Tuesday, February 4, 2025



亲爱的,当黎明破晓,太阳升起照亮世界时,我们就会想起上帝永恒的信实。每天早晨,他都会赐予我们新的一天、新的开始、新的希望和另一个机会去实现他的神圣目的。这是主创造的日子,我们将在其中欢喜快乐,诗篇 118:4。当你深吸一口气,准备踏入这一天时,我邀请你停下来思考。上帝给你这一刻不仅仅是为了生存,更是为了让你在他的恩典中茁壮成长。你不是偶然被创造的。你的生命中肩负着神圣的任务。你所面临的战斗不是要摧毁你,而是要把你塑造成上帝注定要你成为的人。 这就是为什么我们每天以祷告开始,顺服上帝的旨意,放下我们的忧虑,接受他的平安。想象一下,每天早晨醒来时,你没有恐惧或压力,而是完全相信全能的上帝走在你前面,修直每条弯曲的道路,以赛亚书45:2。想象一下,你不是带着焦虑开始新的一天,而是带着信心开始新的一天,知道上帝已经满足了你的需要。这就是晨祷的力量。当我们以上帝开始新的一天时,我们邀请他的存在来引导我们的脚步,打开无人能关上的门,保护我们免受看不见的危险。耶稣自己就证明了晨祷的重要性。圣经在马可福音1:35告诉我们,清晨,天还黑的时候,耶稣起来,离开家,到旷野去祷告。 如果上帝之子耶稣需要每天早晨在祈祷中寻求天父,那么我们更需要这样做。我的弟兄,我的姐妹,在开始新的一天之前,不要先寻求唯一真神的存在,他掌握着这一天。敌人试图分散你的注意力。他想让你的头脑充满忧虑、怀疑和恐惧。他想让你忘记,你靠着基督已经得胜有余了,罗马书 8:37,但今天我们凭着信念站立。今天,我们宣告,凡为攻击我们造成的器械必不利用,以赛亚书 54:17。今天,我们宣告主是我们的牧羊人,我们必不缺乏,诗篇 23:1。今天,我们承诺首先寻求上帝,知道所有其他的东西都会加给我们,马太福音 6:33。 现在,我希望你写下,主啊,我相信你度过我的一天。大胆地说出来,让你的话语成为信仰的宣言。圣经在箴言 18:21 中说,生死在舌头的权下。当你宣称“主啊,我相信你度过我的一天”时,你所说的话就有力量塑造你的现实。你选择信仰而不是恐惧。你选择神的一致而不是人类的担忧,你选择走在神的应许中而不是世俗的不确定性中,所以继续打字吧,主啊,我相信你度过我的一天。当你写下它时,请与需要鼓励的人分享这个信息。今天,你生命中的某个人正在与焦虑作斗争,感到迷失或在怀疑中挣扎。你是将他们带回神面前的器皿。让这不仅仅是一个普通的早晨。 让现在成为你和周围人生活中精神觉醒的开始。




愿 2025 年 2 月为所有人带来新的欢乐和机遇。主啊,我爱你,愿上帝的祝福与我同在!与他人同在。阿门🙏

Prière du matin d'abord : « Seigneur, je te confie ma journée »

 Seigneur, je te fais confiance pour ma journée ! Amen 🙏 

 Bien-aimés, alors que l'aube se lève et que le soleil se lève pour illuminer le monde, nous nous rappelons de la fidélité infinie de Dieu. Chaque matin, il nous accorde le don d'un nouveau jour, d'un nouveau départ, d'un espoir renouvelé et d'une autre opportunité de marcher dans son dessein divin. C'est le jour que le Seigneur a fait, nous nous réjouirons, nous en serons heureux, Psaume 118:4. Alors que vous respirez profondément et que vous vous préparez à entrer dans cette journée, je vous invite à faire une pause et à réfléchir. Dieu vous a donné ce moment non seulement pour exister, mais pour prospérer dans sa grâce. Vous n'avez pas été créé par accident. Une mission divine est confiée à votre vie. Les batailles auxquelles vous faites face ne sont pas destinées à vous détruire, mais à vous façonner en la personne que Dieu vous a destinée à être.  C'est pourquoi nous commençons chaque journée par la prière, en nous alignant sur la volonté de Dieu, en abandonnant nos soucis et en recevant sa paix. Imaginez vous réveiller chaque matin, non pas dans la peur ou le stress, mais dans la confiance totale que le Dieu Tout-Puissant marche devant vous, rendant droit tout chemin tortueux, Ésaïe 45:2. Imaginez commencer votre journée non pas avec anxiété, mais avec foi, sachant que Dieu a déjà pourvu à vos besoins. C'est le pouvoir de la prière du matin. Lorsque nous commençons notre journée avec Dieu, nous invitons sa présence à guider nos pas, à ouvrir des portes qu'aucun homme ne peut fermer et à nous protéger des dangers invisibles. Jésus lui-même a démontré l'importance de la prière du matin. La Bible nous dit dans Marc 1:35, très tôt le matin, alors qu'il faisait encore sombre, Jésus se leva, quitta la maison et se rendit dans un endroit solitaire où il pria.  Si Jésus, le fils de Dieu, avait besoin de chercher le Père dans la prière chaque matin, à combien plus forte raison devons-nous le faire. Mon frère, ma sœur, ne vous précipitez pas dans votre journée sans d’abord rechercher la présence du Seul Vrai DIEU, qui tient la journée entre ses mains. L’ennemi cherche à vous distraire. Il veut remplir votre esprit d’inquiétudes, de doutes et de peurs. Il veut que vous oubliiez que vous êtes plus que vainqueur par le Christ, Romains 8:37, mais aujourd’hui nous restons dans la foi. Aujourd’hui, nous déclarons qu’aucune arme formée contre nous ne prospérera, Ésaïe 54:17. Aujourd’hui, nous proclamons que le Seigneur est notre berger et que nous ne manquerons de rien, Psaume 23:1. Aujourd’hui, nous nous engageons à chercher Dieu en premier, sachant que toutes les autres choses nous seront données par-dessus, Matthieu 6:33.  En ce moment, je veux que tu écrives : Seigneur, je te fais confiance pour ma journée. Dis-le avec audace et que tes paroles soient une déclaration de foi. La Bible dit dans Proverbes 18 : 21 que la mort et la vie sont au pouvoir de la langue. Ce que tu dis a le pouvoir de façonner ta réalité lorsque tu déclares : « Seigneur, je te fais confiance pour ma journée ! » Tu choisis la foi plutôt que la peur. Tu choisis l'alignement divin plutôt que l'inquiétude humaine. Tu choisis de marcher dans les promesses de Dieu plutôt que dans les incertitudes du monde. Alors vas-y, écris-le : Seigneur, je te fais confiance pour ma journée. Et pendant que tu l'écris, partage ce message avec quelqu'un qui a besoin d'encouragement. Aujourd'hui, quelqu'un dans ta vie lutte contre l'anxiété, se sent perdu ou lutte contre le doute. Sois le vaisseau qui le ramène à la présence de Dieu. Que ce soit plus qu'un simple matin comme les autres.  Que ce soit maintenant le début de l'éveil spirituel dans votre vie et dans la vie de ceux qui vous entourent.

Maintenant, soyez fort et courageux...


Père céleste, merci pour le

cadeau d'aujourd'hui. Je sais que sans

Toi, je serais perdu. S'il te plaît, pardonne mes

erreurs et calme mon esprit. Protège

moi et laisse Ta lumière briller

à travers moi afin que je puisse être une bénédiction pour

les autres. Puisse-tu m'accorder la foi et

la force, me guider sur le chemin de

la sainteté afin que je puisse être en phase avec

Ta volonté et être avec Toi pour toujours.

