Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Insulin Side Effects

What are the insulin side effects? Are they all related to injections and shots, pump therapy or there is something else I need to know? What about side effects of Lantus? What is happening during pregnancy? 

Most of the type-1 diabetics have reported side effects of insulin medication. Although insulin is a very important to treat type-1 diabetics, however it still remains a diabetes medication.

This does not mean that all people taking insulin would experience side effects. What I want you to know is what they are and what you can do once you notice them.

For better understanding purpose, the insulin side effects can be organized as:

I - Side effects of insulin injections (shots)

Minor, such as: rash and redness of the place where the insulin is injected, which is not associated with any systemic reaction of your body.

What you can do: In this case, change the position of insulin injection. One time in one arm, another insulin shot in the other; or use abdominal muscles.

If it persists and is accompanied by major side effects, then you should stop taking it, and consult immediately your physician for further assistance.

Major, such as persistent skin rash, feeling like fainting, fast palpitations, cold sweat, breathe difficulties.

What you can do: If these symptoms persist, you must consult your physician about your problems and get further medical assistance.

II - Pump Insulin side effects

When you're taking insulin by inhalation (pump), you may face upper-respiratory tract problems, such as persistent respiratory infections, coughing, breathing difficulties (shortness or painful breathing), or maybe allergic reaction signs.

What you can do: Stop taking insulin by inhalation immediately and contact your physician.

Sometimes, the insulin side effects can be classified on how often they occur. So, there can be:

Common side effects such as: swoon, seizures, cold sweats, your skin may become pale and cool, headache, you maybe anxious, have a strange behavior like being drunk.

Sometimes you may feel sleepy, cannot concentrate, be confused on what’s happening around you, feel very tired and weak, have a bad sleep (restless one), your eye vision may be blurred, your speech is spurred; or even low blood sugar level.

All the above insulin side effects may arouse due to immediate body reaction to insulin components. Another cause might be the rapid drop of blood sugar level after insulin administration.

What you can do: If you thing that the above manifestations are due to hypoglycemia (caused by too much insulin intake), go and eat a spoonful (or more) of table sugar or honey, or drink a sugary juice.

They will raise your sugar blood level very quick. After taking the first aid at home, consult immediately your physician.

Otherwise, if you think that the amount of insulin intake is very little, it cannot lower your blood sugar level. Instead, it will be responsible for the onset of hyperglycemia, and further diabetes complications.

What you can do: Consult immediately your physician to change your insulin dosage to get the appropriate effect.

Rare insulin side effects such as: your skin at the place of insulin injection may become very thick and in the meantime suppressed.

What you can do: For this you must change the place you’re taking injections, and further consult your physician.

Maybe sometimes it might happen to see your face, fingers, ankles and even your feet swollen.

What you can do: If you’re taking other medications along with insulin, you must tell your physician what you’re taking. This is to ensure and avoid insulin interactions with other medications, which require special clinical attention.

Below you may find some insulin interactions reported as insulin side effects as well.

If you drink alcohol, take ACE, NSAIDs, MAO, ketokenazole, lithium, disopyramide, aspirin (in large doses), tetracycline, all these can improve the insulin effects. The result is the hypoglycemia onset.

On the other side, some drugs like beta blockers can elongate the effects of insulin. At the same time they may veil the hypoglycemia onset signs.

You must know that cortison-like drugs, furosemide and thiazide diuretics, thyroid hormones, phenytoin, oral contraceptives, or if you’re smoking (nicotine), they all can raise the insulin demands. And your physician may ask to shift to higher doses of insulin than your usual intake.

Remember: all the above is only a precaution in order to educate yourself on the possible risks of insulin side effects.

You must collaborate very closely with your physician for further medical assistance you may need.

You can help yourself decreasing the insulin side effects lowering its dosage with natural cures for diabetes. 

I know that you may have type1 diabetes, but you still can reduce your insulin side effects by merely educating yourself on other possible natural alternatives to reduce its dosage.

What about side effects of insulin Lantus type?

As you may probably know, Lantus is long-acting type of insulin, especially designed for type 2 diabetes that is injected only once daily.

The side effects of Lantus are the same as for the other types of insulin, just follow the above recommendations.

What about insulin side effects during pregnancy?

