Bernando LaPallo eating his daily bowl of Oatmeal.
Bernando’s Daily Menu & Regime by Popular Demand
Dear Friends – Because so many people have asked repeatedly exactly what my grandfather Bernando LaPallo did everyday to maintain his health – physically, mentally and spiritually, I am posting this for you. The same information is in his books and can be extrapolated. Here it is in simplified form. People couldn’t believe he “ate the same thing everyday” but what they don’t realize is they eat the same thing everyday such as donuts, bagels, large quantities of carbonated sugary drinks and “fast” foods. As creatures of habit, many are making different choices that may not be the wisest in terms of their health. It IS a matter of choice. Better habits must be established to start feeling better and once you do, you won’t want to change them for anyone or anything else. I originally posted this and on and there were FAQS .
For example, How ripe should the banana be used in the Dr Schulze Superfood drink he would make daily? Should it be black or just yellow? The answer is avoid eating green bananas. Bananas are more easily digested ripe but just how ripe you want it is up to you; some like a few dark spots and some like their bananas close to black. The darker they are, the sweeter they are.
Someone else wanted to know if Bernando ate fish, rice, beans, greens, soup all in one sitting. The answer is no.
He followed this rule of thumb; Eat until you are satisfied and enjoy what you eat but don’t overeat.
His number one motto was “keep your colon clean”. Keeping your colon clean means that not only consuming fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber to keep things moving in the digestive tract but by the same token, not burdening it with too much food – even healthy foods.
Moderation is the key. “Remember moderation in all things.”
Erika Chamberlin, Bernando LaPallo Legacy
“Always remember this: Make health your first priority.” -Bernando LaPallo
+ Rising between 4 & 5 AM: Bernando would take a hot shower and rub his body with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. He would then take his Morning Exercise , Rain or Shine, walking 1- 2 miles outdoors OR indoors on his exercise machine in case of bad weather. Walking on the beach or grass barefoot was also part of his regime!
Breakfast: 8AM
Dr Schulze’s Organic wildcrafted Superfood Smoothie; (Recipe on p. 50 of Beyond 100 – How to Live Well into your Second Century. This book is also available in Portuguese).
Organic Rolled Oatmeal with banana, blueberries, cream and cinnamon
Green tea sweetened with honey.
1 cup of Cinnamon tea made from cinnamon sticks UNSWEETENED! Bernando believed this helped control blood sugar. Try substituting it for coffee. Recipe on p. 35 of Beyond 100
Morning Feeding of his Mind & Spirit
As per his father’s instructions he read the Bible to shore up his faith and peace of mind. Bernando devoured books on health and did crossword puzzles to keep his mind sharp. He also had quite a library on black history.
2PM Snack/Lunch Time:
Green tea sweetened with honey
Raw unprocessed peanut butter on whole wheat toast
+Barley Soup or
+Fresh fruit salad
+ You will find both recipe demos on Bernando’s youtube channel on this site.
5 – 6:30PM Dinner Time: He did not favor eating late!
Vegetables – Bernando always ate green vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, spinach,asparagus, kale, collard greens and so forth sauteed in onions and garlic. Other options he might choose in this category would be to lightly steam them. He also enjoyed a fresh green salad made with escarole. There is a video demo of him preparing an escarole salad at age 109 in the youtube channel found on this site. Another favorite recipe that can be made in advance and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator was his very tasty “Health Salad” that he picked up from a man in Haifa during his travels . It’s basically a cabbage salad using red and green cabbage, red bell peppers, carrots, celery, and onion lightly pickled using apple cider vinegar and honey. He would top this salad with fresh tomato and avocado slices dressed just before serving with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Please note there is a recipe for this in the print version of his book Beyond 100 – How to Live Well Into Your Second Century.
Click here
Beyond 100 – How to Live Well Into Your Second Century
Bernando was a fish lover – Fatty Fish such as Salmon, Sahrdines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil or a fish filet. He never tired of eating fish. He was also fond of lobster and would eat that upon occasion.
– Black beans (sans pork) with Brown Rice This dish is a classic from his country of origin Brazil. When he ate rice it was strictly brown not white rice. He would also eat quinoa in place of brown rice.
