Monday, January 31, 2022

1922 - 2022 growing reflection and aging


2022 is approaching, it is about to enter a new year, what kind of life are you experiencing now?


Born in 2021, 1 year old in 2022, babbling every day, walking, everything is brand new


Born in 2019, 3 years old in 2022, I grew up with my parents in peace, they seem like omnipotent heroes, keeping the wind and rain of the whole world behind


Born in 2015, 7 years old in 2022, going to elementary school , I'm always thinking about the game after class while I'm in, get out of class, I look forward to growing up faster every day


I was born in 2009 and became a junior high school student at the age of 13 in 2022. My studies are getting busy. I want to listen to songs, read novels, and play basketball. I always feel that there is not enough time.


Born in 2006, 16 years old in 2022, the college entrance examination is approaching step by step, even if the pressure is heavy, I want to fight for myself


Born in 2003, 19 years old in 2022. Examination, part-time job, starting a business... Every path is full of hardships and hardships, but also full of infinite possibilities


Born in 1999, 23 years old in 2022, I was full of understanding when I first entered the workplace. I gradually realized that there are so many difficulties in the adult world.


Born in 1995, 27 years old in 2022, I have been fighting alone for a long time, and I want to have a shoulder to lean on when I look at the people around me in pairs. 


Born in 1991, 31 years old in 2022, and standing in his thirties, he has gradually become the pillar of the family, but as long as there are people around him to support him, he will have more courage to move forward 


Born in 1987, 35 years old in 2022, life has been dull, but the love for life cannot be dull. Living a bland life, the love for life can't be bland, even if things go wrong, have the courage to go on


Born in 1983, 39 years old in 2022, there are old people at the top, and young people at the bottom, and the pace of hard work should be firmer if you take on the responsibility. Taking responsibility and striving, the pace should be firmer

1977年出生2022年45岁: 精カ不比当年了



Born in 1977 Age 45 years in 2022:

 It's not as good as it used to be

 I want to catch up and still be able to fight for the past few years

 Create more value and achieve a better self

1973年出生2022年49岁: 孩子一天天长大,目送他的背影走向远方


Born in 1973, 49 years old in 2022: The child grows up day by day, watching his back go into the distance.It's time to let go and let him learn to grow independently.


Born in 1967, 55 years old in 2022, When I am over half a hundred years old, I have experienced the ups and downs of life, and I am more at ease with myself. Over half a hundred years old, after experiencing the bitter and spicy in life, I am more calm to myself.


Born in 1961, 61 years old in 2022, I have worked hard for most of my life, but after retirement, I suddenly have plenty of time, but I am not used to it. 

1956年出生2022年66岁: 遛弯,跳广场舞,打麻将,总想多出去走走人老了,更觉得健康可贵啊

Born in 1956, 66 years old in 2022:  Walking around, dancing square dance and playing mahjong, I always want to go out more. As I get old, I feel that health is more valuable.

1951年出生2022年71岁: 年纪大了,有时也会想念热闹的场景最喜欢的事,是孩子们回来一家人一起包顿饺子吃

Born in 1951, 71 years old in 2022, As I get older, I sometimes miss the lively scene. My favorite thing is that the children come back and make dumplings and eat dumplings together as a family.


Born in 1945, 77 years old in 2022, I am learning more and more to treat myself well and arrange my own life well, and make my children feel at ease. 

1939年出生2022年83岁: 身边有老友走了一个人坐着时,总忍不住想起年轻的时光

Born in 1939, 83 years old in 2022: When an old friend is gone, sitting alone, I can't help but think of my youth

1933年出生2022年89岁: 回顾往昔岁月,没有谁的人生处处圆满, 珍惜当下,就没有遗憾

Born in 1933, 89 years old in 2022 Looking back on the past years, no one's life is fully perfect,  cherish the present, there will be no regrets. 


Born in 1922, 100 years old in 2022, Looking back on the past years, no one's life is full and cherishes the present, and there is no regret. 

平静的思考,我平静的来,我平静的离开。 谢谢你爱我。 我也爱你。Reflection in peace , I came in peace, I leave in peace. Thank you for loving me. I love you, too.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Mortal Life

 Face Mortality – Reap More Joy

April 24, 2020 by Will_Handy

Nothing like a deadly pandemic to remind us that “death comes for all” actually applies to us, too!

Buddhists get a bad rap about death – lots of people think we’re morbid or depressed because we think about it a lot.  But it’s really the opposite – we bring our minds back to mortality so that we can defuse our fear and thus open to life more.  

Many in the West run in terror from death, as if it were some kind of monster that’s out to get us.  We’re so busy fleeing that we can’t stop and get to know what we’re running away from.  The meditative reaction to any fear is to slow down, “invite it over for tea,” and get friendly.  Make it familiar – and our reactions to it, too.  

Think – without death, there’d be about 100 billion people on the planet today – with over 141 million more each year!  Big trouble.  And animals – would they also be “free” from death?  I wonder how many feet deep we’d be in writhing critters by now.

But from a less ludicrous point of view, I think we’d have difficulty making sense of life it had no expiration date.  If we’re good at procrastinating now, what would we be like if we knew that we could put off until tomorrow forever?  Who cares if I’m in a car wreck? So what if my house burns down with me and my family in it?  If I don’t have the resources for food – big deal!  I think I’ll stay drunk for a hundred years – what’s the worst that could happen?  Nah, I haven’t talked to my sister in 30 years – we got time.

Many spiritual traditions – including Buddhism – encourage us to see death as a friendly presence that’s with us all the time.  It reminds us to appreciate our lives, which will not last forever.  Personally, I still haven’t seen an erupting volcano.  That’s been an unwavering life goal since I was a child.  Since I’m 70 freakin’ years old, I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  I’m acutely aware that if I don’t turn that fantasy into a real adventure, I will miss it.  If I’m alive in a year – and if travel again becomes possible – I intend to make a Major Trip.  And I suspect I will gather great joy and awe.

But closer to home:  Is a meal just a refueling stop?  Or can I wake up a little and savor the tastes and aromas and textures?  Someday I’ll be dead, and the smoothness of an avocado will be gone.  One of these days, my partner or I will die, and the other will be left.  That fact of life need not be frightening – but it does remind me that I won’t be able to hold him forever.  So each hug is part of a dwindling supply.  That awareness can remind me to pay attention when I touch him – to enjoy him and remember that he’s precious. 

Scarcity is part of value in the human calculation:  if something’s rare, it’s more precious to us.  Mortality reminds us that our experiences are scarce.  Even a crappy day is filled with treasures – for most of us, each day has hearing, vision, physical mobility, thought processes, emotion.  Even if I’m depressed or angry, I can feel something!  That will not be true for all that long.  I’d best enjoy these things now.

We Buddhists have a saying:  One day, this body will be a corpse.  With the right mindset, it’s not an invitation to fear.  It’s a friendly goad to mindfulness:  I won’t always be here.  The joys and terrors of living will end.  None of this is disposable!  Wake up!  Savor!  Enjoy this precious life while you can!

People who work with the dying report that those who fear death often struggle terribly and die with pain and terror.  Those who accept that death is natural and not to be hated often die with peace and even joy.  In this pandemic, it’s worth our time to invite death in for tea – to befriend this inevitable companion.  We can still mourn the passing of those we love; we will miss them, and there will be a painful hole in our lives.  But a death can remind us that we are still here.  We retain this body that can experience such joys – both extraordinary, like my longed-for volcano, and mundane, like an avocado.

It seems like a silly admonition, but remember that you’re alive!  Look for the shower of delight and joy in each day – because those things are inherent in being alive.  The fact that we only occasionally notice doesn’t mean that the shower isn’t there.  But when we go through the day in a dulled-out trance, the joy may as well be absent, for all we know.

Imagine a young, struggling person buys a fixer-upper house.  They make it a home, however sparse their limited means allow.  For decades, they live a modest life there.  After a few decades, the wooden floors are shot – and the owner at last has enough resources to pull them up and replace them.  The owner finds, between the joists beneath the floorboards, rank upon rank of gold bricks, left there by the previous, miserly owner.  How odd that our no-longer-young homeowner has been fabulously wealthy since the day they moved in, but they lived a life of not-quite-poverty.  They’ve lived with riches but didn’t know it.  With the help of contemplating our mortality, we can “rip up the floorboards” right away.  The wealth is ours for the noticing.

So make friends with death – an ever-present reminder of what we each possess.


Miàn duì sǐwáng——shōuhuò gèng duō kuàilè

 2020 年 4 月 24 日,作者 Will_Handy

 没有什么比一场致命的流行病更能提醒我们“人人死亡”实际上也适用于我们!méiyǒu shé me bǐ yī chǎng zhìmìng de liúxíng bìng gèng néng tíxǐng wǒmen “rén rén sǐwáng” shíjì shang yě shìyòng yú wǒmen!

 佛教徒对死亡的评价很差——很多人认为我们病态或抑郁是因为我们想了很多。 但事实恰恰相反——我们让我们的思想回到尘世,这样我们就可以化解我们的恐惧,从而对生命更加开放。Fójiào tú duì sǐwáng de píngjià hěn chà——hěnduō rén rènwéi wǒmen bìngtài huò yìyù shì yīnwèi wǒmen xiǎngle hěnduō. Dànshìshí qiàqià xiāngfǎn——wǒmen ràng wǒmen de sīxiǎng huí dào chénshì, zhèyàng wǒmen jiù kěyǐ huàjiě wǒmen de kǒngjù, cóng'ér duì shēngmìng gèngjiā kāifàng.

 西方的许多人都害怕死亡,好像它是某种怪物要来抓我们一样。 我们忙着逃跑,以至于我们无法停下来了解我们在逃避什么。 对任何恐惧的冥想反应是放慢速度,“请它过来喝茶”,并变得友好。 让它熟悉——以及我们对它的反应。Xīfāng de xǔduō rén dōu hàipà sǐwáng, hǎoxiàng tā shì mǒu zhǒng guàiwù yào lái zhuā wǒmen yīyàng. Wǒmen mángzhe táopǎo, yǐ zhìyú wǒmen wúfǎ tíng xiàlái liǎojiě wǒmen zài táobì shénme. Duì rènhé kǒngjù de míngxiǎng fǎnyìng shì fàng màn sùdù,“qǐng tā guòlái hē chá”, bìng biàn dé yǒuhǎo. Ràng tā shúxī——yǐjí wǒmen duì tā de fǎnyìng.