Insulin is considered safe to use during pregnancy. This means no harm effects on your baby. In general, common types of insulin are included in the category B of medicines (no addequate study has been carried out in pregnant humans, while no harm has been shown in animal fetus).

Keep also note that new types of insulin are included in the category C of medicines (no study has been carried out in pregnant humans; while no harm has been shown in animal fetus).

Getting all the above knowledge, feel free to discuss with your doctor to decide what is best for you.

Glucophage Side Effects - Discussion on the popularity of Metformin.

Glucophage (Metformin) is one of the most popular drugs on the market, which is used to treat diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes and overweight.

It affects the liver and reduces the quantity of the glucose produced by it. That way the total amount of glucose is lowered. This helps the patient lose weight and to better control their diabetes.

Disclose the truth - common Glucophage side effects

Although very useful, Glucophage use carries certain side effects, which have been studied for some time now. For your information, there are two main types of glucophage:

- glucophage with normal acting period - and glucophage with extended acting period (otherwise called Glucophage xr).

Clinical trials have shown that the second type of glucophage is much more well-tolerated by the patients. In addition, only few of the glucophage side effects were observed in those patients, who were undergoing a treatment with the second type of glucophage.

Furthermore, side effects experienced by the patients were quite different. And of course, none of the subjects reported all the probable side effects.

With regards to the most common side effects of Glucophage xr or not, may include:


1. Diarrhea - although 50% of patients reported diarrhea, other factors or drugs could influence.

2. Vomiting and nausea - although extremely non specific, these side effects were reported among 25% of the patients.

3. Gases (or bloating) - the feeling of bloating is reported by 12% of the patients. Certain drugs (such as over the counter ones) or changing your eating habits (eat slowly; avoid high carb and high fat foods; chew your food carefully) might help.

4. Stomach pain/discomfort - 6.4% of the patients experience some kind of abdominal discomfort during the treatment.


5. General weakness - only 9% of the patients experiences it.

6. Headache - yet not specific complication, it appears in 5.4% of the patients.

Serious Glucophage side effects

Certain side effects are potentially dangerous for your health. That’s why you should be aware of them:

1. Lactic acidosis - the body’s pH is disrupted by chemical compounds circulating in it. If you notice one of the following signs in your diabetic relative (who is under Glucophage therapy), call for medical help immidiately:

a. Muscle pain

b. Stomach pain

c. Dizziness

d. Weakness

e. Feeling cold

2. Hyperglycemia - When the dose used is not appropriate or your body is not responding well to this treatment.

3. Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar (until the extreme) is more common than hyperglycemia. Diabetics sometimes feel free to adjust the dose of glucophage by themselves without consulting a physician.

With the changes in their lifestyle and diet, and the use of this drug, they will face amelioration in blood sugar (will be reduced); sometimes at extreme or lower levels. In cases like these, please take a juice fruit, a candy or a teaspoon of sugar, and seek medical help.

Byetta Side Effects on Kidney, Pancreatitis

Byetta Side effects - General Info

Byetta is one of the drugs on the market, used to treat diabetes type 2. However, as for any other drug, there is a possibility to develop side effects of byetta in diabetics using it.

It is important to point out all these side effects in order to take precautions in time. Byetta has been on the market for some time now and its side effects are known very well (as reported by diabetic patients or their health-care providers).

The mechanisms by which Byetta influence our body's metabolism (including blood sugar levels) is as the following:

1. Increase the production of insulin

2. Decrease the production of glucose by the liver

Common side effects when using Byetta

Some of the side effects of the drug should not be seen as potential danger to patient’s life. They include:

• Nausea - 44% of patients have reported this side effect.

• Hypoglycemia (reduced level of blood glucose in the patient)- When extreme low levels of blood glucose are reached, then this impose potential dangers for the patient’s life.

This is among very common conditions, when Byetta is used together with other drugs (especially those lowering blood glucose). The most common signs of hypoglycemia are:

o Sweating

o Tachycardia

o Shortness of breath

o Extreme hunger

o Extreme thirst

• Vomiting - occurs in 13% of the diabetic patients.

• Diarrhea - up to 13% of diabetics have reported this side effect. Diarrhea should not be underestimated because it is potentially lethal, because patients may lose large amounts of water and heart could stop due to the reduced levels of potassium.

