Monday, March 25, 2024

.... till the end ... standing ... with you




●How many people will we meet in our lifetime

●A person will meet 80,000 people in his lifetime

●Look at the people around you, who will stay with you until the end

Family 家人 ■Ex-girlfriends 前女友 ■Universities classmates 同学 ■Co-workers 同事 ■

1. 不知道我名字的请坐下 If you don't know my name, please sit down.

[场馆内坐下一大片人 • A large group of people sat in the venue]

2. 不知道我上学时的外号的请坐下 If you don't know my nickname in school, please sit down. 

[会场里人多了,就坐了下来。•  more people in the venue, sat down.]

3. 不知道我喜欢的人是谁的请坐下 If you don't know who I like, please sit down.

4. 没有见过我哭的人请坐下 Those who have never seen me cry, please sit down.

[ 此时站着的人所剩无几 There are few people left standing. ]

5. 跟我失去联系的人请坐下 Those who have lost contact with me, please sit down

6. 你们现在有空吗 Are you free now?

珍惜一直陪在你身边的人 ♡ Cherish the people who are always by your side 

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