Water Fasting: The Most Cost Effective Method of Healing?
Water Fasting: The Most Cost Effective Method of Healing?
Charlene Bollinger: Have you ever thought of fasting as a method to heal your body? Why is it that fasting is mentioned over 40 times in the Bible? Our colleague and friend Dr. Edward Group, founder of the Global Healing Center, and his team have dug into past documents and have found extensive information on fasting.
Ty Bollinger: Watch the upcoming video and find out what they discovered about water only fasting, which Dr. Group also calls the most cost effective method of healing in the entire world. Enjoy and be sure to watch all the way to the end.
Dr. Edward Group: So, I actually hired a research scientist to work with me all year long and to find all of the information they could possibly find on fasting, trying to dig up all those documents from the past and put everything together and see. Because what I want to talk about is hardcore fasting.
I mean there’s a lot of talk about ketogenic and juice fasting, and that’s all fine, but I’m like looking for what is a hardcore method that’s been used for a long period of time? And I didn’t really know a lot about it, or at least didn’t dig into the history of it, but this guy worked all day long every single day for almost a year with me to try to pull up and find a lot of the information that was out there.
So, what I found I want to share with you today, which is incredible because looking at some of these old doctors that have spent years and years in the past with doing water fasting protocols. This is a bold statement, but think about if you could really eliminate disease for $1.99 a day. That would be pretty cool. That’s how much a gallon of water costs, right? I mean if you think back at the benefits of water, I mean how many times do we talk about water?
It’s weird that I’ve been doing all this fasting all year, and then all of a sudden, Hurricane Harvey, I’m from Houston, comes in and just goes “Here’s a bunch of water,” that just goes “whoosh” and rinses everything out and my house floods, and it’s just like I’m going through this cleansing process and then my environment gets cleansed with water, too, which has actually been a great experience.
You don’t hear too many people saying that, but it’s great to just kind of have a good cleansing of your life every now and then. It just puts things into perspective in reality.
And the more I study fasting, I’ve been telling people, “Well, how would you like to get $120,000 stem cell treatment for free?” I mean your body is so powerful. Your body has the power to heal itself. I’ve always been talking about the self-healing mechanism and how effective it is. And looking back at religious texts doing research, I mean I think the Bible mentions fasting over 40 times. And people didn’t have a lot of medicinal herbs and different methods of healing themselves a long time ago.
So, I used to be one of those doctors that had 400 different vitamin supplements in my cabinet. And it’s weird, after 25 years, I’m coming back to simplicity again. Like everything is in simplicity. Your body wants to heal itself and it’s not really that hard to heal from any disease.
And the abstinence of food really is the definition of fasting. You know? There’s juice fasting, there’s intermittent fasting. I like all of those. But water-only fasting is to me probably the most cost-effective method of healing in the world.
So, fasting was God’s original medicine. I mean if you look at the flood, Noah, all that stuff, water, not only did people in the past, whether it’s Egyptian, Ayurvedic, every society fasts. But it was also a staple used for spiritual reasons and purification.
Everything’s about purification, you know? If you’re pure. That’s why detoxing and cleansing always works. And doctors that have been around for ages will tell you that if the body’s pure, the body’s healthy.
And if you look back at some of the methods years and years ago, what did they have? I mean all of this stuff that’s been created recently with the food and all this other stuff is damaging to us. But really, all they had was sunlight, water, air, and rest. And that alone, the reason I don’t have food in there is because food wasn’t a big staple a long time ago because animals, when they’re sick or they’re ill, they fast. And anybody who was sick a long time ago didn’t really utilize a lot of food.
So, we’re taught to eat several meals a day. And the more that I started getting into this and looking at this covert agenda between the USDA and the FDA and the American Dietetic Association, all these associations, big pharma, big agriculture, I mean there’s literally been a covert agenda that’s been happening for a long time to create fear in us that if we don’t eat we will die. Not only that, but all the chemicals and all the poisoning of the food and everything else.
So, I kept asking myself “Why are so many people scared of fasting? Why are so many people scared not to eat? Why do they think that something’s going to happen to their body if they don’t eat?” I started talking to people and asking them, “I’m just going to starve.” But all of this conditioning that’s been done for years and years and years is what we need to kind of get out of our mind.
And then I was saying “Why aren’t doctors using fasting?” Well, first of all, they’re taught that it’s dangerous, that you’re going to starve, that you’re going to have a mineral deficiency, that you’re going to waste away, that you need a bunch of protein in your system. And it really is kind of a dark secret of the medical community, because if you look at the past and how everything’s been structured with those relationships with the food industry and the big pharma industry, it’s all designed really to keep us sick. It really all revolves around money.
And that’s why. Why are they going to teach fasting in medical school? Why are they going to teach you how you can get rid of any disease, not like Down syndrome and stuff, but any degenerative disease? Because there’s no money in it.
As I was working with my research scientist trying to find documentation on fasting, one thing led to another and led to another and led to another, and it was really hard to find stuff. I mean we know, because of all the research and all the books on natural medicine from the 1800s, even back to the 1600s, when you look at Paracelsus and you look at Pythagoras, who had made his students fast for 30 days before he even accepted him as a student. It’s been going on for a long time.
But all of those books, all of those books were pretty much taken and burned by the pharmaceutical companies because they don’t want to give you the information that you need so your body can be healthy.
Now let me tell you, it’s been amazing that we’ve been able to track down some of these old documents and some of these successes. Some doctors that did over 100,000 supervised water fasts. I’ve read so many case studies on water fasting of what it can do to the body and how fast the body regenerates. And I put some in here to share with you how powerful it actually is.
What do you think about water fasting? Have you tried it? Please share your experience in the Comments section below.

Dr. Edward F. Group III founded Global Healing Center in 1998 with the goal of providing the highest quality natural health information and products. He is world-renowned for his research on the root cause of disease. Dr. Group is a veteran of the United States Army and has attended both Harvard and MIT business schools. He is a best-selling author and a frequent guest on radio and television programs, documentary films, and in major publications. Dr. Group centers his philosophy around the understanding that the root cause of disease stems from the accumulation of toxins in the body and is exacerbated by daily exposure to a toxic living environment. He believes it is his personal mission to teach and promote philosophies that produce good health, a clean environment, and positive thinking.
1. Abhinandan Mahant
May 19, 2018 at 10:37 AM
Yeah, water fasting is amazing, can be hard for some at start though, especially if you eat refined stuff.
Over the course of these months, I have developed better focus, long-term memory, energy, mood,sleep etc. and I also think my immune system, willpower, energy, productivity improved. Though I meditated also some times a week and avoided unhealthy food so that may also make a difference.
Almost reaching 24 hr mark and I feel just good.
2. Janet
June 20, 2018 at 4:07 PM
About five of my friends from church with in a three fast with water only. We went to a camp site so there would be no interruptions. On the second day I got the worst headache ever, cause I used to drink coffee, and I also got sick to my stomach. We went on this fast for a purpose, all of us had something or someone to pray for. The third day came and I had no headache, no throwing up, my mind was clearer than it had ever been. And being a believer of Jesus I could sense His presence, I could sense his everywhere I went, it was awesome. After the fast I went to work and my Co-worker says to me your face is glowing, what do you put on your face. My body was healthy and my spirit was refreshed. And the Lord answered my prayer.
3. Deborah Gerhardt
January 29, 2019 at 9:37 PM
Know I have not tried water fasting before really. Fasting for a day or two with liquids only preparing for a Colonoscopy. How long is a proper time to fast with water only is a question I would ask? And what if any side effects are there. How often should one this.
4. Jacque Christy
January 30, 2019 at 3:14 AM
OK Wonderful! I will try that next. I do intermittent fasting 6 days a week. Once I did a real fast and lasted 38 hours. Like Dr Group, I have lots of bottles of Supps to get rid of before I try the water fast. I believe this is one I can easily adopt with no pain!! Love it and Thank you again for all the good work you do. I am happy for you that your family is treating your work like a family business. GOOD WORK!
5. Gina Kjar
May 29, 2018 at 9:43 PM
In 2016, I water fasted for 30 days. I say That I water fasted, but I did occasionally have black coffee, un-sweetened tea, or boullion cube broth and pickle juice. I maybe did this on 4 or 5 days through out the fast. It was a wonderful experience for me. I felt extremely clear headed and very very close to God. There were no distractions. Physically, I did experience weight loss, a drop in blood pressure, and hair loss, all of which are to be expected, but I also experienced autophagy, and I know this to be true because several warts literally disappeared that I have had for years, and two years later have not reappeared.
I would say that fasting is much more a mental battle than it is a physical. Really, once you get past day 4, it is like coasting….as long as you don’t have a big up Hill climb, you can make it. I did walk daily and do some calisthenics. I was overweight when I started, and I did gain my weight back, but that is not a negative of fasting, as I have gained my weight back with every diet I’ve tried!! I will definitely fast again. Losing my hair was not expected, and I was not prepared for that. I didn’t lose it all, it just thinned alot. I would guestimate that I lost about 25% of my overall hair, which has now fully regrown. I did do a few coffee enemas, maybe one a week. ( My next fast will include a home made Gatorade consisting of liuid minerals and magnesium.My first fast did not.) I can second that refeeding is crucial on a long fast, as you have no gut Flora, because it has died back due to lack of nutrition. I did my refeed with watermelon and cantaloupe and a product called Flora-baby which is actually a powdered pro-biotic to help new born infants who have digestive issues. I slowly added spinach and lettuce with shallots and tossed them in a bit of vinegar and honey dressing with Sea Salt. It took me about a week to build up to a regular meal. Many say to wait longer, but I didn’t find that necessary. I hope this will be truthful and helpful for anyone looking for the honest lay-person’s experience. I would recommend, but do your research and be confident in what you are doing or you will talk yourself out of it. I did this on my first fast on day 18! Prepare mentally and physically and you will do great!
This is a clip from Dr. Group’s presentation at our annual live event – The Truth About Cancer LIVE 2017. Recordings of the full event packed with presentations of today’s most respected doctors and other health experts can be found here:
28 Doctors, 11 Scientists, 9 Survivors And 1 "FDA Dragon Slaying"
Attorney Break Their 'Code Of Silence' And Expose The
TRUTH About Cancer And Exactly How To Prevent,
Treat And Beat it 100% Naturally