Story at-a-glance
- Recent research shows that fluoride may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease as it causes hardening of your arteries
- Fluoride is a cumulative poison—approximately 98 percent of the fluoride you ingest in water is absorbed into your blood through your gastrointestinal tract, from where it then enters and accumulates in your body’s cellular tissues, including your kidneys, teeth and bones, pineal gland, and the walls of your blood vessels
- Common health hazards of fluoride include reduced IQ, increased lead absorption, dementia, bone fractures, dental and skeletal fluorosis, immune system disruptions, and many other health problems
- It’s important to understand that the “fluoride” added to your drinking water is not the natural mineral, nor a pharmaceutical grade fluoride. Instead, the fluoride compound most commonly used is the toxic waste product from phosphate fertilizer plants
It's no secret that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. But how many people realize that fluoride—which is still added to many municipal water supplies in the U.S.—is linked to heart disease?
In a new study published in the journal Nuclear Medicine Communicationsi, researchers found that fluoride may be associated with an increased cardiovascular risk as it causes hardening of your arteries.
Reviewing the imaging data and cardiovascular history of patients who received whole-body sodium fluoride PET scans, the researchers found a significant correlation between a history of cardiovascular events and presence of fluoride uptake in coronary arteries.
While there are certainly many factors contributing to the rise in heart disease—poor diet likely being the most important—it certainly doesn't help to add a chemical to water supplies that will be consumed by everyone in the area regardless of health status, from toddlers to seniors, that might contribute to the problem.
The primary issue here is that there's a lack of evidence supporting the use of fluoride, and an awful lot of evidence stacked against the indiscriminate use of it, including these latest findings.
The practice of adding fluoride to tap water began in 1945. With more than 70 percent of U.S. public water supplies currently fluoridated, chances are you're one of the 170 million Americans who drink and bathe in fluoride on a daily basis.ii
Most likely, your dentist—along with countless government and public health officials—has praised and promoted the use of fluoride, both in toothpaste and drinking water, as one of your must-do regimens to promote strong and healthy teeth.
But let's make this point clear right from the start: fluoride is not an essential nutrient needed for your health—dental or otherwise. There is not one single process in your body that requires fluoride.
Fluoride is a Cumulative Poison
It's important to realize that fluoride is a cumulative poison. Approximately 98 percent of the fluoride you ingest in water is absorbed into your blood through your gastrointestinal tract. From there, it enters your body's cellular tissues. On average, about 50 percent of the fluoride you ingest each day gets excreted through your kidneys.
Whether this happens or not is highly dependent on the presence of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C, and selenium in your bloodstream, to which the fluoride will bind so that it no longer is seeking calcium-rich tissues that make up so much of your body. The remainder accumulates in your teeth and bones,iii pineal gland,iv and other tissues, including your blood vessels.
According to the featured study:
"Fluoride uptake in vascular walls was demonstrated in 361 sites of 54 (96%) patients, whereas calcification was observed in 317 sites of 49 (88%) patients. Significant correlation between fluoride uptake and calcification was observed in most of the arterial walls, except in those of the abdominal aorta. Fluoride uptake in coronary arteries was demonstrated in 28 (46%) patients and coronary calcifications were observed in 34 (56%) patients."The amount deposited into your bones and teeth varies depending on your age. In children, more than 50 percent of an ingested dose of fluoride is deposited in bone, but in adults only about 10 percent is stored there. As the number of research studies into the toxic effects of fluoride has increased, there is now support for a rather long list of potential health problems related to fluoride accumulation in your body.
Here's a list of 20 of the most commonly mentioned health hazards and diseases associated with fluoride exposure:v,vi
Lowers IQ Hyperactivity and/or lethargyviii Increases lead absorptionix Disrupts synthesis of collagen Brain damage Dementia Muscle disorders Arthritis Bone fracturesvii Bone cancer (osteosarcoma) Dental fluorosis (staining and pitting of teeth) Lowers thyroid function Disrupts immune system Inhibits formation of antibodies Genetic damage and cell deathx Inactivates 62 enzymesxii Increases tumor and cancer rate Increases aging process Reduces melatonin production and leads to earlier onset of pubertyxi Damages sperm, increases infertility
Fluoride—the Toxic Drug in Your Water Supply
Prior to 1945 when communal water fluoridation took effect, fluoride was a known toxin. For example, a 1936 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association stated that fluoride at the 1 ppm (part per million) concentration is as toxic as arsenic and lead. The Journal of the American Medical Association stated in their September 18, 1943 issue, that fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons that change the permeability of the cell membrane by certain enzymes.xiii And, an editorial published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, October 1, 1944, stated:
"Drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances. We cannot run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances. The potentialities for harm outweigh those for good."How community water fluoridation ended up being so widely implemented, and eventually even became heralded as one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century, is explained in-depth in Christopher Bryson's book The Fluoride Deception.xiv In it, he describes the intertwined interests that existed in the 1940's and 50's between the aluminum industry, the U.S. nuclear weapons program, and the dental industry, which resulted in fluoride being declared not only safe, but beneficial to human health. Once you understand the historical context, it becomes easier to grasp why anyone would ever promote water fluoridation as "a good idea."