Que février 2025 apporte une nouvelle joie

et de nouvelles opportunités à tous. Seigneur, je t'aime

et les bénédictions de Dieu avec

moi ! avec les autres. Amen 🙏 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Morning Pray First "Lord I trust you with my day"

Lord, I trust you with my day ! Amen 🙏 

 Beloved, as the dawn breaks and the sun rises to illuminate the world we are  reminded of God's unending faithfulness. Every morning he grants us the gift of a new day, a fresh start, a renewed hope and another opportunity to walk in his Divine Purpose. This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice in, be glad in it, Psalm 118:4. As you take a deep breath and prepare to step into this day, I invite you to pause and reflect. God has given you this moment not just to exist but to thrive in his grace. You were not created by accident. There is a Divine assignment upon your life. The battles you face are not meant to destroy you but to shape you into the person God has destined you to be. That is why we begin each day in prayer aligning ourselves with the will of God, surrendering our worries and receiving his peace. Imagine waking up each morning not in fear or stress but in total confidence that the Almighty God walks before you making every crooked path straight, lsaiah 45:2. Imagine starting your day not with anxiety but with faith knowing that God has already provided for your needs. This is the power of morning prayer. When we start our day with God, we invite his presence to guide our steps, open doors no man can shut and protect us from unseen dangers. Jesus himself  demonstrated the importance of morning prayer. The Bible tells us in Mark 1:35, very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed. If Jesus, the son of God, needed to seek the Father in prayer every morning, how much more do we. My brother, my sister, do not rush into your day without first seeking the presence of the One True GOD, who holds the day in his hands. The enemy seeks to distract you. He wants to fill your mind with worries doubts and fears. He wants you to forget that you are more than a conqueror through Christ, Romans 8:37, but today we stand in faith. Today, we declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, Isaiah 54:17. Today, we Proclaim that the Lord is Our Shepherd and we shall lack nothing, Psalm 23:1. Today, we commit to seeking God first knowing that all other things will be added unto us, Matthew 6:33.  Right now, I want you to write, Lord, I trust you with my day  Say it with boldness let your words be a declaration of Faith. The Bible says  in Proverbs 18: 21, death and life are in the power of the tongue. What you speak has the power to shape your reality when you declare, "Lord, I trust you with my day!" You are choosing Faith over fear. You are choosing Divine Alignment over human  worry you are choosing to walk in the Promises of God rather than the uncertainties of the world so go ahead type it out, Lord I trust you with my day. and as you write it, share this message with someone who needs encouragement. Today, someone in your life is battling anxiety, feeling lost or struggling doubt. You be the vessel that brings them back to God's presence. Let this be more than just another morning. Let now be the start of Spiritual  Awakening in your life and the lives of those around you.

Now, You Be strong and courageous ...


Heavenly Father, thank You for the

gift of today. I know that without

You, I'd be lost. Please forgive my

mistakes and calm my mind. Кeep

me safe and let Your light shine

through me so I can be a blessing to

others. May You grant me faith and

strength, guide me on the path of

holiness so that I can be in line with

Your will and be with You forever.

May February 2025 bring new joy

and opportunities to all. Lord, I love

You, and God's blessings along with

Me! with others. Amen 🙏 


Zhǔ a, wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ huì gěi wǒ yītiān! Āmén 🙏

亲爱的,当黎明破晓,太阳升起照亮世界时,我们就会想起上帝永恒的信实。每天早晨,他都会赐予我们新的一天、新的开始、新的希望和另一个机会去实现他的神圣目的。这是主创造的日子,我们将在其中欢喜快乐,诗篇 118:4。当你深吸一口气,准备踏入这一天时,我邀请你停下来思考。上帝给你这一刻不仅仅是为了生存,更是为了让你在他的恩典中茁壮成长。你不是偶然被创造的。你的生命中肩负着神圣的任务。你所面临的战斗不是要摧毁你,而是要把你塑造成上帝注定要你成为的人。 这就是为什么我们每天以祷告开始,顺服上帝的旨意,放下我们的忧虑,接受他的平安。想象一下,每天早晨醒来时,你没有恐惧或压力,而是完全相信全能的上帝走在你前面,修直每条弯曲的道路,以赛亚书45:2。想象一下,你不是带着焦虑开始新的一天,而是带着信心开始新的一天,知道上帝已经满足了你的需要。这就是晨祷的力量。当我们以上帝开始新的一天时,我们邀请他的存在来引导我们的脚步,打开无人能关上的门,保护我们免受看不见的危险。耶稣自己就证明了晨祷的重要性。圣经在马可福音1:35告诉我们,清晨,天还黑的时候,耶稣起来,离开家,到旷野去祷告。 如果上帝之子耶稣需要每天早晨在祈祷中寻求天父,那么我们更需要这样做。我的弟兄,我的姐妹,在开始新的一天之前,不要先寻求唯一真神的存在,他掌握着这一天。敌人试图分散你的注意力。他想让你的头脑充满忧虑、怀疑和恐惧。他想让你忘记,你靠着基督已经得胜有余了,罗马书 8:37,但今天我们凭着信念站立。今天,我们宣告,凡为攻击我们造成的器械必不利用,以赛亚书 54:17。今天,我们宣告主是我们的牧羊人,我们必不缺乏,诗篇 23:1。今天,我们承诺首先寻求上帝,知道所有其他的东西都会加给我们,马太福音 6:33。 现在,我希望你写下,主啊,我相信你度过我的一天。大胆地说出来,让你的话语成为信仰的宣言。圣经在箴言 18:21 中说,生死在舌头的权下。当你宣称“主啊,我相信你度过我的一天”时,你所说的话就有力量塑造你的现实。你选择信仰而不是恐惧。你选择神的一致而不是人类的担忧,你选择走在神的应许中而不是世俗的不确定性中,所以继续打字吧,主啊,我相信你度过我的一天。当你写下它时,请与需要鼓励的人分享这个信息。今天,你生命中的某个人正在与焦虑作斗争,感到迷失或在怀疑中挣扎。你是将他们带回神面前的器皿。让这不仅仅是一个普通的早晨。 让现在成为你和周围人生活中精神觉醒的开始。




愿 2025 年 2 月为所有人带来新的欢乐和机遇。主啊,我爱你,愿上帝的祝福与我同在!与他人同在。阿门🙏


Zhǔ a, wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ huì bǎoyòu wǒ de měi yītiān! Āmén

What is the purpose of life? 人活着是为了什么


事实 或 观点

Shì shí huò guān diǎn

fact or view point


Jīn rì huà tí

Today's topic

人活着是为了什么 这是我听过最好的答案!

rén huózhe shì wèile shénme. zhè shì wǒ tīngguò zuì hǎo de dá'àn!

What is the purpose of life? This is the best answer I have ever heard!











People who died yesterday may still be planning for tomorrow. 

People who died this morning may still be planning for the evening. 

Maybe everything will disappear in a moment. 

You never know what will happen in the next second. 

People spend their whole lives waiting for the future, waiting for later, waiting to have money, 

and what they wait for is regret. 

You ignore love and being loved. 

Let me tell you a side that is unknown to others. 

In fact, you are the only one in this world. 

You are here, the world is here

You are no more, the world will be no more.


Zuótiān qùshì de rén huòxǔ hái zài guīhuà zhě míngtiān

People who died yesterday may still be planning for tomorrow. 


zǎoshang qùshì de rén hái zài guīhuàzhe wǎnshàng

People who died this morning may still be planning for the evening. 


yěxǔ yī shùnjiān yīqiè dūhuì xiāoshī

Maybe everything will disappear in a moment. 


nǐ yǒngyuǎn bù zhīdào xià yī miǎo huì fāshēng shénme

You ever never know what will happen in the next second. 


rén zhè yīshēng zài děng jiānglái děng hòulái děng yǒu qián

People spend their whole lives waiting for the future, waiting for later; waiting to have money, 


děngdào hòulái děng de shì yíhàn

and what they wait for is regret. 


nǐ mòshìle ài yǔ bèi ài

You ignored loving and being loved


gàosù nǐ xiǎn wéi rénzhī de yīmiàn

Let me tell you a side that is unknown to others. 


qíshí zhè shìjiè jiù nǐ yīgè rén

In fact, you are the only one in this world. 

你在 这世界就在

Nǐ zài, zhè shìjiè jiù zài

You are here, the world is here

你没了 这世界就没了

Nǐ méi liǎo  zhè shì jiè jiù méi liǎo

You are no more, the world will be no more.

(French translation / Traduction française)

fait ou point de vue

Sujet du jour

Quel est le but de la vie ? C'est la meilleure réponse que j'ai jamais entendue !

Les personnes décédées hier planifient peut-être encore leur avenir.

Les personnes décédées ce matin planifient peut-être encore leur avenir ce soir.

