“知己知彼,百战不殆” – 孙子
“Know yourself and know your enemy and a
hundred battles would not even begin”– Sun Zi
This is a commonly misunderstood quote by the
great strategist, Sun Zi. Many business owners
and marketers have understood this as advice to
know your enemy. As a result, great effort has
been spent on knowing the competitors of the
company. On the contrary, the emphasis in this
quote is given to knowing yourself first. When
you know yourself, you will know your strengths
and the options that you have available.
So where do you start as an internet marketer?
It starts with knowing yourself. What are your
dreams? You may have forgotten or shelved your
childhood dreams and ambitions. These dreams
and ambitions can give you some insight about
When I was growing up, I used to play computer
games like Theme Hospital, SimCity 3000 and
Roller Coaster Tycoon. All these games were
similar as it involved building a system, letting it
run and achieving the objective of the game.
Even when I played war strategy games like
'Command and Conquer', I was more interested
in building up my base and fortifying it rather
than destroying the enemy in a short and decisive
This gave me an understanding of myself. It
helped me to understand that I like building
systems and observing how the system runs by
itself to achieve the objectives.
Today, my line of work is similar. I get to build
Google advertising campaigns for my clients and
subsequently, observe how my campaigns
generate sales leads. With the data that is
generated from the ad campaigns, I would
optimize the campaigns and further enhance the
performance of the campaigns to increase the
number of sales leads generated.
Knowing your interest can give you clues about
where you can start. For many people, faith is an
integral part of their lives. For me, my Christian
faith is a large part of my life. I love Jesus and I
love getting to know Him better. This sometimes
involved reading books about how people have
experienced the love of Jesus and other books
about how people have received physical healing
from Jesus.
Because of my interest in Christianity, I chose
this as my niche when I first started out with
affiliate marketing. I created a website where I
wrote about Christianity and wrote reviews about
the Christian books that I read. I also included
Amazon links to those books so that my readers
could buy those items from Amazon using my
affiliate link. When a purchase was made using
my affiliate link, I would earn a commission
from Amazon for promoting the sale of the item.
Your interests can give you clues to the niches
that you can choose. For example, if you’re a
body builder, you can start a website and a
YouTube channel about bodybuilding. You can
talk about the common mistakes that people
make and what they should do to build the body
that they want. Along the way, you can promote
products that they can use to help them to
achieve their goals. You can get these products
from various sources. You can look at affiliate
programmes with fitness products and training
programmes. Or you can buy these products and
sell them using an e-commerce site or on
Amazon and eBay. Or you might be able to find
a multi-level marketing programme with good
nutrition products that you can promote using
your website and your YouTube channel. There
are many options that you can explore and I am
sure that you will enjoy the process.
What are your strengths?
Knowing your strengths can help to give you
some direction in your internet marketing career
too. Through my years in school, I knew that I
am good with numbers. I practiced many math
questions and I would know intuitively if a
solution is calculated wrongly.
Currently, as an owner of a Google Advertising
Agency, my work involves numbers. Google
advertising generates many statistics that are not
personally identifiable. These collated statistics
allows me to know which of my ads are working
well and which are not. The numbers give me
insights to improve on the ads and increase the
sales leads generated from the ads.
Take 10 minutes now to do some reflection about
yourself and answer these 3 questions:
1. What are your dreams?
2. What are your interests?
3. What are your strengths?
Try to list 5 answers for each of the above
questions. Remember, there are no right or
wrong answers. The whole objective of doing
this exercise is to know yourself better and to
give you clues about what you can do in your
internet marketing career.
Next, make a small investment in yourself by
doing this marketing “personality
test”. I don’t make any affiliate commissions by
recommending this test to you. I have however,
taken this test and I found it useful in
understanding my marketing preferences. It also
helped me to understand the marketing
preferences of my team mates and this helped us
in allocating work within the agency.
I believe that you will find your personality test
result to be useful as well. This test will reveal
some of the marketing activities that you should
pursue and those that you should avoid. To take
the marketing “personality test”, visit:
Finally, I want to encourage you to start
somewhere. We do sometimes fall into analysis
paralysis and over analyse things. Don’t be
afraid to start. When you start doing something,
you will learn from the experience and you’ll
know yourself better. If you keep analyzing your
options, you might find yourself thinking in
circles and you may never conclude. You’ll never
know if you never try.
So, take a step and start trying something. When
you start doing something related to internet
marketing, give yourself some time to get good
at it.
