It should be appreciated that the spinal joints—intervertebral joints and their disc structures—are dependent on
different hydraulic properties of water stored in the disc core, as well as in the end plate cartilage covering the flat
surfaces of the spinal vertebrae. In spinal vertebral joints, water is not only a lubricant for the contact surfaces, it is
held in the disc core within the intervertebral space and supports the compression weight of the upper part of the
body. Fully 75 percent of the weight of the upper part of the body is supported by the water volume that is stored in
the disc core; 25 percent is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc (see Figure 8). The principle in the
design of all joints is for water to act as a lubricating agent, as well as bearing the force produced by weight, or
tension produced by muscle action on the joint. It is the same type of force.
In most of these joints, the establishment of an intermittent vacuum promotes a silent water circulation into the joint,
only to be squeezed out by the pressure borne as a result of joint activity. To prevent back pain, one needs to drink
sufficient water and do a series of special exercises to create an intermittent vacuum to draw water into the disc space. These exercises will also reduce the spasm in the back muscles that in a vast majority of people— 80
percent of all back pains—is the main cause of lower back pain. One also needs to adopt correct postures. The subject of back pain and its relationship to water is so important to understand that I have dealt with it in a special book, How to Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain, and a complementary video, How To Deal With Back Pain.
If you get back pain and, in particular, sciatic pain, you will benefit by reading the book and/or seeing the video. In majority of cases, sciatic pain can be totally relieved within half an hour, when the special movements that produce an intermittent vacuum in the disc spaces—shown in the book and the video—are performed.
Bad posture—keeping the head bent for long periods of time when writing, working at a low bench, "freeze position" working at the computer for many hours, bad pillow, or too many pillows—can be contributory factors in the production of neck pain or even the displacement of the intervertebral discs in the neck. Neck movement is essential for the establishment of adequate fluid circulation within the disc spaces in the neck. The weight of the head forces water out of the discs over a period of time. To bring back the same water, the force of vacuum has to be created within the same disc space. This can only be done if the head and neck are moved adequately backward.
A simple process in less severe cases of neck pain from disc displacement would be slowly and repeatedly bending the head and neck backward, as much as they will bend. Keeping the neck extended for 30 seconds at a time. This prolonged extension will enhance the force of vacuum and bring water into the disc spaces. At the same time, because of their front attachment to the spinal ligament, all of the discs will be retracted back into their normal spaces between the vertebrae and away from the nerve roots in the neck.
Another simple procedure to correct this problem is lying on one's back on the very edge of the bed with the head hanging back and down. This posture permits the weight of the head to stretch the non-weight-bearing neck and bend it backward. A few moments in this position being totally relaxed will ease the tension in the neck This is a good posture to generate a type of vacuum in the disc spaces in the neck After gently bending the head backward so that you can see the floor, raise the head until you see the wall nearer your feet. This procedure may be effective in creating an intermittent vacuum in the vertebral spaces between any two vertebrae. The vacuum draws water into the disc spaces and spreads it to all parts in the neck joints and lubricates their movements. This water is needed to be absorbed by the disc core until it re-expands to its natural size, jacking up and separating one vertebra from the other. You could now bend the head from one side to the other. Try to look at the wall and floor of the room, first one side and then the other side. People who begin to suffer from neck "arthritis," or disc displacement in the neck, may wish to test this simple procedure to improve the mobility of their neck joints.

different hydraulic properties of water stored in the disc core, as well as in the end plate cartilage covering the flat
surfaces of the spinal vertebrae. In spinal vertebral joints, water is not only a lubricant for the contact surfaces, it is
held in the disc core within the intervertebral space and supports the compression weight of the upper part of the
body. Fully 75 percent of the weight of the upper part of the body is supported by the water volume that is stored in
the disc core; 25 percent is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc (see Figure 8). The principle in the
design of all joints is for water to act as a lubricating agent, as well as bearing the force produced by weight, or
tension produced by muscle action on the joint. It is the same type of force.
In most of these joints, the establishment of an intermittent vacuum promotes a silent water circulation into the joint,
only to be squeezed out by the pressure borne as a result of joint activity. To prevent back pain, one needs to drink
sufficient water and do a series of special exercises to create an intermittent vacuum to draw water into the disc space. These exercises will also reduce the spasm in the back muscles that in a vast majority of people— 80
percent of all back pains—is the main cause of lower back pain. One also needs to adopt correct postures. The subject of back pain and its relationship to water is so important to understand that I have dealt with it in a special book, How to Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain, and a complementary video, How To Deal With Back Pain.
If you get back pain and, in particular, sciatic pain, you will benefit by reading the book and/or seeing the video. In majority of cases, sciatic pain can be totally relieved within half an hour, when the special movements that produce an intermittent vacuum in the disc spaces—shown in the book and the video—are performed.
Bad posture—keeping the head bent for long periods of time when writing, working at a low bench, "freeze position" working at the computer for many hours, bad pillow, or too many pillows—can be contributory factors in the production of neck pain or even the displacement of the intervertebral discs in the neck. Neck movement is essential for the establishment of adequate fluid circulation within the disc spaces in the neck. The weight of the head forces water out of the discs over a period of time. To bring back the same water, the force of vacuum has to be created within the same disc space. This can only be done if the head and neck are moved adequately backward.
A simple process in less severe cases of neck pain from disc displacement would be slowly and repeatedly bending the head and neck backward, as much as they will bend. Keeping the neck extended for 30 seconds at a time. This prolonged extension will enhance the force of vacuum and bring water into the disc spaces. At the same time, because of their front attachment to the spinal ligament, all of the discs will be retracted back into their normal spaces between the vertebrae and away from the nerve roots in the neck.
Another simple procedure to correct this problem is lying on one's back on the very edge of the bed with the head hanging back and down. This posture permits the weight of the head to stretch the non-weight-bearing neck and bend it backward. A few moments in this position being totally relaxed will ease the tension in the neck This is a good posture to generate a type of vacuum in the disc spaces in the neck After gently bending the head backward so that you can see the floor, raise the head until you see the wall nearer your feet. This procedure may be effective in creating an intermittent vacuum in the vertebral spaces between any two vertebrae. The vacuum draws water into the disc spaces and spreads it to all parts in the neck joints and lubricates their movements. This water is needed to be absorbed by the disc core until it re-expands to its natural size, jacking up and separating one vertebra from the other. You could now bend the head from one side to the other. Try to look at the wall and floor of the room, first one side and then the other side. People who begin to suffer from neck "arthritis," or disc displacement in the neck, may wish to test this simple procedure to improve the mobility of their neck joints.
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