Due to the massive amounts of fluoride required to produce bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons, the Manhattan Project conducted various experiments to determine its toxic effects in 1946.
There were already several instances on record of fluoride being toxic to crops, livestock and people living downwind from the polluters, so the public concern over fluoride emissions needed to be quelled in order to avoid potentially crippling lawsuits.
Within the now declassified files of the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Energy Commission, Christopher Bryson found that the toxicology department at the University of Rochester, under the direction of Harold Hodge, was asked to produce medical information about fluoride that could help defend the government against lawsuits where they were charged with fluoride pollution. Back in 1957, Harold Hodge was the nation's leading, most trusted scientist, and when he declared that fluoride was "absolutely safe" at 1 ppm, everyone believed him.
So, the endorsement of fluoride as a nutrient that will grace you with brilliant pearly whites, rather than the poison it really is, was born from the need to address increasingly debilitating political and industrial problems relating to fluoride pollution. The rest, as they say, is history.
What's Really Added to Your Water Supply?
It's important to understand that the "fluoride" added to your drinking water is NOT the natural mineral, nor a pharmaceutical grade fluoride. Instead, the product most commonly used is another chemical fluoride compound—a toxic waste product from phosphate fertilizer plants.
There are three basic compounds that can be used for fluoridating water supplies:xv
The first one of these, sodium fluoride, was the first of the fluoride waste materials to be used for fluoridation, but now is rarely used. It's the most well known, as this is the compound used as pharmaceutical grade in toxicology studies and other research into the potential health dangers of fluoride. The other two, sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid, are the compounds actually used for water fluoridation, with hydrofluorosilicic acid being the most commonly used additive, according to the CDC.xvi Sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid are the waste products from the wet scrubbering systems of the fertilizer industry, and are classified as hazardous wastes. Contamination with various impurities such as arsenic is also common in these products.
- Sodium fluoride (NaF)
- Sodium silicofluoride
- Hydrofluorosilicic acid
Hydrofluorosilicic acid is one of the most reactive chemicals known to man. Its toxicity is well known in chemical circles. It will eat through metal and plastic pipes, and corrode stainless steel and other materials. It will dissolve rubber tires and melt concretexvii. This is what is added to your water—all in the name of saving children from cavities! But even the less reactive sodium fluoride is a deadly poison, even in small quantities, and in the form used for fluoridation also contains additional impurities. Other common uses for sodium fluoride include:
- Rat and cockroach poisons
- Anesthetics
- Hypnotics and psychiatric drugs
The Way Forward: Shifting the Burden of Proof
Still despite all the evidence, getting fluoride out of American water supplies has been exceedingly difficult. And it's no wonder, really, when you factor in the considerable liability the U.S. government could face were they to suddenly admit that water fluoridation was a way to hide toxic pollution, and there are detrimental health effects associated with drinking these pollutants...
Fortunately, there is a way forward.
According to Jeff Green, National Director of Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, a repeated theme in some of the recent cases where communities successfully removed fluoride from their water supply is the shifting of the burden of proof. Rather than citizens taking on the burden of proving that fluoride is harmful and shouldn't be added, a more successful strategy has been to hold those making claims and the elected officials who rely on them, accountable for delivering proof that the specific fluoridation chemical being used fulfills their health and safety claims, and is in compliance with all regulations, laws, and risk assessments already required for safe drinking water.
For example, a couple of years ago, a Tennessee town stopped adding the hydrofluosilicic acid fluoride product they had been using, while still keeping its resolution to fluoridate its water supplies intact (meaning they didn't make a decision on whether it might be harmful). They just haven't been able to find a replacement product that is compliant with existing laws, regulations and safe-water requirements, and they will not add any fluoride product that is not in compliance. To learn more, please see this previous article, which discusses these strategies more in-depth.