This could easily lead to dehydration with potential risk especially in older patient. However, most of the doctors forget this point.

• Dizziness - up to 9% patients have reported this side effect.

Less common Byetta side effects, but more dangerous

There are some side effects, which affect patient’s life even greatly. They include:

• Hyperglycemia - The specific indicators for hyperglycemia are:

o Increased urination

o Increased thirst

o Blurred vision

o Nausea and vomiting

o Fatigue

o Patients feel that they can not catch their breath

• Severe Hypoglycemia - with the above mentioned symptoms

• Kidney problems:

o Change in the urine output and color

o Swelling in the arms, hands, legs, face

• Pancreatitis

o Vomiting - which does not ease the pain. This is very specific for this problem; therefore if you undergo a therapy with byetta and notice this sign, immediately call your doctor.

o Pain in the abdomen

What to expect

There are numerous Byetta side effects; however, they could be treated if caught in time. Therefore, if you notice something unusual of strange happening with your body, contact your doctor immediately. Do not waste more time!

Actos Side Effects, Edema & Interactions

Actos Side Effects - What’s Actos and how does it work?

Actos is a drug used as a treatment for diabetes types 2. This drug is not supposed to be used in patients with type 1 diabetes. Actos enhances the insulin sensitivity in the patients and therefore, helping in the improvement of their condition.

What the common Actos side effects one diabetic should be aware of?

As a drug, Actos action is associated with side effects. However, most of the patients tend to tolerate this medication very well and they do not experience any side effects at all.

Several clinical trials have been estimated the exact percentage of people, which could experience one or more of the side effects. These percentages are extremely helpful for the patients, because they would be able to decide whether they want to start this drug therapy or not.

The most common Actos side effects are:

1. Infections in the upper respiratory tract - 13.2% of the patient do experience some kind of common cold during the treatment.

2. Headache - one of the most common side effects and yet not specific, with 9.1% of the patients might experience it.

3. Sinus infection - this complication occur in less than 6.3%.

4. Muscle pain - generally occurs in 5.4% of diabetics.

5. Problems with the tooth - 5.3% experience this.

6. Sore throat - rather unspecific complication, which is experienced by 5.1% of patients.

7. Swelling (or edema) is experienced by 4.8% of the patients, undergoing a treatment with Actos.

Dangerous and life-threatening Actos side effects!

Some of the side effects are rather dangerous for you. That’s why, if you experience any of these side effects, you need to pay a visit to your doctor as soon as possible. These complications are to be reported immediately. They include:

1. Extreme high blood sugar is a complex sum of symptoms:

a. Increased thirst

b. Blurred vision

c. Increased urination

d. Nausea and/or vomiting

e. Increased hunger

f. Fatigue

g. Shortness of breath

2. Extreme low blood sugar is a very critical condition, which is much more dangerous from high blood sugar. Immediate hospitalization is required and the dosage of the drug needs to be fixed. Symptoms include:

a. Sweating

b. Extreme hunger

c. Cold sweats

d. Shakiness

e. Dizziness

f. Difficulty speaking

g. Loosing coordination

h. Blurry vision

i. Confusion

j. Sometimes, patients could experience Seizures

3. Heart problems, which are represented by congestive heart failure, include:

a. Trouble breathing

b. Swelling- ankles and legs predominantly

4. Weight gain - this is a sign that the dosage needs to be regulated. In most of cases, weight gain is related to edema (water retention) when this drugs is used.

5. Liver problems:

a. Stomach pain

b. Dark urine

c. Nausea and/or vomiting

d. Tiredness/fatigue

e. You could lose your appetite

f. Yellow skin, eye or you could feel your skin itchy

These Actos side effects could harm your health that’s why you need to be very accurate when you examine your body.

At the end: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE! As you may see, the drugs carry their own complications. Therefore, gamble all your strength and start beating diabetes naturally .

Remember: NEVER SURRENDER! You can do it! Yes, you can!

Alfa glucosidase inhibitors side effects

The most fastidious alfa glucosidase inhibitors side effects, which are part of new diabetes medications , is the abdominal disorders due to the excessive production of gas.

Why? What happens?

