This is dedicated to all human survival modes. Robust health is essential if we want to meet our goals in this life. It is never too late to be wise. It is never too early to revise.
Humanity is failing to stop the climate crisis. It's now beyond urgent -- the planet is screaming for help.
Right now world leaders are meeting for historic climate talks -- but pledges without real action won't cut it anymore. We need bold, visionary leaders to finally do what's needed to pull us back from the abyss.
I'll be at the talks with inspiring youth leaders like Vanessa Nakate and Dominika Lasota. We'll personally meet dozens of governments -- it's the perfect opportunity to deliver a giant call for urgent action. Join us now: add your name with one click and pass this on.
That's how young people around the world describe our governments' failure to cut carbon emissions. And it's no surprise.
We are catastrophically far from the crucial goal of 1.5°C, and yet governments everywhere are still accelerating the crisis, spending billions on fossil fuels.
This is not a drill. It's code red for the Earth. Millions will suffer as our planet is devastated -- a terrifying future that will be created, or avoided, by the decisions you make. You have the power to decide.
As citizens across the planet, we urge you to face up to the climate emergency. Not next year. Not next month. Now:
Keep the precious goal of 1.5°C alive with immediate, drastic, annual emission reductions unlike anything the world has ever seen.
End all fossil fuel investments, subsidies, and new projects immediately, and stop new exploration and extraction.
End 'creative' carbon accounting by publishing total emissions for all consumption indices, supply chains, international aviation and shipping, and the burning of biomass.
Deliver the $100bn promised to the most vulnerable countries, with additional funds for climate disasters.
Enact climate policies to protect workers and the most vulnerable, and reduce all forms of inequality.
We can still do this. There is still time to avoid the worst consequences if we are prepared to change. It will take determined, visionary leadership. And it will take immense courage -- but know that when you rise, billions will be right behind you.
It can feel incredibly hard to keep hope alive in the face of inaction. But my hope lies in people -- in the millions of us who are rising to save the future. It lies in our marches, in our dogged determination to keep fighting, and in our trembling voices as we speak truth to power. My hope is rooted in action and fuelled by a love for humanity and our most beautiful earth. It's what keeps me absolutely convinced that we can do this. And we must do this. Together.
With fierce hope,
Greta from Sweden, with Vanessa from Uganda, Dominika from Poland, Mitzi from the Philippines, youth activists across the world,
It can feel incredibly hard to keep hope alive in the face of inaction. But my hope lies in people -- in the millions of us who are rising to save the future. It lies in our marches, in our dogged determination to keep fighting, and in our trembling voices as we speak truth to power. My hope is rooted in action and fuelled by a love for humanity and our most beautiful earth. It's what keeps me absolutely convinced that we can do this. And we must do this. Together.
With fierce hope,
Greta from Sweden, with Vanessa from Uganda, Dominika from Poland, Mitzi from the Philippines, youth activists across the world,
Vaccines alter the immune landscape experienced by pathogens, and hence their evolution, by targeting subsets of strains in a population, reducing the number of fully susceptible individuals, and creating or expanding classes of semi-immune hosts. The great success of vaccination against the acute childhood occurred without being undermined by pathogen evolution, but those diseases were easy targets: natural immunity was evolution-proof; all vaccination needed to do was to induce something very similar. Pathogens now under assault by vaccination are different: their natural infections induce leaky, often strain-specific immunity that usually wanes. Vaccines against these diseases will induce immunity to which natural selection has already found solutions. Evolutionary analysis is particularly warranted where vaccines are leaky, target subsets of strains or virulence determinants, involve novel technologies, or relax selection against virulence. Vaccination has been a great benefit. Continuing past successes requires evolutionary considerations at all stages of vaccine design and implementation.
Andrew Read,
Alumni Professor in the Biological Sciences,
Director, Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics,
Evan Pugh Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Pathogen evolution in a vaccinated world
Andrew Read, Alumni Professor in the Biological Sciences & Director, Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Pennsylvania State University, visits the ASU Center of Evolution, Medicine and Public Health, to lecture on the subject of Pathogen evolution in a vaccinated World.
39 Commentson Do Not Participate In A Society that Rejects YouPosted in A Better WorldBy CheahPosted on October 20, 2021Tagged Covid, Politics, Singapore
Today, the Singapore government has banished hundreds of thousands of citizens from public life for the high crime of making a free choice.
Today, I refuse to participate in this segregated society.
Starting from today, without proof of vaccination, unvaccinated Singaporeans will not be allowed to dine in, or to visit malls and attractions. They can’t even transit through a mall integrated into a train station just to leave the area. Unvaccinated students at tertiary education institutions may not dine in at canteens or restaurants in school premises. Unvaccinated individuals need to show proof of an appointment before being allowed to access medical services inside a mall, while unvaccinated parents must produce a ‘letter of support’ from a childcare agency before they can pick up and drop off their children at childcare centres inside malls. Only unvaccinated people who have previously recovered from Covid-19 are exempt from these rules. Otherwise, unvaccinated people must produce a negative pre-event test result before being allowed entry into a mall for the duration of an activity or service—a test which could cost between $30 to $65 per test (cheaper if bought in bulk), and is good for only 1 day.
I have heard of private companies barring unvaccinated customers from entry even though they are not covered under the new rules. Restaurants that refuse to serve unvaccinated customers with valid PET tests. A bookstore chain that refuses all unvaccinated people from entry. A healthcare group that will not allow unvaccinated patients from booking medical appointments. An enrichment centre that will not accept unvaccinated children. Some car parks even have guards checking visitors for vaccination status.
With most critical services concentrated in malls, including banking, healthcare, childcare and supermarkets, unvaccinated Singaporeans are now treated as second class citizens. The only exemptions are the honorary vaccinated: those with natural immunity, or those with deep pockets and spare time.
The government calls this ‘vaccine differentiated measures’. This is nothing less than vaccine segregation. It divides society between those who made the choice the government wants and those who have not.
The government claims that there is no vaccine mandate and that the choice to vaccinate is voluntary. Yet the increasing restrictions aimed solely at unvaccinated people reveal this claim to be hollow. A choice made under duress is not a choice.
The greatest tragedy is that these measures will not work.
The government claims that vaccine segregation is necessary to prevent infections from overwhelming the medical system. Yet it has consistently ignored data showing the world how to do this.
Early this year, the top five vaccinated countries in the world saw Covid surges: the Seychelles, the UAE, Bahrain, Israel and Chile. The Seychelles and Bahrain, along with highly vaccinated countries like Uruguay and the Maldives, have also recorded some of the highest daily infections worldwide.
This should have been a warning sign. The government failed to heed it. Instead, it consistently pushed for mass vaccinations.
Countries with high vaccination levels are seeing huge numbers of excess deaths and transmissions as well. Scotland’s excess deaths are at the highest since January, even though over 91% of the population over the age of 18 has been vaccinated. 92% of adults in Ireland are vaccinated, and Ireland is also seeing the highest rate of patients hospitalised with Covid since March. The county of Waterford in Ireland is 99.7% vaccinated, and has Ireland’s second highest Covid incidence rate. Vermont is the most vaccinated state in the US, and is also seeing the highest case counts.
Countries that have seen a sharp spike in the demographic of singly-vaccinated persons tend to see a rise in deaths as well. These include Palestine, Israel, Thailand and others. We are possibly seeing this pattern in Singapore, too. Of the 239 Covid deaths in Singapore, 161 occurred in the first three weeks of October, which came after a fresh wave of Covid restrictions and pushes for mass vaccination.