Join the Fight to Get Fluoride Out of Drinking Water
In summary it would seem like most rational people would conclude you should avoid using fluoride for its "preventive" benefits. You can easily choose not to take fluoride supplements or buy fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash. You can also dramatically reduce your fluoride exposure by opting for organic foods, on which fluoride-based pesticides are not permitted to be used. However, you're still going to be stuck with whatever your community puts in the water, and as discussed, it's very difficult to filter out of your water once it's added. Many do not have the resources or the knowledge to do so.
It's really time to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation.
Earlier this year I joined forces with Dr. Paul Connett to help put an END to water fluoridation in the U.S and Canada. The Fluoride Action Network has a game plan to do just that. Our fluoride initiative will primarily focus on Canada since 60 percent of Canada is already non-fluoridated. If we can get Calgary and the rest of Canada to stop fluoridating their water, we believe the U.S. will be forced to follow. I urge you to join the anti-fluoride movement in Canada and the United States by contacting the representative for your area below.
Contact Information for Canadian Communities:
Contact Information for American Communities:
- If you live in Ontario, Canada, please join the ongoing effort by contacting Diane Sprules at diane.sprules@cogeco.ca.
- The point-of-contact for Toronto, Canada is Aliss Terpstra. You may email her at aliss@nutrimom.ca.
- The point-of-contact for the Peel region in Ontario, Canada is Rob Brewer. You may email him at FluorideFreePeel@ymail.com. Also see Fluoride Free Peel's Facebook pagei.
We're also going to address three US communities: New York City, Austin, and San Diego:
- New York City, NY: The anti-fluoridation movement has a great champion in New York City councilor Peter Vallone, Jr. who introduced legislation on January 18 "prohibiting the addition of fluoride to the water supply."
A victory there could signal the beginning of the end of fluoridation in the U.S. If you live in the New York area I beg you to participate in this effort as your contribution could have a MAJOR difference. Remember that one person can make a difference.
The point person for this area is Carol Kopf, at the New York Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF). Email her at NYSCOF@aol.com. Please contact her if you're interested in helping with this effort.
- Austin, Texas: Join the effort by contacting Rae Nadler-Olenick at either: info@fluoridefreeaustin.com or fluoride.info@yahoo.com, or by regular mail or telephone:
POB 7486
Austin, Texas 78713
Phone: (512) 371-3786
- San Diego, California: Contact Patty Ducey-Brooks, publisher of the Presidio Sentinel at pbrooks936@aol.com.
- i Nuclear Medicine Communications January 2012
- ii CDC, Fluoridation Statistics 2002: Status of Water Fluoridation in the United States, December 31, 2002
- iii Journal of Public Health Dentistry 52 (5), 288–291, September 1992, Dennis M. Eble BS, Thomas G. Deaton BS, Frank C. Wilson Jr. MD, James W. Bawden DDS, PhD, Fluoride Concentrations in Human and Rat Bone, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- iv Caries Research 2001;35:125-128, J. Luke, Fluoride Deposition in the Aged Human Pineal Gland, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- v Fluoride Action Network, Paul Connett PhD, 50 Reasons to oppose fluoridation, (Accessed October 26, 2007)
- vi Chemical and Engineering News, August 1, 1988, pp 26-42, Hileman B., Fluoridation of water: Questions about health risks and benefits remain after more than 40 years,, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- vii THE IMPACT OF WATER-BORNE FLUORIDE ON BONE DENSITY, W Czarnowski,a J Krechniak,a B Urbańska,a K Stolarska,a M Taraszewska-Czarnowska,b A Muraszko-Klaudelb Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz, Poland, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- viii Fluoride Journal, Vol.35 Number 3 (2002) 204-211, Bhatnagar M. et al., Neurotoxicity of fluoride: neurodegeneration in hippocampus of female mice, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- ix Neurotoxicology 2000 Dec;21(6):1091-100, Masters et.al., Association of silicofluoride treated water with elevated blood lead, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- x Archives of Toxicology, Volume 74, Numbers 4-5, July 2000, Fluoride induces apoptosis by caspase-3 activation in human leukemia HL-60 cells, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- xi The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland, Luke J., Ph.D Dissertation, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, UK. 1997, (Accessed October 30, 2007)
- xii Waldbott GL, et. Al., 1978, Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma. Coronado Press, Inc.
