Your Body’s many Cries for Water
MARCH 28TH —30TH, 2003.
Dehydration is the underlying
Your Body’s many Cries for Water
MARCH 28TH —30TH, 2003.
Dehydration is the underlying
cause of many chronic “diseases.
” Proper intake of water, salt and minerals can prevent these
illnesses and even reverse the
damage already done.
So-called “modern” medicine still blames viruses or genetics for
So-called “modern” medicine still blames viruses or genetics for
most of these degenerative
conditions, and the
pharmaceutical industry would
lose billions in profits if people
relied on the natural healing
properties of water rather than
properties of water rather than
expensive and toxic drugs. Why
the body needs water, the
reasons why lack of water causes
the body to become stressed and diseased, as well as very simple methods to ensure your own
vibrant health, are all explained in
Earth and mankind are one! More
Earth and mankind are one! More
than two thirds of our physical
body consists of water.
What we doctors learned at
What we doctors learned at
medical school was based on a
wrong primary assumption of
Medical science is based on a
Medical science is based on a
number of flawed assumptions.
Science of the twentieth century is
flawed, it represents a ‘dark age’ of knowledge of the human body. Twentieth-century medicine, in
flawed, it represents a ‘dark age’ of knowledge of the human body. Twentieth-century medicine, in
order to seem ‘scientific,’
explained a whole lot of things,
labeled things, wrote books and
more books about the human
body, about the diseases, but
everything that they wrote was
‘diseases of unknown etiology.’ They explained it, but they didn’t
know how it arose. Then later on
they started blaming viruses, and
some time later, they started
putting the blame on the patient,
saying it is ‘genetic.’So the
medical community, in order to camouflage its lack of knowledge
of the human body, produced
labels and put the blame on the
person. That was twentieth-
century medicine.
The result of my discovery, which explains that everything in the
The result of my discovery, which explains that everything in the
human body or in any living
matter is regulated by the
presence of water, is a paradigm
shift from the solid side of understanding of the human body
to the solvent side of
understanding of the human body.
Histamine’s Role in Water Regulation
That is why part of my education
was histamine, (everyone has
heard of ‘anti-histamines’) which
is a neurotransmitter in charge of
water regulation of the body. So,
in twenty-first century medicine,
the new truth is that dehydration
is the primary cause of painful, degenerative diseases, including
cancer and AIDS. We had gone
wrong in medicine and did not understand the role of histamine
in the human body, that we have
to revise that understanding,
because now we know the
solution to a lot of these disease conditions that are treated with
anti-histamines, and that solution
is water.
Histamine is with us from day one
Histamine is with us from day one
of life. When the ovum becomes fertilized with the sperm, from
that moment before it divides into
two daughter cells to give life a
chance to survive in its present
form, it has the ability to release
histamine. So, histamine is a neurotransmitter which is with us
from ‘minute one’ of life. The
human body contains a lot of
water, but the water that is
contained in the body is mainly
already osmotically engaged, in
other words it is busy with an
activity—a chemical reaction, a
chemical undertaking. That water
is called “bound water.” Then the body needs, in order to perform
new functions, osmotically free
water, that’s called “free water.”
Water Is Necessary to Prevent Stress
In dehydration, even though the
body has a lot of water in it, it is
the lack of free water that
constitutes dehydration. That is
why you need to replace (drink)
the water loss of your body with
fresh intake of water, in order to
supply the body with free water to perform new functions. So, any
time you want to perform a
function that requires water to
perform that function, you had
better give that fresh free water to
the body in advance of the event.
In other words, if you want to eat,
give it the water first that is
needed in order to digest food. If
you want to exercise and sweat,
you want to exercise and sweat,
give the body the water first that it
has to shed in sweat, and so on.
It is free water shortage in the
It is free water shortage in the
body that constitutes dehydration.
Free water deficits. It’s like a major business that has a lot of assets,
but no cash-flow to pay the salary
of its staff. That’s how a business
gets in trouble, and that’s why the human body gets into trouble
when it doesn’t have enough free
water, which is the ‘cash-flow’ of
the body.
Stress translates in the body into dehydration; in other words, every
Stress translates in the body into dehydration; in other words, every
time you feel stressed, that
translates to dehydration, and the
reason is that every time you’re
stressed you secrete a lot of
hormones that break up new
material and mop up the free
water from the circulation, and all
of a sudden you are short of free
water, so you are short of
‘cash-flow.’ And that is why the
body begins to regulate the water content of the body — there is a
‘drought-management program,’
and stress-management. And in
stress-management you get these hormones—vasopressin,
endorphins, prolactin, cortisone-
release-factor, and angiotensin,
which is activated both at the
brain level and at the kidney level. Vasopressin is a very important substance, vasopressin is
subordinate to histamine, as a
water regulator, and vasopressin
itself is a very strong cortisone
release factor. When there is dehydration, and you have
release factor. When there is dehydration, and you have
histamine release, you also have
vasopressin release, and you also
vasopressin release, and you also
have tissue breakdown as a result
of cortisone release factor.
True Origin of “HIV”
Now, this is a very important thing
True Origin of “HIV”
Now, this is a very important thing
that I discovered—that
vasopressin as a cortisone
release factor stimulates a
substance called interleukin-1
which is another activator of
physiological events, and
physiological events, and
cortisone release factor and
interleukin-1 have a magnifying
effect on one another, they create a vicious circle, an expansion
system. And at a certain level of
dehydration and dependence on vasopressin, then you get
dehydration and dependence on vasopressin, then you get
interleukin-1 activating interleukin-
6, and tumor necrosis factor.
These are the elements that begin
to tap into the body’s own tissues
and break them down,
cannibalized by these own tissues
for resource management.
Because when you’re dehydrated,
Because when you’re dehydrated,
your body also lacks the elements
that the water will have brought to
those areas in order that those
areas still have some material to work with, and the body begins to
break down its own tissue. And
interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor activate enzymes called
interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor activate enzymes called
proteases at the cell membrane
and wherever they are, and these proteases begin to break down
and fragment proteins and the
DNA, they cause fragmentation of
DNA. And the new understanding,
or my understanding, is that these fragments of the DNA, because as
soon as they are released they
soon as they are released they
bring a little bit of membrane with
them, they would be labeled as
viruses. These are the “slow
viruses” that have the medical community not understanding the
DNA component of breakdown of dehydration, and have labeled
DNA component of breakdown of dehydration, and have labeled
them as viruses, and because
dehydration produces disease,
dehydration produces disease,
they blamed it on the ‘virus.’
One of the viruses that has
One of the viruses that has
received this treatment is the ‘HIV’
itself. HIV, the ‘slow virus’ of HIV, is
a fragment of the DNA and it was
harvested in cell culture mediums
harvested in cell culture mediums
by introducing interleukin-6 and
tumor necrosis factor, and the
product that was received or
cultivated, they labeled it ‘HIV-1’ .
This ‘HIV-1’ is not a virus, it’s a
fragment of the DNA. It has the
same characteristics as half of vasopressin itself, and that is why
they can never produce a vaccine
against ‘HIV,’ because as soon as
against ‘HIV,’ because as soon as
they produce a vaccine against
‘HIV’ they can neutralize
vasopressin (which is a water regulator). It operates the reverse osmosis program of the body
and that would be tantamount to
and that would be tantamount to
causing suicide of the cell or the
body and killing the person. So
that is why they will never be able
to use the ‘HIV’ and produce a
vaccine for it, because it is part of the vasopressin molecule. This is
the mechanism where all the auto-immune diseases occur.
Interleukin-6, when it goes into the
beta-cells of the pancreas, it cuts
beta-cells of the pancreas, it cuts
the beta-cells, it breaks down the
beta cell nuclear structure and
fragments it and throws it out. It
fragments it and throws it out. It
has been shown scientifically that
is the case.
So, this is a process of auto-
So, this is a process of auto-
immune activity that produces
insulin-dependent diabetes. I will
explain insulin-independent
diabetes later on, but I wanted to
explain this here for you to
understand how some of these
so-called ‘conditions’ are of ‘slow
viruses’ and auto-immune
diseases are connected to dehydration as the origin of the
disease, and a lack of resources
disease, and a lack of resources
that the body would need in order
to compensate for the deficiencies
that dehydration brings about.
Many “Diseases” Are Caused by Dehydration
Many “Diseases” Are Caused by Dehydration
In dehydration, we lose a lot of the essential amino acids, and they
are used as anti-oxidants, because
when there isn’t enough water to
wash the toxic waste away, the
toxic waste has to be neutralized, otherwise it will destroy the
system. Tryptophan, tyrosine, methionine, cysteine, and histidine become depleted as a result of
being neutralized in order to
compensate for the toxic waste
build-up in the body that hasn’t
been washed away. You know,
when you go to a field john
[portable toilet], there is no water,
you have a chemical there that
sanitizes, deodorizes whatever is introduced into the bowl. The
body uses these elements as the sanitizing elements.
Water distribution has another component which is a very
Water distribution has another component which is a very
important component, it’s an
emergency water distribution to
the areas where water is so vital in
order to perform a function.
