Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let Us Pray for Victory ....daily

"Rest . . . from all his enemies."

Everyday, it is a most desirable state of affairs, to be at rest from all physical enemies as David was (source:Bible ,book of 2nd Samuel chapter 7 :verse 1),at the height of his kingdom. It is even better to have the rest which comes from subduement of those spiritual foes which are entrenched in our very nature as members of Ada's fallen race.
It is rest indeed to be saved from fear, pride, jealousy, hate, doubt, care, and from "fleshly lust which war against the soul". But how many of us are living in such victorious spiritual rest ? Would it not be good to turn this into earnest prayer?

Let us note well (1) that prayer is never invalidated by geographical position and the specific posture of the one who prays: (2) that prayer is never invalidated by extremity of circumstance, as when, we are cut off from the usual means of grace ; (3) that prayer in some circumstances needs firm resolve : your "I will".

Religions cannot save, only one Saviour can save.

Dear Saviour, give me complete victory over fear -
give me complete victory over fear of sickness ;
give me complete victory over fear of accident ;
give me complete victory over fear of poverty ;
give me complete victory over fear of persecution ;
give me complete victory over fear of ridicule ;
give me complete victory over fear of loneliness ;
give me complete victory over fear of trials ;
give me complete victory over fear of old age ;
give me complete victory over fear of whatever may be coming on the earth ;
give me complete victory over fear of dying ;
give me complete victory over fear of death itself;
give me complete victory over fear of the Beyond.

The Best "Life Assurance" - The Lord God shall preserve you from all evil. This is one of many precious promises in which Lord God pledges special providential protection and preservation to the godly in Christ.

In the one case physical victory and deliverance were given. In the other case the victory and deliverance were spiritual.

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