 想想看——如果没有死亡,今天地球上将有大约 1000 亿人——每年增加超过 1.41 亿人! 大麻烦。 还有动物——它们也会“免于”死亡吗? 我想知道现在我们在扭动的小动物身上会有多少英尺深。Xiǎng xiǎng kàn——rúguǒ méiyǒu sǐwáng, jīntiān dìqiú shàng jiàng yǒu dàyuē 1000 yì rén——měinián zēngjiā chāoguò 1.41 Yì rén! Dà máfan. Hái yǒu dòngwù——tāmen yě huì “miǎn yú” sǐwáng ma? Wǒ xiǎng zhīdào xiànzài wǒmen zài niǔ dòng de xiǎo dòngwù shēnshang huì yǒu duōshǎo yīngchǐ shēn.

 但从不那么荒谬的角度来看,我认为我们很难理解没有到期日的生活。 如果我们现在擅长拖延,如果我们知道我们可以永远推迟到明天,我们会是什么样子? 谁在乎我是否在车祸中? 那么,如果我的房子连同我和我的家人一起被烧毁了怎么办? 如果我没有食物资源——大不了! 我想我会醉一百年——可能发生的最糟糕的事情是什么? 不,我已经 30 年没有和我姐姐说过话了——我们有时间。Dàn cóng bù nàme huāngmiù de jiǎodù lái kàn, wǒ rènwéi wǒmen hěn nán lǐjiě méiyǒu dào qí rì de shēnghuó. Rúguǒ wǒmen xiànzài shàncháng tuōyán, rúguǒ wǒmen zhīdào wǒmen kěyǐ yǒngyuǎn tuīchí dào míngtiān, wǒmen huì shì shénme yàngzi? Shéi zàihū wǒ shìfǒu zài chēhuò zhōng? Nàme, rúguǒ wǒ de fángzi liántóng wǒ hé wǒ de jiārén yīqǐ bèi shāohuǐle zěnme bàn? Rúguǒ wǒ méiyǒu shíwù zīyuán——dàbùliǎo! Wǒ xiǎng wǒ huì zuì yībǎi nián——kěnéng fāshēng de zuì zāogāo de shìqíng shì shénme? Bù, wǒ yǐjīng 30 nián méiyǒu hé wǒ jiějiě shuō guòhuàle——wǒmen yǒu shíjiān.

 许多精神传统——包括佛教——鼓励我们将死亡视为始终与我们同在的友好存在。 它提醒我们珍惜我们的生活,这不会永远持续下去。 就个人而言,我还没有看到火山喷发。 这是我从小就坚定不移的人生目标。 由于我已经 70 岁了,我最近一直在想这件事。 我敏锐地意识到,如果我不把那个幻想变成真正的冒险,我会想念它的。 如果我一年后还活着——如果旅行再次成为可能——我打算进行一次重大旅行。 我怀疑我会聚集极大的喜悦和敬畏。Xǔduō jīngshén chuántǒng——bāokuò fójiào——gǔlì wǒmen jiàng sǐwáng shì wéi shǐzhōng yǔ wǒmen tóng zài de yǒuhǎo cúnzài. Tā tíxǐng wǒmen zhēnxī wǒmen de shēnghuó, zhè bù huì yǒngyuǎn chíxù xiàqù. Jiù gèrén ér yán, wǒ hái méiyǒu kàn dào huǒshān pēnfā. Zhè shì wǒ cóngxiǎo jiù jiāndìng bù yí de rénshēng mùbiāo. Yóuyú wǒ yǐjīng 70 suìle, wǒ zuìjìn yīzhí zài xiǎng zhè jiàn shì. Wǒ mǐnruì de yìshí dào, rúguǒ wǒ bù bǎ nàgè huànxiǎng biàn chéng zhēnzhèng de màoxiǎn, wǒ huì xiǎngniàn tā de. Rúguǒ wǒ yī nián hòu hái huózhe——rúguǒ lǚxíng zàicì chéngwéi kěnéng——wǒ dǎsuàn jìnxíng yīcì zhòngdà lǚxíng. Wǒ huáiyí wǒ huì jùjí jí dà de xǐyuè hé jìngwèi.

 但离家更近:一顿饭只是一个加油站吗? 或者我可以稍微醒来,品尝一下味道、香气和质地吗? 总有一天我会死去,鳄梨的光滑度也会消失。 在这些日子里,我的伴侣或我将死去,而另一天将被留下。 生活中的这一事实并不可怕——但它确实提醒我,我无法永远抱着他。 因此,每个拥抱都是供应减少的一部分。 这种意识可以提醒我在触摸他时要注意——享受他并记住他是宝贵的。Dàn lí jiā gèng jìn: Yī dùn fàn zhǐshì yīgè jiāyóu zhàn ma? Huòzhě wǒ kěyǐ shāowéi xǐng lái, pǐncháng yīxià wèidào, xiāngqì hé zhídì ma? Zǒng yǒu yītiān wǒ huì sǐqù, è lí de guānghuá dù yě huì xiāoshī. Zài zhèxiē rìzi lǐ, wǒ de bànlǚ huò wǒ jiàng sǐqù, ér lìng yītiān jiāng bèi liú xià. Shēnghuó zhōng de zhè yī shìshí bìng bùkěpà——dàn tā quèshí tíxǐng wǒ, wǒ wúfǎ yǒngyuǎn bàozhe tā. Yīncǐ, měi gè yǒngbào dōu shì gōngyìng jiǎnshǎo de yībùfèn. Zhè zhǒng yìshí kěyǐ tíxǐng wǒ zài chùmō tā shí yào zhùyì——xiǎngshòu tā bìng jì zhù tā shì bǎoguì de.

 稀缺性是人类计算价值的一部分:如果某样东西很稀有,那么它对我们来说就更珍贵。 死亡率提醒我们,我们的经验是稀缺的。 即使是糟糕的一天也充满了宝藏——对我们大多数人来说,每一天都有听力、视力、身体活动能力、思维过程和情感。 即使我很沮丧或生气,我也能感觉到一些东西! 这不会持续那么久。 我现在最好享受这些东西。Xīquē xìng shì rénlèi jìsuàn jiàzhí de yībùfèn: Rúguǒ mǒu yàng dōngxī hěn xīyǒu, nàme tā duì wǒmen lái shuō jiù gèng zhēnguì. Sǐwáng lǜ tíxǐng wǒmen, wǒmen de jīngyàn shì xīquē de. Jíshǐ shì zāogāo de yītiān yě chōngmǎnle bǎozàng——duì wǒmen dà duōshù rén lái shuō, měi yītiān dū yǒu tīnglì, shìlì, shēntǐ huódòng nénglì, sīwéi guòchéng hé qínggǎn. Jíshǐ wǒ hěn jǔsàng huò shēngqì, wǒ yě néng gǎnjué dào yīxiē dōngxī! Zhè bù huì chíxù nàme jiǔ. Wǒ xiànzài zuì hǎo xiǎngshòu zhèxiē dōngxī.

 我们佛教徒有一句话:终有一天,这个身体会变成一具尸体。 有了正确的心态,这不是恐惧的邀请。 这是对正念的友好刺激:我不会一直在这里。 生活的欢乐和恐惧终将结束。 这些都不是一次性的! 醒来! 品尝! 尽情享受这宝贵的生命吧!

Wǒmen fójiào tú yǒu yījù huà: Zhōng yǒu yītiān, zhège shēntǐ huì biàn chéng yī jù shītǐ. Yǒule zhèngquè de xīntài, zhè bùshì kǒngjù de yāoqǐng. Zhè shì duì zhèngniàn de yǒuhǎo cìjī: Wǒ bù huì yīzhí zài zhèlǐ. Shēnghuó de huānlè he kǒngjù zhōng jiāng jiéshù. Zhèxiē dōu bùshì yīcì xìng de! Xǐng lái! Pǐncháng! Jìnqíng xiǎngshòu zhè bǎoguì de shēngmìng ba!

 与临终者共事的人报告说,那些害怕死亡的人常常在痛苦和恐惧中挣扎并死去。 那些接受死亡是自然的、不被憎恨的人,往往会带着平静甚至快乐地死去。 在这种流行病中,值得我们花时间邀请死亡来喝茶——与这个不可避免的伴侣交朋友。 我们仍然可以哀悼我们所爱的人的逝去; 我们会想念他们,我们的生活中会出现一个痛苦的漏洞。 但是死亡可以提醒我们,我们还在这里。 我们保留了可以体验这种快乐的身体——既非凡,就像我渴望的火山,又平凡,像鳄梨。Yǔ línzhōng zhě gòngshì de rén bàogào shuō, nàxiē hàipà sǐwáng de rén chángcháng zài tòngkǔ hé kǒngjù zhōng zhēngzhá bìng sǐqù. Nàxiē jiēshòu sǐwáng shì zìrán de, bù bèi zēnghèn de rén, wǎngwǎng huì dàizhe píngjìng shènzhì kuàilè de sǐqù. Zài zhè zhǒng liúxíng bìng zhōng, zhídé wǒmen huā shíjiān yāoqǐng sǐwáng lái hē chá——yǔ zhège bù kě bìmiǎn de bànlǚ jiāo péngyǒu. Wǒmen réngrán kěyǐ āidào wǒmen suǒ ài de rén de shìqù; wǒmen huì xiǎngniàn tāmen, wǒmen de shēnghuó zhōng huì chūxiàn yīgè tòngkǔ de lòudòng. Dànshì sǐwáng kěyǐ tíxǐng wǒmen, wǒmen hái zài zhèlǐ. Wǒmen bǎoliúle kěyǐ tǐyàn zhè zhǒng kuàilè de shēntǐ——jì fēifán, jiù xiàng wǒ kěwàng de huǒshān, yòu píngfán, xiàng è lí.

 这似乎是一个愚蠢的警告,但请记住你还活着! 在每一天寻找快乐和快乐的阵雨——因为这些东西是活着的本质。 我们只是偶尔注意到的事实并不意味着淋浴不存在。 但是,当我们在沉闷的恍惚中度过这一天时,就我们所知,快乐也可能会消失。Zhè sìhū shì yīgè yúchǔn de jǐnggào, dàn qǐng jì zhù nǐ hái huózhe! Zài měi yītiān xúnzhǎo kuàilè he kuàilè de zhènyǔ——yīnwèi zhèxiē dōngxī shì huózhe de běnzhí. Wǒmen zhǐshì ǒu'ěr zhùyì dào de shìshí bìng bù yìwèizhe línyù bù cúnzài. Dàn shì, dāng wǒmen zài chénmèn de huǎnghū zhōng dùguò zhè yītiān shí, jiù wǒmen suǒ zhī, kuàilè yě kěnéng huì xiāoshī.