The vaccine will not stop the spread of the virus. It cannot. It does not sterilize, it can only mitigate symptoms and reduce the possibility of death. Vaccinated individuals are just as likely to catch and spread Covid as unvaccinated individuals. In addition, a majority of Covid patients who require oxygen supplementation and ICU care are fully vaccinated. The best case interpretation that the vaccine’s protections do not last, and are now waning. The worst case is that the vaccinated are superspreaders.
Unvaccinated persons are more likely to develop symptoms than the vaccinated. When an unvaccinated person is infected, he is likelier to develop symptoms, and is then likely to seek medical treatment and be isolated from others. When a vaccinated person is infected, he is less likely to develop symptoms. Without symptoms, without routine testing, he won’t know that he is infected, and will continue to spread the virus to those around him.
It is also possible that mass vaccination drives the evolution of the virus, selecting for more dangerous strains in the future. This was seen in Marek’s disease in chickens. The vaccine against Marek’s disease does not prevent infection, only prevent symptoms. This allowed increasingly virulent strains of the disease to survive in vaccinated chickens and spread to other chickens, instead of killing the host before it could spread. As a result, Marek’s disease now kills 100% of all unvaccinated chickens.
The Covid vaccines are also the most dangerous ever developed in recent memory. Reported adverse events and deaths from the Covid vaccine in one year is an order of magnitude higher than all vaccines combined in the past 10 years.
The data is clear. The vaccines are potentially dangerous, they cannot stop the spread of disease, and therefore they cannot prevent the hospital system from being overwhelmed. The government has refused to grapple with this data, or even acknowledge it.
Singapore will reap the bitter harvest. Singapore continues to reap this harvest.
Compliance does not work.
Compliance merely signals that the people will continue to go along with the government. The government has no reason not to continue to scapegoat the unvaccinated, or to impose harsher measures. The government claims that the current ‘Stabilisation Phase’ will be extended to 21 November, but there is nothing stopping them from further extending them. There is no media or opposition party that will keep the government in check.
Compliance merely leads to more of the same. More restrictions, more discrimination, more misery. The way out of this crisis is to signal clearly that enough is enough.
This is the time for non-compliance.
This is the time to step away from a segregated society.
We Who Walk Away
Through this new round of ‘vaccine differentiated measures’, the government has sent a powerful signal to the unvaccinated: you are not welcome in society.
To this I say: So be it.
Let us all walk away from a society that discriminates against those whose only sin was to make a choice the government said was voluntary.
What does this mean?
Do not visit any malls, restaurants, attractions, hawker centres, anywhere that demands proof of vaccination before you can enter. If you are dependent on essential services inside a mall, switch to another provider as soon as possible. Do not go to any standalone shop or service provider that requires proof of vaccination to enter even where it is not required. Do not work for anyone who demands that you get vaccinated, or demands you to enforce vaccine discrimination. Do not take any PET tests and do not attend any events or go anywhere that requires a PET test. Do not go where you are not welcome, do not give time or money to those who do not want to do business with you, do not participate in a society that rejects you, do not collaborate with those who discriminate against others.
Do not make outrageous statements or do anything stupid. The government and the media are employing Saul Alinsky’s Rule 12 for Radicals. They identify someone who can be ridiculed in public, frame him as the representative of the ‘anti-vaxxer movement’, and cut off everyone who walks away from outside support networks. This is how they have demonised people who criticise Covid vaccines and propose alternative treatments. Do not allow them to turn you into a weapon against your friends and family. Show people you are exactly who you say you are: a sane, ordinary person.
Do not break the law. To enforce vaccine discrimination, the government will employ scores of police officers, safety distancing ambassadors and other such personnel. They already have a hard job, and they are more likely than you to come into contact the virus. Do not make their lives harder than it is, and they will return the favour. Do not do anything that will give the Establishment a reason to paint you as an enemy of the people more than they already are.
Do develop a side income. With increasing pressure to vaccinate, you must expect an employer vaccination mandate to come down the line. You must get ahead of this by creating a side income that is not dependent on vaccination, or even in-person work. This includes remote work, Internet freelancing, creating video courses and information products, and so on. Be prepared to turn the side income into a full-time income in the worst case scenario.
Do support each other. With so many essential services concentrated in malls, people are now rushing to identify shops, clinics, supermarkets and childcare facilities that are not included in this round of measures. SG Connect Concerned Parents on Telegram is compiling a list of such businesses. I have seen vaccinated people volunteering to run errands on behalf of those who can’t. Support small local businesses who are not covered under the vaccine discrimination rules, and are willing to do business with you. Similarly, identify shops that will not do business with the unvaccinated even if they are not covered under the new Covid regulations, and boycott them. To get through this period, we must all help each other out.
Do understand your rights. I have seen job advertisements for vaccinated people only. I have heard of a doctor who refused to treat an unvaccinated patient. I have seen reports that government agencies are dividing visitors by vaccination status, and are forcing unvaccinated visitors to wait in longer queues. Expect employers and stores to pressure you to get vaccinated. You must be aware of your rights. Recognize that it is presently illegal for employers to fire someone for not being vaccinated, and that a refusal to treat an unvaccinated patient is a violation of medical ethics. Going beyond that, you must be prepared to stand up for your rights, and push back against those who would take it from you.
Do take care of your health. Less than 1% of Covid transmissions take place outdoors. A leading driver of Covid deaths is obesity and vitamin deficiencies. Spend more time exercising in the sun, eat healthy, and look after your health. This is far cheaper and way more convenient than dealing with a disease down the line, Covid or otherwise.
Do not cling to the hope that things will get better. It may happen, once the virus naturally burns itself out, but be prepared for this period to last a long time.
Do prepare yourself for things to get worse. Be prepared for the government to further increase restrictions, for the media to paint you as an enemy of the people, for your friends and family to turn against you, for you to lose everything. As far as possible, pre-empt all this from happening by decoupling yourself from a society that does not want you. Do this now, while you still can.
Do not go out of your way to make enemies. Do not disrespect, degrade, mock, curse or otherwise discriminate against those who have made different choices from you. They have made their choices; let them live by them. Always remember that the Establishment is always looking for an excuse to cast you as deranged lunatic who wants to place everyone at risk.
Do be the best person you can be. Now, more than ever, is the time to practice the great virtues. Patience, equanimity, charity, goodwill, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, courage. Be a light unto the world and set an example for everyone—your friends, family, even complete strangers.
Do not despair.
Do live in faith.
All this demands much of you. Discipline, fortitude, good cheer, resilience, planning, endurance. Remember that the ‘minority’ the Establishment wants to segregate represents hundreds of thousands of people like you. With 85% of the population vaccinated, that leaves over 818,000 people affected by vaccine discrimination. You are not alone in this.
The government is trialing Covid vaccine boosters. Should they be approved for the general populace, the next step is to follow in the footsteps of Israel: only those who have taken the booster shot will be considered fully vaccinated. After all, the numbers in Singapore are showing that vaccine protections are fading, and the vaccine is supposed to be for your protection.
Proof of vaccination has now become a de facto Covid pass. It becomes easy to mimic Lithuania: everyone without proof of vaccination will be banned from stores, restaurants, supermarkets, banks, anywhere indoors. What is happening in Singapore now is only a few steps removed from Lithuania, so there is still room for medical tyranny to expand.
There may come a day that the only way to participate in public life is to take the vaccine every few months. A still-experimental vaccine whose long-term safety data is unknown, which is already showing signs of high risk. Any government with the power to make you take the vaccine has the power to make you comply with the government in all things in the name of public health and safety. Taking the vaccine will no longer be for your protection, but to prove your obedience. Refusal to take the vaccine will mark you as an enemy of the state.
To prevent that day from coming, we must walk away now, and show that this is the one line that the people will not cross, that the establishment can only go so far and not one step beyond.
