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It is also important to know there is a time gap of many years between recognition of "HIV/COVID" in the body and production of clinical symptoms of immune suppression. I can assure you, the amino acid imbalance during this time gap becomes a far more potent killer than the "virus of AIDS / COVID." At the beginning, the body begins to produce antibodies to the virus. It is only after some time that production of all antibodies becomes insufficient and ineffective. We should remember that a balanced and well-proportioned amino acid pool composition in the body is absolutely essential for antibody production by the white blood cells and the liver cells.
They are consistently and drastically short of methionine, cystine and cysteine—very important amino acids. They also have a manifold rise in levels of arginine and glutamate. This state of a very drastic amino acid imbalance seems to last for some time before the patient becomes very sick.
It seems on the face of it that AIDS/ COVID patients are victims of an imbalance in their bodies' amino acid composition. If they could correct their protein metabolism, they might be able to survive, and their bodies might be able to produce sufficient resistance to fight other acute infections.
After all, even for the manufacture of antibodies to defend against other bacteria, the body needs the basic amino acid ingredients in their correct proportions.
It is unfortunate that we are looking at the virus and not seeing the physiological imbalance in AIDS / COVID patients. It is also unfortunate that we do not understand the subordinate metabolic roles of IL-6 to the cortisone-releasing mechanism and IL-1 production. These agents, and others in their pack, are produced to mobilize primary raw materials from body reserves to fight stress and repair possible damages caused by having confronted any particular stressor. Their function is designed around the mechanism of breaking down proteins held in the muscles of the body and converting them to their basic amino acids for their use in the liver. So, the general direction in severe stress-damage is to mobilize the essential ingredients for their emergency re-use—a process of feeding off the body itself.
With food items that are made from real ingredients, people can expect to get the nutrients and healthy compounds they need such as Amino Acids. But why are Amino acids so important and what are some of the best foods with high levels of amino acids? In this article, let us look at the list of foods that contain plenty of amino acids.`
Amino Acids: What are they?
Amino acids are crucial for the effective functioning of the human body. It is considered the building blocks of proteins and most of them can be produced by the body. However, some amino acids need to be obtained or acquired through diet or through the food items that we consume. These amino acids are called essential amino acids and they are lysine, histidine, threonine, methionine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. Out of these nine (9), amino acids are three very important amino acids that are required for weight gain and muscle development, and these are called BCAAs or Branched Chained Amino Acids. These amino acids have a unique side chain that makes it quite special for muscle building compared to the other amino acids.
People must focus on getting a balanced diet that can provide the right amounts of needed amino acids since these compounds can greatly contribute to overall health aside from muscle building or development. It is recommended that people eat various meat and plant-based products or items to ensure that they get the right amount of amino acids they need daily. This will ensure that the body can have what it takes for tissue repair and growth, for the digestion of food, for enzyme function and formation, and the transportation of certain molecules (ex. Oxygen, etc.).
Best Food Items that Contain Increased amounts of Amino Acids
Listed below are some of the best food items that contain high levels of amino acids:
1. Whole grains
Whole grain food items can provide individuals with some level of amino acids and proteins that are considered acceptable for vegetarians. For example, a serving of long grain rice and pasta that is whole grain can give people proteins in the amount of six (6) to seven (7) grams.
One specific whole-grain food, quinoa, is considered a complete protein as it contains the entire list of amino acids. People who eat a cup of quinoa will obtain around 8 grams of protein. In this regard, people are advised to take in or consume foods that are considered whole grains instead of focusing on grains that are processed. These whole-grain foods can provide the human body with its needed minerals, vitamins, fiber, and amino acids per portion size.
2. Legumes, nuts, and seeds
Nuts are fantastic snack items but did you know that eating nuts can provide the body with its needed amino acids? This is an excellent reason to snack on seeds, nuts, and legumes as they can help complement those other vegetarian proteins, which are considered incomplete proteins. When the aforementioned combo of legumes, seeds, and nuts are consumed, then the body can have the amino acids it requires daily.
