1. Drink enough water regularly throughout the day.
2. Take whole fresh carrot juice every alternate day.
3. Limit your usage of computer or hand phone to not more than 5 hours a day.
4. Do eyes exercise daily.
Good Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes Everyday.
Eye problems can be easily prevented if you practice essential eye care habits everyday. Surprisingly, they are very practical and easy to accomplish yet they tend to be the most neglected.
To maintain your eye health and to keep your vision sharp, here are twelve things that should be part of your daily routine.
1. Avoid rubbing your eyes.
The hands are exposed to a lot of dirt, dust and bacteria, and all of these can be easily transferred to your peepers each time you touch or rub them. So avoid putting your hands to your eyes to prevent infection and irritation. If the habit is so ingrained on you, make an effort to get rid of it as soon as possible.
2. Practice frequent hand washing.
Wash your hands regularly to keep bacteria at bay and prevent them from getting in contact with your eyes, eyeglasses, and contact lenses.
3. Protect your eyes from the sun.
Exposure to sunlight and UV rays increases your risk for age-related macular degeneration and may cause cornea sunburn or photokeratitis. So aside from making a fashion statement and adding oomph to your overall look, put on those sunglasses to protect your eyes. If wearing them is not up your alley, UV-protected eyeglasses or contact lenses will do. Putting on caps, visors and hats are also advisable.
4. Stay hydrated.
Sufficient fluid intake is essential to your body’s overall wellbeing, including the eyes. If you’re hydrated enough, you prevent your eyes from getting dry and irritated.
5. Don’t smoke.
Smoking makes you more susceptible to age-related macular degeneration and other eye conditions such as cataract. Smoking can also damage the optic nerves, which can have adverse effects on your vision overtime.
6. Keep a balanced diet.
Beta-carotene, Lutein, Omega-3, Lycopene, and Vitamins C, A, and E are essential for maintaining your eye health. Make sure that your diet is infused with different foods that are rich in those nutrients.
7. Keep proper monitor distance and room lighting.
Computer monitors should be positioned about an arm’s length away from the eyes and 20 degrees below eye level. This keeps your eyes from getting strained. Likewise, make sure that you have sufficient but diffused lighting in your room. Focused and too bright lights may result to glare, and this can put too much stress on the eyes.
8. Observe the 20-20-20 rule.
If you want to keep your eyes in great shape, you should adhere to the 20-20-20 rule, which states that:
Every 20 minutes, look away from your computer monitor and fix your gaze on an object that’s 20 feet away from you.
Blink 20 successive times to prevent eye dryness.
Every 20 minutes, get out of your seat and take 20 steps. This is not just good for your vision, but also promotes proper posture and blood circulation throughout the body. Yes, it keeps you from being sedentary too.
9. Use the right kind of eye make-up.
If you wear make-up, choose the brands that work well for you. Steer clear of eye shadows, mascara, and eyeliners that cause an allergic reaction to your eyes. Don’t forget to use a make-up remover before going to bed to avoid bacterial build-up from residual make-up left in the eye area. Likewise, clean your make-up brushes regularly, especially those that you use for eye make-up application.
10. Get enough sleep.
Just like the rest of your body, your eyes need to recharge too, and this happens while you sleep. So make sure that you get sufficient shut-eye each day to keep your eyes revitalized and healthy.
11. Wear the appropriate eye safety gear for different activities.
No matter what you do, make sure that your eyes are protected. If you’re going swimming, wear goggles to avoid exposing your eyes to chlorine. Meanwhile, if you’re gardening or attending to a DIY project at home, put on safety glasses to protect your eyes from dust particles, bacteria, and injuries.
12. Keep your surroundings clean.
Exposure to dirt and dust can irritate the eyes; so make sure that the places you frequent are well maintained and clean. Change you linens and towels regularly and keep your workstation clutter-free.

1. 全天定期喝足够的水。
2. 每隔一天服用新鲜的胡萝卜汁。
3. 限制您每天使用电脑或手机的时间不超过 5 小时。
如果您每天养成基本的眼部护理习惯,就可以轻松预防眼部问题。 令人惊讶的是,它们非常实用且易于实现,但它们往往最容易被忽视。
1. 避免揉眼睛。
手暴露在大量污垢、灰尘和细菌中,每次触摸或摩擦时,所有这些都可以轻松转移到窥视者身上。 因此,请避免将手放在眼睛上,以防止感染和刺激。 如果这个习惯在你身上根深蒂固,那就努力尽快摆脱它。
2. 经常洗手。
3. 保护眼睛免受阳光照射。
暴露在阳光和紫外线下会增加患年龄相关性黄斑变性的风险,并可能导致角膜晒伤或光性角膜炎。 因此,除了打造时尚宣言并为您的整体造型增添魅力之外,戴上太阳镜以保护您的眼睛。 如果您不喜欢佩戴它们,则可以使用防紫外线眼镜或隐形眼镜。 戴上帽子、面罩和帽子也是可取的。
4. 保持水分。
充足的液体摄入对身体的整体健康至关重要,包括眼睛。 如果你有足够的水分,就可以防止眼睛变得干燥和刺激。
5. 不要吸烟。
吸烟使您更容易患上与年龄相关的黄斑变性和其他眼部疾病,例如白内障。 吸烟还会损害视神经,加班会对您的视力产生不利影响。
6. 保持均衡饮食。
β-胡萝卜素、叶黄素、Omega-3、番茄红素和维生素 C、A 和 E 对于维持眼睛健康至关重要。 确保您的饮食中加入了富含这些营养素的不同食物。
7. 保持适当的显示器距离和室内照明。
计算机显示器应放置在距离眼睛约一臂长的位置,并在眼睛下方 20 度处。 这可以防止你的眼睛变得紧张。 同样,请确保您的房间内有足够但漫射的照明。 聚焦和太亮的灯光可能会导致眩光,这会给眼睛带来太大的压力。
8. 遵守 20-20-20 规则。
如果你想让你的眼睛保持良好状态,你应该遵守 20-20-20 规则,它指出:
每 20 分钟,将视线从计算机显示器上移开,注视距离您 20 英尺的物体。
连续眨眼 20 次以防止眼睛干燥。
每 20 分钟,起身走 20 步。 这不仅对您的视力有益,还可以促进正确的姿势和全身的血液循环。 是的,它也可以防止您久坐不动。
9. 使用正确的眼妆。
如果您化妆,请选择适合您的品牌。 避开会引起眼睛过敏反应的眼影、睫毛膏和眼线笔。 不要忘记在睡前使用卸妆液,以避免眼部残留化妆品造成细菌积聚。 同样,定期清洁您的化妆刷,尤其是那些用于眼部化妆的刷子。
10. 充足睡眠。
就像您身体的其他部分一样,您的眼睛也需要充电,而这会在您睡觉时发生。 因此,请确保您每天有足够的睡眠时间,以保持眼睛充满活力和健康。
11. 为不同的活动佩戴合适的护目镜。
无论您做什么,请确保您的眼睛受到保护。 如果您要去游泳,请戴上护目镜以避免将眼睛暴露在氯中。 同时,如果您在家里园艺或参加 DIY 项目,请戴上安全眼镜以保护您的眼睛免受灰尘颗粒、细菌和伤害。
12. 保持周围环境清洁。
接触污垢和灰尘会刺激眼睛; 因此,请确保您经常光顾的地方得到良好维护和清洁。 定期更换床单和毛巾,让您的工作站保持整洁。
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