Histamine cells, mast cells,
basophils, the neurotransmitters,
have histamine in them, platelet-activating-factor, and heparin. As
have histamine in them, platelet-activating-factor, and heparin. As
you know, heparin prevents
bleeding. Platelet-activating-factor activates the platelets in order to
break up and release whatever
they contain. But unfortunately
platelets also contain a lot of
serotonin, so the purpose of
producing platelet-activating-
factor that would produce
coagulation of blood, and heparin,
which prevents coagulation is very simple, because blood is 94
percent water, and when that
water is to be tapped into, tiny
bleeding is caused, and serotonin
causes slits, microscopic slits in
the wall of the capillaries, and
blood oozes out.
And then once the blood oozes
And then once the blood oozes
out, its water is reabsorbed into
the system, and the remainder,
which is six-percent of the total
volume, becomes plaques which
we see in neurological disorders.
You have the blood-brain barrier, in
You have the blood-brain barrier, in
which the capillaries are tight
junctions, nothing goes through
them but through the wall, there
are no holes in them like in the
rest of the body. This is an
emergency route of supply of
water, and we call this “vasculitis.”
We get it in the brain, we get it in
the kidneys, and you can get it in
the gastrointestinal tract (that’s
how you get gastritis, and bleeding
of gastric ulcers and such.) So,
this emergency route of supply of
water can produce migraine,
headaches, Alzheimer’s disease,
multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s
multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s
disease, gastritis, purpuras (which are bleeding into the tissue), and
nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and
nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and
so on—this is the result, because
the body is short of free-water. It
needs the water in order to
needs the water in order to
perform a series of functions
within that physiological activity.
In dehydration we also get
In dehydration we also get
associated mineral deficiencies,
because in dehydration we also
become achlorhydric, the stomach
does not produce enough acid,
and you need acid in order to
absorb zinc, magnesium,
manganese, selenium, and other essential minerals. So, in this
pattern of mineral deficiency you
can see neurological disorders
such as multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s
disease, and so on. So the twenty-
first century view of the human
body is that all actual diseases
should be viewed as deficiency disorders, secondary to persistent dehydration. Once you’re
dehydrated you become amino
acid deficient, you also become
mineral deficient, which is the foundation for all diseases in the
human body.

Arthritis: A schematic model
Arthritis: A schematic model
intended to show and compare,
side-by-side, a well-hydrated joint
to a dehydrated joint. The articular cartilage in a well hydrated joint
to a dehydrated joint. The articular cartilage in a well hydrated joint
get its nutrition from the blood
supply to its base attachment to
supply to its base attachment to
the bone. A dehydrated joint will
need to get some form of fluid circulation from the capsule of the
joint, hence the swelling and
tenderness in the joint capsule.
The inflammatory process may
appear as if there is infection
when there is only dehydration.

A well-hydrated joint :-
1. Hydration of cartilage from
A well-hydrated joint :-
1. Hydration of cartilage from
bone side.
2. Normal joint capsule and
2. Normal joint capsule and
cartilage covering bone.
A dehydrated joint:-
1. Artery entering joint capsule.
2. Damaged cartilage exposing
A dehydrated joint:-
1. Artery entering joint capsule.
2. Damaged cartilage exposing
3. Inflames joint capsule oozing
3. Inflames joint capsule oozing
serum and white cells into the joint.
Joint movement causes vacuum
Joint movement causes vacuum
to be created within the joint
space. Water will be pulled
through the bone and the cartilage
into the joint cavity - if it is freely available.

The Drug Industry Suppresses
Knowledge of Water’s Benefits
By ignoring the dominant and vital importance of water to optimum
The Drug Industry Suppresses
Knowledge of Water’s Benefits
By ignoring the dominant and vital importance of water to optimum
health and well-being of the
human body, the medical and
scientific communities have
allowed the drug industry to
perpetrate fraud against society.
perpetrate fraud against society.
But what this industry has done for financial gain constitutes a form of terrorism, because they terrorize
people by producing fear tactics
on the television and in the media
and so on; they force people to go
to their doctors and demand a
certain type of medication. One of
them is asthma, for example.
them is asthma, for example.
Asthma is a state of dehydration
and one of the ads that I have
seen recently everywhere, says
seen recently everywhere, says
“Life should take your breath
away, not asthma.”
Double-blind,randomized trials are only suited for evaluation of drugs
Double-blind,randomized trials are only suited for evaluation of drugs
and chemical compounds to
insure their safety. This costly
procedure is not suited for study
of the dehydration-produced
metabolic problems and their
metabolic problems and their
associated deficiency disorders.
In other words, throw that system
of the drug industry evaluation out
of the window, and flush the
siphon, and go back to Nature and
try to find out what your body
wants; then give it to it. Don’t listen
to what the doctor says, doctors
don’t know what is the problem
with your body, and unfortunately doctors who are in the
mainstream certainly don’t know. I
didn’t know, I had to spend twenty-
two years of research in order to
come to this level of understanding.
Those in the health-care system
Those in the health-care system
who chose to ignore this
information and continue to use
drugs for conditions that are
caused by dehydration and
mineral deficiency, would expose themselves to eventually being
legally challenged as criminally
negligent. So, sooner or later, you
negligent. So, sooner or later, you
will find one of these ‘ambulance chasers’ taking a doctor to
court, saying, “Why did you treat
court, saying, “Why did you treat
this person’s hypertension with
diuretics, you caused this man ill health, you caused him a lot of
problems and you shortened his
life by at least twenty years as
a result of your medication—
a result of your medication—
diuretics, calcium-blockers, beta-blockers and so on.
Whereas your body was short of
Whereas your body was short of
water and that is why he had the hypertension.” Now, that will come,
that day will come soon.
Where did twentieth-century
Where did twentieth-century
medicine go wrong? What are the
early symptoms and signs of
dehydration? Twentieth-century
dehydration? Twentieth-century
medicine started thinking that a
dry mouth was the only sign of
dehydration, which is wrong. In
dehydration, which is wrong. In
order to be able to chew and
swallow food, even if you haven’t
drunk anything your body
produces ample saliva to perform
that function of pre-digestion, so
'dry mouth' is not a sign of
dehydration. Anyone who is
waiting to get dry mouth in order
to drink water, or waiting to get
thirsty in order to drink water, is
thirsty in order to drink water, is
inviting trouble.
In fact, I wrote an article which
In fact, I wrote an article which
was published in “Townsend
Letters for Doctors,” it’s a two-
page article responding to Heinz
Valtin of Dartmouth College who
said people shouldn’t drink water
just like that, they should wait until
just like that, they should wait until
they get thirsty, and I wrote the
article saying that waiting to get
thirsty is to die prematurely and
thirsty is to die prematurely and
very painfully, and in the article I
call him ignorant. I said this man
is ignorant, you shouldn’t rely on
his statement.
Natural water is essential for our
Natural water is essential for our
body to function smoothly!

Marina Barrage , Singapore (Click Here for Details)
Water Regulates Most of
the Body’s Functions
The second mistaken assumption
Marina Barrage , Singapore (Click Here for Details)
Water Regulates Most of
the Body’s Functions
The second mistaken assumption
is that water has no direct
metabolic role in the body, only
solutes regulate all the functions
solutes regulate all the functions
of the body, which is inaccurate.
You have substance A and
substance B and if you put them
in a test tube, no reaction takes
place. You learned that in your
first year of chemistry, is that
correct or not? Then the teacher
adds some water from a beaker
and all of a sudden the whole
reaction takes place. Now was it substance A and substance B that reacted, or was it the water
that regulated all the reactions?
My introduction into science and medicine is that water regulates
all functions including the function
of everything that it dissolves.
mechanisms of the body are
efficient throughout the life span
of the person’ is another
inaccurate statement, because as
we grow older, in the same way
that the eyes become less sharp,
our ears become deaf a little more,
and all the other senses begin to diminish, as you know what I’m talking about, well, so does the perception of thirst. Unfortunately
the elderly do not recognize their thirst. Scientifically it has been
shown that the elderly who have
been deprived of fresh water
intake for twenty-four hours, some
of them, when you put water next
to them, they don’t recognize that
they’re thirsty. Whereas the young
people in the same group of study
immediately started drinking lots
immediately started drinking lots
of water.
Caffeine and Aspartame are Poisons
Caffeine and Aspartame are Poisons
And the fourth mistaken
assumption which is a problem
special in America, and probably
in Western Europe a little bit, is
that all fluids can replace the
water needs of the body. That is
junk science. It’s not accurate.
Caffeine in beverages is a dehydrating substance, it affects
the brain and kidneys, and flushes
more water out of the body than
there is water in the cup. It inhibits
enzymes in the brain that are
involved in memory-making. Phosphodiesterase is an enzyme
that regulates the brain function
for memorizing things, so when
you take caffeine, in fact you
inhibit this thing. Now, let’s get into
the philosophy of why the plants manufacture caffeine or even
cocaine. Why do you think?
Chemical warfare. Plants insert
Chemical warfare. Plants insert
caffeine and cocaine or have caffeine and cocaine in their
leaves and in their seeds so that
they will make the ones that eat
these things stupid.