9-9:30PM Bedtime:
Unless he was out making a speech Bernando was in bed at this time. He would drink another cup of green tea and eat a ripe banana to induce sleepiness before bed. “I eat a banana and I’m out in twenty minutes”. I enjoyed performing this nighttime ritual with him during his trip to New York in June 2013.
Nightly Foot Spa: As per his fathers instructions to take care of his feet, Bernando soaked his feet daily using castille or ivory soap adding a tablespoon or so of extra virgin olive oil in warm water. You will find this combination will lift dirt right off! This kept his feet soft. He used a pumice stone to gently remove dead skin and rough patches.You can soak your feet in Epsom Salts too! Dry your feet off and massage olive oil all over them including callousses.You can wear cotton socks to bed if you are concerned about getting oil on the sheets. Remember Bernando was a doctor of podiatry.
*Disclaimer; This is what Bernando did for over a century because it worked for him. He would tell people if they found a routine that worked to stick to it. If you have food allergies please be mindful of that. “The chemicals in everyone’s body is different.”
Bernando LaPallo was the 114 year old man who had the internet going crazy at how young he looked and that he never had any illnesses, had died. He died recently in the city of Tempe in the presence of his oldest granddaughter, Erika Chamberlin.
“He died quickly and without any chronic illness. His heart simply stopped beating. He followed the same daily routine the day he died as he did every single day of his life. It was simply his time to go. He was at peace with himself and his life.” says Chamberlin.
LaPallo was born in Victoria, Brazil in 1901 migrating to the United States as a little boy with his father residing in Philadelphia and later New York City.
He had never been sick a day in his life, used to go for a walk every morning and ate mostly organic fruits and vegetables. He has a recipe for longevity that he learned from his father, who was a doctor who lived to be 98.
The centurion even has written a book about how to live longer. The book, appropriately titled, “Beyond 100: How To Live Well Into Your 2nd Century” is one of his favorite accomplishments. You can find out more about the book here. Bernando LaPallo was born in Victoria, Brazil on August 17,1901 to Mattie Carr & Bernando LaPallo Sr. Upon moving to the United States he was taught the principles of obedience and moderation by his father. Bernando lived in New York City for 90 years raising his family there, living through major segments of American history such as the the sinking of the Titanic, the first flights from North Carolina, the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Depression,World War 2 and The Civil Rights Movement. He enjoyed several professions during his lifetime beginning with the French culinary arts. During the Great War he was a merchant marine. Later he would become a massage therapist, reflexologist, a doctor of podiatry and Natural Health Consultant opening his own practice in Jackson Heights, New York. After moving to Arizona at age101 Bernando became an author and lecturer sharing the keys to his health & longevity. Learn how to add more life to your years and not just years to your life!
According to his website, up until his death, Bernando felt better than ever. “I feel great,” he said after his 113th birthday. “I feel wonderful. It’s all about obedience and moderation. That’s the story. The key to my success has been obedience and moderation. I have been doing everything my daddy told me to do all these years. Obedience is the key. Moderation is the back up.”
On his 110th birthday, a local news station did a story on Bernando and he revealed the top *FIVE* foods that have kept him alive this long:
1. Garlic
2. Honey
3. Cinnamon
4. Chocolate
5. Olive Oil
“Whenever I’m asked a question about what I do to live so long, I tell them ‘I know you’ve heard the saying, You are what you eat,'” confessed Bernando. “My dad told me not to eat ordinary red meat. He said lamb is okay. But stay away from hot dogs, french fries. Don’t eat them.”
He also kept his mind sharp by being a voracious reader and solving crossword puzzles and playing checkers. In addition to that, he went around the country doing speaking engagements and even shared some of his recipes here.
“My dad taught me to have faith in God and He’ll take care of you,” says Bernando. “And so far, it’s happened."
Rest in peace Bernando. You will be missed.
December 30, 2014 by Derrick Lane.

97-year-old Tao Porchon-Lynch, Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy and 114-year-old Bernando LaPallo, in Phoenix, AZ – September 25, 2015
How do you live well into your second century? 114-year-old Bernando LaPallo, Jr. has some suggestions. Looking at his supple skin and hearing him talk, you may guess that he is perhaps around 70 years old–if that. He has a cane but hardly uses it as he vibrantly saunters through the room with a healthy dose of charm and charisma. I met him when he was honored at the 4th Annual Senior Awards Luncheon in Phoenix, Arizona on September 25, 2015 hosted by Diana Gregory Outreach Services Foundation. Bernando has followed his father’s simple yet effective healthy living advice for over 100 years and has never been sick a day of his life.
