Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Heel Pain Remedy

 What causes pain in the heel?

Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis) 
Heel pain is most often caused by plantar fasciitis, a condition that is sometimes also called heel spur syndrome when a spur is present. Heel pain may also be due to other causes, such as a stress fracture, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation or, rarely, a cyst.

Heel pain is often caused by plantar fasciitis

Because there are several potential causes, it is important to have heel pain properly diagnosed. A foot and ankle surgeon is able to distinguish between all the possibilities and to determine the underlying source of your heel pain.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?
Heel pain is often caused by plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the band of tissue (the plantar fascia) that extends from the heel to the toes. In this condition, the fascia first becomes irritated and then inflamed, resulting in heel pain.

The most common cause of plantar fasciitis relates to faulty structure of the foot. For example, people who have problems with their arches, either overly flat feet or high-arched feet, are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis.

Wearing non-supportive footwear on hard, flat surfaces puts abnormal strain on the plantar fascia and can also lead to plantar fasciitis. This is particularly evident when one’s job requires long hours standing on the feet. Obesity and overuse may also contribute to plantar fasciitis.

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis are:

•Pain on the bottom of the heel
•Pain in the arch of the foot
•Pain that is usually worse upon arising
•Pain that increases over a period of months
•Swelling on the bottom of the heel

People with plantar fasciitis often describe the pain as worse when they get up in the morning or after they have been sitting for long periods of time. After a few minutes of walking, the pain decreases because walking stretches the fascia. For some people, the pain subsides but returns after spending long periods of time on their feet.

To arrive at a diagnosis, the foot and ankle surgeon will obtain your medical history and examine your foot. Throughout this process, the surgeon rules out all possible causes for your heel pain other than plantar fasciitis.

In addition, diagnostic imaging studies, such as x-rays or other imaging modalities, may be used to distinguish the different types of heel pain. Sometimes heel spurs are found in patients with plantar fasciitis, but these are rarely a source of pain. When they are present, the condition may be diagnosed as plantar fasciitis/heel spur syndrome.

Nonsurgical Treatment
Treatment of plantar fasciitis begins with first-line strategies, which you can begin at home:

•Stretching exercises. Exercises that stretch out the calf muscles help ease pain and assist with recovery.
•Avoid going barefoot. When you walk without shoes, you put undue strain and stress on your plantar fascia.
•Ice. Putting an ice pack on your heel for 20 minutes several times a day helps reduce inflammation. Place a thin towel between the ice and your heel; do not apply ice directly to the skin.
•Limit activities. Cut down on extended physical activities to give your heel a rest.
•Shoe modifications. Wearing supportive shoes that have good arch support and a slightly raised heel reduces stress on the plantar fascia.
•Medications. Oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation.

If you still have pain after several weeks, see your foot and ankle surgeon, who may add one or more of these treatment approaches:

•Padding, taping and strapping. Placing pads in the shoe softens the impact of walking. Taping and strapping help support the foot and reduce strain on the fascia.
•Orthotic devices. Custom orthotic devices that fit into your shoe help correct the underlying structural abnormalities causing the plantar fasciitis.
•Injection therapy. In some cases, corticosteroid injections are used to help reduce the inflammation and relieve pain.
•Removable walking cast. A removable walking cast may be used to keep your foot immobile for a few weeks to allow it to rest and heal.
•Night splint. Wearing a night splint allows you to maintain an extended stretch of the plantar fascia while sleeping. This may help reduce the morning pain experienced by some patients.
•Physical therapy. Exercises and other physical therapy measures may be used to help provide relief.
 • Try Paida Lajin, an ancient Chinese exercise. Click here

When Is Surgery Needed?
Although most patients with plantar fasciitis respond to nonsurgical treatment, a small percentage of patients may require surgery. If, after several months of nonsurgical treatment, you continue to have heel pain, surgery will be considered. Your foot and ankle surgeon will discuss the surgical options with you and determine which approach would be most beneficial for you.

Long-Term Care

No matter what kind of treatment you undergo for plantar fasciitis, the underlying causes that led to this condition may remain. Therefore, you will need to continue with preventive measures. Wearing supportive shoes, stretching and using custom orthotic devices are the mainstay of long-term treatment for plantar fasciitis.

What is the home remedy for heel pain?

