In their own right, these pain-killers (analgesics) can cause fatal side effects, apart from the damage that is caused by the ongoing dehydration that is temporarily silenced without removing the root cause of these pains— dehydration. Very often, these analgesics cause gastrointestinal bleeding. A few thousand people die every year from this complication of frequent analgesic intake. It is now (1994) clear that over-the-counter pain-killers can in some people cause liver and kidney damage and act as people killers.
The scientific background for the above views is already available to scientists in pain research. This brief is intended to brush aside the professional resistance of the AMA(America Medical Association) and the NIH (National Institute of Health)which are aware of my findings and have, contrary to their oath and obligations to the society, refused to propagate it to the ultimate benefit of the public. This "view shift" on the role of water in the body can work wonders in the future practice of clinical medicine—which is why these professional bodies, who gain by the perpetuation of their past ignorance, have not
engaged in the dissemination of information about the problems associated with lack of sufficient water in the human body. The moment medical professionals adopt this paradigm shift, the present form of "ignorance of the human body based medical practice" will transform to a thoughtful, preventive approach to health care. More importantly, simple physiology-based cures to early disease emergence will become available well before irreversible damage can establish.
A newly recognized emergency thirst signal of the human body.
Dyspeptic pain is the most important signal for the human body. It denotes dehydration. It is a thirst signal of the body. It can occur in the very young, as well as in older people. Chronic and persistently increasing dehydration is the root cause of almost all currently encountered major diseases of the human body.
Of the dyspeptic pains, that of gastritis, duodenitis, and heartburn should be treated with an increase in water intake alone. When there is associated ulceration, attention to the daily diet to enhance the rate of repair of the ulcer site
becomes necessary.
According to Professor Howard Spiro of Yale University, it is generally understood that 12 percent of those with dyspepsia develop ulceration in their duodenum after six years, 30 percent after 10 years and 40 percent after 27 years. It is the dyspeptic pain that is of significance, although the condition develops importance once the ulceration is viewed through the endoscopic examination. It seems that medical practice is becoming more and more a visually oriented discipline rather than the perceptive and thought-based art that it was at one time.
It is the pain associated with these differently classified conditions that forces the person to consult a medical practitioner. It is this pain that is now getting much attention even though many different jargons are attached to the local conditions seen through the endoscope. The common factor is the dyspeptic pain. The local tissue change is the descriptive explanation for the changes brought about by the basic common factor, namely the initiating dehydration.
How am I able to make such claims? I have treated with only water well over 3000 persons with dyspeptic pain who had other distinguishing characteristics to classify them according to those jargons. They all responded to an increase in their water intake, and their clinical problems associated with the pain disappeared. The report of my new way of treating dyspeptic pain with water was published as the editorial article in the
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June of 1983.
At a certain threshold of dehydration, when the body urgently calls for water, nothing else can substitute. No medication other than water is effective. One of the many patients I treated with water stands out and proves this fact. He was a young man in his middle twenties. He had suffered from peptic ulcer disease for a number of years before the crisis time, when I met him. He had the usual diagnostic procedures performed on him and
received the label of "duodenal ulcer." He had been given antacids and brand name cimetidine medications.
Cimetidine is a form of very strong medication that blocks the action of histamine on its "2nd" type receiver points, generally known as "receptors" in the body, and, in this case, known as histamine 2 or Hz receptor. It just happens that some cells in the stomach that produce the acid are sensitive to this medication. However, many, many other cells in the body that do not produce acid are also sensitive to this blocking action of the medication. That is why this medication has many other side effects, (including impotence in the young) and has proven extremely dangerous in
the chronically dehydrated older age group.
The first time I set eyes on the young man was at eleven one evening in the summer of 1980. He was in such pain that he was almost semiconscious. He was lying folded in the fetal position on the floor of his room. He was groaning steadily, unaware of his environment and the worried people around him. When I talked to him, he did not respond. He was not communicating with those around him. I had to shake him to get a response.