The great dream of Singapore is that people from different backgrounds can come together to create a peaceful and prosperous society. The role of the government is to realize this dream and to preserve it for future generations. The imposition of medical segregation has shattered this dream.
Beyond walking away from a society that rejects you, it is time to demand for accountability.
Calling to Account
The Government
I do not expect the government to change course anytime soon. I do expect it to grow desperate, to impose even tighter restrictions, and to fudge the numbers further. Already Singapore lumps together unvaccinated and partially vaccinated people together. It leaves one wondering what other data it is hiding. Having imposed vaccine discrimination on Singapore, and having created the current situation we are in, the government must take responsibility.
The government must lift all restrictions. Until then, the Republic of Singapore will remain a divided nation, with a country of the vaccinated and a country of those who walk away. The government must respect what was supposed to be a free and personal choice. If someone chooses to accept the elevated risk of severe illness and death, the government should respect that.
The government must be totally transparent with Covid data. No more obfuscations. No more lumping together unvaccinated and partially vaccinated. No more hiding embarrassing numbers. Present all the data.
The government must allow people to freely choose alternative medical treatments. People will take drugs like Ivermectin regardless of legality. And for good reason. Ivermectin has recorded 3680 adverse events in America from 1996 to October 2021. This is two orders of magnitude lower in 35 years than the Covid vaccines in 1 year. If people wish to use a medicine that is extremely well-tolerated and much safer than the Covid vaccines, it is better to have them take human-dose drugs under the guidance of a medical professional. The risk of adverse reactions is much lower the vaccine, and the payoff of prevention and rapid treatment of Covid is much higher than the payoff of a leaky vaccine that cannot stop transmissions.
The government must immediately stop mass vaccination campaigns against Covid. With so much data on adverse reactions and unknown long-term risks, any responsible government must err on the side of caution. People should still be allowed to take the vaccine if they feel the risk of infection outweighs the potential harm from the vaccine, but there should be no further pressure or encouragement to take the vaccine. The government must review and make public safety data concerning the vaccine.
The government must ensure all persons who choose to take the vaccine are informed of the risks. This includes but is not limited risks of death and disease from Covid versus risk of adverse reactions, the possibility of antibody dependent enhancement, and the risk of long-term unknown health effects.
The Media
Singapore’s nation-building media is not known for investigative journalism, or indeed asking hard questions. With the future of Singapore on the line, it is high time to start asking the hard questions.
What criteria and what data is the government using to decide policies?
Why did governments and the media the world over call Ivermectin ‘horse dewormer’ when Ivermectin has successfully treated millions of people over 40 years with minimal side effects, and shows promise as a Covid treatment?
Why did Singapore support BioNTech’s move to open a new regional headquarters in Singapore and produce mRNA vaccines?
How many people have died after taking the vaccine, and how many have suffered adverse reactions? Why does the government insist that the vaccine has not caused any deaths, while other governments such as Taiwan have attributed high numbers of deaths to the vaccine?
Why is the government fudging the Covid patient numbers? What is the full breakdown of cases by vaccination status?
What qualifies as a vaccine adverse reaction? Why do some doctors believe that some illnesses that occurred after being vaccinated do not qualify as an adverse reaction? What criteria do the authorities use to judge whether a death was indeed caused by the vaccine?
Do hospitals require patients to sign a form declaring that an illness is not a vaccine injury?
Which companies are deliberately discriminating against the unvaccinated, even if the regulations do not require them to do it?
The Opposition
I must confess, I reserve the greatest ire for the opposition.
They have one job: to keep the government in check. To represent the interests of the people. To ensure the government does its job well.
Covid-19 represents the most pressing crisis of our generation. Not since separation from Malaysia has Singapore faced an emergency of this magnitude. In this most critical of hours, most of the opposition has remained silent.
Who raised concerns about vaccine safety? Who discussed mask mandates and lockdowns? Who spoke against medical tyranny? Who asked the hard questions?
Brad Bowyer did. For this, he was brigaded by government and vaccine supporters, suspended from Facebook, and eventually resigned from the Progress Singapore Party.
Leong Mun Wai, Professor Paul Tambyah and Goh Meng Seng also spoken out against various aspects of vaccine discrimination and public policy.
Who else?
I have received private messages about certain opposition members who oppose vaccine discrimination as well. Nonetheless, they have not spoken publicly, either as a party member or as an individual. If they will not speak up now, when the government has divided one united Singapore into two countries, when will they ever speak? How can they claim to represent Singaporeans when they will not speak up for the most oppressed minority?
As the Establishment clamors for more vaccines, more discrimination, more and more and more measures, the silence of the opposition rings the loudest.
There could be three reasons for this:
The party lacks the data to make a coherent party-wide policy position. In this case, by continuing to share information on vaccines and related matters, we can yet reach out to them.
The party believes it lacks the political capital to make a stand. It is afraid if it contradicts the narrative, it will be attacked by the Establishment and by its supporters. We must thus demonstrate there is a groundswell of sentiment against medical tyranny of all forms, and encourage them to act.
The party supports the government’s policies. In which case, we must treat it no differently from the government.
Regardless of the reasons, I will remember the silence.
We who walk away will remember.
We cannot count on the opposition to save us. We cannot rely on the media to speak for us. We cannot pray that the government will take mercy on us.
We must take our lives into our own hands, and live by the choices we make.
Do not go where you, your friends and family are not wanted.
Do not give money to those who do not want you there.
Do not collaborate with those who oppress you.
Do not comply with coercion.
Do not break the law.
Do look after each other.
Do become a light for others.
Do continue to speak up against segregation.
Do stand your ground even if the world is against you.
Do live in faith, stay the course, and perservere until the end.
There will come a day when this medical tyranny will end. There will come a day when the truth will be finally revealed to the world. There will come a day when we can once again call ourselves one united people, where people will no longer be discriminated against for making a free choice.
With every person who walks away, that day draws nearer.
As long as the pandemic lasts, we have to keep trusting Lord Jesus Christ.
The government has forced my father to take the vaccine. They won't call it that, of course. If you fall under the vaccinate or test regime, they will say that you have a choice. Get vaccinated for free, or get tested twice a week on your own dime. My father…
Highly vaccinated areas and countries have seen surges in Covid transmissions. That doesn’t speak well of the vaccine’s ability to reduce transmissions.
There is also emerging evidence to suggest Covid is evolving to become more lethal, as with Marek’s disease.
Perhaps cases are going up because these countries are reopening now that their vaccination rates are high enough? Correlation doesn’t always equal causation.
What would you say Singapore is doing wrong then? We seem to be adopting a similar approach compared to Scandinavia (gradual reopening after a certain % of population is vaccinated), why do you think our cases are going up and theirs down?
Also worth mentioning that not all Scandinavian countries adopted the same strategy. Sweden has more than 50x Singapore’s deaths despite only having 2x our population. Norway has 4x our deaths, and the same population as us. Only difference was that Norway lifted restrictions after mass vaccination, whereas Sweden kept things open all the way.
Sure, things have stabilised in both countries now, but it came at a much higher cost for Sweden.
There are other critical differences. Let’s start with climate.
Temperature, humidity and UV radiation inhibits the spread of Covid. It’s not surprising that Singapore saw relatively low Covid cases in the beginning of the pandemic, because the climate is poorly suited for Covid. In contrast, Scandinavia is infamous for being cold, dry and dark, which is ideal for the virus to spread, especially in winter.
When we compare the Scandinavian countries with other European countries with similar climates, we see that Scandinavia does rather well, even when winter struck. While cases exploded during winter along with the rest of Europe, deaths remained fairly low in Scandinavia versus Europe.