Phosphodiesterase is inhibited
Phosphodiesterase is inhibited
and that species begins to
gradually lose the art of
camouflage, alertness, quick
reaction, and become stupid, so it
becomes eaten very quickly, and predators eat it, and that’s how the
becomes eaten very quickly, and predators eat it, and that’s how the
plant defends its next generation
of the species, OK? Now we take
this, brew it, not only into a
concentrated stuff, but we drink it ourselves, we give it to our
children, and then we cry foul, we say why do our children have
learning problems? Why do they
have “attention deficit disorder”?
Blame it on the industry, the
beverage industry that
manufactures sodas.
Unfortunately now a lot of sodas
are even more concentrated. They
used to be eight-ounce cans, and
now they are twelve-ounce cans
and now they have more caffeine;
it used to be 50 milligrams of
caffeine in a can, now there is 75
or 90 milligrams of caffeine.
Starbucks coffee contains 180 milligrams of caffeine in a cup of
coffee. So, this is the lifestyle
coffee. So, this is the lifestyle
problem of society that produces disease and stupidity and a whole
lot of other things.
And if that’s not enough, they add artificial sweetener to it, which is a further crime against humanity.
lot of other things.
And if that’s not enough, they add artificial sweetener to it, which is a further crime against humanity.
Artificial sweetener, aspartame,
creates false hunger, and it has
been shown in animal models and
in humans that as soon as they
give aspartame to the animal or to
the human, within 90 minutes they
’re forced to go and eat even more
. The reason is that a reaction
called cephalic phase response
occurs when, as soon as the
tongue 👅 is stimulated by
sweeteners, the brain translates
this sweetness into this quantity
of energy, depending on the
sweetness. Now, the brain is
fooled, but the brain is not fooled,
we are fooled, because as soon as
the brain realizes that the 'energy'
that you promised it by the
sweetness is not there, it compels
you to go and eat, and eat more
than you would have normally
eaten. So that’s why people who are taking artificial sweeteners in
sodas thinking that they’re going
to lose weight, they’re not, they’re
going to get fatter.
Water has life-giving properties,
irritable, anxious, dejected, depressed, inadequate,
heavy head, cravings, agoraphobia, they’re all
complications of dehydration. Depression is definitely
a sign of dehydration.
Drought-management programs of the body:
The true thirst signals of the human body are asthma,
allergies, hypertension, old-age diabetes, and autoimmune
diseases. These are all produced by dehydration.
Alveoli need water. When you breathe in,
you suck water from the periphery into the alveoli,
and these microscopic droplets of water, when they
coalesce they create a surface tension. This surface
tension is a very powerful tension, it produces the
constriction that we use in order to get rid of the air
in the alveoli. So breathing depends on water, and
that’s why asthma is a sign of dehydration, because
in order that you preserve water, histamine constricts
the bronchioles, stimulates directly and indirectly
mucus formation and plugs the bronchus. Because
alveoli are very delicate membranes, they cannot
become dry, and if the person who is breathing
constantly (and we lose about a quart of water, a liter
of water, every 24 hours through just breathing), and
if we don’t have that water to replace it, these alveoli
become brittle, they break. And that’s how you create
cystic fibrosis. In order that this doesn’t happen,
Nature has designed that you stop breathing.
Unfortunately, we in medicine never understood
this. Today they have got 17 million asthmatics in
America, in Britain and elsewhere an equally
proportional number. And yet all of these people can
very easily get relief from their asthma by increasing
their water intake. That’s why I’ve written a book
called “The ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus”
explaining that histamine is a water-regulator. Give
it water and it will not cause you harm.
As I explained, histamine is a neurotransmitter,
water and salt are the best anti-histamines there
are, but in combination. If you give water by itself
and don’t give salt, you cause problems. If you give
salt and not water, you cause problems. In fact you
need not only water and salt, which are the extracellular
balancing factors, you also need other
minerals that are inside the cells, to hold on to the
water that seeps through.
Dehydration and Lack of Salt
Cause Hypertension
Hypertension; in any water loss, 66 percent of the
water is lost from inside the cells; 26 percent is taken
from water volume held outside the cells, and eight
percent is taken from the actual vascular system. But
since the vascular system is not a rigid system, the
capillaries constrict and pick up the slack, and you
don’t sense the water loss. So when 66 percent water
loss inside the cell is beginning to produce symptoms,
any of the tests you do will not reveal anything to you,
because the vascular system is a balanced system,
and it gets regulated completely. In order to prevent
hypertension, we need water, we need salt to operate
the reverse osmosis system. Now, in addition, you
need calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and
selenium, which are the intra-cellular minerals, to
hold on to the water. Once you do that, no blood
pressure will dare rise above 120. Give the body the
right ingredients at the right time, and all blood
pressure medications will disappear.
Many people say that salt causes the body to hold
water. That is not true. The correct ratio of water to salt
will not hold water in the body. You need a quarter teaspoon
of salt per quart of water, which is a gram
and a half of salt to a liter of water. Now, when you go
to the hospital, they give you nine grams of salt per
liter of water, they’re not giving you isotonic solution.
But I’m giving you enough salt so that your body will
retain that salt. You need to take sea salt which
contains the other 80 minerals in it. There are 80 trace
minerals in sea salt that are not in table salt, but in the
table salt you have iodine, which is essential, so if
you only take sea salt you don’t take iodine, and a lot
of people can develop goiters, and an iodine supplement such as kelp will help, or taking a vitamin
that contains iodine is essential.
Salt deficiency has actually been used as a means
of torture, depriving one of salt. It was actually a
sentence of death, by pain. They would deprive the
person from salt and they would die very quickly in
agony. I think that sooner or later these lawyers will
get at the system, because there is no other way in
America to compel the doctors, to wean the doctors
from the ‘perk’ of the pharmaceutical industry.
Taking antihistamines on a constant basis will
cause more disease, because when you don’t honour
histamine for what it needs—water, and the minerals
and food—and you give it anti-histamine, you’re only
camouflaging the need, but you’re not satisfying the
need, and so the disease will continue on. All of a
sudden it breaks barriers, and then you develop
cancers, you develop all sorts of things, and very
quickly one can die. All these people who went to the
most expensive clinics, spent thousands of dollars,
were given a clean bill of health, they came out of the
hospital and ten days later collapsed on the steps of
their office or wherever and died, because blood tests
never revealed dehydration, which is the foundation
of the disease.

Beverages containing artificial components are a strain
for the body. In addition they all lead to dehydration,
and diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
Diabetes, Insulin, and
You have two kinds of diabetes;
Type-1 diabetes is the auto-
going to get fatter.
And it’s been involved in seizures,
grand mal and petit mal; optic
nerve damage because ten
percent of the aspartame is
converted into methyl alcohol and formaldehyde, and depending on
the quantity that you take, you’re
actually taking a poisoning system
from your own gut for your
nervous system, and particularly
the optic nerve which is very
sensitive to methyl alcohol and formaldehyde.
The sense of smell becomes
sensitive to methyl alcohol and formaldehyde.
The sense of smell becomes
affected. Brain tumors have been
caused by aspartame.
Thousands Are Killed By Medical “Mistakes”
Water has many roles. Three of
them, the medical community understood earlier on: that water
is a solvent, a packing material,
and a means of transport. No
problem with that. And in fact,
they didn’t matriculate beyond that
, they didn’t realize that water has
other properties.
They constantly stuck to this, and
that’s why we have the ‘sick-care’ system of today, where people are getting sicker and sicker, and they
actually get prescribed
actually get prescribed
prescription medications that kills
in the US alone between 150,000
to 200,000 people a year—not ‘medical mistakes,’ but by
prescription mistakes, even
according to the doctor’s
instructions. At least 200,000
people die every year. Two million
people in America get sicker by prescription medications because
the medical community never understood early-dehydration, and
the medical community never understood early-dehydration, and
they have treated early-
dehydration with medications.
They wonder why a hundred years of research hasn’t produced a
simple cure for anything.
Think about how much you need
water. There is nothing like it on
the Planet. What would you do
without it?
How Water Performs Its Life-Giving Functions
Water has life-giving properties,
those other ones were life-
sustaining properties of water.
Water has life-giving properties, it manufactures hydro-electricity, in
other words it is a natural source
of energy. All neurotransmission in
the body depends on this hydro-electricity from water. That’s why
water is a better pick-me-up than anything you might imagine. OK?
Now the process of hydrolysis—
the medical community have
always used the word ‘hydrolysis
of this’, ‘hydrolysis of that’ and yet
they never assume that water has metabolism of its own. I was six
years at the University of
Pennsylvania doing research in
order to find this, put this thesis
together, and one day I visited a conference and one of the
professors asked me "what do you
do?" I said “I’m trying to look at metabolism of water.”
He frowned at me and thought me
He frowned at me and thought me
an ignorant person. He said “We
thought that the water doesn’t
have any metabolism.” I didn’t
want to offend him in front of his colleagues, I said, “May I come to
your office and talk to you about
this?” He said, “Yes, by all means.”
So I got an appointment from him,
he was an eminent professor at
the University of Pennsylvania. I
went to see him and in order to
make sure I understood what he
had said was correct, I said, “Did I understand correctly that you said
that water has no metabolism,
water is just an inert substance for
the ride.” He said yes. I said, “Then
what is hydrolysis? You use the
word frequently and use it every
time. What does hydrolysis mean?