I asked him what was the matter. He groaned, "My ulcer is killing me." I asked him how long he had had the pain.He said his pain started at one in the afternoon, immediately after his lunch. The pain increased in intensity as time passed. I asked him what he had done to get relief and if he had taken any medication. He replied that he had taken three tablets of cimetidine and one whole bottle of antacid during this time. He indicated that he
got absolutely no relief, even with this amount of medication, in the ten hours since his pain first started.
When so much medication cannot relieve the pain of peptic ulcer disease, one automatically becomes suspicious of "acute abdomen," something that might possibly need surgical exploration. Maybe his ulcer had perforated! I had seen and assisted in the operation of patients with perforated peptic ulcers. Those persons were devastated—very much like the young man before me. The test is very simple; such patients develop
a very rigid abdominal wall, almost like a wooden board. I felt for the rigidity of the wall of the abdomen in this young man. Fortunately, he had not perforated. His abdominal wall was soft, but tender from the pain. He was lucky he had not perforated, although if he had continued like this, the acid would have punched a hole through his now inflamed ulcer.
The arsenal of medications in such circumstances is very limited. Three cimetidine tablets of 300 milligrams each and one full bottle of antacid could not relieve the pain. Often, such cases would end on the operating table of a knife-happy surgeon. Because of my extensive experience with the pain-relieving property of water in dyspeptic pains, I gave this man two full glasses of water—one pint. At first he was reluctant to drink the water. I told him he had taken the usual medications without any result. He should now try "my medication" for this disease. He had no choice. He was in severe pain and did not know what to do about it. I sat in a corner and observed him for a few minutes.
I had to leave the room, and when I returned in about fifteen minutes, his pain had become less severe and his groans stopped. I gave him another full ,glass of water—half a pint. In a few minutes, his pain disappeared completely and he started taking notice of the people around him. He sat up and began to move toward the wall of the room. With his back to the wall, he started to conduct conversations with his visitors who were now more surprised than he at the sudden transformation that three glasses of water had brought about! For 10 hours, this man had suffered from pain and taken the most potent and advanced medicines for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease without any relief. Now, three glasses of water had produced an obvious and absolute relief in about 20 minutes.
If you refer to Figure 4 on page 23 and compare the statements in the model on pain with the experience of the above patient, you will recognize the brain component to the intensity of signaling thirst in the body. After a certain threshold, local painkillers will not be effective. The antacid and HI blocking agent cimetidine did not produce even a reduction in the pain felt by the young man. It was water alone that registered the right message with the brain to
abort its call for water, since there was now an unmistakable signal of its adequate presence in the body. The same mode of pain registration is operative in other regions that signal dehydration in any particular individual. People with rheumatoid joint pain should be aware of this particular phenomenon of pain registration at the brain when there is severe dehydration.
I had another occasion to test whether the abdominal pain registration for dehydration was
time-dependent or watervolume-dependent. This time, a man was carried by two other persons into the clinic where I was working at the time. The patient could not walk; he was lifted from under his arms by two other persons. He, too, was a peptic ulcer patient in extremely severe upper abdominal or dyspeptic pain. After examination to see that he had not perforated, I gave the patient one full glass of water every hour. He did not achieve total relief in 20 minutes, or even one hour and 20 minutes. He recovered after he had taken three glasses of water. On the average, it takes less severe cases about eight minutes to achieve total pain relief.
It has been shown experimentally that, when we drink one glass of water, it immediately passes into the intestine and is absorbed. However, within one half-hour, almost the same amount of water is secreted into the stomach through its glandular layer in the mucosa. It swells from underneath and gets into the stomach, ready to be used for food breakdown. The act of digestion of solid foods depends on the presence of copious amounts of water. The acid is poured on the food, enzymes are activated, and the food is broken down into a homogenized fluid state that can pass into the intestine for the next phase of digestion.
The mucus covers the glands' layer of the mucosa, which is the innermost layer of the structure of the stomach (see Figure 5). Mucus consists of 98 percent water and two percent the physical "scaffolding" that traps water. In this "water layer" called mucus, a natural buffer state is established. The cells below secrete sodium bicarbonate that is trapped in the water layer. As the acid from the stomach tries to go through this protective layer, the bicarbonate
neutralizes it.
The outcome of this action is a greater production of salt (sodium from the bicarbonate and chlorine from the acid).
