Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father Day?

When you were born, your father's fatherhood begins as your son ship/daughter ship
commerce until one of you die.

As you learn the things and meaning of existence, you enquire 'why?', 'what is that?', 'why?', what is that?, why?, what is that? patiently he answered and hugged you with his hands and heart.

Though you may not quite learn the history of "Father Day" , as long as your father is alive, your son-ship / daughter-ship sails on. Whatever your experiences with your father may be, just let him know that you are thankful for him in your life and existence here on earth. Just a call to say your heartfelt "thank you for all things" is the best gift any father can receive.

Gratitude is the mother of all virtues in life.

Happy Father Day is just another day to renew and rekindle your son-ship or daughter-ship, till death do we part.

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