- xiii LewRockwell.com, Donald W. Miller Jr., MD, Fluoride Follies, July 15, 2005,(Accessed October 27, 2007)
- xiv Fluoride Action Network, The Fluoride Deception – an interview with Christopher Bryson, April, 2006, (Accessed October 27, 2007)
- xv Fluoride Action Network, Paul Connett PhD, 50 Reasons to oppose fluoridation, (Accessed October 26, 2007)
- xvi CDC fact sheet, Community Water Fluoridation, (Accessed October 29, 2007)
- xvii Mercola.com, Dr. Ted Spence, The fluoride controversy, (Accessed October 26, 2007)
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time to retire fluoridation because it doesn't work, wastes money and
is harmful to health. Drinking it to prevent tooth decay is as foolish
as drinking sunscreen to prevent sunburn. City council members may not
take much interest in the science proving how dangerous fluoride is to
health, but they definitely take an interest in their budgets. Consider
the following: As a Civil Engineer, I know that people drink only 1/2%
(one-half percent) of the water they use. The remaining 99 ½ % of the
water with this toxic industrial waste fluoride chemical
(Hexafluorosilicic acid) is dumped directly into the environment through
the sewer system.
For example, for every $1000 of fluoride chemical added
to water, $995 would be directly wasted down the drain in toilets,
showers, dishwashers, etc., $5 would be consumed in water by the people,
and less than $0.50 (fifty cents) would be consumed by children, the
target group for this outdated practice. That would be comparable to
buying one gallon of milk, using six-and-one-half drops of it, and
pouring the rest of the gallon in the sink. The company CEO would be
arrested immediately if they dumped their toxic waste fluoride into a
river. The only way they can do it legally is to run it through the
community drinking water system first. It is an absolutely insane
Fluoridation surely is in contention as the most
wasteful and most polluting government program. Giving away fluoride
tablets free to anyone who wants them or adding it to salt would be far
cheaper and certainly more ethical, because then we would have the
freedom to choose.
you have ever looked at the warning labels on fluoride toothpaste where
it states, "that if you swallow more than a pea size amount of paste,
or .25 milligrams of fluoride, which by the way, is the equivalent dose
of 8 ounces of fluoridated water, you should contact the poison control
center "immediately". But should I call if I drink an 8 ounce glass of
fluoridated water? (Gov. says) Naw, that's OK. It's liquid, so it's
better for you and your family. (sic)
If that isn't bad enought, a lot of our fluoride has
been coming in from China since 2007. Why China, as if the US Gov. does
not have enought of our own waste to get rid of? It's because it's
cheaper! Huh!!?? The fluoride chemicals coming out of China have Arsenic
and Lead levels of 40 and 50 milligrams per bag, and non-existent
regulatory monitoring of the salt or acid compounds from these imports.
This is insane!The definition of "insanty" is, doing the same thing over
and over again, expecting to get results.
Linda Rector Page, ND writes in her book Healthy Healing, on page 148, 11th edition:
"Historically, water fluoridation is mandated by
governments but rejected by citizens. The controversy has raged since
fluoride was introduced in 1945. Most developed countries have banned
flouride in their water. Japan has rejected fluoridation. Europe is 98%
fluoridation-free, with active opposition in Britain, Australia and New
Zealand. Yet, today in the US, the federal government continues to push
for the mass fluoridation of the American water supply.
"On July 2, 1997, the union representing all
toxicologists, chemists, biologists and other professionals at the
Enviornmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC, went on record
against the practice of adding fluoride to public drinking water,
stating "As the professionals who are charged with assessing the safety
of drinking water, we conclude that the health and welfare of the public
is not served by the addition of fluoride to the public water supply". "
It just goes to say, that the countries that have to
foot the bill for the peoples' medical care, are much more careful about
chemical exposure of their people. I have seen this repeatedly. Canada
also trains their naturopathic doctors to look at root causes of
disease, and not just to bandaid symptoms. An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure, as they say.
In America, they want the cures coming in by the
pounds and even by the tons. Illness is great business. This ought to be
legislated on a par with violent crime, a felony. Our government allows
more than 300 new *untested* chemicals into the environment every year.
In Europe, manufacturers must log into a d-base if they exceed one or
two tons per year. Which of these countries profits, and which foots the
bill for medical care? Bingo, we've got it. Puzzle solved.