Everyone needs some time to get good at a skill
before you start making money out of it. If you
need to make ends meet, it might be good to keep a day job or a part time job to help make ends meet while you work on your internet marketing skills. When your skills are creating enough value for you to be paying your expenses with your earnings from internet marketing, it’ll be a good time for you to consider if you still want to keep your day job or your part
time job. This journey will allow you to know yourself better and to grow in the process. Remember to have fun and enjoy the journey!
Ye Fuda
CEO and Founder of Midas SEM
Learn to attract your first customer
A Customized Communication Profile
for Sales & Marketing Professionals
"Can Your Marketing and Selling Become Easier, Less Tedious, Less Frustrating and More Rewarding? Take this short, PERSONALIZED test and I'll deliver a 1 in 10,000 Customized Training Course & Profile Report based on YOUR Unique Marketing DNA."
• See if you're doing what you're truly gifted to do, based on your natural persuasion profile
• Get customized guidance to navigate the confusing maze of outsourcing, finding employees, finding employment and freelancing
• Find the exact combination of selling skills that works for YOU (only one person in 1,000 has a profile that closely resembles yours!)
• Accelerate achievement of your business goals with an exquisitely customized report delivered just minutes after you're done - followed by a personally tailored, training course over the next few weeks to help you do what you love and outsource the rest.
Perry Marshall wrote the world's best-selling books on both Google AdWords and Facebook advertising. The Marketing DNA Test is his latest innovation for helping sales people, marketers and entrepreneurs flourish in their gifted zone.
Many sales and marketing courses SAY "everyone can do it" and "this works for everyone" and "this is a system and the system never fails."
The truth is, if something's worth paying money for, NOT anyone can do it, nor should they. There are some sales and marketing tasks that you excel at and others that drive you crazy.
I personally spent years doing sales jobs I would NEVER be good at, ever. Even today as one of the highest paid marketing consultants in the world, I would still struggle with those jobs.
Even if you are brand new, a combination of selling skills you already have place you in the top 10%. You just need to know what your key skills are and what arena you should compete in.
Should you be...
Writing advertising copy?
Selling face to face?
Giving webinars?
Producing video?
Buying Pay Per Click traffic?
Flogging Social Media?
Speaking at conferences?
Designing websites?
Creating new products?
The Marketing DNA Test answers this and shows what to pursue and what to avoid. It also helps you assign tasks to employees and find freelancers and team members who bring exactly what you lack.

MarketingDNAtest.com is a service of Perry S. Marshall & Associates which consults both online and brick-and-mortar companies on generating sales leads, web traffic, and maximizing advertising results. Perry is the world's best selling author and most quoted expert on Google AdWords. His work is referenced in the New York Times, Forbes, the Washington Post and Fast Company.
Our test is designed to assess specific strengths and weaknesses for marketers and sales people so we might provide the materials and training most specific to your needs. We offer a slew of superbly, customized materials as a way of introducing you to our world. Take the Test Now to see how we can help you become a prevailing force in marketing today.
"I have spent nearly 20 years in Dilbert cubes at large corporations and have taken a number of instruments like the one you have created…I do believe that your instrument is an overall good reflection of how I think, my motivations, what charges me and what drains me."
- Dave Voelker, Hebron, KY
"Really cool tool. Reminds me of a Kolbe score. It is spot on."
- Brandon Boyd, Grand Rapids, MI
"Yes, it was pretty right! I think it nailed my strengths and weaknesses on the head."
- Joe Martinico, Los Angeles, CA
"You were dead on the money. My background is journalism, so many of the results of the DNA test were wordsmith-related. My dislikes were also correct, which is why I give those tasks to employees. Good stuff!"
- Steve Phillips, Cincinnati, OH
"While it definitely took some thought to answer the questions, the results were pretty much bang on. I was quite surprised."
- Burt Campbell, Calgary, AB Canada
"I took the Marketing DNA test and was blown away. It has given me such clarity on what I should be doing. This has been a major step in a very right and very needed direction."
- Rob Julien
Volume Pricing
QTY PRICE (each)
1 $37
10 $30
25 $25
50 $20
100 $17
Email support@perrymarshall.com
to purchase extra credits.
"The Marketing DNA test blew my mind. I was not expecting it to be anything but general in scope, but when the results came in and was almost 100% accurate, I realized how powerful a tool it is. The only thing I could say is, WOW."