 想象一个年轻的、挣扎的人买了一套固定的上层房子。 他们把它变成了一个家,无论他们有限的手段允许多么稀疏。 几十年来,他们在那里过着简朴的生活。 几十年后,木地板被枪杀——业主终于有足够的资源将它们拉起并更换它们。 业主发现,在地板下的托梁之间,一层又一层的金砖是前任吝啬的业主留下的。 奇怪的是,我们不再年轻的房主从他们搬进来的那一天起就非常富有,但他们过着不太贫困的生活。 他们生活在财富中,但并不知道。 在考虑我们的死亡的帮助下,我们可以立即“撕掉地板”。 财富是我们的注意。

Xiǎngxiàng yīgè niánqīng de, zhēngzhá de rén mǎile yī tào gùdìng de shàngcéng fángzi. Tāmen bǎ tā biàn chéngle yīgè jiā, wúlùn tāmen yǒuxiàn de shǒuduàn yǔnxǔ duōme xīshū. Jǐ shí niánlái, tāmen zài nàlǐguòzhe jiǎnpú de shēnghuó. Jǐ shí nián hòu, mù dìbǎn bèi qiāngshā——yèzhǔ zhōngyú yǒu zúgòu de zīyuán jiāng tāmen lā qǐ bìng gēnghuàn tāmen. Yèzhǔ fāxiàn, zài dìbǎn xià de tuō liáng zhī jiān, yī céng yòu yī céng de jīn zhuān shì qiánrèn lìnsè de yèzhǔ liú xià de. Qíguài de shì, wǒmen bù zài niánqīng de fáng zhǔ cóng tāmen bān jìnlái dì nà yītiān qǐ jiù fēicháng fùyǒu, dàn tāmenguòzhe bù tài pínkùn de shēnghuó. Tāmen shēnghuó zài cáifù zhōng, dàn bìng bù zhīdào. Zài kǎolǜ wǒmen de sǐwáng de bāngzhù xià, wǒmen kěyǐ lìjí “sī diào dìbǎn”. Cáifù shì wǒmen de zhùyì.


Suǒyǐ yǔ sǐwáng jiāo péngyǒu——zhè shì wǒmen měi gèrén suǒ yǒngyǒu de yǒngyuǎn cúnzài de tíxǐng.

Garlic 大蒜 Dàsuàn

 With the changing season many of us are suffering from flu , cough and fever.  While doctors prescribe medicines, here's one thing that can speed up your recovery, raw garlic. One of the natural remedies to fend off your seasonal ailments.

 After breakfast, swallow a small clove of garlic. Don’t chew, just swallow. This improves your immunity and keeps you ready for  seasonal upheavals. 

Mince some cloves of garlic, fry it in heat,  add to your food , not only  does this make food tastier, it also boosts digestion. 

Heat sesame oils to smoking point and put a few cloves in it. Bottle this garlic oil,  rub  few drops of  garlic oil on your chest and on the soles of your feet when you have a cough or cold. It relieves congestion and cures cold. 

Roast a clove of garlic and have it with a spoon of honey before going to bed. This provides you relief against cough.

随着季节的变化,我们中的许多人都患有流感、咳嗽和发烧。 虽然医生会开药,但有一种方法可以加快您的康复速度,那就是生大蒜。 抵御季节性疾病的自然疗法之一。

Suízhe jìjié de biànhuà, wǒmen zhōng de xǔduō rén dōu huàn yǒu liúgǎn, késòu hé fāshāo. Suīrán yīshēng huì kāi yào, dàn yǒuyī zhǒng fāngfǎ kěyǐ jiākuài nín de kāngfù sùdù, nà jiùshì shēng dàsuàn. Dǐyù jìjié xìng jíbìng de zìrán liáofǎ zhī yī.

  早餐后,吞下一小瓣大蒜。 不要咀嚼,只是吞咽。 这可以提高您的免疫力,让您为季节性动荡做好准备。

Zǎocān hòu, tūn xià yī xiǎo bàn dàsuàn. Bùyào jǔjué, zhǐshì tūnyàn. Zhè kěyǐ tígāo nín de miǎnyì lì, ràng nín wèi jìjié xìng dòngdàng zuò hǎo zhǔnbèi.


Suànbàn qiē suì, dàhuǒ jiān shú, jiārù shíwù zhòng, bùjǐn kěyǐ shǐ shíwù gēng měiwèi, hái kěyǐ cùjìn xiāohuà.

 将芝麻油加热至冒烟点,放入几瓣丁香。 将大蒜油装瓶,咳嗽或感冒时在胸口和脚底擦几滴大蒜油。 它可以缓解淤血和治疗感冒。

Jiāng zhīmayóu jiārè zhì mào yān diǎn, fàng rù jǐ bàn dīngxiāng. Jiāng dàsuàn yóu zhuāng píng, késòu huò gǎnmào shí zài xiōngkǒu hé jiǎodǐ cā jǐ dī dàsuàn yóu. Tā kěyǐ huǎnjiě yūxiě hé zhìliáo gǎnmào.

 烤一瓣大蒜,睡前加一勺蜂蜜。 这可以缓解咳嗽。

Kǎo yī bàn dàsuàn, shuì qián jiā yī sháo fēngmì. Zhè kěyǐ huǎnjiě késòu.

Garlic to Treat Coughs

 More people are embracing garlic and its medicinal properties rather than resorting to the synthetic drug treatments. 

Garlic has been used to treat coughs, upper respiratory infections and other common ailments. 

You can try out these  best suggestions. 

1. Treat Mild-to-Severe Coughs With Garlic Supplements and Teas

Use garlic to prevent coughs altogether. By taking advantage of the immune system boosting properties in garlic, you might be able to avoid coming down with a cold completely.

Consume raw garlic on a regular basis if you can. This will provide you with maximum health benefits. 

Take a garlic supplement as part of your daily health regiment. Many people use a combination of supplements with vitamin C, echinacea, lysine and garlic in order to keep the immune system functioning at maximum capacity.

Once you see signs of a cough or a sore throat, whip out the garlic. Coughs caused by irritation in the lining of the esophagus can be effectively treated with a garlic-based tea drink that soothes the pain and reduces inflammation.

Make a Garlic-Based Tea to Soothe a Cough

Boil water as you would to make any tea.

Chop or mince the garlic so that is very fine.

Add the minced garlic to the hot water. Allow the garlic to steep for several minutes so you can get a good, strong brew.

Strain out the minced garlic and allow the tea to cool for several minutes. You can drink it hot, but it is best when served lukewarm.

Enjoy the soothing feeling as you drink the garlic tea. Its effects can be noticed right away. Unlike over-the-counter throat lozenges that simply numb the throat, your garlic tea will actually reduce the tissue inflammation. The severity and duration of your symptoms may be drastically decreased.


Prevent cold and coughs by making garlic part of your everyday life. If you don't enjoy the taste or smell, you can always try a garlic supplement, though its health benefits aren't as potent as whole garlic cloves.


When taking garlic supplements, watch for signs of adverse reactions. While garlic allergies aren't that common, they can be extremely serious if not addressed immediately. If you notice redness and itching on your skin or a marked increase in stomach problems after consuming garlic, consult with your doctor. You may need tested to determine whether you are allergic to allicin, the main ingredient in garlic. 

An inexpensive natural remedy for a cough is garlic! This simple but strong food helps reduce coughing as well as fighting the bacteria or virus that is causing the cough. Garlic can be used a number of different ways to heal you cough and can be used internally or externally.  Use garlic as often as you like but at least every 4 hours to help get rid of your cough.

Garlic Oil

Garlic oil is used externally on the back and/or chest. This oil penetrates the skin to the lungs and is also inhaled as you breathe.  Unless you love the smell of garlic, this remedy may seem very strong. But it is safe with little risk of side effects and very helpful even when other remedies do not seem to be working.

Quick Garlic OilMince 4 cloves of garlic and put them in a shallow pan.  Add 4 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil. Heat the garlic carefully. You do not want to brown it or cook it. Maintain gentle heat for 30 minutes. Strain out the garlic. Use the oil as needed. This will stay fresh in your refrigerator for 2 weeks.Garlic Oil – Slow MethodTo make a very powerful garlic oil, mince up the cloves from a bulb of garlic and place in a jar. Cover completely with olive oil.  Let the garlic and olive oil sit for 10 days on your counter. Strain out the garlic. While the oil will be fine on the counter for a few days, when you cough is better, store you oil in the refrigerator until the next time you need it. Mark the date on it and discard after 6 months.Garlic Tea

Mince one clove of garlic and put it in a mug.  Allow it to sit for 15 minutes so the allicin will develop.  Pour very hot water over your garlic.  Strain our garlic out after 15 minutes. (Or leave it in if you like!) Sweeten with honey if desired. 

Garlic Toast

Mince one clove of garlic. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes (to allow the allicin to develop), then spread it onto toast with honey, coconut oil or butter.

Garlic Soup

Make any water or broth based soup and add one or two cloves of minced garlic to your soup. Other healing herbs to add to your soup include onion, thyme, basil, oregano and cayenne 🌶 pepper. 

Mexican Garlic Tea Recipe calls for:

•1 pint mason jar

•one garlic clove grated

•one inch ginger root grated

•½ teaspoon cinnamon powder

Place all ingredient into mason jar. Add boiling water and steep for 20 minutes. Strain pulp. Add honey to taste. Drink 3x/daily. Useful for cough, cold, flu, bronchitis and hayfever.

One reader responded: I used garlic oil as a cough remedy, and it did not work. I soaked garlic in olive oil for 30 minutes, and then brushed the oil on my feet. I put socks on and went to bed. It did not help my cough at all, and it made me extremely thirsty the whole next day.

Another  person sharedTake 250ml water, one medium crushed galic bulb and 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Boil this mixture and reduce it to half. Add some honey and drink while warm sip by sip. It is a useful remedy for chronic cough.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

99% of People in France Contaminated With Glyphosate, Study Finds

ER Editor: We believe this is the French organisation against glyphosate cited below –

Well, of course Macron failed to keep his promise to act against glyphosate. Why would a man who insults citizens, declaring them NON-CITIZENS, for not getting 3 dangerous genetic injections each care about banning glyphosate? C’mon.

