Mahkota Dewa . In Indonesia this fruit is know as “Proven Health Benefits of Mahkota Fruit”
“A Super Herb for Healing Lots of Ailments”
Mahkota dewa fruit or phaleria macrocarpa and also know as God’s Crown is a powerful healing herbal fruit which is full of antioxidants. This wonderful fruit is full of healing qualities including boosting vitality, healing skin disease, helps with diabetes, heals gout, lowers cholesterol, helps prevent heart disease, helps with kidney disease, boosts immunity, detoxes the body in general and more.
Where it Grows - The Mahkota plant grows in Asia including China and is very common in Indonesia and surrounding islands and Malaysia and New Guinea. It’s an evergreen tree with red or green fruits which are very healing. Mahkota fruit tea is well known in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Other names - Mahkota fruit is also known as The Crown of Gods, Crown of the Lord, Makuto rojo, Makutadewa, Makuto mewo, and Makuto queen.

Parts Used - The flesh of the fruit, the skin, and the leaves are used, but the seeds of the fruit are poisonous.
Contains - Mahkota fruit contains saponins, alkaloids, antihistamines, and polyphenol compounds which are all very healing.
Improves Circulation - Mahkota fruit helps to increase circulation throughout the body including coronary arteries thus helping to prevent heart attacks.
Lowers Cholesterol - Mahkota fruit helps lower LDL or bad cholesterol.
Powerful Anti-inflammatory - Mahkota fruit is a powerful anti-inflammatory thus helping with arthritis, joint pain, redness, swelling, and body pain in general.
Antibacterial and antiviral - Mahkota fruit tea is also a very potent antibacterial and antiviral agent which helps with all kinds of diseases including colds, flues, and other ailments.
Lowers Blood Sugar - Mahkota fruit also helps to lower blood sugar levels making this tea very important for those who suffer from diabetes.
Helps with Gout - This powerful healing fruit also helps clear uric acid from the body… and thus get rid of the pain and swelling associated with gout.
Good for Kidney Tissue - Mahkota fruit also helps with kidney disease because it contains lots of antioxidants which are important for healing in general.
Lowers Blood Pressure - Mahkota fruit tea also lowers blood pressure. Being a good vasodilator it opens up blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.
Great Immune System Booster - Mahkota fruit contains lots of powerful antioxidants that boosts up our immune system.
Lowers Fevers - Mahkota fruit also lower fevers just like while willow bark or aspirin.
Good Detoxing Agent - Mahkota fruit also helps to detox the liver and the body in general with powerful alkaloids.
Heals Diarrhea - Because of all those powerful alkaloids, Mahkota fruit also heals diarrhea.
Works Well for Allergies - Mahkota leaves contain a very strong antihistamine called polifenol which works well for healing allergies.
Cancer and Leukemia - Studies show that Mahkota fruit tea can inhibit cancer cell growth by as much as 50%— more studies to be done.
Heals Acne and Other Skin Problems - Mahkota fruit also works well for healing acne, eczema, and psoriasis, rashes, helps with itching and other skin irritations.
How to Make Mahkota Tea - Take 100 grams of dried Mahkota fruit and add it to 500 ml of boiling water. Simmer until reduced to half its volume or 250 ml. Then let cool and strain and keep in a glass or plastic jar in the frig— will keep for 2 weeks.
Dose for Tea - Drink one cup of mahkota fruit tea AM and PM and only used for 7 to 10 days. Then take a week off and then repeat if needed.
Forms - Most commonly found as dried fruit for herbal tea.
Side Effects - The seeds are toxic and should not be used. And drinking too much tea can lead to headaches. And of course, those who are pregnant, nursing, or small children should not use mahkota fruit tea. And the fruit is not edible until processed.
Finding - Mahkota tea can be found on Amazon and eBay and other on-line retailers and the trees can also be found for sale on Amazon and eBay.
Enjoy this powerful herbal remedy.

Benefits of the mahkota dewa fruit for the health and vitality of men
The fruit of the mahkota dewa is the original plant from Indonesia originally from Papua - Irian Jaya.
Many people often hear the word mahkota dewa, but not many people have ever seen the shape and form of this mahkota dewa fruit.
Here are some photos of the mahkota dewa tree in my home garden.