” If I had hit him with a ton of gold,
it wouldn’t have impacted his brain
as much as that word did. He went
white, pale, and he said, “Yes, of
course, we never thought about
that.” So the word hydrolysis
means metabolism of water.
Water is a nutrient, water is
actually a primary nutrient in the
body that your body depends on,
on a regular basis for its
performance and functions.
Water at body temperature, when
it is squeezed to 2.5 angstrom
units, it gels, it becomes like ice,
and it’s this thickness of ice that
sticks the components of the cell membrane together. So water is
actually a cementing material in
the body, it’s that mortar between
the bricks; and lack of water will
cause disturbance in that process.
And in order that the cell doesn’t disintegrate completely, the body
has founda substitute, and it’s
produced this stickiness of
cholesterol in order to bind things together. So cholesterol in the
body performs not only an
insulating function, but it’s also
part of the emergency bonding
Now, as far as water being a
source of energy, this is the
research by Philippe and Wiggins:
‘...the source energy for cat-ion
transport or ATP synthesis lies in increasing chemical potentials
with the increasing hydration of
small cat-ions and polyphosphate
anions, in the highly structured
interfacial aqueous phase of the
two phosphorylated...’ This must
be double-Dutch to you too! But
trust me, it means that water is
the source of energy for synthesis
of ATP. Now, hydrolysis of water
produces energy. This is a formula calculated by George and group,
when magnesium ATP is
hydrolyzed, magnesium ATP itself
has only 600 kilojoule-moles of
energy inherent to itself. When it’s
hydrolyzed, the components
become 5850 kilo-joulemoles of
energy. In other words, water has transferred its own energy to the components, and that’s how it has
driven the chemical reaction by the energy produced by hydrolysis. So,
the pound of meat that you eat
has no energy value whatsoever,
unless water is present there to hydrolyze it and break it down. It is
in fact the water that energizes the
food that you eat, the potato, the
sugar; none of these have the
ability to pass energy into the
human body unless water is there
to break them down and magnify
the energy content by one order of magnitude.
There are two oceans of water in
the body—one ocean of water is in
the cells, and then there is the
ocean of water outside the cells.
Water that we drink goes through
the cell membrane and
replenishes the ocean inside. The
salt that we take regulates the
volume of the ocean outside. And
these two oceans have to be in
balance. You cannot fill up the
Atlantic more than it is full already
and let the Pacific dry up, or fill the Pacific and let the Atlantic dry up,
you have to fill them both. And
that’s why God created
connections between all the
oceans, in order to balance the
oceans. We also have to balance
the oceans of water in the body. In
fact, the design of the body is that
it automatically balances these
oceans by certain mechanisms.
So, water and salt are vital
elements in the human body.
Water diffuses through the cell membrane at a rate of 10‐³ ( ten to
the power of minus three)
centimeters per second, which is a
very fast rate of transfer of water
into the cell. In a well-hydrated cell membrane there is a channel
between the two layers of the membrane.
All the enzymes travel in that
channel and meet their
counterpart. And they call this a
lateral diffusion of the enzyme
systems, and the body needs to
have that channel sufficiently
hydrated. The water comes
through these elements and fills
up this channel, and allows
physiological functions to take
place. In a dehydrated state, the
channel is gone, these processes
come into another, and they
produce locks, so nothing travels.
That’s how the cell goes into
hibernation, in bacteria and things
like that, that might have this same process, or animals that go into a
dry phase, this is how it happens.
Reverse osmosis is when we don’t
have diffusion, and the body has
to filter water and inject it into the
vital cells, and that’s called reverse osmosis.
Then we have the osmotic
movement of water when glucose stimulates insulin production and
the gates are open, water travels
with glucose and amino acids into
the cells. And this is a mechanism
where we lose our perception of
thirst and gradually as a result of
lifestyle we become susceptible to disease, depending on how much
water we are taking or beverages
that are dehydrating substances.
When the body has to depend on
insulin release to osmotically shift
water into the cells, obesity
becomes an unavoidable
complication. And that’s what I’m
writing on now, “Obesity, the
Deadly Disease of Dehydration” is
the title of my next book. Now this
is a process of reverse osmosis, vasopressin sits on its receptor
and converts it into a ‘shower-
head,’ with a cluster of
perforations of two angstrom
units. And this ‘shower-head’
process fills with the osmotically balanced serum, and the
vasopressin puts a squeeze on the system and only water, one
molecule of water is filtered
through the system. And alcohol
stops this function, that’s why you get a
headache with alcohol, because
your brain depends on this
mechanism in order to get
hydrated on a regular basis. This
is how the body transfers water
into the brain tissue—reverse osmosis.
Salt Is Vital for Life and Health
Salt is vital because it extracts
and gets rid of acids. Sodium goes
into the cell, a hydrogen ion goes
out, and then potassium goes into
the cell and sodium goes out. So,
salt is vital for balancing the
acidity of the cell; that’s how the
body becomes alkaline, because
salt extracts the hydrogen ion and
then the ion is taken to the kidneys
and is flushed out if there is
enough water. Salt is essential in
order to regulate the blood sugar,
it’s essential to manufacture hydroelectricity. Salt is vital to
prevent catarrh as an anti-
histamine, salt is a strong natural
anti-histamine. It prevents cramps.
The structure of bones depends
on salt for fullness, because 27
percent of the salt reserve in the
body is in crystallized form in the
actual bone structure, in the shaft
of the bone. And low salt diets
actually cause osteoporosis, not
calcium deficiency.
When you don’t have water and
salt, not only do you not absorb
calcium, but you also get rid of
The crystalline world of water in
ever changing new forms, carries
in its natural state of perfection
the vital pattern for our health—physically and spiritually.
Nerve cell communication
depends on salt. Absorption of
food depends on the sodium-
potassium activity. And asthma
and cystic fibrosis are conditions
that can benefit from salt intake as
well as water. Now, you’ve all seen
these elderly people who develop
leaky bladders, they have no
control; that is a salt deficiency
problem. You need salt in order to strengthen smooth muscle, and
when you don’t have enough salt, smooth muscle loses its integrity.
This is a testimonial from Dr. E.
Reed: “I have a weak bladder and
have even taken spare clothing as
I was sure they would be needed. I arrived with not a drop of anything
on my clothing. I had talked myself
off salt—a bad mistake.” For years
she had had this problem until she
came across my information on
salt, and started adding salt to her
diet, and within three or four
days she became continent, she
lost her incontinence.
Water regulation of the body: Water is essential
through all phases of the body’s growth, from the
intrauterine phase of life, until you reach your full
height and full weight. Growth hormone and
histamine regulate water intake. As you grow older,
you lose the concentration or secretion ability of
growth hormone, and gradually you only depend on
histamine in order to regulate water intake of the body.
Histamine is forcing us to drink water, but if instead
of water we take tea, coffee, sodas and alcohol, we
gradually dehydrate the body. Now, if we take water,
the pattern of life can go up to 150 years, depending if
we understand the water level of the body and the
composition of the materials that we put into the body.
So, good diet and hydration are essential for long life.
Growth hormone disappearance
is secondary to tryptophan and
serotonin deficiency. Growth
hormone is under the control
of the tryptophan and serotonin
level of the brain, so the tendency
to lose that is secondary
to serotonin level of the brain.
Once you hydrate the body,
gradually, I am told, the growth
hormone level comes back up.
The ratio of water inside
the cell to the ratio of water
outside the cell between the
ages of 20 to 70, has changed
from 1.1 to 0.8, in other words,
far less water inside the cells.
And the ‘plum-like’ cells
gradually, because of not
drinking water, not allowing
water to seep through the cell
membrane, the ‘plum-like’
cells become a ‘prune-like’ state, that is a state of
disease, a disease-producing state. In other words,
persistent and intentional dehydration reveals itself
in as many ways as we in medicine have labeled as
diseases. We have labeled, we have invented diseases.
We have not had diseases, we have had ‘dis-eases’
of dehydration. If we recognize these dis-eases that can
be relieved with water, diseases will go away. And so
will the sick-care system, so will a lot of doctors, so will
the pharmaceutical industry, and thank God for that.
How to Know You Are Getting
How does dehydration reveal itself? In four
major ways: perceptive feelings, water rationing
programs, crisis calls of the body for water, and
disease complications. And you know that disease
complications mean that death could be part of that.
Perception of thirst, feeling tired when you haven’t
done a good day’s work, when you wake up first thing
in the morning and you don’t feel like getting out of
the bed, you’re dehydrated. You had better drink
some water straight away. In eight hours you have
deprived your brain of energy, hydro-electricity, and
that is how you feel tired because of dehydration.
Water is a ‘pick-me-up’, within three to four minutes
it will get you out of bed. Feeling flushed and
heavy head, cravings, agoraphobia, they’re all
complications of dehydration. Depression is definitely
a sign of dehydration.
Drought-management programs of the body:
The true thirst signals of the human body are asthma,
allergies, hypertension, old-age diabetes, and autoimmune
diseases. These are all produced by dehydration.