Here are seven easy home remedies that can provide a good degree of relief from the throbbing pain.
•Epsom salt bath. Epsom salt is nothing but magnesium sulphate. ...
•Massage with essential oils. ...
•Apple cider vinegar. ...
•Ice pack. ...
•Baking soda. ...
•Flaxseed oil. ...
•Have anti-inflammatory foods.

A heel spur is a condition, which causes calcium deposits that lead to a bony intrusion under the heel bone. It is often associated to the inflammation of the connective tissues between the foot and the heel bone and thus, leaving you in pain. It may also lead to swelling, irritation and weakening of the arch bone.  Heel spurs are sometimes painful — described as a knife digging into the heel — and other times, a heel spur goes unnoticed and is only detected by an X-ray. But, you still must do some walking just to perform your activities of daily living, and that means you will have pain. While the treatment includes exercise, anti-inflammatory medicines and surgery in some cases to remove the calcium deposits, there are a few natural solutions to help you deal with the pain. 

Causes Of Heel Spurs

Heel spurs are mostly common among athletes but too much strain on the foot muscles and ligaments can put anyone at risk. Here are some of the most common risk factors:
•Running or jogging excessively on hard surfaces
•Walking abnormally while putting too much stress on the heel bone
•Obesity and excessive weight
•Wearing ill-fitted shoes regularly that do not support the arch properly
•Being diabetic
•People who have flat feel or high arches

The pain caused by heel spurs can often be sharp and stabbing like pin sticking into your heel, especially when you walk or stand up after a period of rest. A diet rich in magnesium (essential for bone formation and calcium absorption) and alkaline foods to balance the PH levels in our body which can prevent inflammation and calcium build-up can help support speedy recovery. Drink 32.53 milli-liter of water for every 1 kilogram of your current body weight, daily.

Here are seven easy home remedies that can provide a good degree of relief from the throbbing pain.

1. Epsom salt bath

Epsom salt is nothing but magnesium sulphate. Interestingly, most of the magnesium in our body is stored in the bones. Sprinkle some Epsom salt in water and dip your feet in it. You can also gently massage your heels with it.

2. Massage with essential oils

Pure essential oils like rosemary or lavender and even everyday oils such as coconut and olive oil can help reduce pain due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Coconut oil also acts as a natural moisturiser that softens your heels. Just warm up the oil slightly and rub it deeply but gently into your heel.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the new super food. It can cure anything from skin and stomach problems to pain. Apple cider vinegar is known to pull out the excess calcium from the bone and bring relief. You can either soak your feet in a tub of warm water with few drops of apple cider vinegar or wrap a wet towel drenched in it around your heel for few minutes.

4. Ice pack

If you’re looking for quick and instant relief you should look at doing cold fomentation. Applying an ice pack on the affected area for few minutes is a great way to soothe swelling and pain. Avoid applying ice directly to your heel – use an ice pack or wrap in in a towel.

5. Baking soda

You’ll be surprised to know the number of things this humble kitchen ingredient can be used for. From giving you beautiful skin to whitening your teeth, baking soda offers a lot of benefits. It works directly on the calcium crystals deposited in the heel. Make a paste by mixing half teaspoon of baking soda in water and apply this on your heel. Baking soda also helps in balancing the pH levels.

6. Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a form of omega-3 fatty acid, which attacks inflammation. Pour some flaxseed oil in warm water and dip a towel in it. Wrap the towel around your heel and place a heating pad over it. Leave it on for at least an hour and avoid moving during this period.

7. Eat anti-inflammatory foods

Certain ingredients like turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper and cumin seeds are known for their strong anti-inflammatory properties. These foods contain natural antioxidants and polyphenol that act as protective compounds and can help reduce levels of inflammation. You can make a decoction with 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger, turmeric or pepper and warm water. Drink this whenever pain arises. With cumin seeds, you can boil them in water, strain and drink up to counter the pain.

Thanks for the nice information on heel spurs, this is exactly the information i have been looking for i believe my readers will be pleased with me sharing this information with them.
JUL 01, 2017 6:23 AM IST

Sunday, June 28, 2020

All About Animal Farm

The principles of Animalism are espoused by Old Major in his speech to the farm and then modified by the pigs as they see fit.  The pigs tell the other animals that “by their studies of the past three months the  pigs had succeeded in reducing the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments” .  These commandments are intended to keep all of the animals equal. 

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal. 