In addition, Sweden has a higher percentage of seniors of 65 years and older (20.26%) versus Norway (6.1%). Singapore’s percentage of seniors skews closer to Sweden (15.19%). That could affect the fatalities.
Singapore’s approach is not similar to Scandinavia. By tightening restrictions, Singapore’s approach is the opposite of Scandinavia. It’s quite telling that when Singapore tightened restrictions and pressured people to vaccinate, transmissions and deaths shot up, while Scandinavia saw case counts drop when restrictions were lifted.
While Sweden and Denmark certainly saw much higher deaths than Singapore, Covid is under control in Scandinavia, and is still out of control in Singapore. There are other costs associated with extended restrictions as well, such as excess deaths from suicide, mental illness, and illness that were not caught early, which we haven’t calculated yet.
To have a full picture of the actual costs, we need more data from the Singapore government. I don’t know whether it’ll be forthcoming anytime soon.
What? Didn’t our cases go up because we relaxed restrictions? Phase 2 ended in mid August, and shortly after we started to see a surge in cases. I don’t know if you’re based in Singapore, but malls and public transport are WAY more crowded now compared to in early Aug. In fact we are still continuing to open up (VTLs, people going back to work, allowing foreign workers to visit the community), and the “restrictions” you mention mostly apply to the unvaccinated.
I’m honestly not sure what to make of your last post. Are you suggesting that cases would go down if we just lifted all restrictions? Or are you saying that it’s the vaccine that has caused the recent surge? Neither make a whole lot of sense to me–like you pointed out, Scandinavia has a vaccination rate comparable to ours, and it doesn’t seem to be causing any issues.
Like you, I feel sorry for the unvaccinated. It must feel terrible to have your rights taken away one by one. But if we didn’t have these measures in place, the healthcare system would surely be overwhelmed. Currently, the unvaccinated occupy more than half the ICU beds, despite making up less than 20% of the population. Hypothetically, if everyone got vaccinated, it would literally reduce the strain on our healthcare system by 50%. Which is more important: your right to stay unvaccinated, or a nurse’s right to not be crushed by a failing healthcare system? I think some questions have no easy answers.
If I have one gripe with the government, it is how poorly they handled the pandemic from a PR perspective. I don’t have an issue with their decisions, but sometimes it seems like they don’t give a shit about what the people think. Just expecting everyone to do what they say without question.
Take yourself, for example. The fact that you quoted a <1% fatality rate for covid is telling. Sure, it's not that severe of a disease if a country has the medical resources to treat all the serious cases. But if the healthcare system is overwhelmed, this number goes up very quickly. It is the government's job to educate people about this. Clearly, they have failed.
Another thing they did is sweep all the vaccine risks under the carpet. I think a much better approach would be to admit that there are risks, and assure the people that the benefits outweigh the risks. If not enough of the population is vaccinated, we cannot open up without overwhelming the healthcare system. If we don't open up, the economy suffers, people lose their jobs, and all the hidden costs that you mentioned (suicide, mental illness) start to add up. I don't think this is that hard to understand. But again they choose to treat us like idiots.
Cases went up after unvaccinated Singaporeans were forced out of indoor dining spaces. They continued to shoot up after the unvaccinated were forced out of malls.
In Scandinavia, the governments dropped ALL restrictions. Transmissions dropped. While cases are on the rise again, they aren’t as severe as other highly vaccinated and restrictive countries like Israel, Lithuania and Singapore.
On October 19, there were 1329 hospitalised patients. 714 of them were fully vaccinated — a majority. The remaining 615 are a mix of unvaccinated and partially vaccinated.
Shortly after that, the MOH stopped breaking down hospitalised patients by vaccination status.
What we do know is that today, 46.4% of patients who require oxygen supplementation and ICU treatment are fully vaccinated. The remaining 53.6% are split between the partially vaccinated and unvaccinated. Why would the government lump the latter two together, unless the proportion of unvaccinated patients is significantly smaller than the vaccinated?
The data says what it says. The government’s argument of reducing the strain on the healthcare system is false: the fully vaccinated are now taking up the majority of hospital resources.
Gone are the days we sing One People One Nation One Singapore with pride that our forefathers so painstakingly built.
(The National Flag of Singapore was officially adopted on December 3, 1959.
The National Flag of Singapore features two equal horizontal bands of red (top) and white. On the hoist side of the red stripe is a vertical, white-colored crescent moon that faces the flag’s fly side. The crescent moon is partially enclosing five equal-sized white five-pointed stars that are arranged in the shape of a pentagon. The white color is said to represent the virtue and purity of the people. The red color stands for unity, equality, and a sense of brotherhood among all citizens of Singapore. The five white stars represent the nation’s ideals of equality, democracy, progress, peace, and justice. The waxing white crescent moon symbolizes a young nation.)
I pray for Singapore. The segregation or discrimination is minor, just a petty nuisance. The disaster that may come upon Singapore, if what Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Prof Luc Montaigner (HIV nobel prize discoverer), Dr. Mike Yeadon (ex-Pfizer VP and Chief Scientific Officer) ,etc. predicts come true.
Dr. Mikovits predict 50 million Americans will die. What about Europe and Asia for those countries heavily vaccinated with mRNA vaccines? What about Singapore?
Where is the safety net for Singapore. Singapore cannot be an exception as this huge wave shows. If the millions are to die in Western countries, I cannot see how Spore can avoid a similar calamity.
I have given it plenty of thought….will I die if I take the Sinopharm vaccine? Will I be crippled by adverse effects using Sinopharm? I have searched the Internet. No news of such severe adverse events on Sinovac or Sinopharm.
China vaccinated a billion Chinese. Surely if people are seriously hurt or have died, the Internet would have some news, the westerN media would have seized upon such news. None.
So, I have decided to take Sinopharm soon for business travel reasons. I do not believe in any vaccines protecting me. I am on Urine Therapy for 23 years, without even a flu, without needing a doctor. I have no cancer diabetes, cardiovascular nor thousands of other diseases.
I believe in my ancient therapy. But I will take Sinopharm just for the “vaccine passport”. Two close family friends who got fully vaccinated with Sinovac in early Sept, are now down with Covid. One is age 90 and just got admitted to NUH…I pray and worry for her. The other has reached Day 8, in a community isolation place. She will fully recover as breathlessness would have occurred by Day 8. She is okay.
Five workers in a warehouse, fully vaccinated (not sure which vaccines) have recovered from Covid. Vaccines, all of them, are not effective.
thanks for this post, brought a tear to my eye (for real). was thinking of eventually going for the jab, but am going to delay it for as long as i am able to… am not christian but would like to be able to say, when this is all over, that ‘i have fought the good fight, i have finished the race, i have kept the faith’…
PM said vaccination is a choice. But many people have forgotten it’s a choice. So persuaded by sweet talk and “kind heart” Media drill “take vaccine™song Many rush for vaccination before charges are imposed. From one being vaccinated,many did not give a choice when they turned a vaccine pusher even big effective vaccine pushers by bishop of Methodist church,and big churches and intercessor groups. Now the government has become a tyranny. Now as people seeing herd immunity not working,more serious side effects from booster doses increasing, the non vax group will grow.
Anyone that wants to look at the worst possible outcome that might happen, then I encourage them to watch this lecture, several times as I have over the past few days. Each time it’s more clear to me that we are stumbling blindly into something completely out of control.
What a work of art. Powerful and poetic. I’m a fan. Thank you for taking the risk to speak out against the disgusting divisive acts taken to segregate people in Singapore.