They inhibit the enzyme alpha glucosidase, which helps to absorb glucose into blood stream in the level of intestine cells. Thus, it is possible to slower or inhibit glucose absorption, and reduced blood sugar levels after meals combined with other low sugar blood levels.

Because the glucose is not absorbed by the intestines into blood stream, during the pass in the bowl, starches and sugars are converted into gases under bowels bacterias and yeast.

Also, diarrhea is another among alfa glucosidase inhibitors side effecs, and it is shown a huge problem for these patients due to unabsorption of starches and sugars.

Devastating alpha glucosidase inhibitors side effects are on liver, causing irritation, and several injuries and liver diseases. So, the patients who have liver diseases or symptoms like sudden weakness, dark urine, tiredness, yellow eyes or skin, should stop using them, and consult your doctor for further cure.

What is more, as metformin, alpha glucosidase inhibitors side effects include their high concentration in blood stream, if you have kidney disease. Also, before using them check creatinine level, and if it is high, you should not use them.

Hypoglicemia itself cannot happen during the intake of alpha glucosidase inhibitors alone, as for biguanides too. But, if you are taking other hypoglicemic oral medications or insulin, then it appears the low sugar blood level (hypoglicemia) as alfa glucosidase inhibitors side effects. In that case, just take fruit juices, honey, sugary syrups.

But,if your sugar blood level doesn't rise, use sugar tablets,which contains other sugars like fructose, sucrose, lactose, because alpha glucosidase inhibitors don't stop their absorption.

Alfa glucosidase inhibitors are the third line of medical treatment of type 2 diabetes. There are two brands in this group of drugs: Acarbose and Miglitol.

Actually, there is a huge difference of using these drugs as oral treatment of diabetes type 2 in different countries.

In USA and most countries these drugs are rarely used to treat diabetes type 2 because of their low effective influation and usually side effects. Contrarily, in Germain they are widely prescribed, and no reason for that is found.

To avoid contradictories in using of alfa glucosidase inhibitors, you can choose another natural alternative to alfa glucosidase inhibitors side effects.

What Are Avandia Side Effects?

Avandia side effects are attracting the attention of diabetics and their caregivers recently. It is true that this drug makes the person’s organism more responsive to the insulin. Therefore, the patient’s status is bettered really fast and he/she will have a normal life. - 

There are two different groups for the side effects of the Avandia medication depending on the alert status: 1- for patients and 2- for doctors.

This grouping is done only for better understanding purposes only.

Although all diabetics taking Avandia are at risk of developing its side effects; however, not all of them suffer actually from side effects. This is because the people have different way to respond to the drug.

They have different metabolism, gene structure and enzyme kit operating in their body. That’s why the different side effects could appear in one person and they could not appear in other people.

The side effects here are grouped as follows:

1. Alergic reactions: itching, hives, rush, difficulties breathing, swelling in the mouth, pain in the chest.

2. Problems with the vision: blurred vision or any other changes in the vision.

3. Increased pressure in the head: headache, vomiting, stomach pain

4. Symptoms showing a heart failure: swelling of the legs, hands, face; you feel that you can not catch your breath

5. Liver problems: yellow skin/eyes, dark urine,

6. Overdose of the drug, where the sugar blood level will be lower: anxiety, sweating, tachycardia (increased heart rate).

If you see any of those things, you must not doubt to contact your doctor right away. He/she might need to regulate your dosage or replace this drug with some other drug.

The avandia side effects for doctors must be reviewed only by them because they are more severe than the common side effects. In most cases they will explain you these side effects. These side effects are:

1.Upper respiratory tract infection - Many studies were carried on to found the exact percentage of the people who get this complication. It is estimated that about 9.9 of the people that are on Avandia mono-therapy received this complication.

The reason for this complication is because people’s immune system is further suppressed by the hypoglycemia because of the drug.

2. Headache/Neck pain - common symptoms that may indicate that the therapy has to be reviewed for regulation.

3. Hyperglycemia/Hypoglycemia - in the first condition the level of sugar is elevated and in the second the level of sugar is low. This could result as a low dosage of the drug and you will get hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia will occur in people that take more than they should take.

Knowing the avandia side effects is essential for doctors and patients to make sure that appropriate measures will be taken.

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