Plants and Fruit mahkota dewa has many benefits for the health of the body in because many have mineral and nutrient content such as: Content of polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloid substances, saponins substances and so forth. Content that is very good for the health of the body are useful for:
1. Smooth blood circulation.
Content of this flavonoid substances that serve to accelerate blood circulation in the body. If the blood circulation in our body smoothly then we can avoid various diseases and other health problems.2. Lowering cholesterol
High blood cholesterol disease can cause various diseases complications which is very dangerous to the body. The fruit of this mahkota dewa is also very well consumed to lower blood cholesterol levels are high, this flavonoid substance that can play a role in lowering cholesterol levels in the body.3. Ward off bacteria.
The content of alkaloids contained in the fruit is very useful to ward off bacteria that exist in the body as immunity. so the body is not susceptible to bacterial infections. And various diseases caused by bacteria can be overcome by eating this fruit.
4. Anti-inflammatory.
Flavonoid substances contained in the fruit content of this mahkota dewa is very useful as an anti-bacterial. We can consume boiled water from this fruit on a regular basis to get optimal results. So it will be very beneficial for us to avoid the various diseases that caused inflamasi.5. Vitality and reproduction of men.
Saponin content is useful to maintain and increase vitality for men. Simply by boiling the fruit of the godless dry crown and then drink one hour before sexual intercourse. Drinking boiled water from the fruit is beneficial to maintain and increase vitality.6. Treating tumors.
Tumors are abnormal lumps contained in the body. The content of antioxidants in the skin of the mahkota dewa is as good as the antioxidant content found in the skin of the mangosteen fruit as an antidote and free radical destroyer.7. Treating flu and cough.
This fruit has a myriad of benefits that are good for the health of the body. flu and cough are included in the benefits of this fruit. Flu and cough is a disease caused by the virus, the antiviral content contained in this fruit can treat the flu and cough in the body.8. Treating coronary heart disease.
Coronary heart disease includes into a very dangerous disease and also a killer that is very deadly. Which causes blockage of blood flow to the heart.Flavonoids contained in fruit content is expressed to facilitate blood flow to the heart.
9. Ward off free radicals.
Our bodies are very vulnerable to free radicals. This fruit can be used to ward off free radicals. Due to the antioxidants that exist in the skin of this fruit that will play a role to ward off free radicals that will enter the body.10. Improving the immune system.
The content of saponins contained in this fruit is very useful to improve the immune system in the body.In addition to the ten kinds of benefits and efficacy of the mahkota dewa for health.
14 Benefits and Benefits Another mahkota dewa.
The almonds contained in the mahkota dewa are also effective:
Anti virus.
Prevent and treat cancer cells and tumors.
Reduce fat deposits in blood vessels.
Treat cancer.
Treat rheumatism.
Expel allergy.
Treat gout.
Treating diabetes mellitus.
Improve metabolic system.
Good as a dysentery medicine.
Pain relief joints.
Treat itching itch
Treating hepatitis
Good for detox.
Thus the benefits of the crown of god for the health of the body.
Look forward to my next posting on how to process the fruit of this mahkota dewa as a body health drink. Odysseus, a Greek god to find people eat lotus flowers. On the Affairs of China, lotus flower, daylily, and chrysanthemum eaten for centuries. Colonies of the United States soldiers were cooking with acidic flavor of violets. That proves that eating flowers was done long ago. But, is not just any flowers can be consumed. Because there are also flowers that contain toxic and deadly. Humans can feel the efficacy of interest if the true and proper processing.
Plants are also effective to treat the disease. For example, flowers crown the god or Phaleria macrocarpa. Tree crown height of about 1.5 god - 5 meters with a greenish brown stems. Leaves single, elongated oval pointy toes. While the fruit is round with varying sizes. Young fruit color is green. While the old maroon. This flower nutritious treat diseases including: cancer, liver, kidney, diabetes. Crown gods had long been used as a medicinal plant by the nobles of Java. In Central Java known as Dewo Makuto. Previously, only to be found in Kraton Yogyakarta and Solo environment.
Tree Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) is known as one of the medicinal plants in Indonesia. Originally from Papua / Irian Jaya. Crown of god is a plant species that grow and grow trees throughout the year, It was able to reach a height of 3-4m.Batang gummy consists of greenish brown skin and white sticks, It was rooted tunjang.
Leaves elliptical, Lansing, & hujungnya elongated tapered, flat leaf edges, surfaces smooth and hairless leaves.
Flowers are white crown of the gods and smelling good. Flowers are small flowers resembling cloves.
Phaleria consists of skin, meat, shell & seeds. Fruit is round, 3-5cm in diameter, smooth, grooved, when young, green and red color after cooking. White flesh, fibrous and watery.
Skin of the fruit shell is a seed that also includes a portion which is often utilized as ubat, It was necessary at first boiled.
Seed is the most poisonous plants Courant. The shape is oval diameter of about 1cm round & brown, the white portion.
Chemical Ingredients
1. Leaves: contain adequate antihistamines, alkaloids, saponins & polyphenols (lignans)
2. Fruit Skin: contain adequate alkaloids, saponins & flavonoids.
3. Fruit: alkanoid, tannins, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, lignans, essential oils & sterols.
The nature & Benefits
1. Fruit skin and flesh Fruit: mengubati dysentery (bloody diarrhea), psoriasis & acne.
2. Leaves and Seeds: mengubati various types of skin problems such as ekzim & gatal2.
3. Fruit: antitumor, antidisentri, antiinsekta, mengubati eczema, hepatotoxic & antibodies.
Components of the new lignans contained in meat extracts Phaleria berumus H2O molecule C6 O6 & structured 5 - {4 (-menthoxy-tetrahydrofuro-phenyl-[3,4-c] furan-1-yl)-benzene-1, 2 ,3-triol.
Between The disease can be Cured With a mixture of Mahkota Dewa
1. Kanser & Tumors
2. Eczema (Skin Diseases)
3. Diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
4. Hipertansi (Blood Pressure)
5. Hepatitis (Liver Inflammation)
6. Rheumatic (joint pain)
7. Uric acid (Gout Arthritis)
8. Heart Disease
9. Kidney Disorders
- A portion of fruit seeds are particularly poisonous, It was necessary in boiled before eating.
- Pregnant women are prohibited from taking the results of this processing plant.
Phaleria contain several active substances such as:
- Alkaloids, is detoxification which can neutralize toxins in the body
- Saponin, which is useful as:
The source of anti-bacterial and anti-virus
enhance the immune system
enhance the vitality
reduce blood sugar levels
reduce blood clotting
- Flavonoids
blood circulation throughout the body and prevent blockages in blood vessels
reduce the cholesterol content of fat and reduce penumbunan on blood vessel walls
reduce the levels of risk of coronary heart disease
contains anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory)
act as anti-oxidants
help to reduce pain if there is bleeding or swelling
- Polyphenols
serve as an antihistamine (allergy)
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