Alveoli need water. When you breathe in,
you suck water from the periphery into the alveoli,
and these microscopic droplets of water, when they
coalesce they create a surface tension. This surface
tension is a very powerful tension, it produces the
constriction that we use in order to get rid of the air
in the alveoli. So breathing depends on water, and
that’s why asthma is a sign of dehydration, because
in order that you preserve water, histamine constricts
the bronchioles, stimulates directly and indirectly
mucus formation and plugs the bronchus. Because
alveoli are very delicate membranes, they cannot
become dry, and if the person who is breathing
constantly (and we lose about a quart of water, a liter
of water, every 24 hours through just breathing), and
if we don’t have that water to replace it, these alveoli
become brittle, they break. And that’s how you create
cystic fibrosis. In order that this doesn’t happen,
Nature has designed that you stop breathing.
Unfortunately, we in medicine never understood
this. Today they have got 17 million asthmatics in
America, in Britain and elsewhere an equally
proportional number. And yet all of these people can
very easily get relief from their asthma by increasing
their water intake. That’s why I’ve written a book
called “The ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus”
explaining that histamine is a water-regulator. Give
it water and it will not cause you harm.
As I explained, histamine is a neurotransmitter,
water and salt are the best anti-histamines there
are, but in combination. If you give water by itself
and don’t give salt, you cause problems. If you give
salt and not water, you cause problems. In fact you
need not only water and salt, which are the extracellular
balancing factors, you also need other
minerals that are inside the cells, to hold on to the
water that seeps through.
Dehydration and Lack of Salt
Cause Hypertension
Hypertension; in any water loss, 66 percent of the
water is lost from inside the cells; 26 percent is taken
from water volume held outside the cells, and eight
percent is taken from the actual vascular system. But
since the vascular system is not a rigid system, the
capillaries constrict and pick up the slack, and you
don’t sense the water loss. So when 66 percent water
loss inside the cell is beginning to produce symptoms,
any of the tests you do will not reveal anything to you,
because the vascular system is a balanced system,
and it gets regulated completely. In order to prevent
hypertension, we need water, we need salt to operate
the reverse osmosis system. Now, in addition, you
need calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and
selenium, which are the intra-cellular minerals, to
hold on to the water. Once you do that, no blood
pressure will dare rise above 120. Give the body the
right ingredients at the right time, and all blood
pressure medications will disappear.
Many people say that salt causes the body to hold
water. That is not true. The correct ratio of water to salt
will not hold water in the body. You need a quarter teaspoon
of salt per quart of water, which is a gram
and a half of salt to a liter of water. Now, when you go
to the hospital, they give you nine grams of salt per
liter of water, they’re not giving you isotonic solution.
But I’m giving you enough salt so that your body will
retain that salt. You need to take sea salt which
contains the other 80 minerals in it. There are 80 trace
minerals in sea salt that are not in table salt, but in the
table salt you have iodine, which is essential, so if
you only take sea salt you don’t take iodine, and a lot
of people can develop goiters, and an iodine supplement such as kelp will help, or taking a vitamin
that contains iodine is essential.
Salt deficiency has actually been used as a means
of torture, depriving one of salt. It was actually a
sentence of death, by pain. They would deprive the
person from salt and they would die very quickly in
agony. I think that sooner or later these lawyers will
get at the system, because there is no other way in
America to compel the doctors, to wean the doctors
from the ‘perk’ of the pharmaceutical industry.
Taking antihistamines on a constant basis will
cause more disease, because when you don’t honour
histamine for what it needs—water, and the minerals
and food—and you give it anti-histamine, you’re only
camouflaging the need, but you’re not satisfying the
need, and so the disease will continue on. All of a
sudden it breaks barriers, and then you develop
cancers, you develop all sorts of things, and very
quickly one can die. All these people who went to the
most expensive clinics, spent thousands of dollars,
were given a clean bill of health, they came out of the
hospital and ten days later collapsed on the steps of
their office or wherever and died, because blood tests
never revealed dehydration, which is the foundation
of the disease.
Beverages containing artificial components are a strain
for the body. In addition they all lead to dehydration,
and diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
Diabetes, Insulin, and
You have two kinds of diabetes;
Type-1 diabetes is the auto-
immune kind in which interleukin-
6 destroys the beta-cells,
particularly in children because
children do not have a great
amount of water reserve in their
body. The body immediately goes
into the next phase of reaction
which is autoimmune disease.
Now, in the elderly, insulin-
independent diabetes, type-2
diabetes, (that now we are seeing
among children as well, teenagers
among children as well, teenagers
), is caused by dehydration. We
should consider the pancreas to
be a regulator of water balance in
the different environments of the
cell. It produces insulin, and once
the insulin gates are opened by
insulin, sugar goes in and takes
water with it; amino acids go in
and take water with them. Other
minerals go in because of that
gate, and take water with them.
Now, in a dehydrated state, that is
an embarrassment to the
Now, in a dehydrated state, that is
an embarrassment to the
circulation, because don’t forget,
the circulation cannot afford to
lose water to the cells—it has to
draw water out of the supplement
such as kelp will help, or taking a
vitamin that contains iodine is
essential. Salt deficiency has
actually been used as a means of
torture, depriving one of salt. It
was actually a sentence of death,
by pain. They would deprive the
person from salt and they would
person from salt and they would
die very quickly in agony. I think
that sooner or later these lawyers
will get at the system, because
there is no other way in America to compel the doctors, to wean the
doctors from the ‘perk’ of the pharmaceutical industry. Taking antihistamines on a constant
basis will cause more disease,
because when you don’t honour
histamine for what it needs—
histamine for what it needs—
water, and the minerals and food
—and you give it anti-histamine,
you’re only camouflaging the need
, but you’re not satisfying the need
, and so the disease will continuon.
All of a sudden it breaks barriers,
and then you develop cancers, you develop all sorts of things, and
very quickly one can die. All these
people who went to the most
expensive clinics, spent thousands
of dollars, were given a clean bill
of health, they came out of the
hospital and ten days later
collapsed on the steps of their
office or wherever and died,
because blood tests never
revealed dehydration, which is
the foundation of the disease.
Diabetes, Insulin, and
You have two kinds of diabetes;
Type-1 diabetes is the auto-
Diabetes, Insulin, and
You have two kinds of diabetes;
Type-1 diabetes is the auto-
immune kind in which interleukin-6 destroys the beta-cells,
particularly in children because
children do not have a great
amount of water reserve in their
body. The body immediately goes
into the next phase of reaction
which is autoimmune disease.
Now, in the elderly, insulin-
independent diabetes, type-2
diabetes, (that now we are seeing
among children as well, teenagers
among children as well, teenagers
), is caused by dehydration. We
should consider the pancreas to
be a regulator of water balance in
the different environments of the
cell. It produces insulin, and once
the insulin gates are opened by
insulin, sugar goes in and takes
water with it; amino acids go in
and take water with them. Other
minerals go in because of that
gate, and take water with them.
Now, in a dehydrated state, that is
an embarrassment to the
an embarrassment to the
circulation, because don’t forget,
the circulation cannot afford to
lose water to the cells—it has to withdraw water out of the cells.
So the mechanism that brings
water to the pancreas,
prostaglandin-E, which is a water regulator of the body, it’s one of
the sub-hormones of the body,
has a direct impact on beta-cells,
and inhibits their insulin
production and release. If you
give water and you give salt
(which are anti-histamines), you
nullify the effect of histamine, you
don’t produce prostaglandin-E and
the hold on the insulin producing mechanism will go away and you produce insulin. So, all people
with type-2 diabetes can get relief
very quickly if they begin to drink
water, take salt and other minerals
the body needs. Does that make
I’ve seen quite a lot of dramatic
results in people with severe
diabetes, 600-700 milligrams per
100 cc, they’re completely re-
covered, their sugar has come
down to 80-90 milligrams. This is
a mechanism involved in this
system. In the type-1 diabetes,
insulin-dependent diabetes, it is
this interleukin-6 that destroys or
‘guts’ the beta cells of the
pancreas, and insulin production
is diminished.
Now, even in this type of diabetes,
Now, even in this type of diabetes,
if you give the person water, you
won’t get the complications that
are associated or acknowledged
to be because of diabetes, that is
plaque formation, retinopathy, and
all of those will not occur because
they are actually dehydration-
produced, not diabetes-produced.
And insulin production, insulin
And insulin production, insulin
need will diminish. I have had a
person who was using 90 units of
insulin, now he’s using 36 units of
insulin, now he’s using 36 units of
insulin in 24 hours. He had
retinopathy, and that’s gone. They
wanted to amputate his legs, and
wanted to amputate his legs, and
that’s no longer needed. He’s
totally recovered from the
complications of diabetes, which
are actually complications of dehydration itself.
Other “Dis-Eases” Caused by
The emergency calls of the body
Other “Dis-Eases” Caused by
The emergency calls of the body
for water: We gave it two classes
of symptoms, “perceptive” and
then “drought-management
programs”; now we have the
emergency calls of the body for
water, they are the main pains of
the body. Early morning sickness
of pregnancy is a sign of
dehydration of the mother and the
child, the fetus, because the fetus
has no mechanism of telling its
needs other than through the
mother’s system. Histamine,
which is a growth hormone in
infants, babies, or intrauterine life,
whether it’s human or any another
whether it’s human or any another
animal species, reflects its
symptoms through the mother’s
system, and that’s why we get
early morning sickness of
pregnancy. That’s why a lot of
women begin to retain salt and
they become edematous, and
retain a lot of fluid and so on. If
we increase water intake in these
women, their early morning
women, their early morning
sickness of pregnancy will
disappear. The fetuses grow much
better in the intrauterine phase of
growth, they’re an average of an
inch taller, the few I have seen
have been much taller than
normal. They have their hair grown
, they have a much more
developed hair structure than the
hair of the average child.