The pig said that everyone would follow the commandments and “they would form an unalterable law by which all the animals on Animal Farm must live for ever after”.  Of course, it does not quite work out this way.  Soon the pigs began changing the commandments.  For example, commandment 4 is changed to forbid not beds, but beds with sheets.  Some animals realize the commandments are being changed. 
Clover had not 

Friday, June 26, 2020

Diabetes Due To Brain Dehydration, People Don't Know

Almost 26 million Americans older than age 20 have diabetes and more than a quarter or 7 million do not know they have the disease, according to estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday.
In addition, more than one-third of adults in the United States (35%) are believed to have what’s called “prediabetes,” which means their blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diabetic.
Diabetes was the seventh-leading cause of death in 2007.  People with diabetes are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease and amputations.
Almost all diabetics (at least 90%) have type 2 diabetes, which is usually linked to older age, obesity, family history of diabetes, previous history of gestational diabetes, physical inactivity.  About 80%  of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health.
People who have type 1 diabetes cannot reverse their disease because their pancreas doesn’t produce insulin because their immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the organ.
People who have type 2 diabetes usually have a pancreas that can produce enough insulin, but for some unknown reasons, according to the NIH, the body cannot use the insulin effectively,  a condition called insulin resistance.  After several years of this, the body’s insulin production decreases.
But those with prediabetes can do something to prevent further illness. “We know that a structured lifestyle program that includes losing weight and increasing physical activity can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.” says Ann Albright, the CDC’s director of the division of Diabetes Translation in a press release.
Prediabetes raises the risk of a person getting type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. (Normal fasting blood sugar levels should be below 100 – anything between 100 and 125 is considered prediabetes and if your blood sugar level is 125 or higher, you’re considered to be diabetic)
According to this new CDC data, half of all Americans over the age of 65 are prediabetic and 27% have diabetes. Minorities are still at higher risk compared with Caucasians: 16 % of American Indians/Alaska Natives, more than 12% of African-Americans and nearly 12% of Hispanic adults now have diabetes, compared with a little more than 8% of Asian-Americans and 7% of non-Hispanic whites.
Just 2 years ago, the CDC estimated nearly 24 million Americans had diabetes and 57 million were prediabetic.
The CDC estimates tab for treating diabetes as well as lost work, premature death, to be $174 billion in 2007.
Editor’s Note: For a comprehensive look at the diabetes epidemic in the United States and what can be done to reverse type 2 diabetes, tune in to “Sanjay Gupta MD,” this Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 a.m. ET on CNN.

