will be formally charged with the offence and are advised to hire a criminal defence lawyer who would be able to advise you on the relevant procedures and consequences should you wish to admit to the charge or dispute it.

Will I need to hire a lawyer?

If the offence is minor and there is an offer of composition, there is no need to hire a lawyer. You can pay the composition stated on the notice without going to court.
However, if the offence is serious, you may either choose to claim trial to contest the charge, or not contest the charge and plead guilty to the offence in question.
You may wish to hire a lawyer to represent you in the matter and provide the relevant legal advice about the consequences, should you wish to plead guilty or claim trial.
You may also wish to hire a lawyer if you have been issued with a warrant of arrest. Warrants of arrest are usually issued if a person fails to appear in court for serious traffic offences, or there are criminal charges against him.
A lawyer would be able to advise you on the relevant procedures involved and assist in preparing you for your defence in these circumstances.

Can I Get a Traffic Offence Charge Withdrawn?

If you have in fact committed the road traffic offence that you have been charged with, it is not possible to have the charge withdrawn.
However, you may wish to make an appeal against the charge (see below).

How do I Appeal Against the Charge?

If you wish to appeal against your charge, you may make an appeal online through the Traffic e-Appeals Portal.
Do note that appeals will only be considered for medical emergencies and must be supported by relevant documentary proof, such as a doctor’s letter or medical report.
You will also need to provide the report reference number and a valid email address when lodging your appeal online.

What are the Charges for a Traffic Offence?

In general, persons who are charged with and convicted of traffic offences are liable to a fine and/or a term of imprisonment, depending on the seriousness of the offence and if there are any circumstances (personal or in relation to the commission of the offence) that warrant a reduction in the sentence.
The table below summarises the penalties under the RTA for some common road traffic offences in Singapore, as highlighted above:



Reckless or dangerous driving


First conviction:

A fine up to $5,000 and/or  imprisonment for a term up to 12 months
The offender may also be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for either a period of time, or for life.

Second conviction:

A fine up to $10,000 and/or to imprisonment for a term up to 2 years.
The offender will also be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for either a period of time or for life, unless the court is convinced that the offender has special reasons against disqualification.

Causing death by reckless or dangerous driving

Imprisonment for a term up to 5 years.

Driving without due care or reasonable consideration and Use of mobile communication device while driving

First conviction:

A fine up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment for a term up to 6 months.

Second conviction:

In the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine up to $2,000 and/or to imprisonment for a term up to 12 months.

Driving while under influence of drink or drugs

First conviction:

A fine of at least $1,000 and up to $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term up to 6 months.

Second conviction:

In the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine of at least $3,000 and up to $10,000 and to imprisonment for a term up to 12 months.
The offender shall also be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for a period of at least 12 months.

Can my Licence be Suspended or Revoked?

Your licence may be suspended or revoked if you have accumulated the requisite amount of demerit points under the Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS).
Demerit points are given from a list of scheduled offences under the Road Traffic (DIPS) Rules.

For new or probationary drivers

If you accumulate 13 or more demerit points during the probationary period of 1 year, the driving licence can be revoked and become invalid.
The licence holder will have to retake all the necessary driving tests (theory and practical) in order to obtain a licence to drive or ride a motor vehicle again.

For non-probationary drivers

For non-probationary drivers who have no previous suspension record with the Traffic Police and have accumulated 24 or more demerit points within 24 consecutive months, their driving licences will be liable for a first suspension of 12 weeks.
For drivers who have previous suspension records and who accumulate 12 or more demerit points within 12 consecutive months, their driving licences will become liable for subsequent suspensions of up to 36 months.
Where the suspension period lasts a year or longer, his driving licence will become revoked and invalid. The licence holder will have to retake all the necessary driving tests before he can obtain his licence again.

Will My Charge Leave a Criminal Record?

Almost all road traffic offences under the RTA are deemed to be non-registrable offences. This means that if you have been charged with a road traffic offence, they will most likely not leave a criminal record.
However, your charge will go on your criminal record if the offence is a serious one involving death or injury.

What Do I Do If I have been Charged for an Offence Committed by a Friend/Relative Who was Using My Vehicle?