The only optimistic part of this report is that legal teams have been working on this topic already. Legal wheels tend to grind slowly, as we’re finding with Covid investigations, but at least experts are onto the problem.


99% of People in France Contaminated With Glyphosate, Study FindsIn one of the largest studies on glyphosate contamination in a human population, the world’s most used weedkiller was found in more than 99% of the general public in France, with a total of more than 6,800 urine samples having been tested.BY SUSTAINABLE PULSE VIA CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE

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In one of the largest studies on glyphosate contamination in a human population, the world’s most used weedkiller was found in more than 99% of the general public in France, with a total of more than 6,800 urine samples having been tested.

The study, published Wednesday in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, a top peer-reviewed scientific journal, was carried out on 6,848 people, living in 83 municipalities in France.

These volunteers were recruited via the “Glyphosate Campaign” association, which has launched a legal campaign against the weedkiller classified as a “probable human carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

The samples were taken between June 2018 and January 2020, the vast majority under the supervision of third-party lawyers or legal representatives with a view to legal action. They were analyzed during the sampling period by a third-party laboratory in Germany.

Glyphosate was detected in 99.8% of 6,795 exploitable samples, at “an average level of 1.19 µg/L (ppb).”

The authors of this new study note that the samples taken in spring and summer, the season for glyphosate and other herbicide spraying, showed “significantly higher levels.” Farmers, especially “working in a wine-growing environment,” also had “significantly higher” levels.

Levels were also higher in men and children, people who regularly consume tap or spring water, smokers and drinkers of beer or juice.

People who said they eat “more than 85% organic food,” on the other hand, had lower levels.

The authors stress that their sample group was not fully representative of the general population, being older, more female and undoubtedly over-representing “citizens aware of the issues of pesticides and a healthy lifestyle.” In fact, this means that it is likely for the levels of glyphosate in the general public would be slightly higher.

They added that its size makes the analysis relevant, especially as “our results confirm almost all other international studies,” while being “rather in the upper part” of the levels found, notes Denis Lairon, director of research emeritus at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and one of the authors. However, he said he was “surprised to see an almost systematic contamination.”

The sampling campaign was accompanied by more than 5,800 individual legal complaints by the participants on the basis of the positive results, in particular for “endangering the life of others.”

“This external analysis by scientists helps the case move forward,” concluded Guillaume Tumerelle, a lawyer for the Glyphosate Campaign.

French President Emmanuel Macron had committed in November 2017 for a total ban on glyphosate “at the latest in three years.” Last week however he admitted to having failed with this pledge, while adding that this was due to a “collective” failure by other EU countries. (ER: The EU FAILED??? We’re shocked to our core.)

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Q, Z, C, D

 What is Quercitin & How Does It Support the Immune System?

Quercetin was discovered by the Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. Quercetin, a zinc ionophore, is known for its antioxidant activity, antiviral activity, and more.

Quercetin has a number of great health-promoting benefits. Peer reviewed literature shows potential benefits of Quercetin include the ability to help reduce inflammation and to improve the immune system.

The scientific community has published a significant amount of research on quercetin, including clinical trials.

What is Zinc & How Does It Support the Immune System?

Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. It helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Zinc is essential for our immune system because it affects how our cells respond to infections. It can also help keep inflammation under control.

Zinc increases the activation of cells in the body that are responsible for fighting infection. It also activates enzymes that break down proteins in viruses and bacteria to reduce the chances of spreading.

Due to its direct antiviral properties, it can be assumed that safe zinc administration is likely beneficial for most of the population, especially those with suboptimal zinc status.

What is Vitamin C & How Does It Support the Immune System?

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin well known for its role in supporting a healthy immune system. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Because our bodies cannot make vitamin C, it must come from the foods you eat every day.

What is Vitamin D & How Does It Support the Immune System?

Vitamin D is essential to a healthy immune system as it initiates the adaptive immune response. It promotes the expression of a protein called cathelicidin which can promote the stimulation of T cells to help support an immune response. The link between vitamin D and viral infections was observed during winter months when vitamin D levels are generally lower.




Virus Prevention Protocol

Elemental Zinc 25mg 1 daily

Vitamin C  1000mg 1 daily 

Vitamin D3  5000 iu 1 daily 

Quercetin  500mg 2 daily   

Virus Treatment Protocol 

Elemental Zinc  50mg 1 daily for 7 days 

Vitamin C 1000mg 1 daily for 7 days 

Vitamin D3  5000 iu  1 daily for 7 days 

Quercetin  500mg 2 daily for 7 days 

 Z-STACK by Dr. Zelenko Vitamin  ZINC QUERCETIN 

Should you need to maximize your immune system in the shortest period of time, Z-Stack can be an extremely useful product to incorporate into your regimen.

Developed by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the Z-stack was first released on February 9th, 2021, after being thoroughly tested and analyzed by scientists and researchers from around the world. Zelenko Protocols fight against Covid-19, Delta, Omicron variants, and all other diseases.

The Zelenko Protocol

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is known for making dietary supplements that focus on a strong immune system to fight against any virus-like, Covid 19, Delta, Omicron, and all other diseases. As part of dr Zelenko’s formula, he recommends a complex called Z-Stack or Zelenko Vitamin. This formula contains vitamins and minerals that support a healthy immune system and overall health. In addition to taking care of your health to fight any virus, it’s important to consider adding supplements to promote immunity and long-term wellness. The Z-Stack offers three ways to ensure you’re getting a good amount of vitamin C, vitamin D3, Zinc, and Quercetin!

Dr. Zelenko has a number of products, but zstack or Zelenko vitamin is specially designed to help maintain a strong immune system to ensure you’re always at your best. The most popular product in his range of supplements is the Z-Stack vitamin. Not only does it support your immune system to fight back any deadly virus, but also it helps improve overall energy levels and mental focus! By keeping your body in tip-top condition, you can avoid any colds or viruses like Covid 19, Delta, Omicron that might otherwise impact your day-to-day life. And with these supplements from Dr. Zelenko available at some very reasonable prices, there’s no excuse not to keep yourself going full steam ahead!

No wonder Dr. Vladimir Zelenko continues to be one of the leading providers of healthy dietary supplements for improving general well-being. His nutritional treatments for diseases have been endorsed by many doctors and scientists because they work! You need just one look at his website to know how successful he is. With thousands upon thousands of satisfied patients on board with him, who wouldn’t take an interest in trying out what he offers? Whatever your concern about health in this deadly situation; however, if you have vitamin deficiencies, then getting into shape will seem impossible as your body will not be able to function properly.

About Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Zelenko graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. degree with high honors in Chemistry from Hofstra University. After receiving an academic scholarship to attend S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo School of Medicine, he earned his M.D. degree in May 2000. Dr. Zelenko completed his family medicine residency at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, N.Y. in May 2004. Since then, Dr. Zelenko has practiced family medicine in New York’s Hudson Valley. He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families, and is a medical adviser to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York.

Dr. Zelenko is an observant orthodox Jew, married with 8 children, and has authored two books called Metamorphosis and Essence to Essence.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

About Z-Stack

Z-Stack is one of Dr. Zelenko's premier products that he specifically designed. With decades of experience in the medical field, the knowledge Dr. Zelenko has gained over the years led to him formulating his own supplement, which we now know as Z-Stack.

After careful examination, Dr. Zelenko put together an all-natural formula design for supporting the natural defense system of the body.

Notable Achievements: 

In March 2020, Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide, while he was fighting recurrent and metastatic sarcoma, had open heart surgery, and aggressive chemotherapy. He has also persevered against unrelenting defamation of character from the media, and threats against his person.

COVID-19 Research Studies:

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has been cited in over 10 COVID-19 research studies due to his own research done on the subject. He also has conducted several of his own studies and is driven to discover the facts on the subject.

He is determined to be at the forefront of the fight against this virus and has a track record supporting that already.

Made Appearances On:



•Peter Breggins

•The Awakening: World Truth Summit


•Frank Sontag Radio

•Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Show

And many more!

Based on my front-line experience, it is essential to start treatment against Covid-19 immediately upon clinical diagnosis of the infection and not to wait for confirmatory testing. There is a very narrow window of opportunity to eliminate the virus before pulmonary complications begin. Delaying treatment is the essence of the problem. My treatment regime is attached and please know that as of today it has saved thousands of patients without serious complications or negative side effects. Hundreds of top doctors across the world have embraced prehospital treatment of Covid-19 in high risk patients. 

Covid-19 Treatment Protocol: 

Fundamental Principles

Treat patients based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferably within the first 5 days of symptoms. Perform PCR testing, but do not withhold treatment pending results.

Risk Stratify Patients

• Low risk patient - Younger than 45, no comorbidities, and clinically stable.

• High risk patient - Older than 45, younger than 45 with comorbidities, or clinically unstable.

Treatment Options

Low risk patients

• Supportive care with fluids, fever control, and rest

• Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days

• Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days

• Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day for 7 days

Optional over the counter options

• Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day for 7 days or

• Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 400mg 1 time a day for 7 days

Moderate / High risk patients

• Elemental Zinc 50-100mg once a day for 7 days

• Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days

• Vitamin D3 10000iu once a day for 7 days or 50000iu once a day for 1-2 days

• Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or

• Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days

• Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days and/or

• Ivermectin 0.4-0.5mg/kg/day for 5-7 days Either or both HCQ and IVM can be used, and if one only, the second agent may be added after about 2 days of treatment if obvious recovery has not yet been observed etc.

Treatment Options

• Dexamethasone 6-12mg 1 time a day for 7 days or

• Prednisone 20mg twice a day for 7 days, taper as needed

• Budesonide 1mg/2cc solution via nebulizer twice a day for 7 days

• Blood thinners (i.e. Lovenox, Eliquis, Xarelto, Pradaxa, Aspirin)

• Colchicine 0.6mg 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days

• Monoclonal antibodies

• Home IV fluids and oxygen.


Vaccine Impact dot Com

Friday, January 21, 2022

How to prevent and treatment for COVID



Jiānádà yīshēng fāshēng 

Top Reasons Not to be Afraid of Covid

 不害怕 Covid 的主要原因

bù hàipà Covid de zhǔyào yuányīn

Dr Stephen Malthouse MD.