arrow65 Comments

  1. AmyLynn says:
    These are the Stats that the BILLIONAIRE DIabetes drug makers Love to Push to you NOT THE CURE
    Diabetes has been reversed in now 10 countires by a Danish filmmaker but the Billionaire drug makers(Big Pharma) hide this from the people just google SPIRIT HAPPY DIET
    • Mike says:
      Shooo, snake oil salesman, shoo!
    • Willowspring says:
      Could you please give more information? I was diagnosed at 69 after an extended round of prednisone, however I was probably prediabetic and did not know it, even though I have always kept up with Dr. appts etc. I take oral medication and use insulin injections, so I am very interested in any info available from the Danish film maker. I understand age is a risk factor, but I also have extended family members, six to be exact, that are diabetic. Two of my children in their 40s have been diagnosed. Another child was at risk as a child, none were overweight. Diabetes is on both sides of the the family, so the genetics are hard to beat.
    • Jesus says:
      There’s no money in a cure. There’s huge money in maintenance drugs that keep you from dying and allow you to function and pay the bills, including the bill for prescription drugs.
    • Ken says:
      After reading many of the responses, it’s sad what people believe and the misinformation that’s spread. No wonder things are messed up in this country.
      Me – have a son with type 1. I’m type 2 diagnosed at 50 & not overweight. Father, uncles, aunt, grandma – all type 2 none overweight.
    • Luke says:
      I’m the lead healthcare analyst at a major Wall Street firm and I have 100% disagree with you. I almost say that your opinion is reprehensible and dangerous to people that might agree with your nonsensical opinion. This is a major disease and to say that drug companies are making up the facts is not only a misrepresentation of the facts, but also dangerous to socity. Also, if you took the time to read the article, you would notice that the CDC released the facts, not Pfizer, Bristol Myers or Eli Lilly.
  2. Jennie says:
    My daughter was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I used the “granny” method for healing and she no longer has to take insulin. Someone really need to re-research the CDC diabetes research department. About 80% of diabetics are all overweight, majority of this country is overweight. Come up with something else or a more creative way to swindle money from the taxpayer (yes taxpayer, that how you’re funded) to cook a good defense why they should not can the entire diabetes department over at the CDC.
    • Mike says:
      I nominate you to head to the new CDC “Diabetes Department.” You obviously sound like the most qualified person for the job. Heck, maybe even “Granny” could become a lead investigator. If she has trouble getting grants, she can always do a bake sale to fund her research.
    • SouthernCelt says:
      One of the things I have learned since being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is that every pancreas is different just as every person is different and unique.The other thing I have noticed is that I have had the same blood sugar level for 40 years but only in the last 5 years have I been considered diabetic. I am no more overweight than anyone else in the US (almost everyone could stand to lose 20 pounds) and I go to the gym every day barring injury. “Thanks” to my ancestors I was born with this and a thirst for Scottish Independence(Alba go Bragh!). This “disease” is genetic in me so it is not reversible in me or others like me. Every one is different. Remember that when making sweeping generalizations next time.
    • Luke says:
      Your mistrust of hardened science is dangerous to your family’s health and your opinion is even more dangerous to society’s. I hereby nominate you to head the diseases reserach team at the CDC. I expect a full report presented to the President by the end of the year.
  3. Bill says:
    This is one of the dumbest comments I’ve read. You do not explain what the ‘granny method ‘ is and then you call for the elimination of research on diabetes at the CDC. Why? Maybe you know all there is to know about diabetes but millions of people do not. The fact that one of three Americans are pre-diabetic is horrible, people need to be made aware that their weight and sedentary lifestyle might cause them to become diabetic. What’s wrong with that?
    • Willowspring says:
      Even an active person can be diabetic. See my previous post as (Willowspring) a response to Amylynn. I am not overweight and several of my family that are diabetic are not overweight either. There is a genetic link that can overcome even the healthiest eater and active person.
    • JLS639 says:
      Well, nobody can really say she is wrong if she does not say anything specific, can they? Of course, many type 2 diabetics who are horrible at the normal lifestyle management treatments for type 2 don’t take insulin because it stops doing any good for them. So… we know the kid had to stop taking insulin but we know nothing about her blood sugar, triglycerides or anything else. Now Jennie can sit at home feeling superior and still feel mystified why people don’t take what she says seriously.
  4. A. Nony says:
    I’ve watched several friends cure themselves of diabetes to the point where they do not need any diabetic drugs. They ate less and exercised more. That’s all it took. As a bonus, they could stop taking meds for high blood pressure. As another bonus, they are full of energy and joie de vivre. Of course, willpower and intelligence help. Face it, most (NOT ALL) diabetics are fat, lazy and not very bright.