Now, dyspeptic pain or ‘heartburn’
hair of the average child.
Now, dyspeptic pain or ‘heartburn’
is a sign of dehydration. I treated
3000 peptic ulcer disease
sufferers in the prison with water,
sufferers in the prison with water,
and that’s where I came to the conclusion that these people were thirsty. And in order to prove that, I wondered why the pharmaceutical industry wants to block this pain
with anti-histamine, Tagamet,
Zantac, and so on, H2-blocking
agents. I said, why are they doing
this? So I went and started
researching this, in fact this
discussion occurred at Yale
University and the professor said,
“Can you prove that these people
were thirsty?” and I said, “Yes, I
can!” and that’s the continuation.
So, I went into the library and
started researching histamine,
and the answer was there, it had
been there all the time, but the pharmaceutical industry wasn’t
going to share it with the doctors,
and the doctors are not going to
do research, they only take their education from the system that
has been hijacked by the
pharmaceutical industry and they
are only fed the information that
will guide the doctor to use their chemical products. So, when I
wrote my article on "Pain and the
need for a paradigm change" and presented it as a guest lecturer at
a cancer conference in 1987, and
I explained what is the role of
histamine, the scientific
histamine, the scientific
secretariat at the Third
Interscience World Conference of Inflamation invited me to make my presentation there, and that is
what I did.
So, histamine is actually a pain-producing system directly and
So, histamine is actually a pain-producing system directly and
indirectly through its subordinate
systems, and that is why we get
systems, and that is why we get
the dyspeptic pain and that’s why
the pharmaceutical industry uses
Tagamet and Zantac to block it.
Tagamet and Zantac to block it.
Migraine headaches, anginal pain, rheumatoid joint pain, back pain,
fibromyalgic pain, colitis pain,
fibromyalgic pain, colitis pain,
false appendicitis pain. I have
seen a number of people who
came to me in the prison with
typical appendicitis symptoms,
but they didn’t have a temperature,
they didn’t have nausea, so I gave
them two glasses of water
because by then I knew the pain
was a sign of dehydration. I gave
them two glasses of water and in
three minutes their ‘appendix’ pain disappeared. So, these people
would normally end up on the
would normally end up on the
table of the surgeon and have their appendix taken out.

It begins with us! Only by
It begins with us! Only by
realizing, understanding and
honouring the true nature of
water, mankind will achieve a
world free of diseases and pollution.
How does pain arise? You know
How does pain arise? You know
the pH of the body should be 7.4, intracellular pH. The only way we
can do that is by drinking enough
water, taking enough salt and
minerals to make the body
alkaline and get rid of the excess
acidity through production of
urine. So, when we produce
yellowish urine, it means that the
body is getting rid of some of its
acid. Ideally the urine should be
even less of an intense colour than
yellow, but when we produce
yellow, but when we produce
orange urine, it means that the
body is truly dehydrated, and
somewhere it’s going to ‘sing.’
Now, the way it ‘sings’ is very easy
—when the body is alkaline, the
cells are happy, when it becomes
acid gradually, the toxic waste
builds up and the area become
acid. There is a chemical
substance called pre-kallikrein.
This substance is very sensitive to
pH fluctuation. When pH becomes acidic, in other words drops to 6.7,
6.5, free kallikrein is converted to
kinin, and since there are nerve
endings in the area, the kinin in the
nerve endings is the element that
causes the pain. So, that is how
pain is produced in a dehydrated environment in the body.
Now, this drought-management
Now, this drought-management
program of the body rotates
drought or hydration, so certain
areas of the body are dehydrated
and certain other areas get
hydrated. That’s why in
rheumatoid joint pain you get
these migrating pains, one day it’s
this arm, this hand that hurts,
another day it’s the other arm or
hand that hurts, or it’s the hip or
the knee and so on. This is the
migration of dehydration, and
that’s how you get the pain.

In a well-hydrated membrane,
In a well-hydrated membrane,
water is the adhesive material
that also diffuses through the hydrocarbon ‘bricks’. The bilayer
is separated and the space is
used as a ‘waterway’ for enzyme activity. In a dehydrated
membrane, cholesterol is
manufactured to stick the ‘bricks’ together and also prevents further
loss of water from inside the cell.
The ‘waterway’ is also obstructed
by the inter-fit of projections of
the ‘bricks’-the left side.
The Cholesterol “Problem”
and Water
Complications of dehydration
The Cholesterol “Problem”
and Water
Complications of dehydration
raise cholesterol. Obesity is the
first complication of dehydration.
Raised cholesterol, heart failure,
Raised cholesterol, heart failure,
chronic fatigue, cancers,
neurological disorders that I
explained to you, strokes, and so
on, they’re all produced by
dehydration. In the fourth
dimension of time, when you’re
talking about dehydration, you
must include time elements,
because the body is a chemical
plant. You pour ingredients into it,
it produces an outcome whether
it’s thought, perception, knowledge
, or physical activity. Now,
gradually change the ingredients
that you put in the body, and in the
that you put in the body, and in the
fourth dimension of time your
plant will not be the same original
plant as day one, it will be a new chemical plant, and that new
chemical plant may have disease
processes already established in it
processes already established in it
, or beginning to be established.
So, reversing a situation needs a
lot of understanding because you
can’t capture all that’s lost in time.
Cholesterol: When you eat food
Cholesterol: When you eat food
and you do not drink water before
your food intake, the gastro-
intestinal tract scrambles, and
draws water out of the circulation,
water it has to spare, and the
water it has to spare, and the
circulation goes around and
borrows water from the rest of the
tissue and puts enough water into
the gastro-intestinal tract just
barely to break down the food and dissolve it, liquify it and circulate it
in the portal system to take it to
the liver. In the liver you need a lot
of water to operate the hydrolytic
properties of physiological
properties of physiological
metabolic processes, and so more
water is used there. And this concentrated blood goes to the
right side of the heart, and it’s
pushed into the circulation to the
pushed into the circulation to the
lungs. In the lungs 🫁 you lose
further water through breathing.
Now, highly acidic, concentrated
blood reaches the left side of the
heart and is pumped into the
heart and is pumped into the
circulation. The first area that this concentrated, acidic blood attacks
within the arterial system is the
within the arterial system is the
heart itself. It will compromise the membrane, it’s acidic so it burns it;
capillaries are already constricted because of dehydration, and this
capillaries are already constricted because of dehydration, and this
blood pressure rushing through
this compromised membrane
this compromised membrane
produces abrasions and tears.
And unless something covers
these abrasions and tears, the
blood will go under the membrane through the tear, and peel it off
and throw it as an embolus down
the circulation to the brain or to
the heart itself. Nature has
designed low-density cholesterol
to come and cover the area of
damage here, smooth over the
tear, make it impermeable so that
it will heal underneath. And we
see this cholesterol and we do an
‘LAPD’ (Los Angeles Police
Department) phenomenon, as
soon as something is reported,
you have to prove that you haven’t
done it yourself. So, the medical
community automatically
assumes that cholesterol is the
cause of the problem, so they take medication to lower the
cholesterol, which is sheer
nonsense. And the reason is that
we measured the level of
cholesterol in the body in the
blood that we take out of the veins
of the body, we never measure the
blood cholesterol in the blood
from the arterial system. Veins are
blood returning to the heart.
Arteries are blood vessels
transporting oxygenated blood
from the heart to the body’s organs.
Nowhere in the history of
medicine is one record of
cholesterol having ever blocked
the venous system. And yet
because of its slower circulation,
if the imagery of the
pharmaceutical industry is sticky
and will stick to the walls of the
veins, then all the veins of the
body should be blocked, and they
’re not. This is another fraudulent statement of the pharmaceutical
industry, and it’s a four billion
industry, and it’s a four billion
dollars fraud in America, getting
people to take so-called ‘statins.’
With flowery words and language
With flowery words and language
they explain that this is the cause
of the problem. It’s not, and human
beings are being used as Guinea
beings are being used as Guinea
pigs, or ‘cash cows’ for the pharmaceutical industry. We need
to wake up to this phenomenon.
The heart itself, although it
The heart itself, although it
circulates all the blood, none the
less, the arterial system of the
heart is compromised because of dehydration. The brain is 85
percent water. If you look at a
single nerve cross section, in the
axons, or nerves of the body, you
will see waterways, there is a
structure called microtubules.
These microtubules are perforated
and they drain water from the
cytoplasm and they have an
environment around them of
environment around them of
solutions of lower viscosity, and
this is where material is floated
down the stream and the
microtube itself acts as a rail
system and the transporter
protein carries these vesicles
down the stream into the nerve
endings. For example, syrup has a
higher viscosity than water. In
order that this transport system becomes efficient, we need water
in the nervous system. That’s why
the brain is 85 percent water, it
has the reverse-osmosis program completely, constantly supplying
this water.