 BC, Canada : Welcome to Canadian Doctors speak out

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省医学博士 Stephen Malthouse 博士:欢迎来到加拿大医生大声疾呼 

Jiānádà bùlièdiān gēlúnbǐyǎ shěng yīxué bóshì Stephen Malthouse bóshì: Huānyíng lái dào jiānádà yīshēng dàshēngjíhū

where we are going to give you the top reasons not to be afraid of Covid.

我们将为您提供不惧怕 Covid 的首要理由。

wǒmen jiāng wèi nín tígōng bù jùpà Covid de shǒuyào lǐyóu.

When we hear the word Covid or coronavirus ..

当我们听到 Covid 或冠状病毒这个词时..

Dāng wǒmen tīng dào Covid huò guānzhuàng bìngdú zhège cí shí..

we now instinctively reach for a mask


wǒmen xiànzài běnnéng de shēnshǒu qù ná miànjù

or look around to see how we can protect ourselves and our families.


huò huángù sìzhōu, kàn kàn wǒmen rúhé bǎohù zìjǐ hé jiārén.

No place really seems safe.


Méiyǒu yīgè dìfāng kàn qǐlái zhēn de hěn ānquán.

But, as Canadian medical doctors


Dànshì, zuòwéi jiānádà yīshēng

we're going to tell you what the best science now has to say 


Wǒmen yào gàosù nǐ xiànzài zuì hǎo de kēxué yào shuō shénme

and we think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


wǒmen rènwéi nín huì gǎndào jīngxǐ.

On the TV, we hear "cases, cases, cases" which would frighten anyone.


Zài diànshì shàng, wǒmen tīng dào “ànjiàn, ànjiàn, ànjiàn”, zhè huì xià dào rènhé rén.

But "cases" are not necessarily symptomatic people 


Dàn “bìnglì” bù yīdìng shì yǒu zhèngzhuàng de rén 

and the vast majority have few or really no symptoms of being sick.


jué dà duōshù rén jīhū méiyǒu huò gēnběn méiyǒu shēngbìng de zhèngzhuàng.

They just have a positive PCR swab test.

他们只是有一个阳性的 PCR 拭子测试。

Tāmen zhǐshì yǒu yīgè yángxìng de PCR shì zi cèshì.

(What is a PCR test? PCR means polymerase chain reaction. It's a test to detect genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus. The test detects the presence of a virus if you have the virus at the time of the test. The test could also detect fragments of the virus even after you are no longer infected.)

( 什么是 PCR 测试? PCR 是指聚合酶链式反应。 这是一项检测来自特定生物体(例如病毒)的遗传物质的测试。 如果您在测试时感染了病毒,则该测试会检测到病毒的存在。 即使您不再被感染,该测试也可以检测到病毒的碎片。)

( Shénme shì PCR cèshì? PCR shì zhǐ jùhé méi liàn shì fǎnyìng. Zhè shì yī xiàng jiǎncè láizì tèdìng shēngwù tǐ (lìrú bìngdú) de yíchuán wùzhí de cèshì. Rúguǒ nín zài cèshì shí gǎnrǎnle bìngdú, zé gāi cèshì huì jiǎncè dào bìngdú dí cúnzài. Jíshǐ nín bù zài bèi gǎnrǎn, gāi cèshì yě kěyǐ jiǎncè dào bìngdú dí suìpiàn.)

Research now shows that the PCR test is practically worthless.

现在的研究表明,PCR 测试实际上毫无价值。

Xiànzài de yánjiū biǎomíng,PCR cèshì shíjì shang háo wú jiàzhí.

Only 3% of patients with a positive test actually have the Covid virus.

只有 3% 的检测呈阳性的患者实际上感染了 Covid 病毒。

Zhǐyǒu 3% de jiǎncè chéng yángxìng de huànzhě shíjì shang gǎnrǎnle Covid bìngdú.

People have died, yes that's true 


Rén yǐjīng sǐle, shì de, zhè shì zhēn de

but using "case numbers" gives a false picture of what is really going on.


Dànshì shǐyòng “ànlì biānhào” huì cuòwù de miáoshù shíjì fāshēng de qíngkuàng.

Here is a graph showing the Covid cases reported each week in Canada

这是显示加拿大每周报告的 Covid 病例的图表

Zhè shì xiǎnshì jiānádà měi zhōu bàogào de Covid bìnglì de túbiǎo 

Even I will get frightened looking at this graph!


Lián wǒ kàn dào zhè zhāng tú dūhuì hàipà!

But now let's put the weekly deaths on the same chart.


Dànshì xiànzài ràng wǒmen jiāng měi zhōu de sǐwáng rénshù fàng zài tóngyī zhāng túbiǎo shàng.

Where are all the deaths that we would expect to follow the "cases" curve?


Wǒmen qīwàng zūnxún “bìnglì” qūxiàn de suǒyǒu sǐwáng rénshù zài nǎlǐ?

Something is really fishy here!


Zhèlǐ de dōngxī zhēn de hěn kěyí!

Let's look at yearly deaths in Canada from 2001.

让我们看看 2001 年以来加拿大每年的死亡人数。

Ràng wǒmen kàn kàn 2001 nián yǐlái jiānádà měinián de sǐwáng rénshù.

It's pretty hard to show that we've even had a pandemic.


Hěn nán zhèngmíng wǒmen shènzhì jīng lì guo dà liúxíng.

The slight increase in 2020 was probably due to an aging population.


2020 Nián de xiǎofú zēng cháng kěnéng shì yóuyú rénkǒu lǎolíng huà.

But aren't hospital Intensive Care Units overloaded with COVID patients?

但是,医院重症监护病房不是挤满了 COVID 患者吗?

Dànshì, yīyuàn zhòngzhèng jiānhù bìngfáng bùshì jǐ mǎnle COVID huànzhě ma?

If we look at the Ontario Intensive Care Unit data

TIME: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020. 

PERIOD: (1-16 Dec); (1-16 Dec); (1-16 Dec); (1-16 Dec). 

ICU OCCUPANCY: 86.66%; 91.21%; 83.51%; 80.84%.


 时间:2017; 2018; 2019; 2020 年。

 期间:(12月1-16日); (12 月 1 日至 16 日); (12 月 1 日至 16 日); (12 月 1 日至 16 日)。

 ICU入住率:86.66%; 91.21%; 83.51%; 80.84%.

Rúguǒ wǒmen kàn yīxià āndàlüè zhòngzhèng jiānhù bìngfáng de shùjù

shíjiān:2017; 2018; 2019; 2020 Nián.

Qíjiān:(12 Yuè 1-16 rì); (12 yuè 1 rì zhì 16 rì); (12 yuè 1 rì zhì 16 rì); (12 yuè 1 rì zhì 16 rì).

ICU rùzhù lǜ:86.66%; 91.21%; 83.51%; 80.84%.

The CDC's own data compares Covid to seasonal flu.

CDC 自己的数据将 Covid 与季节性流感进行了比较。

CDC zìjǐ de shùjù jiāng Covid yǔ jìjié xìng liúgǎn jìnxíngle bǐjiào.

In children, Covid illness is so mild their death rate is statistically zero. 

在儿童中,Covid 疾病非常轻微,他们的死亡率在统计上为零。

Zài értóng zhōng,Covid jíbìng fēicháng qīngwéi, tāmen de sǐwáng lǜ zài tǒngjì shàng wéi líng.

CDC recently updated estimated infection fatality rates for COVID. Here are the updated survival rates by age group: 

0-19: 99.997% 

20-49: 99.98% 

50-69: 99.5% 

70+: 94.6% 

For people under 50, the infection survival rate is greater than 99.98% .

CDC 最近更新了 COVID 的估计感染死亡率。 以下是按年龄组更新的存活率:






CDC zuìjìn gēngxīnle COVID de gūjì gǎnrǎn sǐwáng lǜ. Yǐxià shì àn niánlíng zǔ gēngxīn de cúnhuó lǜ:





50 Suì yǐxià rénqún gǎnrǎn cúnhuó lǜ dàyú 99.98%.

and, for those over age 70, it is 94.6%.

而对于 70 岁以上的人来说,这一比例为 94.6%。

Ér duìyú 70 suì yǐshàng de rén lái shuō, zhè yī bǐlì wèi 94.6%.

And that is without any early treatment whatsoever, like vitamin D or vitamin C.

这没有任何早期治疗,如维生素 D 或维生素 C。

Zhè méiyǒu rènhé zǎoqí zhìliáo, rú wéishēngsù D huò wéishēngsù C.

So, if you are young, you really don't have anything to worry about.


Suǒyǐ, rúguǒ nǐ hái niánqīng, nǐ zhēn de méiyǒu shé me kě dānxīn de.

If you are older, we are going give you some really great ideas on how to protect your health


Rúguǒ nǐ niánjì dàle, wǒmen huì gěi nǐ yīxiē guānyú rúhé bǎohù nǐ de jiànkāng de hǎo zhǔyì

that do not include getting a shot with a vaccine.


zhè bù bāokuò jiēzhǒng yìmiáo.



Wú zhèngzhuàng zhuǎnyí

Dr Patrick Phillips MD. Ontario, Canada : So back in April we knew so little about Covid

帕特里克·菲利普斯博士医学博士。 加拿大安大略省:所以在四月份,我们对 Covid 知之甚少

Pàtèlǐkè·fēilìpǔ sī bóshì yīxué bóshì. Jiānádà āndàlüè shěng: Suǒyǐ zài sì yuèfèn, wǒmen duì Covid zhīzhī shèn shǎo 

and this led us to take a lot of extra precautions


Zhè dǎozhì wǒmen cǎiqǔle hěnduō éwài de yùfáng cuòshī

including adopting the idea that healthy people can spread disease.

包括采纳健康人可以传播疾病的观点。Bāokuò cǎinà jiànkāng rén kěyǐ chuánbò jíbìng de guāndiǎn.

This is known as asymptomatic spread and that's a very scary thought.

这被称为无症状传播,这是一个非常可怕的想法。Zhè bèi chēng wéi wú zhèngzhuàng chuánbò, zhè shì yīgè fēicháng kěpà de xiǎngfǎ.

Now however, over 10 million cases have been studied and evidence is rapidly emerging, both from Wuhan and the University of Florida showing that asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread are negligible to non-existant. 