Peut-être que tout disparaîtra en un instant.

On ne sait jamais ce qui va se passer dans la seconde qui suit.

Les gens passent toute leur vie à attendre l'avenir, à attendre plus tard, à attendre d'avoir de l'argent,

et ce qu'ils attendent, c'est le regret.

Vous ignorez l'amour et le fait d'être aimé.

Laissez-moi vous raconter une facette inconnue des autres.

En fait, vous êtes le seul au monde.

Vous êtes ici, le monde est ici.

Vous n'êtes plus, le monde ne sera plus.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Psalm 18 诗篇 十八 Shīpiān shíbā

  Psalm 18

David the servant of the Lord sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said:

I love you, Lord, my strength.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;

my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,

my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

 I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,

    and I have been saved from my enemies.

The cords of death entangled me;

    the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.

 The cords of the grave coiled around me;

the snares of death confronted me.

In my distress, I called to the Lord;

 I cried to my God for help.

From his temple, he heard my voice;

    my cry came before him, into his ears.

The earth trembled and quaked,

    and the foundations of the mountains shook;

    they trembled because he was angry.

Smoke rose from his nostrils;

    consuming fire came from his mouth,

    burning coals blazed out of it.

He parted the heavens and came down;

    dark clouds were under his feet.

He mounted the cherubim and flew;

    he soared on the wings of the wind.

He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him—

    the dark rain clouds of the sky.

Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced,

    with hailstones and bolts of lightning.

 The Lord thundered from heaven;

    the voice of the Most High resounded.

He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy,

    with great bolts of lightning, he routed them.

 The valleys of the sea were exposed

    and the foundations of the earth laid bare

at your rebuke, Lord,

    at the blast of breath from your nostrils.

 He reached down from on high and took hold of me;

    he drew me out of deep waters.

He rescued me from my powerful enemy,

    from my foes, who were too strong for me.

They confronted me on the day of my disaster,

    but the Lord was my support.

 He brought me out into a spacious place;

    he rescued me because he delighted in me.

The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness;

    according to the cleanness of my hands, he has rewarded me.

 For I have kept the ways of the Lord;

    I am not guilty of turning from my God.

All his laws are before me;

    I have not turned away from his decrees.

 I have been blameless before him

    and have kept myself from sin.

 The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness,

    according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.

 To the faithful, you show yourself faithful,

    to the blameless, you show yourself blameless,

 to the pure, you show yourself pure,

    but to the devious, you show yourself shrewd.

You save the humble

    but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning;

    my God turns my darkness into light.

With your help, I can advance against a troop;

    with my God, I can scale a wall.

 As for God, his way is perfect:

    The Lord’s word is flawless;

    he shields all who take refuge in him.

For who is God besides the Lord?

    And who is the Rock except our God?

It is God who arms me with strength

    and keeps my way secure.

He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;

    he causes me to stand on the heights.

He trains my hands for battle;

    my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

 You make your savings help my shield,

    and your right hand sustains me;

    your help has made me great.

You provide a broad path for my feet,

    so that my ankles do not give way.

I pursued my enemies and overtook them;

   I did not turn back till they were destroyed.

I crushed them so that they could not rise;

    they fell beneath my feet.

You armed me with strength for battle;

    you humbled my adversaries before me.

 You made my enemies turn their backs in flight,

    and I destroyed my foes.

 They cried for help, but there was no one to save them—

    to the Lord, but he did not answer.

 I beat them as fine as windblown dust;

    I trampled them like mud in the streets.

 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people;

    you have made me the head of nations.

People I did not know now serve me,

     foreigners cower before me;

    as soon as they hear of me, they obey me.

They all lose heart;

    they come trembling from their strongholds.

 The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock!

    Exalted be God my Savior!

 He is the God who avenges me,

    who subdues nations under me,

    who saves me from my enemies.

You exalted me above my foes;

    from a violent man you rescued me.

Therefore, I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;

    I will sing the praises of your name.

 He gives his king great victories;

   he shows unfailing love to his anointed,

    to David and to his descendants forever.

  诗篇 18



































































































  主活着! 赞美我的磐石!












( hanyu pinyin )

  Shīpiān 18

yēhéhuá de púrén dà wèi zài yēhéhuá jiù tā tuōlí yīqiè chóudí hé sǎo luó zhī shǒu de shíhòu, xiàng yēhéhuá chàngle zhè shǒu shī. Tā shuō:

Yēhéhuá, wǒ de lìliàng, wǒ ài nǐ.

Yēhéhuá shì wǒ de yánshí, wǒ de shānzhài, wǒ de jiù zhǔ;

wǒ de shén shì wǒ de yánshí, wǒ suǒ tóukào de;

wǒ de dùnpái, wǒ zhěngjiù de jiǎo, wǒ de gāotái.

Wǒ qiúgào dāng chēngsòng de yēhéhuá,

   wǒ jiù bèi jiù tuōlí chóudí.

Sǐwáng de shéngsuǒ chánrào wǒ;

   huǐmiè de jíliú yānmò wǒ.

 Yīnjiān de shéngsuǒ chánrào wǒ;

sǐwáng de wǎngluó líndào wǒ.

Wǒ zài jínàn zhōng qiúgào yēhéhuá;

 wǒ xiàng wǒ de shén hū qiú.

Tā cóng diàn zhòng tīngle wǒ de shēngyīn;

   wǒ de hūhǎn chuán dào tā miànqián, rùle tā de ěr zhōng.

Dàdì zhèndòng zhèndòng,

    shān de gēnjī yě yáodòng;

    yīnwèi tā fānù, shān jiù zhèndòng.

Yān cóng tā bíkǒng shàng téng;

    tūnmiè de huǒ cóng tā kǒu zhòng chūlái,

    shāozhe de tàn cóng tā kǒuzhōng fāchū.

Tā liè kāi tiān jiàngxià;

    wūyún zài tā jiǎoxià.

Tā qízhe jī lù bó fēixíng;

    tā zài fēng de chìbǎng shàng fēixiáng.

Tā yǐ hēi'àn wèi cángshēn zhī chù, yǐ tiānkōng de wūyún wèi tā de sìwéi zhēgài.

Cóng tā miànqián de guānghuī zhōng, wūyún shàng téng,

    suí yǒu bīngbáo hé shǎndiàn.

  Yēhéhuá cóng tiānshàng dǎléi;

    zhìgāo zhě de shēngyīn xiǎngqǐ.

Tā shèchū lì jiàn, shǐ chóudí sìsàn,

    yòng dà shǎndiàn jíkuì tāmen.

  Zhǔ a, nǐ de chìzé yī fà,

    nǐ de bíkǒng qìxí yī chū,

    hǎi de shēngǔ jiù bàolù, dì de gēnjī yě xiǎnlù.

  Tā cóng gāo chù shēnshǒu zhuā zhù wǒ;

    tā jiāng wǒ cóng shēnshuǐ zhōng lā shànglái.

Tā jiù wǒ tuōlí wǒ de qiáng dí,

    tuōlí bǐ wǒ qiángshèng de chóudí.

Wǒ zāo zāi de rìzǐ, tāmen lái gōngjí wǒ;

    dàn yēhéhuá shì wǒ de yīkào.

  Tā lǐng wǒ dào kuānkuò zhī chù;

    tā jiù wǒ, yīnwèi tā xǐyuè wǒ.

Yēhéhuá àn wǒ de gōng yì dài wǒ;

    àn wǒ shǒuzhōng de qīngjié shǎngcì wǒ.

  Yīnwèi wǒ zūnshǒule yēhéhuá de dào;

   wǒ méiyǒu bèilí wǒ de shàngdì.

Tā de yīqiè lǜ fǎ dōu zài wǒ miànqián;

    wǒ méiyǒu piānlí tā de fǎlìng.

  Wǒ zài tā miànqián wánquán wú zuì

    bìngqiě yuǎnlíle zuì'è.

  Zhǔ àn wǒ de gōng yì bàodá wǒ,

    àn wǒ zài tā yǎnqián shuāngshǒu qīngjié de bàodá wǒ.

  Duì zhōngshí de rén, nǐ xiǎn chū zhōngshí;

    duì wú kě zhǐzé de rén, nǐ xiǎn chū wú kě zhǐzé;

  duì chúnjié de rén, nǐ xiǎn chū chúnjié;

    dàn duì jiǎohuá de rén, nǐ xiǎn chū jīngmíng.