    • SouthernCelt says:
      It is highly unlikely that 26 Million people are “Fat, Lazy, and not very bright”. Maybe that describes your friends, but that is an insult to me and the 26 million others like me.
    • Willowspring says:
      This is enough to make a person mad. There are several comments that allude to diabetics being overweight. I know that can be the case, but these blanket statements are unjust and narrow minded as well as discriminatory. The statements perpetuate the “profile” that is so painful to diabetics.
    • Luke says:
      SouthernCelt – Nope, actually you are incorrect. Obesity is a leading cause – not the only – of diabetes. This is a fact and not something you can argue.
    • Rosalie says:
      My Husband was injured in an accident 35 years ago , his spleen and a piece of his pancreas was removed . he has been type 2 diabetic for five years , at the age of 58 he still cross country dirt bike races , some of these races cover 90 miles of treacherous country so as you can guess not only is he not fat , he’s almost solid muscle , must eat a very balanced diet to maintain his strength and endurance but must still take a handful of meds so that his arteries will not fill with plaque , have brain or eye bleeds ( leading to stroke or blindness ) loss of limbs , damage to ALL internal organs . His blood sugar readings are almost always perfect but the disease continues it’s distraction until it is to late . Yes by all means loose weight , eat well and exercise but that does not always mean cured !
  5. uhuhreally says:
    Cure 95% of the diabetics in the U.S.A. right now. Eat right, exercise, and loose weight. No drugs needed. duh…
    • Willowspring says:
      Please see the above comments by Willowspring and Southern Celt.
    • decision factor says:
      Which is exactly why the poster said “95%”. You might be tired of hearing “exercise and diet” because it doesn’t apply to you, but that doesn’t change the science or the statistics. http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/preventionprogram/
    • Name*Rhonda says:
      Amen to that!
  6. RandDMaven says:
    First, as a researcher, there is currently no way to “cure” diabetes with drugs or diet. Diabetes is a disease state that can be treated with drugs, diet, and exercise (or some combination, thereof). You are not cured. Gain the weight back or change the diet and the disease reappears. Pharma companies aren’t trying to steal from you, there is no simple drug cure.
    Secondly, the obesity observed in Type II diabetics is part of the disease state. It is incredibly difficult for these people to lose weight. In addition, current drugs tend to cause weight gain as a side effect. Type II diabetes with obesity is a complex hormone imbalance. The disease should really be called “insulin resistance” and the signs are diabetes and obesity.
    • Willowspring says:
      Thank you. At last, a voice from someone with not only compassion, but also real knowledge. Diabetes is rampant in my family and they are not all overweight, although some are. Genetics can’t always be thwarted. It is a difficult disease to control and it can completely change one’s life.
    • Codifex Maximus says:
      I read that Insulin is necessary for the production of fat. Without Insulin, the body does not produce fat. There are two modes that cells operate in – a “feast” mode where Insulin is used to get sugar into the cells for metabolization/fat production and a “famine” mode where fat is broken down for energy and the cells begin to use internally stored cellular energy.
      Now, is it possible that with Type II diabetics, the insulin is performing it’s duty of creating fat but not working so good at powering the cells?
  7. Melissa says:
    Maybe whoever wrote how to cure 95% of diabetes comment should go back and read the article again. It clearly says 10% are type 1. We did not get this disease from being fat and lazy. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. And I am sick and tired of America thinking I am a diabetic because I was lazy or ate to much. I didn’t CHOSE this, but millions of people have. Maybe these fat, lazy people should have the same motivation I have. When I was 5, and already a diabetic, I got to see my grandmas half amputated foot all bandaged up as she sat in a wheel chair in a nursing home.That image, to this day, scares me to death. It is my constant motivation to keep my blood sugar in check and eat right.
    • cat says:
      I hear you on this one. Over and over again I’ve heard judgmental people telling me if I’d just “focus” and do better with my diet and exercise, I wouldn’t have diabetes anymore. Ah, wrong–Type 1 isn’t going away, ever. I am actually working as hard as I can with it, but the weight loss is slow, and if I don’t get the ratio of insulin to exercise to carbs right I end up with blood sugars high as the moon, or lows that force me to take glucose tablets to keep from blacking out. That’s always been the problem, as I struggle with the “brittle” variety, and the fears you have are ones I carry, too. But I also try to balance the fear with a healthy respect for how comfortable my life feels during those times when I can achieve some balance, and I try to focus more on these times as they remind me why it’s important I keep struggling.
    • Willowspring says:
      My husband’s grandmother lost her leg to diabetes and shortly after lost her life. My grandfather was diabetic and there are six in my family with the disease including myself, (diagnosed at 69). Genetics and the other auto immune problems I deal with are not conquered yet and won’t be in my lifetime.
    • Galadika says:
      I know what you mean. I’m 25, and when people find out I’m diabetic they say “But you’re not fat or old.” People don’t think about that fact that kids with juvenile diabetes grow up to be adults with diabetes. I just hope my kids don’t get it too.
  8. Chelsea says:
    I’m upset that this article doesn’t point out that type 1 isn’t preventable and is an autoimmune deficiency. I have type 1 and I’m a perfectly healthy 18 year old person; not all diabetes is caused from being old and over eating.
  9. Sandy says:
    The “prediabetes” diagnosis is a crock. My doctor’s office called to tell me I had prediabetes and had to take immediate steps or I would definitely develop diabetes. The blood sugar reading that caused this horrified reaction? 102, when 99 and below is considered normal. Several years later I am older and fatter and my tests show not that I’ve developed diabetes, but that my blood sugar is now 99, so I no longer rate the extreme reaction. Could we please just treat people who are actually sick and stop making up almost-illnesses which do nothing but inflate the statistics and make problems seem worse than they are?
  10. Juicy says:
    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetice Dec 3rd 2010 it runs in the family overweight with high blood pressure my diet has been changed and i excercise frequently and the weight is coming off but some days its hard to eat good(healthy)and move my body im still getting use to the major changes in my life family and friends are there for me so that helps me to keep pushing forward to a better health majorly.
  11. Lola says:
    A few times over the years I have had non-fasting blood panels done where the lab tech erroneously included the blood sugar test on the list. So my blood sugar stats were wrong (though still low, in my case). This makes me wonder how common it is for the test to be done on patients who have not fasted, or who have “cheated” on their fasts. If it was common enough, it could skew the stats.
    That being said, I have a sibling with Type 2 diabetes and gout. It’s a terrible loop to get trapped in.
    • Fred Hahn says:
      Lola – Adopting a low carb diet help your sibling tremendously. No grains or starches for starters.
  12. LEB says:
    I have on occasion tested in the “pre-diabetic” range during routine bloodwork, and I’m far from being overweight. I’m about 5’4″ and 118 lbs, and have never gotten above 125 in my life. It is true that MOST Type II diabetics have a weight problem, but skinny people aren’t safe from this illness just because they’re skinny. A good diet and regular exercise are important for everyone.
  13. Al says:
    Go on a fruit diet. There was no prevalence of cancer/diabetes before ‘industrialized’ food became the norm. Humans are originally ‘fruiterians’ as can be seen by the digestive mechanism and mouth structure. Ride a bike or walk rather than taking the car. Riding a bike gets u there with no money spent, saves fuel, gives you the exercise-All in one. Coke/Pepsi is better used for car battery cleaning than drinking. Given that its 10,000 times acidic compared to water, the body needs calcium to balance the acidicity and where does it take it from, your bones-arthritis and weak bones. Today’s food in packets/bottled/canned are not natural and are full of chemicals and we wonder why we’re getting cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Its simple basic common sense. Eat what the earth gives you not what the factory churns out.
    • Fred Hahn says:
      Al – Fruits are carbohydrates and loaded with fructose. Not a good idea for diabetics as diabetes is a condition of carbohydrate intolerance.
  14. T115 says:
    many of you need to be reminded that TYPE 2 can be potentially reversed….there is no cure. it’s a LIFESTYLE change that you have to change for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. I’ve been a type 1 for 15 years (diagnosed at my 13th birthday, what a nice gift, huh?) and honestly, im sick of all the whiny type 2s out there who don’t take control of their disease and turn it around. my father is one of those whiny ones and it ticks me off to no end that he actually has the balls to complain about having to take a PILL everyday. oh, im sorry, that you have to take a pill to make yourself feel better. or you could just eat less and exercise more and then you wouldn’t HAVE to take the pill. if only i could be so lucky…. i just get to give myself injections for the rest of my life….i don’t even GET the option of pills, less food or exercise (although they are shoved down my throat at any chance the docs get). the type 2s should REALLY be thankful for what they have
    • Fred Hahn says:
      T115 – Seriously consider a very low carb diet. You’ll need far less insulin and meds. Check out http://www.nmsociety.org But tell your doctor first if you decide to go low carb.
  15. John Q. Citizen says:
    Doesn’t everyone know that type II diabetes is a direct result of Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam! Oh, wait, that’s just the BS excuse that some veterans use to get money from the governement. I, for one, love the fact that we are compensating people for being old and fat because some scientists somehere said that Vietnam vets are more statisticly likely to have type II diabetes, so it must have been caused by Agent Orange. As a result, hundreds of millions of tax-free dollars each year are distributed so that the old/fat vets, many of whom merely touched their foot to Vietnamese soil for a moment, can continue their unhealthy lifestyles at the expense of the tax-paying public.