- Jack Medlin, Sales Professional, Chicago, IL
"I feel like it got a lot of things right about me. For example, I tend to like recorded more than live. That's absolutely true. It also told me things that I know to be true but have never verbalized like how I am into visuals, I'm good at copy writing, and putting things together."
- Scott Buendia, Beaverton, OR
"Well, I can say that I've taken many personality tests in the past...Meyers-Briggs, Strengths Finder, Kolbe and probably 6 or 7 others and the results are very consistent with all those. I was impressed that the results were so accurate even with so few questions."
- John Fancher, Oak Park, IL
"Dude. So accurate J. Well done! The questions were totally thought-provoking, as well, in and of themselves. I forwarded my results to wifey and she got a kick out of them (as well as to my COO)."
- Nate Hagerty, Overland Park, KS
"Perry, this thing is freaking AWESOME! It really is spot on. I loved this--it's powerful. I read my results to Ron and he was laughing out loud because it was so accurate. I also think it actually makes you feel good about yourself—and who you authentically are. It's really really cool."
- Tina Lorenz, Yuma, AZ
Volume Pricing
QTY PRICE (each)
1 $37
10 $30
25 $25
50 $20
100 $17
Email support@perrymarshall.com
to purchase extra credits.
"I recommend Perry Marshall’s Marketing DNA test – the analysis is quite interesting, and you’ll learn some things about your preferences which don’t surface in the Strengths and DiSC assessments. For example, his assessment gives you a lot more insights into how you like to create content and present it. You’ll also love Perry’s edgy writing. This is not your typical HR-speak stuff. Everyone person I know who’s taken this reports that it nailed them and gave them confidence to do more with the way they are naturally wired."
- Glenn Brooke Johnston, Iowa
"All my new hires I make take the Marketing DNA Test, which has been huge. The factors I’ve found: My sales people who are really good, are they’re higher on LIVE (obviously); they’re higher on WORDS over IMAGES, and high on the EMPATHY scale. I’ve got one guy who does a really good job, but he doesn’t do nearly as good a job as I’d like because he’s so gruff. I found out he’s a “2” on the EMPATHY scale. So what you should do is hire people who are high on the EMPATHY scale and make sure you let them be the Customer Support/Therapy Department, to soothe customers when the machine fails to run the way it’s supposed to."
- Michael Strickland, Boulder Colorado

Kathleen Andres Testimonial
“Know yourself and know your enemy and a
hundred battles would not even begin”– Sun Zi
This is a commonly misunderstood quote by the
great strategist, Sun Zi. Many business owners
and marketers have understood this as advice to
know your enemy. As a result, great effort has
been spent on knowing the competitors of the
company. On the contrary, the emphasis in this
quote is given to knowing yourself first. When
you know yourself, you will know your strengths
and the options that you have available.
So where do you start as an internet marketer?
It starts with knowing yourself. What are your
dreams? You may have forgotten or shelved your
childhood dreams and ambitions. These dreams
and ambitions can give you some insight about
When I was growing up, I used to play computer
games like Theme Hospital, SimCity 3000 and
Roller Coaster Tycoon. All these games were
similar as it involved building a system, letting it
run and achieving the objective of the game.
Even when I played war strategy games like
'Command and Conquer', I was more interested
in building up my base and fortifying it rather
than destroying the enemy in a short and decisive
This gave me an understanding of myself. It
helped me to understand that I like building
systems and observing how the system runs by
itself to achieve the objectives.
Today, my line of work is similar. I get to build
Google advertising campaigns for my clients and
subsequently, observe how my campaigns
generate sales leads. With the data that is
generated from the ad campaigns, I would
optimize the campaigns and further enhance the
performance of the campaigns to increase the
number of sales leads generated.
Knowing your interest can give you clues about
where you can start. For many people, faith is an
integral part of their lives. For me, my Christian
faith is a large part of my life. I love Jesus and I
love getting to know Him better. This sometimes
involved reading books about how people have
experienced the love of Jesus and other books
about how people have received physical healing
from Jesus.
Because of my interest in Christianity, I chose
this as my niche when I first started out with
affiliate marketing. I created a website where I
wrote about Christianity and wrote reviews about
the Christian books that I read. I also included
Amazon links to those books so that my readers
could buy those items from Amazon using my
affiliate link. When a purchase was made using
my affiliate link, I would earn a commission
from Amazon for promoting the sale of the item.
