Monday, March 28, 2011

Blood pressure

To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here) 

Suffice it to say, " essential hypertension" is an indicator of an establishing chronic dehydration. 

Correct the established dehydration in your body with an adjustment increase to daily water intake and adequate intake of minerals to replace those lost through increased urination , and the adaptive need to raise the blood pressure from it's normal levels will not arise . 

It is as simple as that .

 Dehydration is by far the most frequent constant stressor in the human body that raises blood pressure -- in millions of people . 

There may have other stressors that ultimately raise blood presure. We need to exclude dehydration first as the primary cause, etiology, of the rise in blood pressure first, before embarking on other approaches.

Find the proper re-hydration water formula here as posted previously.
 To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here) 

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