Nǐ zhěngjiù qiānbēi de rén,

    què shǐ yǎnmù gāo'ào de rén bēiwéi.

Zhǔ a, nǐ shǐ wǒ de dēng cháng liàng;

    wǒ de shàngdì shǐ wǒ de hēi'àn biàn wèi guāngmíng.

Yǒu nǐ de bāngzhù, wǒ kěyǐ xiàng jūnduì qiánjìn;

    yǒu wǒ de shàngdì, wǒ kěyǐ fānyuè chéngqiáng.

 Zhìyú shén, tā de dào shì wánquán de:

    Yēhéhuá de huàyǔ shì wánquán de;

    tā bìhù suǒyǒu tóukào tā de rén.

Chúle yēhéhuá yǐwài, shéi shì shén ne?

    Chúle wǒmen de shén yǐwài, shéi shì pánshí ne?

Shì shén yǐ lìliàng shù wǒ de yāo,

    shǐ wǒ de dàolù wěngù.

Tā shǐ wǒ de jiǎo kuài rú lù de tí,

    shǐ wǒ zhàn zài gāo chù.

Tā jiàodǎo wǒ de shǒu, shǐ wǒ néng dǎzhàng;

    wǒ de bǎngbì néng kāi tóng gōng.

  Nǐ de chúcáng bāngzhù wǒ de dùnpái,

    nǐ de yòushǒu fúchí wǒ;

    nǐ de bāngzhù shǐ wǒ chāng dà.

Nǐ shǐ wǒ de jiǎo háng kuānkuò de lù,

    shǐ wǒ de jiǎohuái bù tuōluò.

Wǒ zhuīgǎn wǒ de chóudí, bìngqiě zhuī shàng tāmen;

    zhídào tāmen bèi shā, wǒ zǒng bù huítóu.

Wǒ jī suì tāmen, shǐ tāmen bùnéng qǐlái;

    tāmen dào zài wǒ de jiǎoxià.

Nǐ yòng lìliàng wǔzhuāng wǒ, shǐ wǒ nénggòu zhàndòu;

    nǐ shǐ wǒ de dírén zài wǒ miànqián qūfú.

  Nǐ shǐ wǒ de dírén táopǎo, zhuǎnshēn táopǎo,

    wǒ xiāomièle wǒ de dírén.

  Tāmen hū qiú bāngzhù, què wú rén zhěngjiù tāmen——

    xiàng zhǔ hū qiú, tā què bù huídá.

  Wǒ bǎ tāmen dǎ dé xiàng fēng chuī de chéntǔ yīyàng;

    wǒ bǎ tāmen jiàntà dé xiàng jiē shàng de nítǔ yīyàng.

  Nǐ jiù wǒ tuōlíle rénmín de gōngjí;

    nǐ shǐ wǒ chéngwéi lièguó de yuánshǒu.

Wǒ sù bù rènshí de rén xiànzài shìfèng wǒ,

      wài bāngrén zài wǒ miànqián wèisuō;

    tāmen yī tīng dào wǒ de míngshēng, jiù shùncóng wǒ.

Tāmen dōu huīxīn sàngqì;

    tāmen cóng tāmen de bǎolěi zhōng zhàn jīng ér lái.

  Zhǔ huózhe! Zànměi wǒ de pánshí!

    Zànměi wǒ de jiù zhǔ shàngdì!

  Tā shì wèi wǒ bàochóu de shàngdì,

    tā shǐ lièguó fú zài wǒ zhī xià,

    tā jiù wǒ tuōlí chóudí.

Nǐ shǐ wǒ gāoguò wǒ de chóudí;

    nǐ jiù wǒ tuōlí qiángbào de rén.

Yīncǐ, zhǔ a, wǒ yào zài lièguó zhōng chēngxiè nǐ;

    wǒ yào gēsòng nǐ de míng.

  Tā shǐ tā de wáng dà huò quán shèng;

    tā xiàng tā de shòu gāo zhě shīxíng yǒng bù xiāoshì de cí'ài,

    zhídào yǒngyuǎn.

( Psaume dix-huit en français )

Je t'aime, Seigneur, ma force.

Le Seigneur est mon rocher, ma forteresse et mon libérateur ;

mon Dieu est mon rocher, où je trouve un refuge,

mon bouclier, la force qui me sauve, ma forteresse.

J'ai invoqué le Seigneur, qui est digne de louange ;

   et j'ai été délivré de mes ennemis.

Les liens de la mort m'entouraient ;

   les torrents de la destruction m'ont submergé.

Les liens du séjour des morts s'enroulaient autour de moi ;

les filets de la mort m'ont tendus.

Dans ma détresse, j'ai invoqué le Seigneur ;

j'ai crié à mon Dieu pour qu'il me sauve.

De son temple, il a entendu ma voix ;

   mon cri est parvenu devant lui, à ses oreilles.

La terre a tremblé et a tremblé ;

   les fondements des montagnes ont tremblé ;

   ils ont tremblé parce qu'il était en colère.

Une fumée montait de ses narines ;

    un feu dévorant sortait de sa bouche,

    des charbons ardents jaillissaient de sa bouche.

Il fendit les cieux et descendit ;

    des nuées noires étaient sous ses pieds.

Il monta sur les chérubins et vola ;

    il plana sur les ailes du vent.

Il fit des ténèbres sa couverture, sa tente autour de lui,

    les sombres nuages ​​de pluie du ciel.

De la clarté de sa présence jaillissaient des nuées,

    avec des grêlons et des éclairs.

L'Éternel tonna du haut des cieux ;

    la voix du Très-Haut retentit.

Il décocha ses flèches et dispersa l'ennemi,

    avec de grands éclairs, il les mit en déroute.

Les vallées de la mer furent découvertes

    et les fondements de la terre mis à nu

à ta menace, Éternel,

    au souffle de tes narines.

 Il étendit sa main d'en haut et me saisit;

    il me tira des eaux profondes.

Il m'a délivré de mon ennemi puissant,

    de mes adversaires, plus forts que moi.

Ils m'ont affronté au jour de mon malheur,

    mais l'Éternel a été mon appui.

Il m'a fait sortir dans un lieu spacieux;

    il m'a délivré parce qu'il me prenait en affection.

L'Éternel m'a traité selon ma justice;

    selon la pureté de mes mains, il m'a récompensé.

Car j'ai gardé les voies de l'Éternel;

    je ne me suis pas détourné de mon Dieu.

Toutes ses lois sont devant moi;

    je ne me suis pas détourné de ses ordonnances.

J'ai été intègre devant lui

    et je me suis gardé du péché.

 L’Éternel m’a récompensé selon ma justice,

    selon la pureté de mes mains devant lui.

Tu te montres fidèle envers les fidèles,

    envers les intègres, tu te montres irréprochable,

envers les purs, tu te montres pur,

    mais envers les tortueux, tu te montres prudent.

Tu sauves les humbles,

    mais tu abaisses ceux dont les yeux sont hautains.

Toi, Éternel, tu maintiens ma lampe allumée ;

    mon Dieu transforme mes ténèbres en lumière.

Avec ton secours, je peux marcher contre une troupe ;

    avec mon Dieu, je peux escalader une muraille.

Quant à Dieu, sa voie est parfaite :

    La parole de l’Éternel est parfaite ;

    il protège tous ceux qui se réfugient en lui.

Car qui est Dieu, sinon l’Éternel ?

    Et qui est le Rocher, sinon notre Dieu ?

 C'est Dieu qui m'a ceint de force

    et qui a affermi ma voie.

Il a rendu mes pieds semblables à ceux d'un cerf;

    il m'a fait tenir sur les hauteurs.

Il a formé mes mains au combat;

    mes bras peuvent tendre un arc de bronze.

Tu fais de tes économies un bouclier pour moi,

    et ta droite me soutient;

    ton secours m'a rendu grand.

Tu as arrangé un large chemin pour mes pieds,

    afin que mes chevilles ne fléchissent pas.

J'ai poursuivi mes ennemis et je les ai rattrapés;

    je ne me suis pas retourné avant qu'ils aient été détruits.