60 seconds on fluoride and Nazi Germany: The very first occurrence of
purposefully putting fluoride into drinking water was in the German
ghettos and in Nazi Germany's infamous prison camps, and was later
spread to all occupied countries under the Riech. Their reason for
mass-medicating water with fluoride was to STERILIZE HUMANS and force
the people in their concentration camps into calm, bovine, docile
submission. (See for reference: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G.
Farben" written by Joseph Borkin.)
In the 1930's Hitler and the German *** envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, fluoride occupied a prominent place. |
think it's very wise to let them make their own decisions about
fluoride and health impacts, rather than tell them the facts. I had an
experience of the futility of the latter strategy. Trust me, I was soft
in my approach and far from coming on strong, as a zealot, etc. I was
mild-mannered and very ready to listen to them. All I did was present
the facts, that fluoride and also calcium chloride in the waters, are
linked with hardening of the arteries. My god, you should have heard
them go on the defensive! I mean, instantly!
When our house water began to taste funky for the very
first time in decades, and when we suddenly got white spots at hte
bottom of our pans/pots which had never been there before, the water
district sent chemists to our home to check into it. They did their
token testing, for about 6 contaminants/metals and declared us clean.
They attributed the white spots in our cookware to calcium chloride in
the water. I thought I would be doing them a favor by letting them know
what the studies are about it. Far from being concerned about public
health, they got very defensive. "It will never happen. Water filtration
is too costly. Money is a precious commodity" they said. "So is heart
disease" I shot back. At this point, I was starting to talk rather
directly with them. Prior to this ,I had been deliberately very soft.
I was mad at their lack of concern, which I consider to
be criminal, if heart attacks are one of the main killers USA-wide!
They responded that hey, they are not the ones that are responsible,
there are many contributors. As if this is a way to shake off
responsibility. I suggested that we all have to do our part, everywhere,
out of public duty and concern. They wouldn't hear of it. My own
experience. Thank God the water quality here is very good, and
eventually this change in the water cleared up. Must have been some
construction going on, THey denied any contamination, but I raise my
eyebrows and know better.
Mercola, thank you for this exciting information. The study mentioned
in your article provides additional , although indirect evidence that
fluoride is likely contributing to the epidemic of cardiovascular
disease by stimulating calcification of the vascular system, including
the coronary arteries.
It is already well-known that vascular calcification is
highly correlated with cardiovascular disease mortality. The hardening
of the arteries associated with atherosclerosis is in part due to the
calcification of plaque which subsequently becomes brittle and
susceptible to breaking off into an artery-obstructing clot. The study
found that there was a signification correlation between fluoride
uptake and calcification observed in most of the arterial walls,
indicating that the fluoride might itself stimulate the precipitation
of calcium within the arteries.
I´t should be noted that morphologic imaging techniques
mainly provide information about STRUCTURAL ASPECTS of calcified
atherosclerotic lesions, such as the extent of plaque and the degree of
stenosis, but fail to identify ACTIVE CALCIFICATION of plaque. For
these reasons 18F-sodium fluoride PET/CT may may provide relevant
additional information regarding plaque physiology. Thus this new
study provides a rationale to conduct further prospective studies to
determine whether 18F-sodium fluoride uptake can predict vascular
events, or if it may be used to monitor various therapeutic and
preventive interventions.
extraskeletal calcification is not a new finding. Back in 2001,
autopsies on cadavers revealed that fluoride accumulation in the pineal
gland is associated with enhanced calcification of that endocrine organ.
By old age, the pineal gland has readily accumulated F and its F/Ca
ratio was higher than bone." This study has added new knowledge on the
fate and distribution of fluoride in the body. It has shown for the
first time that fluoride readily accumulates in the human pineal gland,
although there was considerable inter-individual variation (14-875 mg
F/kg). Source full text: www.icnr.com/.../fluoride-deposition.html
By old age, the average pineal gland contains about the same amount of fluoride as teeth (300 mg F/kg) since dentine and whole enamel contain 300 and 100 mg F/kg, respectively [Newbrun, 1986]. Unlike brain capillaries, pineal capillaries allow the free passage of fluoride through the endothelium. If there had been a bloodbrain barrier in the pineal, it would have prevented the passage of fluoride into the pinealocytes and the pineal fluoride content would have been similar to or lower than muscle. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain, and is sometimes called the "THIRD EYE" as it is a light sensitive, centrally-located organ with cellular features resembling the human retina. The pineal gland is best known for its role in producing the hormone MELATONIN from serotonin (triggered by the absence of light) and affects wake/sleep patterns and seasonal/circadian rhythms. Like a tiny pea-sized pine cone it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres and is a unique brain structure insofar as it is not protected by the blood-brain-barrier. This may also explain why it is uniquely sensitive to calcification via fluoride exposure.