In these circumstances, it is important to ensure that you inform the Traffic Police immediately once you have received the Notice of Traffic Offence or Notice to Attend Court, to explain the circumstances of your case.
To do so, you can contact the Traffic Police Investigation Branch Call Centre.
Do note that it is an offence for you to take responsibility for an offence that has been committed by another individual, even if you have mutually agreed to do so for your friend or relative who has committed the offence.
Your friend or relative who actually committed the offence can be punished with the original traffic offence as well as for intentionally perverting the course of justice, which is punishable with a fine and/or a term of imprisonment of up to 7 years.
You may also be charged with the offence of giving false statements to public servants, if such false statements were given in the course of investigations about the offence in question.

We hope this article has addressed your queries and concerns about being charged with committing a traffic offence in Singapore.
As a driver, it is your duty to drive with care and caution and exercise good safety practices to continually ensure and improve safety on our roads for all road users.
Finally, if you are looking to contest your charge for a traffic offence, you are advised to get in touch with a criminal defence lawyer to assist you with your case.

    Monday, April 8, 2019

    International Mother Earth Day.

    The solar system reminds us that, just as the Earth is not at the center of the Universe, neither are we humans the center of the Earth.
    We, along with the rest of the natural world, are all interconnected within the larger web of life.


    n 2009, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 22 April as International Mother Earth Day. In so doing, Member States acknowledged that the Earth and its ecosystems are our common home, and expressed their conviction that it is necessary to promote Harmony with Nature in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations. The same year, the General Assembly adopted its first resolution on Harmony with Nature.
    The General Assembly has widely acknowledged that the world's depletion of natural resources and rapid environmental degradation are the result of unsustainable consumption and production patterns which have led to adverse consequences for both the Earth and the health and overall well-being of humanity. The scientific community has well documented evidence that our present way of life, in particular our consumption and production patterns, has severely affected the Earth's carrying capacity.
    Loss of biodiversity, desertification, climate change and the disruption of a number of natural cycles are among the costs of our disregard for Nature and the integrity of its ecosystems and life-supporting processes. As recent scientific work suggests, a number of planetary boundaries are being transgressed and others are at risk being so in a business-as-usual world. Since the industrial revolution, Nature has been treated as a commodity that exists largely for the benefit of people, and environmental problems have been considered as solvable through the use of technology. In order to meet the basic needs of a growing population within the limits of the Earth's finite resources, there is a need to devise a more sustainable model for production, consumption and the economy as a whole.
    Devising a new world will require a new relationship with the Earth and with humankind's own existence. Since 2009, the aim of the General Assembly, in adopting its nine resolutions on Harmony with Nature, has been to define this newly found relationship based on a non-anthropocentric relationship with Nature. The resolutions contain different perspectives regarding the construction of a new, non-anthropocentric paradigm in which the fundamental basis for right and wrong action concerning the environment is grounded not solely in human concerns. A step in this direction was further reaffirmed in the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (2012), entitled "The future we want":
    "We recognize that planet Earth and its ecosystems are our home and that "Mother Earth" is a common expression in a number of countries and regions, and we note that some countries recognize the rights of nature in the context of the promotion of sustainable development."
    For more information on the chronology of activities and milestones pertaining to Harmony with Nature, please click here.


    Harmony with Nature

    In Harmony with Nature
    Much of human history has been written in terms of an ongoing struggle of "man against nature." The forces of nature � wild beasts, floods, pestilence, and disease -- have been cast in the role of the enemy of humankind. To survive and prosper, we must conquer nature � kill the wild beasts, build dams to stop flooding, find medicines to fight disease, and use chemicals to control the pests. Humans have been locked in a life and death struggle against "Mother Nature." We've been winning battle after battle. But, we've been losing the war.

    We humans have killed so many "wild beasts" that non-human species are becoming extinct at an unprecedented rate � except in prehistoric times now labeled as global catastrophes. It's clear that humans cannot survive � nor might we want to survive � as the only living species on earth. How many more species can we destroy before we lose more than we can afford to do without? How many more battles with Mother Nature can we afford to win?
    We have dammed so many streams the sediment that once replenished the topsoil of fertile farmland through periodic flooding now fills the reservoirs of lakes instead.

     Populations of fish and wildlife that once filled and surrounded free flowing streams, and fed the people of the land, have dwindled and disappeared. Floods may come less often now, but when nature really flexes its muscles, as in 1993 and 1996, nothing on earth can control the floods. How many more streams can we afford to dam? How many more battles with Mother Nature can we afford to win?