Je les ai écrasés, de sorte qu'ils ne pouvaient se relever;

    ils sont tombés sous mes pieds.

Tu m'as ceint de force pour le combat;

    tu as humilié mes adversaires devant moi.

Tu as fait tourner le dos à mes ennemis et les as fait fuir,

    et j'ai détruit mes adversaires.

 Ils crient au secours, mais il n’y a personne pour les secourir,

    vers l’Éternel, mais il ne répond pas.

Je les ai battus comme la poussière emportée par le vent,

    je les ai piétinés comme la boue des rues.

Tu m’as délivré des attaques des peuples,

    tu m’as établi chef des nations.

Des gens que je ne connaissais pas me servent,

     des étrangers tremblent devant moi,

    dès qu’ils entendent parler de moi, ils m’obéissent.

Ils perdent tous courage,

    ils sortent en tremblant de leurs forteresses.

L’Éternel est vivant ! Loué soit mon rocher !

    Exalté soit Dieu, mon Sauveur !

Il est le Dieu qui me venge,

    qui soumet les nations sous moi,

    qui me sauve de mes ennemis.

Tu m’as élevé au-dessus de mes adversaires,

    d’un homme violent, tu m’as délivré.

 C'est pourquoi je te louerai, Seigneur, parmi les nations,

    je chanterai les louanges de ton nom.

Il donne de grandes victoires à son roi,

    il fait grâce à son oint,

    à David et à sa descendance pour toujours.

有三种男人 是受老天保护的

 There are three kinds of men; 

They are protected by God

有三种男人  是受老天保护的

Yǒusān zhǒng nánrén  shì shòu lǎo tiān bǎohù de


Kàn yī kàn yǒu méiyǒu nǐ

Take a look , whether you are there

如果有的活 Rúguǒ yǒu de huó

If there is ...

1. 第一种 Dì yī zhǒng

The first type

只付出不求回报的男人 Zhǐ fùchū bù qiú huíbào de nánrén

Man who just gives without asking for anything in return

很多人以为他们是傻 Hěnduō rén yǐwéi tāmen shì shǎ 

Many people think they are stupid.

但其实这种男人 Dàn qíshí zhè zhǒng nánrén

But in fact, this kind of man

是真正大智慧. Shì zhēnzhèng dà zhìhuì.

It is truly great wisdom.

因为他们的回报 Yīnwèi tāmen de huíbào

Because their rewards

往往不在生活 Wǎngwǎng bùzài shēnghuó

Often not in life

而在功德 Ér zài gōngdé

But in merit

因为他们的回报往往不在生活而在功德 Yīnwèi tāmen de huí fù wǎngwǎng bùzài shēnghuó ér zài gōngdé 

Because their rewards are often not in life but in merit.

2. 第二种 Dì èr zhǒng 

The second type

经历过低谷 Jīnglìguò dīgǔ

Experienced lows

却依旧真诚善良的男人  Què yījiù zhēnchéng shànliáng de nánrén 

But still a sincere and kind man.

这种男人 Zhè zhǒng nánrén

This kind of man 

命中注定是要翻身的 Mìngzhòng zhùdìng shì yào fānshēn de

destined to turn over 

古人说厚德载物 Gǔrén shuō hòu dé zǎi wù The ancients said that virtue can carry all things.

说的就是只有好的德行 Shuō de jiùshì zhǐyǒu hǎo de déxíng

That is to say, it means only good virtues

才会承载起最大的福报 Cái huì chéngzài qǐ zuìdà de fú bào

Only then can you bear the greatest blessing.









The second type ,

A man who has experienced a low point 

but is still sincere and kind .

This kind of man 

is destined to turn things around.

The ancients said that virtue can carry all things 

which means that only good virtues 

can carry the greatest blessings.

第二种 经历过低谷 却依旧真诚善良的男人  这种男人 命中注定是要翻身的 古人说厚德载物 说的就是只有好的德行 才会承载起最大的福报 Dì èr zhǒng jīnglìguò dīgǔ què yījiù zhēnchéng shànliáng de nánrén  zhè zhǒng nánrén mìngzhòng zhùdìng shì yào fānshēn de gǔrén shuō hòu dé zǎi wù shuō de jiùshì zhǐyǒu hǎo de déxíng cái huì chéngzài qǐ zuìdà de fú bào.

The second type is a man who has experienced lows but is still sincere and kind. This kind of man is destined to turn things around. The ancients said that virtue can carry all things. This means that only good virtues can carry the greatest blessings.

3. 最后 一 种是有灵性的男人 Zuìhòu yī zhǒng shì yǒu língxìng de nánrén

The last type is a spiritual man

这种男人 Zhè zhǒng nánrén

This kind of man

你乔要觉得他善良 . 心软就好欺负

Nǐ qiáo yào juédé tā shànliáng. Xīnruǎn jiù hǎo qīfù

You think he is kind. He is easy to bully because he is soft-hearted.

他可是跟所有人都不样 Tā kěshì gēn suǒyǒu rén dōu bù yàng

He is different from everyone else.

这种智慧是通过 Zhè zhǒng zhìhuì shì tōngguò 

This wisdom is achieved through

生活里的苦长出来的 Shēnghuó lǐ de kǔ zhǎng chūlái de

the bitterness of life grows out of

那种艰苦 Nà zhǒng jiānkǔ

that kind of hardship

就是换一个人 Jiùshì huàn yīgè rén

Just change someone

未心能够挺得过来 Wèi xīn nénggòu tǐng dé guòlái

I don't know if I can survive.

但他不但挺得过来 Dàn tā bùdàn tǐng dé guòlái

But he not only survived

而且还守得生自己的善良 Érqiě hái shǒu dé shēng zìjǐ de shànliáng

And also keep his own kindness.

那这样的男人 Nà zhèyàng de nánrén

That kind of man

可谓是人间难得 Kěwèi shì rénjiān nándé

It is rare in the world

这种男人 Zhè zhǒng nán rén

This kind of man,

说的是你吗 Shuō de shì nǐ ma?

is it talking about you ?


最后 一 种是有灵性的男人 这种男人 你乔要觉得他善良 . 心软就好欺负他可是跟所有人都不样 这种智慧是通过  那种艰苦 就是换一个人 未心能够挺得过来但他不但挺得过来而且还守得生自己的善良那这样的男人 可谓是人间难得 这种男人 说的是你吗. 

Zuìhòu yī zhǒng shì yǒu língxìng de nánrén zhè zhǒng nánrén nǐ qiáo yào juédé tā shànliáng. Xīnruǎn jiù hǎo qīfù tā kěshì gēn suǒyǒu rén dōu bù yàng zhè zhǒng zhìhuì shì tōngguò nà zhǒng jiānkǔ jiùshì huàn yīgè rén wèi xīn nénggòu tǐng dé guòlái dàn tā bùdàn tǐng dé guòlái érqiě hái shǒu dé shēng zìjǐ de shànliáng nà zhèyàng de nánrén kěwèi shì rénjiān nándé zhè zhǒng nánrén shuō de shì nǐ ma.

The last type is a spiritual man. If you think he is kind and soft-hearted, you will bully him. But he is different from everyone else. This wisdom is gained through hardship. If it were someone else, he would not be able to survive. But he not only survived, but also kept his kindness. Such a man is rare in the world. Is this man you?

Chinese New Year 29th February 2025 started rhe year of snake 🐍

 The Chinese New Year is one of the most solemn and distinctive traditional festivals in China. It generally refers to New Year's Eve and the first day of the first lunar month, which is the first day of the lunar year (also called the lunar year), commonly known as "Chinese New Year". From Laba or Xiaonian to Lantern Festival, it is called Chinese New Year. 

The Chinese New Year has a long history. It originated from the primitive beliefs and nature worship of early humans. It evolved from the ancient times of praying for a good harvest and prosperity of people and livestock at the beginning of the year. It is a primitive religious ritual. People would hold sacrificial activities at the beginning of the year to pray for a good harvest and prosperity of people and livestock in the coming year. This sacrificial activity gradually evolved into various celebrations over time, and eventually formed today's Spring Festival. The term "Spring Festival" began to be used after the Xinhai Revolution. 