First of all I want to thank you for writing this piece, we need more peope to voice out the truth! The majority has failed to investigate whether the “vaccinations” are good for them in the long run. I am surprised so many has readily and blindly accepted the “vaccines” without considering that these are highly experimental and the current results have shown that they have utterly failed in preventing the spread of the virus. Saying that it will reduce our symptoms is just not good enough. The numbers have shown that the immuno compromised and the older folks are more at risk, but no more at risk than getting the ordinary flu. According to CNA themselves (, annually, 600-800 people DIE from influenza! Why the heck are we over-reacting over this and jabbing everyone with this experimental “vaccine” that is completely useless? Now they want to jab us every 6 months with this!? And next year our younger children under age 12!!! I am on literal self exile in the moment, limiting my movement to only within my town borders, going out only when necessary. I can forgo going to the malls but I find this differenciated moves highly discriminatory and it has made me lose my trust in the way the Government is dealing with this. They have completely failed in my eyes.
Thank you for a very well-written and comprehensive article. I am both sad and angry at the same time. Sad because lives mean nothing to this government. Profits is what drives them. Angry because they say I have a choice, but having chosen not to be vaccinated, I become an enemy of the state. And who leads the task force? Instead of Prof Paul Tambyah we get two clowns running a circus. They will never ask Tambyah to chair the task force, even though he is eminently qualified, because if he succeeds the next GE will see the opposition become the new government. The deaths within the last 31 days exceed the total for the last 18 months combined. Now if that isn’t proof enough that the vaccine simply isn’t working, I don’t know what is!
Thanks so much for writing this post which articulated most of the thoughts and feelings of the unvaxxed and showing all that the Covid measures are what they are: discriminatory and draconian. The ability for the government to implement such drastic measures in such a short period of time is symptomatic of the deeper sickness in our country.
Powerful article that delivers a resounding roundhouse blow to the Govt.
Thank you, Benjamin Cheah, for this well-written essay that resonated the deep-seated feelings amongst the unvaccinated, the partially vaccinated, the vaccine injured, as well as the vaccinated, who joined the clarion call for freedom from illogical oppression, and freedom to Informed Consent.
Strongly agree with you on your anger with the Opposition. They were supposed to be there to front these concerns and debunk these nonsense. They deserved my damn X as much as PAP does.
Not enough info to build case? Dig it up and debate it! Not enough political clout? So crawl along and argue about CECA getting political brownies?
I can differentiate what’s an excuse and a reason, moral courage and political cowardice.
2 months ago, I was still undecided if I should take the shot if I’m threatened with job loss or the law. Now all my misgivings are gone. The govt’s hardline has hardened me as well.
But yes, thanks for reminding me, that deep within each of us, we must not be radicalized and fling this shit back, to the wrong people. In my fight against injustice, I must not forget that I’m fighting in the name of Evidence, Truth, Logic, not against policemen, health workers, SDAs, or even vaccinated people.
I’ll not forget this sublime and timely reminder, because losing this compass, will deepen the very Division which I have been working to bridge all this while, these past few months.
A nation of sheep deserves a government of wolves.
When Lee Hsien Loong’s wife Ho Ching is in charge of the country’s finances and has been the most proactive supporter of the vaccines… we have a problem.
We’ve already seen that herd immunity is non-existent despite the high vaccination rate. And yet they are saying things like ‘endemic’ or ‘living with Covid’, which means a continuation or escalation of draconian lockdown/surveillance measures, while opening the country to anyone who is foolish enough to visit it.
This is no longer just incompetence… it’s treason.
To those vaxxed people: your immune system has been weakened by the vaccines. Forget about Covid, you might even succumb to ordinary diseases. The propaganda machinery will call it a ‘breakthrough infection’ or blame the dirty unvaxxed ones for your suffering. Ignore the propaganda and do try to do whatever you can to strengthen your immune system.
Very well written and thoughtful post. While I do agree with many of your points, I do have one question about your views on Marek’s disease and vaccinations.
Since Mareks’s disease becomes more virulent in the presence of “leaky” vaccines, it results in greater deaths in the unvaccinated, while leaving the vaccinated alive. My logical and uncomfortable conclusion then would be to vaccinate, since the unvaccinated chickens would otherwise all die.
Yes the vaccinations indeed lead to this terrible new normal of a more virulent strain, but it also means that the unvaccinated would have to vaccinate in order to survive.
Of course one could argue with the coronavirus vaccines, there are side effects ,risk of ADE, etc but in the case of Marek’s such problems are not known to occur, hence when I game it out, I see no alternative but to vaccinate.
Vaccine-driven viral evolution selects for hotter strains.
This means the virus will become more contagious AND more lethal.
Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated will suffer alike. The only real difference is that the vaccinated are less likely to die.
For people who do not fall into the high-risk demographic, the protective effects are miniscule. Covid presently has an infection fatality rate comparable to influenza (0.15% vs 0.1 – 0.2%). The overwhelming majority of people who catch the disease, vaccinated or not, will survive regardless. Pressure to conduct mass vaccination isn’t warranted, especially if it has the potential to make the virus even deadlier.
Which is precisely my point. I’m not disagreeing with you that the mass vaccinations of these vaccines could cause the virus to be contagious and lethal, and are therefore foolish.
My point is mass vaccinations are already happening throughout the world, whether we like it or not.
So using the Marek’s example: the unvaccinated would eventually perish while the vaccinated survive, unless they choose to vaccinate.
Covid simply isn’t deadly enough to justify vaccination, nor is it showing signs of the kind of fatality rates we see with Marek’s.
Not only that, Covid evolves rapidly, like the flu. The vaccines don’t provide a high degree protection against new variants, as we see with Delta, whereas natural immunity leads to protection against future variants. This means that whatever benefit that comes from the vaccine is both marginal and temporary.
Marek’s vaccinations tend to be administered only once during the lifetime of the chicken. The Covid vaccine has to be administered every six months. This means Covid has repeated chances for future vaccine-driven evolution AND the vaccinated will be increasingly exposed to potential side effects.
There’s a huge gulf in lethality between Covid and Marek’s disease. There just isn’t any evidence pointing to Covid becoming so lethal that the unvaccinated will definitely die.
Thank you for writing this informative article. It is my hope that this medical police-state will prove unsustainable. Discrimination on this scale requires vast resources and is not always effective. In America, there are protests and walkouts beginning. It is good to know that not everyone is staying silent.
just remember, once you taken the mrna vaccine, no way you can take it out, lots of people dont realise that this could be the most important decision in their lives
I am a non violent and sensible person and a law abiding citizen. I may lose my mind and somebody up there , be the power that be….. I leave it to you to complete my story…..
So there we have it. Following in the footsteps of Italy, Australia and other places, no jab, no job for Singaporeans.
“But you can test every day!”
It’s a thinly-disguised fine on the uncompliant, and designed to coerce you especially with how invasive these tests are. Not to mention possibility of graphene oxide on the buds. Now, spit tests are already out and in use in the west. The point is to punish you. I would rather they just come out and have the guts to directly fine people instead of this dog and pony show. Even if you take the cheapest kits for $15 a day that’s $300 a month you’re being fined, assuming 5 day work week. For a low-income person who may earn $1500 take-home pay that’s 1/5 of his salary. He can’t afford that; this is blatant coercion.
I don’t believe it will get to the point where they will send the red polo tees to your house to hold you down and forcibly inject you — evil requires that you participate of your own volition, that you break down and come crawling to them. But they will make life very difficult for you in the meantime, up to and including starving you out.
“A Covid vaccine-or-test mandate will take effect in January for practically every worker in Singapore. Unvaccinated people will be denied workplace access, unless they pay for a test and receive a negative result on each day that they go to work. Singapore in September. About 96 percent of Singapore’s work force has been fully vaccinated, the government says. ”
3 things I can think of that might help mitigate in addition to your suggest for Unvaccinated to start saving and side-income generation.