Too much salt alters the water-holding properties of the "scaffolding" material of mucus. Too much
acid neutralization and salt deposits in this mucus layer would make it less homogeneous and sticky and would allow the acid to get to the mucosal layer, causing pain.

The scientific background for the above views is already available to scientists in pain research. This brief is intended to brush aside the professional resistance of the AMA(America Medical Association) and the NIH (National Institute of Health)which are aware of my findings and have, contrary to their oath and obligations to the society, refused to propagate it to the ultimate benefit of the public. This "view shift" on the role of water in the body can work wonders in the future practice of clinical medicine—which is why these professional bodies, who gain by the perpetuation of their past ignorance, have not
engaged in the dissemination of information about the problems associated with lack of sufficient water in the human body. The moment medical professionals adopt this paradigm shift, the present form of "ignorance of the human body based medical practice" will transform to a thoughtful, preventive approach to health care. More importantly, simple physiology-based cures to early disease emergence will become available well before irreversible damage can establish.
A newly recognized emergency thirst signal of the human body.
Dyspeptic pain is the most important signal for the human body. It denotes dehydration. It is a thirst signal of the body. It can occur in the very young, as well as in older people. Chronic and persistently increasing dehydration is the root cause of almost all currently encountered major diseases of the human body.
Of the dyspeptic pains, that of gastritis, duodenitis, and heartburn should be treated with an increase in water intake alone. When there is associated ulceration, attention to the daily diet to enhance the rate of repair of the ulcer site
becomes necessary.
According to Professor Howard Spiro of Yale University, it is generally understood that 12 percent of those with dyspepsia develop ulceration in their duodenum after six years, 30 percent after 10 years and 40 percent after 27 years. It is the dyspeptic pain that is of significance, although the condition develops importance once the ulceration is viewed through the endoscopic examination. It seems that medical practice is becoming more and more a visually oriented discipline rather than the perceptive and thought-based art that it was at one time.
It is the pain associated with these differently classified conditions that forces the person to consult a medical practitioner. It is this pain that is now getting much attention even though many different jargons are attached to the local conditions seen through the endoscope. The common factor is the dyspeptic pain. The local tissue change is the descriptive explanation for the changes brought about by the basic common factor, namely the initiating dehydration.
How am I able to make such claims? I have treated with only water well over 3000 persons with dyspeptic pain who had other distinguishing characteristics to classify them according to those jargons. They all responded to an increase in their water intake, and their clinical problems associated with the pain disappeared. The report of my new way of treating dyspeptic pain with water was published as the editorial article in the
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June of 1983.
At a certain threshold of dehydration, when the body urgently calls for water, nothing else can substitute. No medication other than water is effective. One of the many patients I treated with water stands out and proves this fact. He was a young man in his middle twenties. He had suffered from peptic ulcer disease for a number of years before the crisis time, when I met him. He had the usual diagnostic procedures performed on him and
received the label of "duodenal ulcer." He had been given antacids and brand name cimetidine medications.
Cimetidine is a form of very strong medication that blocks the action of histamine on its "2nd" type receiver points, generally known as "receptors" in the body, and, in this case, known as histamine 2 or Hz receptor. It just happens that some cells in the stomach that produce the acid are sensitive to this medication. However, many, many other cells in the body that do not produce acid are also sensitive to this blocking action of the medication. That is why this medication has many other side effects, (including impotence in the young) and has proven extremely dangerous in
the chronically dehydrated older age group.
The first time I set eyes on the young man was at eleven one evening in the summer of 1980. He was in such pain that he was almost semiconscious. He was lying folded in the fetal position on the floor of his room. He was groaning steadily, unaware of his environment and the worried people around him. When I talked to him, he did not respond. He was not communicating with those around him. I had to shake him to get a response.
I asked him what was the matter. He groaned, "My ulcer is killing me." I asked him how long he had had the pain.He said his pain started at one in the afternoon, immediately after his lunch. The pain increased in intensity as time passed. I asked him what he had done to get relief and if he had taken any medication. He replied that he had taken three tablets of cimetidine and one whole bottle of antacid during this time. He indicated that he
got absolutely no relief, even with this amount of medication, in the ten hours since his pain first started.