Your interests can give you clues to the niches
that you can choose. For example, if you’re a
body builder, you can start a website and a
YouTube channel about bodybuilding. You can
talk about the common mistakes that people
make and what they should do to build the body
that they want. Along the way, you can promote
products that they can use to help them to
achieve their goals. You can get these products
from various sources. You can look at affiliate
programmes with fitness products and training
programmes. Or you can buy these products and
sell them using an e-commerce site or on
Amazon and eBay. Or you might be able to find
a multi-level marketing programme with good
nutrition products that you can promote using
your website and your YouTube channel. There
are many options that you can explore and I am
sure that you will enjoy the process.
What are your strengths?
Knowing your strengths can help to give you
some direction in your internet marketing career
too. Through my years in school, I knew that I
am good with numbers. I practiced many math
questions and I would know intuitively if a
solution is calculated wrongly.
Currently, as an owner of a Google Advertising
Agency, my work involves numbers. Google
advertising generates many statistics that are not
personally identifiable. These collated statistics
allows me to know which of my ads are working
well and which are not. The numbers give me
insights to improve on the ads and increase the
sales leads generated from the ads.
Take 10 minutes now to do some reflection about
yourself and answer these 3 questions:
1. What are your dreams?
2. What are your interests?
3. What are your strengths?
Try to list 5 answers for each of the above
questions. Remember, there are no right or
wrong answers. The whole objective of doing
this exercise is to know yourself better and to
give you clues about what you can do in your
internet marketing career.
Next, make a small investment in yourself by
doing this marketing “personality
test”. I don’t make any affiliate commissions by
recommending this test to you. I have however,
taken this test and I found it useful in
understanding my marketing preferences. It also
helped me to understand the marketing
preferences of my team mates and this helped us
in allocating work within the agency.
I believe that you will find your personality test
result to be useful as well. This test will reveal
some of the marketing activities that you should
pursue and those that you should avoid. To take
the marketing “personality test”, visit:
Finally, I want to encourage you to start
somewhere. We do sometimes fall into analysis
paralysis and over analyse things. Don’t be
afraid to start. When you start doing something,
you will learn from the experience and you’ll
know yourself better. If you keep analyzing your
options, you might find yourself thinking in
circles and you may never conclude. You’ll never
know if you never try.
So, take a step and start trying something. When
you start doing something related to internet
marketing, give yourself some time to get good
at it.
Everyone needs some time to get good at a skill
before you start making money out of it. If you
need to make ends meet, it might be good to keep a day job or a part time job to help make ends meet while you work on your internet marketing skills. When your skills are creating enough value for you to be paying your expenses with your earnings from internet marketing, it’ll be a good time for you to consider if you still want to keep your day job or your part
time job. This journey will allow you to know yourself better and to grow in the process. Remember to have fun and enjoy the journey!
Ye Fuda
CEO and Founder of Midas SEM
Learn to attract your first customer
A Customized Communication Profile
for Sales & Marketing Professionals
"Can Your Marketing and Selling Become Easier, Less Tedious, Less Frustrating and More Rewarding? Take this short, PERSONALIZED test and I'll deliver a 1 in 10,000 Customized Training Course & Profile Report based on YOUR Unique Marketing DNA."
• See if you're doing what you're truly gifted to do, based on your natural persuasion profile
• Get customized guidance to navigate the confusing maze of outsourcing, finding employees, finding employment and freelancing
• Find the exact combination of selling skills that works for YOU (only one person in 1,000 has a profile that closely resembles yours!)
• Accelerate achievement of your business goals with an exquisitely customized report delivered just minutes after you're done - followed by a personally tailored, training course over the next few weeks to help you do what you love and outsource the rest.
Perry Marshall wrote the world's best-selling books on both Google AdWords and Facebook advertising. The Marketing DNA Test is his latest innovation for helping sales people, marketers and entrepreneurs flourish in their gifted zone.
Many sales and marketing courses SAY "everyone can do it" and "this works for everyone" and "this is a system and the system never fails."
The truth is, if something's worth paying money for, NOT anyone can do it, nor should they. There are some sales and marketing tasks that you excel at and others that drive you crazy.
I personally spent years doing sales jobs I would NEVER be good at, ever. Even today as one of the highest paid marketing consultants in the world, I would still struggle with those jobs.
Even if you are brand new, a combination of selling skills you already have place you in the top 10%. You just need to know what your key skills are and what arena you should compete in.
Should you be...
Writing advertising copy?
Selling face to face?
Giving webinars?
Producing video?
Buying Pay Per Click traffic?
Flogging Social Media?
Speaking at conferences?
Designing websites?
Creating new products?