During the Spring Festival, the Han Chinese and many ethnic minorities in China hold various activities to celebrate.  These activities are mainly about worshipping ancestors, praying for thanksgiving, family reunion, getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, welcoming the New Year and praying for a good harvest, and they have strong national characteristics. There are many folk customs during the Spring Festival, including eating Laba porridge, worshiping the Kitchen God, sweeping the house, pasting Spring Festival couplets, pasting New Year pictures, pasting the word "Fu" upside down, staying up on New Year's Eve, eating dumplings, giving lucky money, paying New Year's greetings, and visiting temple fairs.

Influenced by Chinese culture, some countries and regions in the world also have the custom of celebrating the New Year. From Egypt in Africa to Brazil in South America, from the Empire State Building in New York to the Sydney Opera House, the Chinese Lunar New Year has set off a "Chinese style" around the world.[52] The Spring Festival is rich and colorful, and has important historical, artistic and cultural values. In 2006, the Spring Festival folk customs were approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.

On December 4, 2024, the 19th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO held in Asuncion, Paraguay, passed the review and decided to include "Spring Festival - Chinese Social Practice of Celebrating the Traditional New Year" in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. 

Chinese name: Spring Festival

Foreign name:

Chinese New Year

Spring Festival

Lunar New Year

Other names:茶果、点心、年糕、饺子、春卷、汤圆

Festival time: The first day of the first lunar month

Festival type:

One of the four major traditional festivals in China

Popular areas:

China, East Asia, Southeast Asia and other places where Chinese and overseas Chinese gather

Festival activities: Posting New Year's red ribbons, staying up late, paying New Year's greetings, offering sacrifices, lion dances

Festival food:Tea, snacks, rice cakes, dumplings, spring rolls, glutinous rice balls

Festival significance: Inheriting and promoting traditional culture

春节(Chinese New Year),是中国民间最隆重最富有特色的传统节日之一。一般指除夕和正月初一,是农历年(又叫阴历年)的第一天,俗称“过年”,从腊八或小年开始,到元宵节,都叫过年。








Chinese New Year

Spring Festival

Lunar New Year[149]  















自天佑之 吉无不利 ● Zì tiānyòu zhī jí wú bùlì


Xiǎoduàn gěi nǐ shuō yúlè

《易经》:“自天佑之,吉无不利 ”,蕴含的规律、智慧值得深思 《Yì jīng》:“Zì tiānyòu zhī, jí wú bùlì”, yùnhán de guīlǜ, zhìhuì zhídé shēnsī 

《易经》历经数千年之沧桑,已成为汉族文化之根,阅尽世间万卷书,不如读懂一本《易经》,《易经》最早的从我国石器时期的伏羲氏研究的先天八卦基础上,《yì jīng》 lìjīng shù qiān nián zhī cāngsāng, yǐ chéngwéi hànzú wénhuà zhī gēn, yuè jǐn shìjiān wàn juǎn shū, bùrú dú dǒng yī běn 《yì jīng》,《yì jīng》zuìzǎo de cóng wǒguó shíqì shíqí de fúxī shì yánjiū de xiāntiān bāguà jīchǔ shàng,

经过后世归藏易,连山易乃至后来的周文王、周公、孔子等做的周易和易传一脉相承了几千年流传至今的,是经得起时间和空间的考验的。jīngguò hòushì guī cáng yì, lián shān yì nǎizhì hòulái de zhōuwén wáng, zhōugōng, kǒngzǐ děng zuò de zhōuyì hé yì chuán yīmàixiāngchéngle jǐ qiān nián liúchuán zhìjīn de, shì jīng dé qǐ shíjiān hé kōngjiān de kǎoyàn de.

"Book of Changes": "Since God has blessed you, everything will be good and bad." The rules and wisdom contained in it are worth pondering.

 The "Book of Changes" has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes and has become the root of Han culture. After reading thousands of books in the world, it is better to understand a copy of the "Book of Changes". The "Book of Changes" was first studied by Fu Xi in the Stone Age of China. Based on the innate Bagua,

 After later generations returned to Tibet, the Book of Changes and the Book of Changes written by Lianshan Yi and even later King Wen of Zhou, Duke Zhou, Confucius, etc. have been passed down to this day for thousands of years and can withstand the test of time and space.

在周易中有这样一句话:“自天佑之,吉无不利。”人们普遍都认为有天保佑,无论怎么样都是吉利的。其实并不是这样。Zài zhōuyì zhōng yǒu zhèyàng yījù huà:“Zì tiānyòu zhī, jí wú bùlì.” Rénmen pǔbiàn dōu rènwéi yǒu tiān bǎoyòu, wúlùn zěnme yàng dōu shì jílì de. Qíshí bìng bùshì zhèyàng.

There is a saying in the Book of Changes: "Since God bless you, everything will be auspicious and nothing will be unfavorable." People generally believe that if God bless you, no matter what happens, it will be auspicious. This is not the case.

何为“天”?“天”是“天道”,大自然的规律,“顺天而行则昌,逆天而行则亡。”顺应万物的规律而发展,会越来越顺利;反而违背万物的规律发展,会慢慢的衰败下去,甚至会灭亡。Hé wèi “tiān”?“Tiān” shì “tiāndào”, dà zìrán de guīlǜ,“shùn tiān ér xíng zé chāng, nì tiān ér xíng zé wáng.” Shùnyìng wànwù de guīlǜ ér fāzhǎn, huì yuè lái yuè shùnlì; fǎn'ér wéibèi wànwù de guīlǜ fāzhǎn, huì màn man de shuāibài xiàqù, shènzhì huì mièwáng.

What is "Heaven"? "Heaven" is the "Way of Heaven", the law of nature. "If you go with the sky, you will prosper; if you go against the sky, you will perish." Development that conforms to the laws of all things will become smoother; on the contrary, those who go against it will become more and more successful. The regular development of all things will slowly decline and even perish.

《易经》:"自天佑之,吉无不利 ",蕴含的道理规律值得我们深思 《Yì jīng》:"Zì tiānyòu zhī, jí wú bùlì", yùnhán de dàolǐ guīlǜ zhídé wǒmen shēnsī

《Book of Changes》: "Since God bless you, good luck and no disadvantages", the principles contained in it are worthy of our deep thought.

所以说,要成为"自天佑之,吉无不利 "的人,你需要知道两条准则:一个准则是“天道”(万物发展的规律),一个准则就是“人”。Suǒyǐ shuō, yào chéngwéi"zì tiānyòu zhī, jí wú bùlì"de rén, nǐ xūyào zhīdào liǎng tiáo zhǔnzé: Yīgè zhǔnzé shì “tiāndào”(wànwù fāzhǎn de guīlǜ), yīgè zhǔnzé jiùshì “rén”.

Therefore, in order to become a person who is "blessed by God, good luck and no disadvantages", you need to know two criteria: one criterion is "the way of heaven" (the law of the development of all things), and the other criterion is "people".

“自天佑之,吉无不利”的原始出处是“大有卦”的上九爻辞。孔子在此就很明确的指出了“天助”其实就是“自助”,自己去顺应“天道(万物发展的规律)”。“Zì tiānyòu zhī, jí wú bùlì” de yuánshǐ chūchù shì “dà yǒu guà” de shàng jiǔ yáo cí. Kǒngzǐ zài cǐ jiù hěn míngquè de zhǐchūle “tiānzhù” qíshí jiùshì “zìzhù”, zìjǐ qù shùnyìng “tiāndào (wànwù fāzhǎn de guīlǜ)”. 

The original source of "Since God bless you, everything will be good and bad" is the upper nine lines of "Dayou Gua". Confucius clearly pointed out here that "Heaven's help" actually means "self-help" and one should follow the "Way of Heaven (the law of the development of all things)".

“天助”似乎不可见,但其实是无处不在的,只要去顺应“天道(万物发展的规律)”,自然就可以得到“天助”,达成目标。“Tiānzhù” sìhū bù kějiàn, dàn qíshí shì wú chù bùzài de, zhǐyào qù shùnyìng “tiāndào (wànwù fāzhǎn de guīlǜ)”, zìrán jiù kěyǐ dédào “tiānzhù”, dáchéng mùbiāo. 

"God's help" seems invisible, but in fact it is everywhere. As long as you comply with the "Heaven's Way (the law of the development of all things)", you will naturally get "God's help" and achieve your goals.