And if we have enough water, the diffusion process will help. This
And if we have enough water, the diffusion process will help. This
means of transport is called “fast-
axon transport” through
waterways in the nerves. And this
fast-axon transport still takes
fast-axon transport still takes
weeks and months from the
source of supply to the terminal
where it’s being used. So
dehydration is a problem in the
elderly that gets slowed down
because of this process.
Using Water
to Prevent Cancer
Cancer is my field of research on
Using Water
to Prevent Cancer
Cancer is my field of research on
top of the other things, and I
presented the guest lecture of a
cancer conference in 1987. After
my writings were evaluated by the tumour-biology unit of King’s
College Hospital of London
University, they realized what I
was saying made a lot of sense,
so the chief of the department
went to the editor of “Anti-Cancer
Research” and said this is new information. And this man was an
eminent researcher in cancer, he
eminent researcher in cancer, he
had 70 original papers to his
name, and this was an entirely
novel piece of information to him.
It took him about a year to
understand what I was saying, I
had to stay with him and guide
him through the channels of
understanding. Anyway, they put
understanding. Anyway, they put
up a conference and they asked
me to go and explain to the other
cancer researchers who were
cancer researchers who were
invited, eminent cancer
researchers from Europe, America
and elsewhere, to come and listen
to this. I explained that pain is a
sign of dehydration, and my guest
lecture was “Pain: The Need for
Paradigm Change” explaining that dehydration is the origin of pain
and disease in the human body,
including cancer.
Cancer cells are primitive and
Cancer cells are primitive and
genetically selfish.
They are anaerobic, have low
They are anaerobic, have low
oxygen needs. They reveal stem-
cell characteristics in some cell-
culture media. In other words, this
is a primitive cell that can once
again become something else.
Once again, it can develop into an
organ or another thing. And this is
the mechanism, when the body is dehydrated and the cells become reduced to their primitive form,
and from that primitive form, a
new life is supposed to occur.
Cancer production depends on a
multi-factorial system dysfunction,
in other words, many systems
have to fail before cancer occurs.
DNA damage is one of them.
Reduced efficiency of DNA repair-system; receptor bound regulation,
Reduced efficiency of DNA repair-system; receptor bound regulation,
and immune system suppression.
These are the four main chemical pathways that prevent cancer in
These are the four main chemical pathways that prevent cancer in
the body, and in dehydration all of
them become damaged, and this
them become damaged, and this
is how it occurs.
When there isn’t enough water to
When there isn’t enough water to
wash the hydrogen ion outside of
the cell, take it out of the cell, this
hydrogen ion can damage the
hydrogen ion can damage the
‘fine print’ of the DNA system.
You’ve all seen these stone
monuments that pigeon droppings defaced; that’s acid. Now, if pigeon
droppings can eat into stone, then hydrogen ion can easily eat into
droppings can eat into stone, then hydrogen ion can easily eat into
the flesh.
In dehydration we lose tryptophan,
In dehydration we lose tryptophan,
it becomes an anti-oxidant, and
yet tryptophan is part of a tripod
enzyme, lysine-tryptophan-lysine,
enzyme, lysine-tryptophan-lysine,
that is involved in a DNA quality-
control system. So, in dehydration,
quality-control that recognizes
quality-control that recognizes
DNA misprints, cuts and splices
and corrects the DNA misprint,
becomes disrupted because of tryptophan deficiency. In the body,
as you know, every cell is in a
watery environment, it depends
for transfer of messenger systems
in watery environment, that would
in watery environment, that would
sit on the receptors and stimulate
the cells, so it is a means of
transport, a means of
transport, a means of
communication in the cell by
means of the receptors. In society
means of the receptors. In society
we have these dishes and electromagnetic pulses to give
you all the information in
television and radio and telephone
communications. In the body, it is
communications. In the body, it is
in the watery environment, so in a dehydrated state, not only the
waterway in the cell membrane
waterway in the cell membrane
closes, but it also begins to lose
its receptor systems, because if
there is not enough circulation to
bring the messenger proteins to
the receptors, then the cells don’t
need to make the receptors, and
that’s how the mechanism begins.
Histamine increases calcium
Histamine increases calcium
release because calcium atoms,
when they bind together, when
they bond and bind together, they
trap one unit of ATP, one unit of
energy. Histamine has learned, or
Nature has designed it that
histamine breaks this bond and
releases the ATP, so you get a lot
releases the ATP, so you get a lot
of loose calcium in dehydration,
because when the energy of
hydrolysis is not there, when the
energy of hydro-electricity is not
there, another source of energy
has to be made available, and the calcium bondage releases its
energy in the endoplasmic
reticulum or in the bone structure.
Now, as it happens, excess
Now, as it happens, excess
calcium activates the proteases
and receptors are destroyed. And
protein kinase C, which is a protein kinase that activates growth
normally, and protein kinase C
responds to messenger systems,
this protein kinase is broken down
and it becomes protein kinase M,
which is an autonomous protein,
and that is how, once it is
triggered into activity, nothing
stops it. A normal cell has
receptors, they know where their boundaries are in a receptor-
bound regulated system. But in a
cell that is becoming cancerous,
these boundaries are not
recognized. And that is why
cancer cells overgrow one another
and you get lumps, because of
protein kinase M. Now, the body
is multi-system, and depending on
these receptors, in a cancerous environment, a body that has
gone the route of destroying its
receptors, in that area the cells
receptors, in that area the cells
have become autonomous, they
have inherited a selfishness that
makes them replicate constantly,
but they don’t have the receptors
to stop boundaries, and that is
how cancer begins to develop and

Water is not only essential for our physical body to maintain good
Water is not only essential for our physical body to maintain good
health, it relates also to our
emotions. That is why waves and
water have a calming influence on troubled feelings.
The other element is immune
The other element is immune
system suppression. Histamine,
once it is secreted, it activates its
receptors. Now, the suppressor
receptors. Now, the suppressor
cells to helper cells ratio in the
bone marrow is two to one, in
other words, as soon as histamine
is released in dehydration, the
bone marrow becomes
suppressed. Another thing is that interleukin-1 is stimulated,
interleukin-2 is inhibited.
Interleukin-2 is essential in
defending the body against
bacteria, against cancer, against
any offending agent, because
interleukin-2 stimulates interferon production, and as you know the scientific community has tried to
use interferon to defend against
cancer. Now, the role of interferon
is very interesting; interferon
stimulates indoleamine
dioxygenase, which breaks down tryptophan and indoleamines and produces oxygen, ozone,
superoxide of anion and hydrogen peroxide. To an anaerobic cell,
oxygen is the kiss of death. When
dehydration inhibits interferon production, in effect you are not producing the oxygen that is
needed. This superoxide of anion
is actually designed to oxygenate
areas of inflammatory
areas of inflammatory
environment that do not get
oxygen because of the stagnant situation, so the cells that are
defending or repairing will get
oxygen manufactured for them on
the spot, by the action of
interferon. In cancer production,
this is stopped because of lack of
Water As a Cure for Cancer
Dr. Lorraine Day is an orthopedic
Water As a Cure for Cancer
Dr. Lorraine Day is an orthopedic
surgeon herself, fifteen years the
chief of orthopedic surgery at San
Francisco General Hospital. She
Francisco General Hospital. She
had the lifestyle of a surgeon,
drank a lot of coffee and operated
a lot, and never drank water.
Fifteen years of maybe three
glasses of water in a year. All of a sudden she developed a cancer in
glasses of water in a year. All of a sudden she developed a cancer in
her breast, and this thing grew very
fast. She was on her death-bed,
fast. She was on her death-bed,
she had changed her lifestyle and
started taking an alternative
approach to treatment of cancer because she knew that the
normal treatments wouldn’t work because she had used them
herself, and chemotherapy she
thinks is a poisonous system,
which she had used before but it
never worked so she wasn’t going
never worked so she wasn’t going
to use it for herself.
So, she stopped practicing
So, she stopped practicing
medicine and went into alternative medicine, but whatever she had
wasn’t working, she was totally
bed-ridden, her husband was
giving her bed pans. And she told
me this last weekend actually, we
were both lecturing at the same
time, she said, “I started praying
time, she said, “I started praying
to God and said, ‘I did whatever I
could, God, please guide me! What
am I supposed to do? I know that
am I supposed to do? I know that
You don’t want me to die, but tell
me what to do.’” A friend of hers
bought a copy of my book.
Someone had given her a copy of
my book, she had read it, she
my book, she had read it, she
threw it aside and said “it doesn’t
apply to me.” But this time that
she had prayed to God and the
book was presented to her again,
all of a sudden she woke up and
said, “Maybe this is it.” She started reading and realized that it applied
to her. She changed her lifestyle,
the same night she drank fifteen
glasses of water, and she
gradually started improving. I’m
not saying go out and drink fifteen glasses of water. For God’s sake,
don’t do that! And she got better
and better, and within four months
she was totally cancer free,
although she had had secondary
cancers under her arm, in her liver
and elsewhere, she has been
and elsewhere, she has been
dying, virtually. The doctors had
given her no more than two
weeks. So water is a magical
treatment, medication for diseases.