  16. Maxx says:
    Wow…Some of the comments I’ve read here can only be responded to with amazement. The comments of the mis-informed and those that might paint with a broad brush neglect to understand this disease does not fit ALL he same way. The point I took from the article is that NEARLY 10% OOF THE AMERICAN POPULATION HAS BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH A CHRONIC DESEASE!!! My son was diagnosed at 10 years old with juvenile diabetes. A good diet, sports every day, good body weight can not over come the genetic triggers to the autoimmune system preventing insulin production ine pancreas.
    • Leo says:
      Maxx, in case you didn’t notice, they’re talking about the startling increase in type-2 diabetes, not type-1. They’re two VERY different diseases. Nobody with two brain cells to rub together would blame your son for his condition. I feel bad for him that some people are dumb enough to lump type-1 with type-2. I have a couple of friends with type-1, and they’re very frustrated with people who are so clueless about their condition and who make assumptions. People with type-1 did nothing to cause their own condition, and could have done nothing to prevent it. If the immune system attacks the pancreas, then there’s nothing that can be done except treatment at that point.
      But no, this article isn’t about type-1. It’s about how the poor health habits of our nation have created what could be called a crisis with this many people giving themselves a disease that’s preventable (type-2), and how the trend is expected to continue. And the rest of us will end up paying for it.
  17. liz says:
    Can someone explain to me how after your boss drops group coverage, and you are on a high deductible plan. you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you go to the gym 5 days a week, you spend 3 months working part time, are you supposed to afford to test your blood sugar?
    • Quizzle says:
      Through the public option — oh sorry, Republicans nixed it. There is still the hope of the insurance exchange, and repeal of adult pre-existing conditions clauses, in 3 years. Of course, by then you might have met your deductible.
    • Fred Hahn says:
      Liz – exercise is not that important. What is best is to cut the carbs to virtually zero save for non-starchy veggies. If one adopts this way of eating – high fat, adequate protein and low carb – T2D is virtually “cured.” In fact it works so well that if you are a diabetic, DO NOT attempt this healthy way of eating without telling your doctor as she will have to LOWER your meds first.
    • Quizzle says:
      Your options in the U.S. “best in the world”:
      a) Develop a relationship with a rich man.
      b) Get fired or laid off from your job, so you can qualify for Medicaid. Having a baby may also be necessary to qualify in some states.
      c) Run your debt up as high as you can stand, and then declare bankruptcy.
      d) Move to a country with a more sensible, socialized medical care system.
  18. Rubicon says:
    A sizable amount of the cause might be “intentional trace poisoning”. Al mentioned Coke and Pepsi, which phosphoric acid that makes you thirsty. Hawaiian Punch has propylene glycol that makes you thirsty. There is a growing trend among soft drinks to include ingredients that have no other obvious purpose than to compel you to consume more of them and in larger amounts, they would be certified poison.
    Many commercial fast foods have M.S.G. and other poisons that make you hungry, but soft drinks are more convenient and cheaper to produce so they are likely to remain a major contributor to the diabetic pandemic.
  19. RichG says:
    The cure for most people is to stop eating like pigs!
  20. shnitzel says:
  21. Leo says:
    I have a few friends who have Type 1. That’s an auto-immune disease, folks. They’re all fairly thin. None of them can do ANYTHING to reverse it. They all have to take insulin for the rest of their lives. And every single one of them is sick to death of being bunched together with type-2 folks, and slapped with the stigma that it’s “their fault” they’re diabetic.
    Here’s the run-down. We KNOW that some type-2 folks simply got screwed by their genetics. I HAVE known a couple of type-2 folks who were not overweight, and who were fairly active. However, the vast majority of type-2 diabetics DID IT TO THEMSELVES. My father-in-law is a nice guy, but at the age of 59, he’s horribly obese, can’t walk from one end of the house to the other, has had two heart attacks, and is insulin-dependent type-2. I know how he got there – physical laziness and you should see the HORRIBLE food he eats. The man did it to himself. And that’s the case with almost every type-2 diabetic I’ve ever seen.
    Even a person who has a genetic predisposition to developing insulin intolerance will almost completely mitigate their risk of developing a real problem by eating right and getting adequate exercise. And yes, I know that some people have other conditions that make them more prone to being overweight. And there ARE a few unlucky folks who have diseases (thyroid, hormone, etc.) that make it almost impossible to lose weight. But MOST people don’t fall into that category. And MOST people could improve their health greatly with proper diet and adequate exercise.