have converted a few parents to SPRY tooth paste and got them to read
labels but we all consume flouride /aluminum everday. I have been
reading the levels are 100times the amount the federal government
allows. California has been montering the lakes and snow , hawaii has
been testing there farms and children . This is alarming and more
alarming is monsanto has already been desigining seeds for this high
aluminum . It could be the seed companys are going to use these seeds in
areas that are high in aluminum! Maybe ?
What I have been doing to remove metals in the system
IODINE is a chelator but I have been reading about the dangers of too
much , So I really don t know ! Zeolite powder is a mined minerial
-powder that I have been taking also Ditomaceios earth both minerials
are negitively charged and attract metals. Now they also are used in
radiation removal so you could be helping your body remove radiation and
metals at the same time. Taking these require large ammounts of water
with prunes and you can still have some bowl problems, I have been using
these for a month or so with just a few problems. Good luck /research
it and find out !!!
Flouride was added to the water in San Diego County For many decades it
has been fought tooth and nail not to have this poison added to the
water. But, with the advent of voters of the brain washed younger
generation, it finally passed. What a shame.
live in a small city that has excellent water quality-rather
progressive in that they go out of their way to ensure flouride and
other harmful things don't make it into our water. The city also
recruits everyday citizens by ballot to accompany the workers who check
and test the water to ensure transparency. HOWEVER, I still invested in a
water filtration system for my entire home AND I have an extra filter
on my refrigerator so my ice and cold water is of the highest quality
possible. I will also be making a trip a natural spring just a few hours
away to "stock up" on some of the cleanest, natural water possible,
which I will use for camping and other outdoor trips where water quality
is questionable.
Mercola, I appreciate your e-mails, they are so informative and usually
explain "why" in detail. I didn't see it mentioned as to what can be
done to filter this out? Do regular filters do a pretty good job of
filtering out these pollutants and poisons i.e. flouride, chlorine,
decay is a disease of poor nutrition and high fluoride. Like most
things American, fluoride is overblown, over-prescribed, and over-used.
Along with the expansion of fast food restaurants and American
waistlines, fluoride's expansion into the food supply via the water
supply is out of control and may be creating instead of curing tooth
decay. It's time to stop water fluoridation. Fluoride can't fix a poor
Excerpted from the article which is usefull to read: fluoridedangers.blogspot.com/2005/12/fluoride-causes-cavities.html |
is a very good summary of the health hazards of fluoride compounds. As
for fluoride accumulating in blood vessels and contributing to heart
disease, Waldott (The Great Dilemma, referenced here), described this in
his 1978 book. It is also the subject of one chapter of a forthcoming
book on reversing heart disease (co-authored with Dr. Schachter). Be
sure to NOT drink fluoridated water, but be careful, fluoride is also in
many foods, drinks, drugs...even teflon (at high heat), releases
numerous dangerous compounds,most (15 of them) of which contain
fluoride. It's also a major source of air pollution, so avoiding
fluoride will take some extra effort and education. (Go to some of the
aforementioned references for more on this topic.) Tom, Nutritionist
60 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridated Drinking Water: http://tompetrie.net/page9.php
about the chlorine that these poor souls that live in the cities
consume? that's responsible for many cancers, and I wouldn't be
surprised if it contributes to hardening of your organic piping.
Is the Flouride found in tea any different to the flouride added to the water supply?
only I had the information and wisdom 23yrs ago. I fed my children
fluoride daily in their multi vitamin prescribed by my pediatrician.
burns me up is that I can't drill my own well on my own property. I
have to get a permit and permits are only given to people who don't get
city water. More proof of conspiracy! They force you to buy their
water! Why? So they can poison you.
What's even more compeling to me is the history and
life expectancy of my own family. Everyone who lived in the country and
had wells for their water supply lived way beyond 80. Almost everyone
who lived near the city and had city water is DEAD! Even the cousins my
age that live in/near the city suffer from severe heart disease,
diabetes, obesity, liver failure, kidney failure, etc....Besides the
fact that they drink city water they also eat tons of carbohydrates.