1. We have to as an international community develop dramatically cheaper test kits very quickly. This can allow multiple tests to overcome the accuracy deficit while preserving the time it takes. 2. We have to find a way to help each other out by making ourselves somewhat resilient to the initial vindictive pain they are trying to inflict on the Unvaccinated in the society. We cannot allow them to divide us or create for them in our hearts. 3. We have to do something about transparency of reporting quickly. The entire premise of compelled vaccination is based on the continued opacity of the safety and efficacy of being partially vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Since being partially vaccinated is a necessary step between being unvaccinated and fully vaccinated, it should be sufficient to empirically show that this is the case even if they force rapid testing by pointing out the risk of adverse outcomes increases substantially when we take the first jab. It increases spread, makes us susceptible temporarily to all kinds of infections, and that if an adverse outcome happens, it conceals the safety of the vaccine itself as the outcome is mislabelled as Covid. Example (Myocarditis).
Update: For the Fact Checkers. What I claimed is not untrue about partially vaccinated. I predicted that Singapore Government would have to remove this statistic soon, and it happened when they scrubbed the page to show only deaths from 1st May to 30th September when they earlier had deaths and cases until October 16th.
Of course, I saved a copy on Waybackmachine because I knew that someone would point out to them the push vaccination where you increase your risk of adverse outcome cannot be morally justified when the government’s own data shows scientifically or statistically that the valley of death survival (partial vaccination) is worse than being unvaccinated.
They only did this when they graphed the numbers and realized what the rest of knew who were following the pandemic: When you vaccinate during an outbreak, your are killing more people! This is not a Singapore phenomenon, this happened everywhere, including official stats from UK, Scotland, Canadian Province (Saskatchewan), US state of Virginia. in their official stats. They all conveniently scrubbed it too.
If I had the time, I would compile it all. In fact I think I will start now, because this getting deadly and people are being tricked into endangering themselves, their communities, their loved ones all while facing contempt for doing nothing wrong. I’ve started compiling stats here, and I will update slowly.
Wow this is written with such eloquence and clarity. I believe in freedom both to get it or not. But what’s happening is that people are left with no choice but to get it in order to work but at the same time there’s nary a graph on vifap application success rate. G published how many $ is given out for vifap but no data on the actual number of applications. How many didn’t get a single cent and is still suffering long haul adverse effects? This is making people afraid of it n the boosters. It would be nice if we can have a community of people on an off grid homestead, like in US
Feel free to ask on ANY topic.
Posts are welcome!Intend to be a lifelong learner. Do not think that it is just a coincidence. How many will ever recognize God in anything that takes place?
From one of the authors of the Marek paper:
The author is mistaken.
Highly vaccinated areas and countries have seen surges in Covid transmissions. That doesn’t speak well of the vaccine’s ability to reduce transmissions.
There is also emerging evidence to suggest Covid is evolving to become more lethal, as with Marek’s disease.
Perhaps cases are going up because these countries are reopening now that their vaccination rates are high enough? Correlation doesn’t always equal causation.
Scandinavia lifted restrictions 3 weeks ago. Infections are down by 22%.
The Scandinavian countries also have reasonably high vaccination rates (70+%).
Since wordpress won’t let me attach screenshots, you can look it up here:
What would you say Singapore is doing wrong then? We seem to be adopting a similar approach compared to Scandinavia (gradual reopening after a certain % of population is vaccinated), why do you think our cases are going up and theirs down?
Also worth mentioning that not all Scandinavian countries adopted the same strategy. Sweden has more than 50x Singapore’s deaths despite only having 2x our population. Norway has 4x our deaths, and the same population as us. Only difference was that Norway lifted restrictions after mass vaccination, whereas Sweden kept things open all the way.
Sure, things have stabilised in both countries now, but it came at a much higher cost for Sweden.
There are other critical differences. Let’s start with climate.
Temperature, humidity and UV radiation inhibits the spread of Covid. It’s not surprising that Singapore saw relatively low Covid cases in the beginning of the pandemic, because the climate is poorly suited for Covid. In contrast, Scandinavia is infamous for being cold, dry and dark, which is ideal for the virus to spread, especially in winter.
When we compare the Scandinavian countries with other European countries with similar climates, we see that Scandinavia does rather well, even when winter struck. While cases exploded during winter along with the rest of Europe, deaths remained fairly low in Scandinavia versus Europe.
In addition, Sweden has a higher percentage of seniors of 65 years and older (20.26%) versus Norway (6.1%). Singapore’s percentage of seniors skews closer to Sweden (15.19%). That could affect the fatalities.
Singapore’s approach is not similar to Scandinavia. By tightening restrictions, Singapore’s approach is the opposite of Scandinavia. It’s quite telling that when Singapore tightened restrictions and pressured people to vaccinate, transmissions and deaths shot up, while Scandinavia saw case counts drop when restrictions were lifted.
While Sweden and Denmark certainly saw much higher deaths than Singapore, Covid is under control in Scandinavia, and is still out of control in Singapore. There are other costs associated with extended restrictions as well, such as excess deaths from suicide, mental illness, and illness that were not caught early, which we haven’t calculated yet.
To have a full picture of the actual costs, we need more data from the Singapore government. I don’t know whether it’ll be forthcoming anytime soon.
What? Didn’t our cases go up because we relaxed restrictions? Phase 2 ended in mid August, and shortly after we started to see a surge in cases. I don’t know if you’re based in Singapore, but malls and public transport are WAY more crowded now compared to in early Aug. In fact we are still continuing to open up (VTLs, people going back to work, allowing foreign workers to visit the community), and the “restrictions” you mention mostly apply to the unvaccinated.
I’m honestly not sure what to make of your last post. Are you suggesting that cases would go down if we just lifted all restrictions? Or are you saying that it’s the vaccine that has caused the recent surge? Neither make a whole lot of sense to me–like you pointed out, Scandinavia has a vaccination rate comparable to ours, and it doesn’t seem to be causing any issues.
Like you, I feel sorry for the unvaccinated. It must feel terrible to have your rights taken away one by one. But if we didn’t have these measures in place, the healthcare system would surely be overwhelmed. Currently, the unvaccinated occupy more than half the ICU beds, despite making up less than 20% of the population. Hypothetically, if everyone got vaccinated, it would literally reduce the strain on our healthcare system by 50%. Which is more important: your right to stay unvaccinated, or a nurse’s right to not be crushed by a failing healthcare system? I think some questions have no easy answers.
If I have one gripe with the government, it is how poorly they handled the pandemic from a PR perspective. I don’t have an issue with their decisions, but sometimes it seems like they don’t give a shit about what the people think. Just expecting everyone to do what they say without question.
Take yourself, for example. The fact that you quoted a <1% fatality rate for covid is telling. Sure, it's not that severe of a disease if a country has the medical resources to treat all the serious cases. But if the healthcare system is overwhelmed, this number goes up very quickly. It is the government's job to educate people about this. Clearly, they have failed.
Another thing they did is sweep all the vaccine risks under the carpet. I think a much better approach would be to admit that there are risks, and assure the people that the benefits outweigh the risks. If not enough of the population is vaccinated, we cannot open up without overwhelming the healthcare system. If we don't open up, the economy suffers, people lose their jobs, and all the hidden costs that you mentioned (suicide, mental illness) start to add up. I don't think this is that hard to understand. But again they choose to treat us like idiots.
Cases went up after unvaccinated Singaporeans were forced out of indoor dining spaces. They continued to shoot up after the unvaccinated were forced out of malls.