    We have wiped out plague after plague that has threatened humankind, and we now lead longer, presumably healthier, lives than ever before. But new, more sophisticated diseases always seem to come on the scene as soon as the old ones are brought under control. We may live longer, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are healthier. Much of the medicine we take today is to treat the symptoms caused by the medicines we take. On average, we Americans spend more money for health care than we spend for food. How long can our new cures keep ahead of new diseases? How many more medical miracles can we afford? How many more battles with Mother Nature can we afford to win?

    We can quite easily kill most insects, diseases, weeds, and parasites using modern chemical pesticides. This has allowed us to realize the lower food prices brought about by a specialized, mechanized, standardized, industrialized agriculture. But we still loose about the same percentage of our crops to pests as we did in earlier times. In addition, health concerns about pesticide residues in our food supplies and in our drinking water are on the rise. In addition, rural communities have withered and died and industrial agriculture has replaced the family farm. Good paying jobs in the city are no longer there for people forced off the land. How many more pests can we afford to kill before we kill ourselves? How many more workers can we displace before we displace ourselves? How many more battles with Mother Nature can we afford to win?

    Every time we think we have won a battle, nature fights back. Nature always seems ready for the counterattack. And, people are beginning to lose faith in "man's" ability to ever conquer nature. They are concerned about whether we can win the battle with the next flood, the next disease, or the next pest that we create with our efforts to control the last one. They are concerned with their own safety, health, and well being. But, they are concerned also about the sustainability of a human civilization that continues to live in conflict with nature. They fear we cannot win our war against nature, because we are a part of nature � the very thing we are trying to destroy. They are searching for ways to find harmony with nature � to sustain the nature of which we are a part.

    A new paradigm or model for working and living in harmony with nature is arising under the conceptual umbrella of sustainability. Sustainable systems must be capable of meeting the needs of those of us of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs as well. In simple terms, sustainability means applying the Golden Rule across generations. It's about short run, self-interest � meeting our present needs; but it's also about long run, shared-interest � leaving equal or better opportunities for others both now and in the future. Sustainability requires that we find harmony between others and ourselves as well as between those of us of the present and those of the future. Sustainability requires that we find harmony.

    The sustainable agriculture movement is but one small part of a far larger movement that is transforming the whole of human society. But a society that cannot feed itself quite simply is not sustainable. Human civilization is moving through a great transformation from the technology-based, industrial era of the past to a knowledge-based, "sustainable" era of the future. Agriculture is moving through a similar transition.

    The industrial model of the past, and present, was based on the assumption that the welfare of people was in conflict with the welfare of nature. People had to harvest, mine, and otherwise exploit nature, including other people, to create more goods and services for consumption. Human productivity is defined in terms of one's ability to produce goods and services that will be bought and consumed by others. Quality of life is viewed a consequence of consumption of something we can buy at Walmart or Disney World. The more we produce, the more we earn, the more we can consume, and the higher our quality of life. The more we can take from nature, and each other, the higher our quality of life.

    The sustainable model is based on the assumption that people are multidimensional that we are physical, mental, and spiritual beings. We have a mind and soul as well as a body. All three determine the quality of our life -- what we think and what we feel as well as what we consume. And, the three are as inseparable as the height, width, and length dimensions of a box. A life that lacks the physical, mental, or spiritual is not a life of quality, as an object that lacks a height, width, or length dimension is not a box. The industrial model has focused on the physical body, the self -- getting more and more to consume. The sustainable model focuses on finding harmony among all three dimensions in the physical, mental, and spiritual -- on leading a life of balance.

    Spirituality is not synonymous with religion. Spirituality refers to a felt need to be in harmony with some higher unseen order of things  paraphrasing William James, a well-known religious philosopher. Religion, at its best, is simply one means of expressing one's spirituality. Spirituality assumes a higher order to which humans must conform if we are to find peace. Harmony cannot be achieved by changing the "order of things" to suit our preferences. Harmony comes only from changing our actions to conform to the "higher order." A life lived in harmony is its own reward.