When so much medication cannot relieve the pain of peptic ulcer disease, one automatically becomes suspicious of "acute abdomen," something that might possibly need surgical exploration. Maybe his ulcer had perforated! I had seen and assisted in the operation of patients with perforated peptic ulcers. Those persons were devastated—very much like the young man before me. The test is very simple; such patients develop
a very rigid abdominal wall, almost like a wooden board. I felt for the rigidity of the wall of the abdomen in this young man. Fortunately, he had not perforated. His abdominal wall was soft, but tender from the pain. He was lucky he had not perforated, although if he had continued like this, the acid would have punched a hole through his now inflamed ulcer.
The arsenal of medications in such circumstances is very limited. Three cimetidine tablets of 300 milligrams each and one full bottle of antacid could not relieve the pain. Often, such cases would end on the operating table of a knife-happy surgeon. Because of my extensive experience with the pain-relieving property of water in dyspeptic pains, I gave this man two full glasses of water—one pint. At first he was reluctant to drink the water. I told him he had taken the usual medications without any result. He should now try "my medication" for this disease. He had no choice. He was in severe pain and did not know what to do about it. I sat in a corner and observed him for a few minutes.
I had to leave the room, and when I returned in about fifteen minutes, his pain had become less severe and his groans stopped. I gave him another full ,glass of water—half a pint. In a few minutes, his pain disappeared completely and he started taking notice of the people around him. He sat up and began to move toward the wall of the room. With his back to the wall, he started to conduct conversations with his visitors who were now more surprised than he at the sudden transformation that three glasses of water had brought about! For 10 hours, this man had suffered from pain and taken the most potent and advanced medicines for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease without any relief. Now, three glasses of water had produced an obvious and absolute relief in about 20 minutes.
If you refer to Figure 4 on page 23 and compare the statements in the model on pain with the experience of the above patient, you will recognize the brain component to the intensity of signaling thirst in the body. After a certain threshold, local painkillers will not be effective. The antacid and HI blocking agent cimetidine did not produce even a reduction in the pain felt by the young man. It was water alone that registered the right message with the brain to
abort its call for water, since there was now an unmistakable signal of its adequate presence in the body. The same mode of pain registration is operative in other regions that signal dehydration in any particular individual. People with rheumatoid joint pain should be aware of this particular phenomenon of pain registration at the brain when there is severe dehydration.
I had another occasion to test whether the abdominal pain registration for dehydration was
time-dependent or watervolume-dependent. This time, a man was carried by two other persons into the clinic where I was working at the time. The patient could not walk; he was lifted from under his arms by two other persons. He, too, was a peptic ulcer patient in extremely severe upper abdominal or dyspeptic pain. After examination to see that he had not perforated, I gave the patient one full glass of water every hour. He did not achieve total relief in 20 minutes, or even one hour and 20 minutes. He recovered after he had taken three glasses of water. On the average, it takes less severe cases about eight minutes to achieve total pain relief.
It has been shown experimentally that, when we drink one glass of water, it immediately passes into the intestine and is absorbed. However, within one half-hour, almost the same amount of water is secreted into the stomach through its glandular layer in the mucosa. It swells from underneath and gets into the stomach, ready to be used for food breakdown. The act of digestion of solid foods depends on the presence of copious amounts of water. The acid is poured on the food, enzymes are activated, and the food is broken down into a homogenized fluid state that can pass into the intestine for the next phase of digestion.
The mucus covers the glands' layer of the mucosa, which is the innermost layer of the structure of the stomach (see Figure 5). Mucus consists of 98 percent water and two percent the physical "scaffolding" that traps water. In this "water layer" called mucus, a natural buffer state is established. The cells below secrete sodium bicarbonate that is trapped in the water layer. As the acid from the stomach tries to go through this protective layer, the bicarbonate
neutralizes it.
The outcome of this action is a greater production of salt (sodium from the bicarbonate and chlorine from the acid).
Too much salt alters the water-holding properties of the "scaffolding" material of mucus. Too much
acid neutralization and salt deposits in this mucus layer would make it less homogeneous and sticky and would allow the acid to get to the mucosal layer, causing pain.
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