The Marketing DNA Test answers this and shows what to pursue and what to avoid. It also helps you assign tasks to employees and find freelancers and team members who bring exactly what you lack.

MarketingDNAtest.com is a service of Perry S. Marshall & Associates which consults both online and brick-and-mortar companies on generating sales leads, web traffic, and maximizing advertising results. Perry is the world's best selling author and most quoted expert on Google AdWords. His work is referenced in the New York Times, Forbes, the Washington Post and Fast Company.
Our test is designed to assess specific strengths and weaknesses for marketers and sales people so we might provide the materials and training most specific to your needs. We offer a slew of superbly, customized materials as a way of introducing you to our world. Take the Test Now to see how we can help you become a prevailing force in marketing today.
"I have spent nearly 20 years in Dilbert cubes at large corporations and have taken a number of instruments like the one you have created…I do believe that your instrument is an overall good reflection of how I think, my motivations, what charges me and what drains me."
- Dave Voelker, Hebron, KY
"Really cool tool. Reminds me of a Kolbe score. It is spot on."
- Brandon Boyd, Grand Rapids, MI
"Yes, it was pretty right! I think it nailed my strengths and weaknesses on the head."
- Joe Martinico, Los Angeles, CA
"You were dead on the money. My background is journalism, so many of the results of the DNA test were wordsmith-related. My dislikes were also correct, which is why I give those tasks to employees. Good stuff!"
- Steve Phillips, Cincinnati, OH
"While it definitely took some thought to answer the questions, the results were pretty much bang on. I was quite surprised."
- Burt Campbell, Calgary, AB Canada
"I took the Marketing DNA test and was blown away. It has given me such clarity on what I should be doing. This has been a major step in a very right and very needed direction."
- Rob Julien
Volume Pricing
QTY PRICE (each)
1 $37
10 $30
25 $25
50 $20
100 $17
Email support@perrymarshall.com
to purchase extra credits.
"The Marketing DNA test blew my mind. I was not expecting it to be anything but general in scope, but when the results came in and was almost 100% accurate, I realized how powerful a tool it is. The only thing I could say is, WOW."
- Jack Medlin, Sales Professional, Chicago, IL
"I feel like it got a lot of things right about me. For example, I tend to like recorded more than live. That's absolutely true. It also told me things that I know to be true but have never verbalized like how I am into visuals, I'm good at copy writing, and putting things together."
- Scott Buendia, Beaverton, OR
"Well, I can say that I've taken many personality tests in the past...Meyers-Briggs, Strengths Finder, Kolbe and probably 6 or 7 others and the results are very consistent with all those. I was impressed that the results were so accurate even with so few questions."
- John Fancher, Oak Park, IL
"Dude. So accurate J. Well done! The questions were totally thought-provoking, as well, in and of themselves. I forwarded my results to wifey and she got a kick out of them (as well as to my COO)."
- Nate Hagerty, Overland Park, KS
"Perry, this thing is freaking AWESOME! It really is spot on. I loved this--it's powerful. I read my results to Ron and he was laughing out loud because it was so accurate. I also think it actually makes you feel good about yourself—and who you authentically are. It's really really cool."
- Tina Lorenz, Yuma, AZ
Volume Pricing
QTY PRICE (each)
1 $37
10 $30
25 $25
50 $20
100 $17
Email support@perrymarshall.com
to purchase extra credits.
"I recommend Perry Marshall’s Marketing DNA test – the analysis is quite interesting, and you’ll learn some things about your preferences which don’t surface in the Strengths and DiSC assessments. For example, his assessment gives you a lot more insights into how you like to create content and present it. You’ll also love Perry’s edgy writing. This is not your typical HR-speak stuff. Everyone person I know who’s taken this reports that it nailed them and gave them confidence to do more with the way they are naturally wired."
- Glenn Brooke Johnston, Iowa
"All my new hires I make take the Marketing DNA Test, which has been huge. The factors I’ve found: My sales people who are really good, are they’re higher on LIVE (obviously); they’re higher on WORDS over IMAGES, and high on the EMPATHY scale. I’ve got one guy who does a really good job, but he doesn’t do nearly as good a job as I’d like because he’s so gruff. I found out he’s a “2” on the EMPATHY scale. So what you should do is hire people who are high on the EMPATHY scale and make sure you let them be the Customer Support/Therapy Department, to soothe customers when the machine fails to run the way it’s supposed to."
- Michael Strickland, Boulder Colorado

Kathleen Andres Testimonial
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