然而,现在已经研究了超过 1000 万例病例,并且来自武汉和佛罗里达大学的证据正在迅速出现,表明无症状和症状前的传播可以忽略不计甚至不存在。Rán'ér, xiànzài yǐjīng yánjiūle chāoguò 1000 wàn lì bìnglì, bìngqiě láizì wǔhàn hé fóluólǐdá dàxué de zhèngjù zhèngzài xùnsù chūxiàn, biǎomíng wú zhèngzhuàng hé zhèngzhuàng qián de chuánbò kěyǐ hūlüè bùjì shènzhì bù cúnzài. 

This is a gamechanger.


Zhè shì yīgè yóuxì guīzé gǎibiàn zhě.

This means we can take our lives back and go back to the time tested advice I've always given my patients when they have a virus.


Zhè yìwèizhe wǒmen kěyǐ huí dào guòqù, huí dào wǒ zài huànzhě gǎnrǎn bìngdú shí yīzhí gěi tāmen de jīngguò shíjiān kǎoyàn de jiànyì.

If you're sick, stay home. 


Rúguǒ nǐ shēngbìngle, dāi zài jiālǐ.

And the rest of us can be free to live our lives.

我们其他人可以自由地过我们的生活。Wǒmen qítā rén kěyǐ zìyóu deguò wǒmen de shēnghuó.


T细胞免疫 T xìbāo miǎnyì

Dr Caroline Turek, MD. Ontario, Canada: We have great news!

Caroline Turek 博士,医学博士。 加拿大安大略省:我们有好消息!Caroline Turek bóshì, yīxué bóshì. Jiānádà āndàlüè shěng: Wǒmen yǒu hǎo xiāoxī!

Do you know that, many of us are already immune to SARS-CoV2 due to cross reactive T cells?

您知道吗,由于交叉反应性 T 细胞,我们中的许多人已经对 SARS-CoV2 免疫了?

Nín zhīdào ma, yóuyú jiāochā fǎnyìng xìng T xìbāo, wǒmen zhōng de xǔduō rén yǐjīng duì SARS-CoV2 miǎnyìle?

A T cell is just another immune cell that helps our body fight infection.

T 细胞只是另一种帮助身体抵抗感染的免疫细胞。T xìbāo zhǐshì lìng yī zhǒng bāngzhù shēntǐ dǐkàng gǎnrǎn de miǎnyì xìbāo.

At the beginning of the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 was considered, a novel corona virus meaning that nonę of us were immune to it and all of us were still at risk for infection.

在大流行开始时,人们认为 SARS-CoV-2 是一种新型冠状病毒,这意味着我们没有人对它免疫,我们所有人仍然有感染的风险。Zài dà liúxíng kāishǐ shí, rénmen rènwéi SARS-CoV-2 shì yī zhǒng xīnxíng guānzhuàng bìngdú, zhè yìwèizhe wǒmen méiyǒu rén duì tā miǎnyì, wǒmen suǒyǒu rén réngrán yǒu gǎnrǎn de fēngxiǎn.

However, immunologists and virologists worldwide have studied and found that 30 -50% of people already have pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 from pre-existing circulating T cells.

 然而,全世界的免疫学家和病毒学家已经研究并发现,30-50% 的人已经从预先存在的循环 T 细胞中对 SARS-CoV-2 产生了预先存在的免疫力。Rán'ér, quán shìjiè de miǎnyì xué jiā hé bìngdú xué jiā yǐjīng yánjiū bìng fāxiàn,30-50% de rén yǐjīng cóng yùxiān cúnzài de xúnhuán T xìbāo zhōng duì SARS-CoV-2 chǎnshēngle yùxiān cúnzài de miǎnyì lì.  

This pre-existing immunity is due to prior exposure from other corona viruses, such as the common cold. 


Zhè zhǒng yùxiān cúnzài de miǎnyì lì shì yóuyú zhīqián jiēchùguò qítā guānzhuàng bìngdú, lìrú pǔtōng gǎnmào.

So the problem is with testing for COVID immunity is most of the tests are serum antibody tests but this doesn't look at our T cell response.

所以问题在于对 COVID 免疫的测试是大多数测试是血清抗体测试,但这并不关注我们的 T 细胞反应。

Suǒyǐ wèntí zàiyú duì COVID miǎnyì de cèshì shì dà duōshù cèshì shì xiěqīng kàngtǐ cèshì, dàn zhè bìng bù guānzhù wǒmen de T xìbāo fǎnyìng.

And antibody levels decline over time but we still have our T cells to protect us.

抗体水平会随着时间的推移而下降,但我们仍然有 T 细胞来保护我们。

Kàngtǐ shuǐpíng huì suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí ér xiàjiàng, dàn wǒmen réngrán yǒu T xìbāo lái bǎohù wǒmen. 

Many, many of us are more protected than we realize from COVID, from our T cells.

我们中的许多人受到的保护比我们意识到的免受 COVID 和我们的 T 细胞的保护要多。Wǒmen zhōng de xǔduō rén shòudào de bǎohù bǐ wǒmen yìshí dào de miǎn shòu COVID hé wǒmen de T xìbāo de bǎohù yào duō.

This is exciting news because we are closer to herd immunity than we realize.


Zhè shì lìng rén zhènfèn de xiāoxī, yīnwèi wǒmen bǐ wǒmen yìshí dào de gèng jiējìn qúntǐ miǎnyì.


儿童和 COVID-19

Értóng hé COVID-19

Dr Neda Amani, MD. Ontario, Canada . We have heard a lot about how children are COVID 'superspreaders'.

Neda Amani 博士,医学博士。 加拿大安大略省。 我们听说过很多关于儿童如何成为 COVID 的“超级传播者”的消息。

Neda Amani bóshì, yīxué bóshì. Jiānádà āndàlüè shěng. Wǒmen tīng shuōguò hěnduō guānyú értóng rúhé chéngwéi COVID de “chāojí chuánbò zhě” de xiāoxī.

Terrified, we have shut down our schools, covered our children's beautiful faces with masks and stopped them from playing with one another.


Xià huàile, wǒmen guānbìle xuéxiào, yòng kǒuzhào zhē zhù háizi měilì de liǎnpáng, bìng zǔzhǐ tāmen hùxiāng wánshuǎ.

Many teachers are too scared to even step foot into a classroom. But the science shows that none of this is warranted.

许多老师都不敢走进教室。 但科学表明,这一切都是没有道理的。Xǔduō lǎoshī dōu bù gǎn zǒu jìn jiàoshì. Dàn kēxué biǎomíng, zhè yīqiè dōu shì méiyǒu dàolǐ de.

If children do get COVID-19, they might not even show any symptoms , and if they do they're usually mild and they're not the drivers of the pandemic.

如果儿童确实感染了 COVID-19,他们甚至可能不会表现出任何症状,如果出现症状,他们通常是轻微的,而且他们不是大流行的驱动因素。Rúguǒ er tóng quèshí gǎnrǎnle COVID-19, tāmen shènzhì kěnéng bù huì biǎoxiàn chū rènhé zhèngzhuàng, rúguǒ chūxiàn zhèngzhuàng, tāmen tōngcháng shì qīngwéi de, érqiě tāmen bùshì dà liúxíng de qūdòng yīnsù.

Epidemiological data shows that the disease follows a much milder course in kids compared to adults.


Liúxíng bìng xué shùjù xiǎnshì, yǔ chéngrén xiāng bǐ, értóng jíbìng de bìngchéng yào wēnhé dé duō.

Since the pandemic began, only 4 people under the age of 19 have died with COVID in all of Canada.自大流行开始以来,全加拿大只有 4 名 19 岁以下的人死于 COVID。Zì dà liúxíng kāishǐ yǐlái, quán jiānádà zhǐyǒu 4 míng 19 suì yǐxià de rén sǐ yú COVID.

That's 4 out of 8 million children and teenagers. 这是 800 万儿童和青少年中的 4 人。Zhè shì 800 wàn er tóng hé qīngshàonián zhōng de 4 rén.

By comparison, 10 children died of influenza in the 2018-2019 flu season. 相比之下,2018-2019 年流感季节有 10 名儿童死于流感。Xiāng bǐ zhī xià,2018-2019 nián liúgǎn jìjié yǒu 10 míng er tóng sǐ yú liúgǎn. 

Influenza has killed more children annually than COVID-19. 流感每年导致的儿童死亡人数超过 COVID-19。 Liúgǎn měinián dǎozhì de értóng sǐwáng rénshù chāoguò COVID-19. 

An overwhelming number of peer reviewed studies now show children, especially those under the age of 10 are not a significant factor in the transmission of COVID. 现在,绝大多数同行评审的研究表明,儿童,尤其是 10 岁以下的儿童,并不是 COVID 传播的重要因素。Xiànzài, jué dà duōshù tóngxíng píngshěn de yánjiū biǎomíng, értóng, yóuqí shì 10 suì yǐxià de értóng, bìng bùshì COVID chuánbò de zhòngyào yīnsù. 

Studies in the UK, Australia, Switzerland, France and Norway have shown that there is minimal child to child and child to adult transmission in schools. 英国、澳大利亚、瑞士、法国和挪威的研究表明,学校中儿童对儿童和儿童对成人的传播极少。Yīngguó, àodàlìyǎ, ruìshì, fàguó hé nuówēi de yánjiū biǎomíng, xuéxiào zhōng értóng duì er tóng hé értóng duì chéngrén de chuánbò jí shǎo.

A studying in the Lancet also showed that closing schools was never medically warranted. 在《柳叶刀》杂志上的一项研究还表明,关闭学校在医学上从来没有正当理由。Zài “liǔ yè dāo” zázhì shàng de yī xiàng yánjiū hái biǎomíng, guānbì xuéxiào zài yīxué shàng cónglái méiyǒu zhèngdàng lǐyóu. 

A German study of parents and their children showed that parents are way more likely to infect their children, rather than the other way around. 德国一项针对父母及其子女的研究表明,父母更有可能感染他们的孩子,而不是相反。Déguó yī xiàng zhēnduì fùmǔ jí qí zǐnǚ de yánjiū biǎomíng, fùmǔ gèng yǒu kěnéng gǎnrǎn tāmen de háizi, ér bùshì xiāngfǎn.

When we look at the large and growing body of scientific evidence, we can put the fear behind us and let our children be children again. 当我们看到大量且不断增长的科学证据时,我们可以将恐惧抛在脑后,让我们的孩子再次成为孩子。 Dāng wǒmen kàn dào dàliàng qiě bùduàn zēngzhǎng de kēxué zhèngjù shí, wǒmen kěyǐ jiāng kǒngjù pāo zài nǎo hòu, ràng wǒmen de háizi zàicì chéngwéi háizi. 

