Monday, December 26, 2022

English classified as an official language in 67 different countries worldwide

End the Covid Fraud and Global Genocide Now!

 People are experiencing serious adverse reactions after receiving the covid jab, or are dying. Many more will die in the coming months and years. The covid fraud is causing a global genocide. This needs to end now. Crimes being committed or supported by governments, government advisory groups, members of the World Economic Forum, the mainstream media, social media platforms, and other agencies in positions of authority:

 • Extreme fear mongering via press releases, media announcements and nation-wide advertisement, using taxpayers' money

• Inducing unnecessary fear and terror of a virus less lethal than a strong seasonal flu

• Cynical use of new variants to promote fear and justify continued restrictions

 • Falsifying death records by stating covid as the primary cause of death when not applicable

 • Mask mandates on public transport, in shops, schools, work places and other public places-in many cases for hours a day - exposing the wearer to potential and actual damage to their mental and physical well-being

• Forcing children and adults to take covid tests, often regularly, that are not fit for purpose, produce mainly false positives, and can cause damage to health

• Using covid "cases", which are based on false test results, for prolonging covid restrictions and lockdowns

• Coercing people into taking an experimental "vaccine", which is in fact a gene modifying injection, can induce infertility, and is causing more adverse reactions and deaths than all other vaccines together

 • Promoting the use of an unlicensed therapy as though it were fully approved and safe

 • Suppressing or underplaying the data regarding adverse reactions and deaths of the covid jabs

 • Ignoring the Nuremberg Code by not enabling people to give informed consent before vaccination or testing

 • Disruption of education

• Suppression of religious freedom, prevention of worship

• Restricting freedom of movement across borders, and during lockdowns, within the country

• Causing job losses, business failures and loss of opportunities

• Delaying diagnosis and treatment of conditions far more serious than covid resulting in unnecessary loss of life

• Forced quarantine of healthy people at their own expense

• Suppression of the right to protest, freedom of association and freedom of speech

• Suppression of scientific debate, giving voice only to “approved" agencies

Questions You Might Be Asking About Covid

 Why does the government want to inject you against a virus that independent experts say is no more dangerous than the flu?

 Why are the drug companies now saying the vaccines won't help with catching, passing on, surviving or recovering from covid? What's the point of taking them?

 Why have an estimated 20 million people died worldwide after receiving the jabs, many of them children?

 Why, according to official figures, are nine out of ten covid patients entering hospital fully vaccinated? Weren't we told that the unvaccinated would be hit the hardest?

 Why have so many jabbed women become infertile, and why has the likelihood of miscarriage risen from 11% to sometimes as high as 90%?

 Why is none of this being reported by mainstream media-in particular the national TV and Radio Broadcasters ?

 In short, what is going on?

 You may by now have guessed that the driving force behind all this is not exactly friendly. Indeed, massive resistance has been building across the world since 2020. Many people have already discovered what's going on and hopefully, this will encourage you to start your own inestigations.

 Sometimes it's worth asking the important questions.

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