Born in Brazil in 1901, Bernando moved with his family to the United States in 1906 where he was raised by his father, a practicing doctor and herbalist in Philadelphia. He raised his own family in Harlem, experiencing the cultural renaissance first-hand with friends such as the Baptist pastor and Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. and Ed Smalls of the famous jazz club, Small’s Paradise–where my father was a manager in the 1940s. Bernando later moved to Queens with his wife Georgette.
Bernando’s primary interest was in food so he studied the culinary arts at the Sorbonne in Paris, graduating in 1928. He worked as a chef on steam liners and at hotel resorts. He then pursued an interest in the healing arts, studying massage at The Swedish Institute in New York City. At the age of 73, he went on to NYU to become licensed as a reflexologist and podiatrist. He had a successful private massage practice in New York City for more than 20 years. After living in New York for 90 years, he moved to North Carolina briefly before settling down in Mesa, Arizona.
In his book, Beyond 100: How to Live Well Into Your Second Century, he says “without your health you are nothing.” Some of his “secrets” for energy and longevity include:
1. Strive for obedience and moderation. Do what you know is right (e.g. what and how to eat, how long to exercise). Don’t just say you’re going to do it…take action consistently. Also, don’t do anything in excess. Moderation in everything is key.
2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Bernando is primarily a vegetarian who loves all kinds of berries and melons–preferably organic–and he believes mushrooms heal and prevent diseases like cancer and diabetes. Other favorites include applesauce, avocado, carrots, cabbage, sweet potato and spinach.
3. Keep your colon clean. Juicing can help cleanse the body. Drink two glasses of fresh vegetable juice a day and cut down on added sugar. Bernando is a big fan of apple cider vinegar.
4. Drink plenty of water. All the water Bernando drinks–a half a gallon a day-is boiled and then put in the ice box to eliminate toxins. He believes that no germs can live under conditions of extreme heat or cold.
5. Get at least six hours of sleep a night. He is generally in bed by 9:30pm and up at 3:30 or 4 in the morning.
6. Exercise your body and mind. Bernando likes to exercise his arms as he walks and he does crossword puzzles to give the brain a boost. He follows the adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a thousand pounds of cure.”
7. Relax! Bernando learned from his father that stress is a killer. He says that, “We live for a comparatively brief moment in time. We will be dead for a long time. Enjoy every moment while you are alive.”
BONUS TIP: Use organic extra-virgin olive oil for supple skin. Bernando rubs his body down with olive oil after his morning shower. His skin is vibrant and seems nearly wrinkle-free which is amazing!
Curiosity, a sense of adventure and not having regrets are part of his philosophy. Instead of saying he has had a good life (like the best part is over), he says he is having a great life! Before you lament that you are too old or too tired to do something, think of Bernando. This supercentenarian shows us what is possible through clean and conscious living.
As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, *“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.”*
What’s your next chapter? Meet these two beautiful and wonderful personalities, 97-year-old Tao Porchon-Lynch and 114-year-old Bernando LaPallo–two extraordinary people who demonstrate the power of human potential and our ability to continually transform ourselves over time. Tao has been an actress, model, activist, film producer, writer, publisher and wine connoisseur. At 64, after her second husband died, she reinvented herself again evolving into the yoga master we see today. At 87, she became a competitive ballroom dancer. One of the “secrets” to her vitality is that she is constantly seeking renewal and is always looking for the next adventure. Similarly, Bernando spent many decades as a chef, then at 73 went to The Swedish Institute and NYU to become a licensed reflexologist and podiatrist. At an age when most people have already retired, he opened up a private massage practice. Just two years ago at age 112 he wrote his second book. So, if you’re feeling stagnant where you are, reinvent yourself. Revisit a passion you may have left behind or discover something entirely new. Change your perspective by moving to a different environment. Go back to school to jumpstart your growth and lay the foundation for your next path. Get rid of any limitations of what you “should” be doing at a particular age. It is never too late to manifest your dreams.
Until next time, remember–it’s your divine life, live it to the fullest. The power is in your hands!
With Purpose & Power,

97-year-old Tao Porchon-Lynch meeting 114-year-old Bernando LaPallo, in Phoenix, AZ – September 25, 2015
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