Prostate cancer, as you know, is
Prostate cancer, as you know, is
very common. Theprostate gland enlarges when the body is acid,
and the reason is that the prostate
gland contains a lot of acid
phosphatase that becomes active
in an acid medium, and this is a mechanism of developing growth.
And if the other mechanisms are
there, the prostate gland can
become cancerous very easily. A
certain Air Force officer got a PSA
certain Air Force officer got a PSA
test (Prostate-Specific Antigen).
His PSA had gone up, so he had a
biopsy done in Germany, and they
proved it was cancerous. He was
sent to Walter Reed Hospital, and
they confirmed that he had cancer
of the prostate. He had read a
copy of my book that his mother
had given him, and all of a sudden
he wanted to go the alternative
route and he called me from
Germany and said, “Here, I want
you to help me get rid of cancer.”
I said, “You know that you’re
asking me a very legally doubtful situation, I would be legally bound.
I’m not treating you. I can advise
I’m not treating you. I can advise
you what to do, the selection
would be yours.” He said, “Yes, I understood that.” So I told him
what to do, what to take and what
not to take. As it happens, he’s got
not to take. As it happens, he’s got
three coffee plantations in
Panama, and he’s in love with
coffee. I said, “Sorry, that love has
to go.” That’s the kiss of death.
And he loved his beer in Germany,
oh my God. I said, “That too. It
can’t be.” So, he changed his
lifestyle because it was a question
of his health. And within a few
weeks his PSA came down and he
went to Walter Reed in 2001 and
they pronounced him totally
cancer free, and he has been
cancer free ever since.
A young man I know, Andrew
A young man I know, Andrew
Bowman, was a classic case of dehydration. He developed
allergies at the age of eight years, diabetes at 14, with neuropathy at
26. He had asthma at the same
time he had allergies but needed treatment when he was 23. He
had immune system suppression,
he had several bouts ofinfectious mononucleosis, and of course
when one gets infectious ‘mono,’
once is enough, but he had it three
or four times. He had a lump on
the left flank of his side, they took
it and biopsied it and it was
positive for lymphoma. He had a
gallium test, the lymphoma was
all over his body, he just glowed
with lymphoma tissue. They
offered him the orthodox
treatment, they said they would
give him total body X-ray. They
‘fried’ him. He got burned, second-
and third-degree burns and he
refused to do it any more, and
none the less the cancer was
growing there. They told him to go
and put his affairs in order
and put his affairs in order
because he had no more time,
they gave him three months at the
time. He was going through Wilkes
Barre, Pennsylvania, and we have
some people interested in this
work, and he met this man Bob
Butts, who is a proponent of the
water cure in northeast
water cure in northeast
Pennsylvania. He spent hundreds
of thousands of dollars educating
the people in northeast
Pennsylvania about dehydration.
He took Andrew Bowman under
his wing and told him to drink
water. He contacted me, I told him
what to do. And in November of
1995, that is a few months later,
he was totally free of lymphoma.
He is still free of lymphoma. He
hasn’t looked back on lymphoma.
His diabetes, which is the only
remnant of the symptoms of his dehydration, he was taking 96
units of insulin, he’s now taking 36.
His eye problems disappeared, his
leg problems disappeared, they
didn’t have to amputate it.

Naturally moving water,
Naturally moving water,
whirling life energies in and out to
higher and higher levels,
higher and higher levels,
thus being the cause of physical
and spiritual growth for all life in
God’s creation.
Practical Use of Water
to Maintain Good Health
So, water is an unknown quantity
Practical Use of Water
to Maintain Good Health
So, water is an unknown quantity
that God has revealed for mankind
in trouble, in times of need, when
we are being enslaved by the pharmaceutical industry and the ignorance of my colleagues in the
medical community. The
medical community. The
treatment process is very simple;
prevent dehydration first. You
need water on a regular basis, you
need salt on a regular basis. You
need daily exercise because your
brain chemistry depends on how
you move your muscles. When
you use your muscles, you burn
the branched-chain amino acids,
which are competitors to
tryptophan passage across the
blood brain barrier. And once you
burn those, your body chemistry
will begin to function normally.
The calf muscles are your
secondary hearts for venous
circulation. That is why you need
to exercise every day.
You need a balanced vegetable
You need a balanced vegetable
and protein diet, a ratio of 20 to
80, 80 percent vegetables and
fruits, not very much starch, and
fruits, not very much starch, and
20 percent protein.
Do this and take the right amounts
Do this and take the right amounts
of water and cut out sodas, I can
assure you, I guarantee no
disease will occur in you for a long
time. You need your water before
your food. First thing in the
morning when you wake up, drink
two glasses of water to offset the dehydration of overnight. Then you
need a glass of water half an hour
need a glass of water half an hour
before food because if you expect
to digest the food, you better
give the free-water beforehand.
give the free-water beforehand.
You need also a glass of water
two-and-a-half hours after food, to
wrap up the process of digestion,
and re-hydrate the areas that lost
water to the circulation. You need
for every quart or liter of water a
quarter teaspoon of salt, you also
need the other minerals in order to
regulate the volume of water that
regulate the volume of water that
is held inside the cells. You need a balanced protein; eggs are very
good, cottage cheese is excellent,
to give you all the amino acids
and balanced structure.
To reverse any of the diseases
To reverse any of the diseases
produced by dehydration, it is
essential to adequately
supplement the body with intra-
cellular minerals; the diet must
be high in its potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and manganese content. This is a very
simple solution to cure any of the modern diseases we have come
be high in its potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and manganese content. This is a very
simple solution to cure any of the modern diseases we have come
I have been asked if drinking
I have been asked if drinking
enough water would be the best protection against pollutants in
our environment.
Absolutely. It would offset the
Absolutely. It would offset the
damage that is produced by these
things, first, and secondly it will immediately flush the toxic
things, first, and secondly it will immediately flush the toxic
material out of the body, and for
example if you take radioactive
example if you take radioactive
iodine, it will wash it out very
quickly. If iodine becomes
radioactive as a result of
radioactive as a result of
radioactivity, water washes it out
from the body. Water is a
tremendous cleansing solution
against all these toxic materials.
Tap Water versus Bottled Water
Concerning the difference in tap
Tap Water versus Bottled Water
Concerning the difference in tap
water versus bottled water;
fortunately, city water is not
charging you as much as bottled
water companies. At least the city
water has a regulator, and these
bottled waters have no regulators.
City water comes under constant
scrutiny. If the smell of chlorine is
scrutiny. If the smell of chlorine is
a bother, chlorine is a gas; let the
water stand, in half an hour it
disappears and the water
becomes free. Fluoride I have no
control over, but fluoride naturally
control over, but fluoride naturally
is a toxic substance, but I think
the vote is out yet on fluoride. A
lot of people say it is bad, but I’ve
seen fluoride having been used
in order to produce hardening of
in order to produce hardening of
soft bones in osteoporotic people,
so I do not know very much about
fluoride as they say. Some areas
fluoride as they say. Some areas
may have oversupplied fluoride, of course that is dangerous, but
fortunately it is not frequent. But
fortunately it is not frequent. But
these bottled waters can easily
become contaminated and you
don’t know when they’ve made
them, how they stored them, and
most of these large bottles are
ordinary tap water that is being
sold, so the source of water is not known.
One company apparently was
One company apparently was
advocating that this water comes
from such-and-such a spring, and
on “60 Minutes” they did research
on that water and discovered that
it was actually tap water from
Miami,which is the worst water in America!
The People’s Urgent Need
to Know the Truth of Water
It needs to be taken to the public,
The People’s Urgent Need
to Know the Truth of Water
It needs to be taken to the public,
from pulpits, from person to
person, in any way that is possible
, because there is no other way to
break the stranglehold of the pharmaceutical industry over the
neck and throat of the public. I
have initiated discussion with a
lawyer to begin proceedings
against the FDA, because I do
believe the FDA has been remiss
about sharing this information
with the public, and has given way
to the pharmaceutical industry’s treatment of states of dehydration
with medication, and I think this
damage is actually producing a lot
of inconvenience and prolonged problems for children.
There are fifteen million asthmatic children in America, and a child
There are fifteen million asthmatic children in America, and a child
who develops asthma at the age
of four or five will be like Andrew Bowman and by the age of 30 or
40 will develop a whole host of
other problems and will die. And in
other problems and will die. And in
fact, every year about five or six thousand asthmatic children die
on the way to the hospital.
So share this blessing of God with others, and take a stand to stop
So share this blessing of God with others, and take a stand to stop
the present health care ‘sting’
against those who do not yet
know that chronicdehydration is
the root cause of most
degenerative diseases of the
human body. ◆

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj,
M.D. received his formal medical
training at St. Mary’s Hospital
Medical School of London University.
He has devoted most of his
active medical life to researching
the cause and cure of different
pains in the human body. As a
result of his breakthrough
Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj,
M.D. received his formal medical
training at St. Mary’s Hospital
Medical School of London University.
He has devoted most of his
active medical life to researching
the cause and cure of different
pains in the human body. As a
result of his breakthrough
discoveries in medicine and his
extensive knowledge and
extensive knowledge and
experience, he has published
several books, videos and audio
several books, videos and audio
tapes and medical research
series. For book orders or further information please contact or call
our office closest to you.
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