In Scandinavia, the governments dropped ALL restrictions. Transmissions dropped. While cases are on the rise again, they aren’t as severe as other highly vaccinated and restrictive countries like Israel, Lithuania and Singapore.
On October 19, there were 1329 hospitalised patients. 714 of them were fully vaccinated — a majority. The remaining 615 are a mix of unvaccinated and partially vaccinated.
Shortly after that, the MOH stopped breaking down hospitalised patients by vaccination status.
What we do know is that today, 46.4% of patients who require oxygen supplementation and ICU treatment are fully vaccinated. The remaining 53.6% are split between the partially vaccinated and unvaccinated. Why would the government lump the latter two together, unless the proportion of unvaccinated patients is significantly smaller than the vaccinated?
The data says what it says. The government’s argument of reducing the strain on the healthcare system is false: the fully vaccinated are now taking up the majority of hospital resources.
Gone are the days we sing One People One Nation One Singapore with pride that our forefathers so painstakingly built.
(The National Flag of Singapore was officially adopted on December 3, 1959.
The National Flag of Singapore features two equal horizontal bands of red (top) and white. On the hoist side of the red stripe is a vertical, white-colored crescent moon that faces the flag’s fly side. The crescent moon is partially enclosing five equal-sized white five-pointed stars that are arranged in the shape of a pentagon. The white color is said to represent the virtue and purity of the people. The red color stands for unity, equality, and a sense of brotherhood among all citizens of Singapore. The five white stars represent the nation’s ideals of equality, democracy, progress, peace, and justice. The waxing white crescent moon symbolizes a young nation.)
Is this “REALLY “ what it represents TODAY?
I pray for Singapore. The segregation or discrimination is minor, just a petty nuisance. The disaster that may come upon Singapore, if what Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Prof Luc Montaigner (HIV nobel prize discoverer), Dr. Mike Yeadon (ex-Pfizer VP and Chief Scientific Officer) ,etc. predicts come true.
Dr. Mikovits predict 50 million Americans will die. What about Europe and Asia for those countries heavily vaccinated with mRNA vaccines? What about Singapore?
Where is the safety net for Singapore. Singapore cannot be an exception as this huge wave shows. If the millions are to die in Western countries, I cannot see how Spore can avoid a similar calamity.
I pray for Singapore.
I have given it plenty of thought….will I die if I take the Sinopharm vaccine? Will I be crippled by adverse effects using Sinopharm? I have searched the Internet. No news of such severe adverse events on Sinovac or Sinopharm.
China vaccinated a billion Chinese. Surely if people are seriously hurt or have died, the Internet would have some news, the westerN media would have seized upon such news. None.
So, I have decided to take Sinopharm soon for business travel reasons. I do not believe in any vaccines protecting me. I am on Urine Therapy for 23 years, without even a flu, without needing a doctor. I have no cancer diabetes, cardiovascular nor thousands of other diseases.
I believe in my ancient therapy. But I will take Sinopharm just for the “vaccine passport”. Two close family friends who got fully vaccinated with Sinovac in early Sept, are now down with Covid. One is age 90 and just got admitted to NUH…I pray and worry for her. The other has reached Day 8, in a community isolation place. She will fully recover as breathlessness would have occurred by Day 8. She is okay.
Five workers in a warehouse, fully vaccinated (not sure which vaccines) have recovered from Covid. Vaccines, all of them, are not effective.
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thanks for this post, brought a tear to my eye (for real). was thinking of eventually going for the jab, but am going to delay it for as long as i am able to… am not christian but would like to be able to say, when this is all over, that ‘i have fought the good fight, i have finished the race, i have kept the faith’…
Very good writing…
PM said vaccination is a choice. But many people have forgotten it’s a choice. So persuaded by sweet talk and “kind heart” Media drill “take vaccine™song
Many rush for vaccination before charges are imposed. From one being vaccinated,many did not give a choice when they turned a vaccine pusher even big effective vaccine pushers by bishop of Methodist church,and big churches and intercessor groups.
Now the government has become a tyranny. Now as people seeing herd immunity not working,more serious side effects from booster doses increasing, the non vax group will grow.
Thank you SO much for writing this.
Anyone that wants to look at the worst possible outcome that might happen, then I encourage them to watch this lecture, several times as I have over the past few days. Each time it’s more clear to me that we are stumbling blindly into something completely out of control.
What a work of art. Powerful and poetic. I’m a fan. Thank you for taking the risk to speak out against the disgusting divisive acts taken to segregate people in Singapore.
Thank you for your courage and example. I am ONE.
Very detailed info which many are seeking with no answer from this gov at all.
First of all I want to thank you for writing this piece, we need more peope to voice out the truth! The majority has failed to investigate whether the “vaccinations” are good for them in the long run. I am surprised so many has readily and blindly accepted the “vaccines” without considering that these are highly experimental and the current results have shown that they have utterly failed in preventing the spread of the virus. Saying that it will reduce our symptoms is just not good enough. The numbers have shown that the immuno compromised and the older folks are more at risk, but no more at risk than getting the ordinary flu. According to CNA themselves (, annually, 600-800 people DIE from influenza! Why the heck are we over-reacting over this and jabbing everyone with this experimental “vaccine” that is completely useless? Now they want to jab us every 6 months with this!? And next year our younger children under age 12!!! I am on literal self exile in the moment, limiting my movement to only within my town borders, going out only when necessary. I can forgo going to the malls but I find this differenciated moves highly discriminatory and it has made me lose my trust in the way the Government is dealing with this. They have completely failed in my eyes.
Thank you for a very well-written and comprehensive article. I am both sad and angry at the same time. Sad because lives mean nothing to this government. Profits is what drives them. Angry because they say I have a choice, but having chosen not to be vaccinated, I become an enemy of the state. And who leads the task force? Instead of Prof Paul Tambyah we get two clowns running a circus. They will never ask Tambyah to chair the task force, even though he is eminently qualified, because if he succeeds the next GE will see the opposition become the new government. The deaths within the last 31 days exceed the total for the last 18 months combined. Now if that isn’t proof enough that the vaccine simply isn’t working, I don’t know what is!
Thanks so much for writing this post which articulated most of the thoughts and feelings of the unvaxxed and showing all that the Covid measures are what they are: discriminatory and draconian. The ability for the government to implement such drastic measures in such a short period of time is symptomatic of the deeper sickness in our country.
Powerful article that delivers a resounding roundhouse blow to the Govt.
Thank you, Benjamin Cheah, for this well-written essay that resonated the deep-seated feelings amongst the unvaccinated, the partially vaccinated, the vaccine injured, as well as the vaccinated, who joined the clarion call for freedom from illogical oppression, and freedom to Informed Consent.
Strongly agree with you on your anger with the Opposition. They were supposed to be there to front these concerns and debunk these nonsense. They deserved my damn X as much as PAP does.
Not enough info to build case? Dig it up and debate it!
Not enough political clout? So crawl along and argue about CECA getting political brownies?
I can differentiate what’s an excuse and a reason, moral courage and political cowardice.
2 months ago, I was still undecided if I should take the shot if I’m threatened with job loss or the law. Now all my misgivings are gone. The govt’s hardline has hardened me as well.
But yes, thanks for reminding me, that deep within each of us, we must not be radicalized and fling this shit back, to the wrong people. In my fight against injustice, I must not forget that I’m fighting in the name of Evidence, Truth, Logic, not against policemen, health workers, SDAs, or even vaccinated people.
I’ll not forget this sublime and timely reminder, because losing this compass, will deepen the very Division which I have been working to bridge all this while, these past few months.
Thank you once again, Benjamin Cheah.
A nation of sheep deserves a government of wolves.