    A sustainable agriculture must be economically viable, socially responsible, and ecologically sound. The economic, social, and ecological are interrelated, and all are essential to sustainability. An agriculture that uses up or degrades its natural resource base, or pollutes the natural environment, eventually will lost its ability to produce. It's not sustainable. An agriculture that isn't profitable, at least over time, will not allow its farmers to stay in business. It's not sustainable. An agriculture that fails to meet the needs of society, as producers and citizens as well as consumers, will not be sustained by society. It's not sustainable. A sustainable agriculture must be all three soundness; ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible. And the three must be in harmony.

    Some see sustainability as an environmental issue. They are wrong. It is an environmental issue, but it is much more. Any system of production that attempts to conquer nature will create conflicts with nature, degrade its environment, and risk its long run sustainability. Industrial agriculture epitomizes a system of farming in conflict with nature. Sustainable farming systems must function in harmony with nature.

    The fundamental purpose of agriculture is to convert solar energy into products for human food and fiber. Nature provides biological means of converting solar energy into living plants and animals. Nature provides means by which things come to life, protect themselves, grow to maturity, reproduce, and die to be recycled to support a future generation of life. Agriculture attempts to tip the ecological balance in favor of humans relative to other species. But, if we attempt to tip the balance too far, too fast, we destroy the integrity of the natural system of which we are a part. A sustainable agriculture must be in harmony with nature.
    But, a sustainable agriculture also must be in harmony with people. Since people are a part of nature, with a basic nature of our own, a sustainable agriculture must also be in harmony with human nature. A socially sustainable agriculture must provide an adequate supply of food and fiber at a reasonable cost. Any system of agriculture that fails this test is not sustainable, no matter how ecologically sound it may be. But "man does not live by bread alone," and a socially responsible agriculture must contribute to a positive quality of life in other respects as well.
    The industrial system of farming has destroyed the family farm as a social institution, has caused rural communities to wither and die, and has changed the social impact of agriculture on society in general from positive to negative. A sustainable agriculture must meet the food and fiber needs of people, but it cannot degrade or destroy opportunities for people to lead successful, productive lives in the process. A sustainable agriculture must be in harmony with our nature of being human.

    Finally, a sustainable agriculture must be in harmony with the human economy. The greatest challenge to farming in ways that are ecologically sound and socially responsible is in finding ways to make such systems economically viable as well. Our current economy seems to favor systems that exploit their natural and human environment for short run gains. Those who choose to protect the natural environment must sacrifice any economic opportunity that might result from exploiting it. Those who show concern for the well being of other people � workers, customers, or neighbors � must sacrifice any economic opportunity that might result from exploiting them. So it might seem that sustainability requires that one sacrifice some economic well being to achieve ecological and social sustainability.

    Conventional thinking assumes the relationship among the environment, social, and economic wellbeing is a trade-off relationship � that one can have more of one only by sacrificing some of the others. However, this represents a highly materialistic worldview. If anyone gets more of something, then someone else must have less of it. There is only some fixed quantity that must be allocated among competing ends. This materialistic worldview ignores the fact that we can gain satisfaction, for ourselves, right now, by doing things for others and by saving things for future generations just because we know these are the right things to do. Our satisfaction is not dependent on realizing the expectations of some future personal rewards but the reward is embodied in the current action rather than the future outcome. There is inherent value in living and working in harmony. Getting more of one thing without having more of the others only creates imbalance and disharmony hence making us worse off rather than better off.
    However, the necessity for economic viability is a very real concern � even for those who pursue harmony rather than material wealth. If our endeavors are not economically viable, we lose the right to pursue those endeavors. But, how can a person make a living farming without degrading either the natural environment or the surrounding community? Industrial farming sets the standard for dollar and cent costs of production and industrial farming exploits its natural and human resource base to keep those costs to a minimum. How can a sustainable farmer compete? The answer is not to compete with industrial farming but to do something fundamentally different.

    This something different includes letting nature do more of the work of production and working with nature rather than against it. Production costs may be competitive with, if not lower than, industrial systems if you let nature do enough of the work. Organic production methods, management intensive grazing, pastured pork and poultry, low-input farming -- these are all systems that rely less on off-farm commercial inputs and more on one's ability to understand and work with nature. Industrial systems require uniformity and consistency, but nature is inherently diverse and dynamic. Harmony comes from matching what you produce and how you produce it to the unique ecological niche in which you produce. The greater the harmony the more of the work nature will be willing to do.