80% of my parents siblings and cousins are dead as
well. Same statistic with them. The ones that lived in the country and
have well water are doing quite well and the ones who live most or all
of their lives in the city are dead. Most died by the age of 60.
Parkinsons. RA, MS, and Lupus are the 4 biggest killers on both sides of
my familly and all of those cases except one were relatives that lived
in the city and drank city water.
is documented in many studies to be harmful to teeth and used in
prisoner of war camps to keep prisoners 'subdued'. Lets stop being
prisoners of war. Sign the petition and share to remove this poison from
Australian water supplies. We do not need to be subdued or have our
children's health, and our DNA compromised for generations. Brisbane
recently put fluoride in its water supply and accidentally overdosed in
North Brisbane sending many people to hospital.
www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Cease_the_Noxious_Fluoridation_of_our_Water_.. Please help us Australians! |
for the great reminder Doc... I can't believe how this is still such
unknown information... When I tell some people, they look at me like I
have 3 heads...
is fluoride causing arterial disease? Our Arteries take oxygen from
the blood flow, no blood vessels for blood vessels. Fluoride atomic
number 9 blocks the uptake of oxygen, atomic number 8 everywhere in our
brain and in our arteries. Stephenie Seneff discussed the evils of
statins which prevent our vessels from using its food, cholesterol. and
the oxygen necessary for our blood vessels cells to regenerate.
City councils won't listen, they are pragmatic, but if we should capture Donald Rumsfeld and feed him fluoride until he realizes the errors of his ways.. Fluoridegate, and Donald is responsible. Donald Rumsfeld is a murderer. Donald Rumsfeld is a murderer of those fine citizens who have died from heart disease and his efforts to get rich. Donald you will come clean.. No place on God's Green Earth will be safe of the man who sold man down the river full of fluoride. Donald Rumsfeld is the epitome of evil, his spawn may be forced to change their names, "Rumsfled" will be spoken with the same derision as Satan, Hitler, Stalin, get the idea? City councils? write to the President and inform him that fluoride will be eliminated or we will eliminate every lying agency of which is on his watch and even his daughters don't appreciate being poison by a Republican, a slave holder, a ***, with no redeeming value. The Agents of the Crystalline Matrix ask for the head of Donald Rumsfled on a Charger, the man is without virtue, without integrity and his actions are killing the ones you love. If the President does not have Donald arrested for murder, we can find a leader who will, and Mit is not such a man. Jesse Ventura and his Seals, has no riches to desire other than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How? if you are dead? Donald Rumsfeld is a Traitor. Lets treat him like traitor. Got Sulfur? |
Fluorine also binds readily to aluminum, AlF crosses blood brain
barrier and lodges in the brain. Alzheimer's brains display high
aluminum content, easy to remember, both start with Al.
Humates like shilajit and borax have been used to clear fluoride. Overwhelming intake of antioxidant electrons help satisfy the most electron hungry element, see greenmedinfo.com list. Mineral complexes found in nature bind it and are probably not as harmful as free fluoride ions we are so graciously supplied with in tap water. Since fluoride makes you as stupid as the evening network news, this information is likely useless and the FDA/CDC ignores any burden of proof or even their own statistics. Expecting corporate gangsters to come clean is like asking a pit bull to let go of your leg...try a tire iron. |
As far as possible I drink rainwater.
The pro fluoride people go: "Four legs good, two better". Ba, ba, ba,
to ad nauseum. Dr Mercola and all sensible people must put a stop to the
fluoride lies.
comment: Mass Medication! My Solution: Order and Install a Flouride
Filter in my already 5-star all-home Filter System! I was furious when
the QLD (Aust) Govt arbitrarily Flouridated our water not long ago!
Shouldn't have to go to that expense! Grrrr...
they'll ban fluoride when they come up with something else that they
can sneak past us and put into our water supply. Seems they have a quota
of some sorts to make sure there is enough poison out there for us, to
keep us sick. No more Jacuzzi, with all the chlorine, ammonia, fluoride
getting absorbed through our skin and inhaled. A great way to get us
sick, and where is the government to ban such things. The Government
wants us sick, it's very obvious by how they protect those who are
making us sick, and by the way they stop those who try to make us
What happens when we shower? Is fluoride absorbed through the skin and if so, how much compared to drinking tap water?
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