They can go to school, play, be with their friends and do the things they love. 他们可以上学、玩耍、和朋友在一起,做自己喜欢的事情。Tāmen kěyǐ shàngxué, wánshuǎ, hé péngyǒu zài yīqǐ, zuò zìjǐ xǐhuān de shìqíng. 

It's time to give our children their life, and childhood back. 是时候给我们的孩子他们的生命和童年了。Shì shíhòu gěi wǒmen de háizi tāmen de shēngmìng hé tóngniánle. 


预防 Yùfáng 

Dr Dorle Kneifel ,MD. BC, Canada. I am not afraid of this coronavirus and you do not need to be afraid either. 

Dorle Kneifel 博士,医学博士。 卑诗省,加拿大。 我不害怕这种冠状病毒,你也不必害怕。

Dorle Kneifel bóshì, yīxué bóshì. Bēi shī shěng, jiānádà. Wǒ bù hàipà zhè zhǒng guānzhuàng bìngdú, nǐ yě bùbì hàipà. 

We've evolved with these respiratory viruses over thousands and thousands of years, and we've developed a highly intelligent and very sophisticated immune system. 数千年来,我们与这些呼吸道病毒一起进化,我们开发了一种高度智能且非常复杂的免疫系统。

Shù qiān nián lái, wǒmen yǔ zhèxiē hūxīdào bìngdú yīqǐ jìnhuà, wǒmen kāifāle yī zhǒng gāodù zhìnéng qiě fēicháng fùzá de miǎnyì xìtǒng. 

We support and strengthen our immune system when we eat nutritious food , when we can engage in physical activity, when we spend time in nature and feel supported by life.

当我们吃有营养的食物时,当我们可以从事体育活动时,当我们在大自然中度过时光并感受到生命的支持时,我们就会支持和增强我们的免疫系统。Dāng wǒmen chī yǒu yíngyǎng de shíwù shí, dāng wǒmen kěyǐ cóngshì tǐyù huódòng shí, dāng wǒmen zài dà zìrán zhōng dùguò shíguāng bìng gǎnshòu dào shēngmìng de zhīchí shí, wǒmen jiù huì zhīchí hé zēngqiáng wǒmen de miǎnyì xìtǒng. 

Vitamin D is a critical nutrient for our immune system. 维生素 D 是我们免疫系统的重要营养素。Wéishēngsù D shì wǒmen miǎnyì xìtǒng de zhòngyào yíngyǎngsù. 

When we supplement with Vitamin C, with zinc, with magnesium, our immune system is primed and ready to go. 当我们补充维生素 C、锌和镁时,我们的免疫系统已准备就绪并准备就绪。Dāng wǒmen bǔchōng wéishēngsù C, xīn hé měi shí, wǒmen de miǎnyì xìtǒng yǐ zhǔnbèi jiùxù bìng zhǔnbèi jiùxù. 

In spite of suboptimal diets and widespread vitamin D deficiencies, most people who encounter the coronavirus do not require hospitalization, but are able to manage their symptoms at home. 尽管饮食不理想且普遍缺乏维生素 D,但大多数感染冠状病毒的人不需要住院,但能够在家中控制症状。Jǐnguǎn yǐnshí bù lǐxiǎng qiě pǔbiàn quēfá wéishēngsù D, dàn dà duōshù gǎnrǎn guānzhuàng bìngdú dí rén bù xūyào zhùyuàn, dàn nénggòu zài jiāzhōng kòngzhì zhèngzhuàng. 

I myself had COVID-19 eleven months ago and I responded to the early viral symptoms the way I always do. 我自己在 11 个月前感染了 COVID-19,我以我一贯的方式应对早期病毒症状。 Wǒ zìjǐ zài 11 gè yuè qián gǎnrǎnle COVID-19, wǒ yǐ wǒ yīguàn de fāngshì yìngduì zǎoqí bìngdú zhèngzhuàng. 

I took Vitamin D - 60,000 international units each day - until the symptoms were gone. 我每天服用 60,000 国际单位的维生素 D,直到症状消失。Wǒ měitiān fúyòng 60,000 guójì dānwèi de wéishēngsù D, zhídào zhèngzhuàng xiāoshī. 

It took two days. 花了两天时间。 Huāle liǎng tiān shíjiān. 

The fact that I am here talking to you is proof that our bodies know what to do. 我在这里与您交谈的事实证明我们的身体知道该做什么。 Wǒ zài zhèlǐ yǔ nín jiāotán de shìshí zhèngmíng wǒmen de shēntǐ zhīdào gāi zuò shénme.

TREATMENTS 治疗 Zhìliáo 

Dr Bill Code MD BC, Canada: I have more than 40 years experience practicing medicine here in Canada and at least 30 of those have been as a specialty anesthesiologist with the FRCPC.(Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada).

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的 Bill Code 博士:我在加拿大有 40 多年的行医经验,其中至少有 30 人是 FRCPC 的专业麻醉师。(加拿大皇家内科医师学院院士)。Jiānádà bùlièdiān gēlúnbǐyǎ shěng de Bill Code bóshì: Wǒ zài jiānádà yǒu 40 duōnián de xíngyī jīngyàn, qízhōng zhìshǎo yǒu 30 rén shì FRCPC de zhuānyè mázuì shī.(Jiānádà huángjiā nèikē yīshī xuéyuàn yuànshì). 

Anesthesiologists are well accepted as clinical pharmacologists by other physicians because we know the risk /benefit ratio about drugs. 

麻醉师被其他医生广泛接受为临床药理学家,因为我们知道药物的风险/收益比。 Mázuì shī bèi qítā yīshēng guǎngfàn jiēshòu wèi línchuáng yàolǐ xué jiā, yīnwèi wǒmen zhīdào yàowù de fēngxiǎn/shōuyì bǐ. 

In addition, safe and long, experienced use of older drugs can be very useful in combatting a new problem, such as Covid. 

此外,安全、长期、有经验地使用旧药物对于解决新问题(例如 Covid)非常有用。Cǐwài, ānquán, chángqí, yǒu jīngyàn dì shǐyòng jiù yàowù duìyú jiějué xīn wèntí (lìrú Covid) fēicháng yǒuyòng.

With this in mind and reviewing the literature I treat my patients with early Covid-19 with Quercetin, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D. 考虑到这一点并回顾文献,我用槲皮素、锌、维生素 C、维生素 D 治疗我的早期 Covid-19 患者。 Kǎolǜ dào zhè yīdiǎn bìng huígù wénxiàn, wǒ yòng hú pí sù, xīn, wéishēngsù C, wéishēngsù D zhìliáo wǒ de zǎoqí Covid-19 huànzhě.

Quercetin - 500mgs twice daily for 14 days .

Zinc - 30-50mgs daily day for 30 days .

Vitamin C - 1g per hour for 5 days, then 1g twice a day for 14 days.

 Vitamin D - 10,000 international units a day for 3 days, then 5,000 a day ongoing . 

槲皮素 - 500mgs 每天两次,持续 14 天。

 锌 - 每天 30-50 毫克,持续 30 天。

 维生素 C - 每小时 1 克,持续 5 天,然后每天 1 克,持续 14 天。

 维生素 D - 每天 10,000 个国际单位,持续 3 天,然后每天持续 5,000 个。

Hú pí sù - 500mgs měitiān liǎng cì, chíxù 14 tiān.  

Xīn - měitiān 30-50 háokè, chíxù 30 tiān.  

Wéishēngsù C - měi xiǎoshí 1 kè, chíxù 5 tiān, ránhòu měitiān 1 kè, chíxù 14 tiān.  

Wéishēngsù D - měitiān 10,000 gè guójì dānwèi, chíxù 3 tiān, ránhòu měitiān chíxù 5,000 gè.   

If you're able to get a prescription hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

如果您能够获得处方羟氯喹和阿奇霉素。Rúguǒ nín nénggòu huòdé chǔfāng qiǎng lǜkuí hé āqíméisù.

Hydroxychloroquine - 400mg a day for 5 days.

 Azithromycin - 500mg a day for 5 days . 

羟氯喹 - 每天 400 毫克,持续 5 天。


Qiǎng lǜkuí - měitiān 400 háokè, chíxù 5 tiān. 

 Āqíméisù——měitiān 500mg, liánxù 5 tiān. 

In addition, I have used ivermectin for post Covid symptoms with some success. 

Ivermectin 0.2mg per kg of patient's weight, on days 1 and 3. 

So if patient's weight is 60kg then use12mg.  

此外,我使用伊维菌素治疗 Covid 后症状取得了一些成功。Cǐwài, wǒ shǐyòng yī wéi jùn sù zhìliáo Covid hòu zhèngzhuàng qǔdéle yīxiē chénggōng.

 伊维菌素 0.2mg/kg 患者体重,第 1 天和第 3 天。Yī wéi jùn sù 0.2Mg/kg huànzhě tǐzhòng, dì 1 tiān hé dì 3 tiān.

 因此,如果患者体重为 60 公斤,则使用 12 毫克。Yīncǐ, rúguǒ huànzhě tǐzhòng wèi 60 gōngjīn, zé shǐyòng 12 háokè.

If needed, oxygen supplementation with nasal specs often based on what your personal oximeter which I recommend, says for you. 

(TCM : do regularly tapping on the collar bones regions with your fingers tips)

如果需要,通常根据我推荐的您的个人血氧计为您推荐的鼻规格氧气补充。Rúguǒ xūyào, tōngcháng gēnjù wǒ tuījiàn de nín de gèrén xuè yǎng jì wèi nín tuījiàn de bí guīgé yǎngqì bǔchōng. 

 (中医:经常用指尖轻敲锁骨部位)(Zhōngyī: Jīngcháng yòng zhǐ jiān qīng qiāo suǒgǔ bùwèi)

In all of the patients I have treated, this regimine has worked for them and they have not needed hospitalization. 在我治疗过的所有患者中,这种疗法对他们都有效,他们不需要住院。Zài wǒ zhìliáoguò de suǒyǒu huànzhě zhōng, zhè zhǒng liáofǎ duì tāmen dōu yǒuxiào, tāmen bù xūyào zhùyuàn. 