One of the few foods that are considered a vegetarian that contains the complete gamut of essential amino acids is soybeans. On the other hand, certain types of legumes contain eleven (11) to eighteen (18) grams per serving. These include pinto beans, black beans, chickpeas, and lentils. On the other hand, nuts can provide around six (6) to eight (8) grams of protein per serving. Examples of such nuts include sunflower seeds, walnuts, and almonds.
3. Seafood
Another way to properly get the required amino acids is through the consumption of seafood. Per the Department of Agriculture of the United States, seafood can provide around seven (7) to eight (8) grams of proteins. These include seafood items such as halibut, tuna, salmon. On the other hand, crustaceans can provide around six (6) grams of protein per ounce, slightly lower than that of fish. These crustaceans include crabs and shrimps. These seafood items also have all the amino acids which make it a complete protein.
Consuming Seafood items also have an added benefit of possibly helping people fight against chronic diseases. This is because some of these seafood items, such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon, all contain fatty acids known as omega
4. Meat and Animal Proteins
Most people will think meats or aminal-based products when thinking about protein and rightly so. This is because tissues of animal-based food products contain all the essential amino acids that an individual needs per day making the said food items complete proteins.
Consuming eggs, chicken, turkey, pork, and beef can aid in completing the recommended daily intake for proteins. These proteins contain around nine (9) grams of protein for each ounce. Other animal-based food products such as dairy can provide around eight (8) grams of protein. Some of these dairy products include cheese, yogurt, and milk. These products, if eaten in large quantities can lead to increased calorie intake, and as such, it is recommended that individuals go for their fat-free or low-fat lean meats and dairy. Individuals can also remove the meat’s excess fat or remove the skin from poultry or chicken.
