It is now becoming obvious that because of a gradually failing thirst sensation, our body becomes chronically and increasingly dehydrated, from an early adult age. With increase in age, the water content of the cells of the body decreases, to the point that the ratio of the volume of body water that is inside the cells to that which is outside the cells changes from a figure of 1.1 and becomes almost 0.8 (see Figure 2). This is a very drastic change. Since the"water" we drink provides for cell function and its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water intake affects the efficiency of cell activity. It is the reason for the loss of water volume held inside the cells of the body. As a result, chronic dehydration causes symptoms that equal disease when the variety of emergency signals of
dehydration are not understood—as they are until now not understood. You see, these urgent cries of the body for water are treated as abnormal and dealt with by the use of medications.The human body can become dehydrated even when abundant water is readily available. Humans seem to lose their thirst sensation and the critical perception of needing water. Not recognizing their water need, they become gradually, increasingly, and chronically dehydrated with progress in age (see Figures 1 & 2). Further confusion lies in the idea that when we're thirsty, we can substitute tea, coffee, or alcohol-containing beverages. As you will see,
this is a common error. The "dry mouth " is the very last sign of dehydration. The body can suffer from dehydration even when the mouth may be fairly moist. Still worse, in the elderly, the mouth can be seen to be obviously dry and yet thirst may not be
acknowledged and satisfied.

A gradual and steady loss of sensitivity of the thirst sensation and insufficient water intake will alter the ratio of the amount of water held inside all the cells to the volume of water held outside the cells of the body. The water we drink will keep the cell volume balanced and the salt we take will maintain the volume of water that is held outside the cells and in circulation.
Whatever your health condition is, you stand to gain more IF you follow this watercure protocol.
0. Find out your correct daily hydration need. (your body weight in kilogram) x (32.53 ) ml = (your daily water quota) ml. 10% of this daily water quota is your personal 'glass of water'.
1. Drink 2 'glasses of water' , first thing in the morning upon rising.
2. Half hour before meal, drink 1 ' glass of water' .
3. Two and a half hour after meal, drink 1 'glass of water'.
4. Drink 1 'glass of water' before going to bed at night.
NOTE: For every 1250 ml of water intake , use 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt. Average body weight of 30 kg will need this 1250 ml water and 1/4 teaspoon salt, daily.
It is now becoming obvious that because of a gradually failing thirst sensation, our body becomes chronically and increasingly dehydrated, from an early adult age. With increase in age, the water content of the cells of the body decreases, to the point that the ratio of the volume of body water that is inside the cells to that which is outside the cells changes from a figure of 1.1 and becomes almost 0.8 (see Figure 2). This is a very drastic change. Since the"water" we drink provides for cell function and its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water intake affects the efficiency of cell activity. It is the reason for the loss of water volume held inside the cells of the body. As a result, chronic dehydration causes symptoms that equal disease when the variety of emergency signals of
dehydration are not understood—as they are until now not understood. You see, these urgent cries of the body for water are treated as abnormal and dealt with by the use of medications.The human body can become dehydrated even when abundant water is readily available. Humans seem to lose their thirst sensation and the critical perception of needing water. Not recognizing their water need, they become gradually, increasingly, and chronically dehydrated with progress in age (see Figures 1 & 2). Further confusion lies in the idea that when we're thirsty, we can substitute tea, coffee, or alcohol-containing beverages. As you will see,
this is a common error. The "dry mouth " is the very last sign of dehydration. The body can suffer from dehydration even when the mouth may be fairly moist. Still worse, in the elderly, the mouth can be seen to be obviously dry and yet thirst may not be
acknowledged and satisfied.
A gradual and steady loss of sensitivity of the thirst sensation and insufficient water intake will alter the ratio of the amount of water held inside all the cells to the volume of water held outside the cells of the body. The water we drink will keep the cell volume balanced and the salt we take will maintain the volume of water that is held outside the cells and in circulation.
Following Watercure Protocol
0. Find out your correct daily hydration need. (your body weight in kilogram) x (32.53 ) ml = (your daily water quota) ml. 10% of this daily water quota is your personal 'glass of water'.
1. Drink 2 'glasses of water' , first thing in the morning upon rising.
2. Half hour before meal, drink 1 ' glass of water' .
3. Two and a half hour after meal, drink 1 'glass of water'.
4. Drink 1 'glass of water' before going to bed at night.
NOTE: For every 1250 ml of water intake , use 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt. Average body weight of 30 kg will need this 1250 ml water and 1/4 teaspoon salt, daily.