When Lee Hsien Loong’s wife Ho Ching is in charge of the country’s finances and has been the most proactive supporter of the vaccines… we have a problem.
We’ve already seen that herd immunity is non-existent despite the high vaccination rate. And yet they are saying things like ‘endemic’ or ‘living with Covid’, which means a continuation or escalation of draconian lockdown/surveillance measures, while opening the country to anyone who is foolish enough to visit it.
This is no longer just incompetence… it’s treason.
To those vaxxed people: your immune system has been weakened by the vaccines. Forget about Covid, you might even succumb to ordinary diseases. The propaganda machinery will call it a ‘breakthrough infection’ or blame the dirty unvaxxed ones for your suffering. Ignore the propaganda and do try to do whatever you can to strengthen your immune system.
Very well written and thoughtful post. While I do agree with many of your points, I do have one question about your views on Marek’s disease and vaccinations.
Since Mareks’s disease becomes more virulent in the presence of “leaky” vaccines, it results in greater deaths in the unvaccinated, while leaving the vaccinated alive. My logical and uncomfortable conclusion then would be to vaccinate, since the unvaccinated chickens would otherwise all die.
Yes the vaccinations indeed lead to this terrible new normal of a more virulent strain, but it also means that the unvaccinated would have to vaccinate in order to survive.
Of course one could argue with the coronavirus vaccines, there are side effects ,risk of ADE, etc but in the case of Marek’s such problems are not known to occur, hence when I game it out, I see no alternative but to vaccinate.
Love to hear your thoughts.
Vaccine-driven viral evolution selects for hotter strains.
This means the virus will become more contagious AND more lethal.
Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated will suffer alike. The only real difference is that the vaccinated are less likely to die.
For people who do not fall into the high-risk demographic, the protective effects are miniscule. Covid presently has an infection fatality rate comparable to influenza (0.15% vs 0.1 – 0.2%). The overwhelming majority of people who catch the disease, vaccinated or not, will survive regardless. Pressure to conduct mass vaccination isn’t warranted, especially if it has the potential to make the virus even deadlier.
Which is precisely my point. I’m not disagreeing with you that the mass vaccinations of these vaccines could cause the virus to be contagious and lethal, and are therefore foolish.
My point is mass vaccinations are already happening throughout the world, whether we like it or not.
So using the Marek’s example: the unvaccinated would eventually perish while the vaccinated survive, unless they choose to vaccinate.
Covid simply isn’t deadly enough to justify vaccination, nor is it showing signs of the kind of fatality rates we see with Marek’s.
Not only that, Covid evolves rapidly, like the flu. The vaccines don’t provide a high degree protection against new variants, as we see with Delta, whereas natural immunity leads to protection against future variants. This means that whatever benefit that comes from the vaccine is both marginal and temporary.
Marek’s vaccinations tend to be administered only once during the lifetime of the chicken. The Covid vaccine has to be administered every six months. This means Covid has repeated chances for future vaccine-driven evolution AND the vaccinated will be increasingly exposed to potential side effects.
There’s a huge gulf in lethality between Covid and Marek’s disease. There just isn’t any evidence pointing to Covid becoming so lethal that the unvaccinated will definitely die.
Thank you for writing this informative article. It is my hope that this medical police-state will prove unsustainable. Discrimination on this scale requires vast resources and is not always effective. In America, there are protests and walkouts beginning. It is good to know that not everyone is staying silent.
just remember, once you taken the mrna vaccine, no way you can take it out, lots of people dont realise that this could be the most important decision in their lives
I am a non violent and sensible person and a law abiding citizen.
I may lose my mind and somebody up there , be the power that be…..
I leave it to you to complete my story…..
May God prevent me from doing it……
You could speak to someone to help you. A religious leader, a counsellor, a mental health professional, even a friend.
You aren’t alone. Just reach out and there’ll be someone willing to help.
the madness continues
So there we have it. Following in the footsteps of Italy, Australia and other places, no jab, no job for Singaporeans.
“But you can test every day!”
It’s a thinly-disguised fine on the uncompliant, and designed to coerce you especially with how invasive these tests are. Not to mention possibility of graphene oxide on the buds. Now, spit tests are already out and in use in the west. The point is to punish you. I would rather they just come out and have the guts to directly fine people instead of this dog and pony show. Even if you take the cheapest kits for $15 a day that’s $300 a month you’re being fined, assuming 5 day work week. For a low-income person who may earn $1500 take-home pay that’s 1/5 of his salary. He can’t afford that; this is blatant coercion.
I don’t believe it will get to the point where they will send the red polo tees to your house to hold you down and forcibly inject you — evil requires that you participate of your own volition, that you break down and come crawling to them. But they will make life very difficult for you in the meantime, up to and including starving you out.
My god, this is crazy! Just as you predicted.
Quote from the NYTimes Article today
“A Covid vaccine-or-test mandate will take effect in January for practically every worker in Singapore.
Unvaccinated people will be denied workplace access, unless they pay for a test and receive a negative result on each day that they go to work.
Singapore in September. About 96 percent of Singapore’s work force has been fully vaccinated, the government says. ”
3 things I can think of that might help mitigate in addition to your suggest for Unvaccinated to start saving and side-income generation.
1. We have to as an international community develop dramatically cheaper test kits very quickly. This can allow multiple tests to overcome the accuracy deficit while preserving the time it takes.
2. We have to find a way to help each other out by making ourselves somewhat resilient to the initial vindictive pain they are trying to inflict on the Unvaccinated in the society. We cannot allow them to divide us or create for them in our hearts.
3. We have to do something about transparency of reporting quickly. The entire premise of compelled vaccination is based on the continued opacity of the safety and efficacy of being partially vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Since being partially vaccinated is a necessary step between being unvaccinated and fully vaccinated, it should be sufficient to empirically show that this is the case even if they force rapid testing by pointing out the risk of adverse outcomes increases substantially when we take the first jab. It increases spread, makes us susceptible temporarily to all kinds of infections, and that if an adverse outcome happens, it conceals the safety of the vaccine itself as the outcome is mislabelled as Covid. Example (Myocarditis).
Update: For the Fact Checkers. What I claimed is not untrue about partially vaccinated. I predicted that Singapore Government would have to remove this statistic soon, and it happened when they scrubbed the page to show only deaths from 1st May to 30th September when they earlier had deaths and cases until October 16th.
Of course, I saved a copy on Waybackmachine because I knew that someone would point out to them the push vaccination where you increase your risk of adverse outcome cannot be morally justified when the government’s own data shows scientifically or statistically that the valley of death survival (partial vaccination) is worse than being unvaccinated.
Stats until October 16th :
Current Live Stats where two weeks of data is scrubbed:
They only did this when they graphed the numbers and realized what the rest of knew who were following the pandemic: When you vaccinate during an outbreak, your are killing more people! This is not a Singapore phenomenon, this happened everywhere, including official stats from UK, Scotland, Canadian Province (Saskatchewan), US state of Virginia. in their official stats. They all conveniently scrubbed it too.
If I had the time, I would compile it all. In fact I think I will start now, because this getting deadly and people are being tricked into endangering themselves, their communities, their loved ones all while facing contempt for doing nothing wrong.
I’ve started compiling stats here, and I will update slowly.
Wow this is written with such eloquence and clarity. I believe in freedom both to get it or not. But what’s happening is that people are left with no choice but to get it in order to work but at the same time there’s nary a graph on vifap application success rate. G published how many $ is given out for vifap but no data on the actual number of applications. How many didn’t get a single cent and is still suffering long haul adverse effects? This is making people afraid of it n the boosters.
It would be nice if we can have a community of people on an off grid homestead, like in US