    There are socio-political reasons behind SOME of the obesity epidemic. Healthy food is much more expensive. It’s hard to find time for a workout if you have two jobs to make ends meet. If you live in a bad neighborhood, even going for a walk is risky.
    Still… that’s no excuse for the McDonald’s Supersize-My-Butt diet. Most people who are fat simply EAT TOO MUCH. Most people who have type-2 diabetes are FAT. We have doctors who are willing to give them tons of pills, but not enough who are willing to say, “Step away from the cheeseburger and go for a walk.”
    Maybe it’s time to stop “normalizing” obesity in our society. Our current trend is unsustainable.
  22. Socialist Farms says:
    I like things the way they are. If I have an issue with weight gain il go on a diet. I dont need the goverment telling ME WHAT TO EAT like that obama wife( pshhhh) Im going to eat hamburgers and hot dawgs and complain why my insurance is so damn high.
  23. Jorge says:
    Why is The Chart perpetually blocking my posts? I engage neither in profanity, derogatory critisism or spamming, I tried to post an opinion based on personal experience which might help others in a respectful manner, and was blocked anyway. This has happened several times before, what is going on?
  24. Fred Hahn says:
    The article stated:
    “People who have type 2 diabetes usually have a pancreas that can produce enough insulin, but for some unknown reasons, according to the NIH, the body cannot use the insulin effectively, a condition called insulin resistance. After several years of this, the body’s insulin production decreases.”
    What about all the carbohydrates we are told to eat (70-80% of our diet!)? Diabetes is a condition of carbohydrate intolerance. The USDA food pyramid, which according to the NHANES data people are adhering to more or less, is the primary cause of the explosion of obesity and T2D in this country. Cut the carbs/starches and limit to non starchy veggies and an occasional piece of fruit and obesity and T2D vanishes.
    • Quizzle says:
      The food pyramid does not recommend 70-80% carbs, unless you are including fruits and vegetables (which most Americans don’t even get 3 a day, much less 5 a day, or the recently considered 9 a day). The food guide also recommends at least half of grains be whole grains. There is a difference in nutritional quality between refined carbs and whole grains. I guess people miss this message if they think cookies and french fries count as “grains”. The problem in America is not that people are following the food guide pyramid.
  25. Bruce says:
    I have to say Genetics in my family of 11 no 1 has it n we eat whatever we want n are not overweight.Now my neighbor n his family are all in some stage of diabetes
  26. Deb in New Jersey says:
    I am an EMT whose grandfather was a diabetic with a sweet tooth. He remained undiagnosed until he dropped metal on his foot at work and developed gangrene. His lost his leg in surgery after surgery prior to his death in my early teens. I am wondering about those who “make excuses” for their eating habits, lack of exercise. All those above who complained expressed that they were not overweight, as if the above article is wrong. Every day I run into someone in a nursing home–learning to walk again after mandatory surgery to save their lives, or someone who must be treated by dialysis three times a week (majority of those on dialysis are diabetic). I am sooooo frustrated because a person with Type II diabetes has many opportunities to avoid/reduce your need for medications–so what do I hear? Excuses!! Grow up and take this seriously. It will take you life–like my grandfathers leg–and even worse your independence. You do not play with this disease. So right now I hope some of you feel very uncomfortable. Perhaps it will motivate you to change–now while there is time!!
  27. Larkie says:
    Stop eating sugar and processed carbs and you will never get Diabetes Type 2 plus you will reverse it if you already have it. And you can stay as fat as you like if you’d rather (though you will probably lose weight as a bonus).
    Not all Type 2 diabetics are fat – the ONLY common factor amongst all Type 2 diabetics is that they all eat sugar and/or processed carbs.
    • Quizzle says:
      Wrong – try again. If that were true, a ketogenic diet such as Atkins would cure diabetes, but it doesn’t.
    • Larkie says:
      Quizzle –
      If you stay on the ketogenic diet your diabetes type 2 WILL be in all senses of the word cured (even if you’re still obese). If you go back to eating sugar and processed carbs you will probably see all the symptoms of diabetes come back.. which is a perfect argument that, again, diabetes type 2 will not happen to people that don’t eat sugar and/or processed foods.
  28. Vera says:
    Don’t forget to read Dr. Ruddy’s blog! It includes excellent information regarding the Pink Virus and breast cancer vaccine as well as other breast cancer prevention methods. http://breastcancerbydrruddy.com/
  29. Name*Rhonda says:
    It is true that not all people that have these diseases are overweight. Some people have a genetic tendency. But you cannot place fault on genetics if you are not taking care of yourself with proper nutrition and exercise. Sometimes I feel that in some cases that it is not genetic at all. Just because 5 generations suffered from diabetes does not mean there is a problem with the “genes.” Could it be that all of the generations had poor eating and poor exercise habits? Hmmm something to think about!
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