另一个准则就是“人”,什么样的人呢?Lìng yīgè zhǔnzé jiùshì “rén”, shénme yàng de rén ne? 

Another criterion is "people". What kind of people?

事在人为,自己努力,老天才会帮助我们,也就是“天助自助者”。这是一条屡试不爽的真理 Shìzàirénwéi, zìjǐ nǔlì, lǎo tiāncái huì bāngzhù wǒmen, yě jiùshì “tiānzhù zìzhù zhě”. Zhè shì yītiáo lǚshìbùshuǎng de zhēnlǐ

Everything depends on man-made efforts, and God will help us if we work hard, that is, "God helps those who help themselves." This is a time-tested truth

当所有中原大国之君都沉溺太平时,是秦王嬴政“内修守战之具,务耕织”,“外连横而斗诸侯”,西域偏僻之弹丸小邦,一夜之间崛起为问鼎中原之万乘大国。Dāng suǒyǒu zhòng yuán dàguó zhī jūn dōu chénnì tàipíng shí, shì qínwáng yíng zhèng “nèi xiū shǒu zhàn zhī jù, wù gēng zhī”,“wài lián héng ér dòu zhūhóu”, xīyù piānpì zhī dànwán xiǎo bāng, yīyè zhī jiān juéqǐ wèi wèndǐng zhōngyuán zhī wàn chéng dàguó.

When all the great kings of the Central Plains were indulging in peace, it was King Yingzheng of Qin who "cultivated war tools internally, farmed and weaved," and "connected externally to fight against the princes." A small, remote country in the Western Regions rose to the top overnight. The Central Plains is a great country.

终以日,金戈所向,万国俯首,自强的秦人实现了“序八州而朝同列”的帝王梦。Zhōng yǐ rì, jīn gē suǒ xiàng, wànguó fǔshǒu, zìqiáng de qín rén shíxiànle “xù bā zhōu ér cháo tóngliè” de dìwáng mèng.

In the end, the Jin Dynasty followed the direction of the war, and all the countries bowed their heads. The self-improving Qin people realized the imperial dream of "ordering the eight states and dynasty in the same row".

《易经》首卦“乾”言: “天行健,君子以自强不息。” 《Yì jīng》shǒu guà “qián” yán: “Tiān xíng jiàn, jūnzǐ yǐ zìqiángbùxī.”

The first hexagram "Qian" in the "Book of Changes" says: "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement."

乾卦认为君子自我勉励,当如宇宙运行不止那样,不能有一暴十寒的毛病,做人处世,也应像天道一样,自我力求进步,刚毅坚卓,发愤图强,永不停息。Qián guà rènwéi jūnzǐ zìwǒ miǎnlì, dāng rú yǔzhòu yùnxíng bùzhǐ nàyàng, bùnéng yǒuyī pù shí hán de máobìng, zuòrén chǔshì, yě yīng xiàng tiāndào yīyàng, zìwǒ lìqiú jìnbù, gāngyì jiān zhuó, fāfèn tú qiáng, yǒng bù tíngxī.

(Simplified translation: The Qian Gua believes that a gentleman should encourage himself just as the universe keeps moving, and should not have the problem of being hot at one time and cold at the next. When dealing with people and the world, one should also be like the way of heaven, striving for self-improvement, being resolute and strong, working hard and never giving up.)

(Traditional translation: The Qian hexagram believes that a gentleman should encourage himself as if the universe is constantly moving, and should not have any shortcomings of being violent or cold. In life, he should also be like the way of heaven, striving for self-improvement, perseverance, perseverance, and never giving up.)

事在人助,在《周易》六十四卦,有“中孚”一卦就是讲诚信之意的。《杂卦传》中说道“中孚,信也。”《正义》“信发于中,谓之中孚”,“中孚象为中心诚信”。Shì zài rén zhù, zài 《zhōuyì》 liùshísì guà, yǒu “zhōng fú” yī guà jiùshì jiǎng chéngxìn zhī yì de.《Zá guà chuán》 zhōng shuōdao “zhōng fú, xìnyě.” 《Zhèngyì》“xìn fā yú zhōng, wèi zhī zhōng fú”,“zhōng fú xiàng wéi zhōngxīn chéngxìn”.

Things depend on people's help. In the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, there is a hexagram called "Zhongfu", which means honesty. The "Za Gua Zhuan" says "Zhongfu means trust." The "Justice" says "Trust comes from the middle, which is called Zhongfu", and "Zhongfu symbolizes honesty in the center."

《周易正义》中“既有诚信,光被万物,万物得宜,以斯涉难,何往不能?”故曰:“利涉大川。”“信而不正,凶邪之道,故利在贞也。”说明,只要有诚信,万事皆好,如不诚信,必将大乱。守信可以使人终生受益,失信可以让人身败名裂。“Zhōuyì zhèngyì” zhōng “jì yǒu chéngxìn, guāng bèi wànwù, wànwù déyí, yǐ sī shè nán, hé wǎng bùnéng?” Gù yuē:“Lì shè dàchuān.”“Xìn ér bùzhèng, xiōng xié zhī dào, gù lì zài zhēn yě.” Shuōmíng, zhǐyào yǒu chéngxìn, wànshì jiē hǎo, rú bù chéngxìn, bì jiāng dàluàn. Shǒuxìn kěyǐ shǐ rén zhōngshēng shòuyì, shīxìn kěyǐ ràng rén shēnbàimíngliè.

In Zhouyi Zhengyi, it is said that "If you have integrity, your light will shine on all things, and all things will be in order. With this, you can overcome difficulties and go anywhere." Therefore, it is said: "It is good to cross a large river." "Integrity without righteousness is the way of evil, so it is good to be steadfast." This shows that as long as you have integrity, everything will be good. If you are not honest, there will be chaos. Keeping trust can benefit people for life, while breaking trust can ruin people's reputation.

所以,《易经》告诉我们,无论做什么,一定要“与天地准”,顺应“天道”规律,自强不息,诚实守信,做到能够尚贤有善行,才可以得到“天”的保佑和帮助,便能实现“吉无不利”了。Suǒyǐ,“yì jīng” gàosù wǒmen, wúlùn zuò shénme, yīdìng yào “yǔ tiāndì zhǔn”, shùnyìng “tiāndào” guīlǜ, zìqiángbùxī, chéngshí shǒuxìn, zuò dào nénggòu shàng xián yǒu shànxíng, cái kěyǐ dédào “tiān” de bǎoyòu hé bāngzhù, biàn néng shíxiàn “jí wú bùlì”le.

Therefore, the "Book of Changes" tells us that no matter what we do, we must "be in line with heaven and earth", conform to the laws of "heaven", constantly strive for self-improvement, be honest and trustworthy, and be able to respect virtue and do good deeds, so that we can obtain the blessing and help of "heaven" and achieve "good luck without any disadvantages".

不得不说,《易经》确实是一部大智慧书,对我们的人生有很大的指导作用,它可以教会我们如何按规律办事,做出正确选择,如何把自己的日子过得风生水起,红红火火。人生一世,真该好好学习下《易经》。Bùdé bù shuō,《yì jīng》 quèshí shì yī bù dà zhìhuì shū, duì wǒmen de rénshēng yǒu hěn dà de zhǐdǎo zuòyòng, tā kěyǐ jiàohuì wǒmen rúhé àn guīlǜ bànshì, zuò chū zhèngquè xuǎnzé, rúhé bǎ zìjǐ de rìzǐguò dé fēng shēng shuǐ qǐ, hóng hónghuo huǒ. Rénshēng yīshì, zhēn gāi hǎo hào xuéxí xià 《yì jīng》.

It has to be said that the Book of Changes is indeed a book of great wisdom, which has a great guiding role in our lives. It can teach us how to act according to the rules, make the right choices, and how to live a prosperous life. In life, we should really study the Book of Changes.

可依旧有许多人将其视为封建迷信。无数成功人士,甚至是科学界的泰斗爱因斯坦,都曾直言,易经 是中国人的财富。Kě yījiù yǒu xǔduō rén jiāng qí shì wéi fēngjiàn míxìn. Wúshù chénggōng rénshì, shènzhì shì kēxué jiè de tàidǒu ài yīn sītǎn, dōu céng zhíyán, yì jīng shì zhōngguó rén de cáifù. 

However, many people still regard it as feudal superstition. Countless successful people, even the great scientist Albert Einstein, have said that the Book of Changes is the wealth of the Chinese people.

中国的科学家也根据伏羲八卦图,以《易经》为基础,完成了爱因斯坦的统一场论,从而提出了全新的科学理论体系。Zhōngguó de kēxuéjiā yě gēnjù fúxī bāguà tú, yǐ 《yì jīng》 wèi jīchǔ, wánchéngle ài yīn sītǎn de tǒngyī chǎng lùn, cóng'ér tíchūle quánxīn de kēxué lǐlùn tǐxì.

Chinese scientists also completed Einstein's unified field theory based on Fuxi's Bagua diagram and the Book of Changes, thus proposing a new scientific theoretical system.

著名科学家杨振宁、李政道从《易经》此消彼长的原理中提出了原子能态二组的奇偶性,能量是不变的,也是不灭的,盛衰消长,循环往复,这一重大发现让他们获得了诺贝尔物理奖。Zhùmíng kēxuéjiā Yáng Zhèn Níng, Lǐ ZhèngDào cóng 《yì jīng》 cǐ xiāo bǐ zhǎng de yuánlǐ zhōng tíchūle yuánzǐnéng tài èr zǔ de jī'ǒu xìng, néngliàng shì bù biàn de, yěshì bù miè de, shèngshuāi xiāozhǎng, xúnhuán wǎngfù, zhè yī zhòngdà fāxiàn ràng tāmen huòdéle nuò bèi'ěr wùlǐ jiǎng.

The famous scientists Chen Ning Yang and Tsung Dao Lee proposed the parity of two groups of atomic energy states from the principle of increase and decrease in the 《Book of Changes》. Energy is constant and indestructible, and it rises and falls in a cycle. This major discovery earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics.

众多科学证明易经 不是封建迷信,是超科学,蕴含许多我们当前无法解释的智慧,能看透一点便能受益无穷啊。Zhòngduō kēxué zhèngmíng yì jīng bùshì fēngjiàn míxìn, shì chāo kēxué, yùnhán xǔduō wǒmen dāngqián wúfǎ jiěshì de zhìhuì, néng kàntòu yīdiǎn biàn néng shòuyì wúqióng a.

Numerous scientific proofs have proven that the Book of Changes is not feudal superstition, but rather super science. It contains a lot of wisdom that we cannot currently explain. If we can see through it a little bit, we will benefit greatly from it.

昭君身边很多人都想研究一番,之前一位同事拿来一本从地摊上淘来的一本《易经》让我看看,我的天呐,一看就是古书,天书,还竖着写的,卦、卜、爻,拿到手不知该从左往右读还是从右往左读,都是一脸懵,晦涩难懂的文字,着实令很多人望而却步。Zhāojūn shēnbiān hěnduō rén dōu xiǎng yánjiū yī fān, zhīqián yī wèi tóngshì ná lái yī běn cóng dìtān shàng táo lái de yī běn 《yì jīng》 ràng wǒ kàn kàn, wǒ de tiān nà, yī kàn jiùshì gǔshū, tiānshū, hái shùzhe xiě de, guà, bo, yáo, ná dàoshǒu bùzhī gāi cóng zuǒ wǎng yòu dú háishì cóng yòu wǎng zuǒ dú, dōu shì yī liǎn měng, huìsè nán dǒng de wénzì, zhuóshí lìng hěnduō rén wàng'érquèbù.

Many people around Zhaojun wanted to study it. Once, a colleague brought me a copy of the "Book of Changes" that he bought from a street stall. My God, it was obviously an ancient book, a heavenly book, and it was written vertically. The hexagrams, divinations, and lines were so difficult to read that I didn't know whether to read from left to right or from right to left. I was confused. The obscure and difficult to understand text really discouraged many people.

直到一家茶馆老板向我推荐了一本《图解周易》,Zhídào yījiā cháguǎn lǎobǎn xiàng wǒ tuījiànle yī běn “《tújiě zhōuyì》”,

Until a teahouse owner recommended me a book called "《Illustrated Zhouyi》".

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全注全译全解,不只是单纯的干瘪文字说教,他以图解文的方式并配以事例来告诉大家到底每一卦讲的是什么,应该如何用这其中的智慧分析解决问题,每一个知识点都是能实际应用到生活、职场上的,再也不用担心自己读不懂了。Quán zhù quán yì quán jiě, bù zhǐshì dānchún de gānbiě wénzì shuōjiào, tā yǐ tújiě wén de fāngshì bìng pèi yǐ shìlì lái gàosù dàjiā dàodǐ měi yī guà jiǎng de shì shénme, yīnggāi rúhé yòng zhè qízhōng de zhìhuì fēnxī jiějué wèntí, měi yīgè zhīshì diǎn dōu shì néng shíjì yìngyòng dào shēnghuó, zhíchǎng shàng de, zài yě bùyòng dānxīn zìjǐ dú bù dǒngle.

The book is fully annotated, fully translated and fully explained. It is not just a simple dry text preaching. He uses pictures and examples to tell everyone what each hexagram is about and how to use the wisdom in it to analyze and solve problems. Every knowledge point can be applied to life and work, so you don't have to worry about not being able to understand it.

最重要的是大家看不懂的卦,也能根据图文解释搞清楚,读易经再也不用一脸懵啦,可以真正的学习领悟,将其变成我们能用得上的大智慧。Zuì zhòngyào de shì dàjiā kàn bù dǒng de guà, yě néng gēnjù tú wén jiěshì gǎo qīngchǔ, dú yì jīng zài yě bùyòng yī liǎn měng la, kěyǐ zhēnzhèng de xuéxí lǐngwù, jiāng qí biàn chéng wǒmen néng yòng dé shàng de dà zhìhuì.

The most important thing is that even the hexagrams that people don’t understand can be understood based on the pictures and texts. You don’t have to be confused when reading the Book of Changes anymore. You can truly learn and comprehend it, and turn it into great wisdom that we can use.

古今中外欲成大事者都读易经,李嘉诚将《易经》中的“自强不息,厚德载物”作为他的座右铭,马云也说他有如今的成就都得益于他自己读易经比别人早。Gǔjīn zhōngwài yù chéng dàshì zhě dōu dú yì jīng, lǐjiāchéng jiāng “yì jīng” zhōng de “zìqiángbùxī, hòu dé zǎi wù” zuòwéi tā de zuòyòumíng, mǎyún yě shuō tā yǒu rújīn de chéngjiù dōu dé yì yú tā zìjǐ dú yì jīng bǐ biérén zǎo.

Those who have aspired to achieve great things throughout history, both in China and abroad, have read the Book of Changes. Li Ka-shing takes "Continuous Self-improvement and Virtue" from the Book of Changes as his motto, and Jack Ma also said that his current achievements were due to the fact that he read the Book of Changes earlier than others.

人的一生,三分运气,七分运作。时运有高低,人生有浮沉,若悟性通达,运作通透,时运必然好运, 运势自然亨通。Rén de yīshēng, sān fēn yùnqì, qī fēn yùnzuò. Shíyùn yǒu gāodī, rénshēng yǒu fúchén, ruò wùxìng tōngdá, yùnzuò tōng tòu, shíyùn bìrán hǎo yùn, yùnshì zìrán hēngtōng. 

In a person's life, 30% luck and 70% operation. Luck has ups and downs, life has ups and downs. If you have a clear understanding and operation, your luck will be good and your fortune will naturally be prosperous.

一本正版硬壳装只需59元,能有你一包烟钱贵?但能让你受益终生,为了自己的幸福未来,购买一套读读吧,说不定一下子就顿悟了呢。Yī běn zhèngbǎn yìng ké zhuāng zhǐ xū 59 yuán, néng yǒu nǐ yī bāo yān qián guì? Dàn néng ràng nǐ shòuyì zhōngshēng, wèile zìjǐ de xìngfú wèilái, gòumǎi yī tào dú dú ba, shuō bu dìng yīxià zǐ jiù dùnwùle ne. 

A genuine hardcover edition costs only 59 yuan. Is it as expensive as a pack of cigarettes? But it can benefit you for a lifetime. For your own happy future, buy a set and read it. Maybe you will suddenly gain enlightenment.