同样重要的是要知道,在体内识别出“HIV/COVID”和产生免疫抑制的临床症状之间存在多年的时间间隔。 我可以向你保证,这段时间的氨基酸失衡成为比“艾滋病 / COVID 病毒”更有效的杀手。 一开始,身体开始产生针对病毒的抗体。 只有在一段时间后,所有抗体的产生才会变得不足和无效。 我们应该记住,体内平衡且比例合理的氨基酸池组成对于白细胞和肝细胞产生抗体是绝对必要的。
它们始终且严重缺乏蛋氨酸、胱氨酸和半胱氨酸——非常重要的氨基酸。 它们的精氨酸和谷氨酸水平也有多种上升。 这种非常严重的氨基酸失衡状态似乎会持续一段时间,然后患者才会变得病重。
从表面上看,AIDS/COVID 患者是身体氨基酸组成失衡的受害者。 如果他们能够纠正他们的蛋白质代谢,他们可能能够生存,并且他们的身体可能能够产生足够的抵抗力来对抗其他急性感染。
不幸的是,我们正在研究病毒,却没有看到 AIDS/COVID 患者的生理失衡。 不幸的是,我们不了解 IL-6 对可的松释放机制和 IL-1 产生的次要代谢作用。 生产这些药剂和其他药剂是为了调动身体储备中的主要原材料来对抗压力并修复因面对任何特定压力源而可能造成的损害。 它们的功能是围绕分解身体肌肉中的蛋白质并将它们转化为碱性氨基酸以供肝脏使用的机制而设计的。 因此,严重压力损伤的总体方向是调动必要的成分以供紧急再利用——这是一个以身体本身为食的过程。
使用由真正成分制成的食品,人们可以期望获得所需的营养和健康化合物,例如氨基酸。 但是为什么氨基酸如此重要,哪些是氨基酸含量高的最佳食物? 在这篇文章中,让我们看看含有大量氨基酸的食物清单。
氨基酸对于人体的有效运作至关重要。 它被认为是蛋白质的组成部分,其中大部分可以由身体产生。 但是,某些氨基酸需要通过饮食或我们食用的食品获得或获得。 这些氨基酸被称为必需氨基酸,它们是赖氨酸、组氨酸、苏氨酸、蛋氨酸、缬氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸和色氨酸。 在这九 (9) 种氨基酸中,氨基酸是体重增加和肌肉发育所需的三种非常重要的氨基酸,它们被称为支链氨基酸或支链氨基酸。 与其他氨基酸相比,这些氨基酸具有独特的侧链,这使得它对于肌肉锻炼非常特别。
人们必须专注于获得可以提供适量所需氨基酸的均衡饮食,因为除了肌肉构建或发育之外,这些化合物还可以极大地促进整体健康。 建议人们食用各种肉类和植物性产品或物品,以确保他们获得每天所需的适量氨基酸。 这将确保身体能够进行组织修复和生长、食物消化、酶功能和形成以及某些分子(例如氧气等)的运输。
1. 全谷物
全麦食品可以为个人提供一些素食者可以接受的氨基酸和蛋白质。 例如,一份长粒米和全麦面食可以为人们提供六 (6) 到七 (7) 克的蛋白质。
藜麦是一种特定的全麦食品,被认为是一种完整的蛋白质,因为它包含完整的氨基酸列表。 吃一杯藜麦的人将获得大约 8 克蛋白质。 在这方面,建议人们摄入或食用被认为是全谷物的食物,而不是专注于加工过的谷物。 这些全麦食品可以为人体提供每份大小所需的矿物质、维生素、纤维和氨基酸。
2. 豆类、坚果和种子
坚果是极好的零食,但您知道吃坚果可以为身体提供所需的氨基酸吗? 这是吃种子、坚果和豆类零食的绝佳理由,因为它们可以帮助补充那些被认为是不完整蛋白质的其他素食蛋白质。 当食用上述豆类、种子和坚果的组合时,身体可以获得每天所需的氨基酸。
大豆是少数被认为含有完整必需氨基酸的素食食品之一。 另一方面,某些类型的豆类每份含有十一 (11) 至十八 (18) 克。 这些包括斑豆、黑豆、鹰嘴豆和扁豆。 另一方面,坚果每份可提供约六 (6) 至八 (8) 克蛋白质。 这种坚果的例子包括葵花籽、核桃和杏仁。
3. 海鲜
另一种正确获取所需氨基酸的方法是食用海鲜。 根据美国农业部的数据,海鲜可以提供大约七 (7) 到八 (8) 克蛋白质。 这些包括海鲜,如大比目鱼、金枪鱼、鲑鱼。 另一方面,甲壳类动物每盎司可提供约六 (6) 克蛋白质,略低于鱼类。 这些甲壳类动物包括螃蟹和虾。 这些海鲜食品还含有使其成为完整蛋白质的所有氨基酸。
食用海鲜还有一个额外的好处,可能有助于人们对抗慢性病。 这是因为这些海鲜中的一些,如金枪鱼、鲭鱼和鲑鱼,都含有被称为欧米茄的脂肪酸。
4. 肉类和动物蛋白
大多数人在考虑蛋白质时会想到肉类或基于动物的产品,这是正确的。 这是因为动物性食品的组织含有个人每天所需的所有必需氨基酸,使所述食品成为完整的蛋白质。
食用鸡蛋、鸡肉、火鸡、猪肉和牛肉有助于完成建议的每日蛋白质摄入量。 这些蛋白质每盎司含有大约九 (9) 克蛋白质。 乳制品等其他动物性食品可提供约八 (8) 克蛋白质。 其中一些乳制品包括奶酪、酸奶和牛奶。 这些产品,如果大量食用会导致卡路里摄入量增加,因此,建议个人选择脱脂或低脂瘦肉和乳制品。 个人也可以去除肉类多余的脂肪或去除家禽或鸡肉的皮肤。

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