As the expression goes, blood is thicker than water. But thick, inflammatory clumpy blood, typical in patients with cardiovascular disease and diabetes, isn't a good thing. That's why there are some very expensive drugs on the market to help us thin our human blood.
Here is the good news. In a 2009 pilot study by cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra and DR. Gaeten Chevalier ( published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in the spring of 2013) , it was found that grounding, even for a very short period of time (two hours), dramatically altered the zeta potential of a cell by an average of 270 percent.

The zeta potential relates to the degree of negative charge on the surface of a red blood cell. The higher the zeta potential the more likely the blood is to be thin and flow freely, which means a much lower risk of clotting.
While more studies are needed, this study suggest what we've seen time and again: you literally get healthier by plugging into the earth, even for brief periods of time such as your barefoot walks. In this case, your blood gets thinner and healthier; helping it flow better. And it means, in Dr. Chevalier's words, " If Earthing affects blood as we have seen in this pilot investigation, that means Earthing really affects the metabolism of the entire body at the cellular level. This further supports our hypothesis that grounded people have a different physiology than people who are ungrounded. As more research rolls out, we may find that we need to rewrite physiology books!"
In Michael Sandler's case, with barefoot walking he was on the world's largest dose of anti-inflammatory and healing drugs, all in one, just by plugging into the ground.
It turns out that planet Earth has a frequency, or a heartbeat, called the Schumann resonance, of approximately 7.83 hertz (Hz). This number 7.83 is important because it's approximately the same frequency our human brain use. In other words, we exist to vibrate at the same frequency or heartbeat as our planet earth does.
We vibrate in sync with the world around us. When our environment is out of sync, we're out of sync too, which can have significant harmful effects on our bodies and minds. Studies are showing that when our environment is not vibrating at approximately 7.83 hertz ー for instance, in an environment bombarded by cell phone signals and electromagnetic waves from all sorts of other devices (which some call "electro-pollution"), human brain wave function can be disturbed, causing ADD-like symptoms, depression, and other psychological conditions along with a number of medical conditions. Unfortunately, as cell phone use becomes more ubiquitous , found everywhere, electro-pollution continues to rise, as do corresponding health risks. We're not even safe in our beds at home; we're still bombarded by electrical radiation as we sleep , from cell phone signals, household electrical appliances, the hidden wiring in the walls behind our beds, and even microwave towers miles away.
While the earth's frequency averages 7.83 hertz, it cycles throughout the day, peaking twice, around 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. wherever you are in the world.

These peaks help keep our bodies in tune with the twenty-four -hour cycle of the planet. Since our bodies and minds are in tune with the earth, these cycles give us our circadian rhythm or internal twenty-four-hour clock, helping us naturally know when to rise and when to sleep. However, when our environment's overload with artificially created electromagnetic radiation, we're thrown out of sync with the natural circadian rhythm.
Being barefoot for just a few minutes a day may not be enough to bring you back to sync. It's not just a matter of dissipating the charges, but of re-synchronizing ourselves with the cycles and vibration of the earth. This takes time, such as long barefoot walks, runs, or hikes daily ( or even twice daily, following the cycle of the earth).
Additionally, being barefoot for a few minutes each day doesn't protect us from the harmful electromagnetic frequencies we're virtually swimming in. To protect ourselves, we must be grounded.
Here is the good news. In a 2009 pilot study by cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra and DR. Gaeten Chevalier ( published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in the spring of 2013) , it was found that grounding, even for a very short period of time (two hours), dramatically altered the zeta potential of a cell by an average of 270 percent.

The zeta potential relates to the degree of negative charge on the surface of a red blood cell. The higher the zeta potential the more likely the blood is to be thin and flow freely, which means a much lower risk of clotting.
While more studies are needed, this study suggest what we've seen time and again: you literally get healthier by plugging into the earth, even for brief periods of time such as your barefoot walks. In this case, your blood gets thinner and healthier; helping it flow better. And it means, in Dr. Chevalier's words, " If Earthing affects blood as we have seen in this pilot investigation, that means Earthing really affects the metabolism of the entire body at the cellular level. This further supports our hypothesis that grounded people have a different physiology than people who are ungrounded. As more research rolls out, we may find that we need to rewrite physiology books!"
In Michael Sandler's case, with barefoot walking he was on the world's largest dose of anti-inflammatory and healing drugs, all in one, just by plugging into the ground.
It turns out that planet Earth has a frequency, or a heartbeat, called the Schumann resonance, of approximately 7.83 hertz (Hz). This number 7.83 is important because it's approximately the same frequency our human brain use. In other words, we exist to vibrate at the same frequency or heartbeat as our planet earth does.
We vibrate in sync with the world around us. When our environment is out of sync, we're out of sync too, which can have significant harmful effects on our bodies and minds. Studies are showing that when our environment is not vibrating at approximately 7.83 hertz ー for instance, in an environment bombarded by cell phone signals and electromagnetic waves from all sorts of other devices (which some call "electro-pollution"), human brain wave function can be disturbed, causing ADD-like symptoms, depression, and other psychological conditions along with a number of medical conditions. Unfortunately, as cell phone use becomes more ubiquitous , found everywhere, electro-pollution continues to rise, as do corresponding health risks. We're not even safe in our beds at home; we're still bombarded by electrical radiation as we sleep , from cell phone signals, household electrical appliances, the hidden wiring in the walls behind our beds, and even microwave towers miles away.
While the earth's frequency averages 7.83 hertz, it cycles throughout the day, peaking twice, around 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. wherever you are in the world.
These peaks help keep our bodies in tune with the twenty-four -hour cycle of the planet. Since our bodies and minds are in tune with the earth, these cycles give us our circadian rhythm or internal twenty-four-hour clock, helping us naturally know when to rise and when to sleep. However, when our environment's overload with artificially created electromagnetic radiation, we're thrown out of sync with the natural circadian rhythm.
Being barefoot for just a few minutes a day may not be enough to bring you back to sync. It's not just a matter of dissipating the charges, but of re-synchronizing ourselves with the cycles and vibration of the earth. This takes time, such as long barefoot walks, runs, or hikes daily ( or even twice daily, following the cycle of the earth).
Additionally, being barefoot for a few minutes each day doesn't protect us from the harmful electromagnetic frequencies we're virtually swimming in. To protect ourselves, we must be grounded.
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