I myself had Covid-19 in November last year. 我本人去年 11 月感染了 Covid-19。Wǒ běnrén qùnián 11 yuè gǎnrǎnle Covid-19. 

Taking these agents as I've listed was incredibly helpful for me and I recovered within 7 to 10 days. 服用我列出的这些药物对我非常有帮助,我在 7 到 10 天内康复。Fúyòng wǒ liè chū de zhèxiē yàowù duì wǒ fēicháng yǒu bāngzhù, wǒ zài 7 dào 10 tiānnèi kāngfù.

In summary, I would like to have you let go of the fear. It does not serve us. There are many things that we can do for ourselves and then we've got the hospital as backup. 总之,我想让你放下恐惧。 它不为我们服务。 我们可以为自己做很多事情,然后我们有医院作为后盾。Zǒngzhī, wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐ fàngxià kǒngjù. Tā bù wéi wǒmen fúwù. Wǒmen kěyǐ wéi zìjǐ zuò hěnduō shìqíng, ránhòu wǒmen yǒu yīyuàn zuòwéi hòudùn.

VARIANTS 变体 Biàn tǐ

变种 Biànzhǒng 

Dr Stephen Malthouse MD. BC,Canada : Many of us have heard about something that is designed to scare the living daylights out of you。

Stephen Malthouse 博士,医学博士。 BC,加拿大:我们中的许多人都听说过一些旨在吓唬你的事情。Stephen Malthouse bóshì, yīxué bóshì. BC, jiānádà: Wǒmen zhōng de xǔduō rén dōu tīng shuōguò yīxiē zhǐ zài xiàhǔ nǐ de shìqíng.

It's something we're hearing 24/7, pumped through your television set and that's the possibility of dangerous variants. 这是我们 24/7 全天候听到的声音,通过您的电视机播放,这就是危险变体的可能性。 Zhè shì wǒmen 24/7 quántiānhòu tīng dào de shēngyīn, tōngguò nín de diànshì jī bòfàng, zhè jiùshì wéixiǎn biàn tǐ de kěnéng xìng. 

Now here's something that will surprise you: One slight variant was artificially created after a lot of hard work in a mouse study. 现在有一些事情会让你感到惊讶:在一项老鼠研究中经过大量艰苦的工作后,人为地创造了一个轻微的变体。Xiànzài yǒu yīxiē shìqíng huì ràng nǐ gǎndào jīngyà: Zài yī xiàng lǎoshǔ yánjiū zhōng jīng guo dàliàng jiānkǔ de gōngzuò hòu, rénwéi de chuàngzàole yīgè qīngwéi de biàn tǐ. 

The so called variants had never been found in humans. 在人类中从未发现过所谓的变体。Zài rénlèi zhōng cóng wèi fāxiànguò suǒwèi de biàn tǐ. 

This was followed by some papers with mathematical modelling and coding, not real life observation. 随后是一些关于数学建模和编码的论文,而不是现实生活中的观察。Suíhòu shì yīxiē guānyú shùxué jiàn mó hé biānmǎ dì lùnwén, ér bùshì xiànshí shēnghuó zhōng de guānchá. 

This was simply guesswork about spread and severity , not real research with human beings. 这只是对传播和严重程度的猜测,而不是对人类的真正研究。Zhè zhǐshì duì chuánbò hé yánzhòng chéngdù de cāicè, ér bùshì duì rénlèi de zhēnzhèng yánjiū. 

That is the sole foundation of all you're hearing about on the TV. 这是您在电视上听到的所有内容的唯一基础。Zhè shì nín zài diànshì shàng tīng dào de suǒyǒu nèiróng de wéiyī jīchǔ. 

Viruses naturally change over time and new strains emerge. 随着时间的推移,病毒自然会发生变化,并出现新的毒株。 Suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí, bìngdú zìrán huì fāshēng biànhuà, bìng chūxiàn xīn de dú zhū.

Since a virus cannot live alone but depends upon human cells to live  it makes evolutionary sense that it will become less dangerous, not more dangerous, over time. 由于病毒不能单独生存,而是依赖人类细胞生存,因此随着时间的推移,它会变得不那么危险,而不是更危险,这在进化上是有意义的。Yóuyú bìngdú bùnéng dāndú shēngcún, ér shì yīlài rénlèi xìbāo shēngcún, yīncǐ suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí, tā huì biàn dé bù nàme wéixiǎn, ér bùshì gèng wéixiǎn, zhè zài jìnhuà shàng shì yǒu yìyì de.

If it becomes more easily spread, but less likely to make you really sick then that is a good natural progression toward herd immunity. 如果它变得更容易传播,但不太可能让你真的生病,那么这就是群体免疫的良好自然进展。Rúguǒ tā biàn dé gèng róngyì chuánbò, dàn bù tài kěnéng ràng nǐ zhēn de shēngbìng, nàme zhè jiùshì qúntǐ miǎnyì de liánghǎo zìrán jìnzhǎn. 

The Covid virus is no different. Covid病毒也不例外。Covid bìngdú yě bù lìwài. 

Over all the time we have studied viruses that is what they've always done adapt to humans as humans adapt to them. 一直以来,我们一直在研究病毒,它们一直在适应人类,就像人类适应它们一样。Yīzhí yǐlái, wǒmen yīzhí zài yánjiū bìngdú, tāmen yīzhí zài shìyìng rénlèi, jiù xiàng rénlèi shìyìng tāmen yīyàng. 

We can all relax since viruses always become less likely to cause harm as time goes on. 我们都可以放松,因为随着时间的推移,病毒造成伤害的可能性总是越来越小。Wǒmen dōu kěyǐ fàngsōng, yīnwèi suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí, bìngdú zàochéng shānghài de kěnéng xìng zǒng shì yuè lái yuè xiǎo.


每个人的出路 Měi gèrén de chūlù

Dr Stephen Malthouse, MD. BC, Canada: When you put it all together, there are so many reasons not to be afraid of COVID.

Stephen Malthouse 博士,医学博士。 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省:当你把所有这些放在一起时,有很多理由不害怕 COVID。Stephen Malthouse bóshì, yīxué bóshì. Jiānádà bùlièdiān gēlúnbǐyǎ shěng: Dāng nǐ bǎ suǒyǒu zhèxiē fàng zài yīqǐ shí, yǒu hěnduō lǐyóu bu hàipà COVID.

When we honestly evaluate the COVID evidence and stop being fearful , we can start living life fully and becoming a joyful member of our family and community again. 当我们诚实地评估 COVID 证据并停止恐惧时,我们就可以开始充实地生活,并再次成为我们家庭和社区的快乐成员。Dāng wǒmen chéngshí dì pínggū COVID zhèngjù bìng tíngzhǐ kǒngjù shí, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ kāishǐ chōngshí dì shēnghuó, bìng zàicì chéngwéi wǒmen jiātíng hé shèqū de kuàilè chéngyuán.

Hiding inside your home and avoiding people is not necessary. Humans are social creatures and do not do well in isolation. 没有必要躲在家里和避开人。 人类是社会性动物,孤立地做不好。Méiyǒu bìyào duǒ zài jiālǐ hé bì kāi rén. Rénlèi shì shèhuì xìng dòngwù, gūlì dì zuò bù hǎo. 

For one thing, both solitary confinement and fear are harmful to your immune system. Four hugs a day are indeed the minimum. 一方面,单独监禁和恐惧都对您的免疫系统有害。 一天四次拥抱确实是最少的。Yī fāngmiàn, dāndú jiānjìn hé kǒngjù dōu duì nín de miǎnyì xìtǒng yǒuhài. Yītiān sì cì yǒngbào quèshí shì zuìshǎo de. 

So make sure your nutrition is good and don't forget to take vitamin D3 in the wintertime to optimize your immune system. 因此,请确保您的营养良好,并且不要忘记在冬季服用维生素 D3 以优化您的免疫系统。Yīncǐ, qǐng quèbǎo nín de yíngyǎng liánghǎo, bìngqiě bùyào wàngjì zài dōngjì fúyòng wéishēngsù D3 yǐ yōuhuà nín de miǎnyì xìtǒng. 

4,000 International Units is a good daily amount for Canadian adults, followed by a blood test in about a month to make sure that's the right amount for you. 对于加拿大成年人来说,每天 4,000 国际单位是一个不错的量,然后在大约一个月内进行血液检查,以确保这是适合您的量。 Duìyú jiānádà chéngnián rén lái shuō, měitiān 4,000 guójì dānwèi shì yīgè bùcuò de liàng, ránhòu zài dàyuē yīgè yuè nèi jìnxíng xiěyè jiǎnchá, yǐ quèbǎo zhè shì shìhé nín de liàng. 

Vitamin D is safe, it's inexpensive and has been shown to boost resistance to viral respiratory infections, including COVID. 维生素 D 是安全的,价格低廉,并且已被证明可以增强对病毒性呼吸道感染(包括 COVID)的抵抗力。Wéishēngsù D shì ānquán de, jiàgé dīlián, bìngqiě yǐ bèi zhèngmíng kěyǐ zēngqiáng duì bìngdú xìng hūxīdào gǎnrǎn (bāokuò COVID) de dǐkàng lì. 

And remember the real virus is fear. It stops a person from thinking clearly. 请记住,真正的病毒是恐惧。 它阻止一个人清晰地思考。Qǐng jì zhù, zhēnzhèng de bìngdú shì kǒngjù. Tā zǔzhǐ yīgè rén qīngxī de sīkǎo. 

Now is the time to turn off your TV set and learn how to do some reasoning for yourself. It doesn't take a doctor, or even a rocket scientist to figure it out. Just look out your own front door and see what is really happening. The evidence is clear. You do not need to be afraid of a little COVID virus. 现在是关掉电视机并学习如何为自己做一些推理的时候了。 不需要医生,甚至不需要火箭科学家就能弄清楚。 看看你自己的前门,看看到底发生了什么。 证据很清楚。 您不必害怕一点点 COVID 病毒。 Xiànzài shì guān diào diànshì jī bìng xuéxí rúhé wèi zìjǐ zuò yīxiē tuīlǐ de shíhòule. Bù xūyào yīshēng, shènzhì bù xūyào huǒjiàn kēxuéjiā jiù néng nòng qīngchǔ. Kàn kàn nǐ zìjǐ de qiánmén, kàn kàn dàodǐ fāshēngle shénme. Zhèngjù hěn qīngchǔ. Nín bùbì hàipà